HyFOM Reasoner: Hybrid Integration of Fuzzy Ontology
and Mamdani Reasoning
Cristiane A. Yaguinuma
, Walter C. P. Magalh
aes Jr.
, Marilde T. P. Santos
, Heloisa A. Camargo
and Marek Reformat
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of S
ao Carlos, S
ao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Fuzzy Ontology, Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System, Hybrid
Some real-world applications require representation and reasoning regarding imprecise or vague information.
In this context, the appropriate combination of fuzzy ontologies and Mamdani fuzzy inference systems can
provide meaningful inferences involving fuzzy rules and numerical property values. In general, this knowledge
is not obtained through typical fuzzy ontology reasoning and can be relevant for some ontology reasoning tasks
that depend on numerical property values. To address this issue, this paper proposes the HyFOM reasoner,
which provides a hybrid integration of fuzzy ontology and Mamdani reasoning. A real-world case study
involving the domain of food safety is presented, including comparative results with a state-of-the-art fuzzy
description logic reasoner.
Many applications use ontologies to represent seman-
tic information that can be shared among people, soft-
ware agents and systems. In special, ontologies sup-
port not only representational primitives but also rea-
soning tasks that reveal meaningful knowledge.
However, there are some concepts whose mean-
ing cannot be fully captured using conventional on-
tologies. For instance, it is difficult to model concepts
like creamy, dark, hot, large and thick, for which a
clear and precise definition is not possible, as they
involve so-called fuzzy or vague concepts (Straccia,
2006). Thus, there is a need for extending ontolo-
gies with concepts from the fuzzy set theory (Zadeh,
1965) to represent and reason over imprecise or vague
In this sense, a number of fuzzy extensions of
ontologies have been developed, as pointed out by
(Lukasiewicz and Straccia, 2008). Some proposals
have incorporated concepts related to fuzzy variables
and linguistic terms, as they capture the vagueness
inherent in some real-world situations. These con-
cepts have been exploited by Mamdani Fuzzy Infer-
ence Systems (Mamdani FIS) (Mamdani and Assil-
ian, 1975) to infer numerical outputs based on fuzzy
variables and fuzzy rules. This well-known reasoning
approach could be also employed in fuzzy ontology-
based applications, providing numerical property val-
ues that are not inferred by typical fuzzy ontology rea-
soning. The inferred values could be considered in
other fuzzy ontology reasoning tasks, e.g. the fuzzy
instance check depending on specific property values.
Although some proposals have been developed to-
wards the combination of fuzzy ontology and fuzzy
rule reasoning, there are some issues to be consid-
ered. Fuzzy rule semantics and defuzzification meth-
ods should meet application requirements in order to
obtain meaningful results. The set of fuzzy infer-
ences should not be limited to fuzzy rule reasoning,
since fuzzy ontology reasoners also provide relevant
inferences regarding fuzzy concept knowledge. It is
important to incorporate fuzzy rule inferences to the
fuzzy ontology, as they may contribute to perform
other fuzzy ontology reasoning tasks.
Focusing on the mentioned issues, this paper de-
scribes the HyFOM reasoner (Hybrid Integration of
Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani reasoning). It follows
a hybrid architecture to integrate fuzzy ontologies and
Mamdani rules aiming at providing meaningful infer-
ences to fuzzy ontology-based applications. The Hy-
FOM approach is explained as follows. Section 2 dis-
A. Yaguinuma C., C. P. Magalhães Jr. W., T. P. Santos M., A. Camargo H. and Reformat M..
HyFOM Reasoner: Hybrid Integration of Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani Reasoning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004452803700378
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 370-378
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cusses related work on the combination of fuzzy on-
tologies and fuzzy inference systems. Section 3 de-
scribes the main features of the HyFOM reasoner. A
case study about the domain of food safety, including
a comparison with a fuzzy description logic reasoner,
is presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes
this paper and points out ongoing research.
