Emotion Recognition through Keystroke Dynamics on Touchscreen
Matthias Trojahn
, Florian Arndt
, Markus Weinmann
and Frank Ortmeier
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany
TU Braunschweig, Institute of Business Information Systems, Chair of Information Management, Braunschweig, Germany
Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Computer Systems in Engineering, Magdeburg, Germany
Human-Computer Interaction, Emotion Recognition, Keystroke Dynamics, Touchscreen, Smartphone.
Automatic emotion recognition through computers offers a lot of advantages, as the interaction between hu-
man and computers can be improved. For example, it is possible to be responsive to anger or frustration of
customers automatically while working with a webpage. Mouse cursor movements and keystroke dynamics
were already used and examined for such a recognition on conventional keyboards.
The aim of this work is to investigate keystroke dynamics on touchscreen keyboards which gets a cumulative
relevance through the increasingly further circulation of smartphones and tablets. Furthermore, it is possible
to record additional information like pressure and size of keystrokes. This could increase the recognition rate
for emotions. In order to record the keystroke dynamics, an application and keyboard layout for Android OS
were developed. In addition, hypotheses were established on the basis of Yerkes-Dodson-Law and Flow the-
ory and besides, a study with 152 test persons for the data collection was implemented. Subsequently, a data
evaluation with the SPSS software was accomplished. Most of the hypotheses were confirmed and the results
of the study show that emotions can be explained by the keystroke dynamics and recognized in this way.
The human-computer interaction (HCI) is getting a
rising relevance in the last few years because of the
cumulative circulation of computers in our everyday
life. Nowadays, almost everybody interacts with com-
puters in different ways. For example the use of an
elevator which is controlled by a computer or by the
use of a navigation system which can be designated
as a computer. One way to improve an interaction is
the automatic recognition and reaction of emotions.
This is relevant for the human-human interaction and
the human-computer interaction. The recognition en-
ables the automatic reaction for example to frustration
and anger, which can occur during a customer pro-
cess or a visit on a webpage. This improvement of
working with computers can result in positive emo-
tion which, furthermore, can increase the productiv-
ity and also the health of the working person (Cohen
et al., 2003).
The subject of emotion recognition has already
been examined with mouse cursor movements and
keystroke dynamics on conventional keyboards. Be-
cause of the rising circulation of smartphones, tablets
and general touchscreens in the last few years the aim
of this work is to consider the keystroke dynamics on
touchscreen keyboards for possible emotion recogni-
tion. This kind of keystroke dynamics has so far only
been used for biometric authentication analysis (Bu-
choux and Clarke, 2008).
Within the framework of this subject an applica-
tion and a special keyboard layout for the Android
operating system were developed. For the theoreti-
cal background the Yerkes-Dodson-Law (Yerkes and
Dodson, 1908) and the Flow theory (Csikszentmiha-
lyi, 1975) were consulted to control the hypotheses.
Subsequently, a study of 152 test persons as a data
collection was implemented and an evaluation with
the SPSS software was accomplished.
Section 2 will give a short theoretical background
about emotion and keystroke dynamics in combina-
tion with two theories and our hypotheses. Then, we
will introduce the empirical study in Section 3. In the
next section we will describe the results of the study
which we will discuss in Section 5 with the existing
limitations and implications.
Trojahn M., Arndt F., Weinmann M. and Ortmeier F..
Emotion Recognition through Keystroke Dynamics on Touchscreen Keyboards.
DOI: 10.5220/0004415500310037
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 31-37
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Emotion, Stress, Keystroke
Emotions are an important function of the human
body to react on dangerous or extraordinary situa-
tions. Because the process of decision making of hu-
man beings is very slow, emotions can help us to re-
spond to the current circumstances in an efficient and
fast way (Maehr, 2008). Negative emotions warn us if
a given aim cannot be reached and positive emotions
calm down if the situation is under control. Further-
more, emotions often have a specific cause and usu-
ally are an intense experience of short duration (Zim-
mermann et al., 2003).
To classify the emotions, a theory with three di-
mensions has been developed by Mehrabian (1970),
who divides all emotions into three categories
(Mehrabian, 1970). The three dimensions are arousal,
valence and control. The most variance exists in the
first two dimensions. Therefore, the third dimension
is often unnecessary and will be also not recorded in
this study (Bradley and Lang, 1994).
