On the Interoperability in Multiple Clouds
Dana Petcu
Computer Science Department, West University of Timis¸oara, Timis¸oara, Romania
Interoperability, Multiple Clouds.
Interoperability between Clouds is a desire of the last half decade to fulfill the dream of apparently unlimited
capacity of the interconnected e-infrastructures as well as the elimination of the vendor lock-in. In this paper
we try to point towards the missing pieces by identifying the requirements and the degree of their coverage by
the existing solutions. Moreover, a particular case, of application interoperability, is studied using a concrete
and recent deployable and open-source platform as a service.
The need of using multiple Clouds has appear with
the proliferation of various Cloud services. The sim-
plest case, the Hybrid Cloud is motivated by the need
to deal with the peaks in e-infrastructure usage. The
migration for one Cloud to another is motivated by
economic reasons. The usage of services from a part-
ner Cloud is appealing also for the Cloud provider
in order to deal with an unexpected increase of re-
quests. Using simultaneously the services from multi-
ple Clouds (in opposition with the previous two cases
that are sequentially using different Clouds) is done
due to the particularities of each service not encoun-
tered elsewhere. Such scenarios are pushing the tech-
nical developments from nowadays and we see al-
ready several improvements of the state-of-the-art in
the last two years in what concerns the tools support-
ing the multiple Clouds usage.
In Spring 2009, OpenManifesto group
(www.openmanifesto.org) has identified the ve
main challenges for the Cloud: (1) data and ap-
plication interoperability; (2) data and application
portability; (3) governance and management; (4)
metering and monitoring; (5) security. Despite the
considerable efforts in the latest four years in the field
of Cloud computing, both in industry and research
these five challenges are still persisting. Partially
solutions or early prototypes were fortunately build
in the last two years. However, complete solutions
are not yet expected in the near future as several
technical barriers have not been overcome. In this
context, is the aim of this paper to point where the
missing pieces are. To do this, we need first to clearly
identify the requirements and the current solutions.
Therefore the first sections are dedicated to fulfill this
Interoperability is an issue for both Cloud
provider (to extend its capacity and services) as well
as for the Cloud consumer (to allow the freedom of
movement between various Clouds). In the second
part of the paper we take the position of the Cloud ap-
plication developer (whose application will consume
the Cloud services). In particular we discuss the case
of the application interoperability, having in mind that
application portability is partially solved by various
The contributions of this paper are the followings:
1. identify the key elements of the interoperability in
multiple Cloud usage scenarios;
2. identify the current gaps in fulfilling the interope-
rability requirements;
3. provide a concrete example related to a recent
open-source platform as a service for multiple
Clouds, designed for portability reasons.
Multiple Clouds are classified nowadays (e.g. in
(Ferrer et al, 2012)) in Federated Clouds and Multi-
In the first case, of Federated Clouds, agreements
or contracts between Cloud providers are established
in order to increase their services, to ensure the pos-
sibility to deal with peaks, to survive in case of dis-
Petcu D..
On the Interoperability in Multiple Clouds.
DOI: 10.5220/0004503105810590
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CI-2013), pages 581-590
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
asters. There are very few examples of such agree-
ments at this moment in the case of Horizontal Feder-
ations (between peer Clouds), and multiple in the case
of Vertical Federations (if a SaaS needs a PaaS, or a
PaaS relies on a IaaS). The reduced number of such
agreements are due to the request of a certain degree
of control by a Cloud provider over the resources or
services of another Cloud provider in agreement with
the first. The degree of control is providing also a
criteria for further classify the Federated Clouds. Be-
yond the barrier of the agreements, the next barriers
are the technical ones, including interoperability.
