The Influence of Stressors on Usability Tests
An Experimental Study
Monique Janneck
and Makbule Dogan
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, Luebeck, Germany
eparo GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Usability Testing, Laboratory Tests, Stressors, Validity.
Abstract: In this study we investigated whether the experience of stressors would influence the performance of users
in usability tests as well as their subjective rating of the usability of an interactive system. To that end, an
experimental study was conducted comparing a usability test that was performed in the lab under quiet,
relaxed conditions with a test situation where several stressors (time pressure, noise, social pressure) were
applied. Results show that participants in the stress condition did considerably worse regarding the
completion and correctness of the tasks. The stress and negative feelings the participants experienced also
influenced their view of the tested software. Participants in the stress condition rated the usability of the
software and their user experience considerably more negative. Implications for the practice of usability
testing are discussed.
Usability tests are an important method to determine
the usefulness of interactive systems and products in
realistic settings and with real users: In usability
tests, participants solve tasks that they would
typically work on with a certain system. By
observing the interaction, problems and difficulties
can be determined and corrected in the software.
Furthermore user acceptance and satisfaction can be
Usability tests are often conducted in usability
labs, which are equipped with specialized hardware
and software for audio and video recording, mouse
tracking, screen recording or eye-tracking analysis.
Usability tests usually cover ‘normal’ use cases
and conditions: It is observed what works well and
what problems arise in a regular use situation.
Supported by the analysis techniques named above,
experimenters are able to gain manifold insights into
user behavior and possible improvements of the
However, in the laboratory important context
factors might not be as present as in the real
situation or even suppressed altogether (cf.
Greifenender, 2011), such as noise, presence of
other people, interruptions, bad or bright lighting,
special hardware etc.
Imagine, for example, an electronic train ticket
vending machine. People typically use such systems
in a public situation, possibly in a hurry because the
train is leaving shortly, pressured by others waiting
in the queue. It is easy to imagine that testing a
vending machine under such conditions will yield
other results that in a quiet and relaxed usability lab.
In many areas simulations are used to
specifically test how users and systems perform
under difficult conditions or in risky situations, e.g.
when training pilots or staff of safety-critical
facilities and equipment.
In this paper we investigate the use of stressors
in regular usability tests (i.e., not especially
regarding safety-critical systems) to find out how
they possibly influence users’ performance and also
their evaluation of the product or system they tested.
To that end, we conducted an experiment to compare
usability tests under regular laboratory conditions
with a situation where several stressors were
induced, such as time pressure, noise, and social
Janneck M. and Dogan M..
The Influence of Stressors on Usability Tests - An Experimental Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004501405810590
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (STDIS-2013), pages 581-590
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Usability Testing
According to ISO 9241-11 (ISO, 1998) usability is
defined as the extent to which a product can be used
by specified users to achieve specified goals in a
specified context of use (users, tasks, equipment and
environment). It can be established by measuring the
effectiveness of use (if a certain task can be
completed), efficiency of use (i.e. the time and effort
necessary to complete the task) and also the
satisfaction with use as reported by the users.
Furthermore for several years the concept of user
experience (UX) has been discussed as an expansion
of the traditional usability definition. User
experience relates to the emotional experience of
using an interactive product: Positive and negative
feelings, attitudes, beliefs, biases and preferences of
users. Therefore usability is only one factor
influencing user experience (cf. Tullis & Albert,
Usability is measured with a variety of different
methods, such as heuristic evaluation, walkthrough
or inspection methods, and usability questionnaires
(e.g. Shneiderman & Plaisant, 2010). Especially for
measuring user experience, a number of specialized
questionnaires have been developed, such as
AttrakDiff (Hassenzahl, 2008) or UEQ (Laugwitz et
al., 2008).
Usability tests in the lab, however, are still seen
as the ‘silver bullet’ of usability evaluation, as stated
by Jakob Nielsen as early as 1993: “User testing
with real users is the most fundamental usability
method and is in some sense irreplaceable“ (Nielsen,
1993, p. 165). The popularity of the method is due to
the exactness and scope of results, even if it’s often
more costly and time-consuming than other
evaluation methods. The sophisticated recording and
analysis methods and tools that are available, as
mentioned in the introduction, contribute to the
quality of the results.
Nevertheless, mobile or remote usability tests are
increasingly popular (cf. Bosenick et al., 2007).
Mobile usability tests take the laboratory to the field
by testing systems in a real use context, e.g. using a
mobile lab on a notebook. Remote tests offer even
more flexibility: The test persons carry out the test
via Internet at their own computers with the
experimenter not being present (however, a test
supervisor might be available online).
While mobile or remote usability tests might be
able to capture the actual conditions of use better
than a lab test (at the expense that some recording
and analysis methods are not available), they still do
not explicitly incorporate simulations or stressors.
On the opposite: Most guidelines for conducting
usability tests recommend establishing a quiet,
relaxed atmosphere for users to work in without
feeling anxious or pressured. Instructions for test
users often emphasize that the system is being tested
and not the user – therefore the user is not to blame
for anything that might go wrong (e.g. Dumas &
Loring, 2008, Dumas & Redish,1999).
However, in everyday use, errors and stress are
frequent occurrences when dealing with computer
systems (e.g. Ayyagari et al., 2011).
2.2 Stress and Errors
Stress is defined as an individuals’ reaction to events
that threaten to cause an imbalance by overstraining
his or her resources (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007,
Janssen et al., 2001). In the short run, physical
reactions to stressors support an individual to face
the stressful situation by mobilizing bodily
resources. However, in the long run stress can have
serious negative consequences for physical and
psychic health, such as high blood pressure, heart
diseases, sleeping disorders, fatigue, anxiety or
depression (Ogden, 2007).
There are many different types of stressors.
Stressors include major life crises, such as a divorce
or loss of job, as well as small nuisances, so-called
‘daily hassles’, such as paper jams, minor conflicts
and quarrels, a delayed bus and so forth, that
nevertheless might build up to a substantial
experience of stress (Kanner et al., 1981). Especially
at work, factors that hinder people to successfully
complete their tasks are known to induce stress.
Among them are time pressure, lack of necessary
resources, over- or non-taxing demands or social
stressors, such as a lack of support by others (Frese
and Zapf, 1994, Semmer, 1984, Sonnentag and
Frese, 2003).
It is important to note that different people might
experience the same stressors very differently,
depending on the resources they have available
(Bakker and Demerouti, 2007, Frese and Zapf,
1994) or factors of resilience (Robertson, 2012).
As is known from work psychology stress has an
impact on performance (e.g. Driskell and Salas,
1996). Stress especially increases error and leads to
a lack of concentration. Regarding the use of
computer systems this might result in simple
sensomotor errors like typos or wrong clicks as well
as careless mistakes, misconceptions or a lack of
control (cf. Reason, 1990).
Quite surprisingly, stress in usability testing has
seldom been researched so far. One of the few
existing studies conducted by Andrzejczak and Liu
(2010) compared the effect of the test location (lab
vs. remote) on user anxiety, finding no meaningful
differences. Some authors explored the use of
biological and psycho-physiological measures in
usability testing to detect arousal (Stickel et al.,
2008, Lin et al., 2005). However, to our knowledge,
the experimental use of stressors has not been
investigated systematically so far.
Given the relevance of stressors in daily life on
the one hand and the lack of research regarding
stressors in usability tests on the other hand the
following research questions are framed:
- Can stress be successfully induced in a
laboratory setting of usability tests?
- Does stress substantially influence users’
performance in usability tests?
- Does the experience of stress affect users
evaluation of the interactive products they are
3.1 Sample and Procedure
To test the influence of stressors on the test person’s
performance in a usability test and their subjective
evaluation we conducted an experiment with a total
of N=20 participants (50% male, 50% female; age
20-35 years). Participants were told that they were
supposed to test the search and checkout procedure
of a large online shop (Amazon). We selected test
persons who were frequent Internet users and also
experienced online shoppers to be able to separate
the effects of stressors from general usage problems.
All test persons had shopped at Amazon before.
The test persons were assigned at random to one
of the following conditions:
- Regular usability test (N=10, 5 male, 5 female):
The participants took part in a usability test in a
quiet, undisturbed environment. They received a
list of items they were supposed to search at
Amazon and add to the shopping cart. After they
had completed the search task they were given the
required log-in data and were asked to complete
the checkout procedure. Before finalizing the
purchase, they were asked to remove some of the
items from their shopping cart and add some other
- Usability test with stressors (N=10, 5 male, 5
female): The participants were asked to complete
the same tasks as in the first condition. However,
during the usability test several stressors were
Time Pressure. Participants were told that there
was a 5-minute time limit for the search as well
as the checkout task. A stopwatch was put up
visibly on the table.
Noise and Disturbance. During the test a person
enters the test room and angrily asks for a
cable. The test supervisor hectically searches
for the cable in a locker, making noise and
dropping several items. Then the test
supervisor leaves to fetch the cable from
another room.
Social Pressure. After the test supervisor left
the room, the unknown person takes a seat
directly next to the test persons, observing
them while they are working on their tasks and
constantly drumming with his fingers on the
Upon return, the test supervisor apologizes for the
disturbances and politely asks the test persons to
complete the tasks, reminding them of the time
3.2 Measures
In both conditions the tests were conducted in a
usability lab equipped with audio and video
recording as well as eye tracking. Morae© software
was used for audio, video, mouse and screen
recording. Nyan© was used for eye tracking
For performance measures, task completion and
correctness were recorded. Furthermore the time
that participants needed to complete the tasks was
For measuring the perceived usability of the
product all test persons rated Amazon using the
AttrakDiff questionnaire (Hassenzahl, 2008) after
completing the usability tests to measure whether the
stress experience had an influence on user ratings.
AttrakDiff measures usability of interactive products
as well as user experience and joy of use by means
of a semantic differential, i.e. pairs of words (the
word pairs can be seen in figure 5). The
questionnaire addresses four dimensions:
- Pragmatic Quality, measuring the usability of the
interactive product,
- Hedonic Quality, which refers to the user
experience and is split up in two subscales of
‘Identity’ (measuring identification) and
‘Stimulation’ (measuring innovativeness and
originality of the product).
- Attractiveness, referring to the overall
attractiveness of the product.
Validity and reliability of the instrument were
established in several studies (Hassenzahl, 2008).
AttrakDiff was chosen since it is especially suitable
to measure subjective and also emotional aspects of
Furthermore the participants filled out a
questionnaire containing several items related to the
test situation and the stress they possibly
experienced (see table 2) measured on a 5-point
Likert scale (ranging from 1=’not at all’ to 5=’very
Table 1: Items measuring participants’ experience of the
test atmosphere and possible stress.
Please indicate how much you agree to the following
I did not care about the test.
I felt distracted.
I had difficulties concentrating.
I felt pressured.
I was stressed by the situation.
I was anxious to fail.
I wanted to leave the situation.
I was annoyed.
I would have liked to get support.
After completing the questionnaires the test
persons who had participated in the stress condition
were also interviewed by the test supervisor to gain a
deeper understanding of their experiences and their
emotions during the test situation. At the beginning
of the interview the real purpose of the study and the
deliberate nature of the disturbances was revealed to
the participants.
The general observations made by the test
supervisors revealed remarkable differences between
the two test conditions. In the regular condition
participants worked on the tasks in a relaxed manner
and had no serious problems completing the tasks.
In the stress condition, test persons showed a
considerable amount of frustration as a reaction to
the stressors applied in the situation. Most test
persons appeared nervous, distracted, and sometimes
aggressive. Many of them had remarkable
difficulties when working on the tasks.
These general observations were confirmed by
the performance and usability measures as well as
the measures related to the stress experiences.
Results are reported in the following sections.
4.1 Performance Measures
4.1.1 Task Completion and Correctness
Test persons in the regular and the stress condition
showed remarkable differences regarding their
In the regular condition, all test persons were
able to complete both the search and the checkout
task. Error rates were low (as reported further on).
In the stress condition, all test persons made a
substantial amount of errors in the search phase.
Only two persons were able to complete the
checkout procedure.
Table 2 shows the percentage of items that were
correctly identified and added to the shopping cart.
In the regular condition, almost all purchases were
correct. In the stress condition, test persons chose
the wrong items in more than half of all cases.
Observations by the test supervisor during the
tests add to the impression that participants in the
stress condition were generally much more error-
prone (e.g. regarding typos and careless mistakes)
and at the same time less likely to recognize their
mistakes, while participants in the regular condition
often noticed their errors and were able to make
corrections themselves right away.
Table 2: Correctness measures.