Stress is often treated in relation with emotions
(Lazarus, 2006). Stress is a synonym for pressure or
tension. It describes the reaction of exterior stimuli,
which enable the accomplishment of certain exercises
and the resulting psychic and physical burden (Selye,
1936). These exterior stimuli can be noise, injuries,
coldness or excessive demand. In general, two differ-
ent types of stress exist: Eustress is the positive expe-
rienced activation of the organism and distress is the
burdensome and harmful stress (Selye, 1975). Nowa-
days, the latter meaning is often used for stress.
Keystroke dynamics is a biometrical attribute of
every human being like fingerprint, retinal scan or
voice recognition (Amberg et al., 2003). Unlike a
password which a person knows or an identifica-
tion card which a person owns, a biometrical fea-
ture is a characteristic of a person herself (Buchoux
and Clarke, 2008). The keystroke dynamics can be
matched with the handwritten signature (Joyce and
Gupta, 1990). In this case, the keyboard input is
monitored in order to identify a pattern of tip rhythm
(Monrose and Rubin, 1997). Keystroke dynamics for
a touchscreen display on smartphones was already
used by Trojahn et al. (Trojahn and Ortmeier, 2012).
In addition to time differences, pressure and size dur-
ing typing were recorded and used for authentication.
2.2 The Yerkes-Dodson-Law and the
The Yerkes-Dodson-Law describes the context be-
tween the productivity and the activity respectively
the arousal of a person (Yerkes and Dodson, 1908). If
the arousal or rather stress increases the productivity
increases too. After a peak the productivity decreases.
The peak depends on the respective person and the
difficulty of the task. After the peak the stress is too
high and the productivity decreases. The person feels
negative stress. This is an example of positive and
negative stress which was developed 1908 by Robert
M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson.
The context between the challenge and the skills
of a person is described by the Flow Theory which
was invented by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1975
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1975). If the skills correspond to
the current challenge of a task, a state of Flow and
positive emotions come up. At this state the person is
completely concentrated on his/her work and he/she
does not recognize the environment around him/her.
To get in this state some conditions have to be ful-
filled. The goals of the task must be clear for the per-
son and the person must have confidence in being able
to fulfill the task.
2.3 Hypotheses
First of all, to study the influence of the emotions
on the keystroke dynamics, hypotheses were derived
from the theories. A time limit was initiated to evoke
stress (Lazarus et al., 1952). According to the Yerkes-
Dodson-Law the productivity rises through increas-
ing activation or increasing stress. After exceeding a
vertex, the productivity sinks again. These levels are
mentioned as positive and negative stress levels.
The increased activation causes a flow state of the
participants because of the increased productivity and
the skills which are on this way adapted. This flow
state is accompanied by positive emotions. Through
further reduction of the time limit to complete the typ-
ing of the text, the stress level rises. The arise of neg-
ative emotions results from the interrupted flow state.
Stress is created by the reduction of the time limit
which causes emotions. This represents the first two
H1: The closer the time limit, the higher the ex-
H2: A significant difference of the valence can be
observed between the groups.
The influence of the emotions on the keystroke dy-
namics was supposed to be examined. Former studies
showed that the typing speed decreases when negative
emotions are perceived (Khanna and M.Sasikumar,
2010). Nevertheless, the error rate rises by the occur-
rence of negative emotions (Alepis and Virvou, 2006).
The same effect can be observed at the pressure of key
presses. This should also increase by the confronta-
tion of negative emotions (Alepis and Virvou, 2006).
Further hypotheses can be derived from that.
H3: The slower the typing speed, the more nega-
tively emotions are perceived.
H4: The higher the typing error rate, the more
negatively emotions are perceived.
H5: The higher the typing pressure, the more neg-
atively emotions are perceived.
These five hypotheses were supposed to be exam-
ined within the framework of the experiment for the
keystroke dynamics on touchscreen keyboards.
In order to examine the keystroke dynamics an exper-
iment was developed. Its design, the participants, the
measured variables and the model specification are
described in the next few sections.
3.1 Study Object and Study Task
In order to investigate the keystroke dynamics two
identical Samsung Galaxy Nexus were used. The test
persons were asked to enter some descriptive data like
age, gender, experience and education level. After
that, they were asked to enter a text which was pre-
sented to them in printed version. We tried to select a
neutral text which does not cause any emotions. Ac-
cording to Wagner et al. (2001) we took a text about
a bronze statue (Wagner et al., 2001). For the pro-
cess of typing they got randomly one of three differ-
ent time limits of either “no time limit”, “5 minutes”
or ”3.5 minutes“. The time limits represent the differ-
ent stress levels. Therefore, the time limits were cal-
culated in a way that the task of typing the text could
barely or not be mastered. After typing the text, they
were asked to fill out an emotion questionnaire which
was also handed to the test person in a printed ver-
sion. This was created to record the emotions and the
arousal which occurred during typing the text under
pressure with a time limit.
