Abusing Social Networks with Abuse Reports
A Coalition Attack for Social Networks
Slim Trabelsi
and Hana Bouafif
SAP Labs France, 805, Av Dr Maurice Daunat, Mougins, France
ESPRIT, Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: Social Networks, Attack, Coalition, DoS, Abuse Report, Coalition.
Abstract: In Social Network websites, the users can report the bad behaviors of other users. In order to do so, they can
create a kind of escalation ticket called abuse report in which they detail the infraction made by the “bad”
user and help the website moderator to decide on a penalty. Today Social Networks count billions of users,
the handling of the abuse reports is no more executed manually by moderators; they currently rely on some
algorithms that automatically block the “bad” users until a moderator takes care of the case. In this paper we
purport to demonstrate how such algorithms are maliciously used by attackers to illegally block innocent
victims. We also propose to automate such an attack to demonstrate the big damage that can be caused in
current social network websites. We also took the case study of Facebook as proof of concept.
Social networks (SNs) are strongly influencing the
daily life of millions of citizens, companies,
administrations, universities, etc. Initially, such
online communities were designed to virtualize the
networking activities and to facilitate social
interactions between people. Unfortunately, as for
any computing systems, various malicious behaviors
appear aiming to corrupt the standard execution
process of such a system. SNs are managing huge
amount of personal and professional data, attracting
cybercrime and cyber terrorism organizations to
maliciously exploit such sensitive information.
Recently, some political and ideological groups used
SNs to attack specific SNs user profiles (Morozov,
2011) in order to isolate them from any virtual
activity. This attack exploits a common vulnerability
in the abuse reporting systems of the most popular
SNs. Very popular SNs count hundreds of million
users, it is clear that the moderation task to manage
abuse reports cannot be done manually. This is why
SN sites use abuse management algorithms to
handle, filter and categorize the reports. Then, if
need be, these reports are escalated to the
moderation team to take a decision based on a
human analysis. One basic and naïve algorithm
consists in blocking a user profile, a page, or a group
after receiving a specific number of abuse reports
targeting them. The targeted element will be blocked
until a human moderator studies the case. In order to
perform this attack the criminal organization can
rely on an important number of attackers. This is
what we categorize under the umbrella of coalition
attack (Srivatsa, 2005). In this paper, we propose to
automate this attack in order to get rid of the
necessity of having a large attacking community of a
criminal organization. The goal, of our attack tool is
of course not to help malicious users to perform such
DoS attacks, but to explain and proof that such
attack can be easily executed over thousands victim
profiles with a simple mouse click that takes only a
few seconds. We thus claim that it is crucial to the
SNs security officers to change and upgrade their
automatic abuse reporting management algorithms.
As proof of concept, we tested our attacking tool in
Facebook (Facebook, 2012) as the most popular SN
in the world. The execution of the tool gives some
interesting hints on how the abuse reporting system
is working in Facebook. We analyze most of the
reporting parameters in order to propose some
possible countermeasures.
This paper is structured as follows: in section II
we give an overview of the current state of the art
related to the coalition attack exploiting social
networks aspects, in section III we explain the
theoretical aspect of the coalition attack, in section
IV we detail our proof of concept that automates this
Trabelsi S. and Bouafif H..
Abusing Social Networks with Abuse Reports - A Coalition Attack for Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004523005000505
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 500-505
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
attack in a real SN, in section V we propose a set of
countermeasures to prevent the different variants of
this attack.
Abuse reporting systems in SNs can be defined as a
specific application of the traditional reputation
system. To be more precise, it refers to negative
feedback reputation systems (Tennenholtz, 2004)
where reporting users are only solicited to declare
negative behaviors of other users. As any reputation
system, the abuse reporting algorithms are
vulnerable to what we call coalition attacks, also
called orchestrated attacks (Srivatsa, 2005), and
when this attack is automated as we show it in this
paper it becomes a DoS attack. Hoffman et al
(Hoffman, 2007) clearly defined and distinguished
these different levels of attacks in reputation
systems. The bridge between generic reputation
systems and social organization was initially pointed
out by (Cristani, 2011), inspired by the study on
logic for coalition power in game theory defined by
Pauly in (Pauly, 2002) and (Pauly, 2001). (Cristani,
2011) formally proved that in social groups, a
coalition of agents can behave in a malicious way in
order to corrupt the normal behavior of the system.
Such approach was declared as generic, but it is
clearly not applicable for the specificities of SNs
where several parameters are not taken into account
(relationships between users, shared virtual
ideology, group memberships, etc.). A spontaneous
solution was proposed by (Slashdot, 2012)
contributors called “Crowdsourcing the Censors: A
Contest” (Von Ahn, 2003). It was proposed in order
to delegate the administration and moderation task to
group of SN users. With this approach the number of
volunteers should be sufficient to give a response to
all the abuse report requests. Attackers can also be
part of these volunteers, but they assume that if the
number of volunteers is huge and the selection of the
user is random they will not affect the process. This
subjective solution has two main limitations: the
language and the cultural background of the
volunteers are not systematically adapted to the
content of the report. When abuse report is claiming
that the targeted user account is fake. How a simple
user can verify this statement?
To our knowledge, there has not been yet any
scientific study on the impact of coalition attacks in
SNs, nor an attempt at automating this attack to
become a powerful nor damaging DoS tool for
social communities.
The ideologically based coalition attack represents
the manual approach for a DoS rush on the abuse
system of the SN. This kind of attack requires an
important investment in manpower and a certain
complexity in synchronizing these actors. In order to
formalize such attack, we propose to represent the
user interaction description of social networks in a
basic model defining a subset elements related to a
generic social network.
Figure 1: Basic user model for social networks.
The terminology related to this model is described below:
User: is a virtual profile social network person
member of the online community. This user can
create and administrate groups, be member of
several groups, publish posts and abuse reports.
Group: is a set of users sharing a common interest.
The group of users may be structured as a
hierarchical community with a group creator or a
group administrator.
Post: a post is a message or a text posted by the user
in the social network. This post can be sibling or
referencing a user.
Report: a report is an abuse or warning message that
notifies the illegal behavior of a user or a non-ethical
post sent by a user or a group of users. The report is
created by a user and sibling a user or a post.
Let’s assume that
the group of N abuse reports
r sibling the user s where:
We will later observe that this number N can vary
in certain SNs according to the “popularity of s
The attack becomes malicious, coordinated and
ideologically motivated if the authors of
sharing the same preference groups. We call these
that gather all the user authors of the
is the set of users that reported the
abuse against s. The attack must be coalition is in this
group all or most of the members share a secret or a
this is due to the fact that we
consider that the targeted victim should not be
member of these ideological groups as he is designed
as enemy.
Starting from this model we will explain later on
how to detect and prevent such a “manual” attack by
performing internal checking from the SNs abuse
report engines.
The detection task become more complex if the
attacker user profiles are not human, generated on the
fly without sharing any common interest or ideology.
As a proof of concept for this vulnerability we
decided to target the attack to the most popular SN
nowadays: Facebook (Facebook, 2012). With more
than 1 billion active users spread all over the world,
Facebook is a very good playground to test our
approach. This SN is also reputed to be one of the
most secure against external attacks, and relies on a
very dynamic code deployment that makes that
reverse engineering process very complicated.
4.1 Basic Abuse Report Process
We describe in this section the usual process of an
abuse report action sent by a normal user (see Fig2).
In addition to the basic look and feel interface shown
to the user we give you some information about the
metadata exchanged between the Facebook server
and the user’s browser.
1. Once the user access Facebook’s URL and
display it, a new cookie is initialized and
stored in the browser’s cache.
2. The user authenticates himself with his
3. Display of the user’s page
4. A new sessions is active
Figure 2: Abuse report process in Facebook.
5. The user can search for a non-friend target
user profile or request access to a friend
6. Once the targeted profile is selected the
webpage depicting his information is
displayed in the browser
7. The user requests an abuser report in order
to notify a bad behavior of the target profile
8. A report Ajax window is then displayed in
the user’s browser
9. The user selects the type of infraction he
wants to report
10. The report is sent to the Facebook server
11. A confirmation request is sent back to the
user (in case of mistake)
12. Once the report is confirmed it becomes an
active abuse report triggered on Facebook’s
The user in Facebook has the possibility to
choose several types of Abuse reports. According to
our experience the type that generates the highest
process time during the report treatment from
Facebook administrators is the “This timeline is
pretending to be someone or is fake”. This long
delay is due to the verification procedure; the target
account can be blocked until the owner of the profile
proves his identity. This verification delay is added
to the treatment delay of an abuse report.
The coalition attack consists then to synchronize
with a group of users to perform the same action
more or less simultaneously on a common profile
target with the report type “fake account”. After N
reports Facebook report abuse handling algorithm
will automatically block the target account until a
human administrator comes and verifies the
legitimacy of the reports. The target profile owner
will then be contacted by e-mail and requested to
provide a copy of his ID card or passport to prove
his identity.
4.2 Manual Simulation of the Coalition
In order to replay the attack described in the
previous section, we created a dummy testing
account that will play the role of victim, then we
asked to our colleagues to join us in a coalition
attack. For the sake of efficiency, we synchronized
our attack in order to be all in all executed in a
window time frame of 4 hours. The coalition was
composed of 44 volunteer Facebook users. The
attack was executed during 5 hours. After the last
abuse report was sent, the target account was
blocked. The lesson learned from this experience, is
that 44 reporters is maybe lower than the minimum
threshold N. Our attack was at the end successful,
but we don’t have any guarantee or proof that the
targeted account was blocked by the automated
abuse report system and not by a human
administrator. The next step is to automate and
simulate the attackers in order to prove the attack
and try to identify N.
4.3 DoS Attack for the Abuser
Reporting System: Automating
the Coalition Attack
4.3.1 Analyzing an Abuse Report Request
In order to simulate an abuser reporting action, we
have to study all the parameters exchanged between
the browser and the Facebook server through HTTP.
We captured and analyzed all the HTTP traffic
generated during one report abuse action. We used
the Zed Attack Proxy (OWASP, 2012) from
OWASP that offers a powerful web application
scanner monitoring, interception and modifying the
different parameters of the application.
This is the list of variables that are sent to the
server during an abuse report action. These variables
are requested by a Javascript form. (This list may
change over time according to the releases of the
Facebook API):
phase_branch: abuse treport type (fake account,
impersonation of id, etc.).
authentic_uid: impersonation of the uid.
impersonated_user_name: fake user name.
duplicate_id: impersonation.
sub_lost_access: ?
sub_fake_profile: sub option of fake account.
rid: facebook identifier of the victim.
cid: facebook identifier of the victim.
hour: the hash of the reporting link.
content_type: the content type of the request.
are_friends: check of the relation of friendship
between both profiles.
is_ following: check of the relation of
following between both profiles.
time_flow_started: time of reporting starting
is_tagged: check if both accounts share photos
in common.
on_profile: check of a profile relationship
between both accounts
duplicate_id: check if there is duplication of id.
ph: ?
phase: defines the reporting phase.
expand_report: if yes, a second window of
reporting complement will appear.
nctr [_mod]: location of the reporting button
differs in case of a timeline account.
__ d: request limiter.
fb_dtsg: variable of session.
__ user: attacker Facebook identifier.
phstamp: equal to the sending request hashing
All these variables are not officially documented
by Facebook, then we proposed our definition. The
parameters that we did not defined (marked by a
“?”) are optional, can be replayed (are not dependent
from any timestamp or session ID).
4.3.2 Generating Fake Abuse Report
Generating automated abuse report consists in Filling
the user ID and the targeted profile ID. The rest of
the variables are just replayed as received from the
server (see Fig3.). Here is a non-exhaustive list of
variables that we replayed during the attack: The
variables ph, phstamp , post_form_id and fb_dtsg do
not change although the session changes. The
variable time_flow_started is composed of the
timestamp and a sequence number that is
incremented by one every request.
The challenging part of the attack is the creation
of dummy attackers profiles then the login. The
creation of these accounts was quite tricky due to the
Figure 3: Automating the abuse reporting.
confirmation request that is mandatory to validate a
new account. The absence of client-side challenge-
response mechanisms made this task easier. The
second “vulnerability” concerns the possibility to
execute two actions for a new account before being
asked for a confirmation. These two actions can be
abuse report sending. These weaknesses are quite
enigmatic, because nowadays most of the websites
are preventing the automatic creation of accounts.
4.3.3 Result of the Attack
The setup phase of the attack is the creation of fake
user accounts. Then, fake reports are sequentially
sent until the victim account is blocked. We
performed several tests on fake victim accounts,
with very limited activities and a small number of
virtual “friends” in the SN. All of these accounts
where blocked in few seconds. The only observation
that we made, is that more a user account is
“popular” more N is large. Popular profile means
with a lot of friends and activity (publications).
During our tests we did not execute the attack
against real users for ethical reasons. We are
currently trying to create several fake accounts with
a certain popularity to have a wider scope in terms
of testing profiles.
In this section we provide two main solutions to
prevent such attacks in SNs.
5.1 Preventing Coalition Attacks
As defined at the beginning of the paper the manual
collation attack, mainly motivated by ideological
reasons, and executed by a group of SN users that
agreed to block a specific user profile. The victim is
not chosen randomly, but most of the time chosen
according to the adversity of his ideological beliefs.
Starting from this observation, an SN administrator
can extract some information that can be useful to
differentiate between a real abuse report flow and a
coalition attack. We re-use the formal notation
depicted in section.
We already defined
as the set of reports
sibling the target profile s.
is the group of users
that reported the abuse against s in a certain
constrained period of time (that must be defined). We
propose a list of verifications to execute before
blocking the targeted profile.
is the list of social groups to which belong
all the users in
GI is the intersection of all the groups
representing the common social interests of the
users in
The common ideological interest can be
automatically detected at this stage if most of
the reporters share a social interest or belongs to
the same interest group. If the reporters mainly
belong to the same groups.
is a threshold
value defined by the SN administrator that
identifies the users sharing the same interests.
The targeted profile s must not belong to these
The targeted profile s must not belong to one of
these groups.
If in these interest groups a link to s profile is
detected this can be the proof that the victim
was added in a kind of black list of users the
must be blocked. This check point is optional.
The solution proposed here tends to identify the
common interest of the attacker with some analytics
queries. Making these verifications before blocking
the target profile can be beneficial to the victims of
the coalition attacks. Of course these checking
should not prevent any human intervention of the
SN moderators to evaluate the credibility of a set of
abuse reports. We also propose a reputation and
penalties system for the attackers if the SN
moderator detects the coalition attack via our
solution. A kind of caution message can be sent to
the suspected attacker to warn him against a fake
abuse report action.
5.2 Preventing Automated DoS Attack
It is clear that the execution of the automated DoS
attack is more powerful and damaging than the
coalition attack. Few seconds are sufficient to block
any profile. The countermeasure is less complex
than the one proposed for the coalition attack. The
traditional client-side security challenge response
tests (Mirkovic, 2004) are to our opinion the most
appropriate solution. These solutions must be
applied during the creation of new SN accounts, then
during the abuse response sending. The challenges
will limit the creation of fake accounts, and the
generation abuse reports without a human
In this paper we have formally identified a serious
vulnerability in the abuse reporting systems that are
currently deployed in most of the SN websites. We
first observed the problem in the real world where
ideological groups of users in different SNs are
permanently setting up coalition attacks based on a
particular misuse of the abuse reporting systems in
order to block other innocent users that are judged as
ideological enemies. We provided a technical
analysis of this attack then we proposed to automate
it in order to exploit this vulnerability through a DoS
attack. We developed a proof of concept exploiting
this vulnerability in the SN website Facebook that is
also considered as one of the most secure. Although
incomplete, the first results obtained clearly
demonstrate the damages that can be caused by such
DoS tools, especially if we upgrade the attack from a
DoS to a DDoS where (executing the attack
simultaneously). We propose two different
approaches to prevent against such attacks and
specially the coalition attack. The study is still at its
initial phase, we are not yet able to clearly define the
variable N representing the number of abuse reports
that will automatically block a user profile. More
advanced tests are currently executed to explore all
the dimensions of this vulnerability.
The research leading to these results has received funding
from the European Community's Seventh Framework
Program in the context of PPP Fi-Ware project and the
EIT – KIC Trust in the Cloud EU Project.
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