Correct products in
shopping cart
91% 48%
Incorrect products
in shopping cart
9% 52%
Overall number of
errors in checkout
8 [merely typos] 15 [mainly
problems in
Persons completing
all tasks
10 (out of 10) 2 (out of 10)
Furthermore, eye-tracking analyses reveal much
more ‘scattered’ and unorganized track paths among
participants in the stress conditions (figure 1).
Also, participants in the stress condition tended
to focus on parts of the screen that were irrelevant
for the current task (see figures 2 and 3).
Figure 1: Scattered scan path of participant in the stress
Figure 2: Relevant focus (on fields of address form) in
scan path of participant in the regular condition.
Figure 3: Irrelevant focus in scan path of participant in the
stress condition: The error message and the corresponding
text fields are not recognized by the person.
4.1.2 Time Measures
Since time restrictions were placed on the
participants in the stress condition while in the
regular condition test persons were free to work on
the tasks as long as they wished, it was not
reasonable to compare task completion times
Instead, regarding the search task we compared
the number of items that participants identified and
placed in their shopping carts in five minutes (the
time limit imposed in the stress condition).
Regarding the checkout task – as most participants
in the stress condition failed to complete this task
altogether – we compared the time the test persons
needed to fill out the address form, as this was a
relatively simple task.
Results (table 3) show that in the regular
condition test persons were faster and identified
more items (and more often the correct items, as was
pointed out in section 4.2.1). Even though the
differences were small, this is quite remarkable since
the participants in the regular condition could be
expected to work in no hurry.
Interestingly, standard deviation was much
higher in the stress condition than in the regular
condition. This reflects that obviously some test
persons were affected more by the stressors than
Table 3: Time measures.
Average number of products in
shopping cart after 5 minutes
6.9 5.6
Average time for address
completion (in seconds)
4.2 Usability Measures
In the following section the AttrakDiff ratings of the
participants in the regular vs. the stress condition are
compared as a measure of perceived usability.
Again, remarkable differences can be found. In
the regular condition, the ‘pragmatic quality’ (PQ),
i.e. the usability of the Amazon online shop, was
rated very positively. ‘Hedonic quality’, i.e. the user
experience, was rated above average. In the stress
condition, ratings were much lower: Values for both
usability (PQ) and HQ (user experience) were below
Figure 4 shows the mean values of the four
AttrakDiff dimensions (PQ=Pragmatic Quality; HQ-
I=Hedonic Quality/Identity; HQ-S=Hedonic Quality
/Stimulation; ATT=Attractiveness). Regarding all of
the four dimensions the Amazon website was rated
more negatively (with values below average) by
participants in the stress condition. Differences were
especially large regarding Pragmatic Quality and
general Attractiveness. These differences were
statistically significant (p<0.05).
Furthermore, the confidence interval for the
stress condition is much larger, indicating a wide
Figure 4: Mean values for regular condition (upper curve)
and stress condition (lower curve) regarding the four
dimensions of AttrakDiff.
range of ratings among the participants. Again, this
shows that the test persons were affected differently
by the stressors.
Figure 5 shows the differences between the
regular and the stress condition regarding all items
of the questionnaire.
Figure 5: AttrakDiff profile for regular condition (right
curve) and stress condition (left curve).
4.3 Experience of Stress
In the following sections the results of the
questionnaire measuring the participants’ perception
of the test situation and the interviews with those
participating in the stress condition are depicted.
4.3.1 Questionnaire
Figure 6 shows the mean ratings for both conditions.
For all items except for ‘I did not care about the test’
and ‘I wanted to leave the situation’ participants in
the stress conditions gave significantly more
negative ratings (p<0.05).
Figure 6: Mean values for items measuring stress during
the test.
Especially large differences can be found regarding
the experience of pressure, feelings of stress,
distraction and difficulties concentrating. Also,
participants in the stress condition longed for more
support. Figures 7 and 8 give some especially
impressive examples.
Figure 7: Respondents experiencing stress.
Figure 8: Respondents experiencing pressure.
4.3.2 Interviews
The interviews that were conducted with the
participants in the stress condition clearly reflect the
results of the performance measures as well as the
stress questionnaire.