The intensive studied topics for interoperability at
Federated Cloud level are related to VM migration,
API for communications and requests, automation,
standards, and so on. These subjects are related to
run-time stage of the life-cycle of services and appli-
cations: interoperability is expected to be applied dur-
ing the execution of services or applications. More-
over, interoperability is a subject for Cloud provider,
as the Cloud consumer should not be aware of the sub-
In the second case, of Multiple Clouds, no agree-
ment needs to be established. Instead a third party
(beyond the Cloud provider and Cloud consumer) is
offering services that are build on top of the several
Cloud services, offering a unique entry point for sev-
eral Clouds. As underlined in (Grozev and Buyya,
2012) the available tools to support Multi-Clouds can
be classified in library-based or service-based. In the
case of the libraries, uniform access to infrastructure
(-as-a) services is ensured by considering the com-
mon denominator of the existing libraries. In the case
of the services, according to the applications needs, a
matching between the needs of the applications and
the special offers of various Cloud services is done
(an incipient form of a Cloud broker, not necessarily
performing auditing or single entry point, trust mea-
surements or monitoring).
The intensive studied topics for interoperability at
Multi-Cloud level are related to automation of deploy-
ments, configuration of services, semantic processing
and so on. These subjects are related to design-time
stage of the life-cycle of services and applications: in-
teroperability is expected to be supported by portabil-
ity solutions. Moreover, interoperability is a subject
for the third party (representing and even identified
with the Cloud consumer).
An evolving step from the Federated Cloud or
Multi-Cloud is considered to be the Inter-Cloud,
an Federated Cloud or Multi-Cloud that includes a
Cloud broker and offers dynamic service provision-
ing. Therefore it inherits the issues already men-
tioned above in what concern interoperability at de-
sign and run-time. The Inter-Cloud goal is according
(Bernstein et al, 2009) to create an environment that
supports dynamic expansion or contraction of capa-
bilities for handling variations in demands (dynamic
workload migration is possible). A high level archi-
tecture of the Inter-Cloud was recently proposed in
(Demchenko et al, 2012).
The interaction between the Clouds can be syn-
chronous (e.g. in the case of vertical federations)
if direct calls are made, or asynchronous (in case of
loosely coupling as in emergency scenarios). The in-
teraction can be also take a synthetic form, when the
communication and exchanges are using specific for-
mats or protocols, or a semantic form, when the in-
formation exchanged is interpreted using a common
information exchange reference model.
In a previous paper (Petcu, 2011) we have elaborate
on the dimensions, levels and technological require-
ments of interoperability. We remind them here and
elaborate further according to the last achievements in
the field.
Interoperability is needed for at least for the fol-
lowing three reasons: (a) protection of the end user
investments in developments; (b) development of a
Cloud eco-system and market; (c) exploit full advan-
tage of elasticity and pay-as-you concept.
The evolution of interoperability issues has take
three stages, according (Williams, 2009): (1) migra-
tion, referring to the portability of VMs; (2) federa-
tion, targeting networking; (3) burst, targeting APIs.
Figure 1 is suggesting the three dimensions of the
interoperability problem. Two are technical and en-
countered as pointed earlier, at run-time in Federated
Clouds and at design time in Multi-Cloud. The third
dimension is non-technical, more human oriented, as
being related to policy, i.e. establishing agreements
Figure 1: Interoperability dimensions.
Figure 2: Levels of interoperability.
and contracts between providers, as well as standards
elaborations and promotion.
Figure 2 is proposing a split of the requirements
in different categories (based on the initial classifica-
tion proposed in (Khattak et al, 2010)). The top level
is associated with the policy dimension; the next one
with the design; the last three with the run-time.
The most complex level is the one related to ap-
plication and services, that is covering both design
and run-time. The requirements to this level were
first discussed in (Merzky et al, 2009), in the context
application-level interoperability versus the service-
level interoperability: the first is considered to ensure
a strong interoperability while the second one, a weak
interoperability (note that the discussion was related
to Grids and Cloud interoperability).
Table 1 is pointing to some of the requirements of
the interoperability, associated with a certain level or
dimension as exposed in the previous figures.
Several technical solutions are available currently to
support interoperability. Part of them are represented
in Figure 3 and we have review them in (Petcu, 2011).