In relation to the current approaches aiming to com-
bine fuzzy ontologies and fuzzy inference systems,
there are some issues that should be considered:
1. Does the semantics provided to represent and rea-
son over fuzzy rules meet the application needs?
2. Are fuzzy rule inferences integrated to the fuzzy
ontology so that they can contribute to other on-
tology reasoning tasks?
3. Does the application need to control the interac-
tion between fuzzy ontology and fuzzy rule infer-
4. Does the set of possible fuzzy inferences comprise
both fuzzy ontology and fuzzy rule reasoning?
Some fuzzy ontology languages based on ex-
pressive fuzzy description logics, e.g. (Bobillo and
Straccia, 2008; Bobillo and Straccia, 2009), pro-
vide implication operators that can be used to rep-
resent fuzzy rules. As described by (Guillaume and
Charnomordic, 2012), these rules are called implica-
tive rules, which are combined conjunctively. Never-
theless, such semantics can be too restrictive depend-
ing on the application, possibly resulting in knowl-
edge base inconsistency even for allowed property
values (question 1). Another approach provided by
the fuzzyDL reasoner (Bobillo and Straccia, 2008) is
representing fuzzy rules using fuzzy concept defini-
tions along with a query interface to call defuzzifica-
tion methods. However, the defuzzified output is not
incorporated into the fuzzy ontology, unless explicitly
done by application, affecting questions 2 and 3.
There are proposals that consider a crisp ontology
integrated with Mamdani rules, as in (Bobillo et al.,
2009; Wlodarczyk et al., 2010). In this context, an
ontology reasoner is used for consistency checking
regarding crisp definitions but the set of fuzzy infer-
ences is limited to fuzzy rule reasoning (question 4).
Some studies (Lee et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2011)
have adopted the Fuzzy Markup Language (FML)
(Acampora and Loia, 2005) to express FIS-related in-
formation such as fuzzy rules, linguistic variables and
fuzzy rule reasoning methods. OWL-FC (de Maio
et al., 2012) also represents these elements with a
high-level specification for fuzzy control systems that
enables links to domain ontology concepts. In gen-
eral, these proposals focus on fuzzy rule reasoning,
mainly using the fuzzy ontology to represent a FIS
knowledge base. Thus, their set of fuzzy inferences
does not include fuzzy concept knowledge reasoning
(question 4), provided by fuzzy ontology reasoners.
(Bragaglia et al., 2010) propose a hybrid architec-
ture combining forward rules and fuzzy ontology rea-
soning. Although the set of fuzzy inferences covers
both fuzzy ontological and fuzzy rule reasoning, their
proposal does not exploit Mamdani reasoning neither
defuzzification methods. As mentioned earlier, Mam-
dani FIS provides useful inferences that can comple-
ment the set of fuzzy inferences demanded by some
applications, an issue related to question 1.
Aiming to deal with the discussed limitations, the
HyFOM reasoner is described in Section 3, combin-
ing fuzzy ontology and Mamdani reasoning based on
a hybrid architecture.
In this paper, the purpose of combining fuzzy ontol-
ogy and fuzzy rule reasoning is providing expressive
inferences that are not obtained through typical fuzzy
ontology reasoning. Specifically, a Mamdani FIS can
be used to infer numerical property values based on
fuzzy rules combining different properties and their
respective linguistic terms. In this sense, when ap-
plications require knowledge associated with a nu-
merical property value, it can be inferred based on a
Mamdani FIS by getting inputs from the fuzzy on-
tology. The inferred output is then returned to the
ontology, possibly contributing to other fuzzy ontol-
ogy reasoning tasks. Figure 1 presents a SADT di-
agram (Marca and McGowan, 1987) describing the
HyFOM reasoner approach to integrate fuzzy ontol-
ogy and Mamdani FIS reasoning.
