Quality of Experience in 3D Multimedia
Antoine Lavignotte, Christophe Gravier, Julien Subercaze and Jacques Fayolle
Universit´e de Lyon, F-42023, Saint-
Etienne, France
Universit´e de Saint-
Etienne, Jean Monnet, F-42000, Saint-
Etienne, France
T´el´ecom Saint-
Etienne, ´ecole associ´ee de l’Institut T´el´ecom, F-42000, Saint-
Etienne, France
Laboratoire T´el´ecom Claude Chappe (LT2C), F-42000, Saint-
Etienne, France
Quality of Experience, QoE, 3D Video, Subjective Tests, Quality Metrics.
Quality of Experience (QoE) is a key element in the search for rapid growth of three-dimensional video
technology. Research concerning the study of QoE in a 3D environment is on the move. This paper proposes a
review of 3D QoE specificities. We present the actual findings in this area as well as a national and international
leading projects. Thus, any researcher wishing to know more about this domain will be able to start with the
foundations necessary to understand the issues related to 3D.
A lot of technologies and services which contain HCI
(Human Computer Interface) can be deployed due to
their ready-to-use technology. Most of them struggle
to emerge because they fall short of users’ expecta-
The users’ perception (QoE) is a key element to
take into account during the development of a new
technology or service, especially in Multimedia (Jain,
2005). ITU-T (International Telecommunication
Union) defines QoE by:
-“The overall acceptability of an application or
service, as perceived subjectively by the end-user
(ITU-T.StudyGroup12, 2009).
This definition contains two additional notes:
- “Quality of Experience includes the complete
end-to-end system effects (client, terminal, network,
services infrastructure, etc)”.
- “Overall acceptability may be influenced by
users’ expectations and context”.
A more general notion of QoE is proposed by
Alben to define all the different interaction aspects
between a product and a person (Alben, 1996).
Unlike Quality of Services (QoS), QoE is a vector of
subjectivity, expressed or bound to a given context.
QoE has been studied for many years in 2D mul-
timedia. Recent research is focusing on aspects of
QoE dedicated to 3D multimedia. This is due to the
relatively moderate user adoption of 3D technologies,
although more and more TV manufacturer offers this
feature in their product range. An increased adoption
will strongly depend on its impact on the user. 3D will
has therefore to significantly enhance the user experi-
ence in a multimedia broadcast. Taking into account
QoE notion during 3D service development will be a
crucial step to its durability.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the different approaches to improve
the QoE measured by a user during a movie diffusion.
In Section 3, a review of the existing works on QoE
associated with 3D is provided. Section 4 presents
the various national or international projects whose
works concerns the study of the QoE associated with
3D. Finally, Section 5 concludes.
Several studies have been carried out on QoE. We can
actually identify two principal approaches to evaluate
The objective methods and the subjective methods.
2.1 The Objective Evaluation
The objective evaluation is based on objective metrics
associated with the final service. There are two main
Lavignotte A., Gravier C., Subercaze J. and Fayolle J..
Quality of Experience in 3D Multimedia.
DOI: 10.5220/0004448001190125
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 119-125
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
families of studies: Feature-based and Model-based
The Feature-based method consist of studying the
impact of video’s degradation by signal processing
methods. The most often used metrics are MSE
(Mean Squared Error) and PSNR (Peak Signal to
Noise Ratio) (Zepernick, 2007), (Winkler and Mo-
handas, 2008), (Khan et al., 2009). These metrics
are widely used due to their ease of computation.
However, (Sheikh, 2006) and (Winkler, 2007) demon-
strate a moderate correlation between PSNR and hu-
man perception.
Unlike Feature based method, Model based family
recreates the human perception and study the impact
of artifacts and degradations on a subject.
Another type of model-based method consists in
focusing on altering effects produced during the con-
tent transport. This approach traditionally focuses
on QoS parameters (Varga et al., 2006), (T Rahrer,
2006), (Claypool and Tanner, 1999). This view ig-
nores the most important part of QoE: the end user.
2.2 Subjective Evaluation
Subjective evaluation is usually based on tests with a
group of users who need to grade different configu-
rations of a service, pictures or movies. In scientific
and industrial fields, subjective evaluation is the most
direct way to evaluate human perception of a service
and allows one to optimize 3DTV systems. Several
tests using this method have been established during
the last few decades (Chen et al., 2009), (Lee et al.,
2010), (Lee et al., 2011).
This kind of evaluation can be divided into two
groups: psycho-perceptual and user-centered ap-
The psycho-perceptual approach needs a con-
trolled laboratory environment and study the relation
between physical stimuli and sensorial experience.
Concerning 2D subjective video quality assessment
methodologies, the ITU-R BT.500 (ITU-R, 2002) rec-
ommendation is widely used for assessing television
pictures quality. Another very popular method in 2D
is subjective assessment methodology for video qual-
ity (SAMVIQ) (Brotherton et al., 2006).
The user-centered approach is quite different due
to the perspective chosen to conduct this kind of stud-
ies. We need to put ourselves in the user’s place rather
than that of the system. This is achievedby taking into
account typical users, required system characteristics,
context of potential usage scenario and goal-related
evaluation tasks.
The figure 1 depicts the hierarchy of QoE as-
sessment methods. A more complete description of
QoS parameters
Figure 1: QoE assessment methods.
the different tests can be found in (Goldmann and
Ebrahimi, 2010).
In the following part, we report findings on QoE
3D that subjective evaluations have generated.
One may assume that 3D is just a sum of a 2D tech-
nology and the depth added to the pictures. If this
were the case, one could simply extends existing 2D
QoE assessment methods to take depth into account.
Unfortunately, as Goldman states in (Goldmann and
Ebrahimi, 2010), it is not so simple.
3.1 The 3D Content Visualization
The third dimension tries to imitate the human visual
system. Unfortunately, each persons 3D perception
system is unique. Unlike other technological leaps,
such as the transition from black and white to color
where everybody was in agreement on the improve-
ment provided by this new technology, for 3D, it is
completely different. Some viewers complain about
visual discomfort, fatigue, eye strain, problems of vi-
sual quality and distortions in 3DTV broadcasting, . ..
In order to understand the cause of these problems, we
must define the different criteria that play a role in the
perceived quality by a user.
As stated in (Bulat et al., 2010), we can find four
main criteria in the literature: image quality, natural-
ness, viewing experience, and depth perception. The
first three criteria are traditional: the same than in 2D
QoE. However,depth perceptionis the new criteria in-
troduced by 3D. It includes several important charac-
teristics that are described in the following paragraph.
3.1.1 Binocular Disparity and Stereopsis (Woo
and Sillanpaa, 1979), (Howard and J
Rogers, 1995)
This refers to the difference seen by the left and the
right eye for the same object. The brain uses the
binocular disparity to extract the depth information
from images perceived by the two eyes.
3.1.2 Accomodation and Vergeance (Ukai and
Howarth, 2008), (Yano et al., 2002)
The accommodation is the adaptive optical modifica-
tion that permits a clear image for different vision dis-
tances. The vergence allows for the measurement of
the focusing properties of the users.
3.1.3 Asymmetrical Binocular Combination and
Individual Differences
One must take into account the specificities of 3D per-
ception of each user. The last aspect has a large re-
search filing which contains:
Stereoblindness. Richards (Richards, 1970) shows
that a part of the population was unable to see in
3D using stereo vision due to the inability to per-
ceive depth information by combining and com-
paring images from their two eyes. A study by
Eyecaretrust, an English health organism, showed
that 12% of the english population has a visual
impairment and can not enjoy 3D films in all their
Strabismus. A part of the population is inflicted with
a non alignment of the optical axes of the two
eyes. The gaze of each eye is not perfectly aligned
on the point in the space and affects the depth per-
Interpupillary Distance. Dodgson pointed out in
(Dodgson, 2004) and (BAHN, 2002), that the
mean interpupillarydistance (IPD) is an important
and oft-quoted measure in stereoscopic works. He
proved that the mean IPD is around 63mm, but a
range 40-80mm has to be taken into account to
cover the whole population (adults and children).
Age. Age is also an important variable. Norman
(Norman et al., 2000) & Hayslip (Hayslip and
Panek, 1989) demonstrated that older adults can
extract depth and shape from optical patterns con-
taining differential motion or binocular disparities
but these abilities are often manifested with lower
levels of performance.
Display Duration. The test display duration has to
be defined. (Tam and Stelmach, 1998) and (Patter-
son and Fox, 1984) investigated the role of display
duration in stereoscopic depth perception. Re-
sults confirmed large individual differences in the
display duration required for a stereoscopic depth
3.2 Specificity of 3D Assessments
As explained in 2.0.2, ITU-R BT.500 (ITU-R, 2002)
is a recommendation widely used to assess the quality
of 2D videos. The previously exposed singularities of
3D over 2D make that recommendation inappropriate
for 3D assessments. Chen and al propose an extend
of the ITU recommendation greater completeness and
to take into account the specificity of 3D which is next
presented. In this part, we will present the particulari-
ties of 3D assessment exposed by (Chen et al., 2010).
