ETL Standard Processes Modelling
A Novel BPMN Approach
Bruno Oliveira and Orlando Belo
ALGORITMI R&D Centre, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057, Braga, Portugal
Keywords: Data Warehousing Systems, ETL Conceptual Modelling, Specification, Validation, Analysis and Testing of
ETL Systems, BPMN Meta-model Extensions.
Abstract: ETL systems modelling have been a topic quite explored by researchers in Data Warehousing. However, we
believe that there isn’t yet a convinced and simply approach that provides the necessary bridges to validate
conceptual and logical models and testing them before its real implementation. In this work we explore the
use of BPMN for ETL conceptual modelling, presenting an extension to the BPMN 2.0 meta-model and
notation to support modelling and visualization of ETL activities. We intend to provide a set of BPMN
meta-models especially designed to map standard ETL processes, providing the necessary bridges to
translate conceptual models into their correspondent implementation testing correctness and effectiveness of
its execution. For this particular work, we specially designed a standard ETL process – Change Data
Capture based on log files – to demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of the approach presented.
Today, the development of an information system is
a challenge and often a complexity work engaging
personnel with knowledge and expertize in different
areas (Scacchi, 2001). Software engineers use to
make some initial drafts in order to get a first system
overview and a set of preliminary requirements,
which need to be validated with all project
development team’s members and future users.
Basically, such drafts (and models) describe the
system that we want to implement, regardless of the
methodology (or technology) used in its
implementation, revealing the most elementary
project needs in a very clear and precise way
(Losavio et al., 2001). Typically, models are
implemented with the use of well-defined languages,
with specific syntax, meaning and notation, which
are very suitable for computer interpretation (Kleppe
et al., 2003).
The design and implementation of an ETL
(Extract-Transform-Load) process (Kimball and
Caserta, 2004) usually involve the development of
very complex tasks imposing high levels of
interaction with a vast majority of components of a
data warehouse (DW) system architecture.
Reusability it’s hard to accomplish when developing
ETL systems, because each one of them populates
differently a DW, following as expected, a specific
set of decision-making requirements and a specific
target user community. It’s easy to see that different
ways of thinking produce also different dimensional
models, which implies frequently to change ETL
systems design during its life (Weske et al., 2004).
Considering this features, as well as the importance
and adequacy of an ETL system in the success of a
DW, we design and developed a set of meta-models
using Business process Model Notation (BPMN)
(OMG, 2011) specifications for some of the most
commonly ETL processes used in real word
applications - we use to refer to them as ETL
standard processes. In a previous work (Oliveira and
Belo, 2012), we already specified conceptually an
ETL standard process: the surrogate key pipelining.
We started by developing a conceptual definition of
the case through the use of BPMN notation, mainly
due to its clarity and simplicity, validating it
posteriorly by running the model with semantics and
constructs provided by BPMN 2.0 specification.
However, in this paper, our goal is a little bit
different. We intend to provide a set of meta models
that can be defined as ETL containers of operations
specifying the most current standard ETL tasks
(change data capture, surrogate key pipelining,
slowly changing dimensions, and others), which can
be used to create a conceptual model for an ETL
Oliveira B. and Belo O..
ETL Standard Processes Modelling - A Novel BPMN Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004418301200127
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 120-127
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
system. For that, we extended BPMN 2.0 standard
meta-model and notation in order to represent an
extended family of BPMN patterns that allow us to
receive standard tasks and to build a complete ETL
system more easily.
After a brief presentation of some related work
(section 2) about ETL conceptual modelling, we
present our proposal extending BPMN 2.0 meta-
model in order to represent standard ETL patterns
(section 3). Latter, in section 4, we discuss a visual
extension to BPMN diagrams, with a concrete
example, and their application in a typical ETL
process, discussing their features and describing one
of the most relevant standard ETL processes (change
data capture, based on log files), in order to
demonstrate the use and utility of the ETL modelling
approach designed and developed (section 5).
Finally, we finish the paper presenting results
evaluation (section 6), conclusions and future work
(section 7).
