A Cognitive Reference based Model for Learning Compositional
Hierarchies with Whole-composite Tags
Anshuman Saxena
, Ashish Bindal
and Alain Wegmann
Systemic Modeling Laboratory, I&C EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
TCS Innovation Labs, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Service Design, Part-whole Relations, Situated Conceptualization, Linguistic Markers, Digraph Analysis.
Abstract: A compositional hierarchy is the default organization of knowledge acquired for the purpose of specifying
the design requirements of a service. Existing methods for learning compositional hierarchies from natural
language text, interpret composition as an exclusively propositional form of part-whole relations.
Nevertheless, the lexico-syntactic patterns used to identify the occurrence of part-whole relations fail to
decode the experientially grounded information, which is very often embedded in various acts of natural
language expression, e.g. construction and delivery. The basic idea is to take a situated view of
conceptualization and model composition as the cognitive act of invoking one category to refer to another.
Mutually interdependent set of categories are considered conceptually inseparable and assigned an
independent level of abstraction in the hierarchy. Presence of such levels in the compositional hierarchy
highlight the need to model these categories as a unified-whole wherein they can only be characterized in
the context of the behavior of the set as a whole. We adopt an object-oriented representation approach that
models categories as entities and relations as cognitive references inferred from syntactic dependencies. The
resulting digraph is then analyzed for cyclic references, which are resolved by introducing an additional
level of abstraction for each cycle.
A compositional hierarchy is the default
organization of knowledge acquired for the purpose
of specifying the design requirements of a service
(Saxena and Wegmann, 2012). A service seeks to
influence aspects of reality through the creation of
man-made artifacts. A compositional hierarchy
organizes the categories observed in reality in a
hierarchical manner such that the categories at the
lower level contribute to the behavior exhibited by
the categories at the higher level. Knowledge that
reveals the composition of some observed behavior
by identifying its constituent categories is, in
general, useful for engineering purposes.
Furthermore, a hierarchical organization of such
knowledge, structures the constituent categories
based on their relative strength of interactions
(Simon, 1962). The resulting levels correspond to
the different aspects of the composition, which can
either be tagged as novelty revealing composites or
simply structure enforcing composites. Novelty is a
subjective notion that resides in the ability of the
observer to discern a conceptualization into
coherent, though connected and possibly
overlapping, regions in semantic space. In the
context of compositional hierarchy, levels exhibiting
novel properties signify strong interdependence
among the descendant nodes. The inseparability of
the conceptual relevance of such descendant nodes
suggests that these nodes should be modeled as a
unified-whole wherein the individual nodes can only
be characterized in the context of the behavior of the
descendant set as a whole. For an artifact to deliver
desired results in a given situation, the design of the
artifact must possess an amount of variety that is at
least equal to the variety that the situation may
present (Ashby, 1964). An explicit
acknowledgement of the existence of such unified-
wholes as an integral part of the observed reality
helps ensure that the properties associated with the
unified-wholes are preserved in the target service,
which, in turn, amounts to adding variety to the
service specification, thereby increasing the
likelihood that the service yields desired benefits.
Saxena A., Bindal A. and Wegmann A..
A Cognitive Reference based Model for Learning Compositional Hierarchies with Whole-composite Tags.
DOI: 10.5220/0004542201190127
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KDIR-2013), pages 119-127
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: A compositional hierarchy extracted from the sample text T depicting the notion of unified-whole as a set of
strongly interdependent categories.
For example, consider the following sample text, T.
The interdependencies between the categories
occurring in this sample text and the corresponding
compositional hierarchy are depicted in figure 1.
T: Bike manufacturers are increasingly engaging
with people to identify new bike designs. The
demand for bikes has gone up. More and more
people are now riding bikes. The government has
improved the infrastructure by adding dedicated
bike lanes for riding the bikes. People feel safe in
bike lanes. Government is also encouraging bike
manufacturers to increase their production by
subsidizing their operations through tax waivers and
easy loans. More and more people riding the bike
results in a healthy society, which, in turn, lowers
the cost of health care for the government.
