Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials
to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe
Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint
for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed
at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching
Luz Marina Sierra
, Edinson Alfonso Solarte Camayo
, Jorge Armando Villegas
Tulio Rojas Curieux
and Erwin Meza Vega
Systems Department- FIET, University of Cauca, Calle 5 No. 4-70, Popayán, Colombia
Systems Engineering- FIET, University of Cauca, Calle 5 No. 4-70, Popayán, Colombia
Department of Anthropology- FCHS, Universty of Cauca, Calle 5 No. 4-70, Popayán, Colombia
Keywords: Nasa Yuwe, Nasa Indigenous Community, e-Learning Technologies, Unified Process, Educational
Software, Ethnoeducation, Microworlds, Educational Software Methodologies, Software Development
Methodology, Software Engineering Disciplines.
Abstract: The Nasa indigenous community has been promoting processes for the recovery and revitalization of the
Nasa Yuwe language. The language is at risk because the vast majority of the young people in the
resguardos use Castilian spanish. To address this problem, several IT-backed initiatives have been put in
place with the aim of developing strategies to restore and revitalize Nasa Yuwe. Among these is a combined
piece of research, innovation and technological development that seeks to propose a series of
recommendations for the construction of microworld educational software to support Nasa Yuwe teaching.
The recommendations come from a software engineering disciplines viewpoint. They take account both of
specific aspects of educational software development and of characteristics pertaining to the culture and
language of the Nasa community, and are expected to contribute significantly to the preparation of
ethnoeducational software with the Nasa community. This paper is an important contribution, because it
presents a way of use IT in linguistic heritage recovery, since an educational point of view with a high
scientific rigor and supports it in the disciplines of software engineering, from which specific guidelines
have been generated for the construction of educational software for indigenous communities,
contextualized to the worldview and the significant scenarios of nasa culture.
It is estimated that the population of indigenous
Nasa totals 186,178 people, representing 13.37% of
the indigenous population of Colombia (Social
Action; European Union; CORDEPAZ, 2010). This
populace is primarily agricultural, with an economy
based on consumption and production for the
market. Most of its territory is comprised of
resguardos run by cabildes. The lands enjoy
inalienable rights and are not subject to land seizure.
This is fully recognized in the Colombian
Constitution. The indigenous laws draw on beliefs
and cultural traditions in addition to the recent legal
rulings (Uricoechea, 1968). Ever since their origins
these people have consolidated themselves as a
culturally rich people, securing their own identity.
The Nasa Yuwe tongue is one of 65 indigenous
languages that still survive in Colombia, and despite
the language being spoken by a significant part of
the Nasa population, a process of weakening has
been observed in both its valuation and social use.
Among the events that have brought it under attack,
three stand out: the process of evangelization in
which the use of Spanish was obligatory; the setting
up of official schools in which the Spanish language
was the hub for the dissemination of knowledge
(Colombian Institute of Hispanic Culture, 2000); and
the market economy, making the use of Castilian
inevitable. Another phenomenon that threatens Nasa
Sierra L., Solarte Camayo E., Villegas J., Rojas Curieux T. and Meza Vega E..
Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe - Recommendations from a Software Engineering
Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching.
DOI: 10.5220/0004568905260531
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 526-531
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Yuwe and other vernacular languages is
globalization. According to the sociolinguistic study
carried out by the Regional Indigenous Council of
Cauca CRIC, the University of Cauca and the
Ministry of Culture (CRIC-Program-Intercultural
Bilingual Education General Language Commission,
2008) less than 40 percent of respondents say that
they speak Nasa Yuwe on a daily basis. This
situation varies from one area to another within the
Nasa territories, but it shows the need to create and
support processes that facilitate the teaching and
learning of this language among the children and
young people of the community, who will be
responsible for continuing the oral tradition (Ibarra,
Mosquera and Zuniga, 2004).
The indigenous educational institutions in Cauca
have acquired for themselves a computer
infrastructure, which although fragile and far from
sufficient, is constantly improving thanks to the
support of projects and programs focused on
benefiting indigenous peoples (Ministry of
Information Technologies and Communications,
2013). The growing interest in the use of
Information Technology (IT) in these communities
is made explicit in its use as a tool to strengthen and
promote cultural identity (Ministry of Information
Technologies and Communications of Colombia,
2010), and suggests its use in education, presenting
the learning of indigenous languages in a way that is
innovative and attractive to the younger generation.