The use of models or meta-models (models that
specify other models) enables the formalization of
concepts, minimizing misinterpretations and
ambiguous aspects, enhancing readability and
efficiency in the entire implementation cycle of a
particular system. Considering ETL system
implementation as a very critical task in the success
of a DW, several authors proposed different kind of
methodologies to support process conceptualization.
ETL process specification has been done mainly
using proprietary notations imposed by current ETL
design and implementation tools.
Vassiliadis and Simitsis (Vassiliadis et al.,
2002a); (Simitsis and Vassiliadis 2003); (Vassiliadis
et al., 2002b); (Vassiliadis et al. 2003) proposed a
new set of elements particularly designed to specify
the natural characteristics of an ETL process. In that
work, the authors proposed a conceptual, logic and
physical modelling for ETL processes that reduces
system complexity, decreases implementation time,
and increases its reliability. In turn, Trujillo and
Luján-Mora (Trujillo and Luján-Mora, 2003)
adapted the UML language to fit ETL conceptual
modelling requirements. They raised interesting
aspects that should be taken into consideration when
developing conceptual and logical models for ETL
processes. Nevertheless, we consider that still exists
a lack of a complete proposal that lets ETL
conceptual modelling to be produced easily and
generate automatically executable models, providing
source code that could be executed in some
As the basis of this paper, it is the work of
Akkaoui and Zimanyi (Akkaoui and Zimanyi, 2009),
which proposed an ETL conceptual design using
BPMN, and shown how such model could be
implemented through the use of Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL). These authors
considered an ETL system as a special type of
process model, and provided a specific set of BPMN
components to represent a typical ETL process to
correspondent BPMN model process, thought the
use of a model-driven framework (Akkaoui et al.,
2011). More recently, Akkaoui (Akkaoui et al.,
2012) extended his previous works, proposing a
BPMN a ETL classification (control and data)
objects and a BPMN-based meta-model extension
based on a set of components related to the ETL
design, such Core meta-model for data process
model representation. Other authors explored also
the BPMN conceptualization idea for modelling
ETL systems. Wilkinson (Wilkinson et al. 2010), for
instance, presented a method to guide BPMN
specifications in the definition of conceptual models
of ETL systems.
Despite the many contributions done so far, we
still view a lot of research work to do if we think
about validation and operationally of practical
implementations of abstract models. We recognize
that conceptual specifications and its validation
would be essential, in order produce an effective
executable instance of the model, providing its
conceptualization to non-technical users and its
validation by technical users.
In this paper it is proposed a BPMN 2.0 extension to
define a set of BPMN patterns especially oriented to
build, from scratch, a complete ETL system. Each
pattern has the ability to represent a specific ETL
process that we recognize as standard. We believe
that the specification of a conceptual model for ETL
standard processes in BPMN is quite appropriate,
once it simplifies the implementation process as well
increase its own quality of construction, reducing
errors, and consequently the ETL project costs. In
these cases, the use of the BPMN notation is, in fact,
very interesting, showing that it is possible to
construct properly conceptual models, which are
easy to read and to understand. BPMN also provides
the necessary bridges to translate conceptual models
to more detailed ones using BPEL or BPMN 2.0
execution semantics. Thus, we can avoid the major
drawback that usually exists between modelling
abstract models and their consequent
implementation, providing conceptual validation
through executable process instances.
Figure 1: a) A package diagram, and b) The relationship
between BPMN standard elements and EPL elements.
Through the extension mechanism of BPMN 2.0
meta-model, it is possible to represent specific
concepts related to planning and implementation of
an ETL process, and extend these concepts to pre-
defined elements of BPMN notation (OMG, 2011).
This turns possible to represent specific tasks that
enable the construction of ETL processes, by the
addition of new elements of a new application
domain in the original meta-model. Using UML, it is
possible to represent pre-defined elements of the
BPMN notation and the elements that characterize
the proposed extension, using a simple package
diagram (Figure 1a). The package that contains the
definition of the extension - ETL Pattern Layer
(EPL) - depends on the package that represents the
BPMN meta-model since it inherits the elements of
the original notation. Therefore, through the use of
stereotype <<import>>, the basic elements of the
BPMN meta-model are used for the representation
of the concepts EPL package.
