JT2FIS: Java Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System
An Object-oriented Class Library for Building Java Intelligent Applications
Manuel Casta
on-Puga, Juan-Ram
on Castro and Miguel Flores-Parra
Facultad de Ciencias Qu
ımicas e Ingenier
ıa, Universidad Aut
onoma de Baja California, Tijuana, M
Computational Intelligence, Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System, Java Fuzzy Systems Class Library.
This paper introduces a Java
class library for fuzzy systems that can be used to build an Interval Type-2
Fuzzy Inference System. Architecture of the system is presented and object oriented design and modules are
described. We use the Water Temperature and Flow Controller as a classic example to benchmark the inputs
and outputs and to show how to use it on engineering. We compare the developed library with an existing
library in order to discuss the Java
object oriented approach and its applications.
Fuzzy inference systems (FIS) have been broadly
used for a wide engineering applications. Especially,
FIS have been successfully applied in control systems
and decision-making systems and the main advantage
is the way to deal with imprecise information about
some system variable and let us to work with.
The most of the FIS used until now are FIS based
on a Type-1 model (Zadeh, 1965), but lately, a Type-
2 model have been developed and others applications
are been extended with it (Zadeh, 1973). The state
of the art led us to Type-2 General Fuzzy Inference
Model (Lucas, 2007) that have been developed as a
next step on the way to have Fuzzy Inference Sys-
tems with more capability to model real-world things
(Castillo and Melin, 2008)(Castillo et al., 2010).
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a Java
class library for fuzzy systems that can be used to
build an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System.
1.1 Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System
A fuzzy inference system (FIS) is based on logical
rules that can work with numeric values or fuzzy in-
put, rules are evaluated and the individual results to-
gether to form what is the output fuzzy, then, a nu-
merical value must be passed through a process of de-
fuzzification if its required. Figure 1 shows a block
diagram of the classic structure of a FIS.
The concept of a type-2 fuzzy set was introduced
by Zadeh (Zadeh, 1975) as an extension of the con-
cept of fuzzy sets usually type 1. A type-2 fuzzy set is
Figure 1: Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System block diagram.
characterized by a membership function whose mem-
bership value for each element of the universe is a
membership function in the range [0, 1], unlike the
type-1 fuzzy sets where the value of membership is a
numeric value in the range [0, 1]. The creation of a
fuzzy set depends on two aspects: the identification
of a universe of appropriate values and specifying a
membership function properly. The choice of mem-
bership function is a subjective process, meaning that
different people can reach different conclusions on the
same concept. This subjectivity is derived from indi-
vidual differences in the perception and expression of
abstract concepts and very little to do with random-
ness. Therefore, subjectivity and randomness of a
fuzzy set is the main difference between the study of
fuzzy sets and probability theory (Jang et al., 1997).
In type-1 fuzzy sets, once the membership func-
tion defined for a concept, this is based on the sub-
jective opinion of one or more individuals and shows
no more than one value for each element of the uni-
Castañón-Puga M., Castro J. and Flores-Parra M..
JT2FIS: Java Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System - An Object-oriented Class Library for Building Java Intelligent Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004569805240529
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 524-529
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: Type-1 fuzzy set and type-2 fuzzy set with uncer-
verse. In doing so, it lose some of the ambiguity that
some concepts are discussed, especially where people
may have a slightly different opinion and all are con-
sidered valid. The type-2 fuzzy sets allow handling
linguistic and numerical uncertainties. Figure 2 de-
picts two graphics of fuzzy sets, a) with type-1 fuzzy
logic, and b) with type-2 fuzzy logic.
In a) the values set shown is A = {(x, µ
X} where A X, X A X, X is the universe of valid
values and µ
(x) is the membership function (MF)
that contains a map of each value of X with its mem-
bership value corresponding to a value between 0 and
1. For b) the values set is
A = {((x, u), µ
(x, u))},
where MF µ
(x, u) has a membership value for each
element of the universe as a function of membership
in the range [0, 1], so the footprint can be seen around
the curve of a).
1.2 Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System
Concepts such as large/small or fast/slow can be rep-
resented as fuzzy sets, thus allowing that there may
be slight variations in the definition for common con-
cepts, an example of this can be shown in (Wagner
and Hagras, 2010). When dealing with a fixed set of
actions but with different criteria to decide what ac-
tion to take, you can use fuzzy logic as a viable op-
tion to define the behavior profiles. There are many
applications where fuzzy logic has been used, for ex-
ample, a simulation of the bird age-structured popu-
lation growth based on an interval type-2 fuzzy cel-
lular structure (Leal-Ram
ırez et al., 2011), optimiza-
tion of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers using
evolutionary algorithms (Castillo et al., 2011), an im-
proved method for edge detection based on interval
type-2 fuzzy logic (Melin et al., 2010), a hybrid learn-
ing algorithm for a class of interval type-2 fuzzy neu-
ral networks (Castro et al., 2009), a systematic design
of a stable type-2 fuzzy logic controller (Castillo and
Melin, 2008), and an efficient computational method
to implement type-2 fuzzy logic in control applica-
tions (Sep
ulveda et al., 2007).
1.3 Object Oriