An HPC Application Deployment Model on Azure Cloud for SMEs
Fan Ding
, Dieter an Mey
, Sandra Wienke
, Ruisheng Zhang
and Lian Li
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Center for Computing and Communication, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
School of Information Science & Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Keywords: Azure Cloud, MPI, HPC, Azure HPC Scheduler, SMEs.
Abstract: With the advance of high-performance computing (HPC), more and more scientific applications which
cannot be satisfied by on-premises compute power need large scale of computing resources, especially for
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Emerging cloud computing offerings promise to provide us
with enormous on-demand computing power. Many cloud platforms have been developed to provide users
with various kinds of computer and storage resources. The user only needs to pay for the required resources
and does not need to struggle with the underlying configuration of the operation system. But it is not always
convenient for a user to migrate on-premises applications to these cloud platforms, which is especially true
for an HPC application. In this paper, we proposed an HPC application deployment model based on the
Windows Azure cloud platform, and developed an MPI application case on Azure.
High-performance computing (HPC) dedicates big
processing power to compute-intensive complex
applications for scientific research, engineering and
academic subjects. From the mainframe era to
clusters and then grid, more and more available
computing resources can be employed by HPC
applications on-premises. Nowadays we have come
to the times of cloud computing. There are some
differences to provide users with the resources
between on-premises and cloud. On-premises
require users to invest much cost in purchasing
equipment and software for building their
infrastructures at their initial development. This may
be a challenge for some SMEs (small and medium-
sized businesses) since they have not enough
capability to invest. With cloud computing, users
can obtain on-demand resources from cloud virtual
servers not only for the basic infrastructure but also
for the extra resources which used to process
complex work cannot be finished by the
enterprise/researcher competence of its own.
Moreover, the massive data centers in the cloud can
meet the requirement of data-intensive applications.
By means of these advantages of the cloud
paradigm, it will be an inevitable trend to migrate
the HPC applications into the cloud.
Nowadays, there are many cloud service
platforms provided by different cloud vendors. The
major cloud platforms include Amazon’s Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2) (see Amazon), IBM
SmartCloud (see IBM), Google Apps (see Google
Apps) and Microsoft’s Azure cloud (see Windows
Azure). Users can choose the different kind of cloud
platform according to which level of cloud service
they need. Generally, they provide three types of
cloud services, SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS
(Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a
Service), also called service models. These
platforms with their support for HPC have been
summarized in Table 1.
From the point of view of a user, who is not
familiar with complex computer configuration, it is
difficult to migrate existing on-premises applications
into the cloud because of the differences and the
complex configuration of the user interface in these
cloud platforms. Some methods or middleware
which enable users to use cloud platform easily are
required by scientists and other potential users of
cloud resources. Much work has been done to study
how to take an existing application into the cloud.
The work presented in paper (Costaa and
Cruzb,2012) is similar to ours, but the authors
focused on moving a web application to Azure.
CloudSNAP also was a web deployment platform to
Ding F., an Mey D., Wienke S., Zhang R. and Li L..
An HPC Application Deployment Model on Azure Cloud for SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0004412202530259
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 253-259
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
deploy Java EE web applications into a Cloud
infrastructure (Mondéjar, Pedro, Carles, Lluis,
2013). In paper (Marozzo, Lordan, Rafanell, Lezzi
and Badia, 2012), the authors developed a
framework to execute an e-Science application on
Azure platform through expending COMPSs
programming framework. But all of these
aforementioned efforts did not consider parallel
computing for the compute-intensive applications in
Table 1: Major current cloud platforms.
for HPC
Amazon EC2 (IaaS)
scalable web
users to
(IaaS )
Allows users
to operate
and manage
and data
according to
their need
of Windows
Azure, SQL
Azure and
Google Talk
and Google
and file
In our paper, we take the advantage of Azure to
develop a cloud deployment model through
expending the Azure HPC scheduler (see HPC
scheduler). Windows Azure is an open cloud
platform developed by Microsoft on which users can
build, deploy and manage applications across a
global network of the Microsoft datacenter. Our
work is based on the project ‘Technical Cloud
Computing for SMEs in Manufacturing’. In this
project, the application “ZaKo3D” (Brecher,
Gorgels, Kauffmann, Röthlingshöfer, Flodin and
Henser, 2010) developed by WZL (the Institute for
Machine Tools and Production Engineering, RWTH
Aachen University) (see RWTH WZL), which aims
to do FE-based 3D Tooth Contact Analysis, is a
high-performance technical computing software tool
based on simulation of the tooth contact. It reads
several geometry data of the flank and a FE-Model
of a gear section as the software’s variation and then
performs a set complex of variation computations.