The definition of meta-models representing
standard ETL operations comes as an addition to a
layer that allows extending the original element: sub
process BPMN notation. Using the stereotype <<
BPMN>> to identify unique elements in the BPMN
notation, and the stereotype <<EPL>> to identify
elements in the proposed extension, we present in
Figure 1b) an excerpt of the meta-model produced to
represent the ratio of standard BPMN elements with
the elements proposed in the extension. The
extension proposed extends the class SubProcess,
once the meta-models that we intend to define in the
ETL process are composed of several operations that
given a particular set of input parameters produce an
output data set using a pre-defined set of tasks.
Stroppi (Stroppi et al., 2011) have identified two
factors that limit the development of extensions to
BPMN 2.0 meta-model notation, namely the lack of:
a) methodologies that support the creation of
extensions based approach provided by the
language; and b) a graphical notation that allows the
representation of extensions. To reduce such lacks,
Stroppi presented an approach based on a Model-
Driven Architecture (MDA), enabling the graphical
representation of extensions using the UML
language, being its structure based on the principles
defined by the extension mechanisms of BPMN 2.0
notation, using a specific model to do that: the
BPMN-X. Once setting the template extension is
possible to transform it into XSD documents
allowing their interpretation for the tools that
support the BPMN specification. In Figure 2, we can
see the conceptual model representation of the
extension domain, previously presented in Figure 1,
using BPMN+X model construction rules.
Figure 2: The meta-model extension for ETL conceptual
The syntax and semantic elements of BPMN+X used
are based on the specification of the BPMN
extension mechanism. In Figure 2 we see two of
them identifying original elements of the BPMN
notation: <<BPMNElement>> and <<Extension
Element>>. Through the stereotype <<BPMN
Element>> we represent the original classes of the
BPMN meta-model that are extended, or that
contextualize the extended elements (Figure 2). Each
ETL standard process activities is regarded as a new
type of SubProcess, which given a set of input data
produces a result accordingly with a specific
predefined set of atomic activities (Task). The
SubProcess class inherits from Activity and
FlowElementsContainer super-class, the attributes
and associations with other classes (model
associations) allowing for the definition of the
elements in a diagram, which may be refined in
specific processes such as AdHocProcesses. Using
the stereotype <<ExtensionDefinition>>, we defined
a new subclass in the model extension for the
SubProcess class: the ETLTasks. In this subclass
were included attributes that let to set all the input
parameters related to the access of the data source
where the sub process will be applied
(InputConnectionData), as well as the output
parameters where the result of the sub process will
be materialized (OutputConnectionData). The
attribute specifies the technology to be used in the
execution of the sub process. In a similar way as
OMG done for the class Service Task, defined in the
original meta-model, we propose web service
architecture as the technology to implement it. The
ETLTasks class is the abstract superclass of the
classes that represents only one example of a set of
standard sub processes, namely: LoadProcess,
DataQuality, ChangeDataCapture, and Slowly
Each of these
subclasses represents a standard ETL model
integrating a specific set of elements that is required
for the specification of a given task. This set will be
available through an inheritance mechanism of the
superclass ETLTasks.
Figure 3: The star-schema Sales.
Each designed meta-model integrates a set of
specific activities representing a standard process
that appears usually in most of DW populating
processes. Using the BPMN notation for ETL
conceptual modelling combined with the meta-
model already presented, a user can "drag" a set of
specific notation elements as a simple and unique
task, which simplifies a lot ETL modelling activities.
In order to demonstrate the usefulness of this
approach, we show in Figure 3 an example of a star
schema (Kimball and Ross, 2002) modelled
conceptually using the notation proposed by
Golfarelli (Golfarelli and Rizzi, 2009). This
dimensional model has three distinct dimensions
tables and a fact table including two measures:
quantity and selling price of a product - a very
simple schema indeed, but even so it allows us to
analyse the sales of products in a particular set of
stores over time. Once specified the DW’s storage
structure it’s necessary to define the initial ETL
process, adjusting it in order to keep the repository
updated properly. An incorrect or incomplete
specification of ETL activities will affect seriously
the quality of data stored in the DW, influencing
negatively the quality of subsequently decisions.
