A Proposed Framework for Supporting Behaviour Change by
Translating Personalised Activities into Measurable Benefits
Maurice Mulvenna
, Adrian McCann
, Maurice O’Kane
, Barry Henderson
, Karen Kirby
and Deirdre McCay
TRAIL Living Lab, School of Computing & Mathematics, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, U.K.
Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, U.K.
C-TRIC (Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre), Western Health and Social Care Trust,
Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry, U.K.
Psychology Research Institute and School of Psychology, University of Ulster, Northland Road, Londonderry, U.K.
Western Health and Social Care Trust, Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry, U.K.
Keywords: Healthcare, Wellbeing, Social Media, Mobile, Social Networks, Usability, e-Health Applications,
Personalised Services, Behaviour Change.
Abstract: The aim of this position paper is to examine the case for supporting behaviour change in pre-diabetic obese
people in order to improve their health. The paper sets out the background and motivation for supporting
behaviour change before outlining the relevant literature in this health and wellbeing area. The paper then
explores the feasibility of SmartLife - a patient-driven application involving healthcare practitioners and
peer support interaction with a focus on failure-free, positive reinforcement, patient empowerment and
Obesity significantly increases the risk of
developing various life-threatening diseases,
including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary
heart disease, stroke and certain cancers
(http://www.iotf.org/). The worldwide incidence of
obesity in adults is estimated to exceed 300 million
people (http://www.who.int/nut), with countries like
the USA having the highest recorded prevalence of
more than 30% adults being obese
(http://www.cdc.gov/nchs). In Europe, among the 19
Member States for which data are available, the
proportion of overweight and obese people in the
adult population varied in 2008/09 between 36.9%
and 56.7% for women and between 51% and 69.3%
for men (Eurostat, 2011). In the United Kingdom
(UK), the proportions of obesity for women was
recorded as 23.9% and as 22.1% for men, equivalent
to around 14.5 million UK adults. The prevalence of
obesity has more than doubled in the last 25 years in
the UK. In England, nearly a quarter of adults and
about 10% of children are now obese, with a further
20–25% of children overweight. In Northern Ireland,
59% of adults are either overweight (36%) or obese
(23%). This obesity percentage equates to 326,000
adults in Northern Ireland. Foresight’s (2007)
extrapolations suggest that we can anticipate some
40% of Britons being obese by 2025. By 2050, the
UK could be a mainly obese society (DHSSPS,
The benefits attributed to healthy diet and increased
physical activity levels (both psychological and
physiological) are often overlooked in favour of
‘weight loss’, as the primary objective or goal. In
light of the increasing prevalence of obesity and
obesity related chronic disease and ill-health, it is
plausible that the prioritising of weight loss, and the
constant barrage of negative weight loss messages
and reinforcement, has had a detrimental impact on
any motivation to change and/or continue ‘healthy’
lifestyle practices among at risk individuals and the
population in general.
Mulvenna M., McCann A., O’Kane M., Henderson B., Kirby K. and McCay D..
A Proposed Framework for Supporting Behaviour Change by Translating Personalised Activities into Measurable Benefits.
DOI: 10.5220/0004505803060311
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2013), pages 306-311
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The challenges faced by individuals is that they
often perceive themselves as one of the causes of
their situation, and may find it difficult to reach out
to ask for help and advice, advice they anticipate
they will find difficult to follow. For healthcare
organisations, there is often a struggle to provide
effective care for overweight and obsess individuals,
pre-diabetic and diabetes patients. Where lifestyle-
orientated as opposed to pharmacological
interventions are needed, it is often difficult for
healthcare organisations to articulate effective
advice that amounts to more than a need for patients
to simply lose weight.
The opportunity is to devise a communication
facility between obese and individuals in a pre-
diabetes state and the organisations responsible for
their health. The authors propose SmartLife - a
framework underpinned by personalised advice to
the user that is ‘failure-free’. In other words, rather
than the user being informed that they have missed
some target in their interactions with the system,
positive enforcement will be provided. The positive
reinforcement advice provided will take cognisance
of the user’s personal information, including weight,
levels of sedentary versus active behaviour and diet.
Such advice will be presented in the context of
‘wellbeing’ rather than being weight
loss/maintenance oriented, seeking to induce
positive behaviour change.
In our proposed framework, we consider the
customer as either the individual or the organisation
responsible for promoting and/or caring for the
health of the individual. We propose a framework
that will focus on ‘wellbeing’ and ‘peer support’
through the utilisation of a social media interface
similar to Facebook. This will be designed to
motivate individuals to be more proactive with their
health behaviours, whilst avoiding the potentially
detrimental focus on ‘weight loss’ messages and
dogma. By using the user’s personal information it is
anticipated the software will house bespoke
personalisation algorithms that translate the
activities into wellbeing related benefits that are
measurable, tangible and suitable for communication
to friends and family via social media. Users will
interact with the system using social media the data
will also be available on a custom built portal for
healthcare professionals to access. While the
designers aim to avoid the completion of a
questionnaires-like format to measure benefits, the
software will seek to quantify physiological and
psychological benefits by incorporating factors such
as glycaemic control and lipid profile (available via
routine medical assessment and check-up) combined
with a monitoring of social interaction activities with
peers, family and friends. The business model for
the concept is based on a model of ‘free to users’,
but funded by the healthcare providers.