The incorporation of IT in education offers a
number of advantages and possibilities, as in the
case of educational software, which represents a
powerful medium that allows the combined use of
such elements as images, text, animations and sound
(Sanchez, 1995) to promote the teaching and
learning processes, to stoke interest, maintaining a
continuous intellectual activity, allowing individual
as well as group work (Marques, 2010).
Against this background and in an effort to
support the strengthening and revitalization of the
Nasa Yuwe language, the research question arises of
how to develop microworld-type ethnoeducational
computer materials that would present different
scenarios meaningful to the Nasa worldview and
support the acquisition of reading and listening skills
in Nasa Yuwe?
To provide an answer to this question, a series of
recommendations is put forward from the disciplines
of software engineering to build microworld-type
ethnoeducational computer materials designed to
support Nasa Yuwe teaching and that incorporates
aspects of the Nasa worldview. Through this article,
more will be learned about the different stages that
are being carried out in this research project, among
which are: establishing the methodology,
constructing the state of the art and the theoretical
framework, comparative analysis, recommendations,
construction of the ethnoeducational computer
material, future work, conclusions and contributions.
For this project of research and technological
innovation, information was collected and graded
towards identifying the most important aspects
taking account of educational software
methodologies, software engineering disciplines, the
contributions of the state of the art, interviews with
the Linguistic, Pedagogical and Socio-Cultural
Studies group of the University of Cauca, and
exploratory visits to a number of communities.
Aspects to be considered in preparing educational
software with the Nasa community were identified
and the recommendations intended to supplement or
help in the teaching of Nasa Yuwe by means of a
microworld that takes into consideration relevant
aspects of that community were put in place. This
approach allowed technical and pedagogical aspects
to be taken into account to suit the cultural
characteristics and needs of the Nasa indigenous
2.1 Methodology
To carry out the recommendations that would allow
the construction of microworld-type ethno-
educational computer materials aimed at supporting
reading and listening comprehension in Nasa Yuwe
while including aspects of the Nasa worldview, a
comparative study was necessary of methodologies,
in which common criteria were identified and
classified in the various software engineering
disciplines. After classifying the criteria, assessment
was made of their importance and how to implement
them. They were then complemented with the
cosmological features identified in the state of the
art analysis, in interviews with anthropologists and
from visits to the community, so that they could be
used in this context.
Through the development of the microworld, it is
sought to shape the use of the recommendations so
that they contain features identified from the
contexts, such as interfaces and symbols, important
features of daily life and the environment, etc. These
allow concrete and abstract concepts from the real
world to be represented, such as landscapes,
ecosystems, natural, social or cultural areas, and
interact with the community, actively participating
in an experience that allows them to create and
reorganize previously possessed knowledge through
multimedia components, dialogues between
characters, videos and animations (Galvis, 1992)
(Valencia, Z. Riascos and Child, 2011).
Given the above features, we can see that the
microworlds are similar in a number of features to
educational video games, which are a good option
for improving outcomes in teaching and learning
(Valencia, Z. Riascos and Child, 2011). Such a
scenario indicates a need to select a game
development tool for the implementation of the
ethno-educational microworld for teaching Nasa
Yuwe, suited to the limited computing resources that
the community currently possesses.
With the microworld that results from this
project, testing will be conducted with members of
the community, involving them in their specific
teaching process, allowing feedback on the
recommendations made and to identify errors,
ambiguities or omissions and make necessary
adjustments to ensure that the objective of the
project is fully realized.
2.2 State of the Art and Theoretical
In order to carry out the recommendations, the
following work done with indigenous communities
has been used as reference: Teaching and
Revitalization of the Nasa Yuwe Language
(Unicauca & UNICEF, 2002) which takes up the
experience in teaching and revitalization of the Nasa
Yuwe language using Western games adapted to the
Nasa culture in the Canoas indigenous resguardo.
Ethnic Education Centers for Strengthening the Nasa
Life Plan: Weaving Resistance from Identity (Llano,
2010) where important aspects of ethnic identity are
identified, as are the collective actions of the
community and the construction of social subjects.