Figure 4: Sample population process for Sales schema.
Considering a high level view of the ETL process,
it’s possible to specify the entire process simply
instantiating classes that represent sub processes
constituted by atomic tasks. Using the notation
presented in Table 1, which represents the
instantiation of each subclass of the class ETLTasks
of the BPMN meta-model, we present in Figure 4 a
regular ETL process that can be applied for
populating the star-schema of Figure 3. After
starting the process, is used a divergence parallel
gateway that initializes (in parallel) the change data
capture tasks for each of the data sources, analysing
available log files, identifying new records, updated
records, or deleted records. Next, in our case, for
source 1, we also specified the procedure for history
preservation, related to the dimensional attributes of
dimension tables classified as slowly changing
dimensions with history maintenance. The sub
process: slowly changing dimensions type 4 (SCD
T4) stores current data in two different tables: a
dimension table, which have the most up-to-date
information, and a history table that keeps track of
all the changes occurred in the dimension table. In
our example, we consider that SCD T4 process also
applies surrogate key assignments in order to obtain
dimensional keys for each dimension. In both
sources is necessary to identify common records
extracted from sources and generate surrogate keys
in order to maintain the independence of the data
used. The surrogate key pipeline sub process assigns
surrogate keys (unique identifiers) in order to
identify data extracted from a specific source, using
as support several mapping tables. Once concluded
the surrogate keys assignment process, it is defined a
convergence gateway that starts the Data Quality
analysis process upon completion of the two
source’s streams. The Data Quality sub process is
responsible for insure data integrity and consistency
through the use of specific procedures. Finally, the
load process loads data to the target repository,
establishing the necessary correspondences between
temporary storage structures and destination storage
Table 1: The new BPMN extension’s elements.
Element Description
This sub process identifies the changes made in a given
structures that is responsible to feed a specific dimension
of analysis.
The surrogate key pipeline sub process assigns surrogate
keys (unique identifiers) to identify the data that comes
from a specific source, using appropriated mapping
The slowly changing dimensions type 4 sub process stores
current data in two different tables: a dimension table,
which have the most updated information, and a history
table for keeping a track of all the changes occurred in the
dimension table.
This sub process applies a set of procedures, which are
responsible to check integrity and consistency of data
before being loaded to the DW.
The sub process: load process loads data to target
repository, establishing the necessary correspondences
between temporary storage structures and destination
storage structures.
Although the ETL process presented being limited to
the set of standard processes considered in the
generated meta-model (mainly for simplicity), we
can verify that ETL process modelling provides a
more abstract level for users, encapsulating a wide
range of elementary operations that are integrated in
model activities (Figure 4). Thus, the construction of
the ETL workflows simplifies process
implementation, and reduces implementation errors,
because we used pre-established mapping
procedures for model conversion into to execution
primitives. Following the general guideline of
Oliveira and Belo (2012), we describe in the next
section the process of specification of capturing data
in data sources, a process that is commonly known
as change data capture (CDC).
