Accommodating Individual Differences in Web Based Instruction
(WBI) and Implementation
Rana A. Alhajri, Steve Counsell and XiaoHui Liu
Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, Middlesex, U.K.
Keywords: Web-Based Instruction, Individual Differences, System Features.
Abstract: Hypermedia systems have gained attraction for the purposes of teaching and learning. These systems
provide users with freedom of navigation that allows them to develop learning pathways. Empirical
evidence indicates that not all learners can benefit from hypermedia learning systems. In order to develop a
learning environment, individual differences need to be taken into account to ensure they impact on
students’ achievements. In this paper, we describe and propose a web based instruction (WBI) program
which accommodates preferences of individual differences; learner’s prior knowledge and cognitive styles
using the three key design elements of navigation tools, display options and content scope are explored. We
also add learner’s gender behaviour as a third dimension of individual differences.
There have been numerous research studies on the
effect of hypermedia on learners using Web Based
Instruction (WBI), (Chen and Liu, 2008);
(Torkzadeh and Lee, 2003); (Chen et al., 2006). A
learner’s performance is determined by their varying
skills and abilities and various personal features such
as age, gender, interests, preferences and
background knowledge of course content. Such
differences, known as “individual differences” of
learners, have been found to be important human
factors in the development of non-linear learning
systems (Calcaterra et al., 2005); (Mitchell et al.,
2005). WBI design can provide flexible navigational
tools for teaching and learning in a non-linear
learning approach (Pituch and Lee, 2006); (Minetou,
et al., 2008); examples include a main menu, a
hierarchical map or an alphabetical index and search
In order to develop a learning environment,
individual differences need to be taken into account
to ensure they impact on students’ achievements.
This environment must be suitable for their
differences, including their learning styles,
preferences and needs (Samah et al., 2011). Thus,
many research studies have attempted to find ways
of building systems to be robust and accommodate
preferences of individual differences.
In this paper, we propose a WBI program which
accommodates preferences of some individual
differences using mechanism provided in Chen and
Liu (2008) and a framework of Chen et al., (2006).
Our WBI program and its implementation consider
individual differences such as learner’s prior
knowledge, gender, and cognitive styles (field
dependent and field independent). These
considerations are reflected in the three key design
elements, navigation tools, display options, and
content scope in the structure of our proposed WBI.
The web-learning environment includes various
multimedia lessons such as text, animation, graphics,
video and sound. It is important that trainers are
easily able to recognize information resources that
match user’s needs. Users should have a flexible
interface to accommodate their needs and should be
able to identify relevant content and navigation
support, freely move around and scan results. Many
research studies have been engaged in finding ways
to build such systems to be a robust hypermedia-
learning environment that can accommodate the
individual differences. Existing studies suggest that
a non-linear learning approach in hypermedia
learning systems may not be suitable to all learners
(Chen and Macredie, 2002). Learners may have
different backgrounds, especially in terms of their
A. Alhajri R., Counsell S. and Lui X..
Accommodating Individual Differences in Web Based Instruction (WBI) and Implementation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004424702810289
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2013), pages 281-289
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
knowledge, skills and needs, so they may show
various levels of engagement in course content
(Wang, 2007). Therefore, many studies argue that no
one style results in better performance. However,
learners whose browsing behavior was consistent
with their own favoured styles obtained the best
performance results (Calcaterra et al., 2005);
(Khalsa, 2013).
2.1 Individual Differences
Previous studies demonstrated the importance of
individual differences as a factor in the design of
web-based instruction. Such individual differences
have significant effects on user learning in web-
based instruction, which may affect the way in
which they learn from, and interact with,
hypermedia systems. These range from cognitive
styles (Kim, 2001); (Chen and Macredie, 2004);
(Workman, 2004), to prior knowledge (Hölscher and
Strube, 2000); (Calisir and Gurel, 2003); (Mitchell,
et al., 2005) to gender differences (Schumacher and
Morahan-Martin, 2001); (Roy et al., 2003);
(Beckwith et al., 2005).
The individual difference factors identified in our
research to influence the learner’s performance are
Cognitive Styles such as Field Dependent vs. Field
Independent, Prior Knowledge such as Novice vs.
Expert, and Gender differences.
Gender. Navigation is an important issue in Web-
based interaction. Some studies have found that
there are relationships between navigation patterns
and gender differences. Large et al., (2002) studied
the behaviour of gender differences when retrieving
information from the Web. They found that males
were more actively engaged in browsing than the
females. Generally, the males explored more
hypertext links per minute, tended to perform more
page jumps per minute, entered more searches in
search engines, and gathered and saved information
more often than the females, although males spent
less time viewing pages than females. These
findings agreed to those of Roy et al., (2003) who
examined student’s navigation styles. Their findings
had shown that males tended to perform more page
jumps per minute, which indicates that males
navigate the information space in a non-linear way.
