ePortfolio Data Utilization in LMS Learner Model
Vija Vagale
Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia, Raina boulv. 19, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Learner Model, eLearning, ePortfolio, Lifelong Learning.
Abstract: In this article a research about ePortfolio utilization in eLearning systems is given, utilization opportunities
of the ePortfolio data for the adaptive learning system learner model initial data organization are described
to partly solve learner model initial data problem. It ensures time and work resource economy as well as
quick data acquisition comparing to lasting and tedious learner testing. The result of this work is a more
complete description of the learner that is quite important in case of the adaptive system. Learner model is
viewed in the lifelong learning context, turning more attention to the adult learning features. The article
encourages discussion about general dynamic learner model creation and utilization in the adaptive learning
system based on the research about possible ways of learner data acquisition.
With the development of information technologies
new learning instruments that ensure more
qualitative learning process appear. Learning
Management Systems (LMS) are purposed to help
teacher by offering different types of learning
materials and by not attaching learner to certain
location and time. The number of researches about
adaptive e-Learning system (ALE) utilization for
providing learning process is increasing. In these
researches the system is able to recognize learner’s
needs and features, and offer necessary material to
the learner in an understandable way, which is more
appropriate for acquirement. The changes concern
also the learning object – learner. Nowadays
necessity for lifelong learning – i.e. learning during
the whole lifetime from childhood till old age
continuous or periodicalis increasing. The lifelong
learning importance also proves the Europeans
Commission program “The Lifelong Learning
Programme: education and training opportunities for
all” that has been realized from year 2007 to 2013
(The Lifelong Learning Programme, 2011).
Learning demands a lot of resources from adults:
both material and human resources, but gives back
multitudinous values as rise of self-confidence, self-
esteem, enlarges trust to associates, satisfaction with
life or ability to cope with difficulties, protects from
depression and enhances welfare. On the other hand,
learning process also has negative features. It can
cause anxiety, stress and affect human mental health.
Fear or aversion against learning can appear if
learning environment reminds individual his
previous negative experience about learning process
(Field, 2011). One solution for this problem is
adaptive learning management system (ALMS)
utilization in learning.
This article is oriented to learner data acquisition
types. In the learner role is viewed adult, his learning
specificity that is described in second section. When
acquiring new information, adults are based on their
own experience that can be collected in the
ePortfolio system. In the third section ePortfolio
concept essence and utilization opportunities in the
education and LMS are shown. Based on previous
research results in the fourth section user model data
classification and data life cycle is offered, and data
acquisition types are discussed. In the fifth section a
research of how data about learner from ePortfolio
can be imported to the LMS is described. The last
section contains conclusions.
Adult education is a multidisciplinary process that is
oriented to supported and effective learning during
the whole lifetime. Its goal is to give knowledge that
would improve professional qualification and help to
consummate civic, social, moral and culture
Vagale V..
ePortfolio Data Utilization in LMS Learner Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004447704890496
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 489-496
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
attitudes and skills, and to gain success in all vital
spheres (De Goñi, 2006).
There exist numerous opinions about adult
education, which are determined by different factors,
for instance, differences between Western and
Eastern cultures. In the field of pedagogy different
education theories are considered (for example, M.
Knowles, N. Gruntvig, etc.). Nowadays adult
education is very often connected with the concept
of “andragogy”. Andragogy is science about adult
education that describes adult learning essence
(Knowles, 1980).
Based on theory of andragogy, scientific
researches (Merriam, 2001); (Cercone, 2008), and
practical operating in adult learning, it was
concluded that adult learner can be described as a
person who has the following qualities:
the ability to take responsibility about the
process of self-education;
the ability to move his/her own education and
operate by individual plan (self-direct learning);
he/she possesses with an accumulated life
experience reserves that are abundant source to
continue studying;
he/she has the necessity of learning that is tightly
connected with social role change;
he/she is problem-centered, with the necessity to
use obtained knowledge immediately;
he/she is motivated to learn with internal, not
external factors (“self-stimulant person”, self-
esteem, life quality);
comprehension about what he/she needs to
learning irregularity (the system can be visited
very rarely because of work, family or other
The adaptive system utilization for ensuring
education is connected with computer utilization that
is why an important role is played by an adult
attitude towards information technology utilization,
their computer skills and openness to learn new
technologies. There are a lot of researches that
describe adult learning problems by learning
information technologies (Candy, 2002); (Cercone,
2008). By researching adult learning features,
Kathleen Cercone has distinguished attributes
utilized in the adult education and for each of them
offered an appropriate education model by creating
„Recommendations for Online Course Development
based on Characteristics of Adult Learners”.
