Knowledge Management and Creativity in Software Engineering
The Foundations of Agility
Broderick Crawford
, Claudio Le
on de la Barra
, Ricardo Soto
, Sanjay Misra
and Eric Monfroy
Pontificia Universidad Cat
olica de Valpara
ıso, Valpara
ıso, Chile
Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile
Universidad Aut
onoma de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
LINA, Universit
e de Nantes, Nantes, France
Knowledge Management, Creativity, Software Engineering, Agile Methodologies.
Software development is a knowledge intensive activity and its success depends on knowledge and creativity
of the developers. In the last years the traditional perspective on software development is changing and agile
methods have received considerable attention. Among other attributes, the agilists claim that fostering knowl-
edge sharing and creativity is one of the keys to response to common problems and challenges of software
development today. The development of new software products requires the generation of novel and useful
ideas. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of knowledge management and creativity in
relation with new software engineering trends. The implications of these findings are considered, and some
possible directions for future research are suggested.
Software engineering is a knowledge intensive disci-
pline where its activities require the use and sharing
of knowledge between the stakeholders. Then a bet-
ter transfer and application of the knowledge aim to
foster the software processes, whether these are done
using traditional or agile approaches. In software or-
ganizations the knowledge held by the employees is
the main asset and software development projects de-
pends mostly on team performance: ”Software is de-
veloped for people and by people” (John et al., 2005).
But surprisingly, most of software engineering re-
search is technical and deemphasizes the human and
social aspects. By other hand, the traditional devel-
opment process of new products that is a fundamen-
tal part in the marketing, has been recently criticized
by Kotler and Tr
ıas de Bes (Kotler and Tr
ıas de Bes,
2004). They point out that fundamental creative as-
pects are not considered at all and as a consequence
this development is not useful, viable or innovative.
In this context, it is interesting to consider the new
proposals of agile methodologies for software devel-
opment in order to analyse and evaluate them at the
light of the existing creative expositions, mainly con-
sidering the teamwork practices.
The agile principles and values have emphasized
the importance of collaboration and interaction in
the software development and, by other hand, cre-
ative work commonly involves collaboration in some
form and it can be understood as an interaction be-
tween an individual and a sociocultural context (Sanz
and Misra, 2011). We believe that the innovation
and development of new products is an interdisci-
plinary issue (Takeuchi and Nonaka, 1986)(Nonaka
and Takeuchi, 1995), we are interested in the study of
the potential of new concepts and techniques to fos-
ter knowledge management and creativity in software
engineering (Gu and Tong, 2004) (Crawford et al.,
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 is
dedicated to the presentation of Knowledge Manage-
ment. Section 3 presents the background and general
concepts on Creativity. Finally, in Section 4 we con-
clude the paper and give some perspectives for future
One of the most widely accepted approaches to classi-
fying knowledge from a KM perspective is the Knowl-
Crawford B., León de la Barra C., Soto R., Misra S. and Monfroy E..
Knowledge Management and Creativity in Software Engineering - The Foundations of Agility.
DOI: 10.5220/0004447802650272
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 265-272
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
edge Matrix of Nonaka and Takeuchi (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995). This matrix classifies knowledge as
either explicit or tacit, and either individual or col-
lective. Nonaka and Takeuchi also proposes corre-
sponding knowledge processes that transform knowl-
edge from one form to another: socialisation (from
tacit to tacit, whereby an individual acquires tacit
knowledge directly from others through shared ex-
perience, observation, imitation and so on); exter-
nalisation (from tacit to explicit, through articulation
of tacit knowledge into explicit concepts); combina-
tion (from explicit to explicit, through a systematisa-
tion of concepts drawing on different bodies of ex-
plicit knowledge); and internalisation (from explicit
to tacit, through a process of learning by doing and
through a verbalisation and documentation of expe-
riences). Nonaka and Takeuchi model the process of
organisational knowledge creation as a spiral in which
knowledge is amplified through these four modes of
knowledge conversion (See Figure 1).
2.1 Knowledge Management in
Software Engineering
The main argument to Knowledge Management in
software engineering is that it is a human and knowl-
edge intensive activity. Software development is a
process where every person involved has to make a
large number of decisions and individual knowledge
has to be shared and leveraged at a project and orga-
nization level, and this is exactly what KM proposes.
