Contributing Evidence to Data-driven Ontology Evaluation
Workflow Ontologies Perspective
Hlomani Hlomani and Deborah A. Stacey
School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
Workflow, Ontology, Ontology Evaluation, Corpus-driven Evaluation, Latent Semantic Analysis.
Ontologies have established themselves as the single most important semantic web technology. They have
attracted widespread interest from both academic and industrial domains. This has led to an increase in
ontologies created. It has become apparent that more than one ontology may model the same domain yet they
can be very different. The question then is, how do you determine which ontology best fits your purposes?
This paper endeavours to answer this question by reviewing relevant literature and instantiating the data-driven
ontology evaluation methodology in the context of workflow ontologies. This evaluation methodology is then
evaluated through statistical means particularly the Kruskal-Wallis test and further post hoc testing using the
Mann-Whiteny U test.
Semantic web technologies, particularly ontologies,
have seen increased interest from both academic and
industrial domains. This is evident in the multitudes
of academic publications, tool sets, methodologies
and applications that either reference or are driven by
ontologies. By definition, an ontology is a concep-
tualization of a target domain that explicitly specifies
the concepts in a domain and the relations between
them (Gruber, 1993). By using an ontology, you de-
fine a language for that domain thereby standardizing
the use of concepts.
The increase of research interest in ontologies has
led to a considerable increase in the number of ontolo-
gies(Vrande, 2009). An inevitable reality though, is
that often there will be ontologies that model the same
domain yet are very different in their modelling of the
domain and the constructs used in the modelling of
that domain. This is largely because, while an ontol-
ogy creates a shared vocabulary of a domain, it is a
conceptualization of the domain. This conceptualiza-
tion is largely dependant upon the modeller’s percep-
tion of the domain (Brank et al., 2005). The question
then is: how does one determine which ontology best
fits their purpose? This is the fundamental question
that this paper investigates.
The need for ontology evaluation is a topic that needs
no introduction. There are several factors about on-
tologies that heighten the need for ontology evalua-
tion. These are discussed in Section 2.1. In an at-
tempt to address this need, the research community
has contributed solutions in the form of frameworks,
methodologies and tools. Section 2.2 discusses some
of these contributions.
2.1 Motivation for Ontology Evaluation
The following facts about ontologies heighten the
need for their evaluation:
Play a Pivotal Role. Ontologies play a critical role in
the semantic web and ontology-driven (enabled) ap-
plications. Proper representation of domain knowl-
edge is therefore an obvious necessity.
Shared Conceptualization. By definition ontologies
are an explicit specification of a shared conceptualiza-
tion, in other words, they are a model of knowledge
for a specific domain (Gruber, 1993). While the on-
tology should be a “shared conceptualization” of the
domain, subjectivity is always a concern since it rep-
resents the time, place, and cultural environment in
which it was created as well as the modeller’s percep-
tion of the domain (Brank et al., 2005; Brewster et al.,
Hlomani H. and Stacey D..
Contributing Evidence to Data-driven Ontology Evaluation - Workflow Ontologies Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0004543602070213
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 207-213
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Potential of Reuse. Ontology reuse is perhaps the
most obvious motivation to evaluate ontologies. Be-
fore an ontology can be reused, one has to evaluate
the ontology’s quality and most importantly, the on-
tology’s fitness for a particular purpose.
2.2 Ontology Evaluation Methodologies
Several methods for ontology evaluation have been
proposed over the years. The main methods have been
surveyed by (Vrande, 2009; Brewster et al., 2004) and
more recently by (Ouyang et al., 2011) to include the
Comparison against a “Gold Standard”. The gold
standard may itself be an ontology. The problem with
this method is that it is difficult to establish the quality
of the gold standard.
User-based Evaluation. This typically involves eval-
uating the ontology through users’ experiences. The
problem with this method is that it is difficult to es-
tablish objective standards pertaining to the criteria
(metrics) for evaluation. In addition it is also hard to
establish who the right users are.
Application-based Evaluation. This would typically
involve evaluating how effective an ontology is in the
context of an application. While this may be practi-
cal for the purposes of evaluating a single ontology,
it may be challenging to evaluate a number of ontolo-
gies in an application area to determine which one is
best fitted for the application especially in an auto-
mated fashion.
Congruence Evaluation. This involves evaluating
the “fitness” or congruence between the ontology and
a domain of knowledge. Several approaches have
been pursued including comparison of the ontology
to a “gold standard” as discussed above. Another
approach is to evaluate the ontology or ontologies
against knowledge from the domain the ontologies
represent. More specifically, comparison can be made
against a corpus or text extracted from the documents
about the domain (e.g. (Brewster et al., 2004)).
