Preimage Attack on BioHashing
Patrick Lacharme, Estelle Cherrier and Christophe Rosenberger
Normandie Univ., F-14032 Caen, France
UNICAEN, GREYC, F-14032 Caen, France
ENSICAEN, GREYC, F-14032 Caen, France
CNRS, UMR 6072, F-14032 Caen, France
Biometrics, Security, Privacy, Data Protection, Cancelable Biometrics, BioHashing, Spoofing Attacks,
Genetic Algorithms.
Biometric recognition is more and more employed in authentication and access control of various applica-
tions. Biometric data are strongly linked with the user and do not allow revocability nor diversity, without an
adapted post-processing. Cancelable biometrics, including the very popular algorithm BioHashing, is used to
cope with the underlying privacy and security issues. The principle is to transform a biometric template in
a BioCode, in order to enhance user privacy and application security. These schemes are used for template
protection of several biometric modalities, as fingerprints or face and the robustness is generally related to the
hardness to recover the original biometric template by an impostor. In this paper, we propose to use genetic al-
gorithms to approximate the original biometric feature and spoof the authentication system. We show through
experimental results on ngerprints the efficiency of the proposed attack on the BioHashing algorithm, by
approximating the original FingerCode, given the seed and the corresponding BioCode.
Biometrics is a major concern for privacy as it has a
direct link with the user and is generally non revoca-
ble, without an adapted post-processing. Indeed, if a
biometric data is stolen or compromised, it is difficult
(if not impossible) to revoke it, contrary to a classical
password. Moreover, the same biometric data may be
used for several applications, resulting in important
threats for the security, in the absence of a strong di-
versification process. In the same time, biometrics is
more and more deployed in various applications, as
in electronic passport, access control, electronic pay-
ment or forensics applications. Common vulnerabili-
ties of biometric schemes include spoofing and replay
attacks or collection of biometric data without the
consent of people. As a consequence, biometrics de-
velopment provides an important technological chal-
lenge for data security and user privacy (Cavoukian
and Stoianov, 2009).
Biometric template protection schemes are a
group of technologies, included in privacy enhancing
technologies, used to enhance both privacy and secu-
rity of biometric data. Therefore, any template protec-
tion approach should allow the possibility to revoke
a biometric data in case of interception, and should
be carefully designed, with a strong security analy-
sis. Among the different solutions in the literature,
template protection can be achieved using biometric
cryptosystems or by cancelable biometrics (Rathgeb
and Uhl, 2011). These biometric template protection
schemes strongly depend on the biometric modalities.
For example an Iriscode, encoded as a binary vector
of 256 bytes could not be protected in the same way
than a set of minutiae of varying lengths. Some of
these schemes have been recently normalized in the
standard ISO 24745 (ISO, 2011).
The concept of cancelable biometrics relies on a
transformation of the raw biometric data, enabling the
transformed data to address security and privacy pro-
tection issues. The general principle consists in the
generation of a new biometric template, from the bio-
metric feature vector (such as texture parameters) and
a random number. Therefore, it can be seen as a two-
factor authentication scheme. At the enrolment stage,
once transformed, the new template (or transformed
template) is stored in the database, while the original
raw biometric vector is discarded and never kept. At
the verification stage a comparison is performed be-
tween two transformed templates: between the one
the user pretends to correspond and between the one
he/she presents to the system. Hence, to be authen-
Lacharme P., Cherrier E. and Rosenberger C..
Preimage Attack on BioHashing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004524103630370
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 363-370
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ticated, a user must present the same biometric data
(more precisely a similar biometric data) and the same
random number. Howeverthis random number is gen-
erally not considered as secret, in the sense that it is
generally stored with the transformed template for the
verification step. Cancelable biometric systems must
meet the following four criteria, (Maltoni et al., 2003;
Jain et al., 2008; Nagar et al., 2010):
The template transformation should not signifi-
cantly decrease the technical performance of the
original biometric system (accuracy).
It should be possible to revoke a biometric tem-
plate in case of compromission, and to generate a
new one from the original data.
From the transformed data, it should not be possi-
ble to obtain enough information about the origi-
nal biometric data.
It should be possible to generate different trans-
formed data for multiple applications, and no in-
formation should be deduced from the compari-
son or the correlation of different realizations.
