Improving 802.11 Fingerprinting of Similar Devices
by Cooperative Fingerprinting
Cl´ementine Maurice
, St´ephane Onno
, Christoph Neumann
, Olivier Heen
and Aur´elien Francillon
Technicolor, Rennes, France
Networking and Security Department, Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, Biot, France
802.11 Fingerprinting, Wireless Network Security, Anti-forgery.
Fingerprinting 802.11 devices has been proposed to identify devices in order to mitigate IEEE 802.11 weak-
nesses. However, important limitations prevent any real deployment. On the first hand, fingerprinting has a
low accuracy when the devices have similar hardware and software. On the second hand, attackers may forge
signatures to impersonate devices. We propose Diversity, a cooperative fingerprinting approach that improves
accuracy of existing fingerprinting methods while relying only on off-the-shelf hardware. Diversity improves
fingerprinting up to the reliable individual identification of identical 802.11 devices. This approach modifies
the signature of devices by modifying slightly their traffic attributes. We evaluate Diversity with both a simu-
lation and an implementation, achieving a false positive rate of 0% with a dataset including identical devices.
Finally, we complement Diversity by mechanisms for detecting attackers that try to forge signatures.
Popular versions of IEEE 802.11 (IEEE, 1997) have
limitations when it comes to providing a secure wire-
less network. Management and control frames are
unauthenticated and unencrypted in 802.11, due to
backward compatibility, even when Wi-Fi Protected
Access is used. Such frames are the source of most
attacks on 802.11 (Bellardo and Savage, 2003). Aside
from protocol weaknesses, there are situations where
the wireless authentication tokens may leak. For ex-
ample in an enterprise network, on which we focus
in this work, the access control is mainly based on
the couple login and password. However, credentials
are often lent to a guest for an ephemeral network ac-
cess. Credentials can also be leaked by attacks rely-
ing on rogue Access Points (APs) or phishing. These
scenarios are common and they harm network secu-
rity. Non-legitimate devices could indeed use leaked
credentials to reconnect abusively and launch more
severe attacks, or publish the authentication tokens.
Some non-cryptographic techniques thereby emerge
on the sidelines of the standard to overcome its lim-
its (Zeng et al., 2010): control of sequence numbers,
localization or fingerprinting. These techniques are
meant to be used in conjunction with cryptography,
not to replace it.
We focus on 802.11 fingerprinting, that is the
identification of a device by extracting some exter-
nally observable characteristics. Fingerprinting re-
sults in a signature and a classification of each device.
It is made feasible by the variety of implementations
of the 802.11 standard.
We aim to tackle three main challenges: (i) pro-
vide unique signatures, i.e., two different devices
should always have two different signatures even if
the devices use the same hardware and software,
(ii) be resistant to signature forgery attacks, (iii) rely
only on off-the-shelf hardware.
Existing fingerprinting methods do not meet the
above challenges. For instance, fingerprinting meth-
ods that identify drivers or Network Interface Cards
(NICs) (Cache, 2006; Franklin et al., 2006) can-
not differentiate two different devices using the same
driver or NIC. Methods that identify unique devices
using physical layer fingerprinting (Hall et al., 2004;
Brik et al., 2008) achieve a very low false positive
rate, but they require dedicated and expensive hard-
ware (e.g., signal analyzer). In contrast, we rely on
commercial off-the-shelf NIC in monitoring mode.
Finally, to our knowledge, attacks on the fingerprint-
ing process itself – like signature forgery – have only
been studied in physical layer fingerprinting (Danev
et al., 2010).
Maurice C., Onno S., Neumann C., Heen O. and Francillon A..
Improving 802.11 Fingerprinting of Similar Devices by Cooperative Fingerprinting.