Hybrid Evaluation: User-based Evaluation and
Corpus-based. This method is exemplified by
(Ouyang et al., 2011) which combines the corpus-
based and user-based evaluations. The ontology here
is evaluated against a set of metrics (coverage, coher-
ence and coupling). Users are allowed the flexibility
to weigh the influence of each of the metrics on the
It is important to know that there is no “gold
standard” evaluation; however, one should choose an
evaluation technique based on the purposes (reasons)
of the evaluation (Vrande, 2009).
The ontology evaluation of this paper is an instantia-
tion of the congruence ontology evaluation methodol-
ogy initially proposed by (Brewster et al., 2004). The
main motivation of this research is that, while there
are some general methodologies proposed for ontol-
ogy evaluation, there is a paucity of evidence in sup-
port of these methodologies. This is particularly true
for the congruence evaluation or data-driven ontology
evaluation methodology.
In defining and instantiating this methodology,
(Brewster et al., 2004) considered the domain of
arts. Our paper evaluates ontologies in the domain of
workflow management. The general steps followed
in this investigation are: corpus definition, similarity
calculation and statistical evaluation.
3.1 Corpus Definition and Distance
The ontologies considered in this paper pertain to the
concept of workflow. A workflow is by definition:
“The automation of a business process, in whole or
part, during which documents, information or tasks
are passed from one participant to another for
action, according to a set of procedural rules”
(WFMC, 1999).
Workflow ontologies model the workflow domain
based on concepts that have some relation to this def-
inition. This is because an ontology is a formal con-
ceptualization of a domain of interest (OMG, 2009;
W3C, 2009; Gruber, 1993). A conceptualization is
an abstraction of that which we wish to represent.The
corpus for the ontology evaluation of this paper con-
sists of text from documents about the workflow and
process modelling domain. These documents con-
sist of one hundred (100) peer reviewed academic ar-
ticles. These documents were obtained through the
assistance of three major search facilities: the IEEE
eXplore, Google Scholar and Primo Central (via the
university library). The key phrases that were used to
search for content are: Workflow modelling, Business
Process modelling, Workflow modelling languages,
Business process modelling languages. We will refer
to this corpus as the domain corpus.
In addition to the domain corpus we also define
the ontology corpus which consists of the concepts
extracted from the ontologies. This forms the docu-
ments to be compared to the domain corpus.
Following the provision of text which eventually
forms the corpus, there is a need for some representa-
Table 1: Possible results.
Paper Similarity
. .
. .
tion model which in our case implies a form of auto-
mated term recognition. This reduces the documents
to words that are representative of each document in
the corpus thereby producing a matrix from which
we can do calculations on. Latent Semantic Analy-
sis (LSA) (Hofmann, 1999; Deerwester et al., 1990)
was used for this purpose. We particularly used the
Text Mining Library implementation (TML) (Villalon
and Calvo, 2011) of LSA. Cosine distance between
every document in the domain corpus and every doc-
ument in the ontology corpus were calculated. This
produced results in the form depicted in Table 1 for
each ontology under investigation.
3.2 The Workflow Ontologies
1. The IntelLEO Workflow Ontology (Jovanovic
et al., 2011). The IntelLEO Workflow Ontology
has a sense of “traditional” workflows. This is be-
cause the ordering (either sequential or parallel)
of activities to achieve some goal can be achieved.
The ontology, however, lacks the expressive abil-
ity to capture even some of the most basic con-
cepts of process models (e.g. the notions of rout-
ing beyond just “sequence” and “parallel”).
2. The Proteg
e ontology: workflows for collabo-
rative ontology development (Sebastian et al.,
2008). This work focuses on a specific set of
workflows viz.: those that describe collabora-
tion during ontology development. These type
of workflows are human-centred in that most, if
not all, the activities require some form of hu-
man action. The activities are defined in terms of
the steps (or states) that a proposed change goes
through before it is published.
3. The business process ontology (BMO) (Jenz,
2003) is designed to be generic in its descrip-
tion of business processes. This is achieved
through a static representation of a business pro-
cess by focusing on activities or tasks as the
“building blocks”. The representation of the busi-
ness process in an ontology then achieves two
main goals viz.: provide a vendor-neutral and
platform-independent description of the business
process, and provide both human-understandable
and machine-readable descriptions of the business
4. The process ontology (Martin et al., 2007) is an
interesting addition to the list. This is because it
has its origins from the context of web services (a
process is a subset of the OWL-S description of
web services). It is relevant in our context since it
does define the workflow constructs that include
control flow, input and output (pre-conditions and
post-condition), categorization of the process con-
cept (i.e. composite, atomic process etc.) and the
5. The workflow ontology by Tim Berners-Lee
hereby dubbed the Flow ontology offers another
perspective to workflow modelling. Unfortu-
nately, there is not much documentation about the
ontology. However, through inspecting the ontol-
ogy, it was found that the ontology follows the
trend of the other ontologies described in this pa-
3.3 Statistical Evaluation
Our experiment endeavours to investigate which of
the hypotheses is true and therefore, answer the ques-
tion, which of the ontologies is more representative of
the workflow domain? The hypotheses are defined as
1. Null Hypothesis (H
): All ontologies have equal
similarity on average or µ
= µ
= µ
= µ
, where µ
are the mean similarity
scores for the five ontologies.
