Task Knowledge Model for Triage Decision-Support
Shamimi A. Halim
, Muthukkaruppan Annamalai
, Rashidi Ahmad
and Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Trauma and Emergency Department, University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Centre for Agent Technology, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia
Keywords: Triage Decision-Support, Task Modelling, Commonkads.
Abstract: The paper discusses the construction of the task knowledge model to support the development of a triage
decision-support system. Knowledge rather than experience is predominant in the triage decision making.
Since the triage decision making knowledge is complex, we resort to knowledge modelling to help in the
systematisation of the knowledge. The paper concentrates on the modelling of the task knowledge model to
back triage decision-support. We adopted the CommonKADS methodology as a basis of modelling and
engineering the knowledge. The top-down modelling approach availed general task structures that could be
reused and adapted to engineer the triage decision-support task knowledge model. Consequently, the
resulting task model informs the engineering of the triage decision-support domain knowledge model.
The triage decision making that takes place in
hospital Emergency Department (ED) involves
clinical judgments that need to be made quickly
under conditions of uncertainty. The decisions
however, have a major impact on the mortality and
mobility of the patients. A common characteristic in
drawing the triage decision depends on the
knowledge and experience of the triage officers
(Considine et al., 2007). Then again, studies have
shown that knowledge plays a more important role
compared to experience in determining the triage
decisions (LeVasseur et al., 2001).
In our previous work (Halim et al., 2011), we
have noted that the benefits of implementing a
uniform and more robust triage in Malaysian EDs
that can ensure consistent triage decisions, which is
possible with the aid of a Triage Decision-Support
System (TDSS). The TDSS can help to determine
the ‘right’ triage level of a patient by reasoning over
the represented triage decision-support knowledge.
However, the triage decision making knowledge is
rather complex. It consists of factual and procedural
knowledge gathered from decision rules and clinical
practices and guidelines. Therefore there is a need to
organise the supporting knowledge before we
develop the TDSS. For that reason, we resorted to
knowledge modelling to help in the systematisation
of the triage decision-support knowledge.
Two crucial models of knowledge in a
knowledge-based system are the task and the domain
knowledge models (Annamalai, 2006). These
models can help in the understanding of a
knowledge intensive process, and lead the way to
interact with them. The modelling of the domain
knowledge is directed by its purposive mechanism
(Annamalai and Sterling, 2003). In this regard, the
triage decision-support task knowledge model
informs the representation of the knowledge
resources to support the task. Cognitive tasks
involve inferences. Some knowledge modelling
methods additionally advocate the use of an
inference knowledge model to elaborate the
inference knowledge (Tarta, 2004).
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2
analyses the top-down knowledge engineering and
modelling methods. Section 3 describes the
modelling of the triage decision-support task.
Section 4 briefly discusses its validation. Finally,
section 5 concludes the paper and points to future
A. Halim S., Annamalai M., Ahmad R. and Sharifuddin Ahmad M..
Task Knowledge Model for Triage Decision-Support.
DOI: 10.5220/0004546802610268
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 261-268
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Contemporary knowledge engineering methods.
Knowledge Engineering
Generic Task
Inspired by diagnostic and design tasks ×
Include fixed PSM strategy which specify the inference steps ×
Provides task specific vocabulary
Views PSM as fixed ×
Provides a set of predefined terminology
Proposes informal and semi-formal specification techniques to describe knowledge
Uses executable KARL ×
Applies reversible process in system development ×
Allows development of PSM independently from the knowledge base
Decomposable of PSM into sub-method enable a configuration of generic problem-solver
The domain layer is comprise in domain ontology
Platform specific design and implementation ×
Has a broad view of the process during early stage of requirement and analysis
The Model of Expertise provides four layers of knowledge: domain, inference, task and
strategy layer
Provides general knowledge-intensive task templates
Emphasize on the internal control
Platform independent design and implementation
Knowledge engineering extracts the concepts and
relationships among them from the knowledge
sources and resources, and defines them in
knowledge models.
