Social Media Usage at Universities
How Should it Be Done?
Jennifer-Carmen Frey, Martin Ebner, Martin Schön and Behnam Taraghi
Social Learning, Computer and Information Services, Graz University of Technology,
Münzgrabenstraße 35a, Graz, Austria
Keywords: Social Media, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Higher Education.
Abstract: The social media hype these days is omnipresent, encouraging even public institutions to participate. This
study seeks to reveal, which factors have to be kept in mind, when doing social media work at universities.
It also is an attempt to provide a list of recommendations and possible fields of action to ensure an efficient
presence in social web. Therefore we analyzed the present situation of university efforts and evaluated the
success by measuring user engagement concerning different aspects of social media activities (e.g. content,
publishing time, frequency of activities, existence of visual elements, additional links, etc.) The study
shows, that it seems less important how many times a week a university is publishing, or how long the text
messages are in detail, but that there is a significant relationship between the contents of a post, the time of
its publishing and the used elements, pointing out that users actively perceive and interact with social media
activities that encourage contact between both: the profile-owner with the community and the community
amongst itself - especially if made in a personal, emotional or funny way, offering people ways to identify
with the institution and to connect with it through well-known habits and traditions.
Social software is still one of the most promising
technologies with continuing success since the rise
and popularization of the term Web 2.0 in 2005
(O’Reilly). Since these early stages, the social soft-
ware objective has been named in nearly every
summary or outlook of important technologies, as
for instance in Gartner’s top 10 strategic technolo-
gies for the years 2007 to 2012 (cf. Gartner Inc.) or
in the IEEE Spectrum magazine’s top 11 technolo-
gies of the decade (placed as number two) (2011).
On the other side social software has a very broad
range and therefore Ebner and Lorenz (2012) de-
fined a three-dimensional cube represented by the
axis Identity and Network Management, Information
management and Information and Communication.
In this cube the best fulfilling social software are so
called social networks colloquially social media like
Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
For marketers and organizations social networks
provide the opportunity to reach a broad audience
with the advance of direct communication to the
target group and a low spreading loss. On the other
side individuals get the chance to participate and
find new communicational possibilities for social
interaction as well as new ways to filter and assess
the massive overload of information mankind has to
cope with nowadays. Therefore it seems naturally,
that more and more sectors of human life – contain-
ing companies, non-profit-associations or govern-
mental and public organization – are entering this
field of operation: trying to use this software for
their own purposes and benefit of its indwelling
While the success of the first pioneers in social
networks is founded on their innovative and reckless
use during the boosting time of the upcoming social
media hype, today’s newcomers won’t benefit from
that boost anymore. Who tries to join the social
community now has to know about the characteris-
tics of the present situation and start an individual-
ized and conceptualized approach to establish a solid
performance in the whole social web (Evans, 2010).
This is also true assuming the fact that those who
haven’t risked starting in a totally new field of op-
portunities while there were no conventions or in-
herent standards will most probably not risk starting
in a settled system without concrete instructions.
Frey J., Ebner M., Schön M. and Taraghi B..
Social Media Usage at Universities - How Should it Be Done?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004515506080614
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (FWP-2013), pages 608-614
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
According to this, there is a pressing need of re-
search supplying approved and validated knowledge
of the given field of expertise as current resources
are most times based on personal experiences rather
than scientific evidence. As for example there is a
vast number of weblogs or other web resources,
giving advice for social media marketers, e.g. Por-
terfield (2012), Honeysett (2012) or Baer (2013).
This research study tries to supply verified an-
swers for the persons in charge of the social media
channels with a special focus on universities, giving
an insight into the prerequisites and requirements
and providing a set of recommendations for estab-
lishing and maintaining a stable and valuable per-
formance in the social web.
In a first step we analyzed the present field of so-
cial media performances of universities in an attempt
to identify major factors for user engagement and -
as a result - for efficient social media activities.
These factors are subsequently used to develop con-
crete social media strategies for the sector of aca-
demic institutions.
2.1 User Engagement and the
Efficiency of Social Media
To find out what are the main elements of an effi-
cient and reasonable performance in social media for
the specific field of universities, we analyzed the
present approaches of engaging academic institu-
tions. Therefore all activities of a university’s profile
on a specific social media platform were document-
ed and evaluated in relation to their corresponding
user engagement.
User engagement is an important instrument to
measure the value and sustainability of social media
activities. First and foremost it shows how many
people actively perceived a piece of message and are
affected by it in one way or the other. Furthermore it
also defines the reach of the message, as generally
user engagement increases the spread of a posting
within the social media platform and – e.g. in the
case of Facebook – also the spread of future postings
through recommender algorithms that reward overall
site activity with further reach.
Hence, analyzing the characteristics of a post in
comparison to its yielded user engagement should
allow identifying important influencers of a post’s
success or failure, which has been one of the prima-
ry goals in this work. For this purpose, a list of post
characteristics is defined that might influence the
chance of reception and engagement of the stake-
holders. These characteristics have been used later
on for an accurate analysis of the collected data
aiming to identify the constituents of an efficient
social media post. All this finally is concluding in an
approach to develop a set of social media strategies
for academic institutions.
2.2 Research Questions
For the analysis of present social media activities,
the following research questions have been investi-
Are there primary influencers for the en-
gagement of users in social media posts?
Which influencers can be identified?
- Which characteristics determine relevant
content for messages in social media?
- Does the frequency of publishing social
media messages influence the user en-
2.3 Present Social Media Activities
of Universities
Out of the various possibilities in social media, the
research study is strongly concentrating on social
networking sites, as they represent the primary ob-
jective of social media displaying social structures
and relationships and can be used to create and
maintain a perceived presence in social.
Within the range of social networking facilities,
the world’s best-known platforms Facebook,
Google+ and Twitter are chosen and a set of univer-
sities for every platform is defined, which should be
investigated further. The universities differ in terms
of language, origin, size and educational approach to
display a broad and representative view of universi-
ties’ present activities in the social web. The chosen
set contains US-American (e.g. Harvard University,
Ohio State University) and English sites (e.g. Uni-
versity of Oxford, University of Cambridge), as well
as sites from Germany (e.g. Goethe University
Frankfurt am Main, LMU Munich, Austria (e.g.
University of Innsbruck, Johannes Kepler University
Linz) and Switzerland (e.g. HSG – University of St.
Gallen, University of Basel). There are also a few
institutions with technical background (e.g. Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology or Ilmenau Univer-
sity of Technology) and universities of applied sci-
ences (e.g. FH Joanneum, Cologne University of
Applied Sciences) included in the analyzed data. A
basic rate of user engagement has been the prerequi-
site for the selections of universities to guarantee
reliable data within the examined time period.
2.4 Post Characteristics and Possible
The research study tried to take into consideration a
various amount of possible influencers of an appro-
priate and engaging post by classifying the posting
and its characteristics into different categories.
These categories are mainly determined by the spe-
cial needs and use cases of universities to guarantee
appropriate standards for the further development of
social media strategies.
The examined aspects of a postings are charac-
terized by
time of publishing
The time of publishing has been listed in local
addressed target group
The addressed target group contains the cate-
gories staff, students, future students and the
used elements
Used elements or components of a post can be
videos, pictures, text and hyperlinks. Beside
the influence of a single element also the im-
portance of the composition of these elements
is analyzed.
message length
Here the number of characters used in a mes-
sage is analyzed.
content characteristics (e.g. subject, function
and time reference of a posting)
Content characteristics contain the post subject,
function and time reference. Table 1 shows a list of
the specific categories defined for these characteris-
Table 1: Analysed content characteristics.
subject function time reference
of emo-
(after event)
without time
Additionally we also tried to find a correlation
between the user engagement and the frequency of
published contents of the universities.
2.5 Measurement of User Engagement
on Facebook
During the examined time period, it became obvious
that Facebook can be seen as a sort of exemplary
standard for present social media efforts (further
details are explained in the next chapter). As a con-
sequence the study concentrated on a detailed inves-
tigation on the findings of the Facebook results. For
that reason a method was designed to measure user
engagement based on the characteristics of Face-
book’s edge rank.
To evaluate the user engagement of a given post
in comparison to other posts, it is necessary to ex-
plain the process and prerequisites of user engage-
ment in Facebook posts. An overview of the process
is also shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: The process of user engagement.
Any published Facebook post has got different
preconditions concerning the possible engagement
rate. This is primary due to the reach of that specific
There are different ways to reach the audience
within Facebook. The post does either reach them in
an organic, a viral or a paid way. While paid audi-
ence can only be reached by Facebook ads and pro-
motions, the viral reach, meaning how many friends
of fans did see that any of his or her friends engaged
with the site, depends on a high percentage on the
organic views of a Facebook post. The organic Fa-
cebook audience represents a subset of the site’s
Fans. This subset is determined by the Facebook
edge rank, a recommender algorithm assigning every
posting a certain value for every single user of Face-
book. The edge rank algorithm defines which users
see a posting in his/her information stream and
which do not.
According to different resources on this topic
and with due regard to the fact, that there are still
some settings, that are not issued in these resources
to keep some secret of the news stream composition,
the Facebook edge rank consists of the following
values (What is Edgerank?, 2013) and (Tarbaj,
Affinity (How strong is the relationship be-
tween the site/posted content and the user:
how often does he/she interact with the site,
how many friends of the user do interact with
the site, is it a content the user typically tends
to interact with, etc.)
Weight (Value to promote specific content in
comparison to other content types, the specif-
ic values are not commonly known for that
Time decay (How many time has passed since
the publication of a post.)