DOI: 10.5220/0004529103790386
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 379-386
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We propose a fingerprinting system that detects ille-
gitimate devices connected to 802.11 networks, even
if the devices use legitimate but compromised con-
nection credentials. The system enables two different
devices to have distinct signatures, even if the two de-
vices are equivalent. In particular, we present:
1. An approach we call Diversity that improves
unique devices identification by slightly chang-
ing some traffic attributes of the fingerprintees,
and thus their signatures. Diversity can be im-
plemented as a daemon installed on the coopera-
tive fingerprintees. Diversity handles existing fin-
gerprinting methods as black boxes and does not
modify them.
2. A proof of concept of Diversity relying on a fin-
gerprinting method inspired by (Cache, 2006),
based on 802.11 duration fields. The evaluation
of our implementation on 9 devices shows that it
achieves a false positive rate of 0% – compared to
a false positive rate of 78% without Diversity.
3. An anti-forgery mechanism that raises the level of
difficulty to forge fingerprints for an attacker. The
mechanism preventstrafficreplay attacks and sep-
arates forged signatures from authentic ones.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the principle of Diversity.
Section 3 presents an instantiation of Diversity on a
fingerprinting method relying on duration fields. Sec-
tion 4 contains the evaluation and results. Section 5
discusses design issues. Section 6 exposes a mecha-
nism to prevent the forgery of signatures. Section 7
describes the related work and Section 8 concludes.
In this section, we introduce our application setup, an
enterprise network, and present our attacker model.
We then describe the Diversity approach, which tack-
les the issue of uniqueness of signatures for each de-
2.1 Context and Attackers Model
We illustrate our approach with the case of an en-
terprise network. In such a network, the identifica-
tion is often based on the couple login and password
with an additional access control based on MAC ad-
dresses. Fingerprinting can be used as an additional
mitigation technique to detect unauthorized devices
that bypassed the latter security mechanisms. The fin-
gerprinters are typically deployed on the APs that can
continuously observe the connected devices.
Fingerprinting methods generally rely on super-
vised learning and contain two different phases. The
learning phase generates a base of known devices’
signatures, the signatures being a compact represen-
tation of the externally observed traffic characteris-
tics. The prediction phase lets the fingerprinter iden-
tify unknown devices relatively to the base of known
ones. In an enterprise, the administration of devices
is often centralized by the IT department, which can
deploy defensive mechanisms on all devices or pre-
pare the devices before handing them to users. The
learning phase can thus be performed for each new
device, enriching the base of known signatures with
the signatures of authentic devices. Consistently with
other fingerprinting approaches, we assume there is
no attacker during this learning phase. The prediction
phase is handled by the fingerprinters on the APs.
The devices used in enterprises are most of the
time standard, similar and off-the-shelf since enter-
prises generally work with a single and standard de-
vice supplier. This makes classical fingerprinting ap-
proaches quite inefficient because many devices ex-
hibit the same fingerprint. In addition, an attacker
that uses similar hardware can bypass the fingerprint-
ing protection. Diversity is meant to solve this issue.
It can be implemented as a daemon installed on all
authorized devices by the IT department.
We suppose that an attacker is able to impersonate
MAC addresses and may have access to credentials
to connect to the wireless network, e.g., borrowing
credentials or obtaining them through phishing. The
attacker has hardware similar to that of a legitimate
user both for fingerprinting and for connecting to the
network, making him more difficult to detect. The at-
tacker is also able to capture and replay signatures ex-
tracted from wireless traffic. We assume the attacker
has the Diversity daemon. However, we do not con-
sider an attacker that is able to use special hardware
to, e.g., perform physical layer fingerprinting. Finally,
we suppose an attacker that has no access to the de-
vice of his victim, whether it is physically or remotely.
2.2 Design
Diversity consists, for a given fingerprinting method,
in a slight and uninformed modification of the traffic
attributes of the fingerprinted devices. The modifica-
tion is slight so that normal traffic is not perturbed,
but sufficiently important to change the signatures of
the fingerprinted devices. The modification is also un-
informed so that no additional secret needs to be de-
Figure 1: Device1, Device2 and Device3 are similar and run
the Diversity daemon. Diversity slightly changes the traffic
attributes and thus differentiates the signatures S1, S2 and
ployed. Diversity requires the cooperation of the fin-
gerprintees that run the Diversity daemon. Figure 1 il-
lustrates the principle. The modifications are derived
from a seed chosen randomly by each device at in-
stallation time of the daemon. Therefore, even two
identical devices will have a different signature.