3.2.1 General Viewing Conditions
We can list several new important conditions for a
good experience in 3D:
Problems of Luminance and Contrast Ratio.
They appear due to the use of additional optical
instruments for 3D viewing (glasses and filters).
Greater Importance of the Display Position. The
display position has to be taken into account
compared to 2D tests. The perception of real
background and the perceived display depth
depends on it.
Room Illumination. It has to be specified precisely
to avoid conflicts and perturbations with the me-
dia broadcasted to the user.
Monitor Resolution. The monitor resolution is also
an important parameter.
Recommendations. Minimum values for spatial and
temporal view resolution and stereoscopic resolu-
tion must be addressed (Holliman, 2010).
Preferred Viewed Distance. The PVD recom-
mended in BT-500 does not take into account the
depth perception. It should certainly be added in
the recommendation (Patterson, 2007).
Viewing Position. is an important parameter which
can cause luminance reduction depending of the
viewing angle or motion parallax on multiview
autostereoscopic displays.
Depth Rendering. Finally, the depth rendering has a
significant influence on the QoE for autostereo-
scopic displays (Barkowsky et al., 2009)
3.2.2 Source Signals
Actually, several video formats are available for 3D
videos as ”video plus depth” (Fehn, 2003), ”Multi-
View video plus depth representation and Cod-
ing(MVC)” (Merkle et al., 2007) and ”Layer Depth
Video (LDV)” (S. Jolly, 2009), etc. In 2011, the
MPEG 3D committee issued a Call for Proposal (CfP)
on 3D video coding technology with the objective
to define a data format and associated compression
technology to enable the high-quality reconstruction
of synthesized views for 3D displays”. Unlike many
studies that have focused on the stereoscopic tech-
nology, this CfP also contained the auto-stereocopic
multi-view display technology. The results are not ac-
tually known but a decision will be taken during the
year 2012.
3.2.3 Selection of Test Materials
Main elements of 2D video complexity defined by
ITU-T P910 (ITU, 1996) are the Spatial perceptual
Information (SI) and the Temporal perceptual Infor-
mation (TI). In 3D, new elements as Depth perceptual
information (DI) should also be added (Chen et al.,
3.2.4 Test Methods
A new element is revealed during 3D assessments:
the visual discomfort. It is an important point. It can
be measured by optometric tests, ERP (Event-Related
Potential) (Li et al., 2008), eye tracking or question-
3.2.5 Observers
The number of 15 participants defined in ITU-BT.500
can be discussed du to the inter-individual differences
(Ukai and Howarth, 2008). Moreover, about 10-15%
of the population cannot perceive the depth in 3D due
to eyes malfunctions. We are therefore not capable of
addressing all the population with only one test.
3.2.6 Test Duration
During a 3D diffusion, an accommodation time is
needed to the viewer. The 10 seconds proposed by
the recommendation BT.500 seems too short for good
3.3 Standard and Dataset for QoE 3D
We present the efforts made towards standardization
and dataset creation for future experiments.
3.3.1 A standard for Evaluation Tests
An European COST Action named QUALINET
(European Network on Quality of Experience in
Multimedia Systems and Services) has been invited
by MPEG for the CfP to participate during the
evaluation part of the different 3D video coding
The main scientific objective of QUALINET is the
development of methodologies for subjective and
objective quality metrics by taking into account
current and new trends in multimedia communication
systems as witnessed by the appearance of new types
of contents and interactions.
The ability to compare the different video qual-
ity assessment methods is crucial, therefore the
development of a standard certification mechanism
is critical. To demonstrate the importance of a
certification procedure, a group of four institutions
(e.g. NTNU, EPFL, UBC and Acreo) conducted
a cross-laboratory analysis to estimate the correla-
tion of quality scores obtained by each laboratory
for an identical test (Perkis et al., 2012). Results
demonstrated that different laboratories employing
different subjects can still produce highly correlated
results, as they follow similar guidelines to carry out
That is an interesting basis for future QoE tests that
will be able to be carried out by many laboratories in
the same conditions for greater impartiality.
3.3.2 3D Databases
To unify the future research in the domain, EPFL
(Goldmann et al., 2010) proposed a comprehensive
stereoscopic video database that contains a large vari-
ety of scenes and different captured parameters. The
database also provides subjective quality scores. It
can be used to evaluate the performance of visual
quality metrics as well as for the comparison and de-
sign of new metrics. More information can be found
at http://mmspg.epfl.ch/3dvqa.