The most important adult learning feature is that
adult learning is based on their experience that has
been collected in different life situations
(Brookfield, 1995). Based on this adult learning
difference in the offered article the question of how
the accumulated experience of an adult that is
reflected in ePortfolio can be used to gain e-
Learning environment learner model start data is
ePortfolio usage for the improvement of learning
process is still a novelty. In this section the essence
of ePortolio is viewed, as well as obtainable benefits
of its utilization in education and examples of
ePortfolio usage with LMS.
3.1 The Essence of ePortfolio
Electronic portfolio or ePortfolio (or digital
portfolio) is a digitalized artifact (artifact can be any
piece of content) collection that contains
demonstrations, resources and achievements of a
person, group, community, organization or
institution (Lorenzo and Ittelson, 2005). This
collection contains text, electronic files, images,
multimedia, records and hyperlinks. Artifacts can be
also collected from a virtual space and represented
in wiki pages, blogspots or ePortfolio views (Bubaš
et al., 2011). Artifacts can be adapted so that they
can represent certain student uniqueness by ensuring
depiction that shows the depth of individual learning
(Barrett, 2004). EPortfolio data collection is placed
on the Internet and can be organized and managed
by the person who created that ePortfolio by
indicating access rights to the information.
(Grant, 2005) has focused on ambiguous concept
of ePortfolio utilization. ePortfolio type
classification is also dissenting. By content and
utilization ePortfolio can be divided into the
following types: student, teaching, institutional,
assessment, learning, developmental, working
ePortfolio, etc. (Lorenzo and Ittelson, 2005);
(Barrett, 2004). Each of above-mentioned types
offers evidences that show appropriate skills and
knowledge in an appropriate scope.
3.2 Benefits of ePortfolio
ePortfolio system popularity has recently increased
and it is used as an activity in many education
institutions. ePortfolio utilization has been widely
researched in the education institutions, for instance,
learning of portfolio utilization in higher education
(Zubizarreta, 2004). According to (Graf et al., 2012);
(Buzzetto-More, 2010), utilization of ePortfolio in
the process of education gives students the
following: the opportunity to develop organizational
skills; realize their skills, abilities and lacks;
estimate their own progress; demonstrate how skills
have developed over time; promote their own
professional choice; develop comprehension about
their own studying; improve motivation and
involvement into learning process; have effective
instrument to prove studying; create dialog with
teacher. ePortfolio contains personal information
about its owner, his competences, goals,
accomplished and planned works, achievements,
interests and values, thoughts, statements and
comments, test and exam results, about information
generation and ownership of some portfolio parts.
For ePortfolio creation envisaged programs are
divided into commercial and open source programs.
Interesting research has been made in the article
(Himpsl and Baumgartner, 2009) where the
evaluation criteria of ePortfolio system are described
and given twelve most popular system evaluations
by taking into account these system goals,
administration opportunities, offered activities,
publication opportunities and usability. This article
gives an overview about such system as: Drupal ED,
Elgg, Epsilon, Exabis, Factline, Fronter, Mahara,
Movable Type, PebblePad, Sakai, Taskstream,
Wordpress. (Sweat-Guy and Buzzetto-More, 2007)
compare such ePortfolio systems as Eportfolio,
Foliotex, Life Text, TaskStream, TK20, Trueout,
Blackboard and Open Source. In the article (Balaban
and Bubaš, 2010) an evaluation of Open source
ePortfolio system Mahara and Elgg was performed
for the benefit of Mahara.
After analyzing literature about ePortfolio
utilization in learning process it was concluded that
ensures accessibility, portability, rises
technological skills, is learning-centered, offers
opportunity to find arguments and evidences
easier for collecting information about oneself
from different aspects (Raybourn and Regan,
gives opportunity to describe oneself fully (both
internal and external worlds) (Graf et al., 2012);
ePortfolio applications allows functional
integration with different Web 2.0 applications
and can be used as a contact for e-Learning
activities (Orehovački et al., 2012);
content a little bit duplicates with data about an
individual that are stored in the social network;
in some learners it causes disinclination to use
ePortfolio system (Griesbaum and Kepp, 2010);
is self-expression type; helps to find
collaborators to share with common interests;
ePortfolio is intersection of reflection,
documentation and mentoring (Seldin, 1997).