Applying Diversity requires three steps:
1. Choice and study of a given fingerprinting
method. We need to understand the calculation of
the signatures and the factors that influence them.
This fingerprinting method will be used as a black
2. Choice of a traffic attribute that we can mod-
ify. The modifications of this traffic attribute must
have an impact on the signatures.
3. Choice of the magnitude of the modifications.
The modifications must lead to a significant
change in the signatures to improve the results of
the fingerprinting method. However, the modifi-
cations should not disrupt the behavior of the de-
We stress that there is no shared secret between
the fingerprinter and the fingerprintees. The seed is
internal to each fingerprintee, and is not known by
the fingerprinter that only observes the result on the
signatures. The modifications also suppose that the
defender has a certain control over the legitimate de-
vices, which is the case in an enterprise setup.
In this section, we instantiate the three steps discussed
in Section 2.2.
In the first step, we consider a fingerprinting
method based on duration fields that is inspired by
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
duration values
Figure 2: Duration fields signature of an Atheros AR5B95
chipset without Diversity.
J. Cache’s method (Cache, 2006). We first recall the
method. The 802.11 standard sets the duration field
to announce how long in microseconds the device in-
tends to keep the channel. This field is a 16-bit value,
which represents up to 65, 535 µs, whereas the stan-
dard does not admit values over 32, 767. Cache ob-
serves that the field generally only takes a few discrete
values, and that some implementations differ with dis-
tinctive values – sometimes illegal ones. He uses this
field to fingerprint drivers. A signature is a set of
pairs (dur, ratio), where dur is the duration value and
ratio is the ratio for the duration dur relative to the
total number of packets. A signature can be repre-
sented as a histogram (see Figure 2). We choose this
fingerprinting method to test our approach because it
passively fingerprints devices, using a standard NIC.
Moreover, several parameters seem to influence the
signatures, therefore we have some freedom to mod-
ify them. To compare unknown signatures to known
ones, the learning algorithm uses a distance measure.
The prediction is the closest known signature. We
use the Jaccard distance measure J
(A,B), where two
signatures A and B are considered as a set of dura-
tion values. This distance is defined by: J
(A,B) =
. Two signatures are then considered to be
“close” if they share many duration values. This dis-
tance does not use the duration field ratios because we
found that they do not improve the results of driver
In the second step, we choose the attributes that
can be modified in the signatures. Figure 2 presents a
signature represented by a histogram. To differentiate
the signatures of devices that have the same driver, we
choose to inject frames with specific duration values
chosen randomly as described in detail below. Fig-
ure 3 presents the slightly modified signature and the
impact of the injected frames.
In the third step, we choose the intensity of per-
turbations. Adding excessive perturbations to dura-
tions may impact the normal behavior of the network.
Indeed, a duration indicates the reservation time of
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
duration values
Figure 3: Duration fields signature of an Atheros AR5B95
chipset with Diversity: the durations 12 and 25 are added to
the original signature.
the channel, so it should not be too long. While it
would have been possible to set duration field values
from 0 µs to 2
µs (or 2
to be standard compliant)
we choose to be very conservative and only use val-
ues that are commonly found in 802.11 implementa-
tions. Therefore, the seed initializes a pseudorandom
number generator that returns one duration value or
more in the interval ]0,44[]44,50].
Moreover, if
the packet type requires an answer it must be coherent
with the state of the device. We choose to inject probe
requests that can legitimately be sent by a device as-
sociated or not. RTS/CTS are also eligible. As such,
the packet type does not impact the signature, since
we do not take types into account.
In this section, we expose the methodology and the
results of our evaluation.
4.1 Methodology
We evaluate our approach against two datasets: Ho-
mogeneous and Heterogeneous. The dataset Hetero-
geneous is composed of 17 unique tuples {machine,
NIC model, driver} that cover 9 different drivers. The
dataset Homogeneous is composed of 9 identical Net-
gear WNA1100 USB adapters. The adapters use an
Atheros AR9271 chipset with
ath9k htc
driver, and
support frame injection. The host runs Ubuntu, kernel
2.6.38-13. The dataset Heterogeneous (respectively
the Homogeneous) characterizes the ability of fin-
gerprinting methods to identify drivers (respectively
unique devices). For both datasets, the monitoring
device runs
with an Intel NIC and its na-
tive driver. While the size of the datasets might seem
Removing durations 0 and 44 allows to improve nger-
printing reliability because these values are very commonly
used by 802.11 devices.
Table 1: Simulation on the dataset Homogeneous.
Frames injected
0 1 2 10
TPR 100% 100% 100% 100%
78% 9% 0% 0%
Table 2: Implementation results.
without Diversity with Diversity
Homogeneous (100%, 78%) (100%, 0%)
Heterogeneous (100%, 34%)
small, this is not unusual in the fingerprinting field.
Indeed, datasets are not easy to build and, as we
need the ground truth for the drivers and unique de-
vices, we cannot use existing traces.
In comparison,
Franklin et al. (Franklin et al., 2006) use a dataset of
17 drivers, Cache (Cache, 2006) a dataset of 14 de-
vices, and Bratus et al. (Bratus et al., 2008) a dataset
of 5 devices.
We use two different trace files for the dataset Ho-
mogeneous: one without Diversity and one with. We
collect signatures one by one during 15 minutes for
each trace. For the trace without Diversity, the de-
vice is not associated for the first 10 minutes, then it
associates with a specific access point for the rest of
the experiment. After 2 minutes, the device performs
requests and finally stays idle for the remain-
ing time. This procedure allows to obtain a significant
number of frames of each type, thus a complete sig-
nature. For the trace with Diversity, we inject diversi-
fied frames (see Section 4.2) before the
We then split our trace files to separate the training set
from the test set.
We evaluate the False Positive Rate (FPR) as we
try to reduce the number of false alarms in fingerprint-
ing systems. The lowerthe better, since false positives
represent the fraction of devices wrongly identified as
intruders. We also use the True Positive Rate (TPR)
to evaluate the ability of our approach to classify cor-
rectly the devices. The greater the better, since true
positives represent the fraction of devices correctly
identified as authorized.
4.2 Results
Without Diversity, we obtain the following results. On
the dataset Heterogeneous, we obtain a TPR of 100%
and a FPR of 13% for driver identification; we obtain
a TPR of 100% and a FPR of 34% for unique devices
identification. On the dataset Homogeneous, we ob-
tain a TPR of 100%, but a FPR of 78% for unique
device identification. Table 2 summarizes the results
regarding unique device identification. In the remain-
For example, Sigcomm traces:
projects/wifidelity/sigcomm08 traces/.
der we only consider the dataset Homogeneous, as it
characterizes the ability of a fingerprinting method to
identify unique devices.
To simulate Diversity for a given device, we add
frames with a specific duration from its MAC address
in the traffic trace without Diversity. We want to es-
timate the number of diversified frames required to
distinguish the 9 adapters. We run the simulation ten
times with 1, 2 and 10 different durations. Table 1
shows the simulation results. The TPR remains of
100%: the injected frames do not degrade the ability
of the classifier to identify the devices. Moreover, the
FPR decreases with the number of durations injected,
and it is significant with a single duration: from 78%
without injection to 9%; with 2 durations, we get a
FPR of 0%.
