Pressure Ulcers Attributes Image Mining to Support
Therapeutic Process: A Research Proposal
Rinaldo de Souza Neves
, Renato Guadagnin
, Dirce B. Gulhem
and Levy Aniceto Santana
University of Brasília, Faculty of Health Sciences, Asa Norte,
Campus Universitário, 70910-900 Brasília, DF, Brazil
Catholic University of Brasília,
MS Program on Information Technology and Knowledge Management,
SGAN 916, Módulo B, 70790-160 Brasília, DF, Brazil
Catholic University of Brasília,
Campus I, QS 07, Lote 01, EPCT, 71966-700 Águas Claras, Taguatinga, DF, Brazil
Abstract. The high number of clients suffering from pressure ulcers (PU)
overloads hospital services, which are not equipped with the necessary human
and technological resources. One needs to increase the productivity of this
work, since health professionals, especially nurses use subjective and inaccurate
assessments for PU diagnosis. This paper proposes a system for automatic
interpretation of tissue and color to support the treatment of patients with PU.
1 Introduction
Pressure ulcers (PU) are circumscribed areas with loss of epidermis and dermis. They
can reach the hypodermis and underlying tissues resulting from the combination of
several factors, among which the application of a high pressure short or prolonged
pressure [1], which causes collapse or thrombosis of the capillaries. It disturbs
nutrition and oxygenation of the tissues involved, besides the accumulation of toxic
byproducts of metabolism, which imply tissue anoxia and cell death [2].
The incidence of PU in France varies from 17% to 50% in patients admitted to long
term care, and 34% to 46% in individuals with spinal cord injury [3]. Study in
Portugal [4] followed 155 patients admitted during a year in the Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) and found an incidence of 25.8% and 37.4% prevalence of PU. It happened
that, on average, on the 7th day of hospitalization. More than two million PU occurred
each year in the United States, with annual costs exceeding $ 1.3 billion and incidence
of almost 15% in hospitalized patients aged 65 years or more, for a time equal to or
greater than five days [3]. The incidence and prevalence of PU remain high, varying
between 3% and 14% prevalence in hospitalized patients, according to the
international literature [5]. A recent study [6] identified a prevalence of 57% and 37%
incidence in adult ICU of a Public Health Service of Federal District (DF), Brazil.
The NPUAP (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel) classifies PU into four stages,
namely [7]:
de Souza Neves R., Guadagnin R., B. Gulhem D. and Aniceto Santana L..
Pressure Ulcers Attributes Image Mining to Support Therapeutic Process: A Research Proposal.
DOI: 10.5220/0004395801210126
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Image Mining. Theory and Applications (IMTA-4-2013), pages 121-126
ISBN: 978-989-8565-50-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
• Stage I –not whitish erythema in intact skin occurs, which precedes the ulceration;
• Stage II - partial skin lesion occurs, including epidermis or dermis;
• Stage III - total skin lesion occurs, causing damage or necrosis of the subcutaneous
layer, which may deepen, but not reaching the fascia;
• Stage IV - full skin lesion occurs with extensive destruction, tissue necrosis or
damage to muscle, bone or supporting structures.
The tissue and color of a PU identify the healing phase in a wound, since each phase
presents differentiated tissues in accordance with the physiology of healing. The
process of wound healing comprises three complex and coordinated phases: (1)
inflammatory or exudative, (2) proliferative or fibroblastic, and (3) remodeling or
In the inflammatory phase performs vascular reactions take place. The wound is
prepared for wound healing, cells residue and devitalized tissues are removed. Such
vascular reactions include primarily transient vasoconstriction of lymphatic and blood
vessels, and then vasodilatation which increases local blood flow.
The proliferative phase extends until complete epithelialization of the wound. It is
characterized by the migration of endothelial cells from the periphery to the center of
the lesion and by generation of granular and rosy tissue. It consists of a biological
process known as angiogenesis or neovascularization.
