Personalized Recommendation and Explanation
by using Keyphrases Automatically extracted from Scientific Literature
Dario De Nart, Felice Ferrara and Carlo Tasso
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine, Udine, Italy
Adaptive Personalization, Scientific Paper Recommendation, Concept-based Recommendation, User
Recommender systems are commonly used for discovering potentially relevant papers in huge collections of
scientific documents. In this paper we propose a concept-based recommender system where relevant concepts
are automatically extracted from scientific resources in order to both model user interests and generate rec-
ommendations. Differently from other work in the literature, our concept-based recommender system does
not depend on specific domain ontologies and, on the other hand, is based on an unsupervised, domain inde-
pendent keyphrase extraction algorithm that identifies relevant concepts included in a scientific paper. This
semantic-oriented approach allows the user to easily inspect and modify his user model and to effectively
justify the proposed recommendations by showing the main concepts included in the suggested papers.
Discovering relevant papers is an ordinary and time-
consuming task for researchers since they need to stay
tuned with the most relevant scientific advances. In
order to support researchers, several systems (such
as CiteseerX, Google Scholar, Research Gate, CiteU-
like, and Mendeley) provide facilities and tools, such
as recommender systems, in order to simplify the task
of accessing the knowledge available in huge collec-
tions of scientific papers.
Recommender systems can support scientists by
filtering information according to the personal inter-
ests of the researchers. Collaborative Filtering (CF)
recommender systems, which filter resources accord-
ing to the opinions of people, have been used to
reach this goal. For example, in CiteUlike, two
collaborative filtering mechanisms are exploited: (i)
an item-based CF recommender system where the
tags provided by the users are utilized for identifying
the resources similar to those the active user
ously liked and (ii) a user-based recommender system
where the resources liked to the users who share pa-
pers with the active user are recommended (Bogers
and Van den Bosch, 2008). Content-based recom-
mender systems can be used for identifying poten-
In this paper we refer the user which is going to receive
the recommendations as active user.
tially relevant resources as well. These recommender
systems represent each resource by means of a set of
features (such as the metadata associated to the re-
sources or other terms extracted from the papers) and
the same set of features is also used for modelling the
user interests. Since resources and papers are rep-
resented by means of the same set of features, the
relevance of a paper for a researcher is computed by
matching the user profile against the representation of
the specific paper. Obviously, the precision of the rec-
ommendations strongly depends on the features ex-
ploited by the recommender.
In this work we propose to use more semantic fea-
tures by automatically extracting the most relevant
concepts from scientific papers. By using concepts as
features, we built a concept-based recommender that
suggests the papers related to the concepts of inter-
est for the active user. More specifically, concepts
are identified as keyphrases automatically extracted
from the scientific paper. A keyphrase (KP) is a
short phrase (typically constituted by up to three/four
words) that indicates one of the main ideas/concepts
included in a document. A keyphrase list is a short
list of keyphrases that reflects the content of a sin-
gle document, capturing the main topics discussed
and providing a brief summary of its content. The
proposed recommender system builds a user profile
mainly by means of relevance feedback, i.e. by ex-
De Nart D., Tasso C. and Ferrara F..
Personalized Recommendation and Explanation by using Keyphrases Automatically extracted from Scientific Literature.
DOI: 10.5220/0004539000960103
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KDIR-2013), pages 96-103
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ploiting the keyphrase lists extracted from the papers
that are considered and explicitly stated as relevant
by the active user. Then, in order to compute the rel-
evance of a new article, the user profile is matched
against the keyphrase list extracted from that article.
