Emergency Systems Modelling using a Security Engineering Process
Jose Fran. Ruiz
, Antonio Ma
, Marcos Arjona
and Janne Paatero
Fraunhofer SIT, Darmstadt, Germany
Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
RUAG Switzerland Ltd., Bern, Switzerland
Security, Conceptual Modeling, Emergency Support Tools, Domain-specific Tools, Case Studies.
The engineering and development of complex security-sensitive systems is becoming increasingly difficult due
to the need to address aspects like heterogeneity (of application domains, requirements, regulations, solutions,
etc.), dynamism and runtime adaptation necessities, and the high demands for security and privacy of the
users and agencies involved in scenarios where these systems work (natural disasters, accidents, terrorism,
etc.). Moreover, security knowledge is highly domain-dependent and dynamic. These characteristics make the
development of those systems hard because the amount of security knowledge required to dealing with such
a huge variety of situations, which becomes way too large for a human. We propose in this paper a security-
oriented engineering process that is especially useful for these systems. It makes security fit naturally in the
systems by interleaving security into the initial architecture and system description. In particular, the proposed
process provides means to identify and manage security properties in a consistent and intuitive manner. To
illustrate our experience we use a real-world emergency response scenario. More concretely, we focus on the
establishment of a secure ad-hoc wireless mesh communication, which is a key component in the domain of
spontaneous broadband communication among crisis management vehicles.
The engineering and development of complex
security-sensitive systems is becoming increasingly
difficult due to the need to address aspects like het-
erogeneity (of application domains, requirements,
threats, regulations, suitable solutions, etc.), dy-
namism and runtime adaptation necessities, and the
high demands for security and privacy of the users
and agencies involved in scenarios where these sys-
tems work (natural disasters, accidents, terrorism,
etc.). Moreover, security knowledge is very domain-
dependent and dynamic. Threats, properties, solu-
tions, etc. that are valid or relevant in a given domain,
are not applicable to other domains and are subject to
constant changes. These characteristics make the de-
velopment of those systems hard because the amount
of security knowledge required for dealing with such
a huge variety of situations, becoming way too com-
plex for a human.
Besides, most of the time, these systems must use
externally developed components that have a complex
set of characteristics according to their security fea-
tures. In particular, security requirements are espe-
cially hard to properly address because of the domain-
specific knowledge required to understand their secu-
rity concepts.
Modelling is one of the most important activities
in the process of engineering these systems because
it establishes the foundations for the rest of the en-
gineering activities. Unfortunately, current modelling
formalisms do not seamlessly and naturally integrate
security. Ideally, a security modelling activity should
(i) be able to coherently deal with the different ele-
ments and concepts that are related to security (prop-
erties, requirements, threats, attacks, verification, as-
surance, etc.) and (ii) be useful as a basis for the se-
lection and integration of appropriate security solu-
tions during the design phase, for the configuration
of the security components during the deployment
phase, for facilitating the testing phase and even for
streamlining system evolution.
This paper describes the experience of using a
novel secure modelling and engineering process de-
veloped in the EU SecFutur project (SecFutur Con-
sortium, 2010). The main objective of SecFutur is
supporting the development of dependable and se-
cure systems composed of embedded components.
Ruiz J., Maña A., Arjona M. and Paatero J..
Emergency Systems Modelling using a Security Engineering Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0004480201170124
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2013),
pages 117-124
ISBN: 978-989-8565-69-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
To this aim, SecFutur has developed a new security
modelling framework and an associated engineering
process that can flexibly integrate security consider-
ations into the system design and can be easily in-
corporated into existing engineering processes. The
security solutions are provided in terms of SecFutur
Patterns (SFP) and Security Building Blocks (SBBs)
(Grawrock, 2009) (Pearson, 2002), which integrate
existing hardware and software security mechanisms
in order to provide complex security properties. The
architecture of the SecFutur Modelling Framework
(Jose Fran. Ruiz and Ma
na, 2011) is based on the
UML metamodeling capabilities and is composed of
three different layers that cover different objectives.
To illustrate our experience we use a real-world
emergency response scenario. More concretely, we
focus on the establishment of a secure ad-hoc wire-
less mesh communication, which is a key component
in the domain of spontaneous broadband communi-
cation among crisis management vehicles. The com-
munication between the vehicles occurs on a tactical
level, without any fixed or deployable communica-
tion infrastructure available. Depending on the type
of emergency or crisis, the fixed and deployed infras-
tructure may be totally destroyed or partially avail-
able. In the latter case, the tactical communication is
augmented with backhaul links to headquarters.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: in
Section 2, we describe the state of the art of the cur-
rent modelling and engineering processes. Section 3
presents the proposed security engineering process.