According to Figure 1, the main inputs and con-
trols of the HyFOM reasoner are Mamdani rules rep-
resenting a Mamdani rule base; a fuzzy ontology; and
an individual of the fuzzy ontology. The Mamdani
rule base contains a set of rules combining numerical
properties and linguistic terms in the antecedent (in-
put properties) to infer the value of a property in the
consequent (output property). An example of a Mam-
dani rule is: If property1 is high and property2
is medium then property3 is low, where prop-
erty1 and property2 are input properties and prop-
erty3 is an output property, all of them described by
linguistic terms (high, medium and low, respectively).
Figure 1: Main steps for integrating fuzzy ontology and Mamdani FIS reasoning with HyFOM reasoner.
The fuzzy ontology models a specific domain in
terms of concepts, properties, relationships, instances
and linguistic terms associated with numerical prop-
erties. The properties and linguistic terms used in
Mamdani rules should be defined in the fuzzy ontol-
ogy with equal names, for mapping purposes. Ap-
plications pass an individual of the fuzzy ontology to
check if it has any property value that can be inferred
based on Mamdani reasoning. If a class is passed as
input, the integration approach is done for all its indi-
The mechanisms (arrows at the bottom of activity
boxes) are the resources required to complete a pro-
cess, which may include people with particular skills
and computational tools, according to the SADT
specification. In the proposed approach, the mecha-
nisms are inference engines and domain experts who
supervise the outputs of the integration process. Fol-
lowing a hybrid architecture, inference engine imple-
mentations are reused, including a crisp ontology rea-
soner, a fuzzy ontology reasoner and a Mamdani FIS.
The crisp ontology reasoner performs efficient query
answering and reasoning related to crisp definitions
and assertions in the ontology. The fuzzy ontology
reasoner provides reasoning tasks regarding fuzzy
definitions and assertions, such as fuzzy concept sub-
sumption and fuzzy instance check. The Mamdani
FIS is responsible to infer the value of a numerical
property based on fuzzy rules and fuzzy operations.
The activity boxes presented in Figure 1 com-
bine inputs, controls and mechanisms to produce out-
puts. In the activity A1, the HyFOM reasoner iden-
tifies which are the input and output properties used
in Mamdani rules so that their values can be obtained
from the fuzzy ontology. In the activity A2, the Hy-
FOM reasoner firstly checks if the output property
value for a particular individual can be obtained from
the fuzzy ontology. If so, then the fuzzy ontology is
able to provide its value thus there is no need to in-
volve Mamdani rules. If not, the appropriate input
property values should be obtained from the fuzzy on-
tology so that the Mamdani FIS can be invoked to in-
fer the output property value.
Still in the activity A2, property values (either out-
put or input) are obtained from the fuzzy ontology
based on the following procedure. The crisp ontology
reasoner is invoked to check if the property value is
either asserted or inferred based on crisp definitions.
The main reason for using a crisp ontology reasoner is
due to its optimized access to assertions and conven-
tional ontology reasoning tasks. Still, if property val-
ues cannot be obtained, the fuzzy ontology reasoner is
invoked because fuzzy concept definitions and impli-
cations can support reasoning associated with prop-
erty values. For example, a fuzzy concept definition
such as C1 property1.high along with an as-
sertion C1(ind1) indicates that individual ind1 has
value high for property1. Thus, even if property
values are not explicit, they may be inferred based on
fuzzy ontology axioms and definitions. The inferred
values can be crisp (a specific number) or fuzzy (a
fuzzy set), depending on application preferences.
After the input values are obtained, the activity A3
invokes the Mamdani FIS to infer the corresponding
output based on Mamdani rules. In the Mamdani FIS,
the fuzzy operations considered are min-max com-
position, minimum for rule semantics and maximum
for aggregation of outputs (Mamdani and Assilian,
1975). Several defuzzification methods are provided
to obtain a numerical value from the aggregated fuzzy
output, such as Center of Area (COA), Moment de-
fuzzification and Mean of Maxima (MOM). Finally,
a new property assertion associating the output prop-
erty, the individual and the defuzzified value is added
to the fuzzy ontology under domain expert supervi-
sion (activity A4). As a result, the output generated
by Mamdani FIS will be available for other fuzzy on-
tology reasoning tasks that may depend on it.
