The Concept of Building Regional Business Spatial Community
Dorota Jelonek, Cezary Stępniak
and Tomasz Turek
The Faculty of Managemet,Czestochowa University of Technology, al. Armii Krajowej 19b, 42201, Czestochowa, Poland
Keywords: GIS, GIS in Cloud, Web Services, Web Community, Cloud Computing, ERP, e-Government, e-Business.
Regional Business Spatial Community.
Abstract : Cloud computing is one of the most dynamically developing technologies applied on the Internet. It can be
used not only for the purpose of resource management in the network, but also as the platform for network
community creation. The paper concerns on one kind of cloud computing utilization. It shows the proposal
of regional business spatial community (RBSC) which conjoins local government institutions, enterprise
media providers and different kinds of organizations which deal with regional development planning. The
notion of the concept is based on the application of commercially accessible software in the cloud which
makes possible the accumulation of information resources provided by partners and its usage for the
purpose of a given region development, as and by every participant of the venture. As a technological base
of RBSC are proposed GIS in cloud solutions by the ESRI firm in the form of the ArcGIS in Cloud
software. In the article were presented generalities of spatial community creation beginning from the
conceptive phase, across the planning, until implementation. Potential advantages resulting from the
accession to RBSC is the increase of the management efficiency in the organizational, social, economic and
technological areas.
Creation of communities in networks is a matter of
substantial concern in the world today. The reasons
might be business, social needs or entertainment. A
variety of software types can be used for creation of
communities (see more: Howard, 2010 or Parks,
2011). Apart from standard tools such as websites or
portals which enable sharing experience and views,
the cooperation might be also based on the access to
specialized software dedicated to a particular
The present study investigates the problem of
regional cooperation between local entities
responsible for providing particular services, such as
supply of electricity, gas, water, wastewater
management, telecommunication services or
development of road infrastructure. Operation of the
enterprises which provide the above services affect
the safety of the inhabitants in a particular region
and quality of their life but has also essential effect
on development opportunities in the region.
Contemporary enterprises which supply utilities
are standard business entities which are guided by
the principles of economic rationality. Therefore, in
their operation, they are mainly guided by their own
economic interests. However, their development
opportunities are somehow interrelated, with
particular focus on their potential investments. The
arrangement of individual utilities is defined by legal
regulations and interrelated. Therefore, the need for
using shared information resources arises. They
should define the arrangement of particular utilities
within a particular area, land development and plans
of prospective investments.
One tool which is frequently used in collecting
data concerning the utilities in question is
Geographic Information System (GIS) (see Harvey,
2008), (Grinderud et al., 2009). They can be used for
recording spatial layout of present utilities and
planning new investments. Moreover, they can be
used for management of the region by the entities of
local government (see Greene, 2001). Considering
the current status of development, these systems
might be also used for evaluation of the investments
planned assuming their integration with typical
economic systems used in the enterprises, such as
MRP/ERP or Business Intelligence (see at Cases,
2011 p.164 or Stair and Reynolds, 2010, p. 217).
The aim of this paper is to present the proposal
of establishment of the Regional Business Spatial
Community RBSC, which would include the entities
Jelonek D., Stepniak C. and Turek T..
The Concept of Building Regional Business Spatial Community.
DOI: 10.5220/0004531700830090
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2013), pages 83-90
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
interested in management and planning of regional
development, including the utility suppliers. An
integrating factor in the Community is the software
available within the cloud that can be used by the
associated entities. The paper uses the solution
provided by ESRI enterprise, which made the
ArcGIS project available to the cloud (about ArcGIS
– Johnson et al., 2001).
The Regional Business Spatial Community is a
proposal for an electronic enterprise based on the
Internet, which its aim of creation of shared
informational resources of land development nature.
The Community can be approached as an electronic
consortium which is composed of the entities that
operate within the shared environment.
"Community" should be regarded as a system of
mutual relationships between the entities involved in
the activities within such community (about building
community see: Kim, 2000).
A prerequisite for definition of RBSC is
definition of the goal of establishing the
Community. Creation of RBSC is aimed at creation
of a consortium of the entities which affect land
development in the region. The Community might
include a number of entities, including in particular:
selected entities of public and local administration,
enterprises which supply utilities or manage the
infrastructure in the region,
organizations interested in development of the
The area of cooperation between the entities
above is provided by the environment of the
Community discussed. The platform for cooperation
can be offered by an information system (IS) which
can be used by all the involved entities. Nowadays,
particular ISs can be shared within a cloud (ArcGIS
in Cloud in: Prażmo, 2012). Software supplier
defines technical principles of access to data, while
the interested entities define the principles of
exchange of informational resources.
In the case of RBSC, the system available in the
cloud is GIS-class system. It allows for spatial
visualization of utility infrastructure of the region.
Electronic maps should visualize the data
concerning e.g. layout of water and wastewater
piping systems, electrical grid, gas piping system,
railway, telecommunication cables, mobile network
transmitters and other utilities, basic geophysical
data, arrangement of plots and land properties.
The data for visualization in the form of digital
maps belong to different owners. The owners can
collect data in different forms, not always electronic.
There are extensive initiatives in Poland aimed at
transformation of land development data into the
digital form. The data about the infrastructure can be
stored in different systems and formats. The main
division is into economic data, documents and land
development data.
The economic data are stored mainly in
MRP/ERP systems and relate to the value of fixed
assets and settlements with suppliers and customers
(see Garg and Venkitakrishnan, 2003).
Furthermore, the documents can be collected
mainly in CAD systems. They contain designs and
technical specifications for a network or its
individual objects (see Rao, 2006).
The third type is the data stored in the spatial
form, using GIS system. GIS is used for description
of spatial location of the network and the objects
included in the network. The data can be stored in
the form of either raster or vector graphics. This
means that the data can be stored as maps which can
be extended with other layers in the form of
particular symbols and signs. The alternative
solution is provided by vector maps based on the
Spatial Databases (SDB). The maps are generated
based on the values of selected attributes of the
objects presented in the map and contained in the
database. Using this method, it is possible to
dynamically generate or modify the maps while
changing the number of objects and values of their
attributes defined in the database. Hypertext and
similar solutions can be also used in order to display
higher number of the data about selected objects (see
Hu, 2008). An important factor here is map
compatibility. Different types of maps and different
data formats might represent a serious problem in
superimposing different thematic layers provided by
different entities.
Another issue is accuracy of the data collected.
Different entities use different standards on accuracy
and scale of the maps. The problems might also be
generated by outdated information, especially on
older utility prepared using different standards or
resulting from non-recorded alterations made in case
of emergency or rebuilding of other media. This is
particularly important for 3D models.
While accepting the independence of the entities
in the Community, RBSC was meant to be a
platform of cooperation between the parts which
constitute its environment. The idea of the
cooperation consists in creation of a GIS platform
within a cloud provided by GIS developer. The
software provider defines the principles for using the
licence and permissible technological solutions (e.g.
types of compatible maps, file formats, rules for data
integrations, symbolization of the objects presented
and the methods of map vizualization).
Organization and promotion of the idea of RBSC
might be mainly the responsibility of the software
providers and/or entities of public administration in
a particular region (Fulford, 2007). One benefit of
public administration entities is having access to the
basic data concerning the particular region, necessity
of collecting the data on any investments made in
the area governed by the administration, as well as
opportunities for influencing other entities that
operate in a particular area.
Other entities are supposed to provide the data on
their infrastructure according to the adopted
technological requirements and to use the data
shared with other entities.
Cooperation within the Community should be
voluntary; yet the partners should fulfil their
informational obligations in a timely manner.
Ideally, the GIS platform should operate on-line,
based on the data contained within the IT systems
shared with the involved entities.
RBSC should be approached as a business-oriented
enterprise. In general, it will operate based on the
principles of electronic services within the cloud
available to a closed environment of dedicated users.
The GIS software suppliers become initiators of
the electronic enterprise and are responsible for the
technical problems connected with the community.
