Business Process Modeling Languages Supporting Collaborative
Hodjat Soleimani Malekan and Hamideh Afsarmanesh
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Post bus 94323, 1090 GH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Keywords: Business Processes, Collaborative Network, Business Process Modeling Languages, Virtual Organizations
(VO), VO Breeding Environments, Service-Oriented Architecture.
Abstract: Formalizing the definition of Business Processes (BPs) performed within each enterprise is fundamental for
effective deployment of their competencies and capabilities within Collaborative Networks (CN). In our
approach, every enterprise in the CN is represented by its set of BPs, so that other enterprises can see and
potentially share them when developing integrated BPs. Adoption of a suitable BP modeling language
(BPML) is therefore critical for this purpose, while challenging due to the variety of existing tools and
standards each with different levels of expressiveness and ambiguities. So far, surveys published on BP
modeling approaches have compared several features of the main BP languages and standards. However,
these surveys mostly focus on specific standards and tools and not on different categories of BPMLs.
Moreover, there are no surveys addressing the need to fulfil CN’s requirements. Therefore, aiming to select
the most suitable BPML for the purpose of modelling and representing BPs in CNs, while overviewing the
defined BPML categories, the paper introduces a new categorization of the main BPMLs. Furthermore,
focusing on enterprise collaboration requirements, a specific set of criteria is introduced for comparing these
categories. Finally, different categories of BPMLs are compared, when addressing their suitability to
support CNs.
Applying Business Process (BP) technologies,
comprising the introduced standards, tools, and
techniques, have greatly influenced enterprises
toward reducing costs, increasing productivity, and
achieving competitive advantage.
Formalizing BPs, performed at every enterprise,
constitutes a fundamental element for effective
cooperation among different enterprises within the
Collaborative Network (CN). While the BP
Management (BPM) systems can handle formally
defined BPs, there are also emerging Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA) approaches that can
utilize formalized BP definitions, to facilitate service
interoperation and enterprise collaboration
(Papazoglou and Heuvel, 2006).
Many Business Process Modeling languages
(BPMLs) and some standards are defined and being
applied to the formalization of BPs in enterprises. A
number of published surveys review the adoption
and evaluation of BPMLs (e.g. Roser and Bauer,
2005); (Ko et al. ,2009) and have already addressed
the comparison between some features of the main
BPMLs and the standards.
The existing surveys however mostly, focus on
pair-wise or group comparison of BP standards or
tools (e.g. BPMN, BPEL, etc.), and do not
emphasize different categories of BPML to which
these standards or tools may belong. For example
the distinct features aimed by their design, such as to
evaluate and emphasize their graphical, ontological,
executional, etc. aspects of the BP modeling, is not
assessed for this purpose.
In this papers, besides introducing a set of
categories for BPMLs, aimed to support their
evaluation and selection of more suitable BPMLs in
support of CNs, a novel analysis method is
introduced to distinguish CN’s peculiarities and to
appraise different BPML categories against them.
Hence, we first briefly present the main concepts
of CNs and BPs, and motivating the CNs, needs to
work with include formalized BPs (in section2).
Then, we review the existing categorizations of the
main BPMLs, and introduce our categorization (in
Soleimani Malekan H. and Afsarmanesh H..
Business Process Modeling Languages Supporting Collaborative Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004420602580266
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 258-266
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In Section 4, we structurally focus on the
collaboration purposes, distinguish a number of most
relevant criteria for comparing the introduced BPML
categories, and analyze them for the aim of
supporting enterprise collaborations.
Finally, our evaluation approach is discussed (in
section5), and our conclusions are presented (in
By collaboration, enterprises gain opportunities to
share their resources, including knowledge, and
information. This can be best achieved, by means of
formalized BPs. BP integration is aimed by
enterprises and also other organizations that wish to
compose value-added services, beyond the
capabilities of their individual organizations
(Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008).
Below, after reviewing some principal
background definitions for CNs and BPs, we present
an analysis of the BPMLs from the CN requirements
point of view.
2.1 Background Definitions
A common definition of Collaborative Network is
presented in (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh,
2008) as: “an alliance constituting a variety of
entities that are autonomous, geographically
distributed, and heterogeneous in terms of their
operating environment, decision making, culture and
social capital, that cooperate/collaborate to better
achieve common/compatible goals, and their
interactions are supported by the computer
The two main categories of CNs are the: Virtual
Organization (VO) and VO Breeding Environment
(VBE). In a VO, partners share their BPs and other
resources to accomplish their common goals.
VBEs, which establish long-term alliances of
organizations, capture and save BPs of partners in
their directories. The broker in the VBE context then
considers selecting and integrating BPs of different
organizations to form new VOs responding to
emerged opportunities. (Afsarmanesh et al., 2011).
BP is defined as a series of one or more linked
procedures or activities, which collectively realize a
business objective or policy-related goal. BPM
comprises concepts, methods, and techniques to
support organizational aspect of processes, which
are needed for the design, administration,
configuration, enactment, and analysis of BPs.
BP modeling focuses on design and execution
aspects of the BPs (Havey, 2009). BP Modeling
aims at representing an abstract but meaningful
demonstration of the real business domains.
2.2 BPMLs in Support of
Beginning of 90s WFMS, which initially was
designed for automatic transformation of electronic
documents, introduced new tools to enable business
analysts with design and define BPs between
systems. For depicting information exchange among
systems, the behavioural concepts (e.g. sequence and
merge) were then applied in BP modelling.
Later in 90s, based on the Business Process Re-
engineering (BPR) as well as embedding the best
business practices, vendors were able to integrate
separate software modules, under the so-called
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. To
support ERPs, the BPMLs have focused on dynamic
aspects of the BPs. Nevertheless the interactions
between the designed modules were not so easy to
For the sake of integrating legacy systems into
customized applications and ERP modules, the
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) (Lee and
Siau, 2003) has tried to remedy the problem of
inefficient BPs’ integration. So, interaction-enabling
entities (e.g. messages) gained significance. This
level of collaboration provided an infrastructure for
cooperation of enterprises through resource sharing,
while preserving their heterogeneity.
During the late 90s, deployment of XML for
integration, changed the co-working intensity of
enterprises to a higher level, called business to
business (B2B) (Havey, 2009).
The challenge of coordinating the BPs adopted
by companies, yielded in integrating autonomous
and independent applications, via loosely coupled
mechanism of SOA (Papazoglou and Heuvel, 2006).
SOA is applied to support alignment and
integration of web services, to achieve their
successful cooperation. Furthermore, the alliance of
standard bodies, e.g. BPMI and OMG, in
introducing the BPMN, facilitated the cooperation
among organizations.
At Present, the BP mining (van der Aalst and
Dustar, 2012) and diagnosis approaches that address
BP monitoring and their continuous improvement,
are promising research lines in BP context.
Targeting the variety of existing BP languages and
standards, every BP modelling category introduced
in the main related publications focuses on a set of
attributes and specification of the BPMLs. The focus
of our categories lies on identifying the capabilities
as well as adaptability features in each category, in
relation to the criteria of facilitating collaboration
through formalized BPs. Therefore, we first study a
large number of related scientific publications, in
order to select the set of most recent and relevant
BPML publications.
In this section, first we briefly address the most
relevant categories that are defined for BPML in
publications, and then introduce our categorization.
3.1 Classification Approaches
Current reviews of BPMLs can be divided into two
main classes of “General Reviews” and “Particular
Evaluation”. Publications that can be classified as
“General Review” are mostly focused on general
uses, and on encompassing the main specifications
of the BPML categories. For example, (Ko et al.,
2009) is a survey focusing on Business Process
Management standards, and (Havey, 2009) focuses
on “good” BP modeling architecture.
Another example is (Mili et al., 2010) that
focuses on overview of BP Modeling, where it first
addresses business goals and aspects (i.e. functional,
informational, etc.), and then introduces the four
categories of BPMLs, including: Traditional BPML
(e.g. IDEF), Object-Oriented BPML (e.g. UML),
Dynamic BPML (e.g. WS-BPEL), and Process
Integration BPML (e.g. WS-CDL).
On the other hand, publications in the “Particular
Evaluations” class focus on BPML categorization
for specific purposes (Roser and Bauer, 2005); (Lu
and Sadiq, 2007); (and De Nicola et al., 2007). For
example, in (De Nicola et al., 2007) the categories
are introduced around the subject of “introducing an
ontological approach for BP Modeling”, including
Descriptive (e.g. BPMN), Procedural (e.g. XPDL),
Formal (e.g. PSL), and Ontology-based (e.g. OWL-
3.2 Proposed BPML Categories
Considering the general purpose of our research, and
comparing to the above-mentioned different
classifications, we have first design a more
comprehensive framework with six classes of:
“graphical”, “formal”, “executional, “ontological”,
“interoperational”, and “monitorial” to capture all
kinds of BPMLs, as addressed in table 1.