The HyFOM reasoner was implemented us-
ing reasoners and frameworks available for fuzzy
ontology-based applications and FIS. The crisp ontol-
ogy reasoner is based on the OWL API (Horridge and
Bechhofer, 2011) and Hermit (Motik et al., 2009), an
optimized reasoner providing efficient access to crisp
ontology assertions and inferences. The fuzzy ontol-
ogy reasoner used is the fuzzyDL reasoner (Bobillo
and Straccia, 2008), which supports fuzzy concepts,
linguistic terms and fuzzy axioms, with a Java API to
access reasoning tasks. The Mamdani FIS is provided
by FuzzyJ Toolkit and Fuzzy Jess (Orchard, 2001),
including a Java API for handling fuzzy sets, fuzzy
rules, Mamdani inference and defuzzification meth-
Based on this platform, domain experts can model
the fuzzy ontology using the Prot
e ontology editor
with the FuzzyOWL2 plugin (Bobillo and Straccia,
2011). The resulted ontology can be processed by
OWL API, Hermit and fuzzyDL, provided that it is
parsed to the fuzzyDL syntax to allow fuzzy ontology
reasoning. The results inferred by the Mamdani FIS
are integrated to the fuzzy ontology using the OWL
API support for including new assertions.
Some contributions of the HyFOM reasoner are
demonstrated in a real-world case study described in
Section 4.
The HyFOM reasoner was applied in a case study
to support domain experts in evaluating the chemi-
cal risk of analytes (residues and contaminants) de-
tected in food samples. The experiments were spon-
sored by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Live-
stock and Supply (MAPA), focusing on the National
Plan for Control of Residues and Contaminants (PN-
CRC). PNCRC is responsible for monitoring the pres-
ence of residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs as
well as environmental contaminants in food products.
More details on MAPA and PNCRC are available in
(de Magalh
aes Junior et al., 2012).
According to the methodology explained by
(de Magalh
aes Junior et al., 2012), laboratory anal-
yses obtain the concentration of different analytes in
food samples. For each analyte, there is a maximum
level established by the Codex Alimentarius Commis-
sion, which is the maximum concentration of that sub-
stance officially permitted in a specific food. Each an-
alyte concentration is confronted with its respective
maximum level (in percentage) to obtain the Concen-
tration Risk (CR) of the analyte detected in a food
sample. In this sense, if an analyte concentration is
lower or equal than its maximum level it is called a
compliant analyte in the sample; otherwise it is called
non-compliant. In addition to CR, there are other risk
factors determined by PNCRC experts:
Trends associated with analyte concentration: in-
dicate whether the analyte concentration has a ten-
dency of decreasing, stabilizing or increasing in a
short, medium or long period of time, according
to its toxicological profile;
Adjustment period: estimated time for the
provider of the food sample to be brought into
compliance with MAPAs requirements concern-
ing a specific analyte;
Adjustment cost: estimated costs for the provider
of the food sample to be brought into compliance
with MAPAs requirements concerning a specific
The risk factors are combined to obtain the Aggre-
gate Risk (AR) associated with an analyte detected in
a food sample. Depending on the AR value, inter-
ventions should be applied to the providers of food
samples. Some types of intervention are: no inter-
vention for compliant analytes with negligible AR;
preventive intervention for analytes that have a short-
term increasing trend and medium AR; and maximum
intervention for non-compliant analytes that have in-
tolerable AR.
With support of PNCRC experts, the main con-
cepts related to the chemical risk of analytes were
modeled in a fuzzy ontology. Initially, Prot
e and
FuzzyOWL2 plugin were used to model the main
concepts and properties, later parsed to the fuzzyDL
syntax to enable fuzzy ontology reasoning. List-
ing 1 shows how the risk factors were modeled in the
fuzzy ontology (fuzzyDL syntax), all of them asso-
ciated with linguistic terms defined by the experts.
