An Approach to Manage the Web Knowledge
Filippo Eros Pani, Maria Ilaria Lunesu, Giulio Concas and Gavina Baralla
Department of Electrics and Electronics Engineering, University of Cagliari, Piazza d'Armi, Cagliari, Italy
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Multimedia Content, Semantic Web, Knowledge Base, Taxonomy.
Abstract: The spread of the Social Web is influencing the evolution of Semantic Web: the way of producing and
consulting information changes, as well as the way people relate themselves with the Internet and the
services it gives. Users will participate at first hand to the developing of the Web which therefore becomes
interactive. This study considers this feature, trying to link the worlds of Social Media and Semantic Web,
with the aim of proposing a semantic classification of the information coming from the Web, which do not
always follow a well-defined order and organization. Starting from a precise analysis of the information of
the Web through an accurate and meticulous study on how these are presented and used, in order to give a
sorted and easily usable data structure, this approach wants to define a taxonomy able to represent
knowledge through an iterative combined approach, where top-down and bottom-up analyses are applied on
the knowledge domain we want to represent.
Over the last decade a broader knowledge of the
Web has strengthened and fostered the developing of
new applications: the Web has turned into a
multifunctional platform where users no longer get
the information passively; in fact, they become
authors and makers. This has been mainly possible
thanks to the developing of new applications which
allow users to add contents without knowing any
programming code. The social value which the Web
has acquired recently is therefore unquestionable;
the Web's structure grows and changes depending on
the user's needs, becoming every day more complex.
The new frontier for the Internet is represented by
the Web 3.0 (Berners-Lee et al., 2001): with the
evolution of the Web into its semantic version, a
transition to a more efficient representation of
knowledge is a necessary step. Particularly, data are
no longer represented just by the description of their
structure (syntax) but also by the definition of their
meaning (semantics). In fact, a data can have a
different meaning depending on the contexts; the use
of tools like ontologies and taxonomies helps the
classification of information, as shown also in
(Decker et al., 2000; Maedche and Staab, 2001;
Jacob, 2003; Davies et al., 2003; Strintzis et al.,
2004; Jewell et al., 2005; Hepp, 2007; Gruber, 2008)
and (Simperi, 2009).
The Web becomes clever and is conceived as a
big database in which data are orderly classified.
“Information”, therefore, is one of the keywords at
the base of the success of both search engines
(Google, Yahoo, Bing, …), which become more
refined in data retrieval and presentation, and Social
Networks (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, …),
which allow exchange and sharing, creating an
interconnection among users and content makers.
However, such data, despite being formally
available, are often unreachable as for their semantic
meaning and cannot be used as real knowledge.
Various proposals to solve these problems can be
found in literature, also to overcome the semantic
heterogeneity problem (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007)
and to facilitate knowledge sharing and reuse
(Fensel et al., 2001; Gómez-Pérez and Corcho,
2002). In (Schreiber et al., 2001) an approach based
on the use of an ontology to make annotating photos
and searching for specific images more intelligent is
described; and in (Jaimes and Smith, 2003) a data-
driven approach to investigate semi-automatic
construction of multimedia ontologies is used. With
the emergence of the Semantic Web, a shared
vocabulary is necessary to annotate the vast
collection of heterogeneous media: in (Jewell et al.,
2005) an ontology is proposed to provide a
Eros Pani F., Ilaria Lunesu M., Concas G. and Baralla G..
An Approach to Manage the Web Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0004547900810088
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 81-88
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
meaningful set of relationships which may enable
this process.