Large amount of information about various
aspects of the real world is available as natural
language documents. In the context of service
design, the socio-economic narrative that is most
relevant for modeling the real or intended behavior
of the participating actors, both human and
otherwise, is very often embedded in vision papers,
policy guidelines, surveys, and field-study reports
(Zarri, 1997). Conventional means for learning
compositional hierarchies from such unstructured
natural language text, interpret composition as an
exclusively propositional form of part-whole
relation. Propositions define a conceptualization as a
set of truth-conditions that are evaluated to ascertain
if a conceptualization holds in a given context. For
example, a part-whole conceptualization represented
in propositional form as part (wheel, bike) is
considered decodable from a given text if and only if
the text contains the natural language expression
‘wheel is part of the bike’.
Nevertheless, not all information encoded in
linguistic utterances may lend itself entirely to truth-
conditions based decoding (Wilson and Sperber,
1993). In addition, the utterance may also contain
information that is not analytically relevant to the
proposition, yet equally important in invoking the
perceptual experience associated with the meaning
of the utterance that the proposition seeks to model.
For example, to infer from the sample text T that the
categories - Bike manufacturer, Government and
People contribute to each other’s behavior and,
hence, constitute a unified-whole is quite
challenging. The text contains no explicit mention of
the unified-whole or any semantic relation that can
be mapped to the semantic primitives of a part-
whole relation (Winston et al., 1987). As a result, it
is difficult to devise linguistic markers that can be
used to extract such implicit compositional
information based on purely propositional forms of
part-whole relation.
A situated view of conceptualization (Barsalou,
2009) is grounded in the perceptual experience that
is associated with a category. In the context of
natural language processing, it models information
contained in a linguistic expression as not localized
in some fixed, predetermined lexical pattern but as
distributed across different aspects of the various
natural language expressions constituting the
discourse (Langacker, 2008). The basic idea is to
adopt an experientially grounded approach to
conceptualization and model composition at a pre-
conceptual level - as an embodied pattern of
cognitive reference, (Rosch, 1975; Tribushinina
2008). Cognitive reference provides a generalized
interpretation of composition as an interaction
between two categories such that one category
serves as the reference for understanding the other
and that this reference has some cognitive appeal to
the observer. The under specification of the
conceptual relevance of the cognitive appeal is
intentional as it allows to admit all possible aspects
of the behavior that a category may exhibit.
From a natural language processing point of view,
dependencies between different syntactic categories
provide a natural means of extracting linguistic
evidence for cognitive references. For example,
prepositions represent a syntactic category that can
be viewed as a semantic relation between a structure
that precedes it, e.g. a verb, or a noun-phrase, and
another one that follows it, e.g. a noun-phrase
(Saint-Dizier, 2006). Similarly, we can also interpret
the verb relations and attributive relations like
modifiers as evidence for cognitive referencing. In
the case of verbs, we get greater specificity by also
acknowledging the semantic role assignment done
by parsers (Jackendoff, 1987; Fillmore, 1968;
Dowty, 1991).
We adopt an object-oriented representation
(Sowa, 1984) approach that models categories as
entities and relations as cognitive references inferred
from syntactic dependencies. The resulting digraph
is then analyzed for cyclic references, which are
resolved by introducing an additional level of
abstraction for each cycle. Mutually interdependent
set of categories are considered conceptually
inseparable and assigned an independent level of
abstraction in the hierarchy. Presence of such levels
in the compositional hierarchy highlight the need to
model these categories as a unified-whole wherein
they can only be characterized in the context of the
behavior of the set as a whole.
Linguistic utterances encode two basic types of
information – information about the state of affair it
describes and information indicating various speech
acts it intends to perform (Wilson and Sperber,
1993). The first type of information is explicit in the
sense that the state of affairs described in the
utterance can be decoded directly from the various
lexical and syntactic constructs used in the utterance.
The second type of information is implicit, for
example, expressions of subjectivity, which need
additional knowledge support to be inferred. In this
section, we present two characterizations of
composition – the proposition based
characterization, which operates at the linguistic
level and the experientially situated characterization,
which operates at the pre-linguistic level.