The closest and recent snapshot of the interoperability
solution was provided in (Loutas et al, 2011). We in-
sist in this section more on gaps that should be filled,
using few examples.
For the run-time dimension, at the infrastructure
levels (last two in the table and image), several partial
solutions exists to migrate virtual machines, virtual
storage or services. Despite the presence of standard
OVF format, the VMs are not yet ready for interopera-
bility. For example, Amazon is one of the few Cloud
providers who are allowing to export VMs; however,
their related resources (e.g. network, storage) cannot
be exported too. In general, VMs cannot be trans-
ferred from one hypervisor to another. VMs can be
Figure 3: Technical solutions for interoperability.
converted today with tools like qemu-image, but this
requires to stop the VM and to apply the adaptation
We should mention the application perspective:
also that once the application is deployed and adapted
to a certain Cloud, in order to move it in another
Cloud, an inspection of the source code is needed to
identify the specific API calls or to build a model
or representation of the code. Tools that can do
that are only in early stage of prototyping (in Euro-
pean projects like Cloud4SOA, REMICS or MODA-
Clouds) and not yet integrated in the PaaSs.
It should be also mentioned that the diversity of
the APIs is natural, as each providers intends to of-
fer something new or unique compared with other of-
fers, in order to attract customers. The interopera-
bility issue is therefore an issue for the management
and governance levels where automation should be
achieved as much as possible. The mix-in of services
from different providers can be a strong argument in
using such entry level instead a direct connection to
only one provider. Therefore the management and
service automation levels in multiple Clouds are the
hot-spots of the development activities in the last two
years (commercial solutions like RightScale, enStra-
tus or Kaavo have emerge that are able to deploy ap-
plications in various Clouds, but not yet migrate the
running ones).
For the design time dimension, several prototypes
are available, from frameworks like SLA@SOI or the
more recent (Di Modica et al, 2012), as well as APIs
like jclouds, libcloud or OpenStack (a more com-
plete list at (Lee, 2009)), or emerging standards like
CloudML, but there is no wide acceptance of one or
another proposal. Nor a Cloud specific programming
model has emerge, despite the high-potential of the
concept of e-infrastructure programming (Petcu et al,
At the business level, a unified policy of the con-
tractual terms was not yet established at national or
international levels, while several proposals are on the
Table 1: Minimal requirements of interoperability at various levels.
Dimension Level No Requirements
Policy Public administration P1 Regulations on contracts
P2 Regulations on services level agreements
Business B1 Business strategies
B2 Regulations on mode of use
B3 Economic model driven optimization mechanisms
B4 License flexibility
Design Application/service abstractions A1 Execution-unaware application support
A2 Infrastructure independent programming
A3 Common set of interfaces, standard APIs
A4 High level modeling and programming models
Semantic S1 Message content and communication protocols
S2 Service calls and answers
S3 Cloud ontology and semantic-based discovery of services
Runtime Service automation R1 Re-configuration at run-time
R2 Scaling in and out on multiple sites
R3 Workflow management
R4 Service and resource discovery, reservation and setup
R5 Automatically provision resources in multiple Clouds
R6 Optimal mapping of services/applications on resources
Management M1 Control the life-cycle of the application and its components
M2 Standardized functionality for deployment in multiple Clouds
M3 Migration support for application components
M4 Plug-ins for the working environment
M5 SLA and performance monitoring
M6 Standards for allocation and admission control
M7 Single sign-on for users accessing multiple Clouds
M8 Auditing and trust mechanisms
VM images, data and workloads V1 Import and share VMs, data and workloads
V2 VM, data and workloads migration support
V3 Use standards for accessing compute and storage capacities
V4 Support for multiple hypervisor technologies
Network N1 Uniform access to individual resources
N2 Routing optimization based on monitoring
N3 Software-defined networking
way. One of the hottest topic is the privacy and data
protection compliance, for which no general accepted
proposal is available yet.