Particularly, in (Lunesu et al., 2011) the problem
of representing and managing the knowledge which
can be found on the Internet is discussed as for the
User Generated Content (UGC), classifying this
knowledge through a top-down (TD) and bottom-up
(BU) combined approach. To reach such target, an
ontology was built as a base to define a repository of
multimedia contents, putting a special focus on the
georeferencing of multimedia objects. As for the TD
approach, the standards used for the multimedia
objects (XMP, Exif, etc.) have been defined by
selecting data of interest to represent them on the
ontology, which in turn was defined through rules of
correspondence. As for the BU approach, UGCs of
two particularly exemplifying platforms (Flickr and
Youtube) have been analyzed, in order to extrapolate
some structured tags, folksonomies and attributes of
multimedia objects (characteristically Exif, as for
Flickr, and proprietary tags, as for Youtube). In
conclusion, this ontology allowed for the
construction of a repository to store the information
extracted from UGC systems, where all the
information related to multimedia objects are shown
(compatibly with the XMP standard) as well as other
tags of general interest, apart from representing also
the information which can be found on the as-is
This study aims at defining a new approach for
the problem of the contents on the Internet,
especially semi-structured contents coming from
heterogeneous sources referring to a common
knowledge domain. Through a combined TD and
BU approach, knowledge of a specific domain was
extracted defining a common structure through a
taxonomy, in order to classify and make the majority
of such knowledge available.
With the TD approach the knowledge of interest on
the domain was defined, following the specifications
and the analysis of the ontologies and other
classifications, in order to define a reference
On the other hand, the BU approach started from
the selection of some websites concerning the
domain of interest, to pinpoint the knowledge in
them. Then, these contents were classified with the
taxonomy previously defined and the mapping rules
between contents and taxonomy.
This taxonomy allowed for the definition of a
reference knowledge which may later be managed in
terms of really usable and interesting knowledge,
fostered by the whole knowledge of all the selected
We chose to test this approach on the knowledge
domain of Italian wines reviews. As for the
validation, we verified how this KMS allowed such
knowledge to become available on systems that were
compliant with the Wines ontology as defined as an
example of Semantic Web by W3C; then we
checked other websites of Italian wines reviews,
verifying how their contents of interest could be
represented and managed on the KMS through some
simple mapping rules.
The paper is structured as follows: in the second
section of this paper we present our proposed
approach for knowledge management and in the
fourth we explain the case study. The next section
includes the analysis of results and verification.
Finally, the fifth section includes the conclusion and
reasoning about the future evolution of the work.
The proposed approach aims at defining a taxonomy
able to represent knowledge through a mixed-
iterative approach, where TD and BU analyses of the
knowledge domain which has to be represented are
applied: these are typical approaches for this kind of
problems. In this case, they are applied following an
iterative approach which allows, through further
refinements, for the efficient definition of the
taxonomy able to represent the domain's knowledge
of interest.
The knowledge to be represented is the most
popular among users of a certain domain. To
determine which is the users' knowledge of real
interest we chose to select the most used websites by
users, the most important and looked up ones. For
this definition, websites with a higher ranking on
Google among the domain of interest are typically
2.1 Top-down Phase
When our knowledge or our expectations are
influenced by perception, we refer to schema-driven
or TD elaboration. A schema is a model formerly
created by our experience. More general or abstract
contents are indicated as higher level, while concrete
details (senses input) are indicated as lower level.
The TD elaboration happens whenever a higher level
concept influences the interpretation of lower level
sensory data. Generally, the TD process is an
information process based on former knowledge or
acquired mental schemes; it allows us to make
inferences: to “perceive” or “know” more than what
can be found in data. TD methodology starts,
therefore, by identifying a target to reach, and then
pinpoints the strategy to use in order to reach the
established goal.
Our aim is therefore to begin by a formalization
of the reference knowledge (ontology, taxonomy or
others) to start classifying the information on the
reference domain.
The model could be, for instance, a formalization
of one or more classifications of the same domain,
formerly made in a logic of metadata. Therefore, the
output of this phase will be a table with all the
elements of knowledge formalized through the
definition of the reference metadata.
2.2 Bottom-up Phase
With this phase the knowledge to be represented is
analyzed by pinpointing, among the present
information, the ones which are to be represented
together with a reference terminology for data
When an interpretation emerges from data, it is
called data-driven or BU elaboration. Perception is
mainly data-driven, as it must precisely reflect what
happens in the external world. Generally, it is better
if the interpretation coming from a system of
information is determined by what is effectively
transmitted at sensory level rather than what is
perceived as an expectation. Applying this concept,
we analyzed a set of websites containing the
information of the domain of interest; from these
websites, both information whose structure needed
to be extrapolated and the information in them were
pinpointed. Typically, reference websites for that
information domain are selected, namely the ones
which users mainly use to find information of their
interest over the domain itself.
