A Concept for Reliability Assessment for the Provision of Ancillary
Marita Blank
and Sebastian Lehnhoff
Department of Computing Science, Carl von Ossietzky Universit¨at, Oldenburg, Germany
OFFIS, Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany
Reliability, Ancillary Services, Smart Grids.
In order to ensure the quality of supply in the electric energy system the ancillary services frequency and
voltage control are necessary. With regard to the ongoing decentralization of power supply, approaches are
being investigated to provide those ancillary services by decentralized units some of which are highly volatile
in power generation. This leads to the question of the reliability with which ancillary services can be provided.
In this paper a method is proposed that allows for the assessment of reliability of aggregations of distributed
units with respect to their ability to provide ancillary services.
The penetration of renewable electricity generating
units in the electrical supply system steadily increases
and with that large power plants are replaced. In ad-
dition, more flexible and controllable loads are con-
nected to the grid. This leads to new challenges and
increased demand for ancillary services. Ancillary
services are services to support a stable and secure
operation of the network and need to be constantly
available. These services include frequency and volt-
age control.
To a great extend ancillary services have to be pro-
vided by distributed flexible consumers and produc-
ers since large power plants are no longer available
to the extend as they are today. A variety of devices,
e.g. small power plants, batteries, and house hold ap-
pliances being captured under the term unit can be
controlled by intelligent agents. However, individual
units usually can only provide a small contribution to
ancillary services. Furthermore, from today’s point of
view units must be able to reliably provide ancillary
services in the sense that they are 100 per cent avail-
able. The paradigm proposed in (Nieße et al., 2012)
allows the pooling of units in order to provide ancil-
lary services in a decentralized and distributed way.
The resulting coalitions must be able to reliably pro-
vide ancillary services such that safe operations are
guaranteed. For this reason, it will be necessary to
evaluate the reliability of ancillary service provided
by coalitions of distinct units.
In this paper a method is proposed for the proba-
bilistic evaluation of reliability of unit coalitions with
regard to the provision of ancillary services. There-
fore, a new understanding of reliability is introduced.
To this end, the ancillary services frequency and volt-
age control are discussed in section 2. Furthermore,
a generic description of those services is given. In
the following section 3, the term of reliability is dis-
cussed and a proper definition in this context is intro-
duced. A concept for a method for the evaluation of
a coalition’s reliability is presented. The paper ends
with conclusion and outlook in section 4.
In order to maintain service quality in the electri-
cal supply system, amongst others the aspects of fre-
quency and voltage quality must be kept. This means
that operation constraints must not be violated. To
this end ancillary services are applied.
Section 2.1 discusses the system boundaries of
frequency and voltage band. Furthermore, a defini-
tion of the ancillary services frequency and voltage
control as well as their properties is given. Section
2.2 follows with a formal description of these two an-
cillary service types. In section 2.3 an outline is given
of how ancillary services are provided by agent coali-
Blank M. and Lehnhoff S..
A Concept for Reliability Assessment for the Provision of Ancillary Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004408601230126
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2013), pages 123-126
ISBN: 978-989-8565-55-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Definition and Properties
In IEC 60050-617 (system) ancillary services are de-
fined as services necessary for the operation of an
electric power system provided by the system opera-
tor and/or by power system users” (see (IEC, 2011)).
In this paper, the ancillary services frequency and
voltage control are considered. In the sequel, a brief
overview of network frequency and voltage band are
given, respectively, since they constitute margins for
safe grid operations. Moreover, both ancillary ser-
vices are described, reflecting the actual situation.
The network frequency is a global variable that
has the same value in the whole system and should be
close to the setpoint value of 50Hz in the European
power grid. However, a deviation of the frequency
from this target value cannot be avoided. Neverthe-
less, the frequency must stay within a certain range.
In order to keep the frequency at a stable level, it
is necessary that the generated and consumed active
power is in balance. To ensure this, frequency control
reserves must be provided. This reserve is differenti-
ated into primary, secondary and tertiary control that
are triggered depending on a certain deviation from
the set point and have to be delivered within different
time intervals. For details see e.g. (Rebours et al.,
Another crucial variable is the voltage at each grid
node. The target value to keep the voltage at is the
nominal voltage of a voltage level. Due to changes in
the power feed-in and consumption along a line the
nodal voltages usually deviate from the nominal volt-
age. However, not more than a certain ration from the
nominal value is allowed, e.g. in the distribution grid
a deviation of not more than ten per cent is allowed.
Since voltages differ from node to node it is nec-
essary to provide voltage control locally. This is done
by injection or consumption of reactive power accord-
ing to given (by e.g. the TSO) characteristic curves.
Additionally, in the distribution grid a combination of
active and reactive power for regulating the voltage
can be applied.
2.2 Formal Description
The ancillary services described before have common
attributes. This allows for a generic description of
ancillary services of different types. The following
specification covers the services types of frequency
and voltage control, but it can be extended and added
to describe other service types as well.
Agent coalitions provide a certain amount of an-
cillary services (see 2.3). In order to determine
whether ancillary services and in which amount are
necessary, the considered quality aspect (frequency or
voltage level) must be investigated. To this end, there
are three main properties of a quality aspect. First of
all, a measure of the quality aspect must be available
in order to evaluate if ancillary services must be acti-
vated, termed the measurable quantity. This variable
has a set point. Furthermore, the value of the measur-
able quantity is allowed to vary within a feasible area.
The deadband is the area within which the quantity is
allowed to vary in without any reaction of the system.
As mentioned before, the measured value can
be influenced by providing a certain quantity, here
termed ancillary service quantity. In case of fre-
quency this is active power, in case of voltage this
is reactive power, or (as voltage control is becoming
more important in the distribution grid) a combination
of active and reactive power, i.e. it can be a real or a
complex number.
In order to guarantee the provision of ancillary
services with the necessary amount, in the presented
concept ancillary service products are introduced that
allow for the annotation of costs for the provision of
ancillary services. An ancillary service product is
defined as a triple of a time interval the product
horizon, ancillary service amount, and corresponding
2.3 Provision of Ancillary Services
The system has certain demands on ancillary ser-
vices regarding its amount and a minimum reliability
(actual requirements depend on the ancillary service
type). Hence, the system calls for bids for the pro-
vision of those services for a given time interval, the
product horizon. The units or agents (see below for
details) that want to contribute to a service provision
determine what amount they can provide. If this con-
tribution is not sufficient, agents must negotiate with
other agents in order to form coalitions that fulfil sys-
tem requirements. In case a coalition is chosen by the
system to provide an ancillary service this coalition
is responsible that the required amount is available
with a required reliability throughout the whole prod-
uct horizon. If an ancillary service is actually called
by the system the responsible coalition must deliver
the required amount automatically.
A unit is an electrical device or a set of electrical
devices that produces or consumes electric power and
is further equipped with an embedded system. A unit
is associated with exactly one grid node. An agent is a
software component exhibiting intelligent behaviour.
Each agent represents a unit, hence there is a one to
one relationship between units and agents. A coali-
tion is an aggregation of units resp. agents.
Each agent must calculate the amount of ancillary
service quantity its unit can contribute to an ancillary-
service coalition. The contribution of agent and corre-
spondingly its represented unit within a product hori-
zon is defined as the set of pairs consisting of the
amount of ancillary service quantity and costs for all
product intervals (assuming that a product horizon is a
union of product intervals). For conceptual clarity, in
the following, the focus is laid on the ancillary service
amount contributed rather than the costs it causes.
Many of the decentralized units are subject to a
certain behaviour of users (e.g. controllable loads or
combined heat and power plants), or depend on un-
certain and volatile weather phenomena, such as pho-
tovoltaic or wind turbines. Consequently, planning
of available amounts of an ancillary service quan-
tity strongly depends on predictions which inherently
bear errors. Thus, coalitions that provide ancillary
services must be evaluated with regard to reliability.
As pointed out before, due to a decentralized provi-
sion of ancillary services, i.e. by agent coalitions, an
assessment of reliability with which these coalitions
are able to provide ancillary services is necessary. In
section 3.1 a definition for reliability is discussed and
a proper definition is given. In section 3.2 a concept
for reliability evaluation is introduced.
3.1 Definition and Evaluation
of Reliability
In (IEC, 2011) reliability of an electric power system
is defined as “the probability that an electric power
system can perform a required function under given
conditions for a given time interval. It is stated that
“reliability quantifies the ability of an electric power
system to supply adequate electric service on a nearly
continuous basis with few interruptions over an ex-
tended period of time”. To this end it is necessary
that ancillary services are available at a rate of 100 per
cent. If ancillary services are being provided by coali-
tions consisting of distributed units this requirement
can hardly be met since those units may be volatile in
production or consumption.
A prerequisite of reliable system performance is
the reliable functioning of its components. The re-
liability performance of an item according to (IEC,
1990) is defined as the ability to “perform a required
function under given conditions for a given time in-
terval”. It is further stated that in some applications
an appropriate measure for reliability performance is
expressed by a probability. In order to guarantee a re-
liable supply of ancillary service by distributed units,
a metric is necessary that allows the assessment of the
performance of unit coalitions regarding their ability
to provide ancillary services beforehand. To this end,
the following definition is proposed:
Reliability of a coalition with respect to the
provision of an ancillary service product is the
probability with which this product is avail-
able within a product horizon under certain
This definition of reliability can be used in the course
of coalition formation as it can be integrated in the
objectivefunction of ancillary service coalitions given
a minimum acceptable reliability value depending on
the ancillary service type of interest. In the following,
a corresponding concept is introduced which allows
the calculation of reliability.
