Lightweight Ontologies in Context
Relationship between Ontology Characteristics and Context Parameters
Ilya M. Waldstein
, Rosina O. Weber
and Neal Handly
School of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA, 19104, U.S.A.
Drexel University College of Medicine, 245 North 15th St., Philadelphia, PA, 19102, U.S.A.
Keywords: Ontology Engineering, Sharing, Reuse, Ontology Characteristics, Context, Context Parameters.
Abstract: Ontologies, mainly lightweight ontologies, are ubiquitous throughout the Internet and are succeeding in
replacing human expertise. We conducted a study with physicians and nurses performing a search task in
the medical domain that demonstrates that lightweight ontologies perform well as a substitute for expertise.
The extent of success of the substitution depends upon context of use. Our study investigates lightweight
ontologies with respect to the context of use in which they are applied. The better we understand the context
of use, the better we can inform ontology design and evaluation. We describe ontologies through
characteristics and context through parameters. By varying ontology characteristics and testing the effect on
the performance of an ontology-supported task for a context parameter, such as the level of user expertise,
we increase our understanding of ontology design and evaluation. Our study shows that changing ontologies
by varying some of its characteristics has a direct and significant impact on the performance of the
ontology-supported task for different levels of user expertise.
Ontologies are formalisms for knowledge
representation commonly used in support of
application tasks such as natural language
processing and search. Lightweight ontologies are
simpler forms that trade expressiveness for usability
and ease of implementation in real-world
applications (Brewster and O’Hara, 2007). The
extensive use of hierarchical information on the
Internet brought lightweight ontologies into use.
The context of use for ontologies is expressed by
context parameters such as the user, the application
task the ontology supports, and the domain. Context
plays a crucial role in designing and evaluating
ontologies. Most current ontology engineering and
evaluation approaches are focused on constructing
an ontology that correctly represents only the
domain. However, when the ontology is used to
support a user performing a task within that domain,
the combination of the ontology and context may
fail to produce acceptable performance results. The
poor result by itself cannot be used to indicate the
specific changes to be made in the ontology to
improve the combined performance. The reason for
this disconnect is that, with respect to context, most
ontology evaluation methods are akin to black-box
software testing that examine the functionality of an
ontology without peering into its internal structure.
Moreover, the surrounding context is not described
and linked to the characteristics of the ontology.
Ontology research literature describes context as
being important and suggests its consideration when
designing ontologies (Noy and McGuinness, 2001;
Tatir et al., 2010). However there is no current
scientific guidance to determine what kind of
characteristics an ontology should have for a specific
type of user and domain to be adequate to support a
specific application task.
Our study investigates the connection between
lightweight ontologies, their use within a context,
and the effect of expertise within that context to
increase understanding of ontology design. For this
purpose, we describe our methodology to investigate
the performance of ontology-supported application
tasks for different contexts of use. By varying
characteristics and testing the effect on the
performance of an ontology-supported task for a
context parameter, we increase our understanding of
ontology design and evaluation.
In the next section we provide the background to
our research. We then introduce our methodology.
M. Waldstein I., O. Weber R. and Handly N..
Lightweight Ontologies in Context - Relationship between Ontology Characteristics and Context Parameters.
DOI: 10.5220/0004550303080315
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 308-315
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Next, we describe our experimental study that
utilizes our methodology using a lightweight
ontology in a healthcare context. Finally, we present
and discuss the results and conclude.
Ontologies represent knowledge through explicit
conceptualizations, which are consensual views of a
domain represented for some purpose (Gruber
1995). In this sense, what is included in the ontology
and how it is represented indicate commitments in
that the concepts selected and their inter-
relationships provide a particular perspective about
the world (Brewster and O’Hara 2007). This may
take the form of expert knowledge representing a
particular view of objects and interrelationships in a
domain. Ontologies are eminently suitable for
representing taxonomic information (Brewster and
O’Hara 2007), and there are numerous applications
utilizing this strength to support diverse tasks.
Ontologies range in their specification from
lightweight to heavyweight. Lightweight ontologies
consist of terms that have only minimal specification
of the term meaning whereas heavyweight
ontologies consist of rigorously formalized logical
theories (Uschold and Grunninger, 2004). Typically,
lightweight ontologies consist of a simple taxonomy
(Uschold and Grunninger, 2004) where less
expressivity is traded for usability (Brewster and
O’Hara 2007).