Primary information, important ones, already
emerge during the phase of websites analysis and
gathering: during a first skimming phase, the
minimum, basic information necessary to well
describe our domain can be noticed. Then, important
information are extrapolated by choosing fields or
keywords which best represent the knowledge, in
order to create a knowledge base (KB). In this phase,
one of the limits could be the creation of the KB
itself, because each website is likely to show a
different structure and a different way of presenting
the same information. Therefore, it will be necessary
to pinpoint the present information of interest,
defining and outlining them. After this analysis of
gathering of information, a classification is made
and it has to reflect, in the most faithful way, the
structure of the knowledge proposed by every single
website, respecting both its contents and hierarchy.
To analyse data, we chose to build a tabular
system for each website coming from a precise
identification of each information area existing in
every website taken as a knowledge base.
For each website we created a table which
accurately gathers and describes the information that
can be found in it, with a detailed field of
descriptions. With this stage we obtained a complete
representation of the knowledge which can be found
on the chosen websites, but not a usable one because
it had not been classified yet.
2.3 Integration Phase
In these phases we will try to reconcile these two
representations of knowledge of the domain, as
represented in the former phases.
Thus, we want to pinpoint, for each single TD's
metadata, where the information can be found in the
table's fields representing the knowledge of each
website (which, for us, represents the knowledge we
want to represent, considering the semantic concept
and not the way to represent it, absolutely subjective
for every website).
At this point we check if, in every table, the
information of our representation of knowledge
coming from the TD can be found in the tables
coming from the BU, verifying if it exists as a field
or can be found in a field or is missing.
Then, we will create a mapping macro-table of
knowledge containing, for each item of the
taxonomy, the correspondence if and where that
information exists in the various websites and also
the information of the websites which are not
represented by the taxonomy.
From the macrosystem a KB originates, which is
able to represent both the formalization of
knowledge and the present knowledge.
2.4 Formalization of Knowledge
Starting from this KB, further iterative refining can
be made by re-analyzing the information in different
phases: 1) with a TD approach, checking if the
information which are not represented by the chosen
formalization can be formalized; 2) with a BU
approach, analyzing if some information of the
websites can be connected to formalized items; 3)
with the mixed phase by which these concepts are
reconciled. This is obviously made only for the
information to be represented.
The knowledge we want to represent is the one
considered of interest by the users for the domain:
for this reason, the most important and looked up
websites are chosen. At the end of this analysis we
will define a taxonomy able to represent the
knowledge of interest for this domain, which may
also not have items from the taxonomy (or ontology
from which we started in the TD analysis), but may
have items which did not exist in it, emerged from
the BU analysis. The final result of this phase will be
a reference taxonomy, where, for each item, there is
a linked information about where the knowledge of
interest can be found on each website.
In this study we chose as a case study the domain of
wines and, particularly, the one belonging to the
technical files and/or descriptions of “Italian wines”:
the choice was not made randomly as the world of
wines is rich in contents and complete enough to
give a good starting point for our study. In fact, there
are thousands of contents which can be found on the
Internet; also, there are different studies on the
classification of wines from which we can draw on.
3.1 Knowledge Base of Interest
Contents on wine available on the Web are
thousands, offering a significant KB.
Our study takes into consideration a subdomain
of wine, represented by all the most important
reviews which can be found on the Internet. From
the analyses of the domain on the web and the
Google Ranking of these websites, we chose a list of
suitable and representative websites, having
considered the popularity and the reliability given by
the Web. The websites we took into consideration
are the following:;;;;; These websites are
considered as representative for our study also
because of their own information structures,
particularly various and differentiated. Each website
has its own structure and a different representation
of the information. To correctly define our domain it
was therefore necessary to precisely analyse the
contents in each of them and the layouts. The
structure of the page showing the review is useful to
understand if the same website always uses the same
structure and the same items for every review.