3.3 ePortfolio Usage with LMS Systems
When making a research about ePortfolio utilization
opportunities for learner model data acquisition, it
was concluded that in the learning process ePortfolio
is mostly used only as data storage with a purpose to
store learner data and achievement evidences
together. Only in a few articles experiments using
ePortfolio data for learner model (LM) initialization
are viewed. Further some ePortfolio usage examples
are mentioned.
ePortfolio utilization with the purpose of
reflecting and presenting student works and allow
others to estimate these works is viewed in Bubaš, et
al. article (2011) where an integration of Moodle
learning system, ePortfolio system Mahara and blog
posts system WordPress is performed.
(Griesbaum and Kepp, 2010) describe Moodle
integration with ePortfolio system Mahara CollabIni
at the University of Hildesheim. In this article
ePortfolio is used as an instrument to ensure
personal information management for all university
members with the purpose to facilitate self-
presentation opportunities.
(Knight and Bush, 2009) describe Integrated
Learning Environment (ILE) where they perform
Simulated Professional Learning Environment
system integration with LMS (Moodle) and
ePortfolio System (Mahara) with united student
registration in all systems.
(Guo and Greer, 2006) use ePortfolio artifacts for
LM initialization. Scholars choose artifacts as
evidences based on the questions asked. A system
based on ePortfolio data performs a test by searching
appropriate artifacts. At the end of course obtained
learning results can be saved in ePortfolio.
The basis of an adaptive system is composed of
three main components: the domain model, the
adaptive model and the learner model. The domain
model stores knowledge acquired by a learner that is
divided into small parts such as concepts. The
adaptive model ensures an appropriate system
adaptation function by adapting acquired
information based on learner necessities and
features. The learner model (user model or student
model) contains data that describe some real person
who is a learner in this system. The depiction of the
learner data in the system is connected with time
dimension by showing certain data values that
describe system user in certain point of time or
Based on the previous research (Vagale and
Niedrite, 2012b) about in LM found data types, ALE
learner model data by their meaning and life length
are divided into three groups: basic data, additional
data and complete data. Created division helps fully
describe the LM data life cycle.
4.1 LM Data Types and their
The first time when a user registers in the system, it
gains basic data about this individual that are
unchanged or static, their value during the system
utilization stays unchanged or is changing very
rarely. Basic data contain learner personal
information (login, password, name, surname, email,
gender, age, date of birth, native language,
nationality, address).
Basic data values are written in LM based on: (a)
system administration registration data; (b) user-
filled registration form; (c) user data import results
from other systems.
LM basic data are not enough for learning
system to adapt to certain learner necessities. System
also collects additional data that highlights
individual features of a learner. Additional data
characterize learner as a personality (personality
data) – his individual features, concentration
abilities, personality type, collective work abilities,
relationship formation abilities, emotional condition,
attitudes, learning style and cognitive types. The
additional data can save also information about what
a learner must acquire (pedagogical data - programs,
topics, course sequence, plan); data that describe an
adaptive environment for learning (preference data -
language, presentation format, sound value, video
speed, web design personalization); data that
describe previously obtained experience of a learner
in work with computers and software that will be
used during learning process (system experience -
obtained certificates, skills in e-Learning system
utilization) and data that characterize system user
working environment (device data - hardware,
download speed, screen resolution).
Figure 1 shows the sequence of LM data
acquisition based on data type classification that is
described in the article (Vagale and Niedrite,
LM basic
LM additional
complete data
Device data
Student knowledge at the
current moment of
LM certain
moment data
Figure 1: LM data acquisition sequence.
Additional data are dynamic. At the beginning of
learning, data that the system will use to ensure the
adaption are collected. But over time these data
about the person (for instance, learning style, goals,
etc.) change that is why in the adaptive system
additional data must be periodically updated. This
process is shown in Figure 1 with an interrupted
bullet from additional data to complete data.
After researching scientific articles about LM
additional data acquisition types it was concluded
that for LM additional data acquisition can be used
in the following scenarios: (a) during the process of
registration the system offers to accomplish test or
tests to acquire certain data, and a user himself can
choose which tests to accomplish; (b) during the
process of registration the system offers non-
adaptive content, registers user’s activities, then with
the help of data mining calculates data about the
learner, for example, learning styles; (c) additional
data are obtained from other systems (registration
system, other learning system, social network,
ePortfolio) after the process of user registration.
Above-mentioned scenarios are depicted in
Figure 2, where from basic data with interrupted
lines possible optional transitions to the data
acquisition types are depicted: (a) to the data
acquisition with the help of tests, (b) to the data
acquisition as the result of data processing, where
data are taken from other system or (c) LM basic
data are taken as complete data and only later by
analyzing learning results and registered user
activities with the help of data mining algorithm
additional data about an individual are gained. In
Figure 2 from additional data block goes an
interrupted bullet, which indicates that additional
data can be restored periodically.
Theoretically, the more additional data about the
user the learning system can gain, the more precise
is his depiction in this system. However, only by LM
and adaptive model mutually interaction good
system adaptation ability can be ensured.
Learning process
Data minin
LM additional data acquisition
LM certain moment data
periodical event, which is
detected by the system
LM basic
LM additional
... ...
LM complete
Adaptive model
Content conformity
Adapted content
LM certain
moment data
Obtained data in the
learning process
Learning results
LM basic data acquisition
... ...
Log files
LM new additional data
Figure 2: Learner model life cycle.
LM complete data shows how the system
interprets real learner in a certain point of time.
Complete data includes all information that the
system knows about the user in a certain point of
time. Complete data includes basic data, additional
data, learner knowledge in a certain point of time
and activities done during the learning process and
4.2 LM Life Cycle and Place in an
Adaptive System
ALE learner model modeling process consists of
model initialization, updating and data reasoning.
More about it is written in the article (Vagale and
Niedrite, 2012a). In the Figure 2 the most important
processes that occur in adaptive system in
connection with the learner model are shown.
Processes are depicted in boxes with intermittent
borders. The interrupted bullets show dispensable
transitions. During the learner model life cycle the
following actions occur:
1. At the beginning of LM life cycle basic data
and/or additional data about the learner are
collected. Additional data are obtained as a result
of testing or other system processing. In this step
LM initializations occurs and as a result the
system “gains” a view of the learner. At the end
of initialization LM complete data are obtained.
2. System now has information about the user and
with the help of the adaptive model offers him
acquired information in the most appropriate
way. Adaptive model takes data from LM and by
using “Content conformity table” according to
LM data offers new information in agreeable
3. While learning, a learner interacts with the
system. The system saves all learner activities
and results them in data base tables or event
4. When a learner has ended up with interaction
with the system, it performs collected data
analysis and processing, for example, by using
data mining algorithms or user behavior patterns.
Then, an acquisition process of the new
additional data that are connected with learner
takes place.
5. After new data acquisition the system updates
LM by rewriting or adding new LM model data.
As a result, LM complete data are obtained that
remain actual till the next data updating time.
6. Returning to step 2.
In the case of adult learning, it is important to
anticipate LM data periodical refreshing from
ePortfolio type system. In this case conflict solving
that is connected with the age (i.e., the newest data)
and data correction (i.e., data that have higher
priority) must be anticipated.
One of the newest research directions in creation of
the learner model is its dynamic modeling where
student interaction with the system is continuously
supervised and LM data are updated in real time
(Graf et al., 2012). However, the question about
those human-characterized data that are already
collected in other system is still topical. In the
general case a person can use more learning system,
ePortfolio systems and also other environments not
connected with learning that can store user-
characterized data. Acquisition and utilization of
these data in adaptive system as LM additional data
is topical for modern researchers.
5.1 Data Integration Examples
Possible options of the data acquisition from another
system: (a) data migration – data are imported from
the other system, in the source system data are
deleted, synchronization between both systems does
not exist; (b) data integration – between both
systems data synchronization exists.
In case of data integration, some problems like
data structure, syntax and semantic heterogeneity
problems must be solved (Walsh et al., 2011). To
solve these problems, data unification or mapping
schemes are created. Mapping is a presentment of an
association between different system data model
identical data (Walsh et al., 2011).
Mapping can be fulfilled automatically by
determining conformity between appropriate
attributes with identical attribute names or manually
when conformity between system data is made by an
administrator or a system designer.
For mapping result storage general user models
or learner model server are used. (Niedritis et al.,
2011) in the article use Generic User Model for this
purpose. (Walsh et al., 2011) have described data
integration between systems Sakai and Moodle with
the help of framework FUMES, and mapping results
are stored in the user canonical model. Van Der
Sluijs and Houben (2006) use Shared User Model.
For data transferring from one system to other
mostly eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is used
with standard data protocol that is employed for web
services (Walsh et al., 2011).
OWL language is used in the newest researches
of data integration problem solving. For instance,
(Van Der Sluijs and Houben, 2006) describe the
Generic User model that is based on semantic user
model interoperability.