Due to space limitation, the main characteristics
of each of these six categories, and their main
representative example BPMLs are only briefly
described in the following subsections, while the
main examples are also represented in table 1. Please
note that in principle, it is possible for a BPML to be
represented as an example of more than one
category. However, here we have placed each
BPML only in its most representative category.
Table 1: Our introduced categorisations.
BPML Categories Categories’ Members Examples
Graphical IDEF, EPC, UML, BPMN
Formal Petri-Net, Pi-Calculus, PSL, Reo
Executional BPEL, WS-CDL, XPDL, YAWL
Ontological OWL-s, WSMO, BPDM
Interoperational RosettaNet, ebXML (BPSS)
Monitorial BPRI, BPQL
The reasoning behind our categorization and how
we outline the six specific classes is depicted in the
graph of figure1.
Figure 1: A tree graph of our categorization method.
Graphical BPMLs: The classical generation of
these categories of modeling languages mostly
emphasizes on illustrating the system behaviour and
its abstraction in graphical picturesque format. They
are not typically formal.
Formal BPMLs: Founded upon mathematical
principles, these languages have emerged. Although,
adoption graphical symbols has happened in some of
these languages, but difficulties in user’s
understanding and interaction hold them mostly at
theoretical and mainly academic utilizations.
Executional BPMLs: Computer executable
languages let BPs to be deployed by software
engines. They are developed based on XML
structure, and clarify BPs by their computerized
Uses textual
Uses full
capability of
Inter -Operational
Uses graphical
for BP flow
Requires XML
Uses a
ontology for
BP definition
Extends interaction of
collaborative processes
and mining
of BPs
semantics, and mostly industries use them for BP
modelling and service invocation.
Ontological BP Languages: As anticipated, this
category focuses on modeling semantic capture.
Also, try to constitute the base for an increasing
number of BP modelling languages, each proposing
different metamodels. The ontological layer in these
languages clarifies the roles, entities, and
interactions. This category has also the advantages
of using XML formats.
Interoperational BPMLs: Modeling public
sharable processes of partners, especially in E-
Business interactions, among all business partners, is
the key concern in this category. XML standard
series are the main players in collaborative business
Monitorial BPMLs: Contemporary BP modeling
trends focus on diagnosis iteration of the BPM
Lifecycle. The diagnosis consists of monitoring and
resolving the deadlocks or problems in BP’s flow.
Furthermore, extract and unambiguous approach for
recognizing BPs based on a dynamic logging of
process behaviour, the so-called process mining (van
der Aalst and Dustar, 2012).
Putting emphasis on categories and not every
BPML, multi-aspect evaluation of a phenomenon
requires a methodology, to support maximal
coverage of the target area. For the purpose of
appraising BPMLs in supporting CNs requirements,
we should consider both the BPs and the CNs
aspects simultaneously. So, our designed evaluation
methods as well as our evaluation process are
discussed in following sub-sections, respectively.
4.1 Evaluation Method
For our evaluation, we are following a goal-based
approach, described in (Goldkuhl and Lagsten,
2012). Several goal-settings have been introduced by
different approaches. For instance a set of generic
software process modeling objectives have been
specified in (Curtis et al., 1992). Non-functional
requirment’s objectives are presented in (Chung and
do Prado, 2009) supporting process dependency
discovery, needed for change management. These
context-aware objectives still hold today. But for our
purposes, to support more effective BP collaboration
in a CN, we further add the criteria “to support
enterprise collaboration” into this context.
Extending the epistemological-view framework
for BPMLs evaluation, introduced by (Frank, 1998);
in our goal-oriented approach consist of the
following steps: “Focus” on language categories,
design the “contextual model” for evaluation”,
“review” the context and then distinguish the
“primary” and “complementary guidelines” to
evaluate our findings through “context analysis”.
Based on the debate in section 2, our primary
aim is to focus on supporting collaboration through
formalized BPs and evaluating BPML categories for
this purpose extract the collaborative intention
aspects within the CNs.
This goal-based approach has focused on
qualitative criteria and indicators, related to setting
goals systematically. As the evaluation method, we
adopt Critical Success Factors (CSFs) method, and
follow the requirements of achieving established
objectives, by running a Critical Success Factors
Analysis (CFA) explained in (OASIS, 2008)
CNs have their particularity, and the formalized
BPMLs should support achieving CNs’ goals. To
better characterize the particularities of the CNs, and
especially VOs and VBEs, we apply the “Reference
model for Collaborative Networks (ARCON)”
(Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008).
