Negotiating and Brokering Cloud Resources based on Security Level
Jesus Luna
, Tsvetoslava Vateva-Gurova
, Neeraj Suri
, Massimiliano Rak
and Loredana Liccardo
Department of Computer Science, Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Seconda Universita’ di Napoli, Aversa (CE), Italy
Cloud Security, Security Level Agreements, Security Metrics, Security Negotiation, Resource Brokering.
Cloud users often motivate their choice of Cloud Service Provider (CSP) based on requirements related with
the offered Service Level Agreements (SLA) and costs. Unfortunately, while security has started to play
an important role in the decision of using the Cloud, it is quite uncommon for CSPs to specify the security
levels associated with their services. This often results in users without the means (i.e., tools and semantics)
to negotiate their security requirements with CSPs, in order to choose the one that best suits their needs.
However, the recent industrial efforts on specification of Cloud security parameters in SLAs, also known
as “Security Level Agreements” or SecLAs is a positive development. In this paper we propose a practical
approach to enable the user-centric negotiation and brokering of Cloud resources, based on both the common
semantic established by the use of SecLAs and, its quantitative evaluation. The contributed techniques and
architecture are the result of jointly applying the security metrology-related techniques being developed by
the EU FP7 project ABC4Trust and, the framework for SLA-based negotiation and Cloud resource brokering
proposed by the EU FP7 mOSAIC project. The proposed negotiation approach is both feasible and well-suited
for Cloud Federations, as demonstrated in this paper with a real-world case study. The presented scenario
shows the negotiation of a user’s security requirements with respect to a set of CSPs SecLAs, using both the
information available in the Cloud Security Alliance’s “Security, Trust & Assurance Registry” (CSA STAR)
and the WS-Agreement standard.
While the many economic and technological advan-
tages of Cloud computing are apparent, the migration
of key security relevant applications onto it has been
limited, in part, due to the lack of accountablesecurity
assurance specification provided by the Cloud Ser-
vice Provider. Furthermore, the typical Cloud user is
not a security expert, though nevertheless has specific
security requirements to fulfill (e.g., due to regulatory
compliance) that are usually expressed at an infor-
mal level, thus making them difficult and expensiveto
align and negotiate with respect to the CSP’s security
offer. Unfortunately, at the state of practice (e.g., as
discussed by the Cloud Security Alliance’s SLA WG
(Cloud Security Alliance, 2012)), many Cloud users
find themselves without the means to match and fur-
ther negotiate their security requirements with avail-
able CSPs. Contrary to Cloud resource negotiation
based on non-security indicators (e.g., using perfor-
mance metrics as presented in (Rak et al., 2011b)),
the field of security-based negotiation presents sev-
eral challenges mainly due to both the lack of security
assurance/quantifiers, and the semantic gap among
users and CSPs with respect to security.
Fortunately, security negotiation in Cloud com-
puting has recently taken some initial and promising
steps. Early academic works like (Kandukuri et al.,
2009) and, the Cloud community (e.g., workgroups
at the European Network and Information Security
Agency (ENISA) (Dekker and Hogben, 2011)) have
identified that specifying security parameters in Ser-
vice Level Agreements (termed as “Security Level
Agreements” or SecLA over this paper) actually en-
ables the establishment of a common semantic in or-
der to model security among users and CSPs. How-
ever, despite the state of the art efforts aiming at build-
ing and representing Cloud SecLAs (e.g., the CSAs
SLA and PLA working groups (Cloud Security Al-
liance, 2012)), there is still a gap on the techniques
to reason about them. In particular we refer to the
techniques aimed to quantitatively evaluate the secu-
Luna Garcia J., Vateva-Gurova T., Suri N., Rak M. and Liccardo L..
Negotiating and Brokering Cloud Resources based on Security Level Agreements.
DOI: 10.5220/0004500505330541
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2013), pages 533-541
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rity level provided by the SecLA, this being a core
requirement to enable the proposed negotiation of
Cloud resources based on security parameters (just
as presented in our previous research (Luna et al.,
2012b) and (Luna et al., 2012a)).
