K-BEST for Supply Chain Knowledge
A System for Knowledge Management in Supply Chains
Gabriela Citlalli López Torres
and Stephen Eldridge
Universidad Autonóma de Aguascalientes, Av. Universidad, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Lancaster University, Lancashire, U.K.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Tools.
Abstract: A supply chain is as an important strategic framework because it provides a powerful infrastructure to
enable the coordination of practices to meet customers’ requirements. Best practices knowledge in supply
chains needs contextualisation to reveal favourable and unfavourable consequences. In order to provide
contextualisation, a more formalised and systematic approach to understand practices is required but no
suitable existing scheme was identified to represent Supply Chain Knowledge (SCK). This research is
focused on the creation of a knowledge management approach to address the structure, contextualisation
and control of SCK. The approach adopted combined theoretical knowledge management concepts and
supply chain practitioner valuation using three iterative research cycles. The first was focused on research
into the structure of SCK. The second was to research into contextualisation of SCK. The third cycle to
research into knowledge control processes and evaluated the feasibility of the proposed scheme. Findings
were incorporated into a demonstrator tool, which is a web-based software application. This research
confirmed the feasibility of the scheme components and suggested further benefits such as self-learning of
SCK and that it is both feasible and important to practitioners that an approach, similar to the one proposed,
is adopted.
Supply chain management is an extremely popular
research field owing to both its multi-functional and
interdisciplinary focus and its potential to revitalise
organisational competitiveness. In order to realise
these improvements, it is necessary to integrate an
organisation’s knowledge and practices using
appropriate mechanisms that monitor and evaluate
This research focuses on how knowledge
management can serve as an enabler for supply
chains (Marra et al., 2010), mainly by developing a
system knowledge management system, known as
1.1 Supply Chains
Continuous improvement is required for an
organisation to remain competitive by enhancing its
capabilities or enablers (Axelsson et al., 2005). ‘It is
becoming increasingly apparent that competitive
advantage derives from the combined capabilities of
the network of linked organisations that today is
called supply chain’ (Magretta, 1998). In other
words, in order to improve organizations
performance it is necessary to consider both the
efficiency and the effectiveness of the supply chain.
1.1.1 Practices Integration
The integration of practices along the supply chain is
a key competence. Integration of practices implies
planning and controlling all operations so they can
fit together as ‘a unified whole’ (Barki and
Pinsonneault 2005). An integration of practices is
required not only within an organisation but also
with customers and suppliers. Hence, Laugen et al.,
(2005) suggest that, owing to competitive pressures,
companies while developing their capabilities should
maintain a higher level of integration between their
strategy, action programmes, operations and
Integration of all practices in a supply chain
requires what Trent (2008) defines as an ‘end-to-end
perspective’, which is to look across the whole
Citlalli López Torres G. and Eldridge S..
K-BEST for Supply Chain Knowledge - A System for Knowledge Management in Supply Chains.
DOI: 10.5220/0004520103210327
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 321-327
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
supply chain processes, for instance, from planning
to delivery (Stewart, 1997) products or services. In
order to meet the challenges in today’s business
environments to improve capabilities and ensure the
integration of practices, the adoption of selected or
appropriate best practices, has invigorating
knowledge and it has become an important business
1.1.2 Best Practices
Similarly, Coyle and Bardi (2003) state that ‘a series
of integrated enterprises must share information and
physical execution to ensure a smooth, integrated
flow of goods, services, information and cash’. In a
responsive supply chain, maintaining integrated
practices is crucial along with best practices
adoption. Laugen et al., (2005) state that ‘continuous
improvement of best practices in all areas of the
organization will lead to superior performance
capability leading to increased competitiveness’.
The dissemination of best practices is considered
one of the success factors for supply chains (Cooper
Best practices are regularly defined as ‘generic,
constant cures for everyone’ (Laugen et al., 2005).
According to Beaumont (2005) a ‘best practice is
not unique and that different practices can work well
in different contexts, cultures and organisations’.
Swan et al., (1999) have shown that ‘the notion of
best practices in the adoption of information systems
is illusory and potentially disruptive’.
Supply Chain Knowledge (SCK) has been defined
for this investigation as context-specific and applied
best practices knowledge. Indeed, Nonaka and Teece
(2001) suggest that organisations should concentrate
their efforts on knowledge as the one resource in
production which helps resolve conflicts in
coordination. Therefore, in order to integrate
knowledge management for supply chains, a system
system has been constructed to support the core
knowledge processes in an organisation within a
specific supply chain.