An important aspect to our research is the idea of
context. Context can be defined by location,
identities of people and objects, changes to those
objects (Schilit and Theimer, 1994); environment,
(Ryan et al., 1997); orientation, and date (Dey
1998). These list who, where, what, and when –
specifically the identity, location, activity, and time
(Dey and Abowd, 1999). User (identity), application
task (activity), and domain (location) are context
parameters that represent the context. They are used
in our methodology descriptively because they can
link context to ontology characteristics. Context
variables vary the context parameters and are used in
our methodology to distinguish different
configurations of context. For example, Expertise
can be used as a variable to vary the User context
parameter with the values of “novice” and “expert”.
The way to describe, manipulate and evaluate
ontology is through its characteristics. Ontology
characteristics can be structural, conceptual, or user
defined (Yu et al., 2009). Structural characteristics
are physical dimensions of the ontology schema.
Examples of structural characteristics used in design
and evaluation approaches include depth, breadth,
tangleness, fanoutness (Gangemi et al., 2006),
circularity, and partition (Gomez-Perez, 2001).
Past research has tried to utilize context in design
and evaluation approaches. A democratic ranking
Web system was proposed that separates the
reviewers into groups of domain experts, ontology
researchers, and common users that subjectively
evaluate ontologies uploaded by other users for
some context (Xu and Ma, 2008). A recent task-
based research direction for evaluation has looked at
equating characteristics to measures based on user
requirements that can predict performance in a task
(Yu et al., 2009). A three-level evaluation
framework looking at concept tagging was used to
evaluate how well an ontology performs (Porzel and
Malaka, 2005). Precision and recall were used in an
evaluation framework to evaluate an ontology in the
Web search task (Strasunskas and Tomassen, 2008).
Nevertheless, none of the evaluation approaches
above test or incorporate the connection between
ontology characteristics and context parameters that
can provide an actionable guideline for ontology
engineers. They do not provide a methodology to do
so, nor test the performance of an ontology at that
level of specificity.
The methodology we propose associates ontologies
with context parameters to assess how changes in
ontologies influence overall performance. It is
implemented using the performance of an
application task that uses an ontology in a context.
An objective quality metric measures the
performance of the application task; indirectly we
are measuring the overall performance. The
methodology contains two phases; before changes
and after changes. In Phase 1 the context,
characteristics, and metrics are defined and
performance measured with the unchanged
ontology. In Phase 2 the ontology characteristics are
changed and performance is measured. Based on the
variation of performance, we analyze the impact of
the changes on overall performance.
3.1 Elements of the Methodology
The elements of the methodology, shown in Figure
1, are a context c in a set of contexts C, multiple
selected characteristics Ch in a set of characteristics
CH, and an application task with performance p. The
methodology asks:
For a context c, does a variation in the value of
one or more characteristics Ch lead to a variation in
performance from p
to p
Figure 1: Change in ontology reflecting a change in
characteristics and performance for a given context of use.
The context remains the same for both Phase 1 and
Phase 2. Only ontology characteristics are changed.
3.2 Methodology Steps
Phase 1
Select (populates and documents the elements)
First, define the selected context parameter to the
variable level and document the remaining
parameters that define context.
Second, select the ontology characteristic(s) for
performance measurement.
Third, select a change to the characteristic(s).
Forth, select quality metric(s) to use for
performance validation.
Measure Initial Performance
The initial performance (p
) of the application
task supported by the ontology before the change
is measured.
Phase 2
Change Values
The ontology characteristic(s) values are changed.
Measure Resulting Performance
The resulting performance (p
) of the application
task supported by the ontology after the change is
The difference in results for performance p
between Phase 1 and 2 is analyzed. Test the
difference for statistical significance. A difference
in performance indicates that the change to the
ontology characteristics impacted perfromance.
If the results are statistically significant, the
specific combination of context c and selected
characteristics Ch, and change is documented for
future reference and used as a guideline for
ontology engineering and evaluation.
In this section, we describe a study where we
implement the methodology we introduced in
Section 3.
4.1 Study Design
Figure 1 illustrates our two-phase methodology
employed in the study. In this study, the ontology
design is changed (as further detailed in section 4.5)
using the selected structural characteristics of
breadth, depth, and fanoutness as shown in Table 1.
These structural characteristics were selected for
four reasons. First, breadth, depth, and fanoutness
are well defined. Second, the characteristics can be
easily calculated using their defined formulae. Third,
the characteristics are straightforward to understand
and thus likely to be applied and documented in an
ontology engineering approach. Finally, results from
this research can be immediately applied because all
ontologies – lightweight and heavyweight – have
these structural characteristics.
Table 1: Calculation of characteristics used in the study.
Characteristic Calculated as
The average of the sum of all is-a paths
starting at the top node and terminating
in a leaf node.
The sum of all is-a edges per level
divided by the number of levels.