A classical way to bust the interoperability is the
adoption of standards and open source. Surely they
are important mostly for the Cloud providers and ser-
vice developers, not for the consumers. A classi-
fication of the standards at IaaS level was done in
(Teckelmann et al, 2011) and refers to access mecha-
nism, virtual appliance, storage, network, security and
SLA; the paper also analysis the three oldest stan-
dard proposals, OVF, OCCI and CDMI from these
point of views, identifying their gaps. Note that the
three nominated standards have partially failed to be
adopted on large scale by the providers, but are imple-
mented in few Cloud management middlewares. New
ones are emerging nowadays, like CIMI or CloudML,
and several working groups are working to elabo-
rate other proposals. Tables 2 and 3 are pointing
to some of the standards respectively standard initia-
tives that are relevant for interoperability. An ear-
lier list is provided in (Loutas et al, 2010). Com-
paring them, the tremendous changes from the last
two years are evident. However there several gaps
Table 2: Standards, reference architectures, open group proposals.
Type Standard Link Usefulness for interoperability
Standard OCCI occi-wg.org It is designed to be a management API for IaaSs allowing the
development of interoperable tools for common tasks including
deployment, autonomic scaling and monitoring. OCCI is cur-
rently evolving into a general and complex system to support
the multiple Clouds
OVF www.dmtf.org/standards/
Describes virtual appliances for deployment across heteroge-
neous virtualization platforms, like the ones using different hy-
pervisors, and allowing the users to deploy their virtual appli-
ances in various Clouds
CDMI cdmi.sniacloud.com/ Used for data management and specifying how applications
create, retrieve, update, and delete data from the cloud
CIMI dmtf.org/sites/default/
DSP0263 1.0.1.pdf
It addresses the management of the lifecycle of Cloud infras-
tructure services. Basic resources of IaaS are modeled in order
to provide to the consumer a management access to an imple-
mentation of IaaS. It focus on the portability between cloud
implementations that support the specification. A REST-style
protocol is proposed.
Architecture IETF tools.ietf.org/html/draft-
Proposed a draft of intra-cloud and inter-cloud reference frame-
work, documenting basic functions or layers to support the gen-
eral requirements of Cloud services. The framework can be
used to standardize the interfaces between the functions/layers.
DMTF www.dmtf.org/sites/default/
DSP-IS0102 1.0.0.pdf
Cloud Service Reference Architecture describes key compo-
nents, such as actors, interfaces, data artifacts, profiles and the
interrelationships among these components.
The Cloud Work Group within Open group collaborate on stan-
dard models and frameworks aimed at eliminating vendor lock-
in for enterprises and looking to benefit from cloud products
and services.
CSCC www.cloud-council.org Has released a guide for SLAs that highlights the critical ele-
ments of a SLA for Cloud and provides guidance on what to
expect and what to be aware of when negotiating an SLA
OCC opencloudconsortium.org Has develop benchmarks for cloud computing with a particular
focus in large data clouds: MalStone Benchmark is targeting
large data clouds
GICTF www.gictf.jp Promotes standardization of network protocols and the inter-
faces through which Cloud systems inter-work with each other.
Has published: (1) Intercloud Interface Specification Draft
(Cloud Resource Data Model); (2) Intercloud Interface Specifi-
cation Draft (Intercloud Protocol); (3) Technical Requirements
for Supporting the Intercloud Networking; (4) Use Cases and
Functional Requirements for Inter-Cloud Computing
in the collections of available standards, like propos-
als for Cloud metrics and real-time monitoring, inter-
faces for security(-as-a-)services, accountability asso-
ciated with transparency and responsibility. Further-
more, there are several barriers to the standard that
were already pointed in (Machado et al, 2009).
As the multiple Clouds are based on the values
of the Cloud services of various providers, thin lay-
ers build on top to ensure the functionality of Multi-
Cloud of Federated Cloud are often open-source. Ta-
Table 3: Standard initiatives.