In the remodeling phase, a reorganization of collagen fibers and their replacement
occur. Insofar as remodeling progresses, the bright pink tissue coloration is replaced
by a softer tone until achieving a whitish tone that characterizes a mature lesion [8].
An accurate evaluation of a PU provides relevant data to prognosis and best
treatment. It includes number of ulcers, its location, stages, measurements (length,
width and depth), tunnels existence, presence of necrotic tissue, exudate or odor, and
surrounding skin aspect. Healing process can be evaluated by checking reduction of
size, drainage, necrotic tissue and appearance of granulation tissue and the
circumjacent skin [9].
Histologically differentiated PU tissues can be identified by different colors that show
the status of the wound. Granulation tissue is the formation of a new tissue and
appears in bright red tones. Fibrin exudate demonstrates cellular degradation that
looks yellow or esfacelos that looks greenish-yellow [8]. The necrotic tissue
represents a dead and dehydrated tissue, is usually black, but can also be yellow when
the necrosis is infected [10] [11] or dark brown [8]. Epithelialization tissue represents
the healthy healing and progresses from PU margin to PU center. It has pinkish-white
appearance. Furthermore, a PU may have a green color, when there is bacterial
growth [10] [11].
PU closing is directly influenced by tissue loss. Its percent values inform the
development of the healing process. Tissue color and texture are classified in:
devitalized tissue that looks pale, dark, brittle and susceptible to spontaneous
bleeding, indicating ongoing infectious process;
dehydrated necrotic tissue (gray-black crust), slough (soft tissue greenish-
brown) and fibrotic whitish tissue;
yellow fibrinous tissue with creamy consistency, which represents the
amount of cellular degradation and may partially or totally cover the extent
of the ulcer;
granulation tissue with red, shiny, wet, highly vascularized aspect;
epithelialization tissue with pinkish white appearance, which progresses
from the margin to the center of the ulcer. [12].
The system RYB (red, yellow, black) is another classification technique for open
injuries based on color. It categorizes the wound through observation of red, yellow or
black and its variations. PU color indicate the factors that delays the healing process
The research aims to develop a non-invasive system for automatic interpretation of
color to support the treatment of patients with PU. Artificial Intelligence seeks
solutions for various problems expressed by large data amounts through
computational tools [14]. Its application to the present problem consists in generating
diagnosis support information from PU tissues pictures processed by the software
Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis).
The Weka software is a free open source software, for data mining, developed in Java,
within specifications of the General Public License (GPL). This study will use Weka
for PU images mining. Each PU case has a set of attributes, and one can derive
relationships among them as well as infer the value of a certain attribute, based on
knowledge of values of other attributes in a new PU case. [15] [16].
This sort of knowledge discovery is quite valuable to identify relationships between
attributes. Image Mining identifies patterns in a collection of images in a specific
area. The system memorizes the characteristics of a set of images. So it becomes able
to classify each new image.
This project proposes a system to inform the stage of a PU on the basis of prior
learning from a set of PU images.
2 Motivation
The high number of clients suffering from wounds overloads the outpatient and
hospital services that are often not equipped with technological and human resources
needed to treat them.
In DF (Brazil), there has been an increase in cases of clients suffering from PU, which
somehow requires the services of State Department of Health of the Federal District
(DF-SES). A prospective study in a public hospital in the DF-SES found that, among
217 interned patients, 51 patients developed PU. So the incidence was 23.5% and its
prevalence 76.5% [17]. Nurses and other health professionals use imprecise and
subjective evaluations for diagnosis of PU tissue and color during their routine care of
patients with wounds. Thus, a system for interpretation of tissue (texture) and color of
the PU in patients with wounds will be very useful.
3 Methods
The project will be developed in Brasilia Health Regional of Samambaia, of State
Department of Health of the Federal District (DF-SES). It will be performed a survey
of regional PU patients that satisfy inclusion criteria.