This paper proposes a novel methodology and ar-
chitecture to systematically broker Cloud resources
based on (i) a technique to quantitatively evaluate
and rank SecLAs and, (ii) a set of building blocks
to enable the user-centric negotiation of Cloud secu-
rity parameters. Our joint research contributes with
a practical approach that extends the Cloud SecLA
evaluation technique contributed by Luna (Luna et
al., 2012a), to enable the negotiation and brokerage
of Cloud resources presented in (Rak et al., 2011b)
using the well-known WS-Agreement protocol (An-
drieux et al., 2007).
The overall vision of this paper is represented in
Figure 1, where an iterative Negotiation process (Step
1) quantifies and ranks the user security requirements
(i.e., represented as a User SecLA), with respect to
one or more CSP SecLAs (Step 1b). Once an exist-
ing CSP SecLA offer matches the User SecLA, then
an Enforcement stage takes place i.e., the broker ac-
quires and delivers CSP resources to user (Step 2).
This paper is focused on developing the details related
with the underlying negotiation stage, whereas the re-
source brokering is out of scope. Notice that both the
Negotiation (Step 1) and Evaluation (Step 1b) stages
are not completely independent: security negotiation
needs the quantitative evaluation of SecLA in order to
rank the available CSP with respect to a user require-
ment, whereas the evaluation stage applies a user-
defined negotiation criteria in order to classify the
CSPs’ security features.
 !
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed security negotiation
and brokerage of Cloud resources.
This paper also proposes an architecture to im-
plement the presented SecLA negotiation methodol-
ogy in the context of a Cloud Federation, using the
framework being developed by the EU FP7 mOSAIC
project (mOSAIC, 2011). This frameworkenables the
creation of distributed Cloud applications through a
set of components based on the management and ne-
gotiation of Service Level Agreements.
Finally, to demonstrate the feasibility of our pro-
posal we present the case study of a real system that
implements the negotiation of a User SecLA with re-
spect to a set of CSPs SecLAs, based on the infor-
mation available in STAR (Cloud Security Alliance,
2011b) and the WS-Agreement standard (Andrieux et
al., 2007).
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces the basic concepts behind the proposed se-
curity negotiation approach, Section 3 describes how
Cloud SecLAs can be specified using WS-Agreement
in order to enable its negotiation via the architecture
presented in Section 4. A real case study that applies
the proposed approach is discussed in Section 5, Sec-
tion 6 analyzes related works and, finally Section 7
presents our conclusions.
Two base concepts driving our proposal are presented
in this section. First, we discuss in further detail the
notion of Cloud SecLAs (cf. Section 2.1). Second, in
Section 2.2 are presented the basics of a technique to
reason about SecLA, in particular to enable its quan-
titative evaluation as required by the negotiation pro-
cess presented in this paper.
2.1 Cloud Security Level Agreements
The concept of SecLAs currently exists in varied
dimensions and the Cloud is not an exception. The
use of Cloud SecLAs has the potential to provide
tangible benefits to CSPs especially associated with
improved security administration and management
practices, thus allowing for transparency to end users.