An effective adoption of practices not only
requires best practices but an understanding an
organisation’s own practices. For the success of
supply chains, a continual integration of practices
and development of capabilities are necessary,
which together imply a continuous understanding of
practices. ‘Management of improvements and
changes reflects the increasing importance of
identifying and distributing tacit and explicit
knowledge such as best practices, ideas and
suggestions’ (Heisig and Vorbeck 2001).
Continuous performance improvement implies a
continual understanding of the impacts from the
organisation’s own practices on the whole supply
Knowledge is essential to defend a competitive
position in organisations. Al-Mudimigh et al. (2004)
state that knowledge is the most important element
to optimize the supply chain value, just after price
pressures and communication. In today’s economic
world, knowledge is attributed as a decisive
competitive factor (Heisig et al., 2001). Therefore,
knowledge in the supply chain domain is
strategically important and requires best practice
knowledge, which has been applied and is actionable
in specific contexts.
Best practices knowledge, for this research
project, is referred to practices that have worked
before and represent a source of knowledge. The
adoption of practices and practitioners’ awareness of
the impact of its practices can be affected by the
variety of interpretations about how and what a
supply chain is. In relation to this, Grant et al.,
(2006) state that ‘shippers and carriers do not act in
concert because of differences in perceptions’.
Swan et al., (1999) highlight that open
relationships between stakeholders will remain
difficult if they have different perspectives of what
best practices involve. Understanding of practices is
fundamental for the desired integration and
coordination of practices in supply chain for the
creation of value. There is a need of a continuous
understanding of practices, not only sharing
information, for a successful adoption and
integration of practices. Thus, focusing on the
understanding of practices is needed in order to
support integration and coordination, which implies
that SCK (SCK) is important.
A system has been built to support and enable the
four main processes: discovery, capture, share,
application (Becerra et al., 1994) of knowledge
management in businesses, known as K-BEST
(Knowledge-Based Expert Supply chain Tool),
which aims to reinforce the integration of multi-
tasks in a supply chain.
3.1 Architecture
The main use of the K-BEST system is to explore,
grow, diagnose (contextualize), transfer, record,
analyse and visualize practices of the same company
and stakeholders. The K-BEST system was created
in 3 research cycles. The first was focused on
research into the structure of SCK. The second was
to research into contextualisation of it. The third
cycle to research into knowledge control processes
and evaluated the feasibility of the proposed
scheme. This K-BEST tool aims to maintain core
knowledge management processes.
3.2 Modules
The constructed K-BEST modules are the diagnosis,
exploration, lessons learned, tracking and ranked
forum, that represent the interface to the outside
world aim to enable control of SCK (based on KM
core processes).
1. Diagnosis module. It contrasts the recorded,
structured and stored practices in the knowledge-
based against those entered by a user.
2. Exploration module. It will allow the scanning of
knowledge resources.
3. Lessons learned module. It helps understanding
lessons (i.e. mistakes) against the uncertainty of
adopting practices and up to date knowledge.
4. Tracking module. It supports the application of
knowledge by allowing practitioners to define
projects and track the actions to be taken derived
from diagnosis.
5. Ranked forum. It allows practitioners to input
their knowledge (i.e. enquiries, questions,
Impressions from the focus groups (presenting the
system) and interviews were also useful feedback
about feasibility of the modules. The knowledge
content used to test the K-BEST modules included
some modern best practices selected from a survey
of members’ interests carried out by the UK’s
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
(CILT). The modules’ logic was continually tested
during this research project by uploading knowledge
content (best practices) in K-BEST. Also, in order to
validate the constructed modules, drafts of these
were continually presented to the members of the
CILT’s Manufacturing Forum, in Corby, UK. Such
interviews included small-sized and large
companies, such as Tetra Pak Ltd., Tingdene
Homes, Helphire Group Plc, Leyland Trucks Ltd.
and CHEP.
3.3 Functions
The construction of this system has followed four
main stages and three cycles. The stages are:
exploration, design, construction and validation. In
three cycles investigating:
1. SCK structure
2. SCK contextualisation
3. SCK control
During the exploration stage, various focus groups
with specialists on supply chain management and
manufacturing were used. In order to establish a
preliminary structure, the exploration stage in cycle
1 comprised the access to literature, in particular,
from the perspective of knowledge representation,
theoretical frameworks and systems architecture in
knowledge engineering. In the exploration stage,
every knowledge source was related to the
researched structure.