Since 2010, national and international projects on 3D
have been launched around the world. The QoE is a
key element in the production chain of a 3D movie.
So, it is often an important part of these projects.
In this chapter, we will scan all the past and actual
projects over the world that address the QoE notion in
4.1 3D Live
This french project was composed of 9 academic and
industrial partners namely Orange, Institut Telecom,
Technicolor, INRIA, AMP, Binocle 3D, Thales
Angenieux, Thomson and Grass Valley. The project
covered all the 3D diffusion chain from coding to the
quality perceived by the user. Their main objective
was to improve the user experience by working on all
the 3D creation chain. Their research covered:
- specific equipments as cameras or optics
- software development for disparity correction,
content adaptation (upscaling, downscaling) and data
- metadata management (depth, camera type)
- text and graphical insertions without conflicts in the
scene depth (subtitles, logos)
The program finished on march 2012. Informations
and publications can be found at www.3dlive-
4.2 Jedi 3D
The project Jedi 3D is a consortium of 21 part-
ners in 3 countries (Belgium, France and Spain). It
aims to study and develop a high quality end to end
3DTV for consumer, with a user centric approach,
with stereoscopic as basis, toward multi-view. Two
work-packages are interesting for the QoE commu-
nity: WP3 3D User experience” and WP4: Demon-
strations & User assessment” which are led by the
societies NXP and Barco. More information can be
found at http://www.jedi-itea2.org/
4.3 Future Internet Engineering
The ”Future internet Engineering” is a Polish national
project financed by the European Union. The project
covers the development and testing of infrastructure
and services for future Internet generation. One part
of the project consist of developing a measurement
methodology for 3D video and services. Several
interesting publications has been produced on QoE
(Stankiewicz and Jajszczyk, 2011), (Janowski et al.,
2012). The project just ended on december 2012.
4.4 3D4YOU
3D4YOU is an European project funded by ICT (In-
formation and Communication Technologies), a the-
matic priority for research and development under
the specific program ”Cooperation” of the Seventh
Framework Program 2007-2013. Industrial and aca-
demic partners that work on multimedia joined to-
gether on this project (Philips NL, BBC UK, Fraun-
hofer Heinrich Hertz Institut DE, Thomson R&D FR,
Orange France Telecom FR, Christian Albrechts Uni-
versitat DE and KUK Filmproduktion DE). Their ob-
jective is to develop the key elements of a practical
3D television system. A first approach of the con-
tent requirements for subjective testing is presented
in (3D4YOU, 2008) A second document (3D4YOU,
2011), much more complete, has been produced
in march 2011 to list the consortium proposals to
achieve subjectives quality tests for 3D multimedia.
4.5 VQEG & 3DTV
VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) is an ex-
pert group born in 1997 to deal with the field of
video quality assessment by investigating new and ad-
vanced subjective and objective techniques (subjec-
tive assessment methods and objective quality met-
rics). Several projects are actually in progress. One
of them is called 3DTV. It’s goal is to investigate how
to assess 3DTV subjective video quality. This activity
is linked to the ITU-R Question 128/6. A first draft is
actually available
. The ITU’s schedule provides a
project completion in 2015.
The European COST named Qualinet is an expert
group which want to create a network for multidisci-
plinary QoE research in Europe: Their objectives are:
- the development of methodologies to assess the
perceived QoE for multimedia presentations,
- the identification of measurable features which are
relevant for the subjectively perceived QoE,
- the development of metrics to measure the QoE
perceived by a human observer,
- the development of tools to optimize existing
- and the design of new interaction models between
users and content multimedia.
It is actually composed of 24 COST countries
and 6 non-european. Every year, they orga-
nize workshops on QoE as QoMEX (Quality of
Multimedia Experience). A white paper writ-
ten on QoE’s definition is available at http://
v1.1 dag
output corrected.pdf. More details can be found
at http://www.qualinet.eu/
This paper presented a State Of The Art (SOTA) on
QoE 3D. It describes the QoE notion and explain why
it is a matter of importance for a rapid user adoption of
3D technologies. An explanation of different evalua-
tion is described to help readers to make a good choice
in case of a new multimedia experience. A collection
of most important 3D specificities is listed to better
comprehend the parameters that influence the user’s
experience. We also describe the method to conduct
a 3D assessment to maximize the results consistency.
A brief description of national, european and inter-
national projects is done to assist the reader research
on this domain. We hope these elements will enable
each researcher to better understand the concept and
the importance of QoE in 3D multimedia.
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