An Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration and Its Impact
on Firm Performance
An Integration of Social Capital, Justice, and Technology Use
Mai-Lun Chiu
, Chu-Ying Fu
and Ing-Long Wu
Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Department of Information Management, WuFeng University of Science and Technology, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Collaboration, Social Capital Theory, Justice Theory, IS Success Model,
Firm Performance.
Abstract: Collaboration has become a critical component to fulfill the need for integration in the supply chain.
From a discussion of the literature, there are two major underlying concerns arising in the collaboration,
organization's sharing behaviors and technology use behaviors. In expectation confirmation theory, an
organization's sharing behaviors may initially mean a pre-expectation of common resources available in
the supply chain and further, a perceived fairness between participants for the willingness to participate
in the partnership. Social capital theory and justice theory, in essence, explain the two beliefs of supply
chain members as the IS success model defining the belief of technology use. This study integrates the
three key issues to examine collaboration in a comprehensive and unique way and its role in affecting
focal firm performance. Empirical findings have led to better understanding of the relative effects of the
three issues and a well-achieved organizational performance.
Collaboration is recognized as a critical component
for the smooth flowing of an efficient supply chain
(Kwon and Suh, 2005; Richey et al., 2012). It is
characterized by the sharing of information,
knowledge, risk, and profits across the supply chain
(Mentzer et al., 2000; Smith et al., 2007). According
to previous research, two major concerns arise in
collaborative behaviors, organization's sharing
behaviors (Smith et al., 2007; Omar et al., 2012) and
technology use behaviors (Gunasekaran and Ngai,
2004; Subramani, 2004).
An organization’s sharing behaviors, in essence,
relates to a decision of two issues.
expectation-confirmation theory (ECT), this
behavior initiates a pre-expectation of common
resources available in the network and further
realizes a perceived fairness between partners for the
indication of their willingness to join the alliance
(Oliver, 1981; Bhattacherjee, 2001).
In the pre-expectation issue, social capital theory
(SCT) has been widely discussed in the supply chain
as social capital can be seen as a common resource
developed by supply chain partners for creating
unique value among competitors (Min et al., 2008;
Villena et al., 2011). Therefore, when individual
members own more resources in the supply chain,
they may lead to higher cooperative atmosphere and
behaviors. In the perceived fairness issue, justice
concept may explain the willingness of supply chain
partners to participate in inter-firm behaviors when it
is well perceived (Griffith et al., 2006; Sun et al.,
2009). Narasimhan et al. (2009) argued that
relational behaviors are motivated through the
perceived justice exercised by the more powerful
members in the exchange of resources. Further, if
reward is not forthcoming, the exchange behaviors
will cease to exist. Few studies have been performed
on both the pre-expectation and perceived fairness
issues with collaborative behaviors (Kankanhalli et
al,. 2005).
In the technology use issue, the Delone and
Mclean’s IS success model (D&M Model) has been
widely used in various IS contexts to explore user
acceptance (Venkatesh and Bala, 2008). However, it
has not been widely applied in supply chain
technologies (Zhang and Dhaliwal, 2009). When
supply chain members perceive satisfaction on the
Chiu M., Fu C. and Wu I..
An Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration and Its Impact on Firm Performance - An Integration of Social Capital, Justice, and Technology Use.
DOI: 10.5220/0004400500050012
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
use of IOS, they may further stimulate their
willingness to participate in collaborative behaviors
(Sahin and Robinson, 2002). Finally, performance
impact is the ultimate concern for the success of
collaboration in a supply chain. In this study, we
examine performance impact in terms of a focal firm
performance in managing its partners.
Grounded on SCT, justice, and D&M Model, this
study proposes a novel research model to explore the
antecedents of collaboration and its impacts on firm
performance in a complete manner.
Based on the above discussion, Figure 1 provides a
pictorial depiction of this research model. The
followings discuss the theoretical bases and
development of relevant hypotheses.
C ollab ration
satisfactio n
R elation al
C ogn itive
D istribu tive
Justice theory
Social capital theory
Inform ation
Technology use
Focal firm
perform ance
Figure 1: Research model.
