Design and Operationalization of Patterns
Case of a Training Situation of Personal Assistance for Public in Professional
Lahcen Oubahssi, Claudine Piau-Toffolon, Jean-Pierre Clayer and Fatma Kammoun
LIUM, IUT de Laval, 52 Rue des drs Calmette et Guérin, F-53020 Laval Cedex 9 France
Keywords: Technology-Enhanced-Learning Systems, Pattern, Pedagogical Scenario, Operationalization, Professional
Integration, Training Development, Instructional Design.
Abstract: The research presented in this paper aims to offer support to the activity of designing to teacher or a com-
munity of teachers by a context-sensitive tool exploiting a library of patterns. This paper presents work car-
ried out in the context of a partnership with an association (PARTAGE) promoting the professional integra-
tion of the jobseekers. This work aims to make a contribution to assist the association pedagogical team
(trainers and designers) to formalize the pedagogical scenarios describing their learning situations. We ana-
lyzed their process guiding the jobseeker course and formalized some of their training practices in the form
of patterns. We have studied the feasibility of operationalizing techniques in a learning management system
platform like Ganesha.
In France, as in many countries, the training needs
for the professional integration of jobseekers contin-
ue to evolve in all domains, because training is a
factor of social progress, technological development
and economic growth. Whether presential, distance
or hybrid, professional training is required to inno-
vate, to gain interest and efficiency. Changing the
apprentices requirements brought new challenges. It
is in particular to provide training solutions combin-
ing educational effectiveness and the participants
involvement. These issues, combined with the cur-
rent socio-technological context, turn towards more
use of new learning support and Learning Manage-
ment Systems (LMS). This approach necessarily
influenced the practicing teachers and trainers re-
sponsible for identifying new teaching strategies
within training organizations.
This paper presents a research realized as part of
a partnership with an association (PARTAGE) pro-
moting the jobseekers professional integration. This
work aims to make a contribution to assist the asso-
ciation pedagogical team (trainers and designers) to
formalize the pedagogical scenarios describing their
learning situations. The findings motivating this
research are: the growing need for the association
pedagogical team to formalize scenarios describing
computerized educational situations, the non-
adequacy of the educational modeling languages
(EML) (Koper and Tattersall, 2005); (Vignollet et
al., 2006) for a public of designers and the low level
of reuse of existing educational practices.
The main objective of this work is to help the
teacher / trainer and his community to control the
mediated learning situations. For this purpose, we
propose to provide tools and methods to assist them
all along their instructional design process. To this
end, this research builds on the work of the educa-
tional re-engineering of Technology-Enhanced-
Learning (TEL) systems (Choquet, 2007), a pattern-
based visual approach (Hernandez -Leo et al., 2010)
and learning scenarios operationalization (Oubahssi
et al., 2010). Our aim is to specify and formalize
learning scenarios and the learning pedagogical
language used to express them as patterns for their
operationalization. To carry out this work, we stud-
ied the existing educational practices of the associa-
tion, which enabled identifying a process, we call it
jobseekers course. We present this process in section
3 of this document, we describe in particular an
example of pedagogical activity of the process ie the
individual evaluation/ training session. This analysis
also helped us to identify the various concepts relat-
Oubahssi L., Piau-Toffolon C., Clayer J. and Kammoun F..
Design and Operationalization of Patterns - Case of a Training Situation of Personal Assistance for Public in Professional Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0004489904880495
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-PT-2013), pages 488-495
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ed to the pedagogical language of the association
trainers. We present the results of this formalization
and its operationalization in section 4. Our design
approach is guided by an engineering design process
framework based on patterns. Before presenting this
result, we present in section 2 the theoretical frame-
work of our design approach. Finally, we conclude
this paper with a discussion related to work and
Many research works propose models, methods or
design tools to analyze, implement and operate
models describing learning situations with scenarios
(Alexander et al., 1977); (Vignollet et al., 2006)
(Martel and Vignollet, 2007); (Oubahssi et al.,
2010). Learning Scenarios are designed according
two types of approaches. The first one is a well-
known modeling approach based on Educational
Modeling Languages (EML), as the IMS Learning
Design specification (Koper and Olivier, 2004) leads
to enable the design of computational models (in the
meaning of understandable by a computer) which
could be enacted by compliant systems. However
these specifications are not really usable by teachers
and do not enforce design processes that support the
creation of pedagogically sound designs (Hernandez
-Leo et al., 2010). A second approach is to allow
designers (may be assisted by modeling specialists)
to define their own EML by specifying a domain-
specific language and to use it for building their
scenarios (El Kechaï and Choquet, 2007) while en-
suring the possibility of translation of the formalism
to a standard language. This approach permits to
exceed the expressiveness limits of the previous one
(Kelly, 2007). Our research work is based on this
second approach. We propose a teachers centered
design approach and state that teachers are able to
build their learning scenarios by the use of patterns.