The end users can also benefit from SecLAs by
understanding the costs and benefits associated with
this new service model. The importance of Cloud
SecLAs has also been recognized in a recent study
by ENISA (Dekker and Hogben, 2011), showing that
while SLAs are often used, and availability is often
addressed in these SLAs, other security parameters
(e.g., related with the confidentiality and integrity
properties) are less well covered. As introduced by
Bernsmed (Bernsmed et al., 2011), a Cloud SecLA
usually models the CSP security at the service level
and in practice, the content of these Cloud SecLAs
Templates is designed by multi-disciplinary working
groups (e.g., the Cloud Security Alliance’s SLA
and PLA work groups (Cloud Security Alliance,
2012)). The result is an organized collection of
security statements (also called “security pro-
visions”) in the form {security attribute, value}
(e.g., {Backup Frequency, Daily} and
{Encryption Key Size, 512 bits}), as also proposed in
different industrial and academic works (Casola V., et
al., 2006), (Casola et al., 2005), (Samani et al., 2011)
and (Luna et al., 2011). In order to be manageable,
these security provisions are usually organized into
“hierarchical categories” derived from a taxonomy
e.g., Savola (Savola et al., 2010) or the CSAs Con-
sensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)
(Cloud Security Alliance, 2011a). Cloud SecLAs
are usually stored in publicly available and trusted
repositories like e.g., the CSAs “Security, Trust
& Assurance Registry” (Cloud Security Alliance,
2011b). Apart from the challenges related with the
creation of SecLAs in real Cloud deployments, the
current paucity of techniques to quantitatively reason
about them has proven to be part of the obstacles
in using SecLAs, just as mentioned by Almorsy
(Almorsy, 2011) and (Luna et al., 2012b). In
order to contribute towards bridging this gap, the
next section presents the basics of a Cloud SecLA
evaluation technique which will be used by the
negotiation mechanism proposed later in this paper.
2.2 Quantitative SecLA Evaluation at a
For the contributed negotiation process (cf., Step 1 in
Figure 1) it is helpful to have a user-centric mecha-
nism to quantitatively evaluate and objectively rank
SecLAs with respect to a predefined user require-
ment (Step 1b). Our approach extends the notion of
Cloud SecLA benchmarking proposed in (Luna et al.,
2012a), through the use of quantitative rankings, as
an enabler of the proposed negotiation process. The
overall intent is to (a) systematically quantify the se-
curity level associated with each SecLA involved in
the negotiation process (i.e., User SecLA and CSPs
SecLA) and (b) use the data from (a) to allow the
systematic elicitation of the CSP that is closer to the
user’s security requirements. For the purposes of this
paper, only three basic concepts of the SecLA evalu-
ation are presented and the interested readers are re-
ferred to (Luna et al., 2012a) for further details.
SecLAs have a twofold use: on one hand, the
authors make the realistic assumption (cf., Section
2.1) that each CSP is associated with a CSP SecLA,
on the other hand, they also advocate for the use of
SecLAs to represent security requirements of Cloud
users thus establishing a common semantic with CSPs
for reasoning about security. User-defined require-
ments (termed as User SecLA) are a distinctive el-
ement of Cloud SecLA, where all the security pro-
visions are weighted in order to represent their rel-
ative importance from user’s perspective (e.g., for
some users “Encryption Key Size” might be more im-
portant than Backup Frequency”). Furthermore, for
the sake of usability the technique proposed in (Luna
et al., 2012a) also considers that either quantitative
weights (e.g., from 0 to 1) or qualitative weights (e.g.,
low/medium/high) can be assigned at different levels
of the User SecLA.
The second concept is a mapping process that al-
lows representing any Cloud SecLA (usually these
documents are informally formatted) as a data struc-
ture that can be systematically processed. These data
structures (called “Quantitative Policy Trees” or QPT
in (Luna et al., 2012a)), are an extended version of
classical AND-OR” trees used to integrate both se-
curity requirements and associated quantifiers needed
by the quantitative evaluation process. For the pur-
poses of this paper and due to space restrictions, only
a high-level view of the process to map SecLAs to
QPT is presented in Figure 2. The outcomes of the
mapping process are (i) a User QPT populated with
the weights and security provisions’ values specified
in the User SecLA and, (ii) one or more CSP QPTs
mapped from its respective CSP SecLAs and also
populated with the correspondingsecurity provisions’
Cloud SecLA
Top-level category
Figure 2: SecLA-to-QPT: mapping a Cloud SecLA into a
QPT (Luna et al., 2012a).