We have performed a CFA study to find out the
CN-compliant CSFs and the vital requirement
indicators for achieving our goal. This study is based
on technical reviews and experts opinions. We then
discuss the BPML categories versus the identified
and recognized CN requirement indicators.
4.2 Evaluation Process
According to the (ARCON) model (Camarinha-
Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008), and our discussion
and CN’s definition in section 2.1, the following
aspects indicate the main constitutional objective
themes in the CN discipline, extracted from its
standard definition:
Goal-orientation [focusing on goals through
business interactions]
Infrastructure for Commonality [support the
co-working and coordination toward goals]
Managing Node Heterogeneity [support non-
uniform properties, e.g. operational processes]
Network enabled [supported by the computer
As the first CSF, to enable successful collaboration,
BP modeling tool should provide enough
“comprehensibility” for partners (e.g. BP Analysts).
The “ease of use” is another issue, which supports
convenient interoperation through CNs.
“expressiveness for behaviour”, is the next
challenging issue for enactment of BPs in CNs.
Also, for cost-effective achievement of goal in CNs,
“accessibility” of BP documents and standards has
to be considered. The coverage of CN’s objective
and the introduced CSFs are illustrated in table 2.
The asterisk represents the minimal coverage
between our CSF and CN’s objective elements.
Table 2: Coverage of CN’s objectives and CSFs.
Ease of Use
Goal-Orientation *
Commonality * *
Heterogeneity * * *
Network enabled *
Finally, we introduce a series of generic required
indicators from BP modeling context to appraise the
suitability of our categories for CNs.
Understandability: Ease of interpretation and
capture by which under specified circumstances, the
user can interpret an instance, model, analyse, and
develop the BP model (Mendling et al., 2007)
Expressability: Capability to represent the process
model’s attributes like: control, resources, flow
structures, data, and etc.(Kiepuszewski, 2002)
Flexibility: The ease with which in BP modeling the
modifications are possible in types and instances,
based on incomplete bstraction (Lu and Sadiq,
Availability: The amount and degree to which
business process modeling documents in specific
formats, and standards are accessible and adoptable.
They are ready-to-use for desired collaboration by
the organizations (Milanivic, 2008).
Enactability: The ambition of acquiring capability
to completely execute of the BP model directly and
without exploiting extra tools and information
(Russell, 2006).
Figure 2 represents the CFA analysis diagram.
The figure depicts our evaluation method.
We are following a two-dimensional descriptive
evaluation. The first dimension consists of BP
modeling languages categories. Six comprehensive
categories are introduced and defined. Please note
that we focus here on BPML categories instead of
the languages, so there are a number of choices of
BPMLs in each category for CNs to select. Due to
their importance in our evaluation model, the
analysis of six categories versus requirements
indicators are further defined and exemplified.
Figure 2: Interconnections in CFA Diagram.
5.1 Availability
The notion of availability has its roots in reliability
idea, which implies, ratio of the time that users have
received the service according to prior level of
agreements. Unavailability of a modeling BP
language happens when we don’t have “steady-
state”, “intervals”, and “user-perceived” availability
(Milanivic et al., 2008). For our evaluation, we
assume availability as the existence of BPML
documents within the context of CNs.
The annual research of BPM Market (Wolf and
Harmon, 2012), since 2005, thoroughly has surveyed
the BPM trends in different aspects. In its 2012
report, the survey runs around evaluation of BPM is
addressed in that report.
It can be noticed that the availability of graphical
BPMLs is at the highest level. For example BPMN’s
usage is within 60% of all organizations.
Meanwhile, there is less availability for ontological
BPMLs (e.g. BPDM). Although, the debate on the
timely development of trends is not the focus of this
paper, but decrease in attraction level of BPEL
during recent years is noticeable. Even interest and
availability of UML and EPC slightly decrease. Also
according to that survey the pervasiveness of the rest
of BPML categories (e.g. interoperational, formal)
are the lowest in usage ranking. So, it is expected
that organizations initiate collaboration in CNs
applying graphical BPMLs, and especially BPMN.
5.2 Enactability
As it is discussed in (van der Aalst et al., 2003) that
after accomplishing “process design” and “system
configuration” at the third step of the BPM’s
lifecycle “process enactment” is located right before
the “diagnosis” step. Which make it challenging.