2.1 Propositional Approach to
Propositional form of conceptualization is rooted in
the logical tradition, which defines a
conceptualization as a set of truth-conditions that are
evaluated to ascertain if a conceptualization holds in
a given context. In the context of natural language
processing, truth-conditions correspond to the
occurrence of the linguistic marker associated with
the proposition. For example, a part-whole
conceptualization represented in propositional form
as part (wheel, bike) is considered decodable from a
given text if and only if the text contains the natural
language expression ‘wheel is part of the bike’. The
linguistic marker here is a lexical pattern comprised
of named entities wheel, bike and the copula verb,
part. The proposition cannot be decoded from any
other natural language expression, for example,
‘wheel is attached to the bike’, or extended to part-
whole relations between other categories, for
example, ‘roads are required to bike’, unless
additional truth-conditions are associated with the
proposition. For the three expressions mentioned
above to be decodable as a conceptualization of part-
whole relation, the following truth conditions need
to be specified as three separate linguistic markers:
part (NE, NE), attach (NE, NE) and require (NE,
NE); where NE stands for named entities. Existing
information retrieval methods try to minimize the
false negatives associated with proposition based
concept extraction by expanding the set of linguistic
markers used to define the truth conditions of the
proposition being decoded. Various automatic and
semi-automatic schemes have been developed to
identify linguistic markers corresponding to the
different lexical and syntactic divergences (Dorr,
1993) that the linguistic interpretation of the
proposition may undergo. A widely used algorithm
for extracting semantic relations through the use of
lexico-syntactic patterns is described in (Hearst,
From a knowledge organization point of view,
logic based modeling of semantic relations help to
structure the concepts in ways that permit automated
inference making and is hence widely popular. As
part of this modeling tradition, the part-whole
relations limit composition to include only those
interactions between categories that can be
characterized along the following three dimensions –
whether the categories are functionally related to
each other; whether the categories can exist
independent of each other; and whether they are of
the same type (Winston et al., 1987). The primary
motivation to identify these semantic primitives of
part-whole relations is to maintain transitivity as an
invariant across all occurrences of part-whole
relations in natural language use. Transitivity is an
important logical property, in addition to
antisymmetry and reflexivity, that underlies much of
the inference-making in hierarchies, for example,
query expansion (Nie, 2003). These semantic
primitives are often used to further improve the
performance of decoding part-whole relations from
natural language text by generating linguistic
markers from some widely used keywords that
convey the meaning associated with the semantic
primitives underlying the propositional
interpretation of part-whole relations (Girju and
Moldovan, 2002; Khoo et al., 2000). For instance,
‘cause’ as a keyword for functional dependence,
‘component’ or ‘part’ as keywords for independence
of existence and ‘such as’ or ‘for example’ as
keywords for similarity of type. These keywords are
then used to identify lexico-syntactic patterns either
manually or semi automatically often with the aid of
lexical knowledge bases like WordNet (Miller
2.2 Situated Approach to Composition
Traditionally the focus has been on propositional
forms of knowledge thereby disregarding related
information readily available within the language
domain, for example, expressions of subjectivity and
linguistic expressions outside the proposition
(Narrog, 2005). One way of interpreting implicit
experiential information is to view them as encoded
in semantic relations that do not have an explicit
mapping to the semantic primitives associated with
part-whole relations. As a result they cannot be
decoded directly but can only be inferred from the
larger context in which they occur. Very often this
context may be distributed across several sentences.
Cognitively, conceptualization is situated (Barsalou,
2003). It is the reenactment of a combination of
prior experiences that together simulate a perceptual
experience in the form of a situation - experienced or
imaginary. A simulated situation captures only one
of many possible aspects of a category observed in
reality. Diverse aspects of a category may get
simulated across different situations. A situated view
of conceptualization is an experientially grounded
view of conceptualization and, in the context of
language, it models information contained in a
linguistic expression as not localized in some fixed
predetermined lexical pattern but as distributed
across different aspects of the expressions
constituting a discourse (Langacker, 2008). The
basic idea is to adopt an experientially grounded
approach to conceptualization and model
composition as a pre-conceptual embodied pattern.
Simulating perceptual experience from these
modal states is then an exercise of inferring and/or
composing a situation. The multi-modal experience
that the situation represents is reenacted at the
different modal systems thereby simulating an
experience of being in that specific situation. Such
multi-modal simulation based model of
conceptualization highlights the situated nature of
concepts and is referred to as situated
conceptualization (Barsalou, 2009). Such situation
specific inferences are, in principle, motivated by the
theory of situation semantics, where logical
inference is optimized when performed in the
context of specific situations (Barwise and Perry,
2.2.1 Cognitive Reference as an Embodied
Pre-linguistic Structure of
A pre-linguistic structure of conceptualization refers
to the organization of knowledge at a level of
abstraction that is higher than the linguistic level,
where organization is limited to explicitly stated
propositions. The knowledge available at such
higher levels of abstraction is experiential in nature,
with both explicit and implicit information encoded
in the linguistic utterance contributing to the
perception of the experience. Various cognitive
constructs have been proposed to motivate the
organization of knowledge at the pre-linguistic level.