2. Alternative Hypothesis (H
): The mean similarity
of at least one ontology is significantly different.
To accept or reject any of these hypotheses, a sta-
tistical procedure is followed. The sample data is the
similarity scores for each ontology (roughly one hun-
dred records for each). As will become obvious in
later sections, the type of statistical test to perform
will be depended upon the distribution the data fol-
lows (if normal then a parametric test like one-way
ANOVA otherwise a non-parametric alternative such
as the Kruskal-Wallis test). These are discussed in
subsequent sections.
This sections presents the results of the experiment
set out in Section 3.3. These include results for the
normality test and statistical tests (Kruskal test and
Mann-Whitney U test-pairwise comparisons).
4.1 Normality Test
An assessment of the normality of data is a pre-
requisite for many statistical tests because normal
data is an underlying assumption in parametric test-
ing. The normal Q-Q Plot was created for the individ-
ual samples (five plots) to determine their normality.
The normality plot for the Flow ontology is depicted
in Figure 1. The plot shows that this sample is not
normally distributed since its data points deviate from
the diagonal line (plot of the expected sample if the
data is normally distributed) in a non-linear fashion.
This observation is true for the other samples (simi-
larity scores for the other ontologies) as can be see in
Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Figure 1: Normality plot for the Flow ontology by Tim
Berners Lee.
Figure 2: Normality plot for the BMO ontology.
4.2 Differences between the Different
It is apparent that this study deals with a ve level sin-
gle factor type of scenario, where the single factor is
Figure 3: Normality plot for the Intelleo ontology.
Figure 4: Normality plot for the Process ontology.
Figure 5: Normality plot for the Proteg
e ontology.
the variable of interest (the ontology similarity) and
the different settings or levels are the different ontolo-
gies. Our main interest is to find out if the ontologies
of interest have equal similarity to the corpus on aver-
age. The normality test reveals that all samples of in-
terest are not normal distributed, hence ruling out the
possibility of doing parametric statistics (e.g. t test,
ANOVA, etc.). Since we have multiple levels (more
than two comparisons), a non-parametric alternative
to a one-way ANOVA (i.e. Kruskal-Wallis test) was
conducted. The hypotheses to be tested are stated in
Section 3.3 A point of consideration in the analysis is
the significance level: α = 0.05 which thus defines a
rejection region, i.e. reject H
if p value α.
4.2.1 Kruskal-Wallis Test
The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test are summarized
in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2: Ranks.
Ontology N Mean Rank
BMO 108 455.19
Flow (Berners Lee) 107 190.48
Intelleo 106 245.50
Process 105 266.40
Workflow (Proteg
e) 104 165.17
Table 3: Test Statistics.
Similarity Score
Chi-Square 237.835
df 4
Asymp. Sig. .000
At the α = 0.05 level of significance, there exists
enough evidence to conclude that there is a difference
in the median test scores (and, hence, the mean test
scores) among the ve ontologies (rather at least one
of them is significantly different.)
4.2.2 Pairwise Comparisons
The Kruskal-Wallis test previously discussed only
tells us if there is a significant difference between the
ontologies. Pairwise comparisons of the ontologies
will identify where the differences lie.
Since the study observes five different levels (i.e.
ontologies) of a single factor (i.e. similarity), the
number of pairwise comparisons is
k = (n (n 1))/2,where n = number o f levels (1)
Hence, k = (5 (5 1))/2 = 10. To counter-
act the problem of multiple comparisons the results
(p values) have been subjected to the Bonferroni cor-
rection (corrected p value = p value/k. Tables 4, 5
and 6 depict the results from the Mann-Whitney
comparisons of the ontologies’ similarity (with Ta-
bles 5 and 6 showing both the original and corrected
p values).
The three Tables ( 4, 5 and 6) are very useful be-
cause they indicate which ontology had the highest
similarity score (highest mean rank), the actual sig-
nificance value of the test (U value and the asymptotic
significance (2-tailed) p-value) and continuation of
Table 4: Ranks.