The domain-independent keyphrase extraction avoids
a manual classification of papers and it still identifies
a significant set of concepts as we showed in (Ferrara
and Tasso, 2013). The idea of using more semantic
features is due to two main goals. First, our concept
based recommender system can explain why the sys-
tem recommended the documents by showing: (i) the
keyphrases which are both in the user model and in
the paper and (ii) other keyphrases found in the doc-
ument which are not yet stored in the user model but
can support the user in understanding/evaluating the
new paper. The explanation of recommendations by
means of keyphrases produces several benefits. First
of all, the user satisfaction can be increased since ex-
planations save his time: the user is not forced to
read the entire document in order to catch the main
contents of the paper. Second, the system allows the
users to take a look to the main concepts stored in the
user model. In this way, a user can explicitly eval-
uate his interest for the various concepts and can in-
crease or decrease his interest level for specific con-
cepts or even remove them from his profile. By al-
lowing users to provide this new feedback the system
can generate a more accurate user profile improving,
in this way, the accuracy of the recommendation pro-
cess and, consequently, the user satisfaction. In this
paper we show that these two goals can be reached
by providing, at the same time, accurate recommen-
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 re-
views related work, a brief architectural overview of
the system is presented in Section 3, the proposed rec-
ommendation method is described in Section 4, the
evaluation performed so far is described in Section 5,
and Section 6 concludes the paper.
Several works in the literature deal with the problem
of finding relevant scientific literature, mostly from
an Information Retrieval perspective, such as in (Bol-
lacker et al., 2000), where CiteSeer is introduced.
However there are several authors who have taken
into account more personalization-based approaches
to the problem, leading to the creation of recom-
mender systems rather than search engines. Several
examples analyze the textual contents of scientific
papers in order to provide recommendations to re-
searchers. Some of them take into account specific
sections of the papers such as the bibliography which
can be used to build, navigate, and, moreover, mine
the citation graph (i.e. the directed graph in which
each vertex represents an academic publication and
each edge represents a citation from one publication
to another) in order to generate the recommendations.
For instance, the citation graph is browsed by the rec-
ommender system described in (Huynh et al., 2012),
where a set of liked papers is used as seed for navi-
gating the citation graph.
On the other hand, our work aims at extracting
from the papers the main ideas and concepts in or-
der to describe the user interests from a more seman-
tic perspective. Similarly, the feedback of the users
of social systems, such as CiteUlike and BibSonomy,
has been also used for identifying the concepts of in-
terests of researchers. The authors of (Jiang et al.,
2012), for example, extract the tags provided by the
users of CiteUlike for generating a dictionary which
can be used for identifying relevant concepts in the
abstracts of scientific publications. In (Ferrara and
Tasso, 2011), the tags of the users of BibSonomy are
instead exploited for discovering if the user may be in-
terested in several distinct Topics of Interest (ToI). In
this case a clustering mechanism is utilized for joining
together tags with similar meanings where the simi-
larity depends on the number of times two tags have
been applied to the same resource. Such tag clus-
ters allow to organize papers into different collections,
each one associated to a specific ToI for the single
user. Only opinions of users interested in a specific
ToI are then considered for computing recommenda-
tions. More specifically, resources labelled by tags
which are evaluated as more similar to the tags as-
sociated to a ToI are considered more relevant than
other resources, and resources bookmarked by users
more similar to the active user are more relevant than
others as well. The precision of these approaches de-
pends on the active participation of the users whereas
the content-based recommender system described in
this paper is solely based on the automatic extraction
of the main concepts from a scientific resource.
The textual content of scientific papers is also an-
alyzed in a concept-based recommender system pro-
posed in (Chandrasekaran et al., 2008), where authors
and papers are modeled by trees of concepts: using
the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS),
the authors trained a vector space classifier in order to
associate concepts of the CCS classifications to doc-
uments. The hierarchical organization of the CCS al-
lows the system to represent user interests and docu-
ments by trees of concepts. A user profile and a pa-
per representation are then compared by a tree edit-
Figure 1: System Architecture Overview.
distance which computes a similarity measure among
trees. Our approach, on the other hand, does not need
a training phase and it also does not depend on spe-
cific ontologies for identifying relevant concepts (i.e.
keyphrases constituted by n-grams) in the papers.