2.1 Antecedents of Collaboration
The supply chain is not a chain of businesses with
one-to-one, business-to-business relationships, but a
network of businesses and relationships (Lambert et
al., 1998). Collaboration is an approach to managing
interdependencies requiring a sharing of knowledge,
information, and a much higher level of joint
decision-making and goal-setting aimed at
enhancing both common and individual advantages
(Zacharia et al., 2009). There are two main issues for
an organization's sharing behaviors. Based on ECT,
it may first consider a pre-expectation of common
resources available for network members and then
sense a perceived fairness between partners in a
decision for their willingness to join the partnership
(Bhattacherjee, 2001). A confirmation of an actual
behavior may require consideration of both the
beliefs of pre-expectation and perceived outcomes
(Chea and Luo, 2008). Finally, many studies on
supply chain have shown the effect of IOS on
participating in collaborative behaviors through
member satisfaction with system use (Sahin and
Robinson, 2002). The D&M model is an important
theory to define the relationship structure and
understand technology use behaviors in the supply
chain context (Delone and Mclean 2003).
2.2 Social Capital Theory
and Collaboration
Social capital refers to the resources embedded
within the network of human relationships (Nahapiet
and Ghoshal, 1998). Scholars of the supply chain
have highlighted that social capital reduces the
likelihood of conflicts and promotes cooperative
behavior in terms of its association with shared
vision, trusting belief, and social tie (Lawson et al.,
2008; Bernardes, 2010). Collaborative behaviors
would be stimulated for partners when social capital
is well built in the supply chain (Villena et al., 2011).
Social capital theory defines a three-capital structure,
structural, cognitive, and relational (Nahapiet and
Ghoshal, 1998; Wasko and Faraj, 2005).
Structural capital is related to impersonal
configuration of linkages among the network of
relations as a whole. It is like an entire network of
suitable relations between supply chain partners
(Villena et al., 2011). It implies that in a higher
structural capital, individual partners may more
easily obtain resources or help others when they
have more interactions that will raise the willingness
to participate in collaboration
(Patrashkova-Volzdoska et al., 2003). Cognitive
capital defines the resources providing shared
meaning and understanding between the network
members that help individuals share their
interactions, common visions, and language over
time (Wasko and Faraj, 2005). In the supply chain,
when partners want to interact over time with others
to share the same practice, and to learn the skills and
knowledge, it enhances the likelihood of partners
collaborating in the working environment to
complete their task (Krause et al., 2007). Relational
capital is a relation indicating the degree of
emotional intensity, commitment, and trust
connecting the individuals (Bernardes, 2010).
Researchers suggested that a good transaction
climate with mutual trust between partners may play
a critical role in facilitating their collaboration in the
supply chain (Patterson et al., 2003). Accordingly,
we can propose the three hypotheses.
H1. Structural capital positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain.
H2. Cognitive capital positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain
H3. Relational capital positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain.
2.3 Justice Theory and Collaboration
In business management, organizational members
view justice as a unified value providing principles
that can bind together conflicting parties and create
stable social structures (Luo, 2007). The justice
concept is widely applied to develop a theoretical
foundation to the understanding of relationships
between supply chain members (Griffith et al., 2006).
Specifically, justice theory provides a suitable
framework for understanding the creation of value in
collaborative relationships for interorganizational
members (Wagner et al., 2010). A higher level of
perceived justice for partners motivates the
willingness of exchange to strive for collaborative
behaviors and relationship continuity (Palmatier et
al., 2006). Colquitt et al. (2001) reviewed
justice-related studies comprehensively and
integrated three major components of justice:
distributive, procedural, and interactional.
Distributive justice refers to perceived fairness
where individuals assess the fairness of an exchange
by comparing their inputs to outcomes to form an
equity score (Son and Kim 2008).The distributive
justice in terms of input-outcome structure is
positively related to the willingness of partner firms
to participate in collaborative activities in the supply
chain (Griffith et al., 2006). In addition, supplier
chain partners intend to pursue their interests in an
exchange relationship to gain rewards (Higgins and
Ellis, 2009). This can be viewed as an economic
policy in the supply chain management. Procedural
justice refers to the process and the perceived
fairness of that process, associated with the
allocation of resources for members in limited
supply relative to demand (Konovsky, 2000).
Procedural justice focuses on the solution of a
controversy that must go through a series of formal
procedures before the decision is made, and
members that should have the right to express their
opinions in the procedures (Sun et al., 2009). It can
be viewed as a formal policy in the supply chain
management (Griffith et al., 2006). Interactional
justice refers to an individual’s perceptions of the
quality of interpersonal treatment received in the
decision making process (Cropanzano et al., 2002).