As a result of the variation computations, one gets
contact distance, loads and deflections on the tooth.
Such a variation computation includes e.g.
thousands of variants to be processed which lead to
computing times of around months on a single
desktop PC. Currently, this challenge is addressed
by employing on-premises
HPC resources are available at RWTH Aachen
University, e.g. if one variant takes 1 hour
computing time, the entire variant time for 5000
variations would take 5000 hours computing time.
This exceeds by far the capabilities even of multi-
socket multi-core workstations, but can well be
performed in parallel by an HPC cluster. But the
small and medium-sized businesses in general can
neither access those, nor do they maintain similar
capabilities themselves. As described earlier, the
availability of HPC resources in the cloud with a
pay-on-demand model may significantly change this
In this paper, we also developed a case which
deploys the “ZaKo3D” application on Azure
according to our deployment model. This use case
convinces SMEs to adopt cloud computing to
address this computational challenge. Moreover, this
application is a serial version, as outlined before, to
execute a large scale of variation calculation for a
long time. It is a challenge for us to design an
optimal method to improve the computing
efficiency. We have figured out a framework to
deploy the application on Azure which parallelizes
the variation computation and run the application on
Azure by using our deployment model.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we introduce the Azure cloud and its
module Azure HPC Scheduler. Section 3 describes
our problem statement. Followed by our deployment
model and framework for parallel execution of the
Zako3D application on Azure presented in Section
4. In Section 5, we compare the runtime between on-
premises and cloud for HPC by deploying our
application on the RWTH Cluster and Azure. This
comparison can be used as a reference point for
potential users to consider whether employ the on-
demand resources. Finally, Section 6 concludes the
paper with a summary and future work.
In this section we introduce the Azure cloud
platform and related technologies that we have used
in the development of the deployment model
architecture. The Windows Azure platform was
announced by our collaborative partner Microsoft in
2010. In our work, they provided us the Azure cloud
accounts for initial development and testing. This
platform includes Windows Azure, SQL Azure and
AppFabric. Our work focuses on Windows Azure,
which is a Platform as a Service offering and
provides us the compute resources and scalable
storage services. We employ Windows Azure HPC
Scheduler to deploy the serial ZaKo3D by means of
an MPI-based framework developed by us, to the
Azure compute resources. For data management, the
Azure storage blob service facilitates the transfer
and storage of massive data in the execution of our
MPI application on the Azure cloud.
2.1 The Three Roles of Windows Azure
Windows Azure provides the user with three types
of roles to develop a cloud application: Web Roles,
Work Roles and VM Roles. Web Roles aim to
display websites and present web applications,
supported by IIS. Work Roles are used to execute
tasks which require the compute resources. Work
roles can communicate with other roles by means of
Message queues as a choice in various techniques.
The VM Role differs from the other two roles in that
it acts as an IaaS to provide services instead of PaaS.
The VM Role allows us to run a customized instance
of Windows Server 2008 R2 in Windows Azure. It
facilities migrate with some application, which is
difficult to bring to cloud, into the cloud.
2.2 HPC Scheduler
for High-performance Computing
in Azure Cloud
Microsoft developed the HPC Scheduler to support
running HPC applications in the Azure cloud.
Compute resources are virtualized as instances on
Windows Azure. When an HPC application requires
an Azure instance to execute, it means the work will
be divided into lots of small work items, all running
in parallel on many virtual machines simultaneously.
The HPC Scheduler allows scheduling this kind of
applications built to use the Message Passing
Interface (MPI) and distributes their works across
some instances. The deployment build with
Windows Azure SDK includes a job scheduling
module and a web portal to submit job and resource
The role types and the service topology can be
defined when creating a service model in
configuring cloud hosting service. HPC Scheduler
supports Windows Azure roles through offering
plug-ins. There are three types of nodes which
provide different function and runtime support.
Head node: Windows Azure work role with
HpcHeadNode plug-in, provides job scheduling
and resource management functionality.
Compute node: Windows Azure work role with
HpcComputeNode plug-in, provides runtime
support for MPI and SOA.
Front node: Windows Azure web role with
HpcFrontEnd plug-in, provides web portal (based
on REST) as the job submission interface for HPC
Visual studio has been specified as the
development environment for this component.