The advantage of cancelable biometrics lies in the
ease of revoking the transformed template, by sim-
ply changing the associated random number. An-
other interest lies in the possibility to generate dif-
ferent templates to authenticate oneself to different
services from the same biometric raw data, with dis-
tinct random numbers (one for each service). Thus,
the random number should only be used for diver-
sification and revocability purposes and not for the
security, without a secure storage. More precisely,
the security of any cancelable biometric process re-
quires the associated transformation to be non invert-
ible: it means that it should be hard for an intruder
to recover the original raw biometric vector from the
transformed template and the random number. No-
tice that with this commonly admitted definition of
the non-invertibility property, the possibility to ap-
proximate the original biometric feature vector, given
the transformed template and the associated random
number, is not considered. Nevertheless, the recon-
struction of such sufficiently similar biometric tem-
plates, called preimage attack, is a major flaw for
cancelable biometric schemes, because in this case,
the authentication system could be spoofed. Different
definition for irreversibility are detailed in (Simoens
et al., 2012) with several criteria: full-leakage ir-
reversibility, authorized-leakage irreversibility and
pseudo-authorized leakage irreversibility. For exam-
ple, it is possible to generate an eligible fingerprint
given minutiae (Cappelli et al., 2007).
The BioHashing algorithm is one of the most pop-
ular cancelable biometric scheme, proposed for face
biometrics in (Goh and Ngo, 2003) and later for fin-
gerprints in (Teoh et al., 2004), which will be detailed
hereafter. The invertibility of the Biohashing algo-
rithm has been firstly investigated in (Cheung et al.,
2005; Lee et al., 2009). Recently, Nagar et al. pre-
sented a method based on optimization problems, to
recover a close approximation of face images, gener-
ated by the Biohashing algorithm (Nagar et al., 2010).
The main contribution of this paper is to analyze
this vulnerability of cancelable biometrics. We pro-
pose a new method to generate a biometric feature
vector approximating the original biometric feature,
based on genetic algorithms. Experiments are carried
out on fingerprint modality, with the BioHashing al-
gorithm, using the FVC2002 benchmark.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides a presentation of cancelable biometric schemes,
with a description of the BioHashing algorithm. Sec-
tion 3 then introduces genetic algorithms and their
application to template approximation. Finally, Sec-
tion 4 proposes experimental results on the FVC2002
database with the BioHashing algorithm.
Biometric systems are used for identification or au-
thentication purpose. Identification process generally
involves a large database of biometric templates and
the verification phase consists in recovering the cor-
responding template in the database. The centralized
storage of non-protected biometric data is a major
threat for user privacy. Biometric authentication does
not necessarily use a centralized database and many
applications require an additional secure element as a
smart card for biometric data storage. However, the
centralized storage of protected biometric data is a
possible alternative, if this centralized approach is not
a privacy nor a security threat for the system.
2.1 Biometric Cryptosystems
Biometric cryptosystems associate a secret key with a
biometric template in order to protect the latter. It
includes fuzzy commitment, (Juels and Wattenberg,
1999) and fuzzy vaults, (Juels and Sudan, 2002).
Fuzzy commitments are based on error correcting
codes and do not require the storage of the biomet-
ric template. They have numerous applications on
Figure 1: Architecture for identity management using cancelable biometrics.
iris data (Hao et al., 2005) or multimodal systems
(Cimato et al., 2008). Fuzzy vaults are especially
suitable for partial biometric representations, as for a
minutiae representation of fingerprints (Nandakumar
et al., 2007;
Orencik et al., 2008). These schemes
have been formalized in fuzzy sketches and fuzzy ex-
tractors in order to derive cryptographic keys from
noisy biometric data (Dodis et al., 2004; Boyen,
2004). Fuzzy commitments are suitable for bio-
metric data having a binary representation, like the
Iriscode (Daugman, 2004; Daugman, 2007). How-
ever, several weaknesses are presented in (Simoens
et al., 2009; Blanton and Aliasgari, 2011; Zhou et al.,
2012). In the same way, collusion attacks on the
fuzzy vault scheme are proposed in (Schreier and
Boult, 2007; Poon and Miri, 2009). Finally biomet-
ric cryptosystems combined with private information
retrieval (PIR) protocols (Bringer et al., 2007) or ho-
momorphic encryption have recently given interesting
solutions for face biometrics (Osadchy et al., 2010),
iris and fingerprints (Barni et al., 2010; Blanton and
Gasti, 2011).