These include the notion of force dynamics (Talmy
1988), image schemas (Lakoff and Johnson, 2003),
construals (Langacker, 1987), mental spaces
(Fauconnier, 1994) and reference point constructions
(Langacker Ronald, 1993).
Amongst these the notion of cognitive reference
point (CRP) construction lends itself naturally to the
modeling of composition at the pre-linguistic level.
CRP is the cognitive act of referring one entity by
invoking another (Rosch, 1975). A CRP models
composition to include not only propositional forms
of part-whole relation but any relation, distributed or
local, that establishes a link between two categories
such that link has some conceptual relevance and is
asymmetric in nature. The asymmetry requirement
of the link restricts the interpretation of CPR to only
those relations, which clearly distinguish foreground
information (focal category) from background
information (contextual category) and protects it
from the risk of degenerating to any meaningful
relation between categories. Meanwhile, the under
specification of the conceptual relevance of the
cognitive appeal is quite useful for modeling
composition as it allows to admit all possible aspects
of the behavior that a category may exhibit.
2.2.2 Interpreting Novelty from Circular
Cognitive Referencing
The notion of novelty can be explained both
ontologically and epistemologically (Bunge, 2004).
From an ontological point of view, novelty is said to
occur only when there is explicit knowledge about a
new category and adequate information to verify the
associated novel property using some truth-
conditional formulation. In the context of this work,
we follow an epistemic interpretation of novelty as
patterns of association, which only indicate the
occurrence of novelty and provide no additional
information that could help reify the ontological
status of the indicated novelty.
Cognitive reference provides a generalized
interpretation of composition as an interaction
between two categories such that one category
serves as the reference for understanding the other
and that this reference has some cognitive appeal to
the observer. As a result, mutually interdependent
set of categories are considered conceptually
inseparable and assigned an independent level of
abstraction in the hierarchy. Presence of such levels
in the compositional hierarchy highlight the need to
model these categories as a unified-whole wherein
they can only be characterized in the context of the
behavior of the set as a whole.
Instances of cognitive reference from text can be
interpreted from dependencies between lexical
elements in a sentence. The fundamental notion of
dependency is based on the idea that the syntactic
structure of a sentence consists of binary
asymmetrical relations between the lexical elements
of a natural language expression (Tesniere, 1959).
Dependency types commonly used in dependency
parsers include surface-oriented grammatical
functions, such as subject, object, modifiers, and a
set of more semantically oriented role types, such as
agent, patient, and goal (Nivre, 2005). Semantic
roles are theme revealing relations that express the
role that a noun phrase plays with respect to the
action or state described by a sentence (Jackendoff,
1987; Dowty, 1991). When these roles are defined
exclusively in relation to the sub-categorization
frame of the verb they are referred to as case roles
(Fillmore, 1968).
We use the Stanford dependency parser for
English language text (de Marneffe et al., 2006).
Following the terminology used in the Stanford
dependency manual, a dependency relation holds
between a governor and a dependent and is
represented as:
dependency(governor,dependent). Each
dependency connection, in principle, links a superior
term and an inferior term. The superior term receives
the name governor and the inferior the name
dependent. The superior/inferior characterization for
a pair of words is based on different morphological,
syntactic and semantic considerations. In the context
of this work, the interest is more to characterize
superior/inferior from a cognitive reference point of
view – superior as the one in the foreground (focal)
and inferior as the one in the background (context).
The background word contributes to the
understanding of the word in the foreground. As
mentioned in (Langacker, 1994), the structural
syntax based dependency framework and the
cognitive reference framework have substantial
similarity. The acknowledgement of the underlying
similarity encourages us to re-interpret dependency
relations between lexical items from a cognitive
reference perspective.
The Stanford dependency manual (De Marnee
and Manning, 2011) lists 53 grammatical relations.
Table 1 lists the dependencies considered in this
work and their re-interpretation as focal and
contextual categories.
Most dependencies can be interpreted directly as
a cognitive reference link, with the governor as the
focal category and the dependent as the context. For
subject dependencies, it is the other way round:
governor as the context and dependent as the focal
Table 1: Interpreting syntactic dependencies as cognitive references.