5.2 ePortfolio Standards
EPortfolio content can be different, that is why to
get data from ePortfolio system they should be
standardized (Guo and Greer, 2006). Standardized
ePortfolio information model describes what
information in general ePortfolio contains and what
set of specifications is defined for describing data
organization in ePortfolio. Standards that describe
information and relationships between them stored
in ePortfolio are: IEEE P1484.2.26 – Learner
Portfolio Information; JISC CETIS LEAP2A
Specification; IMS ePortfolio Specification; CELTS
Portfolio information.
Majority of researches are in favour of IMS
ePortfolio specification. IMS LIP (Learner
Information Package), IMS ePortfolio and LEAP2A
comparison is viewed in (Hämäläinen et al., 2011).
5.3 Research
LMS Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment) and the newest versions of
ePortfolio system Mahara described in the article
(Vagale and Niedrite, 2012a) were used in the
research. Both of the systems are open source
programs; their structure is based on modular
principle, and both systems are compatible with each
other. In these systems united user authentication is
possible. In Mahara system user, group, view,
system security, authentication management and
new plug-in installation is realized.
It is possible to export from Mahara the
following: user personal information, saved user
files, short records and descriptions. Mahara
supports data export in HTML and LEAP2A
formats. Unlike HTML format, LEAP2A saves more
complete information taking into account
relationships between artifacts. In Mahara system
two additional modules, which can be used for
determining learning style by Fleming’s VARK
model and intellectual abilities, were installed. For
exporting all user data including learning style and
intellectual test results were taken into account.
In Moodle system data that describes learner are
stored in data base table user. These data are
available in user’s portfolio. EPortfolio system
stores much more information about the user than
Moodle. Table 1 demonstrates data comparison,
showing what kind of data can be taken from
Moodle and Mahara for LM initialization. Colored
rows show LM data category names and white ones
show these category data. From Moodle user profile
almost all data that are necessary for LM basic data
can be obtained. These data can be gained also from
exported LEAP2A file by using records that describe
appropriate artifact type (for example, email
corresponds to <mahara:artefacttype=”email”>).
Moodle does not save LM necessary additional data.
It collects only user activities. However, exported
file can gain data from Mahara that describes learner
working experience, skills, goals, interests,
certificates and obtained educations. Personal data
acquisition is possible from an appropriate data type
record (for instance, personal skills correspond
<mahara:type=”personalskill”>). In ePortfolio added
plug-in results are gained after installed block type
(e.g., learning style corresponds
Table 1: Moodle and Mahara data conformity for LM.
table user
LM data
Personal data
username login
password password
firstname name firstname
lastname surname lastname
email email emai
gender personalinformation/gender
date of birth personalinformation/dateofbirth
lang language
city city town
country country country
learning style blocktype="learningstyles"
intelligences blocktype="multipleintelligences"
employmenthistory, occupation
goals personalgoal, academicgoal,
skills personalskill, academicskill,
interests interest
certification, academicskill
Device data
History data
academic skill
In Table 1, a “-” symbolizes the absence of
appropriate data. Near history data, a ”+/-” means
that Moodle system collected data will be useful, but
they are insufficient for an adaptive system function.
Pedagogical data that describe study program,
course topic sequence and learning plan saving in
Moodle is not foreseen. They will be described by
course teacher or adaptive system based on learner
plans and goals. Device data that describe working
environment of the learner can be determined
automatically with the help of software. Preference
data that will adapt learning system working
environment will be created by the system itself
based on collected device data and individual
features. Evidence about learner knowledge in
certain point of time at the beginning can be taken
from academic skill saved in Mahara and later be
supplemented with data that will be obtained during
the learning process.
A LM life cycle in an adaptive system and learner
model data acquisition opportunities were described
based on LM data division offered in this article. By
researching ePortfolio data utilization opportunities
for LM initialization one can conclude that it is
possible to make an automatic data selection from
the data saved in LEAP2A specification format.
Data saved in basic constructions of ePortfolio
system can be collected easier and more
qualitatively. From data exported from Mahara one
can automatically obtain basic data and additional
data that describe personality (personality data).
Qualitative additional data acquisition has an impact
on the ePortfolio system input information
completeness and precision and also the kind of
additional models used in ePortfolio system. Based
on research results one can assert that ePortfolio data
can be used for LM automatic initialization.
EPortfolio data are continuously updated and
supplemented that is why periodical data
actualization from ePortfolio system must be
foreseen in the adaptive system. It will help to
specify the LM, which is especially important in
case of adult learning.
Future work is connected with practical
realization of the learner model by using data about
learner that are available in other systems, for
instance, in ePortfolio. On the basis of the obtained
data an analysis on the subject of which adaptation
type is the most suitable for each data type.
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