Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Streamlining Upgrade Decisions
Gerald Feldman, Hanifa Shah, Craig Chapman and Ardavan Amini
Birmingham City University, Faculty of Technology, Engineering and the Environment,
Millennium Point, Curzon Street, Birmingham, B4 7XG, U.K.
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, Upgrading, Upgrade Decisions, Decision Support.
Abstract: Few organizations choose to upgrade their systems despite the benefits of new features and additional
functionality such as web based services offered by upgrading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
The reason for this is upgrading an ERP system remains a complex undertaking which requires strategies to
minimise disruption to business operations. High costs and risks associated with upgrading imply that the
decision to upgrade is not trivial and should be undertaken for the right reasons that make business sense
and have clear benefits. Conversely opting not to upgrade has long term implications such as using outdated
ERP systems which lack continued technical support or obtaining support at a very steep price. The paper
will explore factors and challenges that influence ERP upgrade decisions and identify key features to
streamline ERP upgrade. The outcome identifies that decision support methodologies and techniques could
play a significant role in streamlining ERP upgrading decision.
The need to remain competitive, streamline
operations and improve collaboration encouraged
the adoption of computer systems that facilitated
cross-functional integration of the business process
such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
systems. ERP systems are classified as large
complex systems, offering a range of capabilities
which simplify cross-functional integration of data
and processes to support information processing
needs of the entire organisation (Esteves and Pastor,
1999; Nah et al., 2001; Dittrich et al., 2009). The
implementation of ERP systems tracks back to the
1990s, with the purpose of addressing maintenance
issues of legacy systems and reduce development
risk. It was anticipated that the adoption of ERP
systems would provide reliable and timely access to
information and improve business efficiency
(Grabski et al., 2011; Davenport et al., 2004). These
efforts resulted in a situation whereby organisations
with ERP systems were able to achieve better
consistency of business processes and capability to
automate business processes.
ERP systems have matured over the years and
the dependency on these systems warrants
organisations to adopt efficient strategies for
upgrading their systems. ERP upgrade is a
continuous process recurring throughout the
system’s lifespan at least once every three years
(Olson and Zhao, 2007). Vaucouleur (2009) explains
that upgrading is a process that aims to expand the
core system capabilities by improving functionality
and taking advantage of new technology features.
While Ng (2011), defines the upgrade decision as
“decision made which results in the installed old
ERP version (partly or as a whole) being replaced by
a newer version either for the same or different
vendor’s product”. Therefore, ERP upgrade can be
defined as an improvement to the existing systems,
and involves changing an aspect of that system or
implementing a newer version depending on the
business requirements. Although, the decision to
upgrade is not a trivial one, as a right balance
between minimising the business disruption and
leveraging latest technologies such as service-
oriented architecture needs to be justified.
The timing of when to upgrade is important in
establishing the balance and there are numerous
internal and external factors to be considered (for
example business needs, vendor support) prior to an
ERP upgrade (Claybaugh, 2010). As justified by Ng
and Gable (2009) “ … upgrades require more
thorough planning, business justification, money,
Feldman G., Shah H., Chapman C. and Amini A..
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - Streamlining Upgrade Decisions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004420501280135
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
resources to implement, serious consideration of
potential system downtime, effort for impact
analysis and re-application of previous modifications
or user-enhancements (if the new version has not
incorporated the required functionality), and a longer
time to complete”.
Understanding when to upgrade combined with
strategies which ensure upgrades are supported by a
justifiable business case and are undertaken for the
right reasons play a key role in supporting upgrade
decisions. Recent research on ERP upgrade have
extensively covered best practise (see Beatty and
Williams, 2006) and success factors (see Nah and
Delgado, 2006; Olson and Zhao, 2007) and decision
models (see Ng, 2011; Otieno, 2010; Khoo, 2006).
Yet, these studies have not adequately addressed
methods and tools which can streamline upgrade
decision making.
This paper is organised as follows, the first
section provides an overview of ERP upgrade
discussing the life span of an ERP system and
briefly introducing the type of upgrades which can
be undertaken and highlighting the challenges
associated with upgrading. The second section
focuses on the factors involved in the upgrading
decisions made within the organisations and
associates the decision to upgrade with the type of
upgrade to be selected. The last section sets out to
identify key features and methods to streamline the
decision to upgrade by exploring the literature.
The reliance and growing use of ERP systems to
support and streamline business processes creates a
necessity to explore the stages after ‘go-live’ as this
is where the actual business value of the system
becomes visible. Willis and Willis-Brown (2002)
explain that organisations which only considers
systems ‘go-live’ as the final stage fail to realise the
full potential of the ERP system.