We intend to help a teacher/trainer or a community
of teachers/ to formalize their educational needs in
the form of patterns and operationalize in TEL
(Technology-Enhanced-Learning) systems without
any assistance of a pedagogical engineer or an ex-
2.1 Design and Patterns
The pattern approach is not new. Patterns have been
used in the late seventies in the field of building
architecture, by (Alexander et al., 1977). Several
repositories of patterns exist for various disciplines
and offer design expertise reuse to the corresponding
communities. In particular, in design based research
education, a pattern's approach is well-suited as it is
sensitive to complexity and context-dependence
(Mor and Winters, 2007). According to Laurillard's
works (Laurillard, 2012), this approach is immedi-
ately relevant to teachers as it presents means by
which a community can participate in design. This
formalism offer the opportunity to the teacher to
externalize his knowledge (Goodyear, 2005) and it
can be formally expressed.
Patterns are semi-structured description of an ex-
pert's method for solving a recurrent problem which
includes a description of the problem itself and the
context in which the method is applicable (Mor and
Winters, 2007). They capture the best practices to
answer to problems in a particular context. By their
formalism, patterns support the design creativity
without constraints. Users are guided rather than
forced in the use of patterns (Rohse and Anderson,
2006). In the literature, many types of patterns has
been developed to solve different kind of problems:
analysis patterns, implantation patterns, process
patterns, architecture patterns and design patterns.
Their formalisms differ depending of the type of
problems to solve. In educational and TEL domain,
many projects as Pedagogical Patterns Project (PPP,
2011) or Design Patterns for recording and analyz-
ing Usage of Learning Systems (DPULS - Kaleido-
scope Learning Patterns project) (DPULS, 2005)
proposed a catalogue of patterns which concern
learning strategies types of problem. So pedagogical
practitioners, especially inexperienced designers,
during the design stage, through use of catalogue of
patterns can take advantage of previous design ex-
pertise (E-LEN / Pedagogical Patterns Collector) (E-
LEN, 2012) (Delozanne et al., 2007).
Researchers in education get increasing interest
with pattern-based design approach. COLLAGE, a
collaborative learning flow pattern (CLFP) editor
(Hernandez-Leo et al., 2006) proposes a pattern
based visual design approach implemented in
RELOAD. This approach is based on the IMS LD
specification which enables the modeling of learning
processes. The MDEduc project proposes a Peda-
gogical Patterns Editor for the design of learning
scenario using the formalism and syntax of patterns
(De Moura Filho, 2007). ScenEdit and the model
ISIS support also a pattern based approach to design
learning scenarios (Emin et al., 2008).
These approaches present interesting methodo-
logical way to formalize or interpret different learn-
ing issues but some limitations and shortcomings
have been identified to deal with the practicing
teachers design activity. Patterns are not always
well-suited to the learning design situation. Teachers
cannot express their needs with their own business
language. The lack of sharing, reuse strategy and
learning design processes support and guidance are
other shortcomings of those existing approaches.
Our approach will provide help to teachers in the
building of their solution step by step with patterns
as scenario chunks, according to their own design
approach, called pedagogical design schemes.
Teachers are free to express patterns in their own
business language (e.g. pedagogical concepts and
method) (El Kechaï and Choquet, 2007).
