Effects of Ontology Pitfalls on Ontology-based Information
Retrieval Systems
Davide Buscaldi
and Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa
Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, LIPN, CNRS, (UMR7030), Villetaneuse, France
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informática,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Ontology-based Information Retrieval Systems, Ontology Quality, Ontology Pitfalls.
Abstract: Nowadays, a growing number of information retrieval systems make use of ontologies to improve the
access to textual information, especially in domain-specific scenarios, where the knowledge provided by
ontologies represents a key factor. Such kinds of retrieval systems are often referred to as ontology-based or
semantic information retrieval systems. The quality of ontologies plays an important role in such systems in
the sense that modelling errors in the ontologies may deteriorate the quality of the results obtained by these
systems. In this paper we provide a comprehensive analysis of how ontology pitfalls have an influence on
these kinds of systems. This study allows us to have a more complete understanding of the role of ontology
quality in the information retrieval field. Our survey shows that pitfalls may act as an indicator not only of
possible problems in ontology design, but also of OWL features overseen by system developers.
Since the introduction of the concept of Semantic
Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 2001 (Berners-Lee et
al., 2001), the Information Retrieval (IR) research
community has shown a growing interest in
Semantic Web technologies. Ontologies are one of
the most important technologies proposed in the
context of the Semantic Web. Many IR researchers
saw the possibility to use ontologies as an external
knowledge source to be integrated into IR systems in
order to improve their performance when accessing
to textual information. Therefore, in the last decade,
a growing number of IR systems based on
ontologies have appeared, such as KIM (Kyriakov et
al., 2004), MELISA (Abasolo and Gomez, 2000),
and TextViz (Reymonet et al., 2010).
Like any other resources used in software
systems, ontologies need to be evaluated before
(re)using them in other ontologies and/or
applications. Results obtained by ontology-based
applications can be affected by the quality of the
ontologies used. Ontology quality improvement, by
specifying equivalent and disjoint classes, adding
instances and properties, can significantly enhance
question answering (Poveda et al., 2010) or Web
search results (Tomassen and Strasunkas, 2009).
Independently from the way an IR system exploits
an ontology, it is clear that problems, anomalies or
pitfalls that occurred in the design of an ontology
built for this specific purpose may affect the results
obtained by the IR systems. The use of an analysis
tool could help to implement better IR systems
and/or correct the detected pitfalls. OOPS!
(OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner) is such a tool,
independent of any ontology development
environment, originally intended to help ontology
developers during the ontology validation (Gómez-
Pérez, 2004). Currently, OOPS! provides
mechanisms to automatically detect 21 pitfalls out of
29 identified in the on-line catalogue
The objective of this paper is to provide an
overview of the potential effects of these pitfalls on
ontology-based IR systems. In order to accomplish
this objective, we selected 12 out of the state-of-the-
art systems and studied how they work, identifying
common features and understanding which pitfalls
may affect them. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to
evaluate directly these systems since in most cases
they are not publicly available, they have been built
to work under very specific conditions, and they do
not comply with W3C standards. Therefore, our
Buscaldi D. and Carmen Suarez Figueroa M..
Effects of Ontology Pitfalls on Ontology-based Information Retrieval Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004550203010307
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 301-307
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
analysis is based exclusively on the study of the
systems as described by the authors in their
papers.The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 presents related work in ontology
evaluation and the pitfall catalogue used in our
study. Section 3 describes general characteristics of
the state-of-the-art systems analyzed. In Section 4
the analysis of the possible effects of every pitfall on
each system is included. Finally, Section 5 outlines
some conclusions and future steps.
In the last decade a huge amount of research on
ontology evaluation has been performed. Some of
these attempts have defined a generic quality
evaluation framework (Ciorascu et al;, 2003),
(Gangemi et al., 2006), (Gómez-Pérez, 2004), other
authors proposed to evaluate ontologies depending
on the final (re)use of them (Suárez-Figueroa, 2010),
others have proposed quality models based on
features, criteria and metrics (Burton-Jones et al.,
2005), (Djedidi et al., 2010), and in recent times
methods for pattern-based evaluation have also
emerged (Presutti et al., 2008). A summary of
guidelines and specific techniques for ontology
evaluation can be found on (Sabou et al., 2012).