Unfortunately we saw that some of them show the
same information differently depending on the
review, using, for instance, different tags for the
same data. This, obviously, is a limit in the process
of classification of contents. It is thus necessary to
align the different items for the same website, used
to represent the same data.
3.2 Top-down Phase
In this phase we analyzed the existing formalizations
for the representation of knowledge of this domain.
A very interesting formalization which we
pinpointed was the one by the Associazione Italiana
Sommelier (AIS), The Italian Sommelier
Association, providing a detailed description of all
the terms associated with wine. Another important
formalization was the one by the European law
defining the reference features of a certain wine,
such as type, colour, grape variety, etc. From these
two, a reference taxonomy for those features was
created. As an additional formalization, we chose a
reference scheme, represented by an ontology
already existing on the Web and made by W3C:
wine ontology [
guide/wine.rdf]. An ontology is more complex than
a taxonomy. It has, apart from class hierarchies,
property hierarchies with cardinalities for the
assignable values. It offers a general view of the
world of wines, with a less detailed description for
certain fields as stated on the reviews found on the
Web. Moreover, from this ontology we took into
consideration only the areas of interest existing in
our classification, omitting those ones representing
elements not of interest (such as, for instance, each
winemaker’s property).
Starting from these reference formalizations, a
first taxonomy was built in which we pinpointed the
items to create the reference table. After choosing
the items of interest in the reference ontology, we
analyzed the direct correspondence among tags of
the two representations, directly extracting the
ontology ones from the OWL code. To standardise
our taxonomy we decided to take into consideration
the RDF standard indicating, just for the items with
a correspondence, its URI. The RDF standard allows
to associate a URI also to the properties. website,
used to represent the same data.
3.3 Bottom-up Phase
The BU analysis required a detailed analysis of the
contents of these websites, trying to pinpoint the
information we considered as important; then we
studied the structure of each single source, useful to
see the existing data and their position in the layout
of the page.
Once the KB for the domain of interest
composed by the websites was defined, the next step
was classifying all the chosen information. Such
classification is made by creating a classification of
the BU contents because it was built from the
bottom: information on the websites are thus
accurately analyzed.
We start from the analysis of the specific to
reach a general classification of data. One of the
initial steps of our project contemplated the study of
the structure of each source, useful to see the
existing data and their position on the page's layout.
This procedure happens to be important also at
this point of the study, because allows for the
evaluation of the classification of information. Both
the item “maturazione”, but also the organoleptic
analysis (visual, olfactory and gustatory test) if
existing, are systematically shown on the websites
taken into consideration, into the area which we
identified as “tasting notes”. For this reason, to build
the hierarchy we tried to respect the original, already
existing one.
The type of classification was also revealed
during the data analysis phase, during the study of
semantics and uniformation.
With the creation of the tables we tried to
represent the knowledge in the shape of fields as
faithful as possible to those ones already existing in
the samples taken into consideration.
The evaluation of this phase is subjective and left
to the intuition of the analyst, which freely interprets
the information at their disposal, intuitively
obtaining the taxonomic tree. This step happens to
be very tricky, because is susceptible to accidental
mistakes. However, we could say that the various
structures found in the domain which we considered,
apart from the caption used to define each field, are
not so different, thus the classification did not raise
any big doubt, as for the representation.
Thus, the macrosystem made 7 tables, one for
each website. Every table has the list of information
of the website it represents.
3.4 Mixed Phase
During this phase, the items of the fields existing in
the taxonomy defined in the TD phase were
compared to the fields of the tables created in the
BU phase. To do this, we built a mapping macro-
table of knowledge containing, for each item of the
taxonomy, the correspondence if and where that
information exists on the various websites and also
the information existing on the websites which were
not represented by the taxonomy.