A pedagogical situation is composed of different
elements defining a scenario: Learning strategies,
Learning situations, Objectives, Activities, Human
resources, Material resources. We take into account
these elements within four categories of pedagogical
problem: Activity design, Learning situations design,
Resources design and Pedagogy design. According
to the design problems highlighted in teaching do-
main, (Clayer et al., 2012) explored the TEL engi-
neering domain best practices (Mor and Winters,
2007); (Mor, 2010); (Laurillard, 2012); (Rohse and
Anderson, 2006); (Bergin et al., 2012) and the soft-
ware engineering patterns solutions implemented in
the information system domain (Fowler, 1997)
(Amber, 1998) (Gamma et al, 1995). These authors
identified four formalisms of patterns to solve the
four types of problem: Pedagogical patterns; Analy-
sis Patterns, Process Patterns and Design Patterns.
(Clayer et al., 2012) defined a pattern's metamodel
describing a language for composing or merge the
different patterns. This metamodel conforms to
MOF (Meta-Object Facility), is used to generate an
editing tool. We used this metamodel to formalize
the educational scenarios of different situations of
the PARTAGE association within the learning con-
cepts in use in the community of trainers. Our aim is
to operationalize patterns and scenario resulting in
an TEL systems.
2.2 Operationalization of Pedagogical
The operationalization of the learning scenarios
consists in implementing teachers-intended scenari-
os on one TEL environment. It resumes some ma-
nipulations as creation of activities, selection of
participants, allocation of roles and selection of re-
quired services and content for scenarios (e.g. peda-
gogical resources) (Martel et al., 2007). However,
the operationalization of learning scenarios is not
only an engineer activity. It aims to translate teach-
er’s intention and relative pedagogical semantics on
a TEL system. There are two types of approaches to
operationalize pedagogical scenarios: a manual ap-
proach and an automated approach. (Abedmouleh et
al., 2011) classified the existing approaches to op-
erationalize into four categories: Standard oriented
approach (as IMS-LD (De Vries et al., 2006) or
CopperCore (Berggren et al., 2005); Practitioners
oriented approaches (as COLLAGE (Hernández et
al., 2006) or LDL (Martel et al., 2007); Approaches
proposed for specific platforms (as LAMS (Dalziel
et al., 2006)) and Hybrid approaches based on Mod-
el Driven Engineering techniques (as Bricoles (Ca-
ron et al., 2005)).
The analysis of these approaches leads us to ob-
serve that The different proposed solutions do not fit
with the teachers-designers needs. The COLLAGE
proposition is interesting because the collaborative
design patterns proposed to practitioners have been
specified and developed on top of the IMS-LD
standard: semantics about concepts/relations trans-
formations have been taken into account when build-
ing the patterns; these patterns are fully-compatible
with IMS-LD. In the other hand, operationalizing
COLLAGE models relies on operationalizing IMS-
LD ones. Unfortunately, most of existing platforms
are still not compatible with this standard (Berggren
et al., 2005), (Burgos et al., 2007). We describe in
this paper an example of formalization and opera-
tionalization (automated approach) of a learning
situation based on a pattern design approach.
To analyze the pedagogical practices of the associa-
tion "PARTAGE", we have participated in various
workshops set up to accommodate the jobseeker.
This analysis is carried out into three steps. The first
step is to clarify the association needs. The aim of
this step is on the one hand to improve the supports
of the existing training approach, but also to permit
the introduction of computerized training. The pub-
lic is composed of adults most of the time not al-
ways comfortable with trainings and traditional pa-
per and pencil assessment test. They often have low
education level, have difficulty to express them-
selves, are sometimes illiterate or do not speak the
language of the country. The training needs range
from the evaluation of capacity and competencies of
the people arriving in the association to the
professional learning certification.
