Monitoring and Evaluation Problems in Higer Education
Comprehensive Assessment Framework Development
Olga Cherednichenko
, Olha Yanholenko
, Iryna Liutenko
and Olena Iakovleva
Department of Computer-Assisted Management Systems, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,
21 Frunze str., 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Informatics Department, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, 14 Lenina str., 61166, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation, Information System, Comprehensive Assessment, Education Quality, Partial
Credit Model.
Abstract: The work is devoted to evaluation component introduction into higher education management systems.
Three classes of problems of comprehensive assessment are considered. The appropriate assessment models
are suggested. The case study is related to comprehensive assessment of education quality based on the level
of students’ satisfaction.
Information technologies (IT) are the powerful tool
of increasing the efficiency of decision-making
processes. The formalization of management
problems and usage of appropriate mathematical
models provide IT with tools for solving application
problems. This allows to increase business
performance in different domains. Higher education
is a unique social and economical area. The quality
of its functioning influences many processes of
development of society. Therefore the elaboration of
IT in higher education domain remains the important
problem for specialists of different sciences.
The existing information systems (IS) of
different higher education establishments (HEEs)
can be classified by functionality, relation to
educational process, producer and implementation
technology (Krukov and Shahgeldyan, 2007).
IS functionality corresponds to definite kind of
HEE’s activities. IS of HEEs may be related to
educational process or may automate some financial
and administrative functions which are similar for
different organizations and enterprises. IS can be
elaborated by HEE itself to satisfy its needs. The
commercial software is an alternative, it is created
by IT-companies and is distributed on the software
market. IS for HEE management can be realized
based on a single or several technologies. Analyzing
existing software for HEE management we can
make a conclusion that the process of decision-
making is still not enough automated.
Independently of the domain, the process of
decision-making has the following stages: goal
formulation, forming the set of possible alternatives,
evaluation, and selection of the best alternative
(Meyer and Booker, 2001). Monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) subsystem provides measurement
tools for estimation of different activities, projects
and outcomes.
Automation of M&E is an urgent problem that
has found many industrial solutions in different
areas of public life. For example, environment
monitoring IS provide data about ecological
situation of some region, country or the earth that
reflects the state of air, water, lands, threatened
species, etc. (Athanasiadis and Mitkas, 2004).
Education monitoring IS collect and process
information on the level of HEE or some
management agencies (Carrizo,, 2003).
Healthcare also needs IS of M&E (Health
Monitoring, 2012).
M&E includes many subproblems (for example,
indicators construction, data collection,
comprehensive assessment). In this work we
consider different classes of problems of
comprehensive assessment (CA). Our aim is to
improve decision-making process by means of
useful CA components elaboration. CA software
must be developed taking into account the following
requirements of evaluation models: evidentiary and
Cherednichenko O., Yanholenko O., Liutenko I. and Iakovleva O..
Monitoring and Evaluation Problems in Higer Education - Comprehensive Assessment Framework Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0004412504550460
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 455-460
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
unification character, quantitative estimates,
transparency and reliability.
The rest of the paper is organized in the
following way. Section 2 describes the directions of
researches devoted to education quality assessment.
Section 3 represents three classes of problems of
CA. The case study of the students’ satisfaction
evaluation is given in section 4. The conclusions and
future work are presented in section 5.
The necessity of quality assessment in higher
education is not in doubt. The solution of this
problem depends on two basic aspects: the
understanding of the concept of education quality
and methods of its evaluation.
The concept of education quality is interpreted in
different ways. The most common way is to consider
education quality as collection of knowledge and
skills obtained during the educational process
(Koenig, 2011). In addition from functional point of
view education quality can be considered as service
characteristic, process attribute or HEE resources
feature (EFQM, 2003). Spacial aspect enforces
analysis of education quality on different
management levels: university, region, country
(Kachalov, 2001). Time aspect leads to considering
of education quality as feature suggested by HEE or
expected and perceived by consumers (Oliveira and
Ferreira, 2009).
Variety of ways of education quality concept
definition leads to elaboration of different methods
of its assessment. There are many works in this
direction, and the results may be divided into two
subcategories: methods of experts’ judgments and
methods of psychometric theory. Experts methods
are developing independently of application domain
in decision-making theory (Brown 2005). The main
disadvantage of these methods is experts’
subjectivity. On the other hand, test theories apply
statistical analysis for substantiation of knowledge
testing results (Wright and Stone, 1999).