Organization Link Usefulness for interoperability
ETSI www.etsi.org/technologies-
Technical Committee for CLOUD is looking to interoperable solutions in-
volving IT and Telecom industries, whit emphasis on IaaS. It focuses on
interoperable applications and services based on global standards and the
validation tools to support these standards.
IEEE standards.ieee.org/develop/
project/2301.html and
IEEE started two development projects related to cloud interoperability, re-
flected in two working groups, P2301 and P2302. First group is working
on standardizing Cloud portability and management, using a number of file
formats and interfaces. The second group is focusing on Cloud-to-Cloud in-
teroperability and federation.
ITU www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/
Study Group 13 works on standards for next generation networks and future
networks and in conjunction with Clouds (a Focus Group on Cloud comput-
ing has published a report).
NIST www.nist.gov/itl/cloud/ Program to develop a set of cloud computing standards. First results were
published as NIST Cloud Computing Program. NIST’ special publications
cover Cloud architectures, security, and deployment strategies for the US
federal government
OASIS www.oasis-open.org/
tc home.php?
wg abbrev=id-cloud,
Three cloud specific or extended technical committees have been founded:
(1) Identity in the Cloud, looking to the security challenges posed by identity
management in Cloud, identifying the gaps in current identity management
standards, and investigating the need for profiles to achieve interoperability
within current standards; (2) Symptoms Automation Framework, facilitating
knowledge sharing and allowing consumer and provider to work coopera-
tively together to ensure adequate capacity, maximize quality of service, and
reduce cost; (3) Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Appli-
cations looking to enhance the portability of Cloud applications and services,
and enabling the interoperable description of application and infrastructure
Cloud services, the relationships between parts of the service, and the opera-
tional behavior of these services.
SNIA www.snia.org/
tech activities/
Cloud Storage Technical Work Group is developing an architecture related to
system implementations of cloud storage technology
Cloud Services Initiative intends to stimulate the growth of an open mar-
ketplace for Cloud services by promoting to large eco-system of enterprise
customers, Cloud and technology providers the adoption of standards
ble 4 is pointing to the recent open-source solutions
that are supporting multiple Clouds.
We consider in this section an example: how one
of the latest open-source middleware for multiple
Clouds is supporting the interoperability. We have
pick mOSAIC, as being recent contributor to it. mO-
SAIC is providing an open-source and deployable
Platform-as-a-Service that is supporting multi-Cloud
scenario of re-deployment. The initial cycle of its de-
velopment was supported through a collaborative and
multi-national project, funded by the European Com-
mission and ended in Spring 2013. Targeting open-
source, its codes are available at the public repository
https://bitbucket.org/mosaic, under Apache License.
Figure 4 indicates the main components of the lat-
est stack of mOSAIC’s software:
red components, for the design phase: API li-
braries (for Java, Python and Erlang) with ex-
amples; application tools including plug-ins for
Eclipse, templates and workflows; semantic sup-
port for developing applications, using domain
specific and Cloud ontologies; a service-level
agreement framework based on concepts intro-
duced by SLA@SOI;
Table 4: Open-source middleware, framework, library, tool or service that is working with multiple Clouds and support a
certain degree of interoperability.
Acronym Link Short description
Aoleus www.aeolusproject.org Cloud management software sponsored written in Ruby, open source,
and provided by Red Hat on Linux systems. It allows users to choose
between private, public or hybrid clouds, using δ-Cloud library
BonFIRE portal.integration.
Operates a Multi-site Cloud-based facility on top of infrastructure
testbeds. Its Enactor shields the implementation details of how to in-
teract with various testbeds from a resource manager.