3.3.1 Structuring SCK
In the design stage of Cycle 1 the research tasks
included analysing and combining the explored
theoretical frameworks (i.e. knowledge
representation in knowledge engineering) and
impressions from practitioners (i.e. the need to
quantify practices).
The structure presents the logic carried out by the
diagnosis approach programmed into a computer
system that is able to generate a report of possible
impacts from a given context of supply chain
practices. The logic of the diagnosis presented aims
to produce a diagnosis report about the potential
impacts of a best practice implementation in a given
context, which is important for supply chains
collaboration. This knowledge base has the content
to be manipulated by the modules in particular the
Best practices workshops and content (i.e. texts)
were selected and analysed, which were combined
with practitioners’ perceptions and technical
considerations. In Cycle 3 best practices were
consolidated into matrices, which would enable
subsequent incorporation in the demonstrator tool
Through the administration module the capture
of knowledge is possible in a more structured
manner, by constructing a structure (imposing order
to best practices knowledge) for SCK representation.
The structure constructed was based upon theoretical
concepts of knowledge engineering and supply chain
practitioners’ impressions, and has been shown to be
successful in codifying and therefore representing
the knowledge contained within best practices
knowledge. The structure imposes order to
knowledge content providing key components that
were identified during the research process. The
structure represents a useful means to gain the
benefits of knowledge production and control in the
supply chain domain.
3.3.2 Contextualising SCK
The diagnosis is the principal module constructed in
this research, which contextualise best practices
knowledge. The diagnosis helps to reveal the
possible unfavourable impacts of supply chain
practices. The module quantifies SCK, such as,
entities, attributes and relationships. The module is
rule-based based on the structure constructed and
uploading best practices knowledge content and
validation by practitioners validated it. Evaluations
of the diagnosis were positive and it was found to be
an effective method of bridging the in understanding
best practices between academic knowledge and
New knowledge from ranked answers, lessons
learned or experiences shared can be generated
during the tracking of actions that have been derived
from the diagnosis or while exploring knowledge
resources of knowledge in the exploration module.
Then, such knowledge should be coded following
the structure developed previously and captured into
the knowledge base.
3.3.3 Controlling SCK
With the lessons learned module is an alternative
where new knowledge can be acquired, uploaded
into the knowledge base. As Al-Mudimigh et al.,
(2004) state ‘the sharing of information is
considered a key factor for the success of supply
chains and effective networks in a collaborative
environment build-up of synchronized supply
chains´. Discovery or extraction of knowledge from
information is supported through K-BEST by
identifying and recording new issues, lesson learned
or experiences, and then contextualised, from supply
chain areas that may not have been questioned
One of the strategic strengths from the ranked
forum is to obtain new and ranked knowledge.
Consequently, knowledge can be expanded and kept
relevant from highly ranked answers in the forum
can be uploaded into the knowledge base. Including
the structure and ranking the questions/answers
posted the ranked forum could reuse information
In the tracking module, practitioners are able to
define projects recording/tracking its progress. The
tracking module proved to be a useful tool for
coordinating work by tracking the progress of
actions and allowing the generation of new
knowledge. The tracking module offers controls to
allocate resources and track actions for a specific
and/or critical condition to be modified, which
shortens the conversion from information into
The exploration module allows searching
knowledge resources (explicit knowledge) through
the exploration module suggests the discovery of
knowledge can be enabled. Practitioners seen the
exploration module as a practical mean to search and
find key knowledge.
The Internet accelerates the integration of
knowledge and improves communication,
incrementing collaborative dialogue because it can
be accessed from anywhere anytime and enables
stakeholders to update and moderate best practices
knowledge from any computer with a web browser
and Internet access. Internet technologies represent a
useful and accessible tool for the pursued objective
of controlling knowledge.
The Internet accelerates the integration of
knowledge and improves communication,
incrementing collaborative dialogue because can be
accessed by stakeholders from anywhere anytime
and enables stakeholders to update and moderate
best practices knowledge from any computer with a
web browser and Internet access. Internet
technologies represent a useful and accessible tool
for the pursued objective of controlling knowledge.
In the construction stage of Cycle 3, a web-based
infrastructure was selected because it offered
advantages compared to desktop technologies.
This system was created using a technology
named Dotnetnuke® (DNN) that is an open source
software by Dotnetnuke Corporation for enterprise
web applications. This source is freely available and
it proved to be a relevant technology because it
allows controlling the knowledge content, layout,
membership and security of a website. DNN works
in conjunction with a database system.