The implementation requires frame injection. We
use the libraries
for Perl
to inject raw 802.11 packets. We inject probe requests
frames whose durations are in the same interval as the
simulation. Given the simulation results, we inject
2 different durations for each USB adapter. In some
cases, we observe that some of the frames are lost due
to natural 802.11 faults. We send 4 frames for each
duration in order to avoid these. Table 2 shows our
implementation results. We obtain a TPR of 100%
and a FPR of 0% with the 9 identical USB adapters.
Two different durations are therefore discriminating
enough to correctly identify them with no false alarm.
In this section, we discuss the scalability of Diver-
sity. We also argue that it has no impact on 802.11
performance. Then we consider the use of an alterna-
tive fingerprinting method. Finally, we briefly men-
tion privacy issues.
5.1 Scalability
Diversity is scalable in the sense that the number of
devices that need to be diversified can be adjusted. A
small portion of devices covered by Diversity is suf-
ficient to improve globally the identification results.
However, we recommend covering a large portion so
that the choice of spoofable devices is the smallest
possible for an attacker. For the portion covered, we
must ensure that each device generates a modification
of its signature that is different from all other devices.
Orthogonally, Diversity is scalable in the sense
that it can support hundreds of devices. To gener-
0 100 200 300 400 500
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Number of devices that use diversity
k = 2; n = 48
k = 3; n = 48
k = 4; n = 48
Figure 4: Probability that two devices choose the same set
of duration values as a function of the number of devices.
ate unique signatures, the set of duration values cho-
sen by each device must be different from all other
devices. We can calculate the theoretical number of
devices supported by Diversity with duration fields
as follows. Each device chooses randomly k differ-
ent duration values out of n (k = 1, 2 and 10 in our
simulations and k = 2 in our experiments; n = 49
in our setting). The number of possible combina-
tions is
and we consider the choice to be i.i.d.
for each device. Using the birthday paradox, we can
then calculate the probability P(Collision) of hav-
ing at least two devices that choose the same set of
duration values, as a function of d the number of
devices being deployed, as follows: P(Collision) =
1 d!
. Figure 4 shows that up to hundreds
of devices can be supported by increasing k accord-
ingly while P(Collision) 0.05. With k = 4,n = 49
up to 147 devices yield P(Collision) 0.05.
5.2 Impacts on 802.11 Performance
We argue that Diversity does not alter 802.11 perfor-
mance in terms of duration and number of frames in-
jected. While the standard (IEEE, 1997) states that all
devices have to process the duration field to update
their Network Allocation Vector (NAV), it also states
that the duration of broadcast frames must be 0. To
be able to evaluate the behavior of devices in the pres-
ence of forgedbroadcast probe requests with non-zero
durations, we inject a probe request whose duration
is 32,767 (roughly 32 ms) every 30 ms. A standard
reaction for other devices would be the inability to
send their own frames. However, this is not the case.
Devices thus seem to ignore the duration field of the
injected probe requests. This is a behavior we also
noticed in other traffic captures. Bellardo et al. con-
firmed these observations when trying to attack the
virtual carrier sense mechanism with RTS/CTS (Bel-
lardo and Savage, 2003).
We showed in Section 5.1 that Diversity can sup-
port hundreds of devices when injecting as few as 4
different duration values. The impact of the num-
ber of frames injected depends on the frequency of
Diversity: such an injection is negligible in a nor-
mal 802.11 traffic if it happens every hour or minute.