The third and final concept required from (Luna
et al., 2012a) is a set of rules to quantitatively ag-
gregate and propagate the weights and security provi-
sion’s values to the whole QPT (i.e., from leaf nodes
up to the root node). Once the User QPT and the
CSP QPTs have been populated with the aggregated
values, it is possible to apply a ranking algorithm to
determine how different CSPs under-/over-provision
user’s requirements. In (Luna et al., 2012a) are pro-
posed two different ranking techniques: a quantitative
ranking (e.g., a real number on the interval {0. . . 1})
that due to its nature is more suitable for automated
systems than for humans and, a qualitative ranking
that aims to be more “human-friendly” by using a
set of qualitative labels (e.g., {“Copper”, “Silver”,
“Gold”}) to represent the QPT evaluation’s results.
In the rest of this paper, we will show that the pre-
viously presented notion of quantitative ranks can be
extended to actually negotiate Cloud resources using
a broker-based architecture.
As introduced in Section 1, the goal of the proposed
approach is to offer the systematic negotiation of se-
curity using Cloud SecLAs. In order to fulfill this goal
our proposal (i) creates a set of CSP SecLA based on
the security information derived from the the CSA
STAR repository (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011b)
and, (ii) represents both CSP/User SecLA using the
WS-Agreement standard (Andrieux et al., 2007). In
this section we discuss in further detail these two
Listing 1: SDT element in WS-Agreement.
<ws ag: Ser vic eDe scr iption Te rm wsag:Name
=” CustomerAccessRequirements
wsag:ServiceName =” S e c u ri t y A r c hi t e c t u r e
< / wsa g:S erv iceDes cripti onT er m>
First, given CSA STAR’s broad adoption by ma-
jor CSP our research proposes the creation of SecLA
derived from the information stored there. Currently,
STAR contains entries in the form of “Consensus
Assessments Initiative Questionnaire” reports (CAIQ
(Cloud Security Alliance, 2011a)), which provide
industry-accepted ways to document what security
controls exist in Cloud offerings. The current CAIQ
report contains a set of 171 security parameters (all
of these with a qualitative “YES/NO” answer) dis-
tributed in the following controls: Compliance (CO)
14, Data Governance (DG) 15, Facility Security
(FS) 9, Human Resources Security (HR) 4, In-
formation Security (IS) 71, Legal (LG) – 2, Opera-
tions Management (OP) – 5, Risk Management (RI)
12, Release Management (RM) 5, Resilience (RS)
11 and Security Architecture (SA) 23. Given these
CAIQ’s properties, it is possible to create SecLAs
with the features required by the evaluation and rank-
ing methodology presented in Section 2.
Second, to allow the automated negotiation of
Cloud SecLA (derived from the CAIQ as mentioned
in the previous paragraph), we adopted the SLA-
oriented language proposed by WS-Agreement which
was created with the goal to standardize the termi-
nology/protocol used when two parties are trying to
establish an agreement. It mainly consists of a lan-
guage for specifying the nature of the agreement and,
a SOAP-based protocol for actually establishing the
agreement between two participants. At state of art,
the WS-Agreement language is widely used for SLA
negotiation and has been adopted by projects like EU
FP7 mOSAIC (mOSAIC, 2011).
The main component within the WS-Agreement
standard is the SLA specification core, which consists
of three elements: Service Description Terms (SDT),
Service Properties (SP) and, Guarantee Terms (GT).
A SDT is a fundamental element, providing a full or
partial functional description of a service. One or
more SDTs can be related to a service. A SP ele-
ment defines properties/variables, associated with a
service, and used for expressing guarantees on a ser-
vice. Finally, a GT element defines an assurance on a
service through an assertion (using the content of the
SP element) expressed over the service described by
the SDTs. In the rest of this section we present the
process required to specify a SecLA using the WS-
Agreement standard, however due to space restric-
tions our explanation will only show relevant excerpts
of the resulting XML document.
Based on the CAIQ’s structure (Cloud Security
Alliance, 2011a), first we model each security control
as a SDT. Then, the respective value of the controls
along with the inputs required by the evaluation tech-
nique presented in Section 2 (i.e., the User SecLA’s
AND/OR relationships and weights) are modeled as
GTs on the SDT. CAIQ’s inherent hierarchical struc-
ture (i.e., sub-controls) is represented as security ele-
ments in WS-Agreement (cf., Listing 1).
