Addressing the Terms-of-Service Threat
Client-side Security and Policy Control for Free File Storage Services
Geir M. Køien and Vladimir A. Oleshchuk
University of Agder, Institute of ICT, Grimstad, Norway
Public Cloud Services Terms-of-Service, Producer-consumer Asymmetry, Conflicting-incentives, Content
Ownership, Security and Privacy, Trust, Policy Control, Reputation, Presentation Layer Manager.
In this paper we describe and identify the so-called terms-of-service (ToS) threat. This threat is concerned
with asymmetry in the power between a service producer (SP) and the service consumer (SC) and is expressed
in ToS which allows the SC to change the ToS at will. Our context is the free file synchronization services,
and we will analyze the relationships between the service producer and the service consumer. There are
pronounced control asymmetries and potential conflicts of interest between the parties, including user privacy
and content ownership control. Our proposal for addressing these problems hinges on a two pronged approach,
including defining a service policy manager surveillance tool and a client side presentation manager to enforce
local security and privacy policies. Our Umbrella Architecture is still very much work in progress, but we are
optimistic about usefulness the approach.
In this paper we investigate potential solutions to the
problem now known as the terms-of-service (ToS)
threat (Schneier, 2013). This threat emerges when
the terms of service is formulated such that it may be
changed unilaterally by the service producer. This can
cause conflicts as was highlighted by the resent In-
stagram debacle (Thomson, 2012), where Instagram
changed its terms of service to allow itself the right to
sell user photos. In this case Instagram was forced to
revise the change to its ToS after a public outcry, but
it turns out that many of the “free” internet services
do contain similar terms of service.
We specifically investigate the ToS threats that
may arise in the context of free file storage and syn-
chronization services. We analyse the power relation-
ships between the service producer and the service
consumer and we investigate the conflict of interests
inherent in these agreements using the Conflicting In-
centives Risk Analysis (CIRA) model (Rajbhandari
and Snekkenes, 2012).
We propose to address the ToS threat by a com-
bination of several measures in what we call the
Umbrella Architecture. The main part consists
of a client-side presentation layer security manager
(PLaSM) which will protect the user content. The
PLaSM will provide a set of security protection fea-
tures and these will be available at all times for the
user. These will as a minimum include file encryption
and file integrity services.
The other components are a policy monitoring
agent (PoMA) and a reputation manager (ReMa). The
PoMA will monitor the ToS and will alert the con-
sumer in case of changes and the reputation manager
will gather information about the reliability and trust-
worthiness of the SP. The PoMA and the ReMa may
also trigger actions, called strategies in CIRA par-
lance. These actions will then be carried out by the
PLaSM. The net result will be improved security and
privacy for user content stored by cloud file storage
2.1 Background
Needless to say for a free service, but the offering
party obviously gets to dictate the premises of the
ToS. There is of course a larger societal context that
the SP must take into account, both with respect to
legal requirements and with respect to customer re-
actions. In (Braman and Roberts, 2003) the authors
M. Køien G. and A. Oleshchuk V..
Addressing the Terms-of-Service Threat - Client-side Security and Policy Control for Free File Storage Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0004520205620569
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2013), pages 562-569
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
discusses the legal aspects of ToS in the context of an
ISP. The paper is US centric, but the general conclu-
sions should hold in most jurisdictions.
The agreements are written in a language intended
for lawyers rather than laymen. Furthermore, the SC
generally has little specific knowledge about his/her
rights to start with. So, informally, we summarize the
ToS threat as the following:
ToS statements are not very readable to the lay-
man (read: ToS are seldom read)
ToS are subject to unilateral change by the SP
(and the notice could well go unnoticed)
ToS regulate rights to the contents stored by the
SP, and this may seriously affect the SC content
ownership rights and SC privacy.
2.2 Security and Privacy Aspects
2.2.1 Accountability and Availability
Accountability is an important aspect for almost all
cloud based services. Big service producers like Ap-
ple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Dropbox etc. are
generally reputable organizations, and we may as-
sume that they will providereasonableservices and be
accountable for them. Smaller outfits may or may not
be reputable, and in the wake of a bankruptcy or sim-
ilar it will be anybodies guess as to how well behaved
they will be. However, the catch is playing by the
rules, which are those captured in the ToS. As demon-
strated by the Instagram case the companies exists in
a societal context, and this may prevent a company
from abusing their rights.
Availability is another important aspect. It is of
course purported to be a major benefit of cloud stor-
age and for the file synchronization services one will
usually have local access to the data anyhow. In our
context we have decided not to pursue availability fur-
ther, but note that this aspect has been addressed in the
context of paid-for services (Bowers et al., 2009).
In our context we have decided not to address the
accountability and availability aspects directly. That
is, we assume that the required minimum of account-
ability and availability features are already present in
the provided services.
2.2.2 Privacy, Identification, Authentication,
Integrity and Confidentiality
The identification used in most of the services is based
on email addresses. These are not particularly pri-
vacy sensitive, although we want to avoid unneces-
sary exposure. Identity privacy itself is a concern, al-
though not the primary privacy concern her. We note
that the authentication schemes for free service seems
not to be particularly strong, but with additional data
protection they may be adequate. This needs to be
verified. Otherwise, we note that privacy has many
facets and that one correspondingly must have a mul-
tifaceted approach when counteracting and mitigating
privacy problems (Oleshchuk and Køien, 2011).
In (Subashini and Kavitha, 2011) the authors out-
line a set of security issues in delivery models in cloud
computing. These issues are mostly concerned with
enterprises using paid-for cloud services, but we note
that many of the concerns are similar. Another paper
which investigates these issues is (Zhao et al., 2010)
and this paper is interesting in that it distinguishes
between different deployment models. With respect
to our case we note that the consumer will not have
much influence upon the chosen model, apart from
what can implement at the client side. Another in-
teresting paper is (Bernsmed et al., 2011) in which
there is an attempt at defining service level agree-
ments (SLA) for cloud security. Our context is differ-
ent and so the consumer will not be able to negotiate
SLA arrangements, but is rather left with a ToS that
he/she cannot negotiate.
It should be evident that we need both data in-
tegrity and data confidentiality. The SC needs to
ensure that the stored data isn’t manipulated against
his/her will and likewise the SC need assurance that
the stored data isn’t unduely exposed. Many, if not
most, of the free public file storage services do not
offer data confidentiality services. Data integrity are
offered to the extent that this is directly supported by
the file systems used. The quality may be acceptable
for most uses, but fails to cover cases where the SP is
the source of the threat.
We also want access control for our data. The de-
fault should be that the SC is the only one with access.
Other parties may be granted full or partial access
by the SC. The service producers commonly provide
schemes to allow this kind of access control. The au-
thentication provided seems generally to rely on pass-
words and it seems only to be unilateral. We have not
assessed the strength of the schemes, but suffice to say
that they are designed for “low grade” systems. That
is, they are probably fairly weak, but may still be sta-
tistically adequate for the givenpurpose. We therefore
propose to rely on the existing authentication and ac-
cess control scheme offered by the service producer,
but we do not exclude the possibility of enhancing it.
Requirements (partially fulfilled):
Identity privacy (not addressed)
Data confidentiality (strong requirement)
Data integrity (partially fulfilled)
Consumer-Producer Authentication scheme
Access control (acceptable)
To summarize, we must provide data confidential-
ity and we ought to provide data integrity services.
When it comes to the scope of the protection it should
be evident that file data must be protected, but there
is also a strong case for protecting file system data,
particularly the file/directory names. One may pro-
vide enhanced access control, but there will be a cost
to doing this. One also improve the authentication,
but it may be the case that the access oriented authen-
tication is sufficient when one consider a scheme in
which the data is explicitly protected independently
of the access procedures. The two last requirements
above will therefore largely be for the existence of an
adequate solution.
2.2.3 Trust Aspects of the Consumer-producer
The legal/contractual relationship is defined by the
ToS, but what about the trust aspects? There are
ways of assessing trust in an online context. We ap-
proaches such as the one laid out in (Pelechrinis et al.,
2011) with automated evaluation of Q&A sessions
over so-called online social networks (OSN). Repu-
tation is keyword here and there are formalized ap-
proaches that directly uses reputation in the model
(Jøsang, 2010). A survey of relevant proposals for
handling trust and reputation in an online context is
found in (Jøsang et al., 2007). Of course there are
many aspects to trust. In (Køien, 2011) the author
discusses this in the context of publicly available IoT
services, and while the cloud context is somewhat dif-
ferent from an IoT context, many of the same ideas of
trust in an IoT environment will also apply to cloud
services. This leads us to assume that trust in free
public cloud based services will largely be based on
reputation and association with well-known brands.
This is not the soundest basis one can have for secu-
rity, and so we must provide some means of enforce-
ment for the trust be warranted. Another survey paper
handling trust and trust management in an internet ap-
plication context is found in (Grandison and Sloman,
2000). The context is not specific to cloud services,
but the discussion is relevant in that it handles trust
and decision making for internet applications.
2.2.4 Control Aspects of the
Consumer-producer Relationship
Who has control in our Consumer-Producer relation-
ship? Given the asymmetry in power regarding the
ToS it should be clear that SP obviously has both ju-
risdictional control and operational control over the
service. That is, the control is there as long as the
consumer continues to use the service. There are sev-
eral free file storage services in the market and there is
therefore a certain amount of competition. The con-
sumer may have concrete needs, but he/she can nev-
ertheless choose between different alternatives. How-
ever, once we have actually made a choice there will
be transaction costs to switch to an alternative ser-
vice. We should add to this picture that many ser-
vices comes in bundles and as pre-installed software
on smart mobiles, tablet and laptops. So we may
conclude that he consumer has a great deal of power
to choose, but that the ability is impeded by imper-
fect knowledge, by default (pre-installed) solutions,
by technical inability to change configuration and by
loss of convenience and cost optimizations.
2.3 The Conflicting Incentives
2.3.1 Conflicting Incentives Risk Analysis
The Conflicting Incentives Risk Analysis (CIRA)
(Rajbhandari and Snekkenes, 2012) is a method for
analysing risk under circumstances where it is hard
to assess incident probability. This may be the case
for infrequent events and generally for circumstances
where past history cannot be used to predict future
likelihoods. The CIRA method will instead assess the
motives and incentives of the different principals. To
do so the method draws on game theory, economics,
psychology and decision theory. When analysing the
ToS threat scenarios we may benefit from using a sim-
ilar approach. Technical threats by external intruders
are of course still a major concern, but what if the mo-
tives and incentives of the principals are themselves a
main driver behind many of the threats?
2.3.2 The Utility Function and the Strategy
In CIRA one has defined a risk owner and it defines
the perspective taken. To our end we define the SC
as the risk owner. The SP is the other principal en-
tity. Then we have the strategy concept. A strategy
is here some action that is intended to influence the
utility function. The strategy owner is the principal
that is in a position to execute the strategy. In our
case we want to define strategies that lower the threat
against stored content and the utility function must
correspond to these goals. That is, the utility function
must capture the requirements in section 2.2.2. Any
strategy that positively contribute to this end is seen as
desirable. There will be transaction costs to executing
a strategy and it is thus not obvious that one should
always execute a strategy, but even the awareness of
an available strategy may be beneficial.
2.3.3 Mindset
We do’t specifically propose to apply the CIRA
method as as such, but we do advocate to have a
“Conflicting Incentives” mindset when analysing ToS
threats. That is, to keep in mind that the other prin-
cipal party will have different interests and that those
will govern it’s actions. The consumer had better ac-
count for this and carry out actions (strategies) to miti-
gate or prevent negative outcomes. The key to success
is to identify the appropriate utility function(s) and to
identify useful strategies that address dire threats and
unacceptable risks.
2.3.4 Content Ownership
A prudent question in all security is “What are the
assets?” In our context the parties will be the SP
and the SC and clearly the stored contents” is an as-
set. Content ownership, copyrights etc. are potential
“conflicting incentives” areas. SC must therefore as-
sume that he/she must contribute something to SP in
the deal. One obvious contribution is information and
another is potential future loyalty. Of course, actual
“contents” may also be contributed. This can be a
win-win situation, like a consumer uploading content
to YouTube - where both parties win if the content is
widely shared.
The content in our case is exclusively provided by
the user (SC), but may be used or licence by the SP
(depending on ToS conditions). While there may be
win-win situations we also have the distinct possibil-
ity that the equation is unbalanced and that it can even
be a negative sum game (Burgess and Burgess, 1997).
The utility function may be hard to define, but in a
game theoretical sense we can only assume that the
function is such that at least one part will expect a
positive outcome (Binmore, 2007).
The expect a positive outcome” part highlights
the fact that there is a distinct difference between real
and perceived utility. We shall not go into the psy-
chology of perception here, but suffice to say that
emotional responses is important. In (Camerer, 2011)
one discusses how emotions and limited foresight af-
fects our perception of utility and ultimately our deci-
sion making.
ToS policies of most cloud service providers are pre-
sented in the form of long text in plain English that
most users will never read. However, reading and
understanding of such policies are crucial for secu-
rity and privacy for users of these services. Since
such policies may be a subject to change, the con-
tinuous monitoring of security and privacy related
changes is necessary and could be implemented as
a part of MaaS (Monitoring-as-a-Service) (Meng and
Liu, 2012). One possible approach can be based on
text analysis and meaning extraction with special fo-
cus on those parts of ToS policies that can potentially
influence users security and privacy. By timely iden-
tifying such threats, users could undertake necessary
measures to protect of both their security and privacy
as required by their own policy. Possible measures
could be, for example, to enforce encryption of down-
loaded content to guaranty confidentiality; to enforce
encryptionor anonymizationof some parts of the con-
tent to provide privacy; to require distribution of data
among several independent service providers to in-
crease availability, etc. It is important for users to be
aware of treats that potentially may appear as result
changes in ToS policies. In that, there is a need for
formal representation of policies, for example in P3P
style, to simplify extraction of features that can be a
security and privacy threats for the users. However,
since ToS policies are usually written in plain English
we have to deal with natural language understanding.
Since it is generally a difficult problem one cannot
expect a perfect solution. Our approach is to propose
a practical approach that will help users to monitor
changes of ToS but, in the end, will need human in-
volvement to make final decision.
One notable feature of many ToSs is that many
of them permit the service provider to a) unilater-
ally change the ToS and b) to only inform the ser-
vice user by notification on a webpage and possible
by an email. Thus, even the interested consumer may
not notice that there has been a change in the ToS.
Even uninterpreted notification by the policy moni-
toring agent (PoMA) will therefore have value.
3.1 Case Study
Let us consider some example of ToS policies of some
well-known companies. Such policies are presented
in plain English and therefore a method for text anal-
ysis and meaning extraction should be developed. To
illustrate our idea we have extracted sentences con-
taining keywords grant, right to use, license to use
or to distribute in ToS policies of some popular cloud
service providers:
From Linkedin: “ grant LinkedIn a nonex-
clusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, unlim-
ited, assignable, sublicenseable, fully paid up and
royalty-free right to us to copy, prepare derivative
works of, improve, distribute, publish, remove,
retain, add, process, analyze, use and commer-
cialize, in any way now known or in the future
discovered, any information you provide, directly
or indirectly to LinkedIn, including, but not lim-
ited to, any user generated content, ideas, con-
cepts, techniques or data to the services, you sub-
mit to LinkedIn, without any further consent, no-
tice and/or compensation to you or to any third
parties ...
From Instagram: hereby grant to In-
stagram a non-exclusive, fully paid and royalty-
free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide li-
cense to use the Content that you post on or
through the Service, subject to the Service’s Pri-
vacy Policy,...
From Evernote: “ grant Evernote a license
to display, perform and distribute your Content
and to modify (for technical purposes, e.g., mak-
ing sure content is viewable on smart phones as
well as computers) and reproduce such Content to
enable Evernote to operate the Service. “
From Facebook: grant us a non-
exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-
free, worldwide license to use any IP content that
you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP
From Box: You hereby grant Box and its con-
tractors the right, to use, modify, adapt, repro-
duce, distribute, display and disclose Content
posted on the Service solely to the extent neces-
sary to provide the Service or as otherwise per-
mitted by these Terms.
From Comcast (and Plaxo): “ If you post any con-
tent to the Comcast Web Services, you hereby
grant Comcast and its licensees a worldwide,
royalty-free, non-exclusive right and license to
use, reproduce, publicly display, publicly per-
form, modify, sublicense, and distribute the con-
tent, on or in connection with the Comcast Web
Services or the promotion of the Comcast Web
Services, and incorporate it in other works, in
whole or in part, in any manner.
From Amazon: “ grant Amazon a nonex-
clusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and
fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, mod-
ify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative
works from, distribute, and display such content
throughout the world in any media.
The list of keywords can be easily expanded
and patterns for matching can be regular expres-
sion for example such as: {
grant | license |
to <company name>
or {
license to
| reproduce | modify |distribute
Just reading these few extracts provide users with
hints of potential threats to their security and privacy
from these services, that is an understanding that ser-
vice providers keep the right to use, distribute etc.
their content.
3.2 Monitoring Terms-of-Service
In order to be aware of possible security and pri-
vacy treats users have to be aware of changes in
ToS policies. Monitoring and detection of changes
should support two features: discovering of changes
in ToS policies and discovering of security and pri-
vacy related changes in ToS policies. The first kind
of changes is easy to implement, since it means de-
tection of any changes in a text and does not require
understanding of these changes. The second feature
requires at least a rudimentary understanding of texts.
Some cloud-monitoring applications have already
been described in the literature, for example, SLA Vi-
olation Detection (Emeakaroha et al., July), Resource
Usage (Dhingra et al., 2012), etc. However, we could
not find any policy monitoring applications.
In our approach, we propose to use monitoring
agent running locally on users computer and analyz-
ing changes of ToS policy each time user use the
service. The user register websites policy locations
in the agent database for each cloud service he/she
uses. Monitoring agent analyzes the policy text to
detect changes from last time the service was used.
The monitoring is based on the idea informally pre-
sented in the previous subsection. In case the change
is detected, the agent will identify new sentences, re-
moved sentences and modified sentences. By match-
ing patterns, the agent extracts sentences (containing
patterns) that may be potentially associated with se-
curity and privacy threats.
For example, pattern
license to
| reproduce | modify | sublicense
} means that confidentiality of
users data may be violated. If it is a storage service
and such feature is considered as violation of users
security policy an encryption of all data have to be
activated. An example of configuration table for the
PoMA is shown at Figure 1.
ToS location Pattern Violation Action {grant|license|right} Privacy Encryption
|sublicense|distribute} Confidentiality, Encryption
-””- Privacy Privacy No actions
key=user agreement& -””- available
trk=hb ft userag
Figure 1: Configuration table for ToS monitoring agent.
4.1 File Storage and Synchronization
There are several publicly available cloud-based file
storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive and Mi-
crosoft SkyDrive. Generally, the free services are re-
stricted in the amount of storage they offer. These file
storage services mirrors a directory tree at the target
computer. All files placed in the target directory will
be synchronized and a copy of the files will be stored
in the cloud by the service. The beauty the schemes is
that one may synchronize several computers this way.
Enterprises and businesses are understandably
concerned about storing their essential business data
in a public cloud storage facility. In the article “New
Approaches to Security and Availability for Cloud
Data” (Juels and Oprea, 2013) the authors discusses
these problems and proposes some solutions. The ten-
ants (consumers, SC) will have to be convinced that
security and availability is ensured or otherwise they
will tend to favour private clouds instead of public
clouds. The power balance between a paying tenant
(SC) and a public cloud service provider (SP) may
not be balanced, but SP clearly have an incentive to
accommodate the paying tenant. Our perspective is
a little different from that of (Juels and Oprea, 2013)
our scope for cases where the power balance is very
different. We also assume a model where the data is
mirrored at the tenants computers. Free services will
also have some kind of authentication and access con-
trol, but that is very often all that is provided. Use of
cryptography is clearly necessary to provide credible
security for data stored in a public cloud and availabil-
ity may dictate schemes similar to the RAID inspired
HAIL scheme proposed in (Juels and Oprea, 2013).
HAIL itself is an acronym for High-Availability and
Integrity Layer (Bowers et al., 2009). We do not con-
sider a HAIL-based approach here. Instead, we do
propose a model with basic security services imple-
mented at the presentation layer. Our scheme is in
concordance with Presentation layer in the Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, and this also
means that the implementation is at the host (tenant)
and not at the SP.
4.2 An OSI “Presentation Layer”
The OSI reference model (ISO/IEC 7498-1, 1994) is
defined by the International Organization for Stan-
dardization (ISO). The OSI RM is a way to describe
and characterize a communications stack in terms of
abstraction functions defined at different layers. Each
layer serves the layer above it and is served by the
layer below. Layer 6 is the presentation layer and
it is primarily concerned with services such as data
representation, encryption and decryption, converting
machine dependent data to machine independent data
etc. For connectionless services (IP-based) recom-
mendation (ISO/IEC 9576-1, 1995) applies.
4.3 The Umbrella Architecture
Our proposal, which we call the Umbrella Archi-
tecture, is depicted in figure 2. The proposal com-
bines the services of the presentation layer security
manager (PLaSM) and the policy monitoring agent
(PoMA). In our scheme we have let there be a local
PoMA which communicates with a MaaS cloud ser-
vice to carry out the actual ToS monitoring. We op-
tionally also propose to have a reputation manager in
the system. The reputation manager will use methods
discussed in (Jøsang, 2010; Pelechrinis et al., 2011)
to extract information about the reliability and trust-
worthiness of the SP. The work in (Pelechrinis et al.,
2011) will need to be extended to achieve full “repu-
tation” handling. We do not further develop the repu-
tation manager concept in this paper.
4.3.1 Scope and Basic Architecture
We do not attempt to cater for all possible security
( l o c a l c o m p u t e r )
C l o u d - b a s e d s t o r a g e f a c i l i t y
S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n s e r v i c e s
L o c a l f i l e s t o r a g e
F i l e M a n a g e r
w i t h
P L a S M
F i l e S t o r g a g e
a n d
S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n
M a p p e d
s t o r a g e
P L a S M
s t o r a g e
L o c a l
P o M A
" M o n t o r i n g a s a S e r v i c e "
s e r v i c e
T o S m o n i t o r i n g
T o S m o n i t o r i n g s u b s c r i p t i o n
T o S n o t i f i c a t i o n
B a c k u p
s t o r a g e
R e p u t a t i o n
m a n a g e r
R e p u t a t i o n
N o t i f i c a t i o n
S o c i a l
N e t w o r k A
" R e p u t a t i o n " m o n i t o r i n g n t o t i f i c a t i o n
S o c i a l
N e t w o r k B
S o c i a l
N e t w o r k C
R e p u t a t i o n m o n i t o r i n g
Figure 2: The Umbrella Architecture Concept.
services. Instead, we attempt to define a light-weight
solution that may be implemented in web browsers
and file browser as a simple plug-in service.
Simple AAA Service
Data Integrity service
Data Confidentiality service
Services such as a “Time vault/Backup” and a “Cloud
withdrawal” should also be considered.
4.3.2 Service Resolution
Our model is based on a basic synchronized data
storage service. It is important that the new secu-
rity services fit with this model. For instance, since
the synchronization is file based then the security
services should also be file based. Disk encryption
schemes, like for instance TrueCrypt (TrueCrypt De-
velopers Association, 2013), work by creating a huge
encrypted file and then presenting this a directory or
a disk volume. Such a scheme would force synchro-
nization of the entire “disk”, which in most cases re-
ally is not what one would like.
Our preliminary analysis indicates that the ser-
vice resolution should be “file based”. This should
include meta-information such as file names, which
may be sensitive, and even files sizes. Files may also
be padded up to specified block lengths, where the
block length could be set according to common file
system block lengths. We adopt the view that file-
names should be protected and that padding should
be used.
4.4 The Presentation Layer Security
We primarily foresee the presentation layer security
manager as a plug-in service to the “normal” file man-
ager, and it may be available in productivity software
(office packages) and in web browsers. It may be
inspired by tools such as the HP ProtectTools (HP,
2010) or similar.
4.4.1 Identification and Security Context Setup
One drawback to having a client-side solution is
to have to manage security at the client-side. The
PLaSM must authenticate SC and create a security
context so decipher/encipher the system information
and the files whenever needed. This adds complexity
and its own share of security management problems,
but should nevertheless be feasible. We propose that
the SC identity used is the same as used for the cloud
service itself. The password, or other security creden-
tial, should for obvious reasons not be similar to the
one used to access the cloud service. As of now the
choice of credentials and the actual security context
is left for further study, but suffice to say that the cre-
dentials should be flexible in use and not themselves
represent a security weakness.
4.4.2 Security Service Provisioning
We aim primarily at providing data confidentiality
and data integrity. This should include concealment
of file/directory names and file length padding. Stan-
dard file encryption methods seems adequate here. As
a minimal solution for data integrity should be imple-
mented on a per-file basis, but one may also have file
system integrity built into the system. The integrity
solution should not implemented such that it itself
unduely increase the synchronization activity of the
cloud service.
In this paper we have defined and addressed prob-
lems associated with the so-called ToS threat. The
ToS threat is not exclusive to cloud services, but is
highlighted by the ubiquitousness and proliferation of
cloud based services. The ToS threat is mostly seen
as a threat towards unpaid and publicly available ser-
vices, but the threat is in principle generic.
Our Umbrella Architecture is very much work-
in-progress. The concept seems sound enough, but
more analysis is needed both in terms of services to
be provided and the general usability of the concept.
Clearly, the effectiveness and the efficiency of the ap-
proach must be investigated too. The basic PLaSM
seems feasible and useful, but scalability with respect
to use on multiple platforms must be investigated.
The PoMA and ReMA seems in principle to be inter-
esting and reasonable schemes, but it must be verified
how useful and precise these schemes are in practice.
So we conclude optimistically that we consider
the Umbrella Architecture to be an interesting and
feasible approach, but that it is at a very early stage of
development. Only further study can determine how
practical and useful the architecture really is.
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