2.3 Azure Storage Blob Service
Azure storage service provides data storage and
transfer to applications in Windows Azure and
supports multiple types of data: binary, text data,
message and structured data. It includes three types
of storage service:
Blobs (Binary Large Objects), the simplest way for
storing binary and text data (up to 1TB for each
file) that can be accessed from anywhere in the
world via HTTP or HTTPS.
Tables, for storing non-relational data using
structured storage method.
Queues, for storing messages that may be accessed
by a client, and communicate messages between
two roles asynchronously.
In our deployment model, we employ the Blob
storage service to manage our application’s data
because ZaKo3D uses text data for input files and
output files. As described in Figure 1, there are three
layers in the concept of Blob storage. In order to
store data into the Windows Azure with the blob
storage service, a blob storage account has to be
created which can contain multiple containers. A
container looks like a folder in which we place our
blob items.
Figure 1: Three layers concept of Blobs storage
As described in the introduction, ZaKo3D is a
software package, part of the WZL Gear toolbox,
and has been used to process the FE-based 3D Tooth
Contact Analysis. It reads several geometric data of
the flank and a FE-Model of a gear section as the
software’s variation. The results of the execution are
the contact distance, loads and deflections on the
Figure 2: ZaKo3D variation file.
The variant computing will process a large numbers
of variants. For example, there are 8 deviations at
pinion and gear in the input data of one analysis, and
each deviation with 4 values, so the number of
variants the ZaKo3D needs to process is, 48= 65536
variants. Calculating such large amounts of variants
one by one on a single PC, it would take way too
long. Obviously, this traditional way does not work
well. Our method is to split these variants and then
compute them on different work units in the cloud in
parallel. Figure 2 represents the variants description
in the parameter input file. We consider ZaKo3D as
an HPC application and develop an automatic
parallel framework to distribute the parameter file
over a fixed number of cloud nodes and execute the
application in parallel.
In order to deploy our HPC application on the Azure
cloud platform, we developed an HPC application
deployment model as described in Figure 3.
Furthermore, a parallel framework based on MPI
was developed to ensure effective and efficient
execution of the application. The function of the
framework includes parsing variation file and
distributing the variations on Azure nodes in
The deployment model combines on-premises
resources and cloud resources. The scientist deploys
the application binary through an on-premises
cluster server or any windows desktop based on
HPC Scheduler. All computing tasks will be
processed by the Azure cloud computing resources.
4.1 Move Application to Cloud
Firstly, the head node and compute nodes on Azure
have to be configured with Azure HPC Scheduler.
The number of compute nodes as worker role in
Azure is allowed to be set from the deployment
interface according to the user’s requirement.
Secondly, after configuration for the cloud hosting
service, there are two methods to move an
application onto the configured Azure instance: from
a local server and from a head node on the Azure
portal. We focus on the way of using the head node.
Here we have three steps: 1. Move the HPC
application pack on the head node. 2. Upload the app
package to Azure blob storage. 3. Synchronize all
compute nodes with the app package. These
operations result in each compute instance
maintaining a copy of the HPC application.
4.2 Parallel Framework and HPC Job
As described in Figure 3, the deployment module
takes the application binary to Azure with a parallel
framework based on MPI as the job scheduler. This
framework aims to distribute and run in parallel the
application binary onto Azure nodes. We take the
ZaKo3D for example of HPC application. ZaKo3D
is a serial application. It will take a long time for
executing a number of parameters due to a large
numbers of variations computing involved. Look
back to the problem statement, the variation file
Figure 3: HPC application deployment architecture.
Figure 4: Variation distribution workflow.
needs to be divided and distributed to Azure nodes.
When an HPC job in the cloud was scheduled,
firstly, the framework will perform a distribution
workflow for parsing variation file and distributing
variations can be seen in Figure 4, in order to ensure
each node gets same number of variations, the
variation distribution workflow adopts loop method
to distribute the variations to Azure nodes based
MPI. After completing the variation distribution
workflow, each MPI process
will get a part of
variations which is an average of total variation, and
then merge these obtained variations into a sub
parameter file on different Azure nodes owned by
the MPI process. This process is depicted by the job
flow in Figure 3.
After job submission with our parallel
framework, the MPI job will execute on Azure
which needs to configure windows firewall setting to
allow these MPI sub jobs to communicate across
Azure node. The application binary with the sub
parameter file is deployed on each compute node
called Azure worker instance, and then executed on
these allocated nodes in parallel. Windows Azure
deals with load balancing for us, so we do not need
to handle this on our own.