At the moment, the linguistic terms related to the
properties hasConcentrationTrend, hasAdjustmentPe-
riod and hasAdjustmentCost are nominal (crisp) val-
ues due to the available data, but there is an ongoing
work with PNCRC experts to fuzzify such definitions.
Listing 2 describes concept definitions representing
the types of intervention, which are based on the risk
factors and their linguistic terms. An instance of an
analyte-sample analysis is illustrated as well.
(functional hasConcentrationRisk )
(range hasConcentrationRisk *real* 0.0 200.0 )
(define-fuzzy-concept negligibleCR
left-shoulder(0.0, 200.0, 20.0, 40.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept acceptableCR
trapezoidal(0.0, 200.0, 20.0, 40.0, 80.0, 90.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept nearCR
trapezoidal(0.0, 200.0, 80.0, 90, 100.0, 100.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept equivalentCR
crisp(0.0, 200.0, 100.0, 100.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept highCR
trapezoidal(0.0, 200.0, 100.0, 100, 120.0, 130.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept intolerableCR
right-shoulder(0.0, 200.0, 120.0, 130.0) )
(functional hasConcentrationTrend )
(range hasConcentrationTrend *real* 0.0 3.0 )
(define-fuzzy-concept decreaseOrStabilize
crisp(0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept longTermIncrease
crisp(0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept mediumTermIncrease
crisp(0.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept shortTermIncrease
crisp(0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0) )
(functional hasAdjustmentPeriod )
(range hasAdjustmentPeriod *real* 0.0 3.0)
(define-fuzzy-concept unnecessaryAP
crisp(0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0))
(define-fuzzy-concept shortAP crisp(0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0))
(define-fuzzy-concept mediumAP crisp(0.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0))
(define-fuzzy-concept longAP crisp(0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0))
(functional hasAdjustmentCost )
(range hasAdjustmentCost *real* 0.0 3.0 )
(define-fuzzy-concept unnecessaryAC
crisp(0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0))
(define-fuzzy-concept lowAC crisp(0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0))
(define-fuzzy-concept mediumAC crisp(0.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0))
(define-fuzzy-concept highAC crisp(0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0))
(functional hasAggregateRisk )
(range hasAggregateRisk *real* 1.0 15.0 )
(define-fuzzy-concept negligibleAR
crisp(1.0, 15.0, 1.0, 1.5) )
(define-fuzzy-concept veryLowAR
triangular(1.0, 15.0, 1.5, 1.5, 4.75) )
(define-fuzzy-concept lowAR
triangular(1.0, 15.0, 1.5, 4.75, 8.0) )
(define-fuzzy-concept mediumAR
triangular(1.0, 15.0, 4.75, 8.0, 11.25) )
(define-fuzzy-concept highAR
triangular(1.0, 15.0, 8.0, 11.25, 14.5) )
(define-fuzzy-concept veryHighAR
triangular(1.0, 15.0, 11.25, 14.5, 14.5) )
(define-fuzzy-concept intolerableAR
crisp(1.0, 15.0, 14.5, 15.0) )
Listing 1: Risk factors defined in the fuzzy ontology.
(define-concept CompliantAnalysis
(and AnalyteSampleAnalysis
(<= hasConcentrationRisk 100.0 )))
(define-concept NonCompliantAnalysis
(and AnalyteSampleAnalysis
(> hasConcentrationRisk 100.0 )))
(define-concept NoIntervention (and CompliantAnalysis
(some hasAggregateRisk negligibleAR)))
(define-concept PreventiveIntervention
(and (some hasConcentrationTrend shortTermIncrease)
(some hasAggregateRisk mediumAR)))
(define-concept MaximumIntervention
(and NonCompliantAnalysis
(some hasAggregateRisk intolerableAR)))
(instance analysis1 AnalyteSampleAnalysis)
(related analysis1 metidation hasAnalyte)
(related analysis1 milkSample1 hasSample)
(instance analysis1 (= hasConcentrationRisk 121.2 ))
(instance analysis1 (= hasConcentrationTrend 3.0 ))
(instance analysis1 (= hasAdjustmentPeriod 3.0 ))
(instance analysis1 (= hasAdjustmentCost 2.0 ))
Listing 2: Concept definitions in the fuzzy ontology.