Once the SDT has been specified, we have to fo-
cus on the SP element. First, we define a SP for each
CAIQ sub-control, as required by its respective SDT
(cf., Listing 2). Second, in the SP element we de-
fine the variables (e.g., weights) and related semantics
used for expressing the security requirements through
assertions in the GT element.
Listing 2: SP element in WS-Agreement.
< w s a g :S e r v i ce P r o p er t i e s wsag:Name=
wsag:ServiceName =” S e c u ri t y A r c hi t e c t u r e
<ws ag: Var iab leS et>
<w sag:V ar iabl e wsag:Name=SA01.1
wsag:Metric =” boolean >
<wsag:Location>$ t h i s / wsag:Terms /
wsag:All /
ws ag:S er viceDes cr ipt ion Te rm
[@wsag:Name =
CustomerAccessRequirements ’ ]</
</ w sag :V ari able>
<w sag:V ar iabl e wsag:Name=SA01.Q1
wsag:Metric = s t r i n g >
<wsag:Location>$ t h i s / wsag:Terms /
wsag:All /
ws ag:S er viceDes cr ipt ion Te rm
[@wsag:Name =
CustomerAccessRequirements ’ ]</
</ w sag :V ari able>
<w sag:V ar iabl e wsag:Name= Weight ”
wsag:Metric = f l o a t ”>
<wsag:Location>$ t h i s / wsag:Terms /
wsag:All /
ws ag:S er viceDes cr ipt ion Te rm
[@wsag:Name =
CustomerAccessRequirements ’ ]</
</ w sag :V ari able>
< / wsa g:V ari ableSet>
< / w s ag: S e r v ic e P r ope r t ie s>
For the GT description, the user can define a guar-
antee on a security service expressed as an assertion
in the Service Level Objective (SLO). The data re-
quired to model this assertion are: the security level
of the CAIQ control, the AND/OR relationships and
the weights. A more detailed explanation of the GT
element will be presented in Section 5.
Up to this point, we have fully developed the
structure of an empty WS-Agreement template “com-
pliant” with the Cloud SecLA evaluation technique
summarized in Section 2. Both users and CSPs are
now able to populate this template with their own se-
curity controls and values, so the final set of SecLA
documents can be used for negotiation purposes just
as presented in the following section.
As outlined in Figure 1, our approach takes into con-
sideration three different aspects (negotiation, evalu-
 !
Figure 3: Proposed SecLA negotiation architecture.
ation and brokerage) which can be implemented as
independent modules. In Rak (Rak et al., 2011b),
a clear distinction was made among negotiation and
brokerage of Cloud resources in order to propose an
architecture to automatically perform these tasks us-
ing the framework developed by the EU FP7 mO-
SAIC project (mOSAIC, 2011). Despite the negoti-
ation process presented by Rak (Rak et al., 2011b) is
based on performance parameters (described in terms
of measurable metrics), our research extrapolates its
results to demonstrate that a similar architecture can
be also used to negotiate quantified security parame-
ters in the form of Cloud SecLAs. We propose the
three-tier architecture shown in Figure 3, where the
intermediate layer is comprised of the following mod-
ules: (i) the Negotiation Module which has the role
of managing the interactions with End Users, (ii) the
SecLA Evaluation which implements the technique
presented in Section 2.2 and, (ii) the Service Broker-
ing in charge of brokering the elicited Cloud services.
In this section we will focus on the Negotiation and
SecLA Evaluation modules, but interested readers are
referred to Rak (Rak et al., 2011b) for a full descrip-
tion of the Service Brokering module.
4.1 The User-centric Negotiation
The Negotiation Module interacts with users in or-
der to identify their requirements (i.e., create an User
SecLA), and applies the results of the quantitative
SecLA evaluation/ranking (cf., Section 2.2) in order
to orchestrate the overall negotiation process. We as-
sume that users are able to specify their security re-
quirements in the form of a User SecLA (even if they
are not security experts), using as a guidance the CSA
CAIQ reports (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011a). As
mentioned in Section 3, the STAR repository (Cloud
Security Alliance, 2011b) can be used as a trusted
source for creating CSPs SecLAs. The Cloud SecLA
negotiation protocol shown in Figure 4, is the user-
centric mechanism we propose to allow end users and
CSPs arriving to an agreement on the requested/pro-
Figure 4: User-centric Cloud SecLA Negotiation Protocol.
vided security levels.