The provider's duty is to develop the service through
extending available functions, integration with other
IT systems and modification of the present solutions.
An important role in popularization might be
played by local government entities. The three
functions are essential in this case:
management of region development,
recording land development investments,
ensuring region safety.
Management of the region includes, among other
responsibilities, land development planning. This
might include passing local land development plans,
definition of urban zones, planning of infrastructural
investments. In order to perform the above tasks,
GIS tools are exceptionally useful. However, public
offices do not always have full and actual database
concerning utility infrastructure in a particular land
in digital form. This concerns in particular the
infrastructural networks prepared before
popularization of GIS technology. The offices
typically do not have data concerning the economic
and technical problems of building and managing
the individual types of utilities.
At the same time, particular entities of public
administration are obliged to record individual
investments. In other words, a double recording
occurs, by the public office, and by the investor or
an entity that manages a particular utility. The data
might be recorded using different technologies and
software and, in different formats. Some
inconsistency might also be observed in recording.
Public administration offices are obliged to
ensure safety for the residents in the area of their
operation. Managing utilities is one of the most
important factors in crisis/emergency management.
Having suitable knowledge of utility infrastructure
in the region is one of the most basic conditions of
ensuring safety.
Administration offices have systems of
information that are used for recording utility
infrastructure in the region (within local
competencies). However, it should be remembered
that the administration structures are extended and
do not always have opportunities for data exchange
between individual offices. In order to record utility
infrastructure, the two types of information systems
can be used: GIS systems and systems of flow of
documents that allows for creation of the document
databases in the digital form. They might be stored
in electronic versions of document databases (e-
BDoc) available in the Extranet or Virutal Private
Network (VPN) to authorized offices of public
Regardless of the property relationships, the
enterprises that provide utilities are independent
business entities which operate based on the
economic account principles. The collected data,
both economic and those concerning the utilities
managed represent their property and commercial
secret at the same time. Therefore, it is difficult to
force the enterprises to share their own information
The entities can independently affect their
relationships with customers and clients and solve
the economic problems. However, the question of
planning and development of the utility
infrastructure remains. The enterprises in this area
depend on the decisions of local government bodies
and are mutually interdependent.
As mentioned before, location of particular types
of media is interdependent. Therefore, huge
investments necessitate mutual agreements
concerning the layout of utility networks and
systems. This is necessary for evaluation of the
concrete layout of individual media and verification
of the values of the investments planned.
Individual entities store their information
resources in different types of IT systems. The
economic data are stored mainly in the systems of
MRP/ERP class supported by BI and Customer
Relationships Management (CRM) in order to
maintain the relationships with contractors. The
design an infrastructural network can be supported
by the systems of Computer Aided Design (CAD).
The design documentation and the documents for
individual terminals can be contained in the
document databases (BDoc). The layout of the
terminals can be specified and visualized in GIS
The access to shared information resources can
be also given to the entities involved in regional
development. These include e.g. consulting services
providers, social organizations, political parties or
organizations interested in the development of a
particular region. Obviously, this is possible only if
the property rights for information resources owned
by other entities are respected.
Formally the affiliation to the Community is
voluntary and payable (the charge for the supplier of
the GIS in Cloud tool). The success of such a
venture may occur exclusively if subjects to which it
is addressed will express the wish of the mutual
collaboration and want to exchange informational
resources. This is possible, when they will be aware
of their own business correlation.
Geographic Information Systems are IT solutions
which play increasingly important role in the
economy. Scattering of the enterprises and
establishment of the multi-plant enterprises have
caused that the GIS systems are frequently used in
business. The RBSC concept assumes that the
entities included in an electronic consortium might
have their own solutions of GIS type.
However, they have a heterogeneous character
while their integration and data exchange might
generate a number of problems. These problems
result not only from the technological aspects but
also from organizational, legal and business ones.
Therefore, the RBSC concept assumes that the data
and information about the geographical character
will be provided by Cloud computing model.