Three methods can be used to submit an HPC job
by means of this model.
1. Azure portal: Azure provides us with a job portal
in the HPC scheduler. Through this portal, we
can manage all jobs, submit a new job or delete a
job, or view the status of a job.
2. Command prompt on Azure node: job
submission API is supported by Azure job
submission interface similar as in Windows HPC
Server 2008 R2 through a remote connection on
the command prompt of an Azure node.
3. HpcJobManager on Azure node: an interface for
submitting and monitoring jobs, similar to the
HPC Job Manager on cluster.
4.3 Data Management
Data management, described by data flow in Figure
3, is supported by a sub module which dedicates to
manage the application data on Blob storage, and
gather output results from each compute node. The
application data, which includes input files, library
files and the application executable file, is
synchronized on each compute node. As a result, all
compute instances get a copy of the application. For
gathering the work result, the results generated on
each compute node are merged and then copied to
the Blob Container by this module. Afterwards,
results can be viewed and downloaded from the
Azure web portal.
We have conducted a set of experiments on both
Azure platform and the RWTH Cluster to compare
the difference between cloud resource and on-
premises. Moreover, we hope to evaluate whether
SMEs can profit from cloud’s advantage in HPC.
We deployed ZaKo3D application with the
developed parallel framework using our developed
deployment model with the same number of
variations (120) on the two different platforms. We
distribute the work on respectively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
10, 12, 15 compute nodes of Azure and cluster (the
number of instances to distribute variations must be
the divisor of the number of variations in our case),
this means that each experiment submits a job on
different numbers of processors. It should be pointed
out that there are some differences regarding the
deployment on these two platforms: After the
deployment of the application, all Azure nodes have
a copy of the application data automatically,
whereas using the cluster, we need to create a copy
of the application data manually for each compute
Figure 5: Runtime of ZaKo3D on Cluster and Azure
We gathered our results on up to 15 nodes of the
Windows part of the RWTH Compute Cluster, each
node containing 2 Intel Xeon E5450 8-core CPU
running at 3.00 GHz with 16 GB memory. The
Windows Azure platform can supply us a hosted
service with max 20 small virtual instances as
compute nodes with Quad-Core AMD Opteron
Processors at 2.10 GHz, 1.75 GB of memory.
Figure 5 presents the runtimes on different
number of nodes of Cluster and Azure. Due to the
different node configuration, we can see that the
Azure’s curve is always above the cluster one.
Azure’s performance cannot catch up with the
cluster. But as the number of compute nodes
increases, the two curves will probably get closer as
depicted with 15 nodes in Figure 5. Furthermore,
from Figure 6, we can see that scaling is well for a
small number of nodes. However, due to the design
of the application with a portion of 1.6% sequential
code, we are restricted by Amdahl’s law and could
get a maximum speedup of 58. We assume that
applications with a higher portion of parallel code
may scale well on Azure nodes for a high number of
nodes. This indicates that cloud have good
scalability and cloud’s power can support HPC
application’s execution under the circumstances that
user’s inadequate on-premises resources cannot
satisfy the requirements of large scale of compute-
intensive applications.
Figure 6: Scalability of ZaKo3D execution on different
number of Cluster and Azure nodes.
In this paper, we have presented a cloud deployment
model for an HPC application. Moreover, a parallel
framework for the HPC application ZaKo3D has
been developed which enables the application to run
on a number of cloud nodes, thus easing the
migrating process of HPC application from existed
on-premises resources into the cloud. The advantage
of running HPC applications in the cloud
environment is that using on-demand cloud
resources can reduce the cost of maintenance and
save on purchase of the software and equipment.
This work can give a reference to SMEs (small
and medium-sized enterprises) to develop their HPC
applications for cloud environments. We have to
point out that although cloud can leverage the
enterprise’s HPC application development, current
cloud power can only be used to supply to the status
when an organization does not have enough on-
premises resources to support its development, due
to the capability of current cloud cannot catch up
with on-premises HPC resources.
Considering our future research, for the parallel
framework, we will make efforts to decrease the
overhead in the parallel scheduler. Furthermore,
based on our performance analysis of the cluster and
the cloud, in the next step we will investigate the
price of cluster and cloud, through comparing
differences between these two platforms, figure out
an available rule for users to make the best decision
to choose HPC platforms in rational combination of
the price and performance within their capability.
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