The proposed protocol works as follows: once the
user has created a User SecLA with her specific se-
curity requirements, the negotiation process starts by
submitting it to the Negotiation Module. Upon re-
ception, the Negotiation Module forwards the User
SecLA to the SecLA Evaluation module, which imple-
ments the technique described in Section 2.2 to quan-
titatively evaluate and rank the user requirement with
respect to a set of available CSPs SecLAs (previously
fetched from a repository like STAR). As a result, the
SecLA Evaluation module returns to the user this set
of CSPs, but ordered with respect to the requested
User SecLA (e.g., quantitatively ranked from best to
worst). In this case the user is given the chance to
make (either automatically or manually) an informed
decision by choosing a CSP from this resulting set.
The user-selected CSP SecLA is then submitted to
the Broker, so it can be either reserved or refused. If
it is refused, then the user has to submit a new pro-
posal (i.e., another CSP SecLA), and if it is reserved
then a timeout is set for the CSP SecLA. This time-
out is a pre-defined period of time, which will be al-
lowed to elapse before a user finally agrees on the re-
served CSP. Once the user decides to continue with
the resource reservation, then an agreement will be
signed. Finally, once the reservation ends then the
signed agreement is terminated.
The negotiation protocol presented in this sub-
section can be deployed using both the SLA Frame-
work developed in (Amato et. al., 2012) and, the
WS-Agreement standard. Although those implemen-
tation details are out of the scope of this paper, in the
next section we show the feasibility of the proposed
approach with a real case study.
In order to demonstrate how the proposed negotia-
tion mechanism can be used with real-world infor-
mation, in this section we present a case study that
uses the CSP data stored in CSA STAR (Cloud Se-
curity Alliance, 2011b), a publicly available reposi-
tory that documents the security controls provided by
CSPs worldwide. We show that our user-centric nego-
tiation mechanism can use STAR data (i) to establish
a common semantic with respect to the security of-
fered by the CSP and, (ii) to enable Cloud customers
automatically choose the CSP that better fulfills their
security requirements. As mentioned in Section 3, the
STAR repository contains only static security controls
(i.e., not updated in real-time by the CSP), however
the proposed negotiation approach can be easily ex-
tended to manage real-time information e.g., gener-
ated by continuous security monitoring systems (cf.,
Section 7).
Listing 3: A Guarantee Term element in WS-Agreement.
<wsag:GuaranteeTerm wsag:Name=
Obl igated =” Pr ovi der ”>
<ws ag:ServiceScope ServiceName=
s t ri n g > S e c u r i t y A r ch i t e ct u r e< /
<ws ag: Ser vic eL evel Ob je ct iv e>
<ws ag:CustomServiceLevel>
SA01.1 EQ true , Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND (SA01.Q1 EQ SLA, Weight
EQ 0. 5)
< / wsag:Cus tomServiceL evel>
</ wsa g:S erv iceLev elO bje c ti ve>
<w sag:B us ine ss Val ueL is t>
. . . . .
</ w sag :Bu si nes sV alu eL ist>
< / wsag:GuaranteeTerm>
The main goal of this case study is to show the fea-
sibility of our approach, so it has been simplified with
respect to the information (i.e., amount of STAR’s se-
curity controls) being used. Nevertheless, the base
negotiation techniques can be applied to more com-
plex case studies (as we will show in future research).
In this section we also assume that an user only wants
to specify in her User SecLA some specific require-
ments, mostly related to the security mechanisms im-
plemented by the CSP. Using the CAIQ terminology
(Cloud Security Alliance, 2011a), this user require-
ment translates to an User SecLA containing only the
parameters under the Security Architecture (SA) con-
Figure 5: SecLA tree for the Security Architecture (SA) category of the CAIQ reports (Cloud Security Alliance, 2011a).
trol (cf., Figure 5).