The use of the idea of Cloud Computing in the
context of regional distributed business societies
involves a plethora of benefits. The most important
benefits include: increased efficiency, cost
reduction, improved willingness to cooperate,
opportunities to attract new partners (see more
Nowicki and Turek, 2010).
Increased efficiency in the RBSC area connected
with the use of GIS in Cloud results from a radical
changes in the approach to the geographical systems.
Instead of several heterogeneous systems, with their
integration and communication problems, a single
comprehensive solution emerges. The data stored in
a cloud are uniform, which makes collecting,
processing, sending, visualization, interpretation and
archiving much easier. Furthermore, this technology
allows for a relatively easy access to the resources
by means of the Internet technologies (see more:
Zhu, 2010). Generally, the costs will be limited to
subscription fee paid to the software provider. (see
also, Antonopoulos and Gillam, 2010).
Using GIS in Cloud in the concept of building
RBSC is also connected with greater openness to
operation among individual entities. The enterprises
that have their own (local) solutions of GIS might be
a little apprehensive of this type of agreements and
contracts, since data and information contained in
their system are often a resource of strategic
character to them. Being afraid of making them
available and used by other entities is natural and
results from the need for protecting their own
interests. However, this apprehension about RBSC is
not entirely justified. Individual enterprises that
provide utility services might have access to updated
maps of layout of other utilities in order not to
damage them during construction, maintenance or
repair works in their own infrastructure. Another
problem is that the GIS systems might contain the
data and information which are protected by legal
Building RBSC system based on Cloud
Computing allows for reducing these apprehensive
attitudes. The cloud-based GIS system is supplied by
the partners with the data which are essential from
the standpoint of the general community of the
entrepreneurs. Each entity filters the data of strategic
importance to them. The system is fed by the
resources which are made available in a reasonable
and rational manner.
The last of the benefits mentioned concerns the
opportunities of attracting new partners and entities
to RBSC. The established community of the
enterprises and the data contained in the system will
also be noticed by other entities in the region. The
services, data and applications offered will attract
new enterprises which influence building or
functioning of the utility infrastructure in the region.
Application of the model of Cloud Computing will
be conducive to these processes. Joining the
community will not be connected with incurring
costs, installation of the infrastructure and the
necessity of time-consuming implementations. The
model of Cloud Computing allows for flexible
scaling of the functional scope and the number of
Contemporary solutions for the services within a
cloud include the following basic models: IaaS,
PaaS, SaaS (
These tendencies also concern the GIS solutions.
In the IaaS model (Infrastructure as a Service), the
users are able to use GIS system and 'lease' the
computing power in the form of physical servers and
virtual hardware with particular parameters. This
infrastructure was located in the server room of the
service-provider, whereas the client (RBSC in this
case) decides on which software they want to install
and use. Payment for the services is usually
deducted in the form of a subscription fee which
depends on the resources used.
Unlike Iaas, the service-provider in the PaaS
model (Platform as a Service) (apart from the
computing power of the infrastructure) also offers
the intermediate software i.e. the platform which
provides opportunities of developing their own
applications. The most important benefit that results
from using this type of model is the fact of that the
user does not have install and configure the
infrastructure and the platform.
The last of the above models of Cloud
Computing is SaaS (Software as a Service). It
consists in making available of a ready-made
application, which is often served by the web-engine
and does not need to be installed. This model of
Cloud Computing is now the most popular.
One example of GIS, available in the SaaS is
AcGIS Explorer Online (
This solution allows for storing and processing of
thematic maps in different formats (e.g. SHP, GPX,
KML, CSV) and presenting them on the updated
maps. The application is capable of geocoding the
text data, performing analyses and connecting
external services.
The conceptual model of GIS solutions in the
Cloud for the needs of RBSC was presented in the
figure 1.
Figure 1: The conceptual model of RBSC.
The solutions offered by ESRI represent a wide
spectrum of opportunities and seem to be very useful
from the perspective of building RBSC. As already
mentioned before, this concept is supposed to
support local cooperation of the entities that supply
media. ESRI has been involved in a variety of
implementations in this area, e.g. (see ArcanaGIS
ENERGA-OPERATOR – during creation of the
Integrated System of Managing Network Property
in the process of passportization of electrical grid,
ISOK – IT System of State Security, protecting the
country from extraordinary threats.