Section 4 describes the real-world scenario we use as
an example. Section 5 contains the modelling of the
scenario and Section 6 discusses the benefits and con-
clusions of the engineering process.
Currently, although some companies use security en-
gineering processes in the development of their sys-
tems, usually, these practices for modelling systems
with security properties consist of a traditional sys-
tem modelling, subsequent implementation and test-
ing, combined with ad-hoc methods (”gut feeling”) to
define security issues and, in the best cases, some iso-
lated systematic threat modelling. Most of the times
those issues are only considered after the architectural
and functional design of the system.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has be-
come the de-facto standard notation for system devel-
opment. This language is well supported by platforms
and tools and suited for defining designs at high ab-
straction levels. It offers an excellent opportunity to
close the gap between software and security engineer-
ing and to support the development of security-critical
systems in an industrial setting. Although originally
not based on UML, the work proposed in (Peter Her-
rmann, 2006) includes an extension intended to sup-
port the development of an abstract UML-based busi-
ness process specification.
UMLsec (J
urjens, 2001) is proposed as an ex-
tension of UML for modelling security properties
of computer systems. Unfortunately, UMLsec only
addresses a few specific security requirements and
doesn’t allow to create complex or composed ones
that can be necessary for a specific scenario.
Model Driven Security (Basin et al., 2003) is a
specialization of the MDA approach that proposes
a modular approach combining languages for mod-
elling system design with languages for modelling se-
curity. One of these languages for modelling security,
called SecureUML (T. Tryfonas, 2001), is only used
to describe role-based access control policies.
Another recent approach proposes to integrate se-
curity and systems engineering using elements of
UML within the Tropos methodology (Castro et al.,
2001) and (Mouratidis et al., 2003). This approach is
a requirement-driven process, therefore it collects all
the requirements and the system is modeled as a com-
position of subsystems interconnected through data.
The complexity of obtaining how the actors interact
and the sequence of their actions hinders a friendly
approach to this engineering process. Also, the engi-
neer needs to have specific knowledge of the scenario
and the necessary security properties to fulfill them.
Another interesting approach to the introduction
of security, focused on the concept of risk, in the de-
velopment cycle is presented in (Dimitrakos et al.,
2002). This process begins with a rigorous analysis
of the context, collecting different aspects and con-
cerns such as the specific requirements. The risks
are identified and analyzed, in order to be included in
later stages of the process, but this approach merges
entities with different natures and behaviors such as
threats, vulnerabilities or incidents, treating them in
the same way and ignoring their own characteristics.
Finally, on the conceptual level, the Systems Se-
curity Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-
CMM) (SSE-CMM, ) highlights the relationship be-
tween security engineering and systems engineering,
regarding the former as an integral part of the latter
and not an end by itself. On the other hand it does not
provide any concrete realization of the proposed inte-
grated treatment of security and systems engineering.
This overview shows that, based on the variety
of different approaches, and although several specific
properties can be considered more or less rigorously
in the development process, there is still a large gap
between the integration of security and systems engi-
neering. The goal of the SecFutur process is precisely
to fill that identified breach by providing an security
engineering process with tool support, allowing rigor-
ous treatment of security and reliability requirements
and making the experience and knowledge of security
experts available for system engineering.
The main objective of the SecFutur Security Engi-
neering Process is to help developers and engineers in
the treatment of security aspects and the use of secu-
rity elements in order to enhance system models with
security. This is done by applying security properties
in order to fulfill the security requirements of the sys-
tem, which are obtained by means of a security anal-
ysis of the targeted scenario. Our proposed security
engineering process integrates security solutions into
a modelling framework which can be easily integrated
with other processes.
3.1 Artefacts
The architecture of the artefacts of the security engi-
neering process is composed of three different layers
that aim at different objectives. Each layer is based
on the previous one and defines a more specific model
of security aspects. Figure 1 shows the dependencies
between the different layers. Due to the limitation of
the paper we only present the description and func-
tionality of each layer. The three layers of the SecFu-
tur framework are based on the UML Standard Meta-
model. However, it is important to clarify that we use
the term domain to refer to specific application do-
mains (e.g. wireless sensor networks, smart metering
systems, etc.), while in the field of modelling it is nor-
mally associated with the notion of Domain Specific
Figure 1: Layers in the SecFutur Engineering Process.
Language (DSL), and focused on code generation.
The first (most abstract) SecFutur layer is called
Core Security Metamodel (CSM) and is materialized
as a metamodel that contains elements (in the form
of UML meta-classes) and relations to represent rel-
evant security concepts, such as properties, require-
ments, threats, attacks, assumptions, actors, tests,
etc. This layer deals only with concepts (e.g. ”at-
tack”) and not with instances of these concepts (e.g.