The total sum of the average of is-a
edges per node divided by the number of
levels. Nodes with zero child nodes are
not counted in the calculation.
The parameters that describe and operationalize the
context of use are the participating expert and novice
healthcare professionals (users), the search task
(application task), and the medical guidelines
(domain). The lightweight ontology is a pruned
MeSH ontology focusing on Internal Medicine. Two
metrics are used to determine performance: the
selection of query terms and the final selection of
relevant documents. The hypotheses we test are:
H1: A change in the depth, breadth, and
fanoutness significantly impacts the performance
of the search for medical guidelines for novices in
the medical domain.
H2: A change in the depth, breadth, and
fanoutness does not significantly impact the
performance of the search for medical guidelines
for experts in the medical domain.
As hypothesized in H1, novices, who are not as
intimately familiar with the domain and have less
procedural knowledge, will not be able to overcome
the effect of the detrimental change. For the novice
user the ontology replaces human expertise thereby
helping the novice to complete tasks. As
hypothesized in H2, experts should be able to use
their knowledge to overcome the effect of a
detrimental change to ontology from a change in its
4.2 User Parameter: Participating
Healthcare Professionals
We conducted the study with participants in the
healthcare field at a local university and university
affiliated hospital. We selected novice and expert
resident physicians and nurses as participants. Table
2 contains the number of participants for each group.
For the resident physician participant group, a
novice is a resident physician within the first or
second year of residency; an expert is a resident in
their last year of residency. For the nursing
participant group, a novice is a nursing student in the
last year of the B.S.N. program, and an expert is a
nurse who is also a student in the M.S.N. program
and has work experience.
Table 2: Study participants.
Participant Group
Number of
Resident Physicians
Expert resident physicians 16
Novice resident physicians 12
Nursing School Students
Expert nursing school students
Novice nursing school students
4.2.1 Expertise Variable
The user context parameter is defined by the
expertise variable. Experts have knowledge of the
domain, and have the experience to apply that
knowledge to the application task. It is exactly this
expertise that is lacking in novices, which we expect
good quality ontologies to enhance and poor quality
ontologies to diminish.
We reviewed literature to determine the
definition for experts and novices in the healthcare
context. Research looking at physician
understanding of updated guidelines for the
diagnosis and management of asthma found that
resident physician test scores improved with
duration of training (Doerschug et al., 1999). As
residents move through the program, their domain
expertise, and especially their diagnostic and
procedural knowledge increases. Research looking
at the assessment of nursing competence and
expertise in nursing utilizing the expert-performance
approach described that diagnostic expertise
improved with deliberate practice, i.e. extended
supervised training with feedback; and that graduate
training and specialized training successfully
differentiated expertise (Ericsson et al., 2007).
Literature confirmed that duration of on the job
experience and training can distinguish expertise.
4.3 Application Task Parameter:
Each phase, described in Section 4.1, consists of
users reading a medical scenario that presents a
medical disease or condition, which in turn creates a
need for medical guidelines to be searched. Medical
scenarios are randomly chosen and assigned for each
user out of three scenarios we prepared for the study.
Figure 2 is a sample medical scenario.
Participants are given a domain ontology that
helps them find and select keywords to be utilized to
search for guidelines based on a question in the
A type of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) can occur in
people who are on a breathing machine through an
endotracheal or tracheostomy tube for at least 48 hours. The
pneumonia primarily occurs because the tube allows free
passage of bacteria into the lower segments of the lung in a
person who often has underlying lung or immune problems.
Your patient shows the following signs: alternating fever and
low body temperature, purulent sputum, and hypoxia.
What intervention is most likely to decrease the incidence of
this type of pneumonia in the intensive care unit?
Figure 2: Sample medical scenario.
medical scenario. Both novice and expert
participants in the study completed Phase 1 and
Phase 2.
4.4 Domain Parameter: Medical
The medical domain consists of guidelines from the
National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC). The NGC
is a public resource for evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines. The NGC is maintained by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, an
operating division of the Department of Health and
Human Services.
The domain is specified by a lightweight
ontology based on the Medical Subject Headings
(MeSH) hierarchy in the NGC. Due to the size of the
medical guideline text a sample cannot be provided,
but can be viewed at A
sample of the MeSH ontology is shown in the next
section (Figures 3 and 4) to demonstrate the changes
applied to the selected structural characteristics.