In a second step, we prepared a questionnaire in
which we highlighted the different phases of the
accompanying process of the jobseeker (perfor-
mances referred, solutions, resources used, associa-
tion challenges, public, skills, training objectives,
functioning of the association,...). In a third time, we
have carried out the pedagogical practices of the
association on the basis of the questionnaire. For the
purposes of the survey, we assisted to several forma-
tive assessment sessions / training proposed by the
association to future members. Following this dis-
cussion, we have identified a set of information
about: the goal of each phase and the major steps as
well as the issues discussed; the tools and supports
used; the date, the frequency, the duration of each
step; the participants, their numbers, their role; the
pedagogical concepts covered; the problems and
difficulties for trainers and jobseeker and solutions
addressed; the pedagogical approach used; the ap-
proach and the rhythm imposed; the structure of the
training, its contents; the type of support, the as-
sessment, the activities, the criteria for success, etc.
The study and analysis of the results of this survey
allowed to identify and describe the different phases
of the jobseekers course (Fig. 1).
3.1 The Jobseekers Course
To facilitate the jobseekers professional integration,
the PARTAGE association proposes an accompani-
ment process illustrated in Fig.1. The jobseeker ar-
rives to the association home service where it is
proposed to benefit from personalized assistance
until it can be integrated into the labor force. If
he/she is interested by the PARTAGE services,
he/she follows a predefined process which consists
essentially of three main phases: The first phase
consists in the registration process. It is composed
of three phases. The objective of the first step is to
inform the jobseekers about the association and its
functioning and permits to the pedagogical team to
make an initial assessment of the jobseekers. The
second phase is an individual interview, during
which the trainer evaluates the jobseekers motiva-
tion degree to work in the domestic employment, to
identify the constraints, to be aware of the im-
portance of training, to be evaluated in work envi-
ronment, to identify their strengths and weaknesses,
etc. In a third time, the PARTAGE pedagogical team
studies and validates the jobseekers registration
form. Then as a members of the association he may
follow the rest of the process. The pedagogical team
will specify the training course and formative as-
sessment session will be proposed before the em-
Figure 1: The jobseekers course.
The second step is the jobseekers evaluation / train-
ing, it can be conducted in several ways depending
on the capacity and the competencies of jobseekers.
There are three types of training : the individual
training in the presence of the jobseekers and trainer,
the collective training with presence of the trainer
and a group of six people maximum. These first two
types of training can occur in a theoretical way in a
classroom and / or in the practical situation of the
pedagogical apartment. The third type of training
consists in preparation to go back to work. It can
take the form of an oral interview where the trainer
provides educational resources to the jobseekers that
will serve them in their employment.
The third step is the employment. At this level,
several types of evaluations / training can be pro-
posed: the validation of professional skills, a support
specific to the jobseekers, etc. After the validation of
professional skills, the jobseeker may leave
PARTAGE partially while maintaining contact with
the association or definitely when reintegrated in a
professional environment. In some special cases, the
jobseekers may move to a direct employment after
an initial interview and a pedagogical team decision.
In other cases, the jobseekers can participate in
several types of training and as much as necessary
before their employment. In case where it seems
impossible to the jobseeker adapt to the job pro-
posed, the PARTAGE pedagogical team may decide
to refuse the jobseeker registration and orients him
/her to other structures of help.
The analysis of pedagogical practices of
PARTAGE helped to define the objectives of the
association, to identify the problematic and propose
solutions to improve existing scenarios. We chose to
detail in the following section, the example of the
individual evaluation/training session.
4.1 Description of an Individual
Evaluation/Training Session
A jobseeker who would like a domestic employment
proposed by the association may /have to follow a
learning session before its employment. The learning
scenario of this session is composed of many phases
intertwining theoretical and practical activities (done
in a pedagogical apartment). The activities of this
session are organized according to the motivation of
the jobseekers. The table below (Table 1) illustrates
the main phases of the session progress.
Table 1: Main phases of the individual evaluation/training
Phase 1 : Individual positionnement interview
The trainer use the individual positioning interview to
define the jobseeker's course in order to organize the ses-
sion and its content according to its skills. He/she gives
some recommendations to explain some basic concepts in
relation to PARTAGE. Then he/she proposes a first as-
sessment based on paper-and-pencil test. This kind of
learning exercise is a sort of "skills assessment".
Phase 2 : Analyzing and answering to questions
According to candidate skills (writing and reading), the
test is operated alone or accompanied. Some exercises are
explained to the job seeker (questions that may be not
clear, without influencing the answers). This intervention
may be as neutral as possible. Other exercises are realized
as practical evaluation in a pedagogical apartment using
necessary tools and products to realize the mission.