So education quality is a complex, multi-aspect,
heterogeneous object. Its assessment must take into
account the multidimensionality and heterogeneity
of the object itself, dispersion of possible values and
different measurement scales. Since the quality
category covers different aspects, this work
considers the peculiarities of the comprehensive
quality assessment. Many problems in this domain
remain unsolved. In most cases the comprehensive
estimate is found as arithmetical mean not taking
into account the heterogeneous structure of the
complex object. All these issues make the CA
problem interesting for our research.
To assess quality of any object it is necessary to
define the set of indicators, which reflect the state of
an object, and the model which determine its
quantitative measure.
We discovered that the problem of construction
of set of indicators has some solutions. They include
the approaches based on Qualimetry Theory
(Azgaldov, 1982), which substantiate the rules of
construction of indicators system, and Rasch theory
(Wright and Stone, 1999), which considers the
probabilistic models of estimation of latent variables
for the substantiated set of observed indicators.
The model of quality assessment is determined
by management goals. HEE management may be
interested in solving the following problems:
assessing the potential of existing facilities in HEE,
assessing the actual quality of provided services and
finally assessing performance of educational system.
In most cases the solution of mentioned problems
require comprehensive assessment of education
There are different issues of CA which can be
formalized in different ways depending on the object
of assessment. From the point of view of goals and
tasks of management we can distinguish three
classes of CA problems.
The first class is represented by CA of
stakeholders’ requirements satisfaction. These
requirements are described in normative conditions
and specifications. The examples of tasks of this
class are the assessment of HEE readiness to
licensing or accreditation; the estimation of
candidate while employment (e.g., on professor
The second class includes CA problems of
quality as a characteristic that bears ability to satisfy
potential needs. The problems of this class include:
construction of HEEs rating, the estimation of
learning results (examinations, testing), assessment
of resources quality.
The third class of problems consists in CA of
performance, which reflects the results of a
considered object usage. The tasks of CA of
performance may include the following: evaluation
of outcomes of HEE activities, estimation of the
profit of resources development, evaluation of
HEE’s management projects and programs
In the first class of problems the CA value is
strictly determined by requirements. The main goal
of such assessment is to define whether the object
satisfies all requirements from specification. The
degree of how well the requirements are fulfilled is
not considered. Evaluation process in this case can
be modeled based on switch chains. We take the
notion of switch chains from the Theory of
Intelligence (Bondarenko and Shabanov-
Kushnarenko, 2006). A switch chain consists of a set
of basic Boolean functions (conjunction, disjunction
and negation, etc.). The combinations of those
functions allow modeling of different complex
The main problem of CA of the second class is
the way of aggregation of estimates by different
criteria. In this class of problems the quality is
expressed as a totality of object’s features. Therefore
in general each feature is evaluated separately and
then the CA is done. From our point of view the
most advanced approach to solve this problem is
represented by Qualimetry Theory (Azgaldov,
1982). It provides theoretical basis of quality
assessment. According to qualimetry the quality is
represented as hierarchy of properties of assessment
object. Based on the set of certain axioms the
property tree of object’s quality is constructed. The
top point of the property tree is object’s quality; it
consists of a set of simple and composite properties
and has a hierarchical structure. Qualimetry suggests
estimation of all simple properties and calculation
the CA value with the help of one of weighted mean
In the case when we deal with heterogeneous
object (for example, educational process resources,
customer outcomes in HEE) the construction of
property tree appears to be an unsolvable problem.
As a rule, such objects can be represented as a set of
separate elements which involve own quality
features. Due to expert judgments used for the
property tree construction it is impossible to
represent a heterogeneous object by means of a set
of simple properties. It leads to the idea of
partitioning of evaluation process in two main
stages. The first one is evaluation of separate
elements, as a result partial estimates are defined.
For this purpose qualimetry approach is applicable.
The second stage is aggregation of obtained partial
estimates into the CA.
We suggest to use a network model for CA of
quality of heterogeneous object (Cherednichenko et.
al., 2012). The CA is done using composite
functions (for example, arithmetical or geometrical
weighted means). Evaluation framework is
represented as a graph with two types of nodes.
Nodes-entries of this graph are associated with
partial estimates. Nodes-aggregates express the
estimate of group of elements based on particular
composite function.
The third class of CA problems implies the
estimation from the point of view of customer value.