The more independent is the BPML from the
technology and vendor executable environments, the
better its enactability in CNs.
Adopting formal semantics for better enactment
(ter Hofstede et al., 2010) supports – and does not
contradict the increase in understandability (van der
Aalst et al. 2003) – in support of the requirements in
Executional BPMLs enable the enactments of
BPs, for sharing BPs and automatically executing
them through machine understandable structures.
But, despite their common executional capabilities,
they have their particularities.
BPEL describes behaviour of BPs within
interaction between process and its partner, and
efficiently supports orchestration. WS-CDL
executional aspect consists of choreography. Within
the executional BPML category, some of the
languages such as BPEL have restrictive syntax, and
some (e.g. YAWL) have exact executional syntax
(ter Hoftstede 2010).
Some formal languages - except embedded
notions like (pi-calculus in WSCDL) provide
graphical enactability interface, e.g. in reo and Petri
net. Ontological BPMLs, because of their XML
supporting structures have convenient level of
In interoperational BPML category, XML
enactability is embedded, but with some difficulties
e.g. naming and XML reusability in RosettaNet
(Damodaran, 2004) or deficiencies in event handling
during interactions (Green et al., 2007). Ontological
BPML category focuses on semantic aspects (e.g.
OWL-s), and runs enactment in an abstract level.
5.3 Expressability
To express different kinds of BPs (e.g. private,
public, or collaborative) in the CN environment, the
expressability power of BPML is important. The
expressive power of modeling language represents
the possibility of expressing constructs in direct or
indirect manner (Kiepuszewski et al., 2002). These
constructs comprise: control, resources, data,
organization, execution, and behaviour of a business
models. Expressability encompasses the notion of
suitability, which focuses on modeling and implies
conformance of the BPML with for instance 43
workflow patterns introduced in (Russell et al.,
2006). Although, the evaluated domain in that paper
does not focus on BPML categories, but provides a
general inception for comparison of BPML
While we map BPMLs’ evaluation in (Russell et
al., 2006) to our proposed categories, a number of
these patterns e.g. “discrimination”, “milestone”,
“partially join”, etc. are the kind of patterns which
languages and standards have difficulties in
expressing them.
Nevertheless generally, the graphical BPML
category has better compatibility, while in
executional category- except for YAWL- languages
have some deficiencies, for example for supporting
“Arbitrary Cycle”, because of their rigidity in
capturing real-world abstraction.
Formal languages category members have good
capability of expressiveness, because of their
mathematical foundation, e.g. Petri-Net; expressive
power (van der Aalst et al., 2003) used in workflow
pattern design, or constraint automata is used in the
Reo. Ontological languages use logical basis for
instance in OWL-s for representing better
5.4 Flexibility
Due to inherit dynamicity of CNs, the flexibility of
the applied BPML for representing their BPs is
fundamental for representation. BPMLs try to
sustain their dynamicity in coping with expected and
unexpected changes, through adopting flexibility. In
(Schonenberg, 2008) four types of flexibility are
mentioned as follows: “design”, ”deviation”,
”underspecification” and “change”.
For flexibility support, mostly in two first above-
types, BPMLs rely on their pre-design notations and
are abstract from flexibility concerns. On the other
hands, the block-based (rule-based) BPMLs could
manage the flexibility in higher level (e.g. deviation
or underspesification) (Lu and Sadiq, 2007).
In the graphical BPML category, flexibility
within different languages and standards is
considered in different ways. In BPMN, by
predicting three types of diagram for collaboration,
and for the concepts of pool and lane, the
decomposition for changes is possible. The frame
and frame heading techniques in UML 2.0 Activity
Diagram let the elements of the languages to be
defined and described in a modular and flexible
structure. So, “design and deviation” are supported.
In formal category, mathematical concepts help
to retain model identity, for instance the structure of
Atomic and Complex activities in PSL. Besides,
graphical representation in Petri-Net and Reo
simplifies the modification flexibilities. So, “design
and deviation” are supported.
The XML-based structures usually support
flexibility in design and changes, and even
underspesification, to certain extent (Schonenberg,
2008). YAWL, BEPL (inter-relations), and WSCDL
(choreography) support various types of flexibility.
Even RosettaNet PIP techniques, channelizes the
modifications. This benefit supports within block-
based structure. Ontological BPML category
considers flexibility at convenient level, which let
modification to be based on primary definition of
BPs (e.g. process model definition in OWL-s).