We developed the software keyboard and the study
application ourselves. They record the keystroke dy-
namics data and the descriptive data in an output
file which is imported by another application into a
MySQL database. By the use of export software, the
data were converted and some variables were calcu-
lated to evaluate it with the SPSS software.
3.2 Study Design and Subject
The design of a randomized laboratory experiment
was selected. Gender, age and experience in the han-
dling of a touchscreen can be described as random
variables. The study was accomplished during the pe-
riod of the 29-05-2012 to 08-07-2012. Overall, 152
test persons were consulted and the study lasted 15-20
minutes. The average age of all test persons was 31.14
years and the percentage of women was 23.68 %. We
tried to get a regular distribution of the test persons
over the three different time limits. Furthermore, we
tried to get an equal number of male with and without
experience and female with and without experience
in every time limit. Figure 1 shows the distribution of
the three time limits and the four different groups of
persons subdivided in experience and gender.
Figure 1: Distribution of the test persons subdivided into
time limit, experience, and gender.
The diagram shows that almost an equal number
of test persons in every time limit was reached (50 at
no time limit, 50 at 5 minutes, 52 at 3.5 minutes). The
number of male persons with experience is the largest.
This can be traced back to the fact that most test per-
sons are employees of an IT department or students of
a technical university. The smallest part is the number
of female test persons without experience.
3.3 Measure Variables
Emotion was chosen to be the dependent variable. It
was recorded by the use of the emotion questionnaire,
digitalized and afterwards also saved in the database.
The arousal and the valence were measured and two
different kinds of questionnaires (SAM and PANAS)
were used. In this way the results could be compared
and reviewed.
The keystroke dynamics variables were inserted
as independent variables. In relation to the hypothe-
ses the typing speed, error rate and pressure of the
key presses were considered. These are calculated by
Table 1: Results of the correlation analysis.
SAM val. SAM ar. speed error rate pressure gender age time edua.
SAM va-
SAM arousal 0.308*** 1
speed -0.131*** -0.020 1
error rate 0.075*** 0.056*** -0.294*** 1
pressure -0.046*** -0.018 0.155*** 0.023* 1
gender 0.046*** -0.168*** -0.043*** -0.035*** 0.122*** 1
age 0.047*** -0.281*** -0.218*** -0.019 -0.121*** 0.282*** 1
time limit 0.003 0.205*** -0.008 -0.65*** 0.042*** -0.002 -0.021* 1
-0.222*** -0.026** 0.003*** -0.046*** 0.035*** -0.058*** -0.1*** 0.071*** 1
* p <0.10; ** p <0.05; *** p <0.01; 2-sided test.
the export of the data from the database into a CSV
file for the evaluation with the SPSS software. All of
the variables refer to single words. That means that
word averages of the variables are formed for all test
persons. The calculation of the typing speed is mea-
sured by the timestamp and the number of key presses
of one word. The error rate describes the number of
presses of the delete key. Because of this, the error
rate describes the number of the conscious failure. To
use the pressure an average value of all keystrokes for
every word was calculated.
As control variables some different descriptive in-
formation of the test persons are applied. Age, gender,
education level and the assigned time limit of the test
persons were used for the evaluation. All information,
except of the time limit, are entered over the applica-
tion by the test persons themselves. The time limit is
assigned randomly and entered by the examiner after
the experiment for every study participant.
3.4 Model Specification
For the test of the hypotheses 3 to 5 we developed
a linear regression model. It is shown in Formula 1
emotions =α + β
× speed + β
× f ailure count
+ β
× pressure + controls + ε
The control variables are age, gender, education
level and time limit of the test persons. In order to
be able to confirm the hypotheses 3 the p-value of the
must be significantly and smaller zero. For the hy-
potheses 4 respectively 5 the p-value of the β
tively β
has to be significantly and greater zero.
In the evaluation four models with different num-
bers of control variables were defined. The first model
has no control variables except of the dependent and
independent variables. For the second model age and
gender of the test persons are included. In the third
model the time limit and in the fourth model also the
education level is added. In this way the influence of
the individual control variables on the model can be
In the beginning of the evaluation a correlation anal-
ysis was used. Therefore, the coherences of the vari-
ables can be shown. Table 1 offers the results of the
correlation analysis for all considered variables.