In (Govindaraju and Ramanathan, 2012), the au-
thors propose a content-based filtering system based
on a simple, unsupervised, keyphrase extraction tech-
nique to identify relevant concepts and entities. Such
keyphrases are then organized, for each document, in
a graph model, clustered, and matched against other
KPs graphs in order to measure the degree of simi-
larity between documents. However, their KP extrac-
tion technique does not take into account linguistic
features (terms are extracted accordingly to their fre-
quency in the document), keyphrases are considered
as atomic entities and recommendation is based on
the Jacquard similarity measure and metadata-driven
criterias rather than on an actual comparison of the
graph models.
In order to support our claims and to test our approach
we have developed a specific recommender system
for scientific publications, named Recommender and
Explanation System (RES), described in the follow-
ing. The main goal of RES is providing personalized
access to documents retrieved from CiteSeerX. The
architecture of the system, showed in Figure 1, in-
cludes a database called Scientific Paper Collection
(SPC ), a repository for user profiles and registry, and
the following three main modules:
1) A Web User Interface devoted to (i) let the user
create and manage profiles, (ii) specify one or more
documents of interest, to be used as positive relevance
feedback, either by browsing a list of articles within
the SPC or uploading new ones, (iii) query CiteSeerX,
and (iv) request recommendations. These are pre-
sented as a ranked list of documents where the top
items are those that better match the user profile. For
each document two lists of Keyphrases are shown:
the first includes KPs representing concepts that ac-
tually match the user profile, the latter is constituted
of relevant KPs extracted from the document but not
matching the user profile. This information, shown in
Figure 2, serves two goals: it briefly explains why a
document was recommended by highlighting its main
concepts and, secondly, offers the user a way to pro-
vide relevance feedback. Users can adjust the weight
of each KP in their profiles by checking the “more” or
the “less” checkbox.
2) A Collection Manager Module, devoted to: (i)
execute queries on CiteSeer and crawl results, (ii)
pre-process articles by extracting KPs from full text,
and (iii) store their representations, as a list of KPs,
into the SPC. This module has been developed us-
ing the Dikpe KP extraction algorithm described in
(Ferrara et al., 2011), which has proven to perform
significantly better than other known systems. The
Dikpe KP extractor provides, as output, a list of KPs
extracted from the document where each KP has a
weight called Keyphraseness that summarizes the sev-
eral linguistic and statistical indicators exploited in
the extraction process. The higher the Keyphraseness,
the more relevant is the KP in the document.
3) A Recommendation Engine Module devoted to:
build and maintain individual user profiles; retrieve
from the SPC the set of documents returned by a
query, and then recommend the most promising pa-
The SPC is a crucial part of the system since
Keyphrase Extraction, being an advanced Informa-
tion Extraction task, takes time and processing a set of
hundreds of query results cannot be done in an inter-
active way. In order to address this issue, we decided
to let RES process retrieved documents only once, in
an asynchronous way, and save their representation
for later use. On the other hand, when the document
KPs are known, the recommendation algorithm pro-
posed is very efficient and it is able to rank large sets
in a short time.
Figure 2: Recommendation screenshot.
In the RES system, both user profile and document
content are represented by a network structure called
Context Graph (CG). For each document stored in
the SPC, a CG is built by processing its weighted KP
list. User profiles are represented by CGs built from
a pool of KPs belonging to one or more SPC docu-
ments marked by the user as interesting and, possibly,
enriched with other KPs gathered via relevance feed-
back, for example by providing a fragment of text or
a specific paper not previously included in the SPC,
or a specific list of KPs or keywords.
CGs are built by taking into account each single
term belonging to each KP; each term is stemmed and
then represented as a node of the graph; if two terms
belong to the same KP, their corresponding nodes are
connected by an arc. Both nodes and arcs are as-
signed a weight which is computed according to the
Keyphraseness values associated to each KP contain-
ing the corresponding terms. In Figure 3 is shown the
small CG formed by the KP list [information filter-
ing, adaptive web personalization, adaptive filtering,
content based filtering, social web, web usage, col-
laborative filtering].