Considering all these factors, the possible reach
of a Facebook post is determined by:
fans of a site
the interaction rate (visible as the talk-about
count of a site)
further settings of the Facebook edge rank,
which are not visible for users
To evaluate the Efficiency of a specific post p we
therefore calculated an estimated user engagement
est(p)considering the existing conditions of publica-
tion of that post and compared that value with the
actual reaction act(p) it has achieved.
Efficiency(p)= 100*act(p)
Assuming recent statistics, that show a signifi-
cant decrease of interaction rates within large
fanbases (Jochemich, 2013) proving that a grand
amount of fans is influencing the overall interaction
rate in a substantial way, we covered this fact by
dividing the analyzed universities by scale into three
different types.
universities with less than 5,000 fans
universities with more than 5,000 but less
than 100,000 fans
universities with more than 100,000 fans
For those types the average amounts of post reac-
tions (sum of likes, shares and comments) per fan
are calculated as well as the average amounts of post
reactions per talk-about to provide comparable rela-
tive factors for the estimation of user engagement.
These factors are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Relative factors for the estimation of user en-
scale reaction per
reactions per
>100,000 fans 0.0015 0.0626
5,000-100,000 fans 0.0021 0.0622
<5,000 fans 0.0076 0.1207
According to that, the estimated user engagement
can be calculated by estimating an overall reaction
with the actual fan and talk-about count of a posting.
Est(p)= (fans(p)*fanfactor(size(p))+talk-
2.6 Field Study
The data, we gathered from university-posts on
Facebook, has been systematically documented and
categorized in regard to the above-mentioned post-
ing characteristics.
After that we evaluated the thus enriched data in
relation to the quantitative measurement of user
engagement described previously, therefore using
statistical techniques (predominantly correlation
methods, e.g. Pearson’s correlation, rank correlation,
etc.) to give significant and hence validated state-
ments. A logarithmic relativization has been made
over the values for efficiency as to balance out the
spread of engagement data, which has been very
inhomogeneously distributed over the given field.
For the analysis of present university approaches in
Table 3: Overview of the analyzed data.
Facebook Google+ Twitter
universities 20 12 26
posts/activities 1.196 231 2.301
comments/replies 7.772 121 1.090
range of fans/followers 457-2.051.296 59-8701 422-163.578
range of average posting count 15-107 8-61 3-658
max. engagement (sum of interactions) 14.375 56 80
range of average engagement per university 5-2060 0,2-20,7 0,05-17
social media, all activities of the selected universi-
ties between 15.09.2012 and 07.11.2012 were gath-
ered. This results in over a thousand Facebook posts,
about 300 Google+ activities and about 2,500 Twit-
ter statuses. An overview of the gathered data is
given in Table 3.
The results show the unquestioned reign of Fa-
cebook in the social media sector. This leadership is
also stated by other research regarding Facebook’s
market share (StatCounter, 2013) or the usage of
communication behaviour in social media (Ebner
and Nagler, 2013).
Therefore it seems to admit of no doubt, that Fa-
cebook represents the state of the art of present so-
cial media usage within the university context. This
has been the reason for the decision to concentrate
our statistical research on Facebook as a generic and
exemplary social media platform. The following
results apply to the use of Facebook as a social me-
dia facility for universities, the overall survey of the
other two platforms observed in this study does
support these results.
According to the statistical evaluation the re-
search questions can be answered as described in the
following chapters.
3.1 Are there Primary Influencers for
the Engagement of Users in Social
Media Posts?
The examined posting characteristics have been
various. The user engagement doesn’t correlate with
a single factor of these characteristics. It is more or
less the composition of characteristics that defines a
good and efficient post. Nevertheless there have
been characteristics that seem to be more important
than others, with some of the categories having a
significant correlation to the achieved user engage-
ment while others have not.
3.2 Which Influencers can Be
Having those characteristics in mind, which have
shown a significant correlation to the user engage-
ment, the following influencers are identified:
Time of publication
Used elements
Content characteristics (containing subject,
function and time reference)
Time of Publication
Weekend and night posts get more user reaction than
others, while morning posts get less.
Used Elements
The best combination of post-elements is sharing a
text with a photo and a link. Videos don’t seem to
have a significant effect on the user engagement. For
each of the other elements the results show that posts
with a text, link or picture have better reactions than
those without.
There is also a negative correlation between user
engagement and uncommented pictures as well as
messages without visual elements.
3.2.1 Which Characteristics Determine
Relevant Content for Messages in
Social Media?
Analyzing the content of the posts, the study shows
that the content characteristics are highly related to
the user engagement.
Posts with the inherent function of contact have
higher engagement rates than all others. In second
place fun posts get good reactions too.