2.1 ERP System Life-cycle Model
To understand the stages after ‘go-live’ it is
important to understand ERP system life-cycle in
order to differentiate the time span the system
undertakes. The ERP life cycle stages are organised
systematically to represent the different activities
undertaken from system adoption up to when the
system is phased-out. Several authors have defined
numerous stages (table 1), ranging from three (see
Law et al., 2010) to a maximum of six stages (see
Cooper and Zmud, 1990). Even though these stages
are defined differently some commonality between
the different researchers’ view exists. For example,
the following stages: chartering, agenda formation
and project initiation have similar emphasis that is
defining the business case and set of actions such as
team formation and selecting the software. This
Table 1: ERP life-cycle stages summary.
Stages in ERP life-cycle
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cooper and Zmud
Initiation Adoption Adaptation Acceptance Routinize Infusion
Esteves and
Pastor (1999)
Adoption Acquisition Implementation
Use and
Evolution Retirement
Markus and Tanis
Chartering Project Shakedown
Onward and
Bajwa et al.
Awareness Selection Preparation Implementation Operation
Pan et al. (2007)
Design Implementation Appropriation
Worrell (2008)
Law et al. (2010)
paper does not address these stages in detail as it is
not within the scope and previous literatures (for
example, Markus and Tanis, 2000; Pan et al., 2007)
have extensively addressed these stages. Willis and
Willis-Brown (2002) groups the different stages into
implementation and post-implementation phases.
Examining the different ERP life-cycle stages,
some confusion arise as to which stage best
represent the implementation and post-
implementation phases, since some activities overlap
between the two phases. Worrell (2008) modifies
Markus and Tanis (2000) life-cycle model to provide
a distinction between the implementation and post-
implementation stage. Through this model, Worrell
proposes that activities such as bug fixing and
perfomance tuning are not part of the post-
implementation phase and only introduced to
support the system after ‘go-live’. While, Nah et al.
(2001); Ng et al. (2002); Hecht et al. (2011) consider
the post-implementation phase to involve activities
such as bug fixing, user training, performance
tuning, enhancement and upgrades which are critical
components of the ERP maintenance. Based on
Willis and Willis-Brown (2002) explanation and
considering Nah et al. (2001) categorisation of
maintenance activities, it can be summarised that an
ERP life-cycle which clearly offers a distiction
between the implemention and post-implementation
phases will in theory include activties that stabilise
and extend the ERP system after ‘go-live’.
2.2 ERP Systems Upgrading
As vendors continuously improve the underlying
technology of ERP systems, it is reasonable to
anticipate that organisations will take advantage of
the new version functionality and features such as
service oriented architectures. However,
organisations maintain control of their systems
irrespective of the ERP version release cycle and
will only upgrade when the stability and reliability
of the new version can be assured. In addition, most
vendors support more than one version at a time
rendering it not important to upgrade whenever a
new version is available as stipulated by (Khoo and
Robey, 2007). Resulting in an environment where
organisations delay upgrading in order to establish a
strong business case which defines the added value
for upgrading. Hamerman et al. (2011) survey
results supports this thinking as more than 50% of
the survey participants are still utilising ERP
versions which are at least two versions behind the
current version. Yet, opting not to upgrade
introduces an environment where organisations
utilise outdated ERP systems and risks losing
continued technical support (Ng, 2001).
ERP upgrade can be classified as technical,
functional or strategic upgrade. Most of the time
organisations will undertake technical upgrade, but it
is not always the most feasible option, resulting in
the need to incorporate technical and functional
upgrade simultaneously. Yet, the cost and risks
associated with integrating both upgrade strategies
needs to be justified, according to Swanton (2004)
and Otieno (2010) the upgrading cost ranges
between 20% to 30% of the initial ERP
implementation cost. Therefore, it is important to
have strategies that streamline the complexity of the
process and support undertaking both technical and
functional upgrade.
2.2.1 Technical Upgrade
Technical upgrade entails changing the existing ERP
version to a newer version from the technology
perspective, it does not involve adopting new
functionality or modifying the core ERP’s system
architecture to incorporate the organisations business
processes. Generally technical upgrade is
commissioned to sync the ERP systems to the
version that is supported by the vendors, thus
ensuring continuous technical support however, it is
not a straight forward swap of the systems. Beatty
and Williams (2006) suggest in order to take full
advantage of ERP upgrade, organisations may
require to assess their information technology
infrastructure and have mechanisms that ensure the
systems will perform smoothly after the upgrade.
Despite the fact no modifications are introduced the
underlying code and standard of the new ERP
version may be different, requiring previous
modifications to be converted for smooth transition
into the new system.