People in such groups must collaborate, communi-
cate, and coordinate their work, which makes knowl-
edge management a necessity.
In software development one can identify two
types of knowledge: Knowledge embedded in the
products or artifacts, since they are the result of highly
creative activities and Meta-knowledge, that is knowl-
edge about the products and processes. Some of the
sources of knowledge (artifacts, objects, components,
patterns, templates and containers) are stored in elec-
tronic form. However, the majority of knowledge is
tacit, residing in the brains of the employees. A way
to address this problem can be to develop a knowledge
sharing culture, as well as technology support for
knowledge management. There are several reasons to
believe that knowledge management for software en-
gineering would be easier to implement than in other
organizations: technology is not be intimidating to
software engineers and they believe the tools will help
them do a better job; all artifacts are already in elec-
tronic form and can easily be distributed and shared;
and the fact that knowledge sharing between soft-
ware engineers already does occur to a large degree in
many successful software collaborative projects (Rus
and Lindvall, 2002)(Mentzas, 2000)(Apostolou and
Mentzas, 2003).
Creativity is defined as the capacity to generate or rec-
ognize original, elaborated and useful ideas (Amabile,
1996). By self the creative is an act of knowledge
creation (Sung and Choi, 2012). Althoug the creativ-
ity can be approached from the individual’s perspec-
tive, its greatest potential and development is appre-
ciated at team level(Amabile, 1998)(Leenders et al.,
2003)(Gilson and Shalley, 2004)(Chen, 2006).
3.1 Creativity in Software Development
Software engineering is a knowledge intensive pro-
cess that includes some aspects of Knowledge Man-
agement and Creativity in all phases: eliciting re-
quirements, design, construction, testing, implemen-
tation, maintenance, and project management (John
et al., 2005). No worker of a development project
has all the knowledge required to fulfill all activities.
This underlies the need for communication, collabo-
ration and knowledge sharing support to share domain
expertise between the customer and the development
team (Chau et al., 2003).
The traditional approaches (often referred to as
plan-driven, task-based or Tayloristic), like the wa-
terfall model and its variances, facilitate knowledge
sharing primarily through documentation. They also
promote usage of role based teams and detailed plans
of the entire software development life-cycle. It shifts
the focus from individuals and their creative abili-
ties to the processes themselves. In contrary, agile
methods emphasise and value individuals and interac-
tions over processes. Tayloristic methods heavily and
rigorously use documentation for capturing knowl-
edge gained in the activities of a software project life-
cycle (Chau and Maurer, 2004). In contrast, agile
methods suggest that most of the written documen-
tation can be replaced by enhanced informal com-
munications among team members internally and be-
tween the team and the customers with a stronger em-
phasis on tacit knowledge rather than explicit knowl-
edge (Beck et al., 2001).
Since human creativity is thought as the source to
resolve complex problem or create innovative prod-
ucts, one possibility to improve the software develop-
ment process is to design a process which can stimu-
late the creativity of the developers. There are few
studies reported on the importance of creativity in
Group Organization Inter-organization
Knowledge level
Figure 1: Spiral of Organization Knowledge Creation.
software development. In management and business,
researchers have done much work about creativity and
obtained evidence that the employees who had appro-
priate creativity characteristics, worked on complex,
challenging jobs, and were supervised in a supportive,
noncontrolling fashion, produced more creative work.
Then, according to the previous ideas the use of cre-
ativity in software development is undeniable, but re-
quirements engineering is not recognized as a creative
process in all the cases (Maiden et al., 2004). In a few
publications the importance of creativity has been in-
vestigated in all the phases of software development
process (Gu and Tong, 2004)(Glass, 1995)(Craw-
ford and Le
on de la Barra, 2007)(Le
on de la Barra
and Crawford, 2007)(Crawford et al., 2008)(Craw-
ford and Le
on de la Barra, 2008) and mostly fo-
cused in the requirements engineering (Robertson,
2005)(Mich et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the use of
techniques to foster creativity in requirements engi-
neering is still shortly investigated. It is not sur-
prising that the role of communication and interac-
tion is central in many of the creativity techniques.