3.2 Hierarchy of Reliability Evaluation
In this section a concept for a method is introduced
for the evaluation of agent coalitions with regard to
their ability to provide an ancillary service product.
The reliability of a coalition with regard to the pro-
vision of an ancillary service product depends on the
reliability of all of the coalition’s member units. The
reliability of a unit again is influenced by several fac-
tors. This leads to a hierarchy for the evaluation of
a coalition’s reliability. In the following, the non in-
fluenceable and influenceable factors are introduced
in detail. Based on these factors, the reliability of a
unit can be calculated. Finally, the determination of a
coalition’s reliability is discussed.
Non influencable factors that have to be taken into
account for reliability evaluation are for instance pre-
dictions of the operation behaviour that might depend
e.g. on weather phenomena or user profiles. But also
factors such as unplanned outages must be regarded.
In order to represent a unit, its agent must know
the unit’s behaviour given as an operation schedule.
The operation schedule and with that the resulting op-
eration flexibility depend on predictions of meteoro-
logical phenomena, user behaviour and so on. Pre-
dictions deal with uncertainties and thus usually are
imprecise and prone to errors. Furthermore, errors
may occur with growing considered time horizons.
This is especially the case for generation units that
depend on the availability of certain resources, e.g.
wind or solar power plants. The probability that the
predicted power amount is actually fed-in is assumed
to decrease whereas the probability for both positive
and negative deviations increases with time, i.e. the
prediction error increases.
There are methods to integrate several influences
in order to obtain a common model for prediction er-
rors such as convolution. This is amongst e.g. a com-
mon procedure for the determination of power reserve
dimension, as e.g. in (Kays et al., 2010). Given a dis-
tribution function from a (possibly convoluted) den-
sity function of the prediction error it is possible to
derive an available amount of ancillary service quan-
tity with a certain reliability. The other way around,
given a reliability level the appropriate amount of an-
cillary service quantity can be determined.
Given the prediction of a unit’s behaviour based
on non influenceable factors, influenceable factors
can be adjusted in order to achieve a certain goal, for
instance satisfy a given reliability level. In this paper
three factors of that kind are considered. Those are
the accepted level of reliability, the provided amount
of ancillary service quantity, and the considered pre-
diction horizon.
As mentioned before, the contribution of a unit to
an ancillary service product might in general be too
small to satisfy system requirements. Moreover, the
reliability of the contribution might not reach a re-
quired level. As a consequence, units form coalitions
with the goal to provide a required amount of an an-
cillary service quantity with a minimum value of re-
liability. The reliability value for a coalition’s contri-
bution must be determined based on the reliability of
each of its member units.
Here the three influenceable factors mentioned
previously also apply, i.e. units can adjust their con-
tribution, their individual reliability or the prediction
horizon can be adjusted. Moreover a forth factor con-
tributes to a coalition’s reliability evaluation - the size
and structure of a coalition. Often different units are
subject to the same influences, e.g. photovoltaics in-
stalled on neighboured houses. Hence, simultaneous
behaviour reflected by error distributions cannot be
modelled using convolution since stochastic indepen-
dence is required for its application. Suitable methods
for estimating coalition reliability will be developed
in future work. The estimation of a coalition’s relia-
bility can then be integrated into a coalition formation
strategy as part of an objective function.
In this paper a definition of reliability was introduced
for the assessment of agent coalitions with regard to
provision of ancillary services. Furthermore, a con-
cept was proposed that allows an ex-ante evaluation
of reliability. This method is applicable for differ-
ent types of ancillary services since those types have
common properties. In order to determine the relia-
bility of a coalition, first the reliability of its member
units must be calculated. This is based on different
factors which were categorized into influenceable and
non influenceable factors. Based on the reliability of
its member units, the reliability of a coalition can be
determined. A coalitions reliability depends on the
size and structure of the coalition. This procedure can
be applied in the course of coalition formation.
In future work the proposed techniques will be
extended and further techniques will be evaluated.
Especially methods from other domains such as fi-
nance and insurance will be investigated and if pos-
sible adjusted to the considered context. The devel-
oped method will then be checked for validity, e.g.
using Monte Carlo Simulations. Further intended re-
search will also include costs and extend the existing
methods for the assessment of coalition reliability. In
particular, it must be taken into account if the same
influences on units and corresponding agents lead to
stochastically dependent behaviour within a coalition.
The Lower Saxony research network ’Smart Nord’
acknowledges the support of the Lower Saxony Min-
istry of Science and Culture through the Niederschsis-
ches Vorab grant programme (grant ZN 2764).
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