ConPaaS contrail-
Provides a federation layer support for bringing Cloud providers to-
gether. It allows Cloud bursting. The Contrail Virtual Execution Plat-
form interfaces with the IaaS layer of Cloud providers and upgrades the
supported Cloud providers by adding SLAs features
δ-Cloud deltacloud.apache.org It is REST-based API written in Ruby necessary to connect to various
Cloud providers (Amazon EC2, Eucalytus, SmartCloud, GoGrid, Open-
Nebula, RackSpace, OpenStack and others)
JClouds www.jclouds.org It is an open source Java library that introduces abstractions aim-
ing the portability of applications. It support more than thirty Cloud
providers and software stacks including AWS, GoGrid, vCloud, Open-
Stack, Azure.
LibCloud libcloud.apache.org Apache Libcloud is a standard Python library that abstracts away differ-
ences among multiple Cloud provider APIs
mOSAIC bitbucket.org/mosaic An API and a deployable PaaS that allows deployment, configuration
management, and control of the life-cycle of applications or services
consuming IaaS. Supports more than ten providers
Nimbus www.nimbusproject.org Introduces a virtual site layer for dynamically provisioned distributed
resources of multiple data centers and a closed federation model where
resources are shared based on cooperation
OPTIMIS www.optimis-project
.eu/Toolkit v2
Is a platform for Cloud service provisioning that manages the lifecycle
of the service and addresses issues like risk and trust management
SAGA saga-project.github.com API for managing e-infrastructures, from Grids to Clouds. Implemen-
tation of MapReduce using SAGA is proving its support for interopera-
bility across Clouds and Grids.
SimpleCloud www.simplecloud.org It is a PHP library providing common interfaces for file and document
storage services, queue services and infrastructure services
StratusLab stratuslab.eu It is an open source IaaS distribution that can be used for Cloud bursting
green components, for the deployment phase: the
brokerage system including the Cloud Agency
that assists in the selection of the Cloud provider
according to the application needs specified in a
particular descriptor and generating the service
level agreement, as well as vendor agents;
blue components, for the runtime phase: support
for a Personal Cloud (on a desktop using the
Portable Testbed Cluster), for provider resource
allocation based on existing credentials, the min-
imal kernel of the platform (mOS) to run re-
motely on providers’ virtual machines, a naming
service that offers an application virtual domain,
and the execution engine that allows the control
of the deployed applications; customized versions
of open source Cloud technologies (for message
queues, key value stores, distributed file systems)
are available to be deployed (COTS) with corre-
sponding drivers; special web-interfaces and con-
sole interfaces are allowing the control of the ap-
plication life-cycle at the level of their compo-
nents; benckmark sets are supporting the testing
of applications and infrastructure services;
purple components, the proof-of-the-concept appli-
Drivers and vendor agents are currently available
Figure 4: mOSAIC’s software package: main components.
for various Public Cloud providers (Amazon, Flexi-
ant, CloudSigma, GoGrid, OnApp, NIIFI) as well
as for Private Cloud support technologies (Eucalyp-
tus, OpenNebula, VMware, DeltaCloud, OpenStack,
mOSAIC is targeting mainly Cloud-enabled ap-
plication portability details can be found in (Petcu
et al, 2012a; Sandru et al, 2012). The targeted ap-
plications are based on loosely coupled components
that can be written in different languages and which
are can be elastic (can be multiplied or reduced in the
number of instances, at run-time).
The interoperability in multiple Cloud scenarios
is only partially supported by mOSAIC, and is the
aim of this section to detect the degree of coverage
of the interoperability requirements as identified in
the previous section. Table 5 is presenting the result
of the analysis. Most of the requirements enumer-
ated in the previous section (more than three quar-
ters) are fulfilled. Not accidentally the PaaS is not
able to offer solutions to several problems: auditing
or trust mechanisms, optimized or inter-Cloud rout-
ing, sharing data between Clouds. These are subject
of complex prototype platforms or intensive studies of
other teams and projects (like TClouds for trust mech-
Targeting to support the developers, less the
providers, mOSAIC is oriented more towards inter-
operability solutions at design phase (application in-
teroperability) and part of the run-time requirements
related to the infrastructure (e.g. VMs and data migra-
tions, or routing) are not yet served. However this sta-
tus can be changed in the future in the further devel-
opment stages, including the current on in the frame
of MODAClouds project, in which support for migra-
tion of services and data is expected to be added (as
well as support for the emerging standard CloudML).