2.2 Cancelable Biometrics and
Cancelable biometric systems have been designed to
ensure the privacy of the use of biometric data. The
feature transformations were first proposed in (Ratha
et al., 2001; Bolle et al., 2002) and many cancelable
biometric schemes have been proposed later. In ad-
dition to the BioHashing algorithm, we can mention
the approach proposed in (Ratha et al., 2007), where
the authors use three geometric transformations to be
applied to minutiae: Cartesian, Polar and Functional
transformations. The centralized storage of Biocodes
is not a security problem if data are revokable and
if the transformation is non-invertible. In this case,
the storage of the additional random number must
be carefully handled. This data could be stored in a
secure element for each service provider, but an al-
ternative solution seems possible, where the identity
provider stores for any user identifier (i) a BioCode
and (ii) the seed value for each associated service
provider. Figure 1 describes this alternative.
In biometric feature transformation schemes, the
biometric feature vector is generally represented by
a real-valued vector and the metric used to evalu-
ate the similarity between two biometric features is
the Euclidean distance. Technical performance of the
system (accuracy and accuracy degradation caused
by the template protection scheme) is generally mea-
sured with FMR/FNMR or FAR/FRR rates (respec-
tively False match rate, false non-match rate, false ac-
ceptation rate and false reject rate). Feature transfor-
mations should clearly preserve the performance of
the biometric system, according to the aformentioned
properties. Among the papers dealing with cance-
lable biometrics, most of them rely on the BioHash-
ing scheme, since the algorithm is easy to analyse and
can be used on several biometric modalities. More-
over, the multiplication with the orthogonal matrix
preserves the scalar product (more details are given
in Section 2.3) and consequently the technical perfor-
mance of the system.
At the enrolment step, the original biometric fea-
ture vector, called FingerCode (on account of the cho-
sen fingerprint modality), is transformed using a ran-
dom number (called the seed), into a new template,
called the reference BioCode. Once the transforma-
tion is achieved, the original FingerCode is discarded
and the reference BioCode is stored, with the asso-
ciated seed. At the verification step, a new BioCode
is computed using the same algorithm, with a second
biometric vector and the corresponding random seed.
The verification result is obtained from the computa-
tion of a simple Hamming distance between the refer-
ence BioCode and the one issued from the new cap-
ture. Figure 2 illustrates the overall process, with the
BioHashing scheme applied to fingerprints.
Figure 2: General principle of BioHashing on fingerprints.
It is known that the Biohashing algorithm is easy
to invert if the random number used as the seed
is known. But, the reconstructed biometric feature
(called the preimage) is not necessary close to the
original template. In this paper, we wonder whether
it may be sufficient for an intruder to retrieve, from
the knowledge of an intercepted BioCode and the cor-
responding random number, an approximated Finger-
Code. We recall that the FingerCode is the vector con-
taining featuresextracted from the original raw finger-
print data of the user, and not the original data itself.
Nagar et al. have recently presented the first de-
tailed method to recover a close approximation of the
original face image given the BioCode and the ran-
dom seed (Nagar et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the aim
for the intruder is to be accepted by the system thanks
to the approximate FingerCode and not necessary to
retrieve an approximate fingerprint. More precisely,
with the knowledge of a BioCode and the associated
seed, we investigatethe possibility to approximate the
corresponding FingerCode and the possibility to gen-
erate other BioCodes with this approximated Finger-
2.3 The BioHashing Algorithm
In this section, we give some details about the Bio-
Hashing algorithm. This algorithm transforms a real-
valued vector of length n (i.e. the FingerCode, re-
sulting from a feature extraction method) into a bi-
nary vector of length n (i.e. the BioCode), as first
defined by Teoh et al. in (Teoh et al., 2004). The Bio-
Hashing algorithm is mainly used for fingerprints and
face modalities. Its principle consists in projecting
the FingerCode on an orthogonal basis defined by the
random seed, to generate the BioCode. The template
transformation uses the following algorithm, where
the inputs are the random seed and the FingerCode
F and the output is the BioCode B:
1. For i = 1, . . . ,n, n pseudorandom vectors v
length n are generated (from the random seed) and
are gathered in a pseudorandom matrix.
2. The Gram-Schmidt algorithm is applied on the n
vectors v
of the matrix, for the generation of n
orthonormal vectorsV
, . . . ,V
3. For i = 1, . . . , n, n scalar products p
=< F,V
are computed using the FingerCode F and the n
orthonormal vectorsV
4. The n-bit biocode B = (B
, . . . , B
) is finally ob-
tained, using the following quantization process:
0 if p
< t
1 if p
where t is a given threshold, generally equal to 0.