As mentioned in Section 3, the user expresses her
security requirements as a WS-Agreement document
that is, in terms of both a service and guarantee terms
(cf. Section 3). More specifically, the user can de-
fine a GT over a particular service in the form of an
assertion in the SLO element. This is the basis for
applying the negotiation process described in Section
4. It should be noticed that all three the GT element,
the CAIQ and the QPT (cf., Section 2) have the same
hierarchical structure, therefore the user can specify
her requirements with different levels of granularity.
For example, she can define a minimum requirement
at the “root” SA control, but also at each one of its
“leaf sub-controls (e.g., SA-01, SA-01.Q1, ...) just
as shown in Listings 3 and 4. Furthermore, these ex-
cerpts of the WS-Agreement document also show that
numeric weights can be assigned to individual con-
trols, in order to represent its relative importance from
a user perspective.
Listing 4: A Guarantee Term element in WS-Agreement.
<wsag:GuaranteeTerm wsag:Name=
Obl igated =” Prov ider ”>
<ws ag:ServiceScope ServiceName=
s t r i n g > S e c u r i t y A r c h i t e c t u r e< /
<ws ag: Ser vic eL evel Ob je ct iv e>
( CustomerAccessRequirements EQ
0. 4 , Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( Us er IDCredentials EQ 0. 4 ,
Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( D a t a S e c u r i t y I n t e g r i t y EQ 0 .4 ,
Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( A p p li c a t i o n S e c u r i t y EQ 0.4 ,
Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( Da t a I n t e g r i t y EQ 0.4 , Weight
EQ 0. 5 )
AND ( ProductionEnviron ments EQ
0. 4 , Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( RemoteUserMultifactorAuth EQ
0. 4 , Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( Segmentation EQ 0 .4 , Weight
EQ 0. 5 )
AND ( Cloc kSy nch ro niz atio n EQ 0. 4 ,
Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
AND ( E q u i p m e nt I n d e nt i f i ca t io n EQ
0. 4 , Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
Aud itL og gin gI nt r us i o nD e te ct i on
EQ 0.4 , Weight EQ 0 . 5 )
< / wsag:Cus tomServiceL evel>
</ wsa g:S erv iceLev elO bje c ti ve>
<w sag:B us ine ss Val ueL is t>
. . . . .
</ w sag :Bu si nes sV alu eL ist>
< / wsag:GuaranteeTerm>
Tables 1 and 2 show the quantitative results of
the negotiation process, after applying the evaluation
technique (cf., Section 2.2) to the following set of
Cloud SecLAs:
Three well-known CSPs (i.e., CSP1 to CSP3)
taken from the CSA STAR repository
Two different user requirements with the same
relative weights per-SA control. The first one
) using the minimum allowable security
levels (i.e., LSL = 1), whereas the second one
) using the maximum (i.e., LSL = 4). No-
tice that three SA-controls (i.e., SA-08, SA-10,
SA-11) are not shown in the results, because they
did not apply to the evaluated CSPs.
Obtained results in Tables 1 and 2, show that at
the SA Aggregated level the contributed negotiation
methodology allows ranking the available CSPs as
} forUser
, but as {CSP
} for User
. As a rule of thumb, the more
appropriate CSP (i.e., the one that best fulfills the
user requirement) will be the one with the quantitative
score closest to zero (i.e., the User SecLA baseline).
Finally, the resulting set of ranked CSPs is returned to
user, so she can either (i) automatically decide the one
to use (i.e., the best ranked) or, (ii) manually apply ad-
ditional criteria for the decision making process (e.g.,
CSP price). Future research will also focus on the
evaluation of non-security related parameters, which
Due to STAR’s usage restrictions, it is not possible to
disclose the real identity of the CSPs under evaluation.