To each item we thus assigned a numerical value
to represent this mapping: 1) existing and extractable
information; 2) existing but not extractable
information; 3) sometimes existing and extractable
information; 4) sometimes existing but not
extractable information; 5) always missing
For the fields with values 1 and 3, the
corresponding field and the mapping rule to
extrapolate the information are also indicated.
The information with value 2 and 4 is embedded
(hidden in the text) and, therefore, should be
specifically looked for with tools of semantic
analysis. Anyway, the field in which it exists is
With this analysis and classification of every
single data we managed to solve the inhomogeneity
of the information existing in the Web, as for the
domain of interest. This allowed to study both its
structure and the type of information existing, giving
us the chance to examine how data are presented and
the classification given for each website.
When creating the taxonomy, which wants to be
a semantic classification, we also tried to represent
the structure of data and the existing hierarchies of
the sample websites.
3.5 Formalization of Knowledge
This activity was iteratively repeated to best
represent the knowledge and its connections
described in the macro-system mentioned above. As
expected, not all the fields were taken into
consideration, neither among those existing in the
initial taxonomy nor among the extrapolated ones,
and those ones which appear just once in the whole
macro-system were rejected (evaluation made
considering the field value = 5), such as, for
instance, “Bicchiere consigliato” or “Temperatura di
servizio consigliata”.
The inhomogeneity among the information
existing in the different websites was analyzed by
looking for the semantic correspondences
represented in the macrosystem with the column
‘field details’. The same principle was used to
uniform fields with numerical values. The final
range takes into account the classification used by
the majority of websites.
A simplifying table summarizing the procedure
of classification described above is shown below.
The result of these phases was the knowledge
Table 1: Classification.
Macrosystem Items Final Tags
Wine's identification name Wine
Winery: address, telephone,
fax, e-mail, web, map, other
wine, other info winery
Classification: Vino da
tavola, IGT, DOC, DOCG
Colour: white, rose, red
Qualification: embedded
Qualification: classic,
reserve, superior
<typical grape composition>
<titolo alcolometrico>
Label Label
<tasting notes>
Tasting notes
<prezzo enoteca>
<starting at>
<average bottle price>
<suggested recipe pairings>
<food pairing suggestions>
Food pairing suggestion
<posted by>
<posted on>
<degustazione in data>
<decanter rating>: max 5
<rated>: max 5 bicchieri
<valutazione>: max 5
<punteggio>: max 5
<voto>: max 5 chiocciole
Punteggio: max 3 bicchieri
Rate: 60-70; 71-75; 76-80;
81-85; 86-90;
base formalized through the taxonomy. The table
shows some items of it, with a field of value 1 or 3
and expressed in textual form (for instance, those
ones directly extractable through tags or metadata).
Other fields, represented by an icon, were rejected,
though their presence was considered.
During the validation phase we verified how our
KMS made the acquired knowledge usable for the
systems compliant with other ontology of wines and
for other websites on Italian wines reviews. We went
on verifying how the contents of interest of these
websites could be represented and managed on the
KMS through some simple mapping rules.
Then, we tried to solve the clear inhomogeneity
by paying more attention to the semantic meaning
and not to the notation used to represent those
contents. In fact, the purpose of the study was not to
describe the whole world of wines, but just the part
of it represented by the information which can be
found on the Web.
After matching the two systems, Ontology and
Taxonomy, the information were generalized and
made coherent. This allowed us to verify that our
system is able to represent and combine specific
information, and at the same time understands the
main variances between the two systems, namely the
difference of some considered information.
This kind of study can also be used to enrich an
already existing ontology with fields coming from a
general classification, evaluating a possible
integration of such information without damaging
the existing hierarchy, so that we can have a broader
and more accurate view over the analyzed domain.
4.1 Choice of Samples
To continue with the phase of verification of the
created taxonomy, we decided to take into
consideration another set of samples – again, wine
reviews which can be found on the Web.
The choice of the websites for the testing phase
followed the same criteria used during the analysis
of the domain. The main obstacle we found was due
to the popularity of the product and the large amount
of followers who have a very subjective way of
representing the information about wine and the
acquired knowledge. Here comes the need of
pinpointing sources with clear, easily extractable and
objective information.