Note that the distance between two FingerCodes is
computed with the Euclidean distance, while between
two BioCodes, the Hamming distance is used.
The Gram-Schmidt algorithm transforms an arbi-
trary basis into an orthogonal basis. Roughly speak-
ing, the first part of the algorithm, including the scalar
products with the orthonormal vectors, is used for the
performance requirements and the last step of the al-
gorithm is used for the non-invertibility requirements
of the BioHashing algorithm. As mentioned before,
the random seed guarantees the diversity and revoca-
bility properties.
In this section, we present how to obtain an approx-
imate FingerCode, from an intercepted BioCode and
the corresponding random seed, resorting to genetic
3.1 Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
A genetic algorithm is any population-based model
that uses selection and recombination operators to
generate new sample points in a search space (Whit-
ley, 1994). A genetic algorithm simulates computa-
tional models inspired from evolutionary theory, us-
ing the following principle: a random initial popu-
lation is generated. A criterion is defined, typically
a fitness function, in the sense that this criterion is
evaluated for each individual, to enable a comparison
and a selection between the different individuals. The
individuals obtaining the best score with respect to
the criterion are kept, while the others are discarded.
Then, inspired from the evolutionary theories, some
process of cross-over and mutation are applied, to ob-
tain a new generation of individuals from the previous
one. The processes of cross-over and mutation avoid
the algorithm to fall into local extrema.
More precisely, genetic algorithms (or GA) deter-
mine the optimal value of a criterion by simulating the
evolution of a population and survival of best fitted in-
dividuals (Wall, 1996). The survivors are individuals
obtained by crossing-over, mutation and selection of
individuals from the previous generation. GA is an
optimization method that does not necessitate to dif-
ferentiate the fitness function but only to evaluate it.
If the population is important enough considering the
size of the search space, the fitness criterion is guar-
anteed to reach its optimal value.
3.2 Application to Cancelable
We use the following notations, introduced in (Nagar
et al., 2010). Let b
represent the template and
query biometric features (or FingerCodes) of user z,
respectively. Let f be the feature transformation func-
tion (i.e. the orthonormal projection followed by the
quantization) and K
be the random seed (or transfor-
mation parameters) corresponding to the user z. The
resulting enroled BioCode is denoted B
= f(b
, K
and n is the dimension of the BioCode. In this sec-
tion, we use a genetic algorithm to approximate b
knowing B
and the secret data K
. We use the termi-
nology of the Biohashing algorithm (FingerCode and
BioCode), but all this section is directly applicable to
any feature transformation f. Our approach uses ge-
netic algorithms and -to our knowledge- it is the first
time that such algorithms are used in biometrics for
this purpose.
A genetic algorithm is defined by considering five
essential data, applied here to our FingerCode approx-
imation problem :
1. Genotype: a candidate FingerCode denoted
considered as an individual described by a vector
of dimension m,
2. Population: a set composed of 10.000 individu-
als characterized by their genotypes (i.e. a set
of 10.000 candidates for the approximation of the
3. Fitness Function: this function enables to quan-
tify the fitness of an individual to the environ-
ment by considering its genotype. Considering
the problem of FingerCode approximation, we
propose to use the following fitness function:
) =
, K
) B
It means that the intruder wants to retrieve a
new FingerCode
which is an approximation of
the original one b
, from the knowledge of the
Biocode B
= f(b
, K
) and the associated random
seed K
4. Operators on Genotypes: they define alterations
on genotypes in order to make the population
evolve during generations. Three types of oper-
ators are used:
Mutation step: individual’s genes are modified
in order to be better adapted to the environ-
ment. We use the non-uniform mutation pro-
cess which randomly selects one chromosome
, and sets it as equal to a non-uniform random
+ (b
)h(G) if r
< 0.5
+ a
)h(G) if r
h(G) = (r
, r
: numbers belonging to the interval [0, 1]
, b
: lower and upper bound of chromosome x
G : the current generation
: the maximum number of generations
b : a shape parameter
Selection step: individuals that are not adapted
to the environment do not survive to the next
generation. We used the normalized geometric
ranking selection method which defines a prob-
ability P
for each individual i to be selected as
q(1 q)
1 (1 q)
q : the probability of selecting the best
r : the rank of individual, where 1 is the best
n : the size of the population
Crossing-over step: two individuals can repro-
duce by combining their genes. We use the
arithmetic crossover which produces two com-
plementary linear combinations of the parents:
= aX + (1 a)Y
= (1 a)X + aY
X,Y : genotype of parents
a : a number in the interval [0, 1]
: genotype of the linear combinations
of the parents
5. Stopping criterion : this criterion allows to stop
the evolution of the population. We can consider
the stability of the standard deviation of the evalu-
ation criterion of the population or set a maximal
number of iterations (we used the second one with
the number of iterations equal to 2000).