”distributed denial of service”). Thus, this layer is
domain-independent and we could say that it defines
the common language (vocabulary, rules, etc.) to ex-
press security-related information. Figure 2 shows an
example of a CSM.
The CSM presented in Figure 2 shows only the
classes and relations between the elements. Due to
size limitations we do not show the attributes of each
element but these metaclasses contains relevant fields
for the language usability, such as attributes to iden-
tify the author, version, description or to include ref-
erences to external components. The elements of the
CSM focus on different targets. In order to facilitate
the understanding of the CSM we have divided it into
six different expertise subsets. Each one focuses on a
security concept. The different subsets are:
Properties Model (SF PM): focuses on the defini-
tion of security properties and its characteristics
Requirements Model (SF RM): describes the re-
lations between security properties, requirements
and solutions
Threat Model (SF TM): defines and describes se-
curity threats, attacks and attackers
Domain Model (SF DM): represents the do-
main to which the DSM is applicable, includ-
ing the domain-related elements of the real world
(database, communication networks, etc.) and the
list of known actors or roles of the domain
Assurance Model (SF AM): represents the assur-
ance and certification mechanisms used in the do-
V&V Model (SF VVM): this part of the meta-
model is used to represent validation and verifi-
cation approaches such as testing strategies, etc.
Despite the conceptual division in subsets aiming
at facilitating the understanding of such a complex
metamodel, the CSM is a single metamodel and can-
not be splited.
The specification of the security knowledge for
a specific domain is done in the second layer of
the framework by creating a Domain Security Meta-
model (DSM). DSMs allow experts to capture secu-
rity knowledge (properties, solutions, threats, etc.) for
Figure 2: Extract of the CSM.
a specific domain. Some examples of domains are
Trusted Meters, Secure Cash Systems, etc. and every
one has a unique set of characteristics, constraints, se-
curity properties, etc. One domain and its correspond-
ing DSM is distinguished from another one by means
of the definition of the domain instance, its attributes,
objective and identifier.
SecFutur promotes separation of duties, allowing
experts to define models in their domain of expertise
(e.g. a standardization body) or domain of authority
(e.g. the security officer of a company). An addi-
tional advantage of this approach is that applications
are decoupled from the specific security aspects of the
context, which are captured in the DSM. This ensures
that application designs remain valid for all those con-
texts. There can be as many DSMs as application do-
mains, and these can be combined in a modular way.
Finally, the System Model (SM) describes the
UML model of the targeted system. The SM has the
information of the targeted scenario and the security
properties that make it secure (according to the secu-
rity requirements obtained in the security analysis of
the system done by the System Engineer). Besides,
the security properties have information such as the
attacks that could compromise that property, the tests
that could be done to check the resilience of the sys-
tem, the assumptions of the solution, etc.
3.2 Security Modelling Activities
The SecFutur Security Engineering Process for the
creation of complex systems is done by means of the
System Engineers. They access DSM repositories in
order to obtain the data and objects for their mod-
elling scenarios. In particular, they select DSMs for
their domains, import them into their model and then
use the elements of the DSM to express the security
aspects of their systems.
A System Engineer can use one or more DSMs for
her modelling. It depends on the number of domains
the scenario has. She uses many security properties
of the DSM (or DSMs) in order to fulfill the secu-
rity requirements of the system. Once she uses one
she needs to define the requirement class of the se-
curity property, as it will help later in the implemen-
tation phase. A description of the creation and use of
the other artefacts of the Security Engineering Process
can be found in (Jose Fran. Ruiz and Ma
na, 2011).
3.3 Tool Support
The SecFutur Process Tool (SPT) is a plugin for Mag-
icDraw (NoMagic, 1995), designed to help and sup-
port security engineers in using the SecFutur Secu-
rity Engineering Process. The tool provides specific
functionalities for the different actors and activities
described above. Figure 3 depicts the Imported Prop-
erties browser showing the properties contained in a
DSM (in this case ”MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NET-
work) for Emergency Systems”). In this Figure, the
properties are classified according to the type of ele-
ment they can be applied to. For instance, the prop-
erty ”Storage Integrity” can be applied to Classes and
Attributes. The Figure shows other info such as the
CSM used to create the DSM (SecFutur CSM v2.6),
the name and version of the DSM, the info of a se-
lected security property (Secure Confidentiality), etc.
Figure 3: SPT Property Browser.