Despite vast amounts of frameworks, criteria,
and methods, ontology evaluation is still largely
neglected by developers and practitioners. The result
is many applications using ontologies following only
minimal evaluation with an ontology editor,
involving, at most, a syntax checking or reasoning
test. Also, ontology practitioners could feel
overwhelmed looking for the information required
by ontology evaluation methods, and then, to give
up the activity. That problem could stem from the
time-consuming and tedious nature of evaluating the
quality of an ontology. To alleviate such a dull task
technological support that automate as many steps
involved in ontology evaluation as possible have
emerged (ODEClean and ODEval (Corcho et al.,
2004), XDTools plug-in for NeOn Toolkit and
OntoCheck plug-in for Protégé, and MoKi (Pammer,
2010) ).
One of the crucial issues in ontology evaluation
is the identification of anomalies or bad practices in
the ontologies. Different research works have been
focused on establishing sets of common errors
(Rector et al., 2004), (Poveda et al., 2010). The
ontology pitfalls catalogue presented in (Poveda et
al., 2010)is being maintained and improved and it is
available on-line. Such a version consists on the 29
pitfalls. In addition, such pitfalls can be checked
using OOPS! (Poveda et al., 2012), is a web-based
tool, independent of any ontology development
environment, for detecting potential pitfalls that
could lead to modelling errors. This tool is intended
to help ontology developers during the ontology
validation activity , which can be divided into
diagnosis and repair. Currently, OOPS! provides
mechanisms to automatically detect as many pitfalls
as possible, thus helps developers in the diagnosis
activity. In the near future OOPS! will include also
methodological guidelines for repairing the detected
pitfalls. We refer the reader to the OOPS! Site for a
complete explanation of each pitfall.
The classical Information Retrieval task consists in,
given a user request (usually in natural language) q
and a collection of text documents D, retrieving a
subset R, |R| << |D| of documents that are relevant
with respect to the information need expressed by
the user request. IR systems are usually composed of
the following components:
an indexing module, which process the collection
of documents to transform each document in a
representation stored in a way that allows to search
the collection efficiently
a search module, which transforms the natural
language query in the same way and calculates the
score for each document with respect to the query
An ontology-based IR system may use the
knowledge included in the ontology in the indexing
module, to expand the index with information that
otherwise could remain implicit in the text (for
instance, extending the information that “car is a
vehicle”), in the search module, to expand the query
in the same way, or in both. In the first two cases we
talk, respectively, about index and query expansion.
In order to carry out an expansion of this kind, it is
necessary to map a concept to the terms that are
supposed to denote the concept. In many cases, the
concept name is also the term that denotes the
concept; in other cases, terms are stored in the
ontology or in different structures. The process to
map a term in a text to the corresponding concept in
the ontology is called annotation.
Since no ontology-based IR systems are
currently publicly distributed, to perform our
analysis we selected the following 12 ontology-
based information retrieval systems from the state-
of-the-art. The choice was determined by the level of
detail provided for the description of the system. We
have studied how they work and identified common
A. Castells (Castells et al., 2007) use an
ontology structure very similar in principle to the
one used in TextViz. Document annotations are
stored together with concepts, but terms are not
modelled as concepts. Concept labels contain the
terms that are used in the annotation phase. The
query is translated into a RDQL query that is run on
the ontology to retrieve the relevant documents. The
user is allowed to specify weights on concepts of his
choice at the query formulation time.
B. KIM (Kiryakov et al., 2004). This system
focuses on Named Entities (NE), that is, people,
organizations, places, etc. The ontology contains, for
each entity, a link to its most specific class (for
instance, “Arabian Sea” is an instance of the “Sea”
class). The entities are identified thanks to pattern-
matching grammars. Lucene
is used to store the
entities IDs together with the document. Entities in
the queries are also converted to their respective IDs,
therefore allowing to resolve cases in which an
entity may have different names.
C. knOWLer (Ciorascu et al., 2003). This
system uses three different OWL ontologies: the first
one corresponds to the WordNet
ontology, where
synsets have been mapped to concepts and the
WordNet relationships to OWL properties. A second
OWL ontology contains the terms related to each
concept (terms are represented using their stemmed
form). The last ontology is used to represent the
documents, extracted from the Wall Street Journal
corpus. This last ontology actually serves as index
since the document is represented using the concepts
from the other two ontologies. Queries are
transformed in logical forms which are used to filter
the relevant documents.