Developed based on a strategy established three
years ago, mOSAIC has not take advantage of the new
standardization initiatives, incorporating only those
that were available at its development moment. A re-
factoring of its codes as well as of the other close re-
lated platforms or resource management tools accord-
ing to the new emerging standards specifications can
raise the interest of the application developer commu-
Table 5: mOSAIC support for interoperability on the technical dimensions (design and run-time)
No Requirement Support
A1 Execution-unaware application support At the development phase the code is independent from the
specific Cloud APIs; at the deployment phase the platform is
entitled to use drivers to match various APIs of the selected
Cloud provider
A2 Infrastructure independent programming At the development phase, the code does not include any
VM reference; the operations on the storage are referring
only to a general type (e.g. key-value store)
A3 Common set of interfaces, standard APIs Resources of same type have one interface in development
A4 High level modeling and programming models Templates are used
S1 Message content and communication protocols Asynchronous interaction, based on message queues, a stan-
dard protocol (AMQP) is used for communications
S2 Service calls and answers In the case services are translated into the platform specific
messages that are transmitted via message queues
S3 Cloud ontology and semantic-based discovery
of services
A Cloud ontology has been build and new Cloud services
can be detected and aligned
R1 Re-configuration at run-time According to the behavior of the components, they can be
multiplied/stopped during the execution
R2 Scaling in and out on multiple sites Scaling is done by the platform at one deployment site (no
cross-Cloud border mechanisms)
R3 Workflow management Start the application components in a certain order
R4 Service and resource discovery, reservation and
A service discovery mechanism has been designed, the re-
sources are configured automatically by the drivers
R5 Automatically provision services in multiple
The provisioning is done in the same way for various Cloud
R6 Optimal mapping of services/applications on
Cost optimality is targeted by the brokerage system
M1 Control the life-cycle of the application and its
The application components can be started, stopped, multi-
plied during the application execution
M2 Standardized functionality for deployment in
multiple Clouds
The deployment is done by a particular component of the
platform, that is not Cloud dependent
M3 Migration support for application components The components needs to be stopped and started remotely
M4 Plug-ins for the working environment Eclipse plug-ins are available
M5 SLA and performance monitoring An SLA framework was build, that is involving SLA bro-
kerage and monitoring
M6 Standards for allocation and admission control Use standards to logging
M7 Single sign-on for users accessing multiple
A credential service has been build to facilitate the user ac-
cess to various Clouds (however it does not ensure single
M8 Auditing and trust mechanisms No support for auditing or trust mechanisms
V1 Import and share VMs, data and workloads A special image at Cloud providers with the platform is
available. No support for sharing workloads or data
V2 VM, data and workloads migration support No support for migration
V3 Use standards for accessing compute and
storage capacities
OCCI can be used in the brokerage and the resource control
V4 Support for multiple hypervisor technologies The platform was tested on three hypervisors (no modifica-
tion needed)
N1 Uniform access to individual resources From the programming point of view, similar resources are
addressed in the same way, only the types (e.g. key-value
store, distributed file system, message queues) are different
N2 Routing optimization based on monitoring No special support for routing optimization
N3 Software-defined networking No special support for inter-Cloud routing
Interoperability in multiple Clouds is still an open
problem. Considerable improvements where done in
the last two years. However the subject is far from
being closed. We have try to provide in this paper
a snapshot of the state-of-the-art. A spot light was
put on the current gaps in ensuring interoperability
through technical solutions. Moreover, we proposed
a list of technical requirements of the interoperability
and in order to check the list we have pick one exam-
ple of a current open-source and deployable platform-
as-a-service for multiple Clouds.
This work was supported by the grant of Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS
Bernstein, D., Ludvigson, E., Sankar, K., Diamond, S.,
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