Instead of using the Chem-risk approach (de Ma-
galhes Junior, 2011) to compute AR, domain ex-
perts were requested to express their knowledge us-
ing Mamdani rules combining the risk factors to in-
fer AR. In this case study, fuzzy rules contribute to
make the process more transparent and interpretable
for PNCRC and MAPA decision makers, due to the
linguistic terms that are closer to human language.
Then, the results obtained with the hybrid reasoner
were compared with Chem-risk, which provides ap-
propriate results according to PNCRC experts. A to-
tal of 17 Mamdani rules were modeled, some of them
illustrated in Listing 3 using Fuzzy Jess.
Using the fuzzy ontology and Mamdani rules, the
HyFOM reasoner was applied to provide recommen-
dations on aggregate risk and intervention actions re-
lated to food samples. Following the approach de-
scribed in Section 3, individuals of the concept Ana-
lyteSampleAnalysis (see an example in Listing 2) are
passed to the HyFOM reasoner to obtain AR values
based on Mamdani rules. The corresponding input
property values are obtained from the fuzzy ontology,
as they are modeled as property assertions. Then, the
Mamdani FIS generates the output values, which are
returned to the fuzzy ontology under expert supervi-
sion. After that, the outputs can be considered in the
fuzzy instance check involving the concepts NoInter-
vention, PreventiveIntervention and MaximumInter-
vention to recommend the appropriate intervention.
(defrule rule1
(hasAdjustmentCost ?c&:(fuzzy-match ?c "unnecessaryAC"))
(hasConcentrationRisk ?v&:(fuzzy-match ?v "negligibleCR"))
(assert (hasAggregateRisk
(new FuzzyValue ?*hasAggregateRiskFvar* "negligibleAR"))))
(defrule rule2
(hasAdjustmentCost ?c&:(fuzzy-match ?c "unnecessaryAC"))
(hasConcentrationRisk ?v&:(fuzzy-match ?v "acceptableCR"))
(assert (hasAggregateRisk
(new FuzzyValue ?*hasAggregateRiskFvar* "veryLowAR"))))
(defrule rule3
(hasAdjustmentCost ?c&:(fuzzy-match ?c "unnecessaryAC"))
(hasConcentrationRisk ?v&:(fuzzy-match ?v "nearCR"))
(assert (hasAggregateRisk
(new FuzzyValue ?*hasAggregateRiskFvar* "veryLowAR"))))
(defrule rule4
(hasAdjustmentCost ?c&:(fuzzy-match ?c "unnecessaryAC"))
(hasConcentrationRisk ?v&:(fuzzy-match ?v "equivalentCR"))
(assert (hasAggregateRisk
(new FuzzyValue ?*hasAggregateRiskFvar* "lowAR"))))
(defrule rule5
(hasAdjustmentCost ?c&:(fuzzy-match ?c "lowAC"))
(hasAdjustmentPeriod ?p&:(fuzzy-match ?p "unnecessaryAP"))
(hasConcentrationRisk ?v&:(fuzzy-match ?v "negligibleCR"))
(assert (hasAggregateRisk
(new FuzzyValue ?*hasAggregateRiskFvar* "veryLowAR"))))
(defrule rule6
(hasAdjustmentCost ?c&:(fuzzy-match ?c "lowAC"))
(hasAdjustmentPeriod ?p&:(fuzzy-match ?p "unnecessaryAP"))
(hasConcentrationRisk ?v&:(fuzzy-match ?v "acceptableCR"))
(assert (hasAggregateRisk
(new FuzzyValue ?*hasAggregateRiskFvar* "veryLowAR"))))
Listing 3: Mamdani rules to infer aggregate risk.