On the other hand, females browsed the entire linked
documents and followed a linear navigation
Prior Knowledge. Learners with different levels of
prior knowledge, from experts to novices, benefit
differently from hypermedia learning systems
(Calisir and Gurel, 2003); (Wildemuth, 2004). Many
studies argue that there are different levels of
perceptions in using hypermedia learning systems
which require different ways to navigate (Shin et al.,
1994); (McDonald and Stevenson, 1998); (Calisir
and Gurel, 2003).
Torkzadeh and Lee (2003) discussed how to
understand users’ prior knowledge which can
influence the system success directly and indirectly.
The main conclusions were: (1) Users with lower
domain knowledge gain more benefits from the
hypermedia tutorial than those with higher prior
knowledge, (2) Examples are useful vehicles for the
users with low levels of domain knowledge; and (3)
Users who enjoy the Web and Web-based learning
are more able to cope with the non-linear interaction.
Recent reviews show that the hypothesized
advantages of a high level of learner control are
valid for learners with high prior knowledge only
(Scheiter and Gerjets, 2007); (Schnotz and Heiß,
2009); (Chen et al., 2006). Therefore, learners with
high prior knowledge experience fewer difficulties
and do not need additional support in navigating
hypermedia systems. Moreover, some studies
suggest that users with more system experience have
more efficient navigation strategies than users with
less experience (Fidel et al., 1999); (Hill and
Hannafin, 1997); (Lazonder et al., 2000).
Cognitive Styles. Cognitive style refers to the
preferred way individuals process information and
research into individual differences suggests that a
learner’s cognitive style has considerable effect on
his or her learning in hypermedia systems. Many
studies use statistical methods to analyze learners’
preferences (Lee et al., 2009). Moreover, in a
traditional, non-multimedia learning environment,
matching a user’s cognitive style with content
presentation has been shown to enhance
performance and improve perception (Ford and
Chen, 2001). Cognitive style is known as an
important factor influencing learners’ preferences.
There are many dimensions to cognitive styles, such
as field dependent versus field independent,
visualized versus verbalized or holistic-global versus
focused-detailed. Discussed below is the dimension
of field dependent versus field independent, which is
the most common cognitive style.
Field independent learners have an impersonal
behaviour. They are not interested in others and
show both physical and psychological distance from
people. They tend not to need external referencing
methods to process information and are capable of
restructuring their knowledge and developing their
own internal referencing methods (Chen and Liu,
Field dependent learners have interpersonal
behaviour in that they show strong interest in others
and prefer to be physically close to people. They
make greater use of external social influences for
structuring their information. Field dependent
learners are more attentive to social cues than field
independent learners (Chen and Liu, 2008).
2.2 Hypermedia/Program Design
Hypermedia is advancement over the traditional
Computer Based Learning systems since hypermedia
allows the users to choose their own path to navigate
through the material available. Hypermedia also
allows non-linear access to large amounts of
information and provides users with greater
navigation control to browse information.
Hypermedia provides a flexible approach which
helps users to work with the information from
different points of view. Chen, et al. (2006)
developed a framework to help users with various
levels of prior knowledge. The aim of Chen, et al.
(2006) framework was to integrate users' prior
knowledge into the design of hypermedia learning
systems based on the analysis of previous research.
This framework includes four elements:
disorientation problems, content scope, navigation
tools and additional support. Those elements will be
discussed below:
Disorientation Problems. Many studies argued that
not all learners are able to manage the high level of
links accessed by hypermedia systems. Such studies
indicate that learners' prior knowledge is an
important factor with significant influence. To
quote: "novice hypermedia users met more
disorientation problems and needed analogies with
conventional structures if they were to learn
successfully" (Chen et al., 2006). McDonald and
Stevenson (1998) examined the effects of prior
knowledge on hypermedia navigation and showed
that users who lacked sufficient prior knowledge
demonstrated more disorientation problems because
they tended to open more additional notes; this
suggests they could not recall where they had been
and they had difficulties in finding the information
they required.