All respondents said that they had experienced
some form of negative emotions during the test,
some of them very gravely:
“I was almost freaking out. I was nervous and
had difficulties concentrating. That was totally
absurd.” (Person 3, female)
Several persons reflected on the experience that
they failed to complete seemingly easy tasks:
“Everything was so difficult. Usually I would
handle that.” (Person 2, female)
Regarding the different stressors, the interviews
indicate that time pressure and social pressure were
experienced as especially stressful:
“Without the time pressure I would have looked
more closely at the products.” (Person 5, male)
“That man. He was really annoying, simply
because he sat next to me. I thought he was
surely looking over my shoulder and thinking,
‘Oh, she can’t do it’. That was really
disturbing.” (Person 2, female)
“I had even more difficulties concentrating after
your colleague came in. I was on the verge of
saying, ‘please go out, can’t you wait somewhere
else?’” (Person 6, female)
The interviews also show interindividual
differences regarding the perception of stressors.
Especially noise and distraction were handled
differently according to prior experiences:
“I know that kind of situation from my home. I
have two smaller siblings. I can switch that off.”
(Person 7, male)
“I worked as an online journalist for three years,
therefore I can handle noise. It was always noisy
there, everybody was shouting, the telephone was
ringing, visitors around…” (Person 8, female)
5.1 Interpretation of Results and
Methodical Issues
In this study we investigated if stress could be
induced in a usability test and whether the
experience of stressors would influence the
performance of users as well as their subjective
rating of the usability of an interactive system. To
that end, an experimental study was conducted
comparing a usability test that was performed in the
lab under quiet, relaxed conditions with a test
situation where several stressors (time pressure,
noise, social pressure) were applied.
All three research questions can be answered
with ‘yes’:
Regarding their performance, participants in the
stress condition did considerably worse regarding
the completion of the online shopping tasks. More
than half of the items that were added to the
shopping cart were incorrect, compared to only 9%
in the regular condition. They made numerous
mistakes and were mostly unable to recognize and
correct them. Furthermore, stressed participants
were less efficient: They needed slightly more time
and identified less products even though they had
been given a time limit and therefore were trying to
work fast.
This is especially remarkable since all
participants were experienced and frequent Internet
users. All of them were familiar with online
shopping in general and had also particularly used
Amazon before. That means in prior situations they
had successfully performed the very tasks that they
were failing during the test.
The stress and negative feelings that the
participants experienced also influenced their view
of the software they tested. Participants in the stress
condition rated the usability of the software and their
user experience considerably more negative:
Obviously, negative emotions of test users are
projected on products they use. To put it the other
way around: To a certain degree positive usability
ratings might reflect not only the actual product
quality, but also the positive well-being of the users.
Given the research from work psychology
regarding the influence of stressors on work
performance, it is not surprising as such that stress
also influences computer-related tasks. Nevertheless,
the magnitude is remarkable: The test persons failed
to complete simple tasks that they had done
numerous times before and that were solved easily
by the participants in the regular condition. During
the checkout procedure the total number of errors
almost doubled. What is more, while test persons in
the regular condition merely produced typos, which
they were able to correct themselves right away,
participants in the stress condition showed a general
lack of understanding or chose wrong strategies that
caused them to fail the task altogether (only two out
of 10 persons in the stress condition were able to
complete the checkout procedure).
The variance regarding performance measures as
well as usability ratings was much higher in the
stress condition. This reflects the finding that people
experience stress quite differently (Bakker and
Demerouti, 2007, Frese and Zapf, 1994, Robertson,
2012). In the interviews conducted with the
participants in the stress condition some test persons
also emphasized that they had not been disturbed as
much because they were used to working in noisy
and turbulent environments.
Quite interestingly, especially the female test
persons felt extremely bothered by the (male) person
disturbing and observing them. Whether gender is an
issue here needs to be clarified in further studies.
However, the present study has several
shortcomings. First of all, the number of participants
was relatively low. While testing 20 persons can be
expected to yield good results in a ‘real’ usability
test (Faulkner, 2003), the results cannot be
considered representative in a scientific study. Also,
we purposefully included especially younger people
who were experienced Internet users to make sure
the participants would be principally able to
complete the tasks with ease. It is quite impressive
that even experienced users were affected by the
stressors to such a large extent. However, further
research is needed to show whether the effects
identified in this study also hold for other groups of
computer users.
Due to the small number of participants we were
also unable to conduct more differentiated analyses.
For example, it would be interesting to investigate
whether the amount of stress that is experienced by a
person is correlated with performance and usability
measures. Also, the gender differences that were
suggested by the interview results could not be
analyzed in detail because the number of participants
in the stress condition was too low.