D. K-Search (Bhagdev et al., 2008). This system
was developed to search technical documentation
about jet engines. It uses two indexes: a standard
keyword-based index, and a triple store where triples
are of the form <subject, relation, object>. The
search module extracts concepts to build triples that
are translated into SPARQL
queries. The words
appearing in the original query that cannot be
mapped into concepts are sent to a traditional
information retrieval system. The final result is
obtained ranking documents using the traditional
approach and filtering the relevant ones by means of
the SPARQL query results.
E. Liu (Liu et al. 2009). do not use an ontology
to carry out query or index expansion; they instead
use the ontology as an index, storing terms,
documents as concepts and the occurrence
relationship as a property connecting terms and
documents. They rely on OWL to model the
F. MELISA (Abasolo and Gomez, 2000). This
system uses a medical ontology where concepts
correspond to MeSH
terms. They expand queries
using the medical ontology and the results are
presented to the user to receive an additional
feedback. Finally, the expanded query is re-sent to
the search engine to present the final search results.
G. OWLIR (Shah et al., 2002). This system is
tailored to work on Web documents, especially news
documents. The ontology contains an event
taxonomy (sport event, movie show event, etc.) with
spatio/temporal concepts that are connected to event
concepts in order to establish the relationships
between an event and where and when it took place.
The extraction of events from free text is carried out
using an annotation tool named AeroText. The
document index is expanded with the annotated
concepts and relationships (triples subject-relation-
object). At search phase, the queries are converted in
triples which are searched into the index.
H. TARGET (Pruski et al., 2011). This system
is a web search engine that is based on OWL
primitives, enriched with the meronymy and
antonymy relations. An ontology is used to store
concepts about a specific domain. The concepts
contained in queries are expanded using the concepts
that are directly connected to them in the ontology.
The query and the results of the Web search are
transformed in graphs and a score is assigned to the
top 100 retrieved pages, as a result of a graph
similarity calculation.
I. Terrier-SIR (Bannour and Zargayouna,
2012). This is a Terrier
extension that allows, given
an ontology and a terminology associated to this
ontology, to index and retrieve documents using
concepts as index terms. Documents weights are
calculated using a concept-based version of the well-
known tf.idf weighting scheme. The ontology is used
to compute similarity values between concepts, by
taking into account the hierarchical relationships
between concepts.
J. Textpresso (Müller et al., 2004). This system
uses an ontology of biological concepts (e.g., gene,
allele, cell, etc.) and relations connecting them
(association, regulation, etc.) to expand the index
and the query. In order to identify concepts in text,
regular expressions are used to find the terms
associated to each concept. The concepts in the
ontology are structured in “categories” and “sub-
categories”, thus a retaining a (shallow) hierarchical
structure. Queries can be expanded with more
generic or specific concepts, according to the user
K. TextViz (Reymonet et al., 2010). In TextViz,
terms denoting concepts are stored in the same OWL
ontology containing the concept themselves (terms
are modelled as concepts). The ontology is also used
for indexing, to store the concept instances identified
in documents. Document and queries are annotated
using term labels, then a similarity is calculated
between document and query instances, for each
document, exploiting hierarchies, using a concept
similarity formula named Proxigénéa. In a test
scenario, the score was also modified depending on
the presence or not in the document of a relation
expressed in the query, but in general the weighting
scheme proposed takes into account only concepts.
An important factor seems to be how terms
(keywords representing the ontology concepts) are
processed. Some systems consider concept names as
terms, others separate terms from concepts and in
this second case, terms may be also stored in the
ontology as concepts of a different class. The
ontology itself may or may not be used as an index.
In the affirmative case, queries may be transformed
in a language such as SPARQL. Some systems may
use or not the taxonomic information (is-a
relationship) to enrich queries (query expansion),
documents (index expansion) or both, or to calculate
concept similarity. Other relations (not OWL
primitives) may also be used by the system.