Interactional justice is most likely to be obtained
when the originators of justice treat the recipients
with truthfulness and respect in an exchange process
(Luo, 2007). It can be further viewed as a social
policy in the supply chain management. Interactional
justice may affect the level of commitments of
supply chain partners to their decisions regarding
relationship-building, and also influence interactions
at the firm level (Yang et al., 2008). Arguably, the
three relevant hypotheses are thus proposed.
H4. Distributive justice positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain.
H5. Procedural justice positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain.
H6. Interactional justice positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain.
2.4 Technology Use and Collaboration
As SCM importantly raises the issue of digitally
enabled features, this study further needs to examine
technology use behaviors by the D&M model. The
D&M model suggests that three technology
components, information, system, and service
quality, indicate a direct effect on user satisfaction
and system use and further creates net benefits
toward IS use (DeLone and McLean, 2003). In a
study by Wang (2008), when customers greatly
depend on information technology to communicate,
gain useful information and execute transactions in
an e-commerce environment, information, system,
and service quality are the major concerns for user
satisfaction toward IS adoption. Accordingly, we put
forward the three hypotheses.
H7. Information quality positively affects user
satisfaction in the supply chain.
H8. System quality positively affects user
satisfaction in the supply chain.
H9. Service quality positively affects user
satisfaction in the supply chain.
When supply chain technologies are mainly used
to support information sharing between partners in
terms of information, physical, and financial flow,
user satisfaction with the sharing thereby facilitates
collaboration behaviors across the supply chain
(Kahn et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2007). An
integration of various IS applications with a
complete and satisfied basis provides the capability
to generate cross-partner information in the supply
chain and further raises the need to collaborate
between partners for performing inter-firm activities
smoothly (Rai et al., 2006).The arguments thus lead
to the hypothesis.
H10. User satisfaction positively affects
collaboration in the supply chain.
2.5 Firm Performance
Financial indicators are important in assessing
whether operational changes are improving the
financial health of a company, but are insufficient to
measure supply chain based firm performance.
These measures do not relate to important
organizational strategies and non-financial
performances, such as customer response and
product quality (Beamon, 1999; Kwon and Suh,
2005). In this study, financial and non-financial
indicators are defined to measure firm performance.
Collaboration aims at effectively integrating
various flow activities between partners for a
number of reasons (Kumar and van Dissel, 1996). It
thus indicates a potential link with the performance
impact of a focal firm. Firms able to collaborate at a
higher level of sharing knowledge and with access to
common resources are much more likely to improve
their performance and gain a source of long-term
competitive advantage. Specifically, collaboration
between partners affects not only operational
outcomes such as cost, quality, and cycle time, but
also non-operational outcomes such as customer
services, new product development, and reaction to
market changes (Zacharia et al., 2009). Accordingly,
one hypothesis is thus proposed.
H11. Collaboration positively affects focal firm
performance in the supply chain.
3.1 Instrument
3.1.1 Basic Information
This part collects basic information on
organizational characteristics including industry type,
annual revenue, number of employees, and number
of suppliers, as well as respondent characteristics,
including working experience, education level,
gender, and position.
3.1.2 Social Capital Theory
This part measures three social capital constructs.
The measuring items for structural capital are
adapted from the instruments developed by Robert et
al. (2008), including 3 items. The measuring items
for cognitive and relational capital are adapted from
the instrument developed by Villena et al. (2011),
including 4 items for each.
3.1.3 Justice Theory
This part measures the three justice constructs. The
measuring items for distributive and procedural
justice are adapted from the instrument developed by
Griffith et al. (2006), including 4 and 3 items
respectively. The measuring items for interactional
justice are adapted from the instrument developed by
Luo (2006), including 4 items.
3.1.4 Technology Use
This part measures four technology-based constructs.
The measuring items for information, system, and
service quality are adapted from the instrument
developed by Wang (2008), including 3 items for
each. User satisfaction is adapted from the
instrument developed by Wang (2008), including 3
3.1.5 Collaboration
This part defines the extent to which focal firms
collaborate with their supply chain partners.
Collaboration defines all partners in the supply chain
actively working together toward common
objectives. The measuring items are adapted from
the instrument developed by Tan et al. (2002),
including 5 items.
3.1.6 Firm Performance
Financial measure is adapted from the instrument
developed by Vickery et al. (2003) and Li et al.