As new KPs are added into the CG, either by di-
rect article insertion or relevance feedback, both pro-
vided by the user, related concepts tend to link to-
gether, creating, in such a way, extensive networks of
terms. Consider for example the profile CG shown in
Figure 4, which has been built from four articles deal-
ing with ’Content-based Recommender Systems’ and
’Information Extraction’ . On the other hand, unre-
lated concepts, form different, non-connected groups,
as we can see in Figure 5 where two unrelated articles
Figure 3: A simple Context Graph.
(the first dealing with Machine Learning, the second
with Mechanical Engineering) are fed into a profile.
If a user expresses multiple domains of interest in his
profile, they will form different groups in the corre-
sponding CG. This fact makes CGs expressive tools,
able to model both short term and long term interests.
CGs allow to create, for each term, a meaningful
context of interest by simply checking its adjacency
list. If, in two different documents, the same term
is used in similar contexts (i.e. in the two respec-
tive CGs the same nodes are connected in the same
or similar way), it reasonably refers to the same con-
cept, proving a certain degree of similarity between
the two items. This mechanism also represents our
solution to the problem of disambiguating polysemic
When, as result of a user-specified query, a set of
documents is retrieved from CiteSeer, RES extracts
a list of KPs from each one of the retrieved articles,
builds a CG for each KP list and generates a recom-
Recommendations are generated in three steps:
Matching/Scoring, Ranking, and Presentation. In the
Figure 4: A CG built from 4 articles dealing with related topics.
first step every document (D) in the SPC is matched
against the user profile (U) by calculating the fol-
lowing parameters: Coverage (C), Relevance (R) and
Similarity (S).
C represents the percentage of concepts in D
which are also of interest for the user, since they are
already included in the profile U.
C(D, U) :=
sharedTerms(D, U)
By default, if less than 10% of the document nodes
do not match those in the user profile, the document
is not ranked, since there are not enough shared nodes
for a meaningful evaluation of the other two parame-
R estimates the importance of the concepts shared
by the user profile (U) and the document (D). It is
computed as the average tf-idf measure of the terms
corresponding to the shared nodes between the user
and the document CG with reference to the retrieved
document set.
R(D, U) :=
tf -idf (i, D)
sharedTerms(D, U)
Finally, S is intended to assess the local overlap be-
tween the two CGs and to measure how relevant are
the shared arcs, i.e. determine how similar are the
contexts in which shared terms are used, the stronger
the shared association, the higher the score. S is com-
puted by considering the sub-graph () constituted by
shared nodes of the user CG; the parameter is evalu-
ated as the sum of the weights (w) of the arcs in ΠU
(E(ΠU)) which are also included in D (indicated as
E(D)) divided by the overall weight of the arcs in ΠU.
S(D, U) :=
0 if E(ΠU ) =
w( j)
S varies between 0 and 1 In this way, each document
is considered a point in a 3-dimensional space where
each dimension corresponds to one of the three above
parameters. In the Ranking phase, the 3-dimensional
space is subdivided into several subspaces according
to the value ranges of the three parameters, identify-
ing in such a way different regions in terms of poten-
tial interest for the user. High values for all three pa-
rameters identify an excellent potential interest, while
values lower than specific thresholds decrease the po-
tential interest. Five subspaces are identified from ex-
cellent to not recommended, as shown in Figure 6, and
each document is ranked according to where its three-
dimensional representation is located. In the current
experimental prototype, the interest threshold for each
Figure 5: A CG built from two articles dealing with non-related topics.
Figure 6: The five sub-spaces according to whom items are
parameter can be adjusted at runtime, for fine tuning
the matching algorithm. Finally, in the Presentation
step, documents are sorted by descending ranking or-
der and the top ones are suggested to the user; doc-
uments not ranked are put at the very bottom of the
list. As shown in Figure 2, both matching and not
matching KPs are shown and the user can provide
relevance feedback for fine adjustments of his profile
and inclusion of serendipitous concepts indicated by
not matching KPs.
In the first development stage of the system, we have
performed a limited number of offline formative tests,
mainly aimed at experimenting different system tun-
ings. A set of over 300 scientific papers dealing with
Recommender Systems and Adaptive Personalization
was collected and classified by users, identifying 16
sub-topics. Later, 200 uncategorized documents deal-
ing with several random ICT topics were added in or-
der to create noise in the data set and the whole set
was processed and stored in a test SPC. 250 user pro-
files were automatically generated for each one of the
16 topics using groups of 2, 4, 6, 10, and 15 rele-
vant seed documents respectively; then, for each user
profile, RES and a baseline reference system (ad-hoc
developed), based upon the well-known and estab-
lished tf-idf metric, recommended ten items from the
whole SPC. The baseline system produced its recom-
mendations according to keyword vector models of
Table 1: Average accuracy results of comparative testing.
Seed documents TF-IDF system RES
2 0,42 0,57
4 0,53 0,66
6 0,55 0,70
10 0,60 0,72
15 0,60 0,72
both user interests and document contents, where key-
words were extracted from texts according to their
tf-idf and recommendation was evaluated upon the
number of shared terms between the user and the
document vector and their average weight (again, tf-
idf). For each recommendation test run, every rec-
ommended item dealing with the same topic as the
seed document was considered a good recommenda-
tion. We have defined the accuracy as the average
part of good recommendations over the total number
of recommended items. Results gathered so far are
very promising since RES significantly outperforms
the baseline mechanism for any given number of seed
documents, as shown in Table 1.
In particular, the first evaluation of RES high-
lights how the proposed method is able to discrimi-
nate among similar domains with very fine granular-
ity. For example, in the test SPC we included a small
set of documents dealing with segment injection at-
together with several others dealing with var-
ious kinds of ’attack’ to commercial recommender
systems, such as ’random, average and bandwagon at-
tacks’. When the two systems exploited in the eval-
uation phase were asked to recommend items simi-
lar to a limited number of articles extracted from that
subset, the average RES accuracy was 0.59 while the
average baseline accuracy was 0.15; Figure 7 shows
the average accuracy results for this test. Such good
Figure 7: Average accuracy of RES (dotted) and the base-
line tf-idf system (solid) in the domain of ’segment injection
A particular kind of profile injection attack to collabo-
rative recommenders, exploiting statistical market analysis
to alter recommendations.
results in this scenario may be a direct consequence
of the high polisemy of terms such as ’attack’ and
segment’, which RES handles by taking into account
a significant and non-trivial context for each one of
Evaluation is ongoing and in the future it will ad-
dress the quality and the impact of the produced ex-
planations on user satisfaction.
Recommender systems can greatly facilitate the task
of searching for scientific literature, however, by
just filtering collection of papers, state-of-the-art rec-
ommender systems still leave a heavy work to re-
searchers who have to spend efforts and time for ac-
cessing the knowledge contained in scientific publi-
cations. In this paper we present a more semantic
approach to the problem, aimed at the creation of a
user model that is both based on actual concepts of
interest and understandable. The presented RES sys-
tem is still a testbed and evaluation is ongoing, but
results gathered so far are encouraging, proving that
our concept-based, human understandable approach
is able to generate accurate recommendations. Future
work will be aimed at expanding our concept-based
strategy by means of ontologies and, eventually, folk-
sonomies, exploiting different sources of knowledge
in order to identify synonymous terms and phrases,
suggest to the users new concepts related to the ones
he considers interesting, and overcome the limitations
of a pure content-based approach. Finally, we will
also address the possible advantages of utilizing our
ideas in other scenarios such as news, patents or legal
documents recommendation.
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