In Table 1 the correlation coefficients between ev-
ery variable are mapped. The asterisks indicate the
significance level and are therefore called significance
asterisks. A high number of asterisks entail a high sig-
nificance level. In the first column it can be observed
that between the SAM valence variable and nearly all
other variables the significance level is high. That
means that a significant connection between these
variables exists. Another interesting connection is be-
tween the SAM arousal and the time limit. That in-
dicates a connection between the time limit and the
caused stress.
To prove the hypotheses 1 and 2 we also imple-
mented an ANOVA analysis for an average compari-
son. This calculation compares the averages and the
variances between partial samples. For this study, the
groups are divided into time limits. In this way, we
get three different random samples. The results of the
average comparison are shown in Table 2.
In the second row of Table 2 the numbers of con-
sidered objects (N) are given. The objects represent
the entered words of all test persons. This number
decreases by a smaller time limit because the test per-
sons do not accomplish all words in the given time
limit. It also shows that the time limit is so straight-
ened that a complete input of the given text is not pos-
sible. In the third and fourth row the mean values and
Table 2: Results of the ANOVA analysis.
sample feature no time limit 5 minutes 3,5 minutes F-value
N 2158 2124 1894
Arousal 3.630 (1.858) 4.410 (2.018) 4.660 (2.138) 147.349***
Valence 4.480 (1.656) 4.213 (1.547) 4.503 (1.843) 19.171***
* p <0.10; ** p <0.05; *** p <0.01; 2-sided test.
the variance values of the both variables in the three
groups are illustrated. In consideration of the values
and the F-values in the last column it is to be rec-
ognized that for the valance and the arousal variable
significant differences exist between the groups. If no
differences exist the F-value is nearly zero. It can be
observed that the F-values of the variables are not zero
and significant. That means the arousal and the va-
lence is significantly different between the groups. In
addition, we found out that the arousal rises at closer
time limit. Hypotheses 1 and 2 can be confirmed with
The Figure 2 shows a diagram that represents the
averages values of both variables over the time limits.
Figure 2: Diagram of the averages values of the arousal and
valence variable over the three time limit groups.
By means of the diagram the differences and the
rise of the arousal variable can be recognized.
In order to find the type of the connection between
the variables a linear regression analysis was made.
The valence is used as dependent variable which is
supposed to be explained by the keystroke dynamics
variables. Table 3 shows the results of the regression
analysis. The four different models with the different
number of control variables can be recognized.
The last row shows the number of the considered
objects again. In the second, third and fourth row the
keystroke dynamics variables are mapped. The con-
trol variables can be found from the fifth to the eighth
row. In all four models the results of the keystroke dy-
namics variables are significant which is displayed by
the significant asterisks. The coefficient of determi-
nation R
in the first three models of 2 % is relatively
low. By addition of the education level variable as a
control variable the coefficient rises to 7 %. The ad-
justed R
value is related to the number of variables
that are observed and tries to correct the rising of the
value by just adding more variables to the model.
Low coefficient of determination are to be considered
critically, but according to Davis (1989) (Davis, 1989)
or Moon and Kim (2001) (Moon and Kim, 2001) low
values in the behavior-oriented social research are ab-
solutely common.
For the confirmation of the third hypothesis the
regression coefficient of the keystroke speed needs to
be significant and smaller than zero. For the hypoth-
esis 4 the coefficient of the error rate must be signifi-
cant and greater than zero. The results show that these
conditions are given in all four models. Thus the hy-
potheses can be approved. The speed decreases and
the error rate increases by the perception of negative
emotions. For the last hypothesis the regression co-
efficient of the keystroke pressure must be significant
and also greater than zero. On the basis of the results
of the fourth row it is shown that the coefficient is sig-
nificant in all four models but the coefficient is smaller
than zero. Thus the hypothesis must be rejected.
Although the hypothesis was developed by means
of the literature it could not be confirmed. Therefore,
this topic will require further research in future stud-
5.1 Summary
Through the evaluation of the collected data with
the SPSS software most of the developed hypothe-
ses could be approved. Stress and emotions can be
caused by the commitment of time limits. These
evoked emotions can be explained by the keystroke
dynamics variables keystroke speed and error rate.