While the research subject doesn’t get good reac-
tions, posts subjected to the university as a place to
live and work in, as source for user identification, as
well as posts subjected to a special group of the
community like sport teams, clubs, etc. get signifi-
cant higher engagement rates.
Regarding the inherent time reference of a post,
messages with seasonal content and messages with
recurring subjects like weekly sequels tend to have
higher user engagement than messages announcing
or reporting events.
3.2.2 Does the Frequency of Publishing
Social Media Messages Influence the
User Engagement?
The user engagement rates don’t show an unambig-
uous disposition in terms of the frequency of post-
ings of a university. There are slight differences
indicating that more than 3 posts a day relate to a
lower engagement for further posts. It also seems
reasonable, that less than one post per week leads to
a lower engagement rate as the interaction value
included in the Facebook edge rank is calculated
over the period of a week.
3.3 Comparison of University Efforts
The efficiency of university social media efforts has
been evaluated with the fan base, the recent interac-
tions (talk-about count of Facebook) and the overall
size of the site an estimated interaction rate in mind,
to provide a field of data, where single postings can
be compared to others, even if they are made by
another university with different prerequisites. Still
there are significant differences between the univer-
sities. Some of the universities obtain consistently
higher user engagement rates compared to their
prerequisites and seem to perform notably better
within the social media.
For example the Ohio State University also in-
vestigated in the study has got about 500 thousand
fans at the beginning of the research period, hence
gaining an average user engagement of ca. 1590
likes, shares and comments on a single post. Where-
as bigger universities like Harvard University with
about 2 million fans (four times the amount of the
Ohio State University) just achieved an average of
ca. 2060 reactions, or the University of Oxford with
ca. 650 thousand fans (33% more than the Ohio
State University) attained just an average of ca. 370
user reactions.
Observing the profiles of the universities, that
did attain a better user perception we also recog-
nized, that most of all they are strategically using the
aforementioned posting characteristics, while others
do not really vary their approaches and are chiefly
posting research information through their social
media channel.
This also confirms, what has been discovered
This chapter combines the findings of the statistical
analysis of Facebook and the investigation of col-
lected data from Twitter and Google+ in order to
develop recommendations for an efficient social
media strategy in academic environments.
During the study it became obvious that a uni-
versity’s social media account can’t be filled fully
automatic by periodically publishing news of recent
research efforts or upcoming events. The results
show clearly, that there is less interest on these top-
ics in the social web. Users might take other media
to inform themselves of these contents. Moreover it
seems of relevance to deliver an accurate setting of
content, taking into account the social characteristic
of this media.
Therefore it is of great importance to publish
contents that raise and maintain contact between the
university and their stakeholders on a personal,
maybe even emotional way (e.g. by using visual
elements) which is proven by the higher engagement
rate of the posts containing these characteristics.
Below we suggest a few examples how that
could be achieved according to the results of engag-
ing post characteristics:
Presenting the university as a primary place
to live and work in; (cf. post subject)
Supplying opportunities to keep in contact
with the university and the community, e.g.:
referring to the history of the university, well-
known places on the campus, community ac-
tivities and collective community knowledge;
(cf. post subject and post function)
Accomplishment of social conventions, e.g.:
congratulations, seasonal greetings, acknowl-
edgements; (cf. post subject and post func-
Providing Information, which is up-to-date,
even if this means posting in the night, at
weekends or holidays; (cf. time of publishing
and time reference)
Acknowledgement of achievements and
providing contact opportunities within the
community, e.g. congratulating student
teams, sport teams, achieved awards; (cf. post
subject, post function)
Enabling user participation, where it isn’t
usual throughout other media, e.g.: topics of
common interest, feedback possibilities; (cf.
post function, time reference, post subject,
Providing linking possibilities throughout se-
quels and recurring topics; (cf. serial posts)
Posting some contents just for fun; (cf. fun
Avoiding information about research and
event announcements or reports
Over all it can be pointed out, that it is good to sup-
port the ties of the community and to plead on loyal-
ty and community spirit. Various contents should be
used to get the advances of a diversified and rich
social media performance by activating as much of
the related users as possible. This study also seeks to
prevent universities of overrating posting character-
istics that have shown no significant relationship to
the user engagement, for example the posting fre-
quency or the text length of a message. Especially
because the text length has previously been stated
important by other studies like the Buddy Media
Data Report (2012) or the Facebook content study of
Reimerth and Vigand (2012) both investigating the
use of Facebook pages for marketing and sales ob-
jectives of businesses. Therefore further research has
to be taken, to clarify if aspects like the higher ac-
ceptance of longer text messages are only true for
the sector of higher education or can be applied to
other non-profit-organizations too. Regarding the
other results – part of them also mentioned in the
referred studies – it is reasonable, that these results
are also reliable for a social media strategy for non-
academic institutions due to the fact that the inherent
business content of universities (research news) is
less important to become a good social media player.
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