The ambition in our proposed framework is to
bring together experts in different disciplines to
address a common problem; that of contributory
factors to obesity and the development of type 2
diabetes among these at-risk individuals. Our
innovation is to focus on novel approaches to change
behaviour facilitated through a software solution that
is accessed by users via their social media, for
example, Facebook. Healthcare professionals will
also use the framework, to monitor their patients or
clients and assess behaviour change.
Obesity is claimed to be the world's largest single
cause of mortality and morbidity in the 21st Century.
The major contributors to the obesity epidemic
are the economic, technological and social changes,
which appear to promote a sedentary lifestyle with
easy access to low-cost, calorie dense, high-fat food
acting as the key factors fuelling this epidemic.
Researchers and health professionals have trialled
and tested all sorts of interventions to tackle the
obesity explosion, however, evidence questions the
effectiveness of these interventions (Cheetham et al.,
2004). Previous research has demonstrated the
efficacy of intensive lifestyle intervention in
preventing progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes
(Tuomilehto et al., 2001); (Knowler et al., 2002).
However, interventions that have been effective in a
clinical trial setting have proven difficult to
implement in routine clinical practice because the
patient support required is often resource intensive.
There is therefore a need to develop efficacious and
cost effective interventions to support lifestyle
modification for at-risk individuals.
There are many considerations as to why some
interventions fail, and a number relate to the way in
which health information/advice is traditionally
delivered. To help people become aware of their
health risks, health professionals need to clearly
inform their ‘patient’, in plain ‘lay man’s terms’,
what will happen if they cannot change their
lifestyle. This sometimes involves telling the patient
that they are at risk of type 2 diabetes and its
complications such as diabetic retinopathy,
neuropathy leading to amputations, nephropathy
leading to kidney disease, heart disease - to include
stroke and myocardial infarction. The health
professional, in some ways, has an ethical obligation
to do this, as they must fully inform their ‘patient’ of
the risk and consequences of their precarious health
situation. Although this is carried out in a skilled
way, highlighting the severe consequences of
obesity, it can serve as another negative reminder of
the sad situation in which, they find themselves.
Such negative information may serve to add further
anxiety and worry, to the already existing layer of
anxiety/depression, which potentially contributed to
their already unhealthy lifestyle and level of
overweight /obesity. For instance, research has
shown that such psychological distress can influence
binge eating episodes, drinking more alcohol to
cope, with depressive symptoms leading to even
further inactivity and sedentary behaviour, shown
also to be linked with the onset of type 2 diabetes for
example (Golden et al., 2008); (Knol et al., 2006).
These factors are said to create a vicious cycle,
which serves to entrap the person into their current
unhealthy ‘obese’ state. As health complications
begin to manifest, so too do the negative vicious
psychological and behavioural lifestyle cycles.
In an attempt to avoid the negative cycle and
further support patients and reinforce positive health
messages health professionals, have used
‘motivational interviewing’ and psychological
constructs such as the ‘stages of change model’ to
frame the approach to their work have been used.
However, the efficacy of these interventions is
unclear (Kirk et al., 2004; 2009). Interventions
involve some health education, which by its nature,
will have to fully inform the person of the
threatening situation they are in, followed by a phase
of contemplation and sometimes support with the
hope that this will instil action – an approach which
works for some people, but not all.
The management of obesity, diabetes and other
chronic diseases is based on the interaction between
initiatives and resources on the part of patients,
relatives, and health care professionals. A modern
patient centred approach to care has evolved from an
acute-care paradigm where treatment now supports
patients in gradually becoming their own treatment
experts, and thus the balance in shared
responsibilities is shifting over time to patients and
their families (Brink et al. 2002). In recent decades,
healthcare practitioners have made efforts to
enhance peer-to-peer support and learning with
activities such as group education, mailing list
discussion groups, and chat rooms (Gage et al. 2004;
Murphy et al., 2007); (Viklund et al., 2007).
Information technology has also undergone rapid
development impacting significantly on social life
and modes of communication while technical
advances have provided a foundation for proactive
health systems that use information from multiple
sources for support aimed at improved health and
avoidance of health risks (Eysenbach, 2008). Such
systems are increasingly connected to the world
around them through the use of portable devices,
such as laptops and cell phones which allows
increased user participation in developing and
managing content. This has changed the nature and
value of the information, and expanded the
possibility for informal and self-directed information
seeking by individuals, implying that the individual
is in command of what information should be sought
and why it is important (Eysenbach, 2008).
Furthermore, A continuously greater proportion of
online health-related information is created and
maintained by apomediation from individuals other
than healthcare professionals, such as other patients
(Eysenbach, 2008).