Type Syntactic dependency Cognitive reference
Verb *obj(A,B), agent(A,B)
A(focal), B(contextual)
A(contextual), B(focal)
Preposition prep*(A,B) A(focal), B(contextual)
Attribute Modifiers amod(A,B) A(focal), B(contextual)
Figure 2: A visual depiction of the mappings from syntactic dependencies to cognitive reference.
Figure 3: Dependency graph visualization of S.
category. This is due to the interpretation of verb as
a link between its different arguments – the object
qualifying the meaning of the verb and subject being
qualified by verb as providing the context in which
the subject is being referred. A visual depiction of
the cognitive reference links inferred from syntactic
dependencies is provided in figure 2. A special
pattern resulting from a combination of attributive
and prepositional dependencies is worth mentioning.
The case where the focal categories are different,
e.g. figure 2(c), the combination of attributive and
prepositional qualifiers can be organized as a uni-
path hierarchy, which can be seen as context
refinement. The case where the focal categories are
the same results in a multipath-hierarchy as the focal
category can be interpreted in multiple contexts,
figure 2(d).
Consider the following sentence:
S: The government has improved the infrastructure
by adding dedicated bike lanes for riding the bikes.
The dependencies generated by the Stanford parser
for S are depicted as a graph in figure 3. This
visualization is obtained using a freely available
plug-in, DependenSee, from the Stanford natural
language processing group website (Group, 2012). It
is important to note that the cognitive reference
point relation links lexical elements with binary
asymmetrical relations as a result each sentence can
be depicted as a directed acyclic graph, DAG. As
explained earlier, the only semantics associated with
this link is encoded in its direction – the source
being the constituent category and the destination
the focal category. The DAG depicting the cognitive
reference links embedded in the sentence S is shown
in figure 4.
The DAG for each sentence in the text is merged
by only admitting one node per category.
Conceptually this amounts to making explicit the
implicit connections in the text. The resulting graph
is directed but not necessarily acyclic. The cycles in
the digraph correspond to interdependence between
categories. The digraph representing the cognitive
references between categories described in T is
shown in figure 5.
The cognitive reference digraph is then analyzed
for cycles by identifying the strong components of
the digraph. A strongly connected component of a
digraph is a maximal set of vertices in which there is
a path from any one vertex to any other vertex in the
set (Tarjan, 1972). The algorithm used to identify
the strongly connected components of the digraph is
due to KosarajuSharir and described in detail in
(Sedgewick, 2011).
Data mining is defined as “…the analysis of (often
large) observational data sets to find unsuspected
relationships and to summarize the data in novel
ways that are both understandable and useful to the
data owner” (Hand et al., 2001). Nevertheless,
efforts to find unsuspected relationships from data
Figure 4: Cognitive reference graph visualization of S.
Figure 5: Cognitive reference revealing digraph visualization of T.
and their use in formulating new hypothesis should
not be interpreted as the absence of any initial
hypothesis, which in the first place guides one to
find such unsuspected relationships. For example,
the use of distributional hypothesis that assumes
terms to be similar to the extent to which they share
similar linguistic contexts (Harris, 1968). In this case
what is unknown is the nature of similarity and its
relationship to different patterns of linguistic
context. Communicating this work to the data
mining community is equally relevant as it presents
a cognitive model of composition, which can be
used as a starting point for developing new data
mining schemes realize this model in a
computational setting.
The primary purpose of this work is to suggest
an alternate conceptualization of composition and
show how it can be more rewarding by making it
easy to identify novel aspects of observed reality.
From a relevance point of view, the work was
motivated based on its usability in a very concrete
domain that of service design specification by
linking novelty to the notion of requisite variety,
thereby making service design conscious of the need
to anticipate the operating environment conditions
and account for them by including enough flexibility
in their design. The current exposition is, however,
limited in its scope to only identify the existence of
novelty and not to provide any conceptual
interpretation of the novelty of the unified-wholes.
An important future work in this regard is to
apply this model of extracting compositional
Figure 6: Compositional hierarchy representation of T depicting integrated-wholes.
hierarchies to diverse text samples and study the
extent to which it is able to detect cognitive
reference cycles. Based on our experimentation,
there could be situations where the cognitive
interdependence may not be detectable as a complete
cycle and some threshold based connectivity
measure might help further reduce the false
negatives associated to identify unified-whole in
compositional hierarchies.
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