4.5 Ontology Design Changes
4.5.1 Phase 1 – Before Changes
Ontology categories are organized in such a way as
to have the basic level in the middle of the hierarchy
with generalization moving upward and
specialization moving downward (Uschold and
King, 1995). The basic level contains the basic
categories. Basic categories are easy to perceive and
quick to identify, have the most attributes, have high
within-category similarity, and have high between-
category dissimilarity (Markman and Wisniewski
1997). Basic categories can be used with the
hierarchy to draw inferences based on their location
(Markman and Wisniewski 1997) – in our case
about the correct intervention for a disease or
condition by the novice and expert healthcare
L1. Bacterial Infections and Mycoses
L2. Bacterial Infections
L3. Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections
L4. Bordetella Infections
L5. Whooping Cough
L4. Enterobacteriaceae Infections
L5. Escherichia coli Infections
L5. Granuloma Inguinale
L5. Salmonella Infections
L6. Salmonella Food Poisoning
L4. Tick-Borne Diseases
L5. Tularemia
Figure 3: Excerpt of unchanged MeSH ontology.
professionals for the presented medical scenario.
Figure 3 displays an excerpt section of the
unchanged MeSH ontology used in the study with
the hierarchy levels (L*) shown. The starting
ontology contained 10 hierarchical levels with level
5 being the basic level.
4.5.2 Phase 2 – After Changes
The modification in the ontology design that
changed characteristics values for breadth, depth,
and fanoutness was performed at the basic level to
impact the selected context user parameter through
the expertise variable. The adjustment to the
ontology was made by eliminating level 4 entirely
(see Figures 3 and 4, L* codes were left to show the
change and were not visible in actual study). Level 4
contained superordinate concepts. Figure 4 shows
the result where all subordinate categories were
moved one level up in the hierarchy. By removing
the concepts at Level 4 we eliminated the link
between the superordinate and subordinate concepts.
This made it necessary for the participants in the
study to know specific diseases with a disease
etiology that was made less clear by the ontology
change. The change was made because it directly
impacts the expertise variable that we selected to
define the user context parameter.
L1. Bacterial Infections and Mycoses
L2. Bacterial Infections
L3. Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections
L 5. Whooping Cough
L 5. Escherichia coli Infections
L 5. Granuloma Inguinale
L 5. Salmonella Infections
L 6. Salmonella Food Poisoning
L 5. Tularemia
Figure 4: Excerpt of changed MeSH ontology with Level
4 removed and Level 5 promoted.
4.6 Measuring Overall Performance
Before performing the application task, study
participants were asked to read a medical scenario. It
is only after understanding the medical scenario that
motivates the need for searching for guidelines, that
they traversed the ontology to select keywords to
create a query. The path selected through the
hierarchy leading to query terms is the first result of
using the ontology to perform the application task.
We adopted this as the first metric and called it the
Path Selected quality metric.
When the query is submitted, a set of guidelines
is retrieved for a participant to select. The specific
guidelines selected by participants to answer the
question in the medical scenario are the second
metric we adopted and called it the Guidelines
Selected quality metric. The metrics relate to the
Fourth step under Select in Phase 1 of the
5.1 Results for Hypothesis 1
Table 3 shows the results for hypothesis H1 for the
Path Selected and Guidelines Selected metrics for
Table 3: Results for Hypothesis 1 (* = significant).
Phase 1
correct %
Phase 2
correct %
% Decrease
Path Selected Quality Metric
46 27 41*
70 30 60*
Guidelines Selected Quality Metric
45 18 60*
70 30 60*
The results in Table 3 show that for the Path
Selected quality metric novice residents selected the
correct path to the keywords for 46% of their
attempts in Phase 1 (using the initial, i.e. unchanged,
ontology) and for 27% of their attempts in Phase 2
(using the changed ontology). Novice nurses
selected the correct path to the keywords for 70% of
their attempts in Phase 1 and for 30% of their
attempts in Phase 2.
A binomial test (p < 0.05) revealed that, for the
Path Selected quality metric, there is a significant
decrease between Phase 1 and Phase 2 for both
novice participant groups.
This demonstrates that the removal of an
essential part from the ontology decreased the
performance for novices. This confirms H1 for the
metric, showing that novices needed the complete
ontology due to their limited expertise.
For the Guidelines Selected quality metric,
novice residents were able to select a correct
guideline for 45% of their selection attempts in
Phase 1. They selected a correct guideline for 18%
of their selection attempts in Phase 2. Novice nurses
were able to select a correct guideline for 70% of
their selection attempts in Phase 1. They selected a
correct guideline for 30% of their selection attempts
in Phase 2.
This result confirms that an ontology changed at
the basic level is detrimental to novices that rely on
the expertise from the ontology to perform the
search application task.
A binomial test (p < 0.05) revealed that, for the
Guidelines Selected quality metric, there is a
significant decrease between Phase 1 and Phase 2
for novice participants. The change in the ontology
significantly decreased the guideline selection
performance for novices confirming H1.