However, the frequency of Diversity also impacts the
time needed to recognize a device. Probe requests
may induce a number of probe responses that is of
the same order of magnitude as the number of probe
5.3 Alternative Fingerprinting Method
Diversity is generic in the way that it applies to other
fingerprinting methods. Indeed, we also tested the ap-
proach with Franklin et al. method (Franklin et al.,
2006). This method uses the active scanning period
to passively fingerprint drivers. The active scanning
procedure is known to lack precise timing definition
in the 802.11 standard. This fingerprinting method
measures the time between probe requests in a burst
in the same channel, as well as the time needed to cy-
cle through the different channels (which forms peaks
in the signatures). On a dataset without Diversity of
one hour for each device non-associated, we obtain a
FPR of 56%. To test the Diversity approach, we ran-
domly change the time spent on a channel for each
device. With Diversity, we obtain a FPR of 44%: the
improvement is not statistically significant for such
a dataset. It seems that the limiting factor is the in-
tensity of the perturbation. If the modifications are
too intense, the signatures and the fingerprinting pro-
cess itself are affected, resulting in bad fingerprint-
ing results. It also disrupts the very functioning of
the device: the whole active scanning procedure takes
more than a minute, which is too long. One solution
would be to find another way to modify signatures for
Franklin et al. method, by changing the modified at-
tributes. Future work should address this issue.
5.4 Privacy
We reckon that privacy is not part of our design goals
for the following reasons. First, it can be argued that
Diversity decreases privacy, as our goal is to achieve a
better identification of devices. While this is true, we
remind the reader that MAC addresses already present
a risk for privacy as stated in (Gruteser and Grunwald,
2005). Moreover, Pang et al. (Pang et al., 2007) show
Figure 5: Principle of anti-forgery. The fingerprinter sends
additional decoy frames while spoofing the MAC address of
the device. The attacker does not distinguish authentic from
decoy traffic.
the existence of privacy leaks by implicit identifiers
even when users change their MAC addresses every
hour. Second, we propose to restrict the use of Di-
versity to networks that specifically need it. For in-
stance, it can be enabled in enterprise network and
disabled in home network, based on SSIDs. In this
case, the situation regarding privacy in home network
is left unchanged, that is to say heterogeneous devices
with fixed MAC addresses and possibly different sig-
Diversity protects from an attacker that uses simi-
lar hardware and knows the credentials of his victim.
However, it does not protect from an attacker able to
capture and replay signatures extracted from wireless
traffic. Unfortunately, it is not difficult for an attacker
to inject or alter its own frames to forge signatures. To
our knowledge, such forgery attacks have only been
studied in physical layer fingerprinting (Danev et al.,
2010). We propose an anti-forgery system that tack-
les the issue of an attacker being able to capture and
replay signatures – including Diversity– from his vic-
In this system, the fingerprinter sends decoy
frames spoofing the MAC address of a protected de-
vice to trap an attacker that forges signatures of legit-
imate devices. The principle is illustrated in Figure 5.
The surrounding devices, including the attacker, can-
not differentiate the authentic frames of the legitimate
device from the decoy frames of the fingerprinter. The
attacker that captures and replay the traffic of his vic-
tim would also capture and replay these decoy frames.
His signature as computed by the fingerprinter will
consequently be different from that of his victim. The
fingerprinter will not match the two different signa-
tures, and the attacker would be detected. The decoy
frames are chosen and sent in order to modify slightly
the signature of the legitimate device from an exter-
nal viewpoint. They must be taken into account by
the fingerprinting method.
One difference between the fingerprinter and the
fingerprintee is the location. One attacker that would
be able to localize precisely both the fingerprintee and
the fingerprinter could distinguish the decoy frames
and remove them when replaying his victim’s traffic.
Nevertheless, accurate localization is not easy. For
example, Haeberlen et al. need at least a minute of
traffic from the devicesto analyze their signal strength
in (Haeberlen et al., 2004). We do not provide as
many opportunities to determine the fingerprinter lo-
calization, as we only inject a few frames as decoy
frames. Another strategy for an attacker would be to
identify the source of the packets by performing phys-
ical layer fingerprinting. However, this requires signal
analyzers, and as we mentioned in Section 2.1, such
attackers are out of the scope of this paper.
Driver or NIC fingerprinting exploit differencesin im-
plementation of the standard. Franklin et al. use the
active scanning period to fingerprint passively drivers
(Franklin et al., 2006). This procedure lacks precise
timing definition in 802.11 standard about the fre-
quency of probe requests in a specific channel, and the
time needed to cycle through the different channels.