Additional Support and Display Options. Many
studies argue that hypermedia learning seems to be
more suitable for expert users. Conversely, novice
users experience more disorientation problems, so it
is essential to provide them with additional support
through mechanisms such as advisement (Shin et al.,
1994), graphical overviews (De Jong and Van der
Hulst, 2002) and structural cues (Hsu and Schwen,
Chen et al., (2006) argued that research in this area
shows that additional support can be provided to
help novices in hypermedia learning. Advisement,
which provides learners with visual aids and
recommended navigation paths is helpful in
preventing disorientation in non-linear hypermedia
learning. As novice learners cannot rely on their
prior knowledge to help them structure the text,
graphical overviews and structural cues are powerful
and beneficial in providing navigation guidance so
as to ease disorientation problems. The results in the
study by Chen and Liu (2008) showed that "different
cognitive style groups tend to favour different
display options". Moreover, the study of Chen and
Liu (2008) had shown that field-independent
students are capable of extracting relevant
information from the detailed description because
they have a tendency to use their own internal
references. However, field-dependent students rely
more heavily on external cues and prefer to get
concrete examples. Thus, field-dependent users look
at examples, while field-independent users
frequently examine the detailed descriptions.
Content Scope. Chen et al., (2006) indicated that
experts focused on locating detailed information by
using depth-first strategies, started from the first link
on the initial site, then followed links until they
found a suitable site. Conversely, novices tended to
get an overview by using breadth-first strategies,
following the first link of the initial site, without
browsing any links in depth. Chen and Liu (2008)
concluded that field-independent users tend to
browse fewer pages than field-dependent users. An
explanation provided in this study is that field-
independent users tend to be more analytical, are
very task-oriented and pay attention to particular
topics related to their learning. In contrast, field-
dependent users observe objects as a whole and
process information in a global fashion. Thus, they
tend to browse many pages to build an overall
picture of the content. These findings strengthen the
claim of previous research that field-independent
people are good at analytical thought, whereas field-
dependent people have global perceptions
(Goodenough, 1976); (Witkin et al., 1977). To show
additional topics for field-dependent students who
would like to get a global picture of the subject
content, a pop-up window can be used.
Navigation Tools. Navigation tools are used in
current hypermedia learning systems, most
commonly hierarchical maps and alphabetical
indices, each of which provides different functions
for information access. For example, hierarchical
maps provide an overview of the global structure of
the context, while alphabetical indices are useful for
locating specific information (Chen and Macredie,
Carmel et al., (1992) found that experts were more
interested in using tools that could facilitate the
location of detailed information related to specific
entities. Pazzani (1991) found that experts profited
most from a flexible path, whereas novices benefited
most from a structured path. Moreover, in the study
of Möller and Müller-Kalthoff (2000), novices
appeared to benefit from hierarchical maps, which
can facilitate the integration of individual topics. A
possible explanation for these findings is that the
hierarchical map not only reveals the document
structure (i.e., the physical arrangement of a
document), but also reflects the conceptual structure
(i.e., the relationships between different concepts).
In other words, the hierarchical map can help
novices incorporate the document structure into the
conceptual structure, which helps them to integrate
their knowledge. Research of Chen et al., (2006) had
shown that experts and novices had different
preferences to, and get benefit from, different
navigation support. Expert learners need to have
navigation tools that provide them with free
navigation and find specific information that they
need. Index tools, content lists and search tools are
shown to be helpful for them. However, navigation
tools such as map and menu tools are beneficial for
novice learners in hypermedia learning systems. In
Chen and Liu (2008), results showed that field-
dependent and field-independent users were
provided different preferences for navigation tools.
Field-independent users often prefer the alphabetical
index, which provides users with the means to locate
particular information without going through a fixed
sequence (Chen and Macredie, 2002). On the
contrary, field-dependent users often use the
hierarchical map to illustrate the relationships
among different concepts (Turns et al., 2000) which
reflects the conceptual structure of the subject
content (Nilsson and Mayer, 2002).
In Table 1 we show the results of the study by Chen
and Liu (2008) which can be considered as a
mechanism to help designers develop WBI
programs; it achieved this by accommodating the
preferences of both field independent (FI) and field
dependent (FD) learners. The previous discussions
show that there are many studies engaged in
studying learner’s behaviors using hypermedia
systems, trying to accommodate their preferences in
the design of such systems. Using some existing
designs (Chen and Liu, 2008); (Chen et al., 2006)
we built our system by accommodating learner’s
preferences; our proposed system was conducted to
provide researchers with factors may help to do
investigations on the impact of individual
differences after using our system. Many studies
were engaged in studying the preferences and
performance of learners using different measuring
factors after using hypermedia systems; those
measuring factors could be time, number of visited
pages and gained score (Large et al., 2002); (Roy et
al., 2003); (McDonald and Stevenson, 1998);
(Mitchell et al., 2005); (Kim, 2001); (Chen and Liu,
2008); (Chen et al., 2006). The WBI program
provides the users with hyperlinks within the
hierarchical map on the right frame and an
alphabetical index on the left frame as shown in
Figure 1.