Zuy Luuçxkwe Kwe'kwe’sx Ipx Kwetuy Piyaaka.
Learning Workbook for Nasa Yuwe as a Second
Language (Rojas and Farfan, 2010) in which tasks
and cultural practices of the Nasa community are
identified. Süchiki Walekerü: An example of the
use of IT in Indigenous Schools. Wayuu Case Study
(Quero and Madueño, 2006), which sets out how
information technology and communication can be
used in support of bilingual intercultural education
projects. Yaak: Online System for Teaching and
Dissemination of the Otomí language of Querétaro
(Cardona, Ortega and Gutierrez, 2010) where the
reactions are seen of an indigenous community to
the use of computational tools to foster, restore and
teach their language, including the process carried
out in order to achieve this. Virtual Community of
Support for Ethnoeducation Processes for the Nasa
Community of the Corinto López Adentro
resguardo (Sierra, Rojas and Naranjo, 2007) which
makes use of prior studies, inputs collected over
time, and the experience of the staff who have been
involved for a long time in assisting the
ethnoeducacional support processes in this
2.3 Comparative Analysis
Below is shown an example of the tables constructed
to identify common criteria in educational software
methodologies. The ellipses indicate the existence of
other methodologies that were reviewed before the
recommendations were proposed.
Table 1: Example of comparative table for educational
software methodologies.
(Peláez and
López, 2006)
López and
on proposed
Aspects of
life are
them in the
A foundation
is put in
place to find
that help the
knowledge to
be imparted.
etc. are
*. Identify the
particular life
situation to be
represented in
the microworld.
*. Collection of
*. Arrange
work dynamics
for meetings
and tasks
delegated for
the following.
Anaysis of
The need is
aspects of the
area or field
of study and
techniques to
be used in
the course.
Each need
requires to be
specific to a
*. Develop a
profile of the
*. Identification
of problems or
situations in
order to support
the material to
be developed.
Carry out a
al approach
Does not
consider this
If end users
have had
little contact
computers, a
way to train
them should
*. Develop
strategy of
… …
2.4 Recommendations
The word recommendation means advice,
suggestion or warning in performing one or more
activities (Royal Spanish Academy, 2001). Each
recommendation lists the steps to be considered in
each of the phases of software construction
(engineering of requirements, modeling, design,
implementation, and testing), and when applied
these support the development of microworld-type
ethnoeducational computer materials.
The recommendations were constructed from the
comparative analysis of the most important aspects
of the educational software methodologies (see
Table 1) and software engineering disciplines, while
taking into consideration the characteristics of the
Nasa educational and pedagogical context and the
help of anthropologists and linguists who have
worked with members of the community. At the
time of preparing this article 31 recommendations
have been proposed, an example of which are
presented below:
RECOMMENDATION Nº 1: Identify the
specific situation to be represented in the
What it relates to: This concerns identifying the
resguardo with which the work will be done,
highlighting its cultural and geographical
particularities in relation to the others.
Steps to be carried out:
Arrange a visit to the community where the
microworld is to be used, to get to know the
details of the target community.
Inquire about especially significant or
representative landscapes; identify elements of
cultural value that can be translated into the
microworld-type ethnoeducational computer
material; take pictures of landscapes, houses,
significant places, classrooms and inhabitants
of the region.
Why this is recommended: To represent
significant elements of the context of the community
and identify what is required and the important
objectives thereof, through images and contact with
the community.
2.5 Construction of Microworld-Type
Ethnoeducational Materials.
Beginning with the proposed recommendations, the
selection of a videogame development tool with
which to implement the microworld is made. The
recommendations considered are: Recommendation
Nº 0: "Identify the physical and logical features of
the community’s computer equipment" and
Recommendation Nº 27: "Select the appropriate
development environment to implement the
microworld-type ethnoeducational computer
material". The most important steps for this task are:
The technical specifications of the computer
equipment of the Nasa community into which the
micro is to be implemented must be taken into
account, so as not to exceed the limits of these when
using the application.
Choose a development environment that allows
the microworld a good graphic quality,
attractive, innovative and in line with the
performance of the equipment the end users
have at their disposal. The price of the
development environment (preferably choosing
free tools to keep costs low and avoid licensing
Performance and scalability.