In this case the assessment object can be represented
through latent variables that influence the observable
attributes. Based on heuristic procedure the set of
indicators is constructed. We think that values of
these indicators have to be obtained with the help of
statistical data collection. This causes application of
statistical analysis for the CA value calculation.
The CA is done using probability-based
reasoning. It is assumed that unknown value of
latent variable is expressed through the function of
probability of obtaining some definite value of each
indicator. The probabilistic function is determined
by statistical model. For example, to estimate
learning results Rasch model can be used. It allows
defining person’s ability based on answers to
questions of the test (Wright and Stone, 1999).
Therefore three classes of problems have
different assessment focuses, ways of inputs
definition and aggregation models (Table 1). The
class of the problem defines assessment focus and
aggregation model, but inputs may vary for each
application case.
Table 1: Comprehensive assessment classes of problems.
Fulfillment of
all stated
Switch chain
based on
of totality of
of separate
of customers
Our case study represents the CA of students’
satisfaction of education quality. Since we have
already made researches in evaluation of students
satisfaction, we have chosen this case study to
demonstrate applications of CA models considered
above (Cherednichenko and Yangolenko, 2012).
We suggest to evaluate education quality as the
quality of services based on SERVQUAL method
(Parasurman et. al., 1985). According to it the
service quality is considered in terms of five
SERVQUAL dimensions: tangibility, reliability,
responsibility, security and empathy. The
SERVQUAL is targeted on revelation of expected
and perceived service quality. We consider the
adaptation of original SERVQUAL questionnaire for
measuring education service quality (Oliveira and
Ferreira, 2009). We suggest to use the single
questionnaire with 19 questions that define the gap
between the perceived and expected education
quality as it is described in our previous work
(Cherednichenko and Yangolenko, 2012). The
questions are scored using 7-points scale. The scores
range from 1, which means a strong negative
difference between perceived and expected quality
(so the expectations were not justified), through 4,
which denotes the absence of any gap, to 7, which
means a strong positive difference (the perceived
reality turned out to be much better than
We have conducted a survey of 75 four-year
students of our department. To process the students’
answers we chose the following Item Response
Theory models: Rasch model (RM) and Partial
Credit model (PCM) (Reeve, 2011).
Since RM provides processing of dichotomous
questionnaire data, students’ answers have to be
converted into dichotomous scale related to positive
or negative gap. The probability
of i-th
student to answer positively on j-th question is
described by the following dependency:
is a satisfaction level of i-th student;
difficulty of j-th question.
According to PCM the probability of the event
that i-th student gives x points for j-th question is
expressed as:
is satisfaction level of i-th student;
is the difficulty of j-th question which defines
the probability of selection of value x instead of x-1.
The overall estimation of perceived quality based
on the answers on 19 questions according to both
measurement models is given in Table 2. We find
the descriptive statistics of obtained results (minimal
and maximal values, mode, median, mean standard
error – MSE and standard deviation – SD). The
obtained values of students’ satisfaction
θ are
measured in logits and are the input data for the CA.
Table 2: Overall students satisfaction estimate.
Model Mean Min Max Mode Media
asch 1,9 -2,44 4,44 4,44 1,51 0,94 1,86
CM 0,1 -1,76 1,64 -0,25 -0,06 0,2 0,68
In the case when we evaluate education quality we
need to make CA of students’ satisfaction that can
be defined through aggregation of
The estimate of the quality criterion is calculated as
mean of corresponding students’ satisfaction
estimates. Mean estimates are taken as intermediate
aggregate estimates. CA value is calculated by
aggregation of those intermediate estimates.
Quality criteria values and descriptive statistics
of obtained estimates are given in Table 3 and Table
4. Each dimension is considered as education quality
criterion (1 – tangibility, 2 – reliability, 3 –
responsibility, 4 – security, 5 – empathy).
Table 3: Analysis of students satisfaction estimates
according to RM.
Mean Min Max Mode Media
1 1,9 -4,4 3,77 3,77 2,04 1,7 2,12
1,23 -2,6 2,75 2,75 2,75 1,8 1,89
3 1,45 -2,52 2,53 2,53 2,53 1,52 1,33
1,65 -2,52 2,51 2,51 2,51 1,56 1,17
5 1,00 -2,54 2,56 2,56 1,15 1,48 1,61
We can see that PCM provides estimates of
students’ satisfaction in more differentiate manner.