Phase 3 : Correction
The correction is progressing in two steps : the first one is
done on the basis of interviews centered on apprenticeship
's difficulties. It offers the possibility to the trainer with the
jobseeker to analyze the problem situation in order to
identify the causes and choose a relevant and effective
remediation. During the second session, the trainer ensure
the monitoring of the jobseeker, try repeat the erroneous
part of the test to measure the impact of the adjustment and
help build their apprenticeship to a higher level.
Phase 4 : Synthesis of the individual summative evaluation
After the evaluation correction and the achievement of
practical activities, the trainer propose a summative evalu-
ation of the jobseeker where he/she can note some points
identified during discussions with the jobseeker during the
training session as punctuality, communication control,
following the instructions, organization, control of differ-
ent techniques specific to the required job.
4.2 Analysis of the Individual
Evaluation/Training Session
The analysis of this session permit identifying the
following difficulties : (1) Training scenarios are
paper-based and limiting their evolution and reuse as
trainers are often changing. (2) An assortment of
strategies and tools, from questions' reading to direct
assistance is required to adapt to an adult varied
audience. (3) The training materials used by learners
are not sufficiently expressive, often expressed in
ambiguous terms or not into usual vocabulary of
jobseekers, requiring trainers to offer more help
during the training session. This context raises the
question of adaptability of the training material to
the audience. (4) At the end of each session, a sum-
mative evaluation is done on paper or in part trans-
formed into digital format. The jobseeker follow-up
is not easy in the long term.
To improve instructional practices and supports
with intend of improving pedagogical practices of
the individual evaluation training session, we should
develop a computer artefact that meets the following
requirements: (1) Capitalize on the experience and
skills acquired by the jobseekers during their train-
ing course, in order to use the resulting knowledge.
In a technology enhanced learning environment, a
formative evaluation for training approach should
permit to record the jobseekers skills required for the
job during training activities. This can permit further
to validate these skills and provide a certificate of
skills acquisition to the job seekers. (2) Another
objective could be the stabilization of the
PARTAGE process (reuse of learning contents) ; (3)
Capitalization of the trainers know-how ; (4) Im-
proving the knowledge and information supply of
the association (providing a attestation/certificate to
validate the skills, the jobseekers training course, the
support, etc.) ; (5) Use of different training supports
(photo, video sound, animation, etc.) and, (6) Adapt-
ing existing support for future audiences.
We based the design and formalization of the indi-
vidual formative assessment training session on the
patterns' metamodel of (Clayer et al., 2012) and its
process design framework. They identify four pat-
terns types: pedagogical pattern, analysis pattern,
process pattern and design pattern. Each pattern is
associated to a pedagogical element of a learning
situation (objective and strategy, activity, human and
material resource, actor role). To design a learning
scenario, a trainer or a teacher can design a solution
with the four types of patterns proposed with the
metamodel. Trainers/ practicing teachers may follow
an iterative design process framework (Clayer et al.,
2012) supported by an editing tool, composed of
four main steps: specification of the pedagogical
needs, creation/choice of patterns, merge or compo-
sition of patterns, collect of the design context in-
formation and adaptation of the solution to this con-
text. In the following, we present an example of a
design session in the case of an individual formative
evaluation training session. We present two patterns
resulting from this design session. The first one for-
malizes the training progress and the second one the
creation of an assessment test.
5.1 Specification of the Pedagogical
Trainer has to define the different elements of its
pedagogical situation in terms of objectives/goals,
resources, pedagogical strategy, actors and roles, etc.
Objectives/goals definition: The objective of the
session is to evaluate/assess the jobseekers accord-
ing to the following points: making the difference
between different domestic employments, respecting
hygiene standards , taking appropriate initiatives, be
able to properly organize the tasks required, etc.
Definition of pedagogical resources: Within the
session, a resource or a pedagogical tool may be :
module content, training room, pedagogical apart-
ment, paper based support for training session, real
tools and cleaning products, etc.