Based on this case study, some experiments were
conducted using data provided by PNCRC. A total
of 114 beef sample analyses were available, involv-
ing 19 different analytes. The HyFOM reasoner was
executed with the 114 individuals of AnalyteSample-
Analysis defined in the fuzzy ontology, using the Mo-
ment and COA defuzzification methods for generat-
ing the AR values. The results obtained with the Hy-
FOM reasoner were compared to the results provided
by Chem-risk approach and fuzzyDL reasoner.
The fuzzyDL reasoner was chosen for compari-
sion since it is one of the state-of-the-art fuzzy de-
scription logic reasoners. In addition, it supports
Mamdani FIS semantics with 3 defuzzification meth-
ods - Smallest of Maxima (SOM), Largest of Maxima
(LOM) and MOM. In general, MOM generates more
appropriate outputs compared with SOM and LOM,
as it takes the average between them. Note that the
HyFOM reasoner already uses fuzzyDL as a fuzzy
ontology reasoner, but only for inferences related to
fuzzy concept knowledge. Therefore, in the tests, a
”standalone” fuzzyDL reasoner is compared with the
HyFOM reasoner. As fuzzyDL does not provide spe-
cific constructors for handling Mamdani rules, two
fuzzyDL approaches for modeling fuzzy rules were
considered: (1) fuzzy implications and (2) fuzzy con-
cept constructors with MOM defuzzification. In these
two situations, the fuzzy ontology (Listings 1 and 2)
is reused but the rule set is replaced by the corre-
sponding fuzzy rules according to the two fuzzyDL
Figure 2 presents the results obtained with Hy-
FOM reasoner, fuzzyDL and Chem-risk, which is the
reference for comparison. Some individuals of An-
alyteSampleAnalysis are omitted because the AR val-
ues remain unchanged for individuals with id 66. In
terms of mean squared error (mse), the HyFOM rea-
soner achieved a better overall performance with mo-
ment defuzzification (mse = 0.195) and COA (mse =
0.199) against fuzzyDL implications (mse = 0.295)
and fuzzyDL with MOM (mse = 0.342). The Fried-
man test was applied over the squared error values,
concluding that at least one of the means differs from
the rest. Dunn’s post test revealed that the fuzzyDL
implications results are significantly different from
the rest, reflecting the distinct reasoning semantics
involved (Mamdani rules with defuzzification versus
implication rules). However, it is important to ana-
lyze the specific situations in which one approach per-
forms better than the others, to have a comprehensive
understanding of the results.
For analyses with AR = 1 according to Chem-risk,
the results from fuzzyDL implications are more pre-
cise than results provided by Mamdani rules with de-
fuzzification. Implicative rules in fuzzyDL generate
a numerical output corresponding to the minimum
value in the domain of discourse which belongs to the
conjunction of rule consequents. Thus, the numerical
output is not influenced by the shape of the fuzzy set,
as it happens with COA, Moment and MOM defuzzi-
fication methods, which generate a mse = 0.0625 in
this specific situation. On the other hand, such char-
acteristic favored the HyFOM reasoner results when
1 < AR 5 according to Chem-risk. In this case, the
defuzzification methods based on shape of the fuzzy
sets provided more precise results, differently from
the fuzzyDL implications and MOM that are influ-
enced by the extremes of maximum degree.
Figure 2: Aggregate risk obtained with fuzzyDL, HyFOM reasoner and Chem-risk.
For analyses with 5 < AR 12, there is no differ-
ence in the results provided by both HyFOM reasoner
and fuzzyDL. In such situation, the fired rules involve
input properties with nominal values (hasConcentra-
tionTrend, hasAdjustmentPeriod and hasAdjustment-
Cost), thus fuzziness is not considered in the results.