The most popular creativity technique used for re-
quirements identification is the classical brainstorm-
ing and more recently, role-playing-based scenarios,
storyboard-illustrated scenarios, simulating and visu-
alizing have been applied as an attempt to bring more
creativity to requirements elicitation. These tech-
niques try to address the problem of identifying the
viewpoints of all the stakeholders (Mich et al., 2005).
However, in requirements engineering the an-
swers do not arrive by themselves, it is necessary
to ask, observe, discover, and increasingly create re-
quirements. If the goal is to build competitive and
imaginative products, we must make creativity part of
the requirements process. Indeed, the importance of
creative thinking is expected to increase over the next
decade (Maiden and Gizikis, 2001). In (Robertson,
2005)(Robertson, 2002) very interesting open ques-
tions are proposed: Is inventing part of the require-
ments activity? It is if we want to advance. So who
does the inventing? We cannot rely on the customer
to know what to invent. The designer sees his task
as deriving the optimal solution to the stated require-
ments. We cannot rely on programmers because they
are far away from the work of client to understand
what needs to be invented. Requirements analysts are
ideally placed to innovate. They understand the busi-
ness problem, have updated knowledge of the tech-
nology, will be blamed if the new product does not
please the customer, and know if inventions are ap-
propriate to the work being studied. In short, require-
ments analysts are the people whose skills and po-
sition allows, indeed encourages, creativity. In (Bo-
den, 2004) the author, a leading authority on cogni-
tive creativity, identifies basic types of creative pro-
cesses: exploratory creativity explores a possible so-
lution space and discovers new ideas, combinatorial
creativity combines two or more ideas that already
exist to create new ideas, and trans-formational cre-
ativity changes the solution space to make impossible
things possible. Then, most requirements engineer-
ing activities are exploratory, acquiring and discover-
ing requirements and knowledge about the problem
domain. Requirements engineering practitioners have
explicitly focused on combinatorial and transforma-
tional creativity.
Agile software development is a group of soft-
ware development methods based on iterative and in-
cremental development, where requirements and so-
lutions evolve through collaboration between self-
organizing and cross-functional teams. It promotes
adaptive planning, evolutionary development and de-
livery, a time-boxed iterative approach, and encour-
ages rapid and flexible response to change. It is a
conceptual framework introduced in the Agile Man-
ifesto in 2001 (Beck et al., 2001).
3.2 Creative Process
The creative process constitutes the central aspect
of team performance, because it supposes a serie of
clearly distinguishable phases that had to be realized
by one or more of the team members in order to obtain
a concrete creative result.
The phases - on the basis of Wallas (Wallas, 1926)
and Leonard and Swap (Leonard and Swap, 1999) -
are the following ones:
- Initial preparation: the creativity will bloom
when the mental ground is deep, fertile and it has
a suitable preparation. Thus, the deep and relevant
knowledge, and the experience precedes the creative
- Encounter: the findings corresponding to the
perception of a problematic situation. For this situ-
ation a solution does not exist. It is a new problem.
- Final preparation: it corresponds to the under-
standing and foundation of the problem. It’s the im-
mersion in the problem and the use of knowledge and
analytical abilities. It includes search for data and the
detailed analysis of factors and variables.
- Generation of options: referred to produce a
menu of possible alternatives. It supposes the diver-
gent thinking. It includes, on one hand, finding prin-
ciples, lines or addresses, when making associations
and uniting different marks of references and, on the
other hand, to generate possible solutions, combina-
tions and interpretations.
- Incubation: it corresponds to the required time
to reflect about the elaborated alternatives, and ”to test
them mentally”.
- Options Choice: it corresponds to the final eval-
uation and selection of the options. It supposes the
convergent thinking.
- Persuasion: closing of the creative process and
communication to other persons.
Considering the creativity as a ”nonlinear” pro-
cess some adjustments are necessary, redefinitions or
discardings that force to return to previous phases, in
a complex creative dynamic. Therefore, for each one
of the defined phases it is possible to associate feed-
backs whose ”destiny” can be anyone of the previous
phases in the mentioned sequence.
