Length of Phonemes in a Context of their Positions in Polish Sentences
Magdalena Igras, Bartosz Zi´ołko and Mariusz Zi´ołko
Department of Electronics, AGH University of Science and Technology,
al.Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krak´ow, Poland
Phoneme Statistics, Spoken Language Processing, Polish.
The paper presents statistical phonetic data of Polish collected from a corpus. Lengths of phonemes vary from
5 ms to 670 ms. Average durations of Polish phonemes are presented as well as an important anomaly of
longer phonemes in the end of sentences, which is the main topic of the paper. This observation can be used
in speech recognition for automatic insertation of dots and sentence modelling. Data of 45 speakers, 5130
sentences in total, were described and compared with the values taken from the phonetic literature.
The linguistic knowledge and statistic parameters
are important part of speech technology applica-
tions. Phoneme durations could be used effectively
in speech modelling (Zi´ołko and Zi´ołko, 2011), for
both, text to speech (Febrer et al., 1998) and speech
to text systems (Linares et al., ; Pylkk¨onen and Ku-
rimo, 2004). The segmentation combined with recog-
nition could improve both processes, i.e. segmenta-
tion could be reset, if the recognised phoneme is of
much different duration than its expected statistical
length. Segmentation and acoustic modelling meth-
ods to locate phoneme boundaries in speech with un-
known content (Glass, 2003), (Zi´ołko et al., 2011)
were published.
Parameter of phoneme length is also often used in
prosodic models for systems of automatic detection of
punctuation and segmentation into sentences or topics
(Shriberg et al., 2000; Kol´r et al., 2004; Baron et al.,
2002; Christensen et al., 2001) for other languages.
Shriberg and Stolcke (Shriberg et al., 2000) use phone
length normalization by phone specific values (means
and standard deviations) and suggested also normal-
ization of triphones duration.
It was observed that speakers usually tend to slow
down their speech toward the ends of utterance units.
Rate of speaking depends on individual characteris-
tics of a person, but typically the last phonemes in
a sentence are much longer (Demenko, 1999). Also
for automatic punctuation annotation in Czech (Kol´r
et al., 2004) the phenomenon of preboundary length-
ening is applied (only for vowels) described by fol-
lowing parameters: average duration of vowels, du-
ration of the first and last vowel and duration of the
longest and shortest vowel. The phenomenon was de-
scirbed for Hungarian (Hockey and Fagyal, 1999) and
Japanese (Shepherd, 2011) as well.
For Polish there are few published research on
phonemes length modelling in a sentence. Some
segmental features of vowels were investigated in
logatomes (Frackowiak-Richter, 1973). Demenko
(Demenko, 1999) described detailed analysis of cor-
relations between place in a phrase and phonemes du-
ration influenced by accent and intonational context.
The research showed that in Polish last and one be-
fore the last vowel in a sentence is lenghtened regard-
less of accent presence, but the effect of lenghtening
is stronger for accented syllables.
Constant-time segmentation, i.e. framing into 23.2
ms blocks (Young, 1996), is frequently used to di-
vide the speech signal for digital processing. This
method benefits from simplicity of implementation
and results in an easy comparison of blocks, which
are of the same time duration. Anyway, the uniform
segmentation is perceptually unnatural, because the
duration of phonemes varies significantly.
Human phonetic categorisation is very poor for
short segments (Morgan et al., 2005). Moreover,
boundary effects provide additional distortions (par-
tially reduced by applying the Hamming window),
and such short segments create many more bound-
aries than there are between phonemes in the acoustic
signals. The boundary effects can cause difficulties in
Igras M., Ziółko B. and Ziółko M..
Length of Phonemes in a Context of their Positions in Polish Sentences.
DOI: 10.5220/0004503500590064
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP-2013), pages 59-64
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
speech recognition systems.
Additional difficulties appear when two phonemes
are mixed in a single frame. Moreover, the contextual
connections between neighbouring phonemes make
frequency properties of the begining and the end of
phonemes extremely irregular. A smaller number of
boundaries means a smaller number of errors due to
the effects described above. Constant segmentation
therefore, while straightforward, risks losing valuable
information about the phonemes due to the merging
of different sounds into a single block. Moreover, the
complexity of individual phonemes cannot be repre-
sented in short frames.
