Investigation of Prediction Capabilities using RNN Ensembles
Nijole Maknickiene
and Algirdas Maknickas
Department of Financial Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania
Department of Information Technologies, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania
Prediction, EVOLINO, Financial Markets, Recurrent Neural Networks Ensembles.
Modern portfolio theory of investment-based financial market forecasting use probability distributions. This
investigation used a neural network architecture, which allows to obtain distribution for predictions. Com-
parison of the two different models - points based prediction and distributions based prediction - opens new
investment opportunities. Dependence of forecasting accuracy on the number of EVOLINO recurrent neural
networks (RNN) ensemble was obtained for ve forecasting points ahead. This study allows to optimize the
computational time and resources required for sufficiently accurate prediction.
Neural networks and their systems are successfully
used in forecasting. There are several factors that
determine the predictive accuracy of the prediction -
input selection, neural network architecture and the
quantity of training data.
The paper (Kaastra and Boyd, 1996)is to provide
a practical introductory guide in the design of a neural
network for forecasting economic time series data.
An eight-step procedure to design a neural net-
work forecasting model is explained including a dis-
cussion of trade offs in parameter selection, prediction
dependence on number of iterations. In paper (Wal-
czak, 2001), the effects of different sizes of training
sample sets on forecasting currency exchange rates
are examined. It is shown that those neural networks-
given an appropriate amount of historical knowledge
- can forecast future currency exchange rates with 60
percent accuracy, while those neural networks trained
on a larger training set have a worse forecasting per-
formance. More over, the higher-quality forecasts, the
reduced training set sizes reduced development cost
and time. In the paper (Zhou et al., 2002), the re-
lationship between the ensemble and its component
neural networks is analysed, which reveals that it may
be a better choice to ensemble many instead of all the
available neural networks. This theory may be useful
in designing powerful ensemble approaches. In order
to show the feasibility of the theory, an ensemble of
twelve NN approach named GASEN is presented.
The methodology in paper (Tsakonas and Dou-
nias, 2005) proposes an architecture-altering tech-
nique, which enables the production of highly antag-
onistic solutions while preserving any weight-related
information. The implementation involves genetic
programming using a grammar-guided training ap-
proach, in order to provide arbitrarily large and con-
nected neural logic network. The ensemble of 1-
5 neural networks was researched by (Nguyen and
Chan, 2004), resumed that ”incorporating more neu-
ral networks into the model does not guarantee that
the error would be lowered. As it can be seen in
the application case study, the model with two neu-
ral networks did not perform more satisfactorily than
the single neural network.
In paper (Garcia-Pedrajas et al., 2005), was pro-
posed a general framework for designing neural net-
work ensembles by means of cooperative coevolution.
The proposed model has two main objectives: first,
the improvement of the combination of the trained in-
dividual networks; second, the cooperative evolution
of such networks, encouraging collaboration among
them, instead of a separate training of each network.
Authors (Siwek et al., 2009)made ensemble of neu-
ral predictors is composed of three individual neu-
ral networks. The experimental results have shown
that the performance of individual predictors was im-
proved significantly by the integration of their results.
The improvement is observed even during the appli-
cation of different quality. In paper (Uchigaki et al.,
2012) a prediction technique was proposed which was
called ”an ensemble of simple regression models” to
improve the prediction accuracy of cross-project pre-
e N. and Maknickas A..
Investigation of Prediction Capabilities using RNN Ensembles.
DOI: 10.5220/0004554703910395
In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2013), pages 391-395
ISBN: 978-989-8565-77-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
diction. To evaluate the performance of the proposed
method, was conducted 132 combinations of cross-
project prediction were conducted using datasets of
12 projects from NASA IVV Facility Metrics Data
Program. (Brezak et al., 2012)made a comparison of
feed-forward and recurrent neural networks in time
series forecasting. The obtained results indicate sat-
isfactory forecasting characteristics of both networks.
However, recurrent NN was more accurate in practi-
cally all tests using less number of hidden layer neu-
rons than the feed-forward NN. This study once again
confirmed a great effectiveness and potential of dy-
namic neural networks in modelling and predicting
highly nonliner processes.
In order to form the investment strategies in fi-
nancial markets, there is a need for a proper fore-
casting technique, which can forecast the future prof-
itabilities of assets (stock prices or currency exchange
rates) not as particular values but as probability dis-
tributions of values. Such approach is analytically
meaningful because future is always uncertain and we
cannot make any unambiguous conclusion about it.
For this reason the adequate portfolio model is used,
developed by (Rutkauskas, 2000), which is an am-
plification of Markowitz portfolio model. The ade-
quate portfolio conception is based on the adequate
perception of reality that portfolio return possibili-
ties should be expressed as a probability distribu-
tion with its parameters. The analysis of the whole
probability distribution is especially important tak-
ing into account that portfolio return possibilities usu-
ally do not conform to Normal probability distribu-
tion form and therefore it is not enough to know
their mean value and standard deviation. The ini-
tial concept of adequate portfolio over time was also
applied to the analysis of other complex processes
in the scientific works of A.V.Rutkauskas and his
coauthors (Rutkauskas et al., 2008), (Rutkauskas and
Lapinskait-Vvohlfahrt, 2010), (Rutkauskas and Sta-
sytyte, 2011), (Rutkauskas, 2012).
Decision maker is soliciting opinions as data for
statistic inference, with the additional complication of
strategic manipulation from interested experts (Riley,
2012). Authors investigated proportion of correct de-
cisions made by different number of agents - 1; 1000.
The aim of the paper is to investigate the influence
of the number of neural nets on accuracy of finan-
cial markets prediction, to find new conditions of con-
structing investment portfolios. Knowing how much
RNN is enough that the ensemble makes sufficiently
accurate forecasting, to allow the saving of time and
power resources.
The forecasting we understand the ability to correctly
guess a certain amount of unknown data in time with
some precision. After all, the predicted data set is
compared with a set of known data to evaluate the
correlation between these. Suppose it is known that p
is an element of some set of distributions P. Choose
a fixed weight w
for each q in P such that the w
add up to 1 (for simplicity, suppose P is countable).
Then construct the Bayesmix M(x) =
q(x), and
predict using M instead of the optimal but unknown
p. How wrong could this be? The recent work of
Hutter provides general and sharp loss bounds (Hut-
ter, 2007): Let LM(n) and Lp(n) be the total expected
unit losses of the M-predictor and the p-predictor, re-
spectively, for the first n events. Then L M(n)Lp(n)
is at most of the order of
Lp(n). That is, M is
not much worse than p. And in general, no other
predictor can do better than that. In particular, if
p is deterministic, then the M-predictor won’t make
any more errors. If P contains all recursively com-
putable distributions, then M becomes the celebrated
enumerable universal prior. The aim of this paper is
to construct a model that can make predictions with
a small enough difference M(t)p(t) for some fixed
time t. Autors (Schmidhuber et al., 2005), (Wier-
stra et al., 2005)propouse a new class of learning al-
gorithms for supervised recurrent neural networks -
RNN EVOLINO. EVolution of recurrent systems with
Optimal LINear Output. EVOLINO- based LSTM re-
current networks learn to solve several previously un-
learnable tasks. ”EVOLINO-based LSTM was able
to learn up to 5 sines, certain context-sensitive gram-
mars, and the Mackey-Glass time series, which is not
a very good RNN benchmark though, since even feed-
forward nets can learn it well” (Schmidhuber et al.,
2007). Modularity is a feature often found in na-
ture. It can be of two types-1) when the modules are
connected to each other in parallel or sequentially, 2)
when the modules are connected by another module
inside. We constructed a modular EVOLONO RNN
system connecting them in parallel. It is very impor-
tant to investigate an accuracy of prediction when new
models are testing. The comparison of the perfor-
mance of the forecasting models was made in terms
of the accuracy of the forecasts on the test case do-
Two different models have been developed and tested.
Technical feasibility has been a major factor in deter-
mining both the creation of models.
3.1 Points based Prediction Model
Evolino RNN-based prediction model, which is ap-
plied to the average for PC. This model, which uses
eight predictors, was investigated with the phython
program by the following steps:
Data step. Getting historical financial markets
data from Meta Trader - Alpari. We choose for
prediction EUR/USD (Euro and American Dollar),
GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound and American Dol-
lar), exchange rates and their historical data for the
first input, and for the second input, two years histor-
ical data for XAUUSD (gold prise in USA dollars),
XAGUSD (Silver price of USA dollars), QM (Oil
price in USA dollars), and QG (Gass price in USD
dollars). At the end of this step we have a basis of
historical data.
Input step. The python script calculates the ranges
of orthogonality of the last 80140 points of the ex-
change rate historical data chosen for prediction, and
an adequate interval from the two years historical data
of XAUUSD, XAGUSD, QM, and QG. A value closer
to zero indicates higher orthogonality of the input
base pairs. Eight pairs of data intervals with the best
orthogonality were used for the inputs to the Evolino
recurrent neural network. Influence of data orthog-
onality to accuracy and stability of financial market
predictions was described in paper (Maknickas and
Maknickiene, 2012).
Prediction Step. Eight Evolino recurrent neural
networks made predictions for a selected point in the
future. At the end of this step, we have eight different
predictions for one point of time in the future.
Consensus Step. The resulting eight predictions
are arranged in ascending order, and then the me-
dian, quartiles, and compatibility are calculated. If
the compatibility is within the range [0; 0.024], the
prediction is right. If not, then step 3 is repeated,
sometimes with another ”teacher” if the orthogonality
is similar. At the end of this step, we have one most
probable prediction for the chosen exchange rate.
Decision of trading are making by constructing
portfolio of exchange rates with taking into account
of predictions - medians, got by described model.
Figure 1: Scheme of point prediction based model.
3.2 Distribution based Predictions
Second - Evolino RNN-based prediction model. For
calculation of big amount of ensembles software and
hardware acceleration were employed. Every pre-
dicting neural network from ensemble could be cal-
culated separately So, calculations could be done in
parallel. MPI wrapper mpi4py (Dalcin, 2012)were
used for this purpose. Cycle of each predicting neural
network was divided into equal intervals and every
interval were calculated on separate processor node.
There are not needs for communication between mpi
threads, so obtained equal to one efficiency of par-
allelism, where efficiency is described as folow (Fox
et al., 1988), (Kumar et al., 1994):
S =
T (P)
, (1)
where P is number of processors, T (P) is the runtime
of the parallel algorithm, and T
eq is the runtime of
the sequential algorithm. Hardware acceleration were
achieved using six nodes of Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
E5645 @ 2.40 GHz on the cloud
So calculations of ensemble of 300 predicting neural
networks are 6.25 hours time long.
The first two steps - Data step and Input step -
remain the same as in the first model. This is followed
by other steps:
Prediction Step. We can choose n neural network
forecasting. Neural networks can lead to the num-
ber of hours required for a decision. Therefore, it is
Figure 2: Scheme of distribution based model.
necessary to select the optimum number of ensem-
ble. When n > 60, the forecast assumes the shape of
the distribution. At the end of this step, we have a
distribution with all parameters of it - mean, median,
mode, skewness, kurtosis and et. Decision of trading
are making by composed portfolio of exchange rates
by analysing the distribution parameters.
The test of the accuracy of models on 1-5 steps ahead
6 forecasts was investigated by MAPE. An interval
forecast is considered to be correct if the actual value
falls in side the predicted 95 % confidence interval.
Point estimation accuracy was measured using the
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of fore-
= 100
, (2)
where N - number of observations in the test set, Y
- actual output and
- forecasted output. Test from
5 observations was made in 20/01/2012 - 15/03/2012
(Fig. 3) Accuracy of predictions obtained in the inter-
val 94-99,6%. Increase of accuracy depends on num-
ber of networks and forecasting becomes more stable.
This investigation shows that in some cases more is
not always better - with a lot of predictions EVOLINO
RNN require more calculating processes time and re-
sources. An interval of number of EVOLINO RNN
[1; 100] has hight accuracy, but is not stable. Dis-
tribution of predictions has not form of clear shape
and parameters are not informative. An interval [100;
200] is accurate and stable, so it not require too many
time and resources. Distribution of predictions is suf-
ficiently informative. An interval of n [200; 300] is
good for investigation, but require to many calcula-
tion time - the investment decision in finance market
so could be too late.
Figure 3: Dependency forecasting accuracy of the number
of RNN EVOLINO: a) in 1 and 2 days ahead; b) 3, 4 and 5
days ahead.
1 and 2 points ahead forecasts are accurate and
stable, and 3, 4 and 5 points ahead forecasts stability
is reached only when the ensemble consists of over 64
RNN. In time series forecasting, the magnitude of the
forecasting error increases over time, since the uncer-
tainty increases with the horizon of the forecast.
Neural network architecture is very important in the
forecasting process. The single neural network sys-
tem provides a point forecast that accuracy is very
unstable. Ensemble from eight neural networks pro-
vides more accurate forecasting point in the expected
range. When number of neural networks exceeds 120,
obtained distribution of predictions, which opens up
new opportunities for investment portfolio opportu-
nity. However, more is not always better. The ensem-
ble for prediction requires more calculating time and
resources. Stable and not feather growing prediction
accuracy, gotten by increasing the number of RNN in
ensemble, when n > 120, allows to optimize the in-
vestment decision-making process.
Those ensembles makes it possible to expect pre-
diction accuracy of up to 5 days into the future. The
decision to invest in the financial markets are always
taken under uncertainty. Therefore, distributions are
more informative and more reliable than the scatter
projections. Application of distributions of probabil-
ities in the investment portfolio needs further investi-
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