Ontology N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
BMO vs Flow
BMO 108 156.13 16862.50
Flow (Berners Lee) 107 59.42 6357.50
BMO vs Intelleo
BMO 108 155.27 16769.50
Intelleo 106 58.83 6235.50
BMO vs Process
BMO 108 153.66 16595.50
Process 105 59.00 6195.50
BMO vs Proteg
BMO 108 153.63 16591.50
e 104 57.56 5986.50
Flow vs Intelleo
Flow (Berners Lee) 107 94.17 10076.50
Intelleo 106 119.95 12714.50
Flow vs Process
Flow (Berners Lee) 107 83.63 8948.50
Process 105 129.80 13629.50
Flow vs Proteg
Flow (Berners Lee) 107 115.26 12332.50
Protege 104 96.48 10033.50
Intelleo vs Process
Intelleo 106 106.29 11266.50
Process 105 105.71 11099.50
Intelleo vs Proteg
Intelleo 106 120.94 12819.50
e 104 89.76 9335.50
Process vs Proteg
Process 105 130.88 13742.50
e 104 78.87 8202.50
the significance value of the test, respectively. How-
ever, concluding that there is a higher congruence be-
tween a particular ontology and the corpus is only
valid upon examination of the statistical significance
of the difference between that ontology’s similarity
score and that of the other ontologies.
From this data, it can be concluded that there is
a statistically significant difference between the sim-
ilarity of the ontologies (pairwise comparisons) with
the exception of the Intelleo ontology when compared
to the Process ontology. The comparison of these
two ontologies, reported a p value of 0.0945 which is
higher than the α value, hence, it falls outside the re-
jection region for the null hypothesis (the null hypoth-
esis is accepted for this comparison). We can con-
clude that these two ontologies’ coverage of the cor-
pus is similar. Similarly, having ascertained statisti-
cal significance in the differences between the means,
the original research question can now be addressed.
The research question was stated as thus: “Given a
pool of workflow ontologies, which of the ontologies
has a higher congruence with the workflow corpus
and hence, is more representative of the workflow do-
main?” The answer lies in Table 4. In each of the pair-
wise comparison, the BMO ontology had the highest
similarity score (mean ranks) relative to the others it
Table 5: Test Statistics.
Similarity Score
BMO vs Flow
Mann-Whitney U 579.500
Wilcoxon W 6357.500
Z -11.398
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
BMO vs Intelleo
Mann-Whitney U 564.500
Wilcoxon W 6235.500
Z -11.392
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
BMO vs Process
Mann-Whitney U 630.500
Wilcoxon W 6195.500
Z -11.206
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
BMO vs Proteg
Mann-Whitney U 526.500
Wilcoxon W 5986.500
Z -11.399
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
Flow vs Intelleo
Mann-Whitney U 4298.500
Wilcoxon W 10076.500
Z -3.052
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .002
Corrected p value .0002
was compared to. We can, therefore, conclude that
there is a better congruence between the BMO ontol-
ogy and the workflow domain than there is between
the other ontologies. The ranking of the congruence
between the workflow ontologies and the workflow
corpus is depicted in Table 7. This is based on the
pairwise comparison of the ontologies’ mean similar-
ity scores (refer to Table 4).
This paper has been about a corpus-driven ontology
evaluation. It considered the particular instance of
workflow ontologies. The paper had set out to an-
swer the question, how can we determine which on-
tology in a pool of ontologies best fits a particular do-
main? This has been answered through the motivation
of the corpus-driven evaluation methodology and fur-
ther validated through statistics.
From a set of five ontologies, it was demonstrated
Table 6: Test Statistics Continued.
Similarity Score
Flow vs Process
Mann-Whitney U 3170.500
Wilcoxon W 8948.500
Z -5.480
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
Flow vs Proteg
Mann-Whitney U 4573.500
Wilcoxon W 10033.500
Z -2.234
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .025
Corrected p value .0025
Intelleo vs Process
Mann-Whitney U 5534.500
Wilcoxon W 11099.500
Z -069
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .945
Corrected p value .0945
Intelleo vs Proteg
Mann-Whitney U 3875.500
Wilcoxon W 9335.500
Z -3.717
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
Process vs Proteg
Mann-Whitney U 2742.500
Wilcoxon W 8202.500
Z -6.216
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Corrected p value .000
Table 7: The rank of the congruence between the ontologies
and the corpus.
Ontology Rank
Intelleo 2
Process 2
Flow 3
e 4
that there was significant statistical difference be-
tween the ontologies’ similarity scores. It was partic-
ularly concluded that there was a better congruence
between the BMO ontology and the workflow domain
than there was with the other ontologies. This could
be attributed to a better coverage of the domain by the
ontology, hence, rendering the ontology more repre-
sentative of the domain. The results of such a study
could lead into the winning ontology being adopted,
expanded and finally applied to the application it was
initially evaluated for.
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