The length of a phoneme can be also used as an
additional parameter in speech recognition improving
the accuracy of the whole process. The phoneme du-
rations can also help in locating ends of sentences.
The system has to know the expected duration of all
phonemes to achieve the greater efficiency.
A number of approaches have been suggested
(Zi´ołko et al., 2011; St¨ober and Hess, 1998; Gray-
den and Scordilis, 1994; Weinstein et al., 1975; Zue,
1985; Toledano et al., 2003) to find phoneme bound-
aries from the time-varying speech signal properties.
These approaches utilise features derived from acous-
tic knowledge of the phonemes. For example, the
solution presented in (Grayden and Scordilis, 1994)
analyses different spectra subbands in the signal. Dis-
crete wavelet transform was also applied for phoneme
segmentation task (Zi´ołko et al., 2011). Phoneme
boundaries are extracted by comparing the fractions
of signal power in different subbands. Artificial neu-
ral networks (Suh and Lee, 1996) have also been
tested, but they require long training. Segmentation
can be applied by the segment models (Ostendorf
et al., 1996; Russell and Jackson, 2005) by searching
paths through sequences of frames of different lengths
instead of using traditional hidden Markov models.
The Toledano et al. (Toledano et al., 2003) approach
is based on spectral variation functions. Such meth-
ods need to be optimised for particular phoneme data
and cannot be performed in isolation from phoneme
recognition itself.
The statistics were collected from CORPORA, created
under supervision of Stefan Grocholewski in Institute
of Computer Science, Pozna´n University of Technol-
ogy (Grocholewski, 1997). Speech files in CORPORA
were recorded with the sampling frequency f
= 16
The part of the database, which we used, con-
tains 114 short sentences, each spoken by 45 males,
females and children giving 5130 utterances totally.
Some part was hand segmented. The rest were seg-
mented by a dynamic programming algorithm which
was trained on hand segmented one and based on tran-
scriptions and manually checked afterwards.
The phoneme duration statistics were collected from
MLF (Master Label Files) attached to CORPORA.
MLF is a standard solution, used for example in HTK
(Young et al., 2005). MLFs are defined as index files
holding pointers to the actual label files which can ei-
ther be embedded in the same index file or stored any-
where else (Young, 1996).
The description starts with name of an audio file-
name. Phoneme transcriptions are given (starting
time, end time, a phoneme description) in following
lines. The format ends with a dot. A basic time unit
in this standard is 0.1 µs. The example of a part of an
MLF from CORPORA is as follows:
”*/jc1m1001.lab 7900000 8550000 a
0 100000 sil 8600000 9600000 sz
150000 850000 l 9650000 10300000 o
900000 1500000 u 10350000 10900000 w
1550000 2200000 b 10950000 11650000 y
2250000 2950000 i 11700000 12750000 p
3000000 3950000 si 12800000 13350000 l
4000000 5350000 cz 13400000 15450000 a
5400000 6400000 a 15500000 17850000 s
6450000 7150000 r 17900000 17950000 sil
7200000 7850000 d .
For analysis of the phenomenon of lenghtening
phonemes in the end of sentence, we used 5130 sen-
tences from CORPORA. Then each phoneme length
was normalized by calculating ratio of phoneme
length divided by mean length of the phoneme in
the whole database. For each position i in each sen-
tence we computed the mean value (µ) and standard
deviation (σ) of the ratios dynamically, as the mean
of ratios from position i=1 to the current i-th posi-
tion. Then we verified, for which sentences the cur-
rent value of µ, µ+ σ, µ+ 2σ and µ+ 3σ was exceeded
by latest one, two, three or four phonemes in the sen-
tence. We checked also for which sentence the thresh-
olds were crossed before the end of the sentence.
Table 1: Average duration of Polish phonemes (in brackets divided by sum of all average durations) with notations from
CORPORA (Grocholewski, 1997) and SAMPA (Demenko et al., 2003), standard deviations and ratio between deviation and
average, No - number of appearance, µ - average[ms](%), dev - standard deviation.
