Optimized Integration of Electric Vehicles with Lithium Iron
Phosphate Batteries into the Regulation Service Market of Smart
Enhanced Vehicle-to-Grid Business Model
Marco Roscher, Jonas Fluhr and Theo Lutz
FIR at RWTH Aachen, Pontdriesch 14/16, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Regulation Service Market, Integration of Electric Vehicles into Smart Grids, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
Business Model, Prediction of Electric Vehicles Batteries Degradation, Optimization Model.
Abstract: In the “Li-Mobility” project, a battery management system (BMS) for lithium-ion batteries was developed.
It particularly aims to perform online diagnoses while driving as well as to predict the impact of additional
cyclization through grid control and balancing functions on the degradation of the battery. The information
about the predicted degradation and the overall decision whether a car battery is providing balancing power
or not is based on an optimization model run by an aggregator- The aggregator’s ICT system uses
information based on the number of available electric vehicles, their configuration, battery characteristics
and information about market prices for supply of balancing power in order to optimized offers. Hence, it is,
possible to make realistic cost estimations for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) scenarios and to determine
economically profitable ones for each vehicle individually. The optimization model was tested on the basic
principles of conventional lithium-ion cells in general and with lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) cells in
The increasing shortage of fossil resources during
the last decades makes the search for sustainable
energy resources more and more essential
PPELRATH 2012). The pertinence of renewable
energy source (RES) like wind power or
photovoltaic solar power plants is constantly
growing during the last years in most European
countries. Though, the energy generation through
RES indeed is complicated due to fluctuations over
time. Volatile power producers increase the grid´s
demand for balancing power because the overall grid
stability depends on the balance between production
and consumption at every point in time. Hence,
options are needed to use the electricty produced
during times of low consumption on one hand and to
obtain addition electricty during times of low
production on the other hand.
An excellent cost-effective alternative is perhaps
the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) principle. The concept of
V2G not only provides additional value to the
batteries of the electric vehicles by serving for
balancing power services, but also contributes to the
reduction of global CO
production by decreasing
the need of fossil fueled regulation plants. As a
result of additional charging cycles due to balancing
services, additional degradation of the battery
occurs. This consequently incur costs. It is important
to account this factor in existing V2G business
models and establish the necessary requirements in
the electric vehicles systems, in particular the battery
management system (BMS).
The subsequent sections are structured as
follows. Section 2 provides a short overview of the
state of the art in the energy market and electric
mobility. In Section 3, an enhanced V2G business
model and its key market are described. Section 4
discusses the business model underlying
optimization model. Section 5 offers a brief
summary and conclusion of the paper.
Due to the attractiveness of the idea to combine the
Roscher M., Fluhr J. and Lutz T..
Optimized Integration of Electric Vehicles with Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries into the Regulation Service Market of Smart Grids - Enhanced
Vehicle-to-Grid Business Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004551600880092
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2013), pages 88-92
ISBN: 978-989-8565-55-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
two large energy conversion systems - “electricity
grid” and “mobility” - with each other (KEMPTON;
LETENDRE 1997), several studies from various
perspectives with regard to the realisation of V2G
have been done so far. For instance, studies have
been performed on the potential availability of
electric vehicles (F
2010), the target market (base load, peak load,
regulation) and the profitability including other
aspects like the influence of the car type (BEV,
FCEV, HEV) for (D
The effect of V2G on the German electricity
grid has also been investigated (B
LINSSEN; MARKEWITZ [et. al.] 2009). In addition,
there are studies with regard to the integration of
RES by V2G (K
In summary, while intelligent charging of
batteries might be applicable in Germany´s
electricity market model without problems even at
present day, the application of V2G would however
need serveral modifications (G
FROMBACH 2011). A complete and optimized
integration of electric vehicles into a Smart Grid
requires a bi-directional energy and information
flow. This accounts particularly for the regulation
market, because of high requirements with respect of
reliability and response time of the ICT system.
There are different concepts of V2G business
models that can be applied for regulation market
services. Every business model can be assigned to
one of two types of models. The first model focuses
on vehicle specific aspects and the second focuses
more on the information respective infrastructural
perspective. The business model described in this
paper is the second one (infrastructure-focused). It
was further investigated for the application for
regulation market services. It is an extension of
existing business models by the very important
factor of battery degradation through additional
cycles because of balancing power services. In this
context, every cycle incurs costs by decreasing the
electric vehicles battery monetary value. Only by
knowing these costs allows to deduct adequate fees
for the supply of balancing power services as a basis
for a robust business model.
3.1 Aggregator of Electric Vehicles
The business model "aggregator of electric vehicles"
is developed exemplary and is based on the
optimization model and the additional information
about degradation available from the car’s BMS.
It is very important to get a deep and clear
understanding of the business model especially from
the very beginning of the conception and planning
stages to enable and facilitate an optimized
integration of the electric vehicle´s batteries into the
regulation service market of smart grids. To comply
with the requirements of smart grid integration, a
structured scientific substantiation and
documentation of the business model would also be
essential. For this the strategic management template
Business Model Canvas was adapted
STERWALDER; PIGNEUR 2010) delivering a broad
overview of the business model´s key issues (Table
1) as a start and subsequently offering a base of
operation for the deduction of specific requirements
regarding a smart grid integration.
Table 1: Key Issues of Electric Vehicles Aggregator’s
Business model.
Key Partners Key Activities
Public and private
infrastructure operators
Backup storage for
renewable energy sources
Regulation market
Key Resources Value Propositions
Electric vehicle´s
battery capacity
Arbitrage profits due to
variable prices
Customer Segments Revenue Streams
System Operators
Public and private
infrastructure operators
Arbitrage profits due to
variable prices
Shares of arbitrage profits
User fees
Within this business model the aggregator
represents a crucial instance, which initially divides
the required total power into smaller packages, so-
called load profiles. It then translates them into a
format of time and performance vectors that is
interpreted by the BMS of electric vehicles. Finally,
it sends corresponding inquiries to pool of electric
vehicles. The primary objective is to optimize the
use of the battery by additional cycles for the
provision of balancing power, aside from the single
application for driving, so that the battery´s life is
optimally utilized.
Arbitrage profits due to variable prices are in no
doubt the business model´s crucial revenue stream
with regard to smart grid regulation service market.
The realization of arbitrage profits could allow at
least a partial refinancing of the relatively high
investment costs of the vehicles batteries and as a
consequence the reduction of the overall investment
3.2 Regulation Service Market
In order to maintain the security of energy supply,
the transmission network operators is obliged to
guarantee the balance between energy production
and consumption in every point in time.
Occasionally, there is a deviation from the predicted
demand or supply of electric power in the grid, e.g.
because of failures or volatile energy producers.
Transmission network operators are keeping
additional equipment available to be able to react at
all times.
Three different types of balancing power are
established in Germany. The overall amount of each
balancing power type for the four German
transmission network operators is advertised online
for bidding on Germany´s national regulation market
platform. The regulation market place is open to all
technical entities which have successfully carried
out the pre-qualification by the responsible
transmission network operator of the control area.
Every balancing power type is characterized by a set
of properties listed in Table 3 to Table 5 for each
type and outlined in the following subsections.
3.2.1 Primary Balancing Power
Primary balancing power constitutes the first and
immediate action that can be taken to restore the
balance within the grid. It possesses the highest
value for the grid and has to be activated
automatically within 30 seconds after the request
call. The adduction may take up to 15 minutes. It is
advertised weekly on the regulation market online
platform with a minimum power quantity of 1
Megawatt (MW) positive or negative. There are no
time slices such that the balancing power which was
sold on the regulation market has to be available at
all times during the week it was paid for. Only a fix
rate per MW is paid for primary balancing power
services, regardless of the service delivery.
Regarding the required minimum size of
aggregators´ electric vehicle fleet, the primary
balancing power is the type that needs the fewest
electric vehicles, since transferred energy volumes
are normally low.
Table 2: Characteristics of primary balancing power.
Bidding frequency Minimum quantity
Weekly + / - 1 MW
3.2.2 Secondary Balancing Power
Secondary balancing power substitutes the primary
balancing power in the event of longer technical
disturbances. The activation of the balancing power
adducted has to start maximum 5 minutes after the
request call and can last up to 1 hour to stabilize the
power grid. Secondary balancing power is advertised
weekly on the regulation market online platform
with a minimum power quantity of 5 MW positive
or negative for each of the two time slices, primary
processing time and secondary processing time.
In contrast to primary balancing power, the price
paid for secondary balancing power services consists
of a rate per MW and a rate per MWh. The MW-rate
takes account the provision of balancing power,
while the MWh-rate comprises the de facto delivery
of balancing power to the grid.
Table 3: Characteristics of secondary balancing power.
Bidding frequency Minimum quantity
Weekly + / - 5 MW
3.2.3 Minute Reserve Power
In case of long term failures which take longer than
15 minutes, the minute reserve power is utilized. Its
complete activation and delivery is compulsory
within 15 minutes after the request call. Compared
to the other balancing power types, minute reserve
power has the lowest value and the longest possible
time period of balancing power delivery. As a
consequence, the duration of balancing power
supply can take several hours. The compensation for
the supply of minute reserve power consists of a
demand rate and a MWh rate similar to the
secondary balancing power. Regarding the limited
battery capacity of electric vehicles, it is very
unlikely that one vehicle will be able to deliver
minute reserve power for several hours.
Table 4: Characteristics of minute reserve power.
Bidding frequency Minimum quantity
Daily + / - 5 MW
In order to understand the optimization model, the
aggregator´s planning process for the supply of
balancing power is described in Figure 1.
At first, the aggregator has to be informed about
the probable availability of its electric vehicles
Figure 1: Flow chart of the aggregator´s planning process
for supply of balancing power.
within its vehicle pool at least for the following day,
since it wants to participate for the bidding of minute
balancing power and up to a whole week as for
primary and secondary balancing power biddings.
As soon as a vehicle determined the amount of
balancing power it is willing to offer, it can
participate (assuming prior pre-qualification) in the
biddings. After being awarded to supply balancing
power by the transmission network operator´s
bidding, the actual optimization starts. The
aggregator translates the requested balancing power
into three predefined load profiles. The balancing
power ranges to minimum 1 MW up to several MW
and is dependent on the number of electric vehicles
available in the pool. A load profile consists of a
power dimension (kW) and a time dimension
As a function of available and suitable electric
vehicles, the overall balancing power is split in to
partial balancing power amounts for each of the
three load profiles. One request consists of up to
three load profiles and is sent to each electric vehicle
BMS which is connected by the aggregator to the
pool’s ICT systems. For that, the load profiles have
to be initially translated to a BMS proprietary
format. In this way, every load profile´s power and
time dimension is encoded in a CAN message of 8
bytes which is interpretable by the BMS. The BMS´
of the electric vehicles then process the request and
send the aggregator the predicted degradations as a
change of the battery´s state of health (deltaSOH)
for every load profile received. The new state of
health of the battery is calculated according to
equation (1):
– deltaSOH (1)
By this, the aggregator has up to three different
deltaSOH values with associated balancing power
amounts for each electric vehicle. At this point, the
aggregator concentrates all the information of each
connected electric vehicle, e.g. availability, the
battery´s state of charge, capacity, value, deltaSOH
etc. Then in the first step of optimization model´s
algorithm all vehicles with the lowest costs (€ per
kWh) are added to the bulk of selected electric
vehicles for balancing power services as long as the
required overall balancing power is achieved. In
case the required overall power is not achieved and,
all available vehicles are already selected, the
algorithm deselects the electric vehicles which do
not supply their maximum balancing power possible
yet. Thereafter, the electric vehicle with the
minimum costs in € per kWh is selected with the
restriction that the selected load profiles amount of
balancing power has to be higher than the amount of
the previously selected one. This procedure is
repeated until the required overall power is finally
achieved. The aggregators profit (G) is the
difference between the earnings (e) and the costs (c)
for the balancing power services of every electric
vehicle (index k) and the load profile (index i)
selected according to equation (2):
The aggregators profit is the difference between
the earnings and the costs for the balancing power
services of every electric vehicle selected according
to equation (2): The supply of negative balancing
power is exceedingly interesting for an aggregator
especially during the times where its electric
vehicles need to be charged e.g. overnight or when
the price is under the regular rate for electricity from
the grid. This optimization model is currently
implemented in a test environment of a lab including
a real BMS and its degradation. The aggregator side
and its vehicle pool were simulated via Matlab.
The optimization model developed can be adapted
for a variety of business models in principle. The
critical success factors and conditions are considered
in the modelling of boundary scenarios and their
impact on business success.
Since the future of electric vehicles depends to a
great extent on the profitability of developed
solutions, the selected and specified business model
"aggregator of electric vehicles“ addresses initially
in particular large fleet operators with hundreds or
thousands of vehicles. Only in this magnitude,
reliability for balancing services can be guaranteed if
some vehicles are not available. Moreover, only then
needed scaling effects can be reached. On the other
side, the potential revenues from sales of balancing
power could lead to an additional incentive for the
electrification of vehicles and thus, represent an
appropriate leverage and multiplier for further
distribution and market acceptance of electric
vehicles in general.
Furthermore, the model is also of interest for
energy utilities and transmission system operators,
since it is a new source for the supply of balancing
The authors wish to thank all project partners for
their support. This work was partly funded by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, based
on a decision of the German Bundestag (Li-
Mobility: Grant 03X4614B).
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