Furthermore, we did not separate the distinct
effects of the different stressors used in this study. In
the interviews the test persons indicated that
especially time pressure and social pressure (i.e. the
presence of an unknown and unfriendly observer)
were experienced as stressful and annoying.
Whether certain types of stressors have specific
effects on performance and product evaluation needs
to be clarified in future research.
5.2 Implications
The results of our study have several serious
implications for usability research as well as the
practice of usability testing.
First of all, it has to be stated that stress can
easily be invoked during usability tests. Often, this
might be unintentional and go unnoticed by the
Especially when using remote usability tests or
questionnaires to assess usability or user experience
of an interactive product, it seems hard to assess
whether stress that the users were possibly
experiencing might have influenced the results.
Furthermore, measures and methods that are
regularly used in usability testing might induce
stress – at least in some test persons – without the
intention to do so.
Imposing a time limit, for example, proved to be
a simple and effective stressor making test persons
anxious and nervous and also causing them to work
less effectively and efficiently compared to the no-
stressors condition. As time measures are a regular
method in usability studies and time limits are
frequently announced for simple administrative
reasons this might be an important source of error
when interpreting the results.
Likewise, social stressors (i.e. the presence of an
unknown person observing the participants) had a
strong effect on the test persons. Again, supervisors
and observers participating in usability tests might
have an irritating effect on the test persons and their
performance, especially if the presence of observers
is not adequately explained and justified.
While stress can be seen as a confounding factor
in usability studies, including stressors might also
have a beneficial effect. As was already stated in the
introduction, some interactive products are typically
used in stressful situations (e.g. buying a train ticket
at an electronic vending machine while other people
are watching and waiting and the train is about to
arrive). Assessing the usability of such products in a
relaxed atmosphere is likely to produce false results.
Likewise, safety-critical systems need to function
well in emergency situations. Therefore it should be
tested how users perform under stress.
Apart from such special scenarios, our results
suggest that stressors should be regularly included in
usability testing as a control variable to get a broader
and more complete picture of how users interact
with a system. This is especially important when
conducting usability tests in the lab, where users
typically experience a quiet and relaxed atmosphere
(cf. Bosenick et al. 2007, Dumas and Loring, 2008,
Dumas and Redish, 1999).
Of course, stressors in usability tests should not
be used arbitrarily, but rather need to be related to
the expected use scenarios. Time constraints, for
example, might be especially relevant for all
interactive systems used in a work context, since
people are usually expected to work fast and
efficiently. On the other hand, it might seem odd to
impose a time limit when testing a product or system
that is primarily intended for private, leisure-time
use when people can be expected to be somewhat
relaxed. Social pressure, of course, is relevant for all
kinds of systems used in public, including public
information systems, vending and teller machines,
and also mobile devices. Also, people working in
open-plan offices or generally with other colleagues
or customers around might experience social
pressure that should be considered when planning
usability tests. Likewise, the occurrence of noise,
interruptions and other kinds of disturbances can be
derived from use-cases and scenarios.
Furthermore, interindividual differences
regarding the level of stress should be considered
when trying to assess the effect of stressors on
usability tests. While some people might be hardly
affected, others experience profound stress and
anxiety. Simple and short questionnaires like the one
we used in our study can help to judge the impact
that such feelings had on test results.
One might argue that our results indicate that we
should leave the lab altogether and conduct usability
evaluations in the field instead to achieve really
meaningful results. Indeed, on-site investigations
and observations of actual work processes and user
experiences are particularly valuable, especially
regarding usability engineering and socio-technical
design: When developing or implementing a new
system in an organization it is crucial to involve real
users in their real environments. Nevertheless, the
lab might be preferred in several situations; e.g. in
early stages of product design when actual users are
not yet available, for test cases where sophisticated
observation and recording technologies are
desirable, to simulate certain occurrences, or simply
because on-site testing is not possible for
administrative or other reasons. In these cases
inducing stressors in lab tests can enhance results.
However, the question of external validity should
always be asked when working in the lab.
Of course the deliberate use of stressors raises
ethical issues and considerations. We were surprised
about the strong effects the stressors used in our
study had on the participants. Many of them
experienced a substantial amount of stress, anger
and frustration. How to handle these feelings, e.g. by
clarifying the goals and intentions of the study in a
follow-up interview as we did in our study, needs to
be carefully planned in advance.
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