The above applications are based on the
solutions of Cloud Computing, whereas they are
capable of existing in the cloud more extensively.
Creation of the Regional Business Spatial
Community is a complex process and, similar to
other projects of IT character. It should be noted that
the technological base is provided by commercial
GIS project in clouds, which might be used in a
number of other projects. The RBSC project is in
this case only one of the projects. Moreover,
different projects can be created for each region,
with its own specific properties. The place of RBSC
in “ArcGIS in Cloud” project presents figure 2.
Figure 2: The place of RBSC in “ArcGIS in Cloud”
When creating the RBSC project, one should define,
among other things, system logics, required thematic
layers and the relationships between each other (L -
see p. 2), principles for relations within the
Community and technical method of their realization
in consideration of the software, hardware and
communication layers.
The system allows for building distributed
business communities at the moment when it is
passed for use. Individual participants feed the
system with their data (e.g. from ERP, CAD,
Business Intelligence), maps (mainly from GIS
systems) and other resources. Proper aggregation of
the resources and further representation of the
thematic and conceptual layers is the effect of
system operation. These resources can be used by all
the entities which are included in the community and
the external entities. The number of the entities
should extend as the project develops.
Continuous development of ICT (Information
and Communication Technology) and changing
requirements of the enterprises affect the necessity
of modernization of RBSC solutions. Similar to
conventional social portals, modernization of the
system will allow for adding new functionalities,
which will make it more attractive to the
Building Spatial Community necessitates
consideration of the two basic types of resources:
technological and organizational.
Technological resources relate to the hardware
infrastructure, application and communication
solutions. The base for RBSC in any case is the web
service, which, in technological terms, is similar to
the sector-based portal available to a particular
community. Depending on the adopted logic, it
might be of closed character (only for selected users)
or open (each enterprise is free to join). In the case
of RBSC, the participation will be controlled. The
portal implements a dynamic data exchange with the
environment, with particular focus on:
IT systems of the partners,
GIS in the cloud,
Data warehouses in the cloud.
Data exchange with IT systems owned by the
partners concerns extending the portal with IT
resources of economic character. The queries are
sent to the system dynamically, and the feedback is
sent according to the adopted system operation
The resources contained in the GIS systems are
another essential element in functioning of business
communities. As demonstrated in the previous part
of this study, geographical data are placed in the
computing cloud.
Mutual complementariness of the data from IT
systems and GIS systems represent the value added
for the RBSC concept and is supposed to be a factor
in attracting new partners.
Using the technologies of data warehouse might
be necessary in the case of collecting the data from
many sources with different formats. The tools
contained in the data warehouse will allow for
homogenization of the data and feeding the system
with the resources of a standardized form.
Further, organizational resources reflect the
system operation logic. The most basic
organizational resource is aerial or satellite
orthophotomaps. Making these resources available
in the proposed RBSC concept is the responsibility
of public administration institutions. These maps
contain data of kadastral character, concerning the
geometry of the borders of plots included in the
register. Furthermore, GIS data should contain
communication, topographical and hydrographical
The resources made available by public
administration represent the base for further
development of the system. The layers delivered by
the systems of public administration are added
another data of spatial character. They are sent by
the enterprises that supply utilities and operate
within a particular area. These data include the
layout of electrical grids, wastewater piping,
telecommunication grid etc. For the objects included
in the available thematic layers, one can add
economic data contained in the IT systems: ERP,
CRM etc. This will help include them in the maps in
the form of a hypertext. Relations between data
suppiers and data layers shows figure 3.
The supplementation for the above layers in the
system is information about mutual relations
between the data contained in RBSC. These
Project 1
Project ..
Project n
other cities
Figure 3: Relations between data suppiers and data layers.
relations might alarm about mutual exclusions in
implementation of the investment (e.g. electrical
main line cannot be crossed with the gas line) or
inform about the opportunities of joint projects.