(2006), including four items, such as return on
investment, and cost structure. Non-financial
measure comprises are adapted from the instrument
defined by Beamon (1999), including five items,
such as market change, customer response, and
product quality.
3.2 Sample Design
The qualified firms for this study require an
emphasis on the investments of supply chain
technologies and have considerable experience in
SCM practice. It is assumed that larger firms would
be more likely to have these experiences. We
randomly selected 700 firms to be the study sample
from the population of 1500 firms. Furthermore, the
target respondents for the sample firms would be the
top managers, including the CEO, vice CEO, or
logistics/purchase executives. A total of 212
responses were received. After invalid responses
were deleted, this resulted in a sample size of 206
for a response rate of 29.4%.
3.3 Scale Validation
PLS is a structural equation modeling (SEM)
technique that employs a nonparametric and
component-based approach for estimation purposes.
This study uses PLS to analyze the measurement
model. PLS is the best analytical tool available to fit
the requirement of small sample size.
Reliability is evaluated by Cronbach’s α.
Convergent validity is assessed by three criteria,
factor loading, construct reliability, and average
variance extracted (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
Discriminant validity is assessed by the measure that
AVE for a construct should be larger than the
squared correlation between the construct and other
constructs. The testing results indicate that reliability,
convergent and discriminant validity are all in a high
acceptable level.
PLS was used to examine the structural model.
There are two steps in evaluating the structural
model. First, we needed to estimate standardized
path coefficients and their statistical significance for
testing the hypotheses. PLS does not provide a
significance test or confidence interval estimation.
We re-sampled 1000 times with Bootstrapping
analysis to obtain a stable result for these analyses.
Second, the coefficient of determination (
) for
endogenous variables was calculated to assess the
predictive power of this model. Figure 2 shows the
testing results of the structural model.
In the SCT, we found that structure capital is
reported as an important predictor of collaboration
(p<0.05, β=0.18). Hypothesis 1 is thus supported.
However, cognitive and relational capital are not
(β=0.08 and 0.05). Hypothesis 2 and 3 are thus not
supported. In the justice theory, distributive and
procedural justice are two notable precursors of
collaboration (p<0.05, β=0.21 and 0.19) while
interactional justice is not. Hypothesis 4 and 5 are
thus supported. In contrast, Hypothesis 6 is thus not
supported. In the technology use, we found that
information quality, system quality and service
quality are all reported as important predictors of
user satisfaction (p<0.01, β=0.27, 0.32, and 0.45).
Hypothesis 7, 8, and 9 are thus supported. They
jointly explain 63% of the variance in user
satisfaction (
=0.63). Subsequently, user
satisfaction plays a critical role in explaining
collaboration (p<0.01, β=0.42). Hypothesis 10 is
thus supported.
C o lla bration
sa tisfactio n
R elatio nal
ca pital
D istribu tive
Justice theory
In teractio na l
Social capital theory
Inform ation
qu ality
Technology use
.32 **
.45 **
Focal firm
perform an ce
.18 *
.21 *
.19 *
.42* *
.68 **
Figure 2: Result of the structure model Value on path:
Standardized coefficients (β),
: Coefficient of
determination, *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01.
The three sets of variables, SCT, justice theory,
and technology use, jointly explain 56% of the
variance in collaboration (
=0.56). In turn,
collaboration, as an important supply chain
mechanism, exercises its significant influence on
focal firm performance (p<0.01, β=0.68).
Hypothesis 11 is thus supported. It explains 61% of
the variance in focal firm performance (
Considered wholly for the three major issues, social
capital, justice, and technology use, they report
differentiated effects on collaborative behaviors. In
particular, the technology use with the three
components, information, system, and service
quality, is the most important precursor in
determining collaboration behaviors. That is, the
three components are all critical in influencing
collaboration. In contrast, both of the social
exchange issues, social capital and justice, with their
comprising elements, do not show as strong effects
as technology use. The former comprises structural,
cognitive, and relational capital and the latter are
distributive, procedural, and interactional justice.
Their elements are partially, not all, found in an
effect of significance. This is an interesting finding
for this study.
Social capital, a pre-expectation belief of the
members in terms of the common goals, values, and
mutual trust in the supply chain before the decision
to participate in collaborative behaviors, may at
times be recognized with negative effect and
possibly produce social liability, although most
previous studies have thoroughly discussed its
positive impact on focal firm performance (Villena
et al. 2011).