The eHealth resolution WHA58.28, approved in
2005 by the World Health Assembly, stresses the
importance of eHealth (WHO, 2005). The resolution
urges member states to make a range of efforts to
develop eHealth services for all health sectors and
create long-term strategic plans for development and
specific implementation, such as reaching
communities and vulnerable groups with services
appropriate to their needs (WHO, 2005).
Although modern treatment of diabetes includes
individualised education, intense multiple-dose
treatment regimens, active self-control, and new
insulin and insulin delivery technologies, a large
proportion of patients are still at risk of acute and/or
long-term complications (The Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial, 1993). For patients with
diabetes, Internet-based interventions may improve
access to health services, patient education, and
quality of care, and have also been reported to
influence these patients’ health care utilisation,
behaviour, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and, to some
extent, metabolic control (Jennett et al., 2003);
(Jackson et al., 2006); (McMahon et al., 2005);
(Blonde and Parkin, 2006). Improved quality of life
has also been reported, but overall, there has been
little focus on patient perspectives in clinical studies
(Verhoeven et al., 2007).
Changing people’s health-related behaviour is
the goal of our framework. This will involve helping
individuals to understand the short, medium and
longer-term consequences of health-related
behaviour; and helping them to feel positive about
the benefits and value of health-enhancing
behaviours and changing their behaviours. To do
this, it will be important for our framework to
recognise and incorporate how individual’s social
contexts and relationships may affect their
behaviour- a fundamental aspect of helping people
plan changes in their lifestyle. In line with the
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(NICE, UK) recommendations SmartLife will seek
to assist individuals in making easy sustainable steps
over time as well as identifying and planning for
situations that might undermine the positive changes
individuals are trying to make (NICE, 2011).
Alongside quantitative physiological measures it
is the ambition of the designers to incorporate and
assess additional psychological factors which are
acknowledged to influence behaviour change
including, habits, beliefs, translating intention into
action, automatic attitudes versus self-reported
attitudes, and moral climate within the framework
(Maio et al., 2007).As part of this task, it is
anticipated that the framework’s design will take
into account the social dialogue nuances prevalent
between the users of the SmartLife system, helping
to provide more personalised and context/situation
specific advice while simultaneously facilitating
peer support and communication. Developing
SmartLife in the guise of a psychosocial model will
require the inclusion of monitors and triggers to
detect factors such as habits, beliefs and attitudes.
The challenge will be to remain flexible in order to
continually assess each individual’s unique
disposition (both physiological and psychological)
allowing for ad hoc feedback and support. A key
innovation will be the use of a bespoke
personalisation algorithm that translates an
individual’s activities into quantifiable measurable
benefits (Mulvenna et al., 2000); (Büchner and
Mulvenna, 1998).
Low income people and families are over-
represented within the obese, pre-diabetes and type 2
diabetes populations. Research has demonstrated
that successful management of modifiable risk
factors in patients with type 2 diabetes can be
achieved in a way that is independent of socio-
economic position (O’Kane et al., 2010). A long-
term ambition of SmartLife is to target such low
income at-risk population and Stead (2006) suggests
that products and services can be successfully
marketed to low-income consumers by various
means. We will examine such approaches and of key
importance is ‘value-brand’ – suggesting for
SmartLife to be truly effective ‘as a value brand it
needs to offer low-income consumers real
[quantifiable] benefits’ (Davidson, 2000). As we
seek to identify real user benefits, the development
and evolution of SmartLife will further explore this
value-brand concept.
We know that the major contributors to the obesity
epidemic are the economic, technological and social
changes, which appear to promote a sedentary
lifestyle. Technology is one of the factors which
have hastened the obesity epidemic in the first
instance, and our premise in the proposed
framework is that it is technology which may assist
to hastily reverse said damage. This is why we
propose to use social media to develop specialised
health applications to support the positive cognitive
behavioural change and associated lifestyle practices
and health implications. Scientific results have
proven the efficacy of this method in communicating
using a cognitive behavioural therapy approach (van
Bastelaar, 2011). The efficacy of the cognitive
behavioural theories we are using to design our
social media approach have previously been
demonstrated and we can also draw upon the
literature concerning community-based participatory
research engaging with people at-risk of type 2
diabetes (Vivian, 2010). The designers believe that
the SmartLife framework will be an intervention that
goes beyond information campaigns to
simultaneously inform, support, shift motivation and
provide the necessary skills to lead to behaviour
change (Fisher and Fisher, 1992).
The methodology for future work is grounded on
an approach which is validated across the different
disciplines involved, encompassing psychology,
social informatics, social media, dietetics as well and
health and wellbeing knowledge. The methodology
is to devise a framework where people can self-
register to self-manage their wellbeing, and implicit
measures are obtained based on the recency,
frequency and wellbeing value of the interventions
and mediated messages between the system, health
and wellbeing advisors in the system and the users
In summary, the proposed framework will draw
upon the expertise and experience of a multi-
disciplinary team and devise a solution that uses
social media, identifies real benefits for users, based
upon the use of a personalised assessment profile.
The advice will be ‘failure-free’, based on a positive
wellbeing perspective, and focus on changing
people’s health-related behaviour.
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