5.5 Understandability
CN stackholders are quite varied, and BP
representation shall facilitate their proper
underestandability for their interactions. This notion
has been reviewed and analysed during several
works especially verses the complexity as the other
extreme. Generally, understandability comprises the
following two aspects in (Mendling et al., 2007):
Model-related factors, which affect the
understandability, e.g. unambiguity, simplicity.
Person-related factors, which have close relations
to domain knowledge of participants and their
Although, for supporting understandability, there is
a number of guidelines e.g. the smaller size of the
model, makes models better for understanding but,
the ease of “comprehension of a model”, “presenting
without error”, and “labelling less ambiguous”
constitute main understandability’s principles in
Usually, graph-based languages are more
understandable than rule-based ones (Lu and Sadiq,
2007). That is also the reason why they become
more popular at enterprises. However, within
graphical standards, BPMN is more complex for
understanding compared to UML and EPC (Green et
al., 2007). Even by adopting graphical depiction and
interfaces, the formal category of BPMLs is less
understandable than graphical languages, namely
EPC versus Petri-Net.
Executional and ontological BPML categories
because of having less cooperation with human side,
their understandability is under criticism. Also, the
interoperational standards (e.g. the PIP technics in
Rosettanet) are at a more abstract level of
(Damodaran, 2004).
5.6 Comparing Results
A set of requirement indicators is represented for
evaluating BPML categories at the second level of
our evaluation. Through goal-based approach and by
using a CFA method, we have identified six
requirement criteria that help us to measure the
collaboration support by BPMLs. The result of our
evaluation is summarized in table 3.
In this table we use four levels of support as:
Strong, Sufficient, Moderate and Not addressed
levels, from the CN’s members relative points of
view. Because of the analytical theme of the paper,
we have opted for the qualitative survey method.
As it is studied in previous sections, the
graphical category has the main advantages of
understandability and availability. Executional
category is strong in enactability and flexibility of
BPs, further to offering less ambiguity whose
importance in modelling the real world should not
be disregarded. Although lacking interactive
graphical depiction, needed for less technical users,
is a serious criticism.
Table 3: Summary of comparisons.
indicators in
of CN
Graphical ++ +/- +/- ++ +/-
Formal -- ++ +/- -- +/-
Executional +/- +/- ++ -- +/-
Ontological +/- ++ +/- +/- +/-
Interoperational +/- +/- ++ +/- +/-
Monitorial N N N N N
Formal Languages due to complexity of their
user interaction, are not pervasive, but should be
considered as the supporting layer for soundness for
graphical modeling languages. Ontological BPMLs,
because of their well-defined semantics, and their
focus on graphical and executional aspects, are
desirable but not yet sufficiently mature and popular.
The interoperational BPML category is just used
for support of interaction/collaboration, but they
mostly emphasize interactions instead of abstract BP
modelling from real world, also their flexibility level
and understandability problems are of serious
++: Strong support +/-: Sufficient support
--: Moderate support N: Not Addressed
concerns for users. Monitorial BP Languages are not
practically fitting in this context to evaluate,
although promising for future CN requirements.
In this paper, we presented a review of BPMLs,
from the point of view of their suitability for
supporting collaboration among enterprises. Rooted
in (Frank, 98), we extended the model for evaluation
of BPML categories. First our “focus” represents
categories of BPMLs (section3). Then the
contextual model” is proposed based on CN’s
reference model. Our “review” step resulted in six
BPML categories (table 1). As the guidelines for
evaluation, the “primary guidelines” is provided by
CSFs, and the “complementary guidelines” gives us
requirement indicators (table 2 and figure2). Finally,
representing “context analysis” of these guidelines
through discussions (in subsections 5.1-5.5) and the
summary (table 3).
Due to adopting a partially qualitative analysis
approach used for reviewing and evaluating BPMLs,
our analysis conclusions are not fully objective.
Nevertheless, our results in table 3 represents the
most appropriate categories of BPMLs that can
support each aspect of collaboration, e.g. for
technical BP expressability purposes, the formal and
ontological BPML categories are more suitable than
others, especially for adoption in VBEs and VOs.
Applying the results gained in our evaluation
approach, in practice to model the processes in
typical CN context, and depending on the
environment requirements, the domain experts may
tends towards taking advantage of the BPMN or
OWL-s for BP integration purposes.
This work is partially supported by the FP7 project
GLONET, funded by the European Commission.
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