The different changes imposed on the systems
require rigorous testing to guarantee the systems
work with minimum interruption and its
performance is not affected. The testing process and
strategies results into the majority of the developers’
workload to be associated with testing of the
modification introduced to the system (Beatty and
Williams, 2006). Traditionally manual test
approaches were utilised, whereby test cases were
identified in the development environment,
potentially preventing code reusability and prone to
errors and dependent on individual knowledge
(Dittrich et al., 2009). Several automation testing
tools are available to assist in detecting and
identifying probable problematic areas introduced by
modifications, for example Dor et al. (2008)
proposes a program slicing algorithm which
simulates the impact of previous system
modifications. The output from the automated
algorithms offer detailed information on the
complexity of the upgrade task and provide the
impact of upgrading.
2.2.2 Functional Upgrade
Functional upgrade involves implementing the
generic functionality offered in the newer version to
replace existing modification and reduce system
complexity by automating existing business process
to simplify future upgrades (Riedel, 2009). New
functionality can be added through modifying the
existing system architecture, although this is
considered to be a major technical challenge which
can result in bugs and performance degradation of
the underlying system (Beatty and Williams, 2006).
In this paper modifications will be categorised as
either user or vendor modifications, in order to
differentiate and establish the impact of
modifications on the upgrade decision. Vendor
modifications are changes introduced to the system
by vendors in collaboration with the organisations’
functional and technical staff. These changes are
normally required because the underlying code of
the system needs extensive modifications to include
features and functionalities which may alter the core
system. Once these changes are integrated for that
specific client, normally the next step would be to
incorporate this new functionality in the standard
future versions to benefit other clients in that
industrial sector.
User modification refers to the changes
introduced by the organisation to meet desired
functionality in accordance to their business process.
This requires an extensive understanding and
knowledge of the underlying system and business
processes, as changes applied in one business
module may affect other modules of the associated
system (Rothenberger and Srite, 2009).
Additionally, ERP vendors do not support extensive
user modifications and several documentations have
reported on the potential threats introduced by these
modifications (see Brehm et al., 2001; Vaucouleur,
2009). Hence, as mechanism to add new
functionality and increase flexibility some
organisations decide to upgrade their systems thus
gaining the additional capabilities and features
introduced in the new version.
2.2.3 Strategic Upgrade
Strategic upgrade entails consolidation of different
systems, through implementing a technological
platform that provides better agility and flexibility to
support system integration. The main focus is on
functionality extension and optimising business
process based on the core new functionality. This
involves significant business process re-engineering
and implementation of new components to
accommodate the business needs to enhance
performance and competitiveness in the market
(Worrell, 2008). The frequent change in business
structures and process, dictate the need for newer
functionality and better technology that can enable
integration with other systems (Olson and Zhao,
2007; Khoo and Robey, 2007).
Likewise Davenport et al. (2004) suggest that the
integration of different instances of the ERP systems
is an on-going process due to mergers and
acquisitions. This creates the need for organisations
to consolidate and stabilise their process and systems
across the different business units. Strategic upgrade
offers a platform where organisation can merge their
business process and simplify procedures in order to
leverage the capabilities offered by the new ERP
version (Olson and Zhao, 2007).
The literature (see Khoo and Robey, 2007; Ng,
2011; Otieno, 2010) outlines a number of reasons
that influence the upgrade decision (table 2).
However, business needs, improved usability and
end of maintenance are found to be more critical
reason and have a direct impact on the decision to
upgrade. According to Beatty and Williams (2006)
the reasons to upgrade can be classified as vendor
pull and organisation push. The classification only
includes vendors, while leaving Government and
consultants aside, hence vendor pull needs
External pull is associated to all external
influences on the decision to upgrade, for example
the reliance on vendor for technical support stresses
the need to upgrade when vendors withdraw support
for the older versions. Organisation push is the
internal upgrade drive which could be influenced by
a variety of reasons, which also shows the
association of the upgrade reasons to the upgrade
strategy. From the classification, it is easier to
deduce that organisation push is an important factor
when making the decision to upgrade.
Table 2: ERP upgrade decisions classification.
Classification Categorisation Reason to Upgrade Upgrade Strategy
External Pull Vendor dependency
End of maintenance
Technical Upgrade
Technology enhancements
Risk mitigation and compliance Legal compliance
Consultant dependency
Organisation push
Business needs New functionality
Functional Upgrade
Standardize functionality
Improve usability
Business policy Management philosophy
Resources availability
Strategic direction
System Integration
Strategic Upgrade
Consolidation of business process
Improve communication between
suppliers and customers
3.1 ERP Decisions Support
Decision support tools have been used previously
during ERP software selection to provide
mechanisms and strategies to support the complex
decision making process involved. The proposed
methodologies and frameworks aimed to support the
selection decisions incorporating numerous criteria
such as business requirements, functionality. For
example, Teltumbde (2000) proposes a methodology
evaluating ERP selection utilising participatory
learning based on nominal group technique and
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Wei et al.
(2005) proposes ERP system selection grounded on
decision maker’ tangible and intangible measures
that are evaluated by using AHP-based approach.