Perceived justice, a post-expectation belief of the
members in terms of fair
outcomes, policies, and
interpersonal relations in the supply chain for the
decision to join collaborative behaviors, may often
be sensed to have imbalanced relations because there
is a powerful partner to control the decisions in the
relationships (Griffith et al., 2006). In fact, justice
between supply chain members may have been well
realized in most cases.
Further, technology use is identified as a physical
behavior of the members in the supply chain for the
decision to participate in collaborative behaviors.
The reasons for its importance may be twofold.
Advances in ICT have made integrating information
flows in the supply chain feasible, positioning ICT
as a key driver of collaborative effort. In fact, the
extent to which modern supply chains rely on ICT
has lead to the argument that it is impossible to
achieve an effective collaboration without ICT
(Sanders and Premus, 2005; Smith et al., 2007).
Next, technology use is a system-operational
behavior rather than a cognitive behavior, such as
social capital and perceived justice. That is, supply
chain members can be certainly to physically
perceive IT capability for its suitability. In the final
goal of firm performance, collaboration is the central
principle in creating flexible supply chains for the
In this study, we have found that collaboration is
an important mediator in achieving final firm
performance from a combination of different sets of
drivers. As partners in the supply chain tend to be
more satisfied with their collaborative behaviors,
they will effectively eliminate waste (time and
material), both internally and externally, and can
particularly focus on their core competencies.
The findings have important implications for both
practitioners and researchers. For the practitioners,
the managers should recognize the value to assure
the goals for the developed collaborative effort that
are understood by all members. Many firms have
engaged in collaborative effort for their supply chain
members, yet not all collaborative efforts are
successful. Collaborative effort between members
may require significant investment in various
intangible and tangible resources. A better
understanding of the three important issues proposed
in this study can help managers improve the
possibility of success in collaborative effort. When
an investment occurs under the consideration of
specific social resources, it is important to identify
the psychological states or beliefs of partners in an
initial manner so they voluntarily initiate formal
social bonding. Therefore, managers need to fully
prepare for a cordial atmosphere among partners in
terms of their concerns about communication
channels, relational stability, mutual rewards, and
fair policies. Collaborative relationships are well
founded on the responses from the positive beliefs
and behaviors of these issues. Advances in ICT are a
further investment to make specific social resources
feasible in implementing collaborative behaviors.
Managers should be first in the preparation to reach
consensuses on these social resources and further
nurture IT capabilities in an interorganizational
For the researchers, we approach supply chain
collaboration from an understanding of both the
pre-expectation and post-expectation beliefs as a
confirmation of willingness to participate in
collaborative effort and of the important enabling
role of supply chain technologies in the effort. Few
studies have proposed a similar structure in
examining collaborative effort. This approach is
both comprehensive and unique in understanding the
effect of collaboration on firm performance. In
particular, considering the D&M model for
technology use, it tries to pinpoint the importance of
one of the IT features, service quality. This is
because the IT-enabled supply chain is extremely
complex, involving numerous organizations and
users from different industries and hence, an
assurance of prompt and uninterrupted system
services is imperative.
Subsequent research could be based on this
foundation. First, this study is based on a survey
method and future research could conduct a case
study longitudinally to deeply understand the
physical collaboration between the focal firm and its
supply chain partners. Second, since the study
sample was selected from a combination of various
industries, the conclusions are more general and
comprehensive. Future research could be targeted
toward particular industries, for instance, the
high-tech electronics industry, to understand their
differences and similarities. This would provide
more insight into supply chain collaboration in the
particular industry. Besides, the role of cloud
computing in collaborative effort is an important
issue of technology use in the future.
Although this research has produced some useful
results, a number of limitations may be inherent in it.
First, the response rate was lower than desirable,
despite the various efforts to improve it. This may be
due to a lack of rich experience of most companies
on supply chain collaboration. However, the
response sample indicated no systematic
non-response bias and was well representative of the
study sample. Next, the respondents were originally
targeted to CEOs, Vice CEOs, and logistics/
purchasing executives. However, approximately
26.3% of the respondents are senior staff members.
Since senior managers in the larger firms are always
busy, some questionnaires may be completed by
their subordinates. In fact, staff members are those
people who are physically responsible for the daily
work. However, additional benefit would be gained
from creating a diversity of data sources with
multiple informants and therefore, an increase in the
variance of the variables of interest.
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