Thus, the first four hypotheses could be confirmed.
The keystroke pressure becomes significant smaller
by the perception of negative emotions. Therefore,
the last hypothesis has to be rejected and more stud-
ies are required in order to keep on examining this
Table 3: Results of the regression analysis.
-1 -2 -3 -4
keystroke speed -0.106*** -0.102*** -0.102*** -0.111***
failure count 0.061*** 0.066*** 0.067*** 0.047**
keystroke pressure -0.545** -0.642*** -0.648*** -0.448*
gender 0.181*** 0.182*** 0.169***
age 0.001 0.001 -0.003
time limit 0.013 0.052**
education level -0.285***
constant 4.982 4.848 4.837 5.523
0.019 0.022 0.022 0.070
adjusted R
0.019 0.021 0.021 0.069
N 6221 6221 6221 6221
* p <0.10; ** p <0.05; *** p <0.01; 1-sided test.
5.2 Limitations
Like in every other study some limitations occur in
this study which is supposed to be named and ex-
plained in the following. First of all, it must be ex-
plained that the effect of the exercise itself cannot
be controlled because only one exercise was consid-
ered. Furthermore, the study was implemented in
a controlled setting. This means that not all exte-
rior influences were regarded. It is possible that the
test persons had already negative emotions or were
stressed before the experiment started. This might
have distorted the results of the study, respectively the
recorded data of the emotion questionnaire. Further-
more, the influence of the hardware setting should be
named. The study was implemented with a smart-
phone with and Android operation system. Test per-
sons who have already used an Android smartphone
before have more experience in the handling which
could also distort the results in this way. Through the
development of a self-constructed keyboard this ef-
fect should be avoided. Nevertheless, this cannot be
completely assured.
The small percentage of female participants and
the unevenly distribution of the education level are
further limitations of the study. Also the rate of the
persons who accomplished the complete text within
the 3.5 minutes can have an influence on the results.
Because they reached the aim for entering the text
in the pre-set time limit, they were most probably
stressed, but in a positive way. At the closest time
limit it was planned that negative emotions are caused
by non-attaining. However, the part of the persons
who managed it in spite of the close time limit was
only near 29 %.
Moreover, also the small coefficient of determi-
nation must be named as a limitation. As already
mentioned, small values are normal in the behavior-
oriented social research (Davis, 1989; Moon and Kim,
2001). Nevertheless, there should be more research
into this topic in future studies. In addition, the re-
sults for the control variables should be mentioned.
The regression coefficients for example of the gender
variable are significant in all four models. This im-
plies that it has a significant influence on the depen-
dent variable and would have to be considered, there-
fore, actually as an independent variable.
With respect to a commercial use even the data
privacy has to be considered. The self-developed soft-
ware is in principle a key logger which can be used to
save passwords or other sensitive information. Solu-
tions for that must be clarified in the case of an intro-
duction. An option would be to recognize automati-
cally the input of passwords and to stop the saving for
this input.
Last but not least we should refer to the not con-
firmed hypothesis of the keystroke pressure. By the
feeling of negative emotions the pressure is smaller,
not greater. This cannot be occupied by means of the
currently literature, so more studies are required in
this section. Because the pressure can be recorded
on conventional keyboards exclusively with supple-
mentary hardware, the number of studies is up to now
small in this range. In the coming years this will prob-
ably change because through the increasingly further
circulation of touchscreens a lot of new possibilities
will occur.
5.3 Implications
The study and the results show that the described
Yerkes-Dodson-Law and the Flow theory could be
validated. The evaluation proves that positive stress
exists and that it can be initiated. Furthermore, the
productivity increases by the perception of positive
stress. This represents important results for the be-
havior and stress research in the work environment.
The main intention of this study, to investigate the
automatic recognition of emotions through keystroke
dynamics on touchscreen-keyboards, was processed
and successfully completed. Emotions can be ex-
plained by the keystroke dynamics. This opens new
possibilities for marketing departments and interface
designers who can deal with customers purposefully.
With the aid of these findings it is possible to develop
systems which give supports automatically in the case
of recognition of e.g. frustration. In the e-commerce
environment this can be enormously helpful and rep-
resent a competitive advantage.
Also in the domain of the authentication with the
use of the keystroke dynamics the results should find
attention because it was shown that the keystroke dy-
namics is strongly influenced by emotions. This in-
fluence must be considered in relation to the develop-
ment of the algorithm and during the training of the
algorithm for an authentication.
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