The team performance is directly determined
by the creative process (Kotler and Armstrong,
2003)(Leonard and Swap, 1999). By example, in eX-
treme Programming (XP) (Beck, 2000) it’s important
to correlate its phases with the phases considered in a
creative process.
- The initial preparation and ”finding” defined in
the creative process correspond to the exploration
phase in XP, where the functionality of the prototype
and familiarization with the methodology are estab-
- The final stage of preparation is equivalent with
the phases of exploration and planning in XP, defining
more in detail the scope and limit of the development.
- The option generation phases, incubation and
election of options defined in the creative process cor-
respond to the iterations made in XP and also with the
liberations of the production phase (small releases).
In XP there is not a clear distinction of the mentioned
creative phases, assuming that they occur to the inte-
rior of the team.
- The feedback phase (understanding this one as
a final stage of the process, and not excluding that
can have existed previous micro - feedbacks since the
creative process is nonlinear) it could correspond in
XP with the maintenance phase.
- The persuasion phase is related to the phase of
death established in XP, constituting the close of the
development project with the final liberation.
3.3 Roles in a Creative Team
Lumsdaine and Lumsdaine (Lumsdaine and Lums-
daine, 1995) raise the subject of the required cogni-
tives abilities (mindsets) for creative problem resolu-
tion. Their tipology is excellent for the creative team,
and the different roles to consider. These roles are the
following ones:
- The Detective is in charge of collecting the great-
est quantity of information related to the problem. It
has to collect data without making judgements, even
when it thinks that it has already understood the prob-
lem exactly.
- The Explorer detects what can happen in the area
of the problem and its context. It thinks on its long
term effects and it anticipates certain developments
that can affect the context (in this case, the team). The
explorer perceives the problem in a broad sense.
- The Artist creates new things, transforming the
information. It must be able to break his own schemes
to generate eccentric ideas, with imagination and feel-
- The Engineer is the one in charge of evaluating
new ide-as. It must make converge the ideas, in order
to clarify the concepts and to obtain practical ideas
that can be implemented for the resolution of prob-
- The Judge must do a hierarchy of ideas and de-
cide which of them will be implemented (and as well,
which ones must be discarded). Additionally, it must
detect possible faults or inconsistences, as well as
raise the corresponding solutions. Its role must be
critical and impartial, having to look for the best idea,
evaluating the associated risks.
- The Producer is in charge of implementing the
chosen ideas.
Leonard and Swap (Leonard and Swap, 1999)
have mentioned additional roles, possible to be in-
tegrated with the previous ones, because they try to
make more fruitful the divergence and the conver-
gence in the creative process:
The provoker who takes the members of the team
”to break” habitual mental and procedural schemes to
allow the mentioned divergence (in the case of the
”artist”) or even a better convergence (in the case
of the ”engineer”). Think tank that it is invited to
the team sessions to give a renewed vision of the
problem-situation based on his/her experticia and ex-
The facilitator whose function consists in helping
and supporting the team work in its creative task in
different stages.
The manager who cares for the performance and
specially for the results of the creative team trying to
adjust them to the criteria and rules of the organiza-
tion (use of resources, due dates).
Kelley and Littman (Kelley and Littman, 2005),
on the other hand, have raised a role tipology similar
to Lumsdaine and Lumsdaine (Lumsdaine and Lums-
daine, 1995), being interesting that they group the
roles in three categories: those directed to the learn-
ing of the creative team (susceptible of corresponding
with the detective, explorer, artist, provoker and think
tank roles), others directed to the internal organization
and success of the team (similar to the judge, facilita-
tor and manager roles) and, finally, roles whose pur-
pose is to construct the innovation (possibly related to
the role of the engineer and judge).
By example, the following is the correlation be-
tween creative and XP roles:
- The detective function consisting in collecting
information related to a problem is made by the client
him-self in XP, because this one generates the first
contact with the software development team.
- The function of explorer consisting in defining
completely the problem is made in XP as much by
the client as the manager of the team, all together they
appreciate the reach of the identified problem, as well
as of the possible solutions.
- The function of the artist consisting in transform-
ing the information, creating new relations, and there-
fore generating interesting solutions is made by the
developer, that in XP methodology is in charge of the
analysis, design and programming of software.
- The function of the engineer referred to clarify
and to evaluate the new ideas, in terms of its feasibil-
ity is made in XP by the tester and the tracker.
- The function of the judge, understood as the
definitive selection of the solutions to implant, is
made in XP by the tracker and the client.
- The function of the producer, referred to the im-
plementation of the selected ideas (strictly speaking it
is working software) is made in XP by the client in his
organization, including the processes and procedures
that this function implies.
The supporting roles considered are:
- The provoker; creativity demands that the diver-
gence as well as convergence in the solutions be max-
imum and complete. There is not explicit reference in
XP methodology about divergent thinking.
- The think tank who helps the team work ”from
outside” is equivalent completely to the role of the
- The facilitator whose function is helping the
team, corresponds in XP to the coach role.
- The manager whose function is to lead to the
team in terms of its general efficiency and its effec-
tiveness corresponds with XP’s big boss or manager.
3.4 Basic Organizational Conditions
Regarding to the structure dimension of a new prod-
uct development team (in particular software), it is
possible to relate the roles in creativity to the roles
defined in the agile methodology distinguishing: base
roles, that is, those directly related to the creative pro-
cesses and software development, and support roles,
whose function is to support or lead the other roles
for a better performance. In relation with the struc-
ture dimension it’s important to considerate how the
team can operate. In order to implement the function-
ality of each role, we must considerate two aspects:
basic organizational conditions and the pertinent cre-
ative process.
The creative team performance is determined by
the organizational conditions in which it’s inserted
(Amabile, 1998)(Isaksen et al., 1999)(Leonard and
Swap, 1999). Some conditions are necessary - al-
though not sufficient - for the creative performance.
We are interested in explore the influence of au-
tonomy, communication, cooperation and learning,
the handling of possible conflicts, pressure, formal-
ization, performance evaluation, available resources
(time) and the physical atmosphere of work.
The autonomy refers to the capacity of the people
and the team as a whole to act and make decisions.
By example, this aspect is related to the following XP
practices: the actual client, since it is part of the team
and, in addition, has decisional capacity delegated by
its own organization; the use of metaphors, of cod-
ification standards and the existence of ”right” rules
really represent codes of shared thought and action,
that make possible the autonomy of the team mem-
bers; the small deliveries and the fact of the collective
property allow that all the involved ones share offi-
cial and explicit knowledge, that results in a greater
independence of the members and the possibility of a
minor coordination among them. The team member’s
communication, cooperation and learning are forti-
fied since the client is present and there exist opened
spaces to work together and in a pair programming
mode. The work dynamics is based on a game of
planning and metaphors involving all the participants
from the beginning (client and equipment developer).
Also, the use of codification standards, the small de-
liveries, the collective property of the code and the
simple design, allow that the person has clear per-
formance codes and rules about what is expected and
acceptable (internal culture) in order to establish the
required communication and cooperation. The han-
dling of possible conflicts between the client and the
development team, and internally at team level is fa-
vored by XP practices handling it (presence of the
client, pairs programming, planning game, continu-
ous integration, tests, collective property), or to re-
duce it and to avoid it (small deliveries, simple de-
sign, 40 hour a week and codification standard). Co-
operation and trust are associated to this issue. The
pressure (that in creativity is appraised as favorable
until certain degree, favoring the performance, and
detrimental if it exceeds this degree), is susceptible
then to favor in XP through the client in situ, the
programming by pairs, the planning game, the tests
and continuous integration. It’s possible to avoid, or
at least to reduce, the pressure through the refactor-
ization, the small deliveries, the collective property,
and the fact that surpassing the 40 weekly working
hours is seen like an error. The formalization, that
gives account of all those formal aspects (norms, pro-
cedures) defined explicitly and that are known, and
even shared, by the members of the team. It’s assured
in XP through planning game, metaphors, continuous
integration, the collective property, the 40 hours per
week and the codification standards guiding the de-
sirable conduct and performance of the team. The
evaluation of the performance is made in XP through
pair programming (self evaluation and pair evalua-
tion), frequent tests and even through the 40 weekly
hours (as a nonexceedable metric indicating limit of
effective-ness), all at the light of the planning (includ-
ing the standards). Finally, the presence of client con-
stitutes the permanent and fundamental performance
evaluation of the team and the products. The eval-
uation characteristics empower the learning processs.