Creation of RBSC should increase the effectiveness
of managing a particular development. The benefits
can be multifaceted. They can be divided into:
organizational, social, economic, technological.
In the organizational aspect, one should
emphasize the creation of the platform of
cooperation between mentioned types of
organizations that operate in a particular area. Using
ArcGIS In Cloud software necessitates
determination of particular rules for cooperation. It
might also provide a platform for exchange of views
on regional development and allow for preparation
of initial calculations for building new urban zones
or revitalization of the present ones. From
organizational standpoint, establishment of RBSC
will represent a medium of communication in the
community discussed since the users will need a
means of communication for the shared information
resources. Therefore, there is an opportunity of
starting new electronic initiatives or building virtual
network of organizations (about regional economical
netwoork see Domański, 2002, p. 194).
The social aspect is connected with creation of a
forum which makes decision on objectives of
development in a particular region. It might integrate
different entities with the focus on economic and
social development. Application of information and
communication technologies allows for entering into
new contacts and might be conducive to exchange of
knowledge concerning the needs in the region and
the opportunities that emerge.
Economic problems are essential because
integrated IT systems allow for flow of the
economic data between the cooperating entities. It
should be noted that the enterprises that provide
utility services also perform the essential social
function as they provide residents in the region with
basic facilities such as water, gas and electricity.
Opportunities of electronic planning of the
initiatives and exchange of economic data might
accelerate and rationalize the business and planning
Starting RBSC also opens the access to new
technological solutions. The entities that provide
services in the cloud are obliged to make modern
technological solutions available or they will
experience problems with finding customers. The
suppliers of other systems, in order to cooperate,
should also start integration projects. This might be
the matter of interfaces, protocols, file formats and
tools for modelling the processes which are
compatible with the solutions above.
In general, building RBSC seems to be an
initiative which is beneficial to any entitiy that
belongs to the environment discussed. In practice,
some problems might arise during implementation
of this environment. They might be caused by
several reasons, e.g.: organizational, psychological,
economic, technological.
Organizational problems result from internal
barriers found in organizations. They might be
caused by internal regulation, particularly if only a
daughter company operates in the region and it does
not have any decision-making authority.
Psychological problems can derive from
organizational. They might results from strictly
ordered organizational structures, lack of willingness
to open to the outside and being afraid of this
phenomenon, internal interests of individual
organizational entities within the organization.
Economic problems might be caused by the
necessity of incurring certain costs connected with
using IT infrastructure present within the
Technological problems might arise from the
types of IT systems used in organizations and their
Each of the problems above might decrease the
opportunities of implementation of the initiative
discussed. However, one should note that
contemporary economic processes force
electronization and consolidation within electronic
In the article was proposed the idea of Regional
Business Spatial Community. Such a community
integrates the row of acting subjects on local
markets. The mutual collaboration involving the
accumulation, processing and making availability of
spatial information resources (eg. concerning the
course of power lines, waterworks, gas pipings,
telecommunication networks, roads, sewage
systems, etc.) can bring advantages to all
participants of the venture. Mentioned resources are
indispensable for its functioning and not all kinds of
data can be gained individually.
In the elaborated concept was indicated the
possibility of cloud computing derivatives solutions'
application in the form of the ArcGIS software,
making possible the creation of the communities
using mutual spatial data resources.
Besides outlining the idea of RBSC the article
indicates potential participants of the venture and
benefits which can be achieved by them. A
prerequisite of such community creation is the
appearance of the initiator who will work out the
rules of collaboration and will invite enterprises
acting in a given region. From the observation may
come the results that the best role of such an
integrator can by accepted by the local governmet.
Authors of the article conduct at present
research, targeting definition of the collaboaration
needs of local businesses providing media in one of
the regions in Poland. Elaborated results will
constitute the base for further reserach papers in the
subject of spatial communities. It is assumed here
the possibility of the transformation of the RBSC
concept into the real platform of the collaboration in
the region.
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