Table 1: Quantitative evaluation of the User
SecLA re-
SA Aggregated 2.86 2.16 2.6
SA-01 1.50 3.00 2.50
SA-02 3.00 1.29 2.14
SA-03 3.00 3.00 3.00
SA-04 3.00 1.50 3.00
SA-05 3.00 3.00 3.00
SA-06 3.00 0 3.00
SA-07 3.00 3.00 0
SA-09 3.00 3.00 3.00
SA-12 3.00 3.00 3.00
SA-13 3.00 0 3.00
SA-14 3.00 3.00 3.00
Table 2: Quantitative evaluation of the User
SecLA re-
SA Aggregated -0.14 -0.84 -0.4
SA-01 -1.50 0 -0.50
SA-02 0 -1.71 -0.86
SA-03 0 0 0
SA-04 0 -1.50 0
SA-05 0 0 0
SA-06 0 -3.00 0
SA-07 0 0 -3.00
SA-09 0 0 0
SA-12 0 0 0
SA-13 0 -3.00 0
SA-14 0 0 0
might be taken into account to perform a more com-
prehensive negotiation process.
To the best of our knowledge, there are only two pre-
vious works related with the idea proposed in this
paper for Cloud ecosystems. The first one was con-
tributed by Max (Rak et al., 2011a), where authenti-
cation and authorization mechanisms are negotiated
between users and CSPs via a SLA-based interface
in the context of the EU FP7 mOSAIC project (mO-
SAIC, 2011). Our research improves over the ideas
described in (Rak et al., 2011a), by contributing with
a common semantic (the Cloud SecLA) and an evalu-
ation technique to quantitatively match the user’s se-
curity requirements with respect to a set of available
CSP. In the second related work Hale (Hale and Gam-
ble, 2012) introduced SecAgreements, a framework
for negotiating Cloud security risks via (i) a SLA-
based matchmaking algorithm and, (ii) a set of exten-
sions proposed for the WS-Agreement protocol (An-
drieux et al., 2007). Despite the similarities with our
research, on one hand SecAgreements’ matchmak-
ing algorithm is not user-centric and only can specify
weights at the individual security provision-level,thus
lacking of the usability offered by our evaluation ap-
proach (cf., Section 2.2). On the other hand, as future
work we are planning to research if the risk-based ap-
proach proposed by SecAgreements (Hale and Gam-
ble, 2012) might be used to complement our own ne-
gotiation methodology.
In this paper we have introduced the foundations for
negotiating and brokering Cloud resources based on
the notion of Security Level Agreements. At the core
of the negotiation stage is a user-centric technique
for quantitatively evaluating and ranking SecLAs, be-
ing developed within the EU FP7 ABC4Trust project
(ABC4Trust, 2011). Through the notion of Cloud
SecLAs, our quantitative evaluation technique offers
a common semantic to systematically match a User
SecLA requirement with respect to the most appropri-
ate CSP. Based on our experience within the EU FP7
mOSAIC project (mOSAIC, 2011), this paper also
presented an architecture and protocol to implement
the proposed Cloud negotiation mechanism. The fea-
sibility of the proposed approach was demonstrated
through a real-world case study that used the CSP
information contained in the CSA STAR repository
(Cloud Security Alliance, 2011b).
Despite STAR contains only static/declarative in-
formation about CSPs, our negotiation approach has
the potential to use also “dynamic” security data (e.g,
measured in real-time by network sensors), directly
embedded into the WS-Agreement protocol. We have
also shown that the contributed methodology is suit-
able for Cloud Federations, where the negotiation of
security parameters is a critical factor taking into ac-
count the amount of available CSP.
Once the envisioned architecture is deployed us-
ing the mOSAIC framework (mOSAIC, 2011), fu-
ture work will empirically analyze in detail the tech-
nical trade-offs (e.g., from the performance perspec-
tive) between SLA-based resource negotiation and,
the SecLA-based mechanism presented in this paper.
Finally, future activities will also research “advanced”
negotiation features not considered so far e.g., re-
negotiation and continuous monitoring.
Research supported in part by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Founda-
tion) Graduiertenkolleg 1362 - DFG GRK 1362, the
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