Here we present first our analysis of the potential
effect of each pitfall on the results of an ontology-
based IR system, on the basis of the description
provided by authors. We remember that IR systems
are usually evaluated using precision (number of
relevant document retrieved divided by the number
of retrieved documents) and recall (number of
relevant documents retrieved divided by the number
of relevant documents in the collection). Secondly,
we show the qualitative analysis of the impact the
pitfalls in the OOPS! catalogue could have in the 12
ontology-based IR systems described in Section 3.
P1. Creating Polysemous Elements: if the
concept name is used to annotate the text, this pitfall
would imply having ambiguous annotations, with a
possible decrease in the precision.
P2. Creating Synonyms as Classes: if the system
exploits hierarchical information, or calculates
distances between concepts to determine a similarity
value, this pitfall may affect precision.
P3. Creating the Relationship “is” instead of
using rdfs:subClassOf, rdf:type or
owl:sameAs: if a system exploits hierarchical
information, the concepts that are connected using
this re-implementation of an OWL primitive may
actually never be taken into account, affecting both
precision and recall.
P4. Creating Unconnected Ontology Elements:
the appearance of this pitfall in the ontology would
affect both precision and recall, meaning that some
ontology elements could not be reached.
P5. Defining Wrong Inverse Relationships: this
pitfall would affect precision if the system exploits
property features, such as inverse.
P6. Including Cycles in the Hierarchy: having a
cycle between classes in one of the ontology
hierarchies would imply that a system that exploits
hierarchies in a recursive way could not finish its
P7. Merging Different Concepts in the same
class: if the merged concepts should have different
parents, the appearance of this pitfall would affect
the precision of the system.
P8. Missing Annotations: if the system uses
labels and/or comments to carry out some tasks, the
pitfall may affect the precision and recall of the
P9. Missing basic Information: this pitfall may
indicate that the information included in the
ontology is not complete, affecting recall and/or
precision. However, the ontologies used by the
analysed systems do not seem to use ORSD.
P10. Missing Disjointness: the analysed systems
do not use disjoint axioms. The pitfall could affect
precision if a system can take into account this
P11. Missing Domain or Range in Properties: if
a system exploits relationships other than “is-a”, the
appearance of this pitfall in the ontology would
affect its precision.
P12. Missing Equivalent Properties: this pitfall
may cause same concepts to have different parents.
Therefore, if a system exploits hierarchical
information, it may affect its precision and recall.
P13. Missing Inverse Relationships: this pitfall
would affect precision if the system is able to exploit
property features, such as inverse.
P14. Misusing owl:allValuesFrom:
currently, the appearance of this pitfall in the
ontology does not affect in any sense. This pitfall
may affect if the system exploits more language
P15. Misusing “not some” and “some not”:
currently, the appearance of this pitfall in the
ontology does not affect in any sense. This pitfall
may affect if the system exploits more language
P16. Misusing Primitive and Defined Classes:
currently, the appearance of this pitfall in the
ontology does not affect in any sense. This pitfall
may affect if the system exploits more language
P17. Specializing too Much a Hierarchy: in most
analysed systems, this is not perceived as a pitfall.
Many systems model instances directly into the
ontology. However, in some cases, when the
individual is not really an instance of a concept but it
is connected to the concept by means of a relation,
this pitfall may indicate an error in the instance
P18. Specifying too Much the Domain or the
Range: if relationships other than “is-a” are used,
some relations may be missed due to this pitfall.
Therefore, precision could be affected.
P19. Swapping Intersection and Union: if
relationships other than “is-a” are used, some
relations may be missed due to this pitfall.
Therefore, precision could be affected.
P20. Misusing Ontology Annotations: systems
that exploits annotation properties to operate (for
instance, TextViz) may be affected by this pitfall.
P21. Using a Miscellaneous Class: if a concept
is not used, it should not appear. This pitfall may
affect systems if the miscellaneous concept can be
actually instantiated, leading to a decrease in
P22. Using Different Naming Criteria in the
Ontology: this pitfall may affect systems that use
concept names in the annotation process. Using
concepts with names that do not usually occur in the
text may compromise their correct annotation,
causing a deterioration in both precision and recall.