CORPORA SAMPA No µ[ms](%) dev
example transcription
e e j 963 181 (4.46) 64 0.35 ge¸´s ges’
a o w 2 293 171 (4.21) 59 0.35 cia¸˙za ts’owZa
sz S 27 49 155 (3.82) 63 0.41 szyk SIk
s s 4 251 134 (3.30) 48 0.36 syk sIk
si s’ 2 117 131 (3.23) 49 0.37 ´swit s‘vit
a a 18 827 130 (3.20) 51 0.39 pat pat
c ts 2 514 129 (3.18) 44 0.34 cyk tsIk
ci ts’ 1 880 127 (3.13) 45 0.35 ´cma ts’ma
cz tS 1 670 126 (3.10) 43 0.34 czyn tSIn
f f 3 038 125 (3.08) 67 0.54 fan fan
zi z’ 1 449 118 (2.91) 36 0.31 ´zle z’le
e e 13 034 113 (2.78) 51 0.45 test test
drz dz’ 853 111 (2.73) 42 0.38 d˙zem dZem
rz Z 2 378 108 (2.66) 32 0.30 ˙zyto ZIto
z z 2 489 108 (2.66) 35 0.32 zbir zbir
dz dz 509 105 (2.59) 30 0.29 dzwo´n dzvon’
o o 10 844 105 (2.59) 37 0.35 pot pot
h x 2 383 102 (2.51) 46 0.45 hymn xImn
t t 5 874 102 (2.51) 56 0.55 test test
u u 5 444 101 (2.49) 46 0.46 puk puk
dzi dZ 1 229 100 (2.46) 29 0.29 d´zwig dz’vik
k k 4 879 98 (2.41) 49 0.5 kit kitk
i i 7 106 95 (2.34) 40 0.42 PIT pit
p p 3 191 94 (2.32) 42 0.45 pik pik
n n 8 254 94 (2.32) 42 0.45 nasz naS
y I 5 533 90 (2.22) 46 0.51 typ tIp
b b 3 103 88 (2.17) 28 0.32 bit bit
m m 6 201 87 (2.14) 34 0.39 mysz mIS
g g 2 542 84 (2.07) 29 0.35 gen gen
d d 3 690 84 (2.07) 30 0.36 dym dIm
N N 279 83 (2.04) 25 0.30 pe¸k peNk
w v 3 973 83 (2.04) 31 0.37 wilk vilk
j j 7 067 83 (2.04) 35 0.42 jak jak
l w 4 662 80 (1.97) 36 0.45 łyk wIk
ni n’ 3 106 78 (1.92) 35 0.45 ko´n kon’
r r 6 657 76 (1.87) 35 0.46 ryk rIk
l l 5 707 74 (1.82) 33 0.45 luk luk
5.1 Phonemes Duration
In total, 163 274 cases of Polish phonemes uttered
by 45 speakers were analyzed. The statistics of
phonemes durations are presented in Tab. 1, in de-
scending order of the mean duration.
CORPORA transcriptions are based on SAMPA
notation with 37 symbols. Letters e¸ and a¸ are phonet-
ically transcribed as e
and a in CORPORA. How-
ever, each of these letters should be actually repre-
sented by two phonemes: e¸ should be e j and a¸
should be o w. We decided to keep them together
as they are in the corpus, because we are not able to
detect these extra boundaries precisely enough. This
is why e
and a are the longest in Tab. 1. Each of
them represents two phonemes, actually.
Then, we investigated probability distribution of
the proportions of the duration of phonemes (exam-
ple presented in Fig. 1) which appeared not to be
Gaussian because of many much longer phonemes.
The source of this anomaly is probably in longer
phonemes in the end of sentences. The visual presen-
tation of mean durations of phonemes from the whole
database with their standard deviations are presented
in Fig. 2.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Durations of phoneme "a" [ms]
No of appear.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Durations of phoneme "r" [ms]
No of appear.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
No of appear.
Durations of phoneme "sz" [ms]
Figure 1: Probability distribution of the durations of exam-
ple phonemes.
l r nil_ j Nw d g mb y n p i kdziu h t dzo rz zdrze zi f czci c a si ssza_e_
Mean durations of phonemes and their standard deviations [ms]
Figure 2: Mean durations and their standard deviations of
phonemes from the whole database.