Technologies considered in the exploration stage
in cycle 3 included the Internet, which offers
numerous advantages for knowledge sharing.
Tayyab Maqsood (2007) state that ‘paper-based
systems are rapidly replaced by powerful, web-
centred information systems’. Therefore, the web
development technology stack selected was
considered appropriate for the constructing of the
demonstrator tool (K-BEST) supporting this
However, other knowledge conversions along the
supply chain should be promoted in order to enhance
knowledge production; for example, face-to-face
training and meetings. Also, leaders should create a
knowledge culture that promotes a working
environment of trust and respect of individuals’
knowledge. Besides, the implementation of a
knowledge system, which is a key element in a
knowledge management initiative, should be easy to
use at the first introduction, and contain relevant
knowledge content, which is related to its integrity
and quality. Also, training and manuals to all
participating members is crucial to be motivated and
understand the importance of knowledge
management and successfully implement it.
Supply chains need to put more emphasis on
knowledge mobilisation, mapping expertise
resources, knowledge production and control.
Further work needs to be carried out, for a better
understanding of the relevant issues affecting the
development and operation of this kind of systems,
which incorporate a structure, contextualisation and
control of knowledge in supply chains, before it is
delivered for operation. For example, issues about
the sustainability of knowledge were recognised, on
which it would be interesting to carry out further
investigation. For example, it is important to
consider and maintain knowledge; this is its
relevance, confidentiality (security), validity
(credibility) and possible deterioration. In addition,
recommendations for a possible future development
operation were recognised in this investigation,
which includes how to motivate knowledge sharing,
sustainability, systems comparison, user acceptance,
education and cultural differences. In regards to
technology, an identified potential design is to
encode knowledge using XML technologies, so
knowledge can be structured at the same time it is
written, by using a text editor as suggested by
Mikroyannidis (2006).
The K-BEST system proposed offers a simple but
significant opportunity to control knowledge in a
more systematically way along supply chains;
mainly by focusing on promoting the four
knowledge management processes in a specific
supply chain context. Supply chains’ partners can be
communicated through this system. Difficulties
concerning knowledge control in supply chains were
recognized in the literature review.
There is a vast amount of information growing in
unstructured forms (e.g. e-mails, web, documents
and manuals), which presents difficulties for
converting information into knowledge. ‘The
modern knowledge worker simply does not have the
time to absorb such an impressive amount of
information’ (Mikroyannidis et al., 2006). Nonaka
and Teece (2001) highlighted ‘a rapid evolution of
organizational forms, which has generally proceeded
faster than researchers capacity either to track
developments or to theorize about them’.
In synchronization of supply chains is
characterized by integration of practices (Lambert
and Cooper, 2000). ‘A supply chain must be
connected, in communication and collaboration to
improve efficiency in its practices’ (Desouza and
Chattaraj, 2003). Thus successful supply chains
imply an efficient control (e.g. capture, store,
sharing and application) of knowledge. In order to
avoid the loss of knowledge and to gain value from
knowledge creation, a systematically and continually
control of knowledge is important.
Knowledge management helps in this endeavour
to link all knowledge contained in actors of an
organisations, in this case in supply chains’
configurations among their partners. Thus, supply
chains can coordinate and integrate partner’s
practices by implementing knowledge management
in its operations.
This investigation has been focused on
promoting an organic growth (structuring,
contextualise and control) of SCK through the K-
BEST main elements:
1. Administration module (knowledge acquisition)
2. Diagnosis
3. Lessons learned
4. Ranked forum
5. Tracking module (project management)
6. Exploration module
Coordination of practices is of strategic importance
to supply chains for what knowledge is a critical
resource. Hopgood (1993a) recognized that ‘modern
supply chain models seem to call for an inter-
company collaboration, which stresses trust,
cooperation and mutual dependence’.
Bessant (2003) has recognized that ‘suppliers have
not taken a consistent approach toward
disseminating tools and techniques or lesson learned
to their own suppliers’. Knowledge connectivity
suggests a continual sharing of knowledge also seen
in foresight frameworks. Thus, a more systematic,
similar to the proposed K-BEST system, creation,
sharing and control of knowledge should be
beneficial for supply chains.
Feasibility aspects of a structure,
contextualisation and control of knowledge were
explored in this investigation. Practitioners and
experts in the supply chain domain are now in a
position to structure, contextualise and control SCK
in a more systematic way.
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