P23. Using Incorrectly Ontology Elements: the
appearance of this pitfall would affect depending on
the modelling decisions (classes or properties). In
ISCO, for instance, relations are modelled as
P24. Using Recursive Definition: definitions
should not affect the IR process in any way.
P25. Defining a Relationship Inverse to itself:
currently, the appearance of this pitfall does not
affect any of the analysed systems. This pitfall
would affect if the system exploits property features,
such as inverse and symmetric.
P26. Defining Inverse Relationships for a
Symmetric one: currently, the appearance of this
pitfall does not affect any of the analysed systems.
These pitfalls would affect if the system exploits
property features, such as inverse and symmetric.
P27. Defining Wrong Equivalent Relationships:
if a system uses relationships and OWL primitives,
the appearance of this pitfall in the ontology would
affect to the precision.
P28. Defining Wrong Symmetric Relationships:
currently, the appearance of this pitfall does not
affect any of the analysed systems. This pitfall
would affect if the system exploits property features,
such as inverse and symmetric.
P29. Defining Wrong Transitive Relationships: if
a system exploits the transitive property in
relationships, the pitfall may affect its precision.
P30. Missing equivalent classes: this pitfall may
cause same concepts to have different parents.
Therefore, if a system exploits hierarchical
information, it may affect its precision and recall.
Table 1 provides an overview of how every pitfall
may or not affect each of the analysed systems.
We carried out a survey of existing state-of-the-art
ontology-based information retrieval systems with
respect to the pitfalls listed in the OOPS! catalogue.
Our analysis shows that indeed OOPS! may prove
useful to the developers of ontology-based IR
systems in order to verify the quality of the ontology
they use in their systems and prevent errors. Our
analysis highlights also the fact that most of current
available systems do not use some advanced features
(especially with respect to relationships) that are
provided by the OWL language. It is difficult to say
whether this issue derives from the fact that
developers ignore the existence of these features, or
whether it is consequence of the state of the art of
the available Natural Language Processing tools.We
hope that this work will be viewed as an incentive
for people working on ontology-based IR systems
to: make their systems available for comparative
testings; get used to adopt existing standards;
evaluate their ontologies with an existing tool like
OOPS!, in order to benefit of having some degree of
quality in such ontologies. As a further work, we
plan to carry out an evaluation of the speculated
effects on a new version of the TextViz system
which takes into account relations in a more
advanced way than TextViz. This new version of
TextViz is being completed and should be available
soon. In order to carry out such evaluation, we will
have to produce a test environment with different
ontology benchmarks that include different
combinations of pitfalls. Thanks to the results of this
study, we are also planning to sketch some advices
to help developers of ontology-based information
retrieval systems to avoid pitfalls that may prevent
their systems from working properly or deteriorate
their performance.
This work has been partially supported by (a) the Spanish
projects BabelData (TIN2010-17550) and BuscaMedia
(CENIT 2009-1026), and (b) the Post-Doctoral Exchange
Programme of the French-Spanish Laboratory for
Advanced Studies in Information, Representation and
Processing (LIRP Associated European Laboratory
(LEA)), and (c) the EFL Labex project.
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Table 1: How pitfalls may affect each of the analysed systems
. Black: pitfall may have a negative effect on the system.
Gray: pitfall could affect the system if it was designed to take into account a specific feature. White: pitfall has no impact in
the system.
P1 (6)
P3 (1) (1) (1)
P5 (5) (1)(5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)
P8 (2)
P9 (1)(3) (3) (3) (1)(3) (3) (3) (3) (1)(3) (3) (3) (3) (3)
P12 (1) (1) (1) (1)
P13 (4) (4)
P14 (4) (4) (4)
P15 (4) (4) (4)
P18 (1)
P19 (1)
P21 (1)
P23 (1) (1) (1)
P24 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)
P25 (1)(5) (5) (5)
P26 (1)(5) (5) (5)
P27 (1)(5)
P28 (1)(5)
P29 (1)
P30 (1) (1) (1)
Notes: (1) may affect if OWL is used; (2) only TextViz and Castells use labels; (3) may affect if ORSD is used; (4) may affect if
system exploits some language primitives that are not currently exploited; (5) may affect if the system exploits property features; and
(6) the paper did not provide enough insights to determine whether the pitfall may affect or not.