5.2 Phonemes Duration in Correlation
with the Position in the Sentence
The weighted average of phoneme duration in the
whole database was 104 ms. The average durations
vary from 74 ms to 181 ms. Duration of phonemes is
changeable and depends on speech ratio, type of ut-
terance, localisation in a syllable and accents (Wierz-
chowska, 1980). A ratio between durations of differ-
ent phonemes is quite constant. The longest ones are
and a . Then a, o and e are a bit shorter. Phonemes
i, y, u follow them. Next, n and m are average ones
with r a bit shorter. Phonemes l and l
are even shorter
and j is the shortest one. A general rule is that a dura-
tion is bigger for phones, for which a bigger number
of parts of vocal tract are necessary to be used (Wierz-
chowska, 1980).
It corresponds a bit to our results but not com-
pletely. Phonemes e
and a are indeed the longest
ones in both descriptions. We found that a and e are
long, as described in (Wierzchowska, 1980) but o is
average. We realised that i, u are expected to be quite
long (Wierzchowska, 1980) but in CORPORA they
are of average duration. Phoneme y is even shorter,
however, (Wierzchowska, 1980) claims it should be
long. Phonemes n and m are quite average as stated in
(Wierzchowska, 1980). Phoneme r was found by us
as a short phoneme what is in a contrast with (Wierz-
chowska, 1980). The experiment supports the opinion
from (Wierzchowska, 1980) that l, l
and j are short.
The standard deviations of our results are gener-
ally high. The ratio between standard deviation and
average duration vary and is between 0.29 and 0.68.
Phonemes t, f, y, k, r, u, e, h, l
, ni (CORPORA no-
tation) have relativelly high standard deviations. It
is probably a result of different ways of pronouncing
these phonemes by different people. The ratio of a
standard deviation to an average value is lowest for
phonemes dz, dzi, rz, N, zi, b, z, c.
There are some similar data in (Jassem, 1973).
However, it does not present a complete list of
phonemes durations. It givessome examples like that:
a transient can be up to 50 ms, t around 100 ms and
Table 2: The percentage of phonemes much longer than the
average for particular class according to its localisation in a
sentence (b.f. - before last).
Location in
Threshold µ+
0 σ 2σ 3σ
The last phoneme 89.5 67.6 37.2 9.5
The one b. l. 65.6 27.8 2.9 0.0
The second b. l. 66.2 29.7 0.2 0.0
The third b. l. 60.3 22.6 0.0 0.0
Any other 97.8 65.9 2.5 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
No of appear.
Ratios of the last phoneme duration
Figure 3: Probability distribution of the proportions of
the last phoneme duration in the sentences to the mean
phoneme durations.
k r o ci o w y h s u m ni e rz a l m i
Ratios of phonemes durations
k r o ci o w y h s u m ni e rz a l m i
Ratios of phonemes durations
Figure 4: Example phoneme durations within a sentence
(blue squares) with a dynamic average of the ratio (red line
with standard deviations as column markers).
r usually 20 ms. Again, some of these values corre-
sponds to our results, like transient to a short pause
and phoneme t, but not all of them, like r, which is
one of the shortest in our list, but its duration is 63 ms
rather than 20 ms.
To ilustrate the tendency to lenghten phonemes in
l u b i ci cz a r d a sz o w y p l a_ s
Ratios of phonemes durations
l u b i ci cz a r d a sz o w y p l a_ s
Ratios of phonemes durations
Figure 5: Example phoneme durations within a sentence
(blue squares) with a dynamic average of the ratio (red line
with standard deviations as column markers).
the end of a sentence, the percentage of phonemes
much longer the average for particular class accord-
ing to its localisation in a sentence was computed (see
Table 2). It shows that for almost 90% of investi-
gated sentences, the last phoneme durations exceeds
the mean of antecedent phonemes ratios, while for
majority of the sentences - it crossed also µ+σ thresh-
old. Mean value of ratios of last phoneme duration in
reference to the mean duration of the phoneme in the
database was 1.35 (with standard deviation 0.42). Its
probability distribution is presented in Figure 3. Sev-
eral examples of sentences that illustrate the changes
of the relative durations and their dynamic mean were
presented in Fig. 4 and 5.
Statistics of phoneme durations in Polish were pre-
sented and compared with literature. The concept
of applying them for sentence modelling was consid-
ered and evaluated. Around 37% of sentence ends
can be detected by analysis of phoneme length with
only around 2.5% rate of false detections because
phonemes in the sentence ends tend to be longer then
other ones.
The project was funded by the National Science
Centre allocated on the basis of a decision DEC-
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