The implementation of this algorithm is presented
in the next section with the BioHashing algorithm on
a fingerprints database.
We generated a FingerCode for each fingerprint in
the FVC2002 database (Maio et al., 2002) dB3, com-
posed of 8 fingerprints by individual (resolution 355
x 390 pixels) for 100 individuals. The FingerCode of
each user is generated following two feature compu-
tation methods (providing different dimensions of the
Method 1 : Gabor features (Manjunath and Ma,
1996) with 256 parameters. They are based on
a Gaussian kernel function modulated by a sinu-
soidal plane wave, with several different orienta-
tions and scales, and are used for texture represen-
Method 2 : Rotation invariant local binary pattern
(LBPFT) with 152 parameters. This is a rotation
invariant texture classification method, presented
in the reference (Guo et al., 2010).
For each FingerCode, we computed one BioCode
with a random seed, using the BioHashing algorithm.
We apply the algorithm described in section 3.2 to ap-
proximate the value of the FingerCode, given the as-
sociated BioCode and seed. Figure 3 explains in an
intuitive way the BioHashing process, it consists in
projecting the FingerCode on a unit sphere.
In the validation process, we intend to show how
the proposed method is able to approximate the Fin-
gerCode considering the fitness function (distance be-
tween the real BioCode and the predicted one). Sec-
ond, we have to verify that the predicted FingerCode
can be reused. To do that, given one FingerCode in
the database, we generate two BioCodes (with differ-
ents values of K
). The first BioCode and the asso-
ciated parameter K
are used to approximate the Fin-
gerCode. The second BioCode is used to verify if
the predicted FingerCode provides a similar BioCode
(i.e. if
, K
) f(
, K
is small).
Figure 3: BioCode computation and FingerCode approxi-
4.1 FingerCode ASpproximation
We applied the general process described in section
3.2 on FingerCodes generated with method 1 and
method 2. The evolution of the fitness function for the
the LBPFT (dimension 152) and Gabor (dimension
256) features is presented in figure 4. The average
optimal value of the fitness function (1) equals 5.5 for
the LBPFT feature extraction method and 9.2 for the
Gabor one. This means that the generated BioCode,
given the approximated FingerCode, is very similar
to the intercepted one. The resulting average differ-
ence between the real FingerCode and the approxi-
mated one was 6.4 for the LBPFT feature (dimension
152) and 203.2 for the Gabor one (dimension 256). It
shows the efficiency of the proposed approach for the
LBPFT feature. For the Gabor one, the distance be-
tween the real and approximated FingerCode is quite
high (but computed on dimension 256).
4.2 Reusability of the Approximated
In order to verify if the approximated FingerCode is
really useful for an attacker, we undertook another ex-
periment. The hypotheses are: the attacker has stolen
the random seed and has generated an approximate
FingerCode. Therefore, we generated two BioCodes
with a new random seed (i) with the original Finger-
Code and (ii) with the approximatedone. From the at-
tacker’s viewpoint, we expect to obtain two BioCodes
that are similar enough (sufficiently to be accepted by
the cancelable biometric system). We obtained an av-
erage distance between the BioCodes equal to 8.6 for
the LBPFT method and 11.0 for the Gabor method.
The conclusion of this experiment is that the pro-
posed attack reveals a real problem of security if the
BioCode and random seed are stored in the same
database. It is also a privacy issue since an intruder
would be able to generate other BioCodes to imper-
sonate a genuine user.
Figure 4: Evolution of the fitness function for each genera-
tion: (a) LBPFT, (b) Gabor.
This paper proposes a new way to approximate the
original biometric feature from the transformed tem-
plate in a cancelable biometric scheme. Our approach
uses genetic algorithms and reveals security and pri-
vacy problems concerning the associated cancelable
biometric system. This attack enables an intruder to
recover a biometric template, similar to the original
template, under realistic assumptions. Experimenta-
tions with the BioHashing algorithm clearly show the
importance of storing the additional random data in a
secure element, apart from the Biocode. Perspectives
of this paper are to study the robustness of different
feature transformations to be used in the context of a
cancelable biometric system.
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