One of the main features which these sources
needed to have was the presence of differentiated
fields with a single notation rather than a broad
textual field. So, also in this case, all the websites
gathering a large quantity of information in just a
macro-textual area were rejected. In fact, these kind
of websites, though full of contents, were not
suitable for the testing phase. The embedded
information, though fostering the acquisition of a
general knowledge, do not facilitate its own
structured classification. Similarly, some apparently
suitable sources happened to have very few contents,
with a database so poor that it did not mention the
most appreciated wines.
After these considerations, the websites we
decided to take into consideration for the tests were
the following:;;;
4.2 Testing Phase
For each sample website, in this testing phase we
verified whether the information in them could be
found in the classification proposed by us, and
whether our taxonomy could be able to represent
them. For each website, therefore, the following
table was built, representing the specific fields of
information which was the same for every review
that we analyzed.
Table 2: Testing phase.
Field Details Taxonomy Item
Label Label's image Wine.label
About the
Grape variety Grape variety Wine.grape
Range of prices Price Wine.prices
Others years Others years
Wine tasting Wine.tastingNotes
Rate: max 5 stars Rate Wine.rate
In the light of the results obtained in this testing
phase, we are satisfied with the taxonomy which we
created. In fact, with this testing phase, we saw that
the classification defined in our study reflects the
type of contents needed. Such classification,
therefore, is usable, re-usable and possibly
extendible to the domain of interest of wine.
The spread of the Social Web is significantly
influencing the evolution of Semantic Web: users
themselves are creating rules for the representation
of information. The structure of the Web grows and
changes giving the user the chance to actively
participate in the developing of the Web. For this
reason, our study took into consideration this feature
with the uniformation of UGCs, trying to link the
two worlds: Social Media and Semantic Web. Also
the main search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, …)
and the main Social Network (Youtube, Facebook,
Twitter, Flickr, …) are evolving, specializing and
interconnecting themselves on data retrieval,
presentation, exchange and sharing.
That being so, the basic idea of our study was to
propose a solution to the problem of the different
contents of the Web, coming from different sources
but belonging to the same domain of knowledge.
Our proposal is to define a taxonomy able to
represent knowledge through a mixed iterative
approach, articulated in a top-down analysis and a
bottom-up one of the domain of knowledge which is
to be represented. Thus, first we tried to define the
knowledge of interest on the domain, depending on
the specifications, and through the analysis of the
existing ontologies, in order to define a reference
taxonomy. Then, the knowledge we considered as
important (and as an element of common interest)
was extracted from a selection of websites belonging
to the domain of interest. These contents are to be
classified in the taxonomy mentioned before, also
using mapping rules made ad-hoc. The taxonomy
created allowed for a definition of the reference
knowledge which could then be managed as an
actual usable knowledge, fostered by all the
information existing on the selected websites. Due to
the large amount of the information available, we
chose as domain of knowledge a sub-domain of
wine, represented by the reviews which can be found
on the Web.
From the analysis of the domain on the Web and
the Google Ranking of many websites, we chose a
list of some suitable and representative ones after
considering popularity and reliability given from the
We chose to validate the proposed approach by
verifying how the KMS allowed to make the
acquired knowledge usable and accessible to the
systems compliant with the Ontology of Wines taken
into consideration along with other websites of
Italian wine reviews, underlining how, also in this
case, the collected information could be represented
and managed on the KMS through some simple
mapping rules. Such a system could be enriched by
deducing an ontology of information existing on the
Web to be compared with another ontology
representing the same domain. A similar comparison
has the advantage to be simple, less disorganized
and surely less susceptible to mistakes than the one
proposed in our project.
A further, interesting development could be the
creation of repositories able to collect the
information previously classified and, through a
system made ad-hoc, they would be presented to the
final user in a structured and customized way,
depending on the requests, and possibly developing
a graphic interface which could be able to draw the
curiosity and the interest of the user.
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