The measures are considered with respect to
organisational requirements that are essential for the
system selection. Liao et al. (2007) proposed a
selection model based on 2-tuple linguistic
information processing. In that study, the ERP
systems information which was represented in
different linguistic terms is grouped using a
similarity degree algorithm. Karsak and Ozogul
(2009) proposes a framework that incorporates
quality function deployment, fuzzy linear regression
and zero-one goal programming to facilitate ERP
software selection decisions. The framework takes
into consideration both the system characteristics
and the company demands to evaluate their
relationships and interactions.
However to date, research on ERP upgrade have
not addressed the usefulness and importance of
decision support approaches in regards to facilitating
ERP upgrading decision. One reason could be that
the use of decision support tools is unwarranted as
Olson and Zhao (2007) explains that upgrading is
regarded to have minimum complications in
comparison to the original ERP implementation.
Though, Beatty and Williams (2006) suggest that
ERP upgrading should be regarded as a new
implementation and therefore requires to be justified
with a strong business case and supported by
business requirements. Hence, there is need to
explore methods and tools that can efficiently
manage and establish the added-value for upgrading,
in the process streamlining the upgrade decision
making process.
3.2 Upgrade Decision Support Tool
At some point either due to technological changes or
new functionality or withdrawal of vendor support
for the older version, ERP clients will have to
upgrade their systems. At this stage the decision
becomes about the timing of the upgrade and the
version to be adopted depending on the resources
and support availability. Khoo and Robey (2007)
suggest that the availability of resources has an
impact on the decision to upgrade, as organisations
will prioritise internal resources only when ERP
upgrades can no longer be postponed. Therefore, the
decision makers are tasked with identifying the best
path to be undertaken when upgrading, one
argument is that the process can be deduced and
fulfilled by common sense. Yet, in order to
appreciate the different versions and decide which
one to adopt, it is vital to understand the functional
enhancements in each new version. It is perceived
that system documentation serves as groundwork for
upgrades as it provides detailed explanation of the
changes in the new systems (Ebersteins and Grabis,
2011). Yet, Zarotsky et al. (2006) points out that
vendor documentation does not extensively outline
the enhancements of the new version which results
into clients failing to see the added-value for
undertaking upgrades.
The literature portrays that decision support
approaches have been useful in supporting decision
makers during ERP software selection, hence similar
methodologies and frameworks have significant
potential to streamline the ERP upgrading decisions
and highlight the added value. However, for the
decision support tool to be effective, it should not
only support the management strategies but provide
a best possible roadmap for undertaking the upgrade
from the technical perspective. Achieving this
feature will require the tool to take into account the
factors that influence the upgrade decisions and
assess the challenges involved during upgrading.
The output from this evaluation should provide a
detailed explanation of a suitable strategy to be
adopted with a detailed process map using non-
technical terminology. The decision support tool
should incorporate functionality that can gauge the
effort and resources required for the upgrade in
order to determine the impact of the upgrade from a
resource and cost perspective.
The decision support tool can be extended to
facilitate objective evaluations of functionality in
different versions to identify the functional
enhancements and map out the functionality against
the business requirement. These evaluations can be
achieved either through conducting gap analysis or
functional impact analysis of the new version. As a
result, it will facilitate identifying the functionality
gap and highlight the added value in order to support
the upgrading decisions. For example Ng and Gable
(2009) propose an upgrade assessment and
recommendation report based on fit-gap analysis
which evaluates the new functionalities with respect
to organisation requirements. The report can be used
to asses if previous modification should be applied
or not, based on understanding the functionality of
the system and in one way influence the decision to
In general, a typical ERP life cycle offers little
distinction between implementation and post-
implementation phases, though, a clear breakdown
of these phases can provide opportunity for
proposing improved mechanisms that support ERP
systems after ‘go-live’. ERP upgrade is considered
as an important aspect in the system life-cycle and
requires significant effort and attention to facilitate
continuous business improvement. This paper has
given an account of ERP systems upgrading,
outlining the upgrade strategies and suggesting
possible challenges associated with each upgrade
Understandably, the decision to upgrade is a
complex undertaking as it involves multiple
influencing factors and upgrade strategies, which
when not planned well may result in disruption to
the business. Therefore, despite limited literature
from an ERP upgrade perspective on the usefulness
of decision support tools, we propose the use of
decision support methodologies to help streamline
the ERP upgrade decision making process. The
upgrade decision support tool will provide a clear
strategy which takes into account the project plans,
timing, resources and training needs to help the
organisation cope with the upgrading process.
Further, it will establish the functional enhancements
of the new version and the added value for
upgrading. Through the use of process maps, it
should support the managerial aspects during the
decision making as well as provide a roadmap for
the upgrade process, highlighting the impact of the
upgrade. This outlined features will form the basis of
future work through expanding the decision support
approach to maximise its usefulness in streamlining
the upgrade decision making process.
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