The time dedicated has fundamental importance in XP
team respecting the available resources. This aspect is
strongly stressed in creativity. The pair programming
and the developer multifunctional role allow to opti-
mize the partial working-times, as well as the whole
project time, ensuring a positive pressure. The phys-
ical atmosphere of work, referred in creativity to the
surroundings that favor or make difficult the creative
performance (including aspects like available spaces,
noise, colours, ventilation, relaxation places) are as-
sured only partially in XP through the open spaces, as
a way to assure the interaction between members of
the team.
In Software Engineering many development ap-
proaches work repeating the basic linear model in ev-
ery iteration, then in a lot of cases an iterative devel-
opment approach is used to provide rapid feedback
and continuous learning in the development team. To
facilitate learning among developers, Agile methods
use daily or weekly stand up meetings, pair program-
ming and collective ownership. Agile methods em-
phasis on people, communities of practice, communi-
cation, and collaboration in facilitating the practice of
sharing tacit knowledge at a team level. An important
finding is the need to not focus exclusively on explicit
knowledge but also on tacit knowledge.
They also foster a team culture of knowledge shar-
ing, mutual trust and care. Agile development is not
defined by a small set of practices and techniques.
Agile development defines a strategic capability, a ca-
pability to create and respond to change, a capabil-
ity to balance flexibility and structure, a capability to
draw creativity and innovation out of a development
team, and a capability to lead organizations through
turbulence and uncertainty. They rough out blueprints
(models), but they concentrate on creating working
software. They focus on individuals and their skills
and on the intense interaction of development team
members among themselves and with customers and
The use of software tools for rapid prototyping
of algorithms would save considerable resources. It
would be desirable to employ Agile principles and
reusability to produce software which is easily adapt-
able to changing requirements while also improving
the quality and reduce development efforts. Since
software development is a knowledge intensive activ-
ity, an understanding from a Knowledge Management
perspective offers important insights about reusability
and Software Engineering methods.
By other side, Creativity and innovation are es-
sential skills in almost any teamwork. Having a team
that can solve problems quickly and effectively with a
little creative thinking is beneficial to everyone. The
performance of a team depends not only on the com-
petence of the team itself in doing its work, but also on
the organizational context. The organizational condi-
tions in wich the team is inserted are very important
too. If workers see that their ideas are encouraged and
accepted, they will be more likely to be creative, lead-
ing to potential innovation in the workplace. The cre-
ation of a collaborative work environment will foster
the communication between employees and reward
those that work together to solve problems. Encour-
aging team members to take risks, the opposite of cre-
ativity is fear, then it is necessary to create an envi-
ronment that is free from fear of failure: failures are a
learning tool.
The Extreme Programming methodology includes
implicitly central aspects of a creative teamwork.
These aspects can be organized according to the struc-
ture that the team adopts and the performance that
characterizes to the team. The structure that the
team adopts and specially the different roles that
the methodology advises to define, nearly correspond
with the roles at the interior of a creative team. The
performance that characterizes the team through cer-
tain advisable practices, from the perspective of cre-
ativity, constitutes the necessary basic conditions, al-
though nonsufficient, in order to favor the group cre-
ative performance. These conditions, called practices
in XP methodology, are accompanied by concrete
phases of constituent activities of an agile software
development process, which is possible to correspond
with the creative process, which is fundamental to the
creative performance. In spite of the previous com-
ments, we think that XP methodology should have
a more explicit reference to the provoker role that is
thoroughly described in creativity as a fundamental
factor to generate innovation. This can be explained
because, in general, agile methodologies do not aim,
as a central element, to generate an original software,
but an effective one. Secondly, it is essential the dis-
tinction and formalization of the creative phases to
generate options incubation and option choices. It is
assumed that they take place in the iterative and pro-
duction process, although XP is not focused in ”origi-
nality”. Thirdly, a more direct mention to the physical
atmosphere of work, that in creativity are considered
as highly relevant to enhance the performance. These
aspects should have a greater consideration since soft-
ware development is a special case of product devel-
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