Definition of a strategy: To provide a general
presentation of the session, assessment of the job
seeker level, formative evaluation, summative eval-
uation of the jobseeker (its weaknesses and
strengths) , etc.
Definition of the actors and roles: The two main
actors participating to the session are the trainer and
the job seeker.
5.2 Creation / Selection of Patterns
To design scenario of the training session, we create
patterns associated to each elements of the training
situation. We present in this section two examples of
The first one, a design pattern describes the eval-
uation session phases from the trainer's point of
view. Formalism of design pattern needs the specifi-
cation of the following items: problem, motivation,
context, participants, collaboration between partici-
pants, solution, consequences and implementation of
the session.
Figure 2: Design pattern of the individual training session.
The figure 2 gives a « simple » representation of the
design pattern (specifying only three items: prob-
lems, context and solution on a graphical format). It
describes in the solution part the training evaluation
session activities and sub-activities.
Figure 3: Process pattern for questionnaire creation.
The second figure (figure 3) represents an example
of process pattern. It formalizes an evaluation test
creation in the current individual evaluation training
session. This simplified representation describes the
solution (in a graphical form) of the elabora-
tion/preparation of the training session. The solution
permits the elaboration of a level test by a question-
naire. These two patterns take place in the accompa-
niment process of a jobseeker. This process is repre-
sented within a more general pattern illustrating the
solution of the association to the problem of organi-
zation of the jobseeker accompaniment process. The
formalization of the different training session of a
jobseeker is based on patterns creation design activi-
ty. Each pattern proposes a solution for some peda-
gogical situation. In the next section, we study the
feasibility of the operationalization of a learning
scenario based on patterns : Creation of a test on the
Ganesha platform.
Before trying to develop a TEL systems that takes
into account the current teaching practices of the
PARTAGE association, and their future needs, we
studied with the PARTAGE educational team the
various existing solutions, especially two systems
Moodle (Moodle) and Ganesha (Ganesha). The
analysis of these platforms has enabled to choose the
platform Ganesha as a test environment to experi-
ment the operationalization of different patterns that
formalize the training session and individual as-
sessment. The choice of the PARTAGE educational
team is explained by the ergonomic and functionali-
ty of the system Ganesha that appear to meet the
needs in the overall process of the jobseekers. After
studying the different solutions to test the patterns
implementation that formalize the training and eval-
uation session, we opted for the following solution:
Generate a pattern in XML format via the patterns'
editor (Clayer & al, 2012). In this case, we seek to
operationalize the quiz pattern by a questionnaire
(Fig. 4),
Develop a GANESHA internal service which can
import and operationalize this XML file.
Figure 4: Pattern process: Create questionnaire in
The operationalization process is described in four
steps illustrated in Figure 5. The first step defines
the scenario (eg, a scenario which formalizes the
evaluation creation). The second step formalizes this
scenario in the XML-formatted file using the pat-
terns editor. The third step applies the transfor-
mation rules on the XML file that conforms to the
use of GANESHA platform schema, and the fourth
step imports the XML file (after the application of
transformation rules) in the platform data base,
which provides a new scenario on this platform.
Figure 5: Operationalization process of design pattern in
The aim of this work is to help the teacher / trainer
and his community to control the mediated learning
situations. In this paper, we addressed the problem
of the specification and instructional design using
patterns in the field of the professional training. The
aim of the research work is to propose a support for
the design activity of a teacher or a community of
teachers by a context-sensitive tool exploiting a
library of patterns. The design process proposes
teachers to design learning situation from patterns
according to their own design approach identified as
pedagogical design scheme. The PARTAGE associ-
ation dealing with professional integration in the
domestic employment, provided to us a field of ex-
perimentation. We analyzed their process guiding
the jobseekers course and formalized some of their
pedagogical practices in the form of patterns. We
studied the technical feasibility of the operationali-
zation to a Ganesha platform. Further works consist
in the development of methods and tools in order to
better support the trainers' learning design activity.
We intend to experiment our approach and the reuse
of the patterns in other learning contexts. We are
currently studying the operationalization of some
activities of their general process on tablets (opera-
tionalization of the jobseekers intake form and some
formative assessment test).
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