The mobile command post (MCP) use case is illus-
trated in Figure 4. Typically, in this scenario, vari-
ous agencies such as fire fighters, police and rescue
teams, work in a joint mission. Such missions can
be known in advance and thus pre-planned (e.g. in
the case of major events, like concerts or large sports
events) or they can be spontaneous (e.g. in case of en-
vironmental catastrophes or serious accidents). The
action forces of the agencies build a MCP network
(referred to as Mesh in the figure) on demand on site.
The MCP network is based on ad-hoc mesh net-
work technology. This type of network operates au-
tonomously in a self-configuring manner, thus de-
creasing the deployment burden by reducing the en-
tire networking configuration effort. The intercon-
nection between vehicles and action forces is typi-
cally based on wireless communication technology.
In addition to the communication services in the oper-
ational area, an interconnection to external networks,
backbones and terrestrial infrastructure is typically re-
quired in order to reach various information systems
available in headquarters as shown in Figure 4.
In the MCP network scenario we adopt the ar-
chitectural approach of an infrastructure mesh. The
network is based on a series of trusted mesh network
nodes (TMN) with the functionality of a mesh router
and used to build a mesh backbone. TMNs are de-
ployed in vehicles and are responsible for building
the mesh infrastructure, providing network connec-
Figure 4: Mobile Command Post Scenario Overview.
tivity, packet routing and forwarding to other mesh
routers. Action forces use client devices (e.g. phone,
PDA, computer) with different applications installed
in them. These client devices are connected to TMNs
through wireless or wired links.
Our use case focuses on the dependability of the
network infrastructure itself, excluding the applica-
tion, clients and user domain based security issues.
The rationale behind this decision is the following:
in an ad-hoc mesh network, new security challenges
emerge. Since nodes build the network spontaneously
and they can join and leave the network at any time,
nodes have to be able to recognize trusted communi-
cation partners, to detect malicious or compromised
nodes and to exclude such nodes from the network.
Therefore, authentication and authorization of nodes
are key security functions to ensure authorized ac-
cess to the network and to information sources on
nodes. Additionally, secure storage of information on
nodes and secure key distribution and storage for se-
curity protocols are key features. Because of wireless
communication links, integrity and confidentiality of
transferred data is especially important.
The security requirements of the use case are
listed below.
Authentication and trust establishment between
TMNs: before connecting to each other the TMNs
authenticate mutually using cryptographic means
and prove their trust states.
Authenticity of mesh network topology: only au-
thenticated and trusted TMNs can be part of the
trusted mesh network.
Confidentiality of mesh network topology: the
mesh network topology information must remain
confidential to trusted TMNs.
Authenticity of payload traffic: payload traffic (all
traffic except the mesh routing protocol traffic)
sent between TMNs must be authentic.
Confidentiality of payload traffic: the payload
traffic sent between TMNs remains confidential
for trusted TMNs.
Protection of log data: the integrity of the infor-
mation about events and system logs stored in
TMNs must be protected.
This section presents the modelling of the use case
using the Security Engineering Process. We focus on
the parts of the process that are directly related to the
modelling of the system. First we start with the de-
scription of the key characteristics of the emergency
system scenario, next we describe the results of the
analysis of the security requirements of the system.
We also summarize the creation of the DSM used in
this scenario and the development of the SM with the
security aspects included.
Following on from this, we present some (of
many) of the technical key characteristics, assump-
tions and constraints of the TMN devices:
TMNs are installed in vehicles, therefore power
consumption (e.g. battery life) is not a primary
design criterion. Physical access to the installed
devices is secured.
Communication between the vehicles is primarily
wireless and must be secured.
We assume that the mission planning and configu-
ration phase is carried out by trustworthy person-
nel in a physically secure environment.
The devices are assumed to be free of malicious
behaviour when correct states are defined in the
mission planning and configuration phase.
The Security Requirements and Functionality
Analysis describes the analysis and description of the
emergency use case. The analysis is focused on the
modelling activity, so all the descriptions are high-
level abstractions of the system functionality.
In order to present a better analysis of the system
we divided it into different sub-scenarios. Due to the
limitation in size of the paper we present only the se-
curity requirements analysis of the Mission Planning
and Configuration phase of the TMNs. This scenario
deals with the preparation of different missions by
creating different models of typical mission config-
urations that are later activated when necessary. It is
composed of three different use cases: define and gen-
erate mission-specific configuration, activate or re-
move functionality and update software packages.
After analyzing these use cases, we describe and
model their functionality and security requirements
using diagrams. The security definitions are:
Define and generate mission-specific configura-
tion security properties: secure authentication,
generate configurations (uses confidentiality and
integrity) and acknowledgments (secure commu-
nication property).