This is due to the bigger number of grades
of answers to each question than in RM.
Table 4: Analysis of students satisfaction estimates
according to PCM.
Mean Min Max Mode Media
1 0,16 -2,35 4,26 0,54 -0,04 0,52 1,18
-0,04 -5,57 3,5 -0,23 -0,23 0,68 0,68
3 0,28 -2,54 5,39 0,42 0,21 0,53 1,17
0,32 -1,48 2,74 0,09 0,09 0,52 0,99
5 0,03 -3,6 2,84 -0,26 -0,05 0,53 1,23
errors for RM are greater than for PCM which
indicates a smaller dispersion of estimates for PCM.
So estimates obtained with the help of PCM are
more adequate and preferable.
Since PCM is more adequate we calculate
weighted and unweighted arithmetical means (WAM
and UWAM) and geometrical means (WGM and
UWGM) only for this model. To find WAM and
WGM the following weight coefficients were used:
α1 = 0,27, α2 = 0,2, α3 = 0,15, α4 = 0,25, α5 = 0,13.
The obtained results are the following: UWAM =
0,15, WAM = 0,16, UWGM = -0,11, WGM = -0,13.
So these results are close to overall satisfaction
level equal to 0,1 which was found as the mean of
(Table 2). Using such decomposition except
aggregated estimate we can find intermediate
estimates. Furthermore we can assign different
weight coefficient to make the comprehensive result
more suitable for the purposes of decision-making.
In the case when we evaluate whether the quality
perceived by students corresponds to the given level,
we deal with the CA problem of the first class. Such
estimate can be found based on input data which are
the estimates of students’ satisfaction by five quality
criteria. The switch chain consists of three layers of
Boolean functions. The first layer is represented by
the function that defines whether each student’s
satisfaction value is greater than defined level (it
returns 1, if this requirement is fulfilled, 0 –
otherwise). We take the median
. The
function of the second layer checks whether a single
criterion is assessed positively, i.e. the most of
satisfaction values of single criterion are greater than
defined level. In our case the estimates given by
more than 37 students have to be bigger than the
defined level. The third layer function defines
whether the requirement to satisfaction level over all
criteria is fulfilled. In this case study at least 3
criteria must meet the requirement. Under the value
we found out that the perceived quality is
To accomplish our case study we made the CA
of the third class. As CA we take the estimate of
proposed quality. The main hypothesis is that
proposed quality defines the estimates of perceived
quality. We suppose that these estimates correspond
to calculated
θ . To find CA value we suggest to use
Spearman Single Factor Model. We obtained value
of proposed quality equal to 1,97 logits. This
corresponds to enough level of educational services.
The obtained results showed the satisfactory
education quality from three different points of
view. Therefore we suggest to use described
approach for implementation of M&E IS.
According to the functionality classification the
following IS can be distinguished: systems of
administrative, financial and economic management;
systems of educational process management and
support; systems of scientific and research work
management; systems of information resources
All of them should contain the CA unit. Due to
goals and management tasks the different models
can be used. We have realized three main classes of
CA problems. The certain framework is associated
with every problem’s class.
We have discovered the most advanced
procedures of CA. They are expert judgments,
qualimetric practices or statistical analysis for initial
estimates (inputs of CA). We suggest Switch Chains,
Network Assessment and Probability-based
Reasoning in order to construct comprehensive
assessment model. Our researches are strictly
devoted to implementation of CA procedures. On
the other hand, we have tried to generalize our
experience to provide some formal approach.
The investigation of the case-study shows
potential possibilities of suggested frameworks
usage. We should note that the estimation of
students’ satisfaction is not the clearest way to
demonstrate the advantages of our approach. But we
hope that the aim of illustration how different tasks
influence comprehensive assessment is reached.
As a result of this work we can underline the
following: 1) the process of CA is represented in two
stages: estimation of separate elements and their
aggregation into CA value; 2) three classes of
problems and CA frameworks related to those
classes are defined; 3) the set of experiments based
on evaluation of students’ satisfaction were done; 4)
the principle role of probability-based reasoning
methods for performance evaluation is proved.
Therefore, the suggested CA frameworks can be
used for M&E Software elaboration. The future
researches will be connected with the up-to-date CA
tasks in HEE. Our researches are aimed at
development of M&E models and IT that can be
applicable in higher education as well as in other
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