Our WBI program presents instructions on how to
complete several tasks using Microsoft PowerPoint.
We chose Microsoft PowerPoint as the subject for
the experiment because it has been taught to all of
our students during their high school years.
Furthermore, it is one subject that is taught to all of
the different majors in the Higher Institute of
Telecommunication and Navigation, where the
experiment was conducted.
3.1 Design of the Proposed System
In our research, our objective is to use the
mechanism from Chen and Liu (2008) as shown in
Table 1 and the frame work of Chen et al., (2006), to
develop an agile WBI program; the program should
be flexible enough to offer multiple options tailored
to the distinctive individual differences such as field
dependent and field independent in addition to
experts and novices learners. The WBI program will
focus on the structure of using three key design
elements such as navigation tools, display options
and content scope.
Navigation Tools. Our WBI program provides the
users with hyperlinks within the text based
instructions, navigation tools, including a
hierarchical map and alphabetical index (Figure 1
Table 1: Results from Chen and Liu (2008). FI: Field Independent, FD: Field Dependent.
Navigation tool Display options Content scope
Figure 1: The main page of the WBI.
The following are the description of the window and
its two frames:
1) Hierarchical Map (Figure 2): In this frame, a user
can find a hierarchical structure that includes 31
topics displayed in 5 main sections. Each topic is
a hyperlink when a user click on it two actions
will happen, the first one is that the current
window (including the left and the right frame)
will be changed to another view where the
chosen topic will be highlighted. At the same
time the topic title will be displayed under the
index on the left frame. The other action is that a
popup window will be introduced to show the
instructions of the chosen topic (Figure 3).
2) Index of the Topic: When the user selects a letter
trying to search for a specific topic, the frame
will be changed to show keywords of some
topics to give the user the ability to choose a
specific topic (Figure 4). However the right
frame will not be changed.
Display Options. Chen and Liu (2008) state: “field-
dependent students rely more heavily on external
cues, thus, they prefer to get concrete guidance from
examples. One of the possible ways to address their
different needs is to show both of the display
options, detailed description and concrete examples,
within a table. By using a table, all of the relevant
information about a particular case can put together
in one place. For example, one column can be used
to present the detailed descriptions of a particular
topic, while the other column provides the
illustration with examples for that topic”.
In our WBI, each topic will be presented in two
display options, description details and illustrated
examples (Chen et al., 2006). Figure 3 shows the
design of a topic page presenting the same structure
(description and examples). All the topics reached
from the index and map conform to the same design
(Figure 3) so that we do not influence participant
choice over the two different navigational tools.
Figure 2: Chosen topic from the Hierarchical Map frame.
Figure 3: The webpage design of the popup window to
display the topic contents.
Content Scope. Chen and Liu (2008) also state:
“field-dependent students use a global approach to
process information so they tend to build an overall
picture by browsing more pages. One of the
potential solutions to deal with their different
requirements is to use a pop-up window, which is a
secondary window to provide additional information
about selected objects by clicking a hypertext link”.
The WBI program provides the users with an
additional hyperlinked popup window named
“Further Details” which displays deeper instructions
about the topic they are currently viewing (Figure 5).
A link for the Further Details’ popup window can be
found in the Topic window (Figure 3). The user can
then close any currently opened popup windows and
return to the frames page (shown in Figure 2).
Figure 4: Topics displayed after choosing a letter from the
Figure 5: Displaying further details of the chosen topic.
3.2 Procedure
The experiment consisted of four phases. In Phase 1,
participants were asked to refresh their prior
knowledge by practicing 30 minutes on PowerPoint.
Phase 2, a pre-test (a paper test prior to performing
the experiment via WBI) was conducted on the
participants to measure their prior knowledge
(novice or expert). In Phase 3, all participants were
given an introduction to the use of the WBI program
highlighting the map and index navigational tools.
Students were given the freedom of choice between
those tools. The students were then handed out a set
of tasks to complete on PowerPoint while utilizing
the WBI. All of their interactions with the WBI were
logged by the system. The maximum allowed time
to complete the tasks was 2 hours. In Phase 4, the
students were given another paper test (post-test) to
measure their knowledge gain from utilizing the
WBI program. Gain score (G-score) was calculated
by subtracting the pre-test score from the post-test
score. Both pre-test and post-test consisted of 20
multiple-choice questions. Each question had five
different answers with: the "I don’t know" choice
being the last. Students were instructed to choose
only one response. The questions on both tests
targeted similar key points. However, they were
rephrased on the post-test. Students were awarded
one point for each correct answer.