Activate or remove functional security properties:
authentication, secure install or remove software
components and acknowledgments.
Update software packages: authentication, secure
install and secure remove.
Regarding the modelling part, this scenario has
only one domain (from the security point of view):
MANET for Emergency Systems. Consequently, we
must import into our model the corresponding DSM.
Normally, this DSM should be available when the sys-
tem modelling starts, acting as a security library ready
to be imported. In the specific case of our experience,
we developed such DSM, as the modelling approach
is still under development in the project. The design
of DSMs is done by the Security Domain Experts,
therefore, we consulted security experts at RUAG .
The creation of DSMs gathers and represents the se-
curity knowledge of the domain, which is not related
to a particular application. Therefore, the DSM con-
tains a large number of elements.
To illustrate this modelling activity, we use the
features of the SPT from the approach of a Security
Domain Expert. We focus on one specific security
property (Storage Integrity) and show the part of the
model that is directly linked to this property. In order
to create the DSM we start with an empty model con-
taining the CSM . Once the CSM language is loaded,
we start adding instances of the CSM metaclasses for
the elements. We present only some of them in this
paper. We create an instance for the domain called
”MANET for emergency scenarios”. We add an in-
stance for the Property ”Storage Integrity”, we define
the Element Type ”Class” where it can be applied us-
ing an standard ”Association” and we add a security
threat called ”Data Alteration”. We continue adding
other related elements such as attacks, attacker types,
solutions (in the form of SBBs), etc. For each ele-
ment we also complete additional internal informa-
tion to further describe it. Completely fill the DSM
is beyond the scope of this paper, but to help readers
understand the result, Figure 5 shows a partial view
focused on the Storage Integrity property.
The development of the System Model is essen-
tially a normal UML modelling. We (in this case with
the role of System Engineer) start by importing the
appropriate DSM from a repository of DSMs, as if
they were security libraries, and then we model the
system including classes, methods, relations, etc.
Figure 5: Partial view of the MANET for emergency scenarios DSM.
As we add classes to represent elements of our
system, we link the ones with security requirements
(obtained after doing the security analysis of the sys-
tem) to the corresponding security properties of the
DSM in order to fulfill the security requirements. This
is done by using the SPT. If we select an element and
right-click on it, it will show the possible properties
that can be attached to it( this is defined in the DSM).
When the system engineer selects one of the proper-
ties the tool automatically creates and imports all the
related elements of the security property such as so-
lutions (SBBs), threats, assumptions, etc. to the ele-
ment of the system model, as we can see in Figure 6.
The tool also allows users to select the visibility of the
different elements that are automatically added to the
model, in order to avoid overcomplicating view. For
instance, we can choose to see only the requirements.
In a later stage, when all the security requirements of
the scenario are fulfilled, the tool will allow us to re-
place security properties by specific solutions (SBBs),
thus evolving the security elements from the require-
ments phase to the design phase.
The main goal of the security engineering process is
a clear separation between the expertise domains. Se-
curity engineering is not only the task of the highly
experienced security expert. Using this approach, also
system engineers are in a position to make sound se-
curity engineering decisions. In general terms, the
integration of security engineering into the regular
UML-based system engineering has at least two ben-
efits. First and foremost, as security engineering is
naturally integrated from the beginning into the mod-
elling process, it helps to avoid design decisions that
are contrary to the security requirements (a frequent
problem when security is only considered in the final
stages of development). Second, the SecFutur arte-
facts provide a common language for the roles in-
volved in the engineering of the system, facilitating
their communication.
The SecFutur process is especially designed to fit
into modern iterative (or even agile) development pro-
cess as it is based on a model-driven philosophy. The
approach is based on the following principles:
Modelling and implementation should be consid-
ered, communicated and managed to be iterative.
The model should be allowed to change between
iterations, as design is emergent.
Modelling and implementation can be done even
in parallel. Often an implementation (even par-
tial) helps to identify which design makes sense.
This emphasizes that design is emergent, and usu-
ally the form (design) follows the function (imple-
Figure 6: Security Property Imported into a System Model.
The savings originate from reuse. The SecFutur
engineering process supports reuse in the form of
the DSMs and, in particular, the SBBs.
Summarizing our conclusions, we have presented and
applied the novel security engineering approach to a
real engineering use case, the emergency systems sce-
nario. The experience suggests (from real experiences
in the SecFutur project) that the novel approach is
combinable with the already existing engineering for-
malisms and iterative and agile development methods.
This work is partially supported by the E.U. through
FP7 project SECFUTUR (IST-256668) and FP7
project CUMULUS (IST-318580).
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