We propose to adopt a top-down knowledge
engineering approach to the modelling of the triage
decision-support knowledge. The top-down
modelling approach avail general task structures that
could be reused and adapted to engineer the
knowledge models (Kingston, 2007). Knowledge
acquisition is directed and focussed to knowledge
that is relevant to the problem in hand. As a result,
the time required for knowledge acquisition and
analysis will be reduced.
Contemporary top-down knowledge modelling
and engineering methods are Generic task
(Chandrasekaran, 1986), Role-limiting (Marcus,
1988), MIKE (Angele et al., 1998), Protégé-II
(Gennari et al., 2003), KADS (Schreiber et al., 1993)
and CommonKADS (Schreiber et al., 2000). Table
1 highlights the strengths of each method and
indicate the ones (with
), which we think are useful
to support the development of the TDSS.
Inspired by diagnostic and design task, the
Generic Task try to solve different types problems
by creating a taxonomy or vocabulary which
appropriate for a particular domain knowledge.
However, the clarity of knowledge representation is
weak because the fact that the languages to
implement the expert system is not standardized
across the tasks. On the other hand, the Role-limiting
method separates the Problem Solving Method
(PSM) from the domain knowledge where the object
and their relation including the environment are
fixed building block. It also provides a predefined
terminology. The orientation of the terminology is a
problem-solving-method-specific, and not domain-
specific. This feature gives flexibility to knowledge
engineer to accommodate a particular domain
MIKE proposes the informal and semi-formal
specification techniques to describe the knowledge.
MIKE uses KARL (Knowledge Acquisition and
Representation Language) to describe the
functionality of the knowledge precisely. Since it is
an executable language, the specification will be
developed based on prototyping approach and the
functionality can be tested by a running prototype.
Another special feature of MIKE is the ability to
increment and reverse during system development
process. However, the ability to develop the system
is not required since we do not intend to develop the
TDSS in this manner to test its functionality.
Protégé-II provides several PSMs which were
developed separately from the knowledge base and
those PSMs can be used to work with different
knowledge bases and solve different real-world
problems. Ever though this feature is not significant
in the development of TDSS, the decomposable of
generic PSM featuring in Protégé-II will help a lot.
The domain layer in Model of Expertise in Protégé-
II was captured in domain ontology and the other
three layers were kept optional and can be used for
any appropriate PSM. This separation however
limits the system-level view of the process,
particularly in triage process. The implementation is
however within the Protégé knowledge acquisition
KADS on the other hand provides all layers of
knowledge in Model of Expertise. Therefore the
Figure 1: Triage Decision-support Task model.
domain, procedural, inferences needed and any
election of tasks can be viewed. The KADS and the
evolved CommonKADS methods support the
modelling of knowledge-intensive tasks which
divided into analytic and synthetic tasks. The task
structures are captured generically as task templates.
The template of each task type is flexible to addition
and modification of its inference in order to fit a
particular application task. Therefore, this method
gives a flexibility to control the reasoning process.
It allowed us to capture the expert reasoning
strategies especially in sequencing the reasoning
Among the task types, we found the Assessment
task structure as a suitable to adapt for engineering
the triage decision-support task knowledge. The goal
of Assessment task is to determine a decision for a
set of case (condition or event) with domain-specific
norms as a rule. In the context of triage decision
making, a set of case will be presented as a patient’s
condition while the norms consist of established
triage guidelines or scale. CommonKADS has
emerged as an industrial strength knowledge
engineering method, and have been used in many
cases (Lindow et al., 2013).
The explanation about this section will begin with
structuring the triage decision-support task model
and followed by inference models.
3.1 Triage Decision-Support Task
We engineered the triage decision-support task
model by adapting the generic CommonKADS
Assessment task. Figure 1 shows the resulting triage
decision-support task model. In the process, we
have made several modifications to the Assessment
task structure. The Sort and Verify inferences are
new. The Sort inference is introduce since the triage
decision deals with a set of case which consist of
more than one elements that need to be prioritized
according to a particular preference. The Select
inference is replaced by Fetch, which is a non-
cognitive action. This action will fetch the element
that has been prioritized by the Sort inference. The
decision-support process flow, as a whole, has been
revised and restructured to reflect the flow and
processing of knowledge in triage decision making.
In Table 2, we describe the key knowledge or
information resources utilised in the triage decision-
support task.
The dotted flow line A in Figure 1 points to the
iterative addition of a modifier under consideration.
If there are no norms to be considered for that
modifier, the evaluation continues using other
modifiers (indicated by dotted flow line B).
As shown in Figure 1, there are eight inferences
in our triage decision-support task model: Specify
modifier, Abstract modifier value, Sort modifier,
Evaluate abstracted modifiers value, Verify if a
Figure 2: Triage Decision-support Task, Inference model and the Specific Inferences.
Table 2: The key knowledge/ information resources
utilised in the Triage decision-support task.
Term Description
Case Knowledge or information gathered from the
patient, which consists of oral history, vital signs
and observation.
The most significant illness inferred from Case
(based on Habboushe’s guide (Habboushe, 2012))
Modifiers A determinant to determine a triage level. Eleven
modifiers are involved (Murray, Bullard and
Grafstein, 2004): Glasgow Coma Score (GCS),
Respiratory distress, Hemodynamic stability,
Dedicated presenting complaint, Mental health,
Bleeding severity, Hypertension, Temperature,
Pain, Mechanism of injury and Blood glucose.
The value assign to a modifier. Ex. Modifier value
is 38C for modifier Temperature.
orms of
modifier /
A conditional rule of a modifier. Each modifier
has more than one rule. The following is example
of a norm.
IF level of distress is severe
THEN triage level is I
Triage level The outcome of a norm’s evaluation. Triage levels
consist of level one to level five in a robust triage
scale (Gerdtz et al, 2009). The triage level
indicates the severity of a patient’s clinical
The critical condition refers to triage level I and
II, i.e., when the patient must be given immediate
triage value indicates a critical condition, Verify if
all norms of modifier X have been considered, Verify
if all modifiers have been considered and Match
modifier. Another two non-cognitive actions are
Fetch the set of norms of modifier X and Fetch a
norm from a set of norms of modifier X. These
inferences will be described in section 3.2.1, 3.2.2,
3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.2.6 and 3.2.7, respectively.
3.2 Triage Inference Models
Based on the triage decision-support task model, we
have decomposed six intermediate inference
subtasks, namely Specification, Abstraction, Sorting,
Verification, Evaluation and Match. The
decomposition of the task describes the control of
sequence of task design and help in determining the
inference models. Figure 2 shows the task
decomposition of the triage decision-support task.
Triage decision-support is the most general task.
The inference knowledge details the reasoning
mechanism for the triage decision-support solution.
This type of knowledge is described by specifying
the performed function and their input and output.
The six inference models that will guide the
representation of the specific inference knowledge
are: Specification model, Abstraction model,
Selection model, Verification model, Evaluation
model and Matching model. These models are
described in the CommonKADS reference
(Schreiber et al., 2000).
The following sub-sections will explain the
inferences models.
3.2.1 Specification Inference
The Specification inference in the context of triage
decision-support will identify CC as an input and
determines a list of modifier as output. The output is
produced by inferring over the Specify inferencing
The list of modifiers consists of two groups:
Specified and Optional modifier. A specified
modifier is a modifier which has been identified by a
domain expert. The selection of modifier is primarily
determined by the degree of severity of the
symptom. For example headache is a symptom and
increase intra cranial pressure, migraine and stress
are causes of headache. The level of triage is
determined by the Pain modifier value not by the
cause of headache and together with other modifiers:
GCS, Hypertension, Presenting complaint, Bleeding
and Mechanism of injury. The optional modifier is
compliment handle for the triage officer, in case
more modifiers are needed. The following pseudo
code broadly describes the Specify inference
knowledge. Note Variable X represents a particular
READ CC from chief complaint list
IF CC is X
THEN DISPLAY list of Specified
modifiers for X
3.2.2 Abstraction Inference
The Abstraction inference has case description as
input and an abstracted case description as output. A
case description can be a description about certain
conditions, situations or any attributes that explain
the entity. For example, a value of Respiratory
modifier “cyanosis” is abstracted into severe level of
In the triage decision-support task, out of the
eleven modifiers, four modifier values are abstracted
indirectly (computed) from the case, while other
values can be extracted directly. The following
pseudo code describes part of the Abstraction
inference knowledge.
READ modifier value for GCS from
list of Specified modifier for GCS
READ modifier value for Presenting
Complaint from list of specified
modifier for Presenting Complaint
IF modifier value for GCS is not
THEN CALL function abstraction GCS
IF modifier value for Temperature is
not null
THEN abstracted value Temperature =
modifier value for Temperature
In the above example, the GCS modifier value
has to be abstracted indirectly, while the
Temperature can be extracted directly from the case.
The following pseudo code explains the identified
abstraction of the GCS modifier value.
READ eye opening response from list
of specified modifier for GCS
READ verbal response from list of
specified modifier for GCS
READ motor response from list of
specified modifier for GCS
IF eye opening response is
THEN eye point = 4
IF eye opening response is verbal
THEN eye point = 3
IF verbal response is oriented
THEN verbal point = 5
IF verbal response is confused
THEN verbal point = 4
IF motor response is obeys commands
THEN motor point = 5
IF motor response is withdraws in
response to pain
THEN motor point = 4
COMPUTE abstracted value GCS = eye
point + verbal point + motor point
3.2.3 Sorting Inference
A sorting inference has a set of elements as input
and a sorted list which contains the same elements as
an output. This inference decides the relative order
of two or more elements. In the triage decision-
support task, the Sorting inference prioritizes the
specified modifiers (input) to be considered based on
CC. The example of sorted modifier (output) for
Abdominal pain CC is Pain, Hemodynamic,
Respiratory, Hypertension and Presenting complaint.
The following pseudo code describes a piece of
the Sorting inference knowledge which will show
the order of priority Specified modifiers for a CC
when their order is known.
READ CC from chief complaint list
READ list of specified modifier
IF CC is X
THEN OUTPUT list of specified sorted
modifiers for X
However, in triage decision making, the
modifiers of certain CC are not specific. In such
situation, the principle of emergency care will be
applied to sort the modifiers. The principle of
emergency care highlights the element of the
modifiers represented by the acronym of ABCD
(A=airway; B=breathing, C= circulation;
D=dysfunction of central nervous system) to relieve
suffering and to prevent further deterioration of the
illness. This knowledge has been used in practice to
prioritise the modifiers.
3.2.4 Evaluation Inference
The inputs of Evaluation inference consist of two
components: a set of data and a norm. Data is
evaluated with a norm based on evaluation criteria.
The truth value is derived, which indicates whether
or not the data complies with the norm.
In the triage decision-support task, the
Abstracted modifiers values and the Fetched norm of
modifier X are data and norm, respectively. The
evaluation knowledge consists of rules that examine
whether the abstracted values comply with the norm
in hand. A truth value of 1 indicates that the Fetched
norm of modifier X fulfils the Abstracted modifiers
values. In case of failure (0), the next norm of
modifier X is considered. The following pseudo
code describes a piece of the evaluation inference
READ norm i of modifier X
READ abstracted value modifier X
IF (norm i of modifier X ==
abstracted value modifier X) is
THEN truth value = 1
GET triage level value
GET abstracted modifier X value
ELSE truth value = 0
3.2.5 Verification Inference
The Verification inference is used to test a
description of the system based on certain
hypothesis. A system description represents a
condition or event that has to be tested and the
output for this task is a truth value, which indicates
whether the system has passed the test. The violation
is also an output.
The Verification inferences in triage decision-
support verify three different events: Verify if a
norm value indicates a critical condition, Verify if
all norms of modifier X have been considered and
Verify if all modifiers have been considered. The
following paragraph discusses the first event.
This event is to verify whether the determined
triage level indicates the critical condition which is
triage level I and II. The truth value from this
verification also determines whether there is a need
to consider the other norms if the verification fails. If
the verification succeeds, the following Match
inference takes over. The following pseudo code
describes part of the Verify critical condition
inference knowledge.