Based on criteria such as the minimum cost of
getting a license, prior knowledge of the tool, and
scalability portability, it emerges that the tool that
combines all of the conditions for use in the
microworld-type ethnoeducational computer material
is Unity 3D (Unity Technologies, 2013). Unity is a
game engine that allows the integration of sounds,
images, character interaction, animation and dialogue.
Having as the game engine Unity3D and the
recommendations for applying the software
engineering processes, we proceed to the
construction of the microworld for the Nasa
indigenous community. Below is a screenshot of the
microworld that is being developed, which takes into
account the specific characteristics of the Nasa life
and which is still in the process of being
Figure 1: Screenshot of microworld-type ethnoeducational
computer material.
Figure 2: A house in the microworld; and one in the Nasa
Figure 3: A microworld character; and a child of the Nasa
community (Oviedo, 2012).
Figure 1 is a screenshot of the microworld that
contains, among other items, a home with features
found on a visit to the Nasa community in
Munchique in Cauca Department, Colombia (Figure
2), and a character with whom to explore the
microworld, whose features are close to the
characteristics of the children of the Nasa
community (figure 3). Other elements that can be
seen in the image of the microworld are the context
in which the daily activities of Nasa community
members are carried out, characterized by trees,
plants, mountains and the typical ambient sounds of
a Nasa resguardo. On the left side of the screen shot
is one of the activities of the microworld, which was
designed with elements known to the children of the
indigenous community and which features Nasa
Yuwe sounds and writing based on activities
suggested in the workbook Zuy Luuçxkwe
Kwe'kwe’sx Ipx Kwetuy Piyaaka (Rojas and Farfan,
2.6 Future Work
Complete some additional levels of the
ethnoeducational microworld.
Design and implement a pilot project
involving the use of the constructed
microworld and that allows its usefulness in
the teaching of Nasa Yuwe to be evaluated.
Deployment of the ethnoeducational
microworld in the Nasa community education
3.1 Final Conclusions
The comparative analysis of educational software
methodologies and software engineering disciplines
set against the cultural, pedagogical and educational
characteristics of the Nasa community, allow the
creation of a set of recommendations that are
complemented and strengthened taking into account
the cosmology and processes that pertain to the Nasa
community, towards a situation where in the
development of educational software in the Nasa
context is more relevant and designed from working
together with the respective Nasa community.
The development of this project demonstrates
the need to continue building educational materials
and go on supporting the processes of
Ethnoeducation of the Nasa Indigenous People and
recovery of the culture of the Paez community. For
this revitalization process every possible tool should
be used, in particular that of technology - not only to
contribute to the revitalization of the language and
its ancestral customs, but to close the technology
gap, taking action that will support teachers for their
teaching-learning and in a continuous process of
training in the management of resources and
motivation strategies to include them in the teaching
practice either inside or outside the classroom.
Finally, it can be concluded that it is possible to
develop a microworld-type ethnoeducational
computer material that presents different scenarios
that are meaningful to the Nasa worldview and that
support the acquisition of reading and listening skills
in the Nasa Yuwe language, in addition to having an
adequate methodological support (favoring the
pedagogical and didactic aspects and a formal
software development).
3.2 Contributions
The contributions of this project are:
The development of microworld-type
ethnoeducational software, paying attention to
aspects of the Nasa context and applying them
to future software development processes,
thus aiding designers and developers.
Specific recommendations for the
development of software that can be used and
adapted in the construction of other types of
software for this community.
A continued strengthening of the use of ICT
as a support for the processes of culture
recovery in the indigenous communities.
A teaching tool that supports the realization of
the teaching-learning processes by facilitating
access to information, encouraging the student
and enabling both the possibility of individual
and group work.
The authors of this article would like to thank the
University of Cauca, specifically the Departments of
Anthropology (Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences) and Systems (Faculty of Electronic and
Telecommunications Engineering) for their help in
carrying out this intercultural and interdisciplinary
work, wherein knowledge and experience such as
that of this paper have merged, through the joint
efforts of the research groups The Southwest
Linguistic Pedagogical Studies Group - GELPS and
the R&D Group in Information Technology - GTI.
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