3.3 Participants
The experiment was conducted at the Higher
Institute of Telecommunication and Navigation
(HITN) in Kuwait. There were a total of 91
participants with an age range of 18 to 25 years.
Males and Females were studied independently
during the experiment. Participants had different
computing and internet skills and were classified in
terms of cognitive style and prior knowledge based
on the experiment. In keeping with findings from
previous studies, field independent learners favored
using the index navigational tool. Conversely, field
dependent learners preferred to use the map
navigational tool (Chen and Macredie, 2002); (Chen
and Liu, 2008); (Ford and Chen, 2000). We used
these findings to identify the field dependent and
field independent learners using our WBI program.
This was deduced by analyzing the log file of each
We calculated the number of Map and Index
pages that each user had navigated to. A data mining
approach using Hierarchical clustering procedure
was used. A hierarchical clustering procedure
involves the construction of a hierarchy or tree-like
structure, a nested sequence of partitions (Fraley and
Raftery, 1998). Using a hierarchical clustering test,
to identify learners as field dependent and field
independent learners, we found that if the number of
map navigated pages was more than 50% of the total
navigated pages, the participant was identified as
field dependent. On the other hand, if the number of
index navigated pages was greater than 50% of the
total navigated pages, the participant was identified
as a field independent. The 50% scale is the
midpoint between the two navigational methods and
therefore it was considered as the cutting point
between the two cognitive styles. As for the prior
knowledge level of the students, novice (N) or
expert (E), we calculated the mean of the pre-test
scores of all the participants. If the participant’s
score in the pre-test was less than or equal to this
mean then the participant was identified as novice
(N), whereas if the participant’s pre-test score was
greater than the mean, then the participant was
identified as expert (E). Table 2 shows number of
participants after identifying them in their individual
differences classes. To check the validity of our
experiment from any threats or biases, firstly, the
participants chosen in the experiment had an age
range from 18 to 25 years who achieved high school
diploma as their last educational level; this built on a
foundation of similar intellectual backgrounds and
exposure to computer and internet skills.
Table 2: Number of participants in each class; FD: Field
dependent, FI: Field independent.
Number of
51 40 45 46 48 43
Secondly, a pilot study was done on two
participants to check the validity of the tools used in
our experiment. Thirdly, we logged the display of
popup pages when the participant clicks on any link
in the WBI program. After observing the log file of
each participant (91 participants), we removed any
redundant popup pages records shown in the log file
(Table 3). Those redundant records were probably
caused by a lag from our remote website’s server or
a lag from the local network in the classroom.
Redundant pages were manually removed from the
log to avoid any discrepancy in our analysis. It
should be noted that the logged time of the records
having a fraction of a second in time difference were
considered redundant. The difference (fraction of a
second) in recorded time did not therefore affect the
participant’s total time spent on topic pages. The
mean time spent on topic pages by the participants’
to be 2015.36 seconds.
Finally, to minimize the error in the collected
data, we eliminated the data from four participants.
Three of these did not complete the pre-test and
post-test of the experiment. The last one did not
have a log for the interactivity with the WBI
program as he/she did not utilize the WBI program
to complete the requested tasks.
Table 3: A sample of the log file showing the redundant
pages (bold and shaded).
Time of hitting
the page
Pop-up page
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide-
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide-
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide-
1:50:03 5.1 Animating Objects On Slide map.php
5.1 Animating Objects On Slide-
Many previous studies demonstrated the importance
of individual differences as a factor in the design of
web-based instruction. Such individual differences
have significant effects on user learning in web-
based instruction, which may affect the way they
learn from and interact with hypermedia systems.
Many studies have shown that the learners’
individual differences and different system features
are central matters that should be taken into account
for the effective design of hypermedia learning
systems. The novelty of our designed WBI system
and its implementation is combining the mechanism
provided in Chen and Liu (2008) and the framework
of Chen, et al. (2006). Furthermore, we have
integrated gender into our data analysis to identify
behavioral preferences. The originality of our design
was to build the whole system from the ground up to
accommodate the testing environment. This has
helped us to reflect on our participants’ cognitive
styles. Our study takes into consideration individual
differences such as gender, cognitive styles, and
prior knowledge using the system features such as
navigation tools, additional support and content
scope. These features help learners in locating
information which improve the usability and
functionality of WBI programs. We feel that the
designed WBI using the new mechanism will help
users acquire web-based content knowledge meeting
their individual needs, resulting in improved
learning performance and satisfaction in hypermedia
environments. Moreover, investigating the impact of
individual differences and the system features on
learners' performance within hypermedia programs
may be applied as well as studies on learners’
preferences. All the data used in this paper will be
made available to other users to promote replication
and further studies.
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