A DW must be a subject, non-volatile and time-
variant repository Inmon (2005), i.e., once entered in
the DW data shouldn’t change in any form and
sources’ data should be maintained as when gathered
in order to capture business requirements changes
and discover business trends. Thus, an ETL process
must be capable to detect changes in the sources
during the occurrence of business operations. CDC
methods are used to detect changes on sources’ data
that occurred since the last extraction, capturing
those changes to reflect latter in the DW. CDC
techniques are one of the most difficult tasks to
reflect and represent in ETL design. However, there
are several possible methods to implement a CDC
process. From using intensive comparison data
processes between sources’ and DW’s data to the
use of triggering mechanisms over source tables,
controlling insert, update and delete events, there are
a lot od different ways to capture data changes. One
of the most used currently, provably due to its non-
intrusive aspects, it’s the use of DBMS systems’
transaction logs, which keep records about all
modifications made on operational systems. Thus, if
we scan and process the contents of a transaction
log, it is possible to identify changes that occurred
during some period in an operational system
This way of doing does not affect transactional
data and does not imply the implementation of
additional mechanisms to transactional systems –
it’s a non-intrusive CDC technique. Nevertheless,
additional efforts need to be made in order to
develop an application that analyses the log file and
identify data modifications occurred. Furthermore,
each DBMS implements a specific transaction log
structure, which increases complexity of
implementation. In this work, we used a transaction
log (Table 2) of a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to
demonstrate the application of a high-level model,
providing a formal specification and standardization
of a CDC standard ETL process. In there, LSN (Log
Sequence Number) represents a unique identifier for
each record inside transaction log that we only
represent by a simple integer value. Transaction ID
(T.ID) identifies modifications that belong to the
same Transaction ID. So we know if they are related
or not to each other. Each transaction begins with
LOP_BEGIN_XACT operation and ends with
LOP_COMMIT_XACT. Between these two rows
can exists many LOP_MODIFY_ROW operations,
representing a specific type of modification. Each
LOP_BEGIN_XACT represents a specific type of
transaction described in transaction name column:
INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. All this needs to
be decoded in order to interpret and analyse data in a
more readable way. Using the BPMN notation to
represent all data extraction steps from log based
CDC process, we introduce in Figure 5 a standard
meta-model for general ETL use. Generally, a CDC
process begins loading the required data parameters
necessary in subsequence steps, such as the server
name and the source of the table data where we want
to capture data changes, data staging area (DSA)
connection data, the name of the audit table that will
store all extracted records and attributes with
variation, which need to be captured (Load
Properties activity). Next, transaction log must be
read based on the previous LSN read (if we have it).
That is, instead read all records from the log file,
process reads transaction log based on previous
Table 2: An excerpt of a Microsoft SQL Server 2008
transaction log.
Alloc Unit
… … …
The BPMN model of Figure 5 represents one
expanded sub process and a collapsed sub process
that was zoomed (due to space limitations) in order
to show all their contents. Iteratively, expanded sub
process handle all the transactions contained in the
transaction log. Through Read Transaction activity,
each transaction is passed to the Process transaction
sub process, in order to read all operations inside
transaction. The Process transaction sub process
identifies the type of transaction received: Insert,
Update and Delete, and for each of them represents
loop structure that read all records and extracts
contents to be decoded in Decode contents activity.
After processing all transactions from transaction
log, for each transaction changed rows are inserted
into audit table for ETL processing. When all
transactions are processed, it is necessary to preserve
last LSN read for further CDC processes.
After the initial specification of a high-level
model, we develop the necessary bridges to translate
it to a more detailed one, providing its execution
through BPMN 2.0 specific constructs. In order to
carry out an appropriated mapping between the high-
level model and the executable model we need to
ensure some characteristics related to the execution
of tasks. For that, we used some orchestration
elements provided by BPMN 2.0 for services that
allow the coordination of multiple tasks. In order to
turn the model of Figure 5 in an executable process,
we use BPMN specifications and a service-oriented
approach, which allowed us invoking methods
through a set of services provided by web services.
Once coordinated, these services allow the
application of the necessary transformations for the
implementation of the CDC process through the use
of an intermediate layer of stored procedures. These
ensure services interaction with all transaction log
structures that need to be accessed.
Figure 5: A BPMN pattern for the transaction log file
Beyond the specification of all activities represented
in the conceptual model, the definition of the
executable model also requires an additional
specification of tasks because it will has the right
characteristics to support its own implementation.
For example, activities that communicate with a web
service must be defined as service tasks. This type of
activity is performed by the system without human
intervention, and it is used regularly to maintain
communication with external interfaces.
Figure 6: The executable CDC BPMN model.
In Figure 6 it is presented a proposal to convert the
model of the CDC process (Figure 5) to BPMN 2.0
that can be executed using BizAgi. The
implementation of the model is based on a data
storage structure especially conceived for this
process with a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
layer, which acts as a bridge between the model and
the BPMN storage structure. All Service tasks have a
web service method associated. The methods are
responsible to invoke the most appropriated stored
procedure in order to perform its related activity
over log file or audit table. The stored procedures
were created using Dynamic SQL and provide a
readable view to transaction log. The process begins
reading configuration parameters of the
implementation, which involves usually access and
operational data, such as the server connection,
access credentials, processing data, the name of the
source tables to process and the target audit table.