3.1 Sample
Males and females will be randomly selected. They should be aged from 18 to 80, be
treated Regional Samambaia, have PU with stage I, II, III and IV, have signed the
Statement of Consent concerning use of scientific pictures. The sample consists of 25
3.2 Data Collection
Data will be collected through a form as follows.
identification data: name, gender, age, ethnicity, marital status, occupation,
education level and medical diagnostics;
general health data: additional illnesses, medication, smoking, alcohol
consumption, thermoregulation, nutrition, urinary and bowel elimination,
sleep and rest, self-care, self-esteem;
PU evaluation data: number of ulcers, performed treatments, stage
classification, etiology, thickness, measurement, location, appearance, border
type, amount and type of exudate, odor and pain.
The data collection instrument included the necessary information for diagnosis that
was tested on a group of 11 clients of Neurological Research Project "Validation tools
for qualitative and quantitative evaluation," developed in the Neurosurgery Unit of
Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (HBDF). It was approved by the Research Ethics
Committee (REC) of Foundation of Research and Education in Health Sciences
(FEPECS) by Official Opinion number 235/2012.
3.3 Image Capturing
PU pictures will be the information source for image mining pictures with software
Weka. The PU will be photographed for assessment of skin (texture) and color of the
PU. Pictures will be taken with a camera with 18 megapixels resolution of recording
images of 5184 by 3456 pixels in jpg format.
The camera will be used without flash, positioned at a right angle relative to the
wound bed at a distance of 30cm to the PU. For metric reference a 3cm side square
object will be set inside image field as close as possible to the wound. Furthermore,
the customer PU will be positioned in favor of sunlight. Artificial light will be turned
3.4 Data Analysis
Research project will be performed by means of following steps:
Step 1. Definition of data of patients with PU (age, clinical data, overall condition,
size, color red, black, yellow, etc.) that allow diagnosis of texture and color of tissue
in addition with visual observation and other attributes. To load the data into Weka,
files will be converted to the format file attribute-relation (ARFF).
Step 2. Definition of possible diagnoses of the tissue and color of the PU and the
variables of each individual research participant. Diagnosis is a consequence of data
from the patient, color and texture of the PU. This information set will be sent to a
data mining procedure in order to detect relationships between these data and PU.
Thus, one can infere new information to support diagnostic process inside therapeutic
Step 3. Construction of case base, with values for each attribute.
Step 4. Image pre-processing for noise suppression and enhancement of features of
interest [18] [19] [20]. Analysis of the data by software Weka, which allows
construction of a decision tree from training records. Different classification filters
will be tested, in order to find the one that is more adequate for UP tissue and color
analysis. The sample will be relevant to train the classification algorithm.
Step 5. Checking accuracy degree of the tree from test cases. By submitting data to a
set of individuals with PU for training, the system informs the degree of accuracy of
the tree.
Step 6. Evaluation of decision tree built as a tool for diagnosis support.
Step 7. Development of software in conjunction with software Weka for automated
analysis and interpretation of tissue color PU, based on achieved results.
4 Expected Results
Once medical decisions concerning UP patients depends strongly from image analysis
that can be computationally processed, it seems possible to develop an effective
support for health assistance. UP wounds can however occur in a wide range of
forms. First only planar UP should be studied because they allow better picture-based
interpretation to follow a therapeutic process.
A computational tool for evaluating the tissue and color in patients with PU will be
developed. System advances will enable support to PU treatment therapy, improving
the quality of nursing care to patients with PU and reducing factors that increase the
vulnerability of the individual to deterioration of his health problems that are also
caused by presently used invasive therapy.
5 Final Remarks
The results to be achieved from this project will enable the development of similar
initiatives in other areas of hospital care that also use medical images. The success of
this technology is directly related to not requiring substantial resources for
deployment. Health assistance needs to be substantially improved in Brazil and PU
automatic analysis can be a contribution. A large-scale use of such instruments will be
possible with low cost and also with the simplicity of its use by personnel without
sophisticated professional qualification.
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