As it was mentioned previously, there is an ongoing
work to fuzzify these properties with support of PN-
CRC experts, so that more precise results can be ob-
tained in comparison with Chem-risk approach.
Finally, the HyFOM reasoner presents better re-
sults for analyses with AR > 12. In this situation,
fuzzyDL implications do not infer AR values due
to knowledge base inconsistency, since different rule
consequents not having an intersection are combined
conjunctively. This problem does not happen with
Mamdani rules, which are able to infer pertinent out-
puts. In addition, the defuzzification methods pro-
vided by the HyFOM reasoner generate a better ap-
proximation than MOM, one of the methods available
in fuzzyDL. Therefore, in relation to question 1 (Sec-
tion 2), the HyFOM reasoner can be considered more
appropriate for this case study as it provides rule se-
mantics and defuzzification methods that better meet
the application needs.
After fuzzy rule reasoning was performed, the AR
values should be available for other fuzzy ontology
reasoning tasks that depend on them. For example,
the fuzzy ontology reasoner should consider the AR
values to obtain the membership degree of an individ-
ual of AnalyteSampleAnalysis to the concept Preven-
As the HyFOM reasoner incorporates the AR val-
ues to the fuzzy ontology as new property assertions,
the fuzzy instance check task is performed as ex-
pected. The AR inferred by the implicative rules
is also considered by the fuzzy ontology reasoning
task. However, when using fuzzyDL with Mamdani
FIS semantics and MOM, the generated outputs are
not taken into consideration by the fuzzy instance
check. In this case, the application should be aware
that the defuzzification results are not integrated and
should take appropriate actions regarding fuzzy con-
cept reasoning. This issue is related to the questions 2
and 3 (Section 2), which point out that fuzzy rule in-
ferences should be automatically integrated with the
fuzzy ontology. Thus, both the HyFOM reasoner and
fuzzyDL implications meet these integration require-
ments, while the other fuzzyDL approach does not.
The proposed hybrid reasoning system was designed
focusing on addressing issues discussed in Section 2,
which are not fully accomplished by related work.
Regarding rule semantics, the HyFOM reasoner is
based on Mamdani rules while some fuzzy descrip-
tion logic reasoners support implicative rules that can
be too restrictive for some applications. Moreover,
the defuzzification methods provided are based on the
shape of the fuzzy set, generating outputs that repre-
sent a suitable balance among multiple fired rules.
The case study involving the domain of food
safety demonstrated that the HyFOM reasoner pro-
duces appropriate results comparable with the Chem-
risk approach already used in this domain. Fuzzy on-
tologies and Mamdani rules are interesting for this
context as they provide advantages regarding inter-
pretability and treatment of imprecision, inherent in
expert knowledge.
In terms of integration approach, the HyFOM rea-
soner automatically provides Mamdani FIS outputs to
other fuzzy ontology reasoning tasks. As the Hy-
FOM reasoner includes a fuzzy ontology reasoner
(fuzzyDL), the set of possible fuzzy inferences com-
prise both fuzzy ontology and fuzzy rule reasoning.
As illustrated by the case study, the integration of the
outputs from Mamdani FIS is important for the fuzzy
instance check task involving intervention actions that
depend on aggregate risk values.
As for future work, more real-world applications
of the HyFOM reasoner are being developed. In addi-
tion, there is an ongoing research about an integration
architecture involving a fuzzy tableau-based reasoner
and a fuzzy inference system. Other types of fuzzy
inference systems can be considered as well, such as
the non-parametric fuzzy system model proposed by
(Angelov and Yager, 2012), which is a new type of
simplified fuzzy rule-based system as an alternative
to the Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno models.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian research
agency CAPES for supporting this research. Special
thanks to the Embrapa Dairy Cattle and the Brazil-
ian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply for
providing real-world data and domain expert support
for the case study.
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