Driver implementations then vary. Bratus et al. de-
velop an activemethod to fingerprint the driveror NIC
(Bratus et al., 2008). They send non-standard frames
and chart the responses in decision trees. These meth-
ods do not intend to differentiate two different devices
using the same driver or NIC. They are good candi-
dates to the Diversity approach.
For unique devices fingerprinting, two ways are
envisioned: using the clock characteristics, or global
traffic characteristics. Desmond et al. follow the
work of (Jana and Kasera, 2008) and (Arackaparam-
bil et al., 2010) on APs (Desmond et al., 2008). They
discuss the possibility to enhance time skew to de-
vices by clustering probe requests inter-arrival time.
They remark slight time variations that depend on
the time skew. However, gathering a sufficient num-
ber of frames for a good time skew estimation takes
more than an hour. Neumann et al. propose to iden-
tify unique devices using the frame inter-arrival time
(Neumann et al., 2012). This reveals global traffic
characteristics that depend on a mix of wireless cards,
driver features, and on the application generating the
Physical layer fingerprinting exploits the charac-
teristics of the radio transceivers that sends and re-
ceives data in 802.11 devices. They also have unique
characteristics, often based on minute hardware im-
perfections. Hall et al. establish a transient-based ap-
proach that extracts the transient portion of the signal
(Hall et al., 2004). Brik et al. develop a modulation-
based approach that extracts features from the part of
the signal that has been modulated, i.e., the data (Brik
et al., 2008). These two approaches require dedicated
and expensivesignal analyzer whereas we rely on off-
the-shelf devices. Danev et al. have considered the
ease with which an attacker is able to forge physical
layer fingerprints (Danev et al., 2010). They found
that transient-based techniques are more difficult to
The work of Prigent et al. focus on TCP/IP stack
identification (Prigent et al., 2010). Using fingerprint
deception, they modify the signatures of the finger-
printees as we do in Diversity. However, their goal
is opposite: instead of better identifying the devices,
they want to hide the true identities of the fingerprint-
ees to be less appealing to attackers.
Castelluccia and Mutaf use frame injection and
identity spoofing as we do in the anti-forgery system
(Castelluccia and Mutaf, 2005). They build a pairing
protocol, in which two devices agree on a n-bit secret
sending n packets with the source field set to one of
their two identities (depending on the desired bit 0 or
1). The devices need to be shaken to achieve spatial
indistinguishability. An eavesdropper cannot retrieve
the secret since she cannot figure out which device
actually sent the packet.
Finally, the 802.11w amendment targeted the pro-
tection of management frames, so one can argue that
fingerprinting is less needed. However, Ahmad and
Tadakamadla found that 802.11w is still vulnerable
to some known attacks, in addition to three new ones
(Ahmad and Tadakamadla, 2011). In common, theses
attacks leverage the ability to spoof MAC addresses.
More generally, we believe that as long as it is pos-
sible to spoof MAC addresses, fingerprinting will be
useful. We also stress that fingerprinting can be used
with legacy devices.
Fingerprinting has a limited accuracy in the case
where devices are similar. We designed a generic
approach called Diversity that, given a fingerprinting
method, improves the identification of unique devices
even if they have equivalent {machine, NIC model,
driver}. This approach does not need a shared secret
between the fingerprinter and the fingerprintee. We
implemented and evaluated it against a dataset com-
posed of 9 identical USB adapters, which corresponds
to a worst case for traditional fingerprinting meth-
ods. We used a fingerprinting method based on du-
ration fields and we obtain a TPR of 100% and a FPR
of 0%. Finally, we proposed a mechanism that pre-
vents the forgery of fingerprints. Further studies are
needed to determine if Diversity could be applied to
other fingerprinting methods with success; we iden-
tify two candidate methods: (Neumann et al., 2012)
and (Desmond et al., 2008).
Ahmad, M. S. and Tadakamadla, S. (2011). Short Paper:
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