5.2 Results for Hypothesis 2
Table 4 shows the results for hypothesis H2 for the
Path Selected and Guidelines Selected metrics for
Table 4: Results for Hypothesis 2 (* = significant).
Phase 1
correct %
Phase 2
correct %
% Decrease
Path Selected Quality Metric
57 69 -
53 47 11
Guidelines Selected Quality Metric
57 50 12
36 24 33
The results in Table 4 show that for the Path
Selected quality metric, expert residents selected the
correct path to the keywords for 57% of their
attempts in Phase 1 and for 69% of their attempts in
Phase 2.
The change to the ontology eliminated the link
between the superordinate and subordinate disease
concepts thereby decreasing the specific disease
etiology. Nevertheless, expert residents were able to
select a path throught the ontology to the correct
keywords. Inspection of the post-participation
survey revealed that expert residents were
knowledgeable about the scenario topic based on
their “Very Familiar” and “Familiar” responses to
this question and the correct restatement of the
scenario topic in their own words.
For the Path Selected qualit metric, expert nurses
selected the correct path to the keywords for 53% of
their attempts in Phase 1 and for 47% of their
attempts in Phase 2.
This suggests that expert nurses obtained slightly
better support from the unchanged ontology.
A binomial test revealed that there was no
significant decrease in the correct Path Selected
quality metric for expert residents and expert nurses.
The change in the ontology decreased the
performance for only one group of experts. The
impact of the change was not significant for both
groups, confirming our hypotheses H2 for the
For the Guidelines Selected quality metric,
expert residents were able to select a correct
guideline for 57% of their selection attempts in
Phase 1, and selected the correct guideline for 50%
of their selection attempts in Phase 2. Expert nurses
were able to select a correct guideline for 36% of
their selection attempts with the initial ontology and
for 24% of their attempts using the changed
ontology. This suggests that experts obtained
moderately better support from the unchanged
A binomial test revealed that there is no
significant decrease in the Guidelines Selected
quality metric for expert participants. The change in
the ontology did not significantly impact expert
performance confirming our hypothesis H2 for
5.3 Ontology as a Substitute
for Human Expertise
Participants in our study were either experts or
novices in order to account for our examination of
the impact of lightweight ontologies in human
expertise. The results from the study show that there
is a significant impact on the performance of an
ontology-supported task by novices when that
ontology is changed to the detriment of its ability to
support that task with respect to expertise.
Removing the ontology layer containing the
superordinate concepts to the basic level breaks the
link to the disease etiology. This causes a significant
impact on the search task for the novice groups, and
with greater effect on the nursing group.
The type of training conducted within the two
groups may play a role. Physician training has a
greater focus on diagnostic skills for the
identification of disease and its appropriate
treatment as compared to training in nursing. The
MeSH ontology is based on a taxonomy of disease.
A change in the ontology that made it more difficult
to link the symptoms to the disease presented in the
scenario impacted nurses to a greater extent than
physicians. Expert physicians were able to
compensate for the lack of knowledge during the
navigation through the ontology, and had the
smallest decrease in the final task of identifying the
appropriate guidelines.
The change to the ontology had the greatest
impact on novice nurses, who were the least
knowledgeable group about the specific medical
conditions in the scenarios presented, followed by
novice residents, expert nurses, and then expert
From the results presented in this paper, we
demonstrate that lightweight ontologies do serve as a
replacement for human expertise in a context of use.
This is important because many of the current
taxonomy and is-a hierarchies on the Web, which
are examples of lightweight ontologies, are
supporting novices in performing tasks that might
require expertise. The study shows that a change in
characteristics of the ontology impacts the support of
an application task for a context for which the
ontology was designed. Specifically, we
demonstrated that less complete knowledge
structures will interfere with the ability of novice
users who lack expertise about the domain.
We also show that there is a relationship between
ontology characteristics and context parameters as
the change in the characteristics caused a significant
impact to performance for the novice value of the
expertise variable defining the user context
Finally, we show that our proposed methodology
to investigate the relationship between ontology
characteristics and context parameters works as
intended. The methodology does associate an
ontology with a given context of use and can
evaluate ontology supported performance of a task.
Future work will include a closer examination of
the post-study survey to determine the details of the
performance differences in the results. Additionally,
we plan to conduct similar studies outside of the
healthcare field to vary the context. Finally, we will
implement our methodology with non-structural
ontology characteristics.
This study has been approved by the Institutional
Review Board of the Drexel University College of
Medicine as of Nov 2011. Protocol # 1111000470
(19799) - "Impact of Ontology Characteristics on
Search in the Medical Domain".
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