All this metadata can be filled in the BizAgi
configuration environment using specific
constructed forms. The activities: Insert, Update and
Delete from the collapsed sub process Process
transaction (Figure 5), can be omitted in the
execution model specification, since Load
transaction task retrieves records to the BPMN
runtime environment and identifies the respective
performed operation.
The interaction with the log file and the records
of the audit table is coordinated by the BPMN
process that runs using the methods implemented in
the web service layer. For each operation contained
in transactions, Load operation task extracts contents
from records through the use of specifics Web
services. Next, RowContents columns need to be
decoded using Decode Contents task that invokes
another web service to decode data. Once decoded,
data are inserted into an audit table. The looping
structure was implemented by means of two
gateways, which operate as two conventional
structured cycles. These looping structures are
modelled using gateways with transitions, which
allow repeating a set of predefined activities
accordingly to some particular condition. Finally,
LSN read is stored by Save last LSN read task into
DSA, in order to use it for further executions.
BizAgi provides a set of structures especially
oriented to support BPMN models execution. After
model definition it is possible to construct a special
oriented data structure to receive the information
used in all the activities included in the model, as
simple input data or as support business rules. In any
model’s structure, is possible to define entities and
relationships as we usually do in a relational model.
We use these structures to store temporary
transaction records, in order to process them (e.g.
sending them to another task) one by one and put
them in respective audit table.
The use of meta-models for formal specification of
ETL standard tasks defines a level of abstraction that
allows simplifying and enhancing the quality of any
ETL design and implementation process. With the
BPMN meta-model extension, we propose the
inclusion of a set of sub process packages, which
have a set of predefined atomic operations that allow
a high level conceptual representation and
specification of ETL processes, simplifying and
accelerating their design and implementation
processes, while reducing complexity and
minimizing construction errors. Meta-models
definition allows consolidating and parameterizing
of the ETL development, which have, as we know, a
strong impact on the success or failure in the life
cycle of any data warehousing system.
Currently, tools that support the creation and
maintenance of ETL processes, based on proprietary
notations and methodologies, clearly aimed at
technical users who have to use other mechanisms in
order to communicate with "non-technical" users.
Using the constructs and the semantic richness
offered by BPMN notation, it is possible
conceptually to define a new set ETL processes,
which simplifies the communication between users
and ETL designers that use to be responsible for
managing business processes. The conversion of a
conceptual model in an execution model is possible
using the constructors and semantics implemented in
BPMN 2.0 meta- model, such as a structure based on
web services that enables the implementation of the
tasks set out in the conceptual model. Each meta-
model may be considered as a black box, which
based on the specification of a set of parameters, that
is performed by set of operations and consequently
produce a output result. Through the use of DBMS
transaction log file, the CDC process is able to
capture relevant data from sources in order to load it
to target DW. The interpretation of transaction log
file allows a very simple way to identify changes in
data sources, hiding to end-users the inherent
complexity of such processes. As a consequence,
they allow the simplification and optimization of this
kind of activities in the planning and execution of
any ETL process.
Akkaoui and Zimanyi (Akkaoui and Zimanyi, 2009)
assumed that an ETL process can be seen as a
particular case of a business process, and proposed
the use of generic processes platform independent
for running ETL processes (Akkaoui et al., 2011).
The clear and simple notation of BPMN 2.0
facilitates a lot understanding and communication
among users and offers an easy discussion platform
to technical users who are responsible for
implementing the system (Akkaoui and Zimanyi
2009). Specifying a new set of meta-models, like the
ones presented in this paper, including new types of
sub processes that represent specific tasks typically
used in the implementation of ETL processes -
slowly changing dimensions, surrogate key
pipelining, data quality assurance processes, or
change data capture, among others – it is helpful in
any ETL specification and implementation process.
Each of these models, consists of a finite set of pre-
established atomic activities, which contributes
significantly to improving the quality of
construction, and reduce operational errors, resulting
in a significant reduction of implementation time
and costs. The meta-models referred and presented
here represent only a subset of the models we intend
to implement in a near future, in order to
demonstrate effectiveness of the BPMN 2.0 meta-
model extension presented and discussed in this
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