READ triage level value
IF triage level value = 1
THEN GO TO Match modifier
ELSE GO TO Verify all norms
3.2.6 Matching Inference
The input for the Matching inference is an abstracted
case description, which describes a particular event
or entity and a set of norms represents the rules that
indicate whether the description leads to decision.
The purpose of this inference in triage decision-
support is to provide justified explanation for the
determined triage level (decision). The explanation
is based on norms that meet the lowest triage level.
The following pseudo code broadly describes the
matching inference knowledge.
FOR (norm i of modifier X ==
abstracted value modifier X) is
READ all norm i of modifier X
READ all norm i of modifier X
DETERMINE lowest triage level value
READ norm i of modifier X with
lowest triage level value
PRINT norm i of modifier X with
lowest triage level value
PRINT triage level value
3.2.7 Fetch Action
Fetch is a non-cognitive action that appears in the
triage decision-support task. This action fetches a
set of norms for modifier X. The following pseudo
code describes a piece of the Fetch inference
READ list of specified sorted
modifiers for CC
OBTAIN number of modifiers from
specified sorted modifier for CC
IF specific sorted modifier i is X
THEN FETCH set norms of modifier X
Once the understanding of the triage decision-
support task is clear, the key resources utilised in the
triage decision-support task will serve the basis of
validation of the task knowledge model.
Subsequently, the modelling of the purposive
domain knowledge will be based on these identified
resources (Annamalai, 2006; Annamalai and
Sterling, 2003). In the ensuring paragraphs, we will
discuss these knowledge resources. Due to page
limitation, we only provide a brief description of the
key knowledge resources stated in Table 2.
Case is a composition of Patient, Clinical
judgment, History. Patient consists of patient
identity such as his name, age and gender. Clinical
judgment aggregates the objective and subjective
observations and oral history taken from patient.
The Case is abstracted to identify the Chief
Complaint (CC). A list of Chief Complaint (CC) is
provided in Habboushe’s guide (2012).
Each CC has a set of Specified and Optional
modifier associated with it. Table 3 shows the the
modifiers for CC: Altered mental status.
Table 4 shows the modifier values and the
abstracted modifier values for the modifier:
Table 3: The associated of the modifiers for CC: Altered
mental status.
CC Specified modifier Optional modifier
Presenting complaint
Mechanism of injury
Mental health
Blood glucose
Table 4: Modifier values for modifier: Respiratory.
Modifier Modifier value
modifier value
Single word speech
Short of breath with mild
exertion rest
Speaking phrases
Significant strider with
airway protected
Mild short of breath
Rapid breathing
No obvious work of breathing
Able to speak in sentences
Stridor without obstruction
Table 5: Set of norms for modifiers GCS, Respiratory and
Set of norms
Value Level
3 to 9
10 to 13 II
14 to 15 III
Severe I
Moderate II
Mild III
Severe end organ hypo-
Borderline perfusion II
Upper and lower end VS III
Normal VS IV
Table 5 shows the set of norms and the triggered
triage levels for three example modifiers: GCS,
Respiratory and Hemodynamic. The terms that
feature in the modifier values such as Severe, Mild,
Hypo-perfusion, Borderline perfusion and so on will
be structured and defined in the domain knowledge
The paper discusses the construction of the
knowledge model to support the development of a
triage decision-support system. We adapted and
extended the generic CommonKADS Assessment
task to structure the triage decision-support task
knowledge model, which consists of six inference
models and one non-cognitive action. They are:
Specification, Abstraction, Sorting, Evaluation,
Verification, Matching and Fetching. The Sorting
and Verification are new inferences that are
introduced in this task, which do not exist in the
generic Assessment task. The introduction of these
two inferences is to support the nature of triage
decision making.
Since we adapted a top-down modelling
approach to engineer our task model, the validation
of the task model involved checking with the domain
experts on the concretisation of the abstract terms,
the inference methods and the ordering, and their
input and output data and/ or knowledge resources.
In our future work, we will construct the triage
purposive domain knowledge model informed by
this task knowledge model.
This work was supported by Ministry of Education
Exploratory Research Grant Scheme, Malaysia. We
would like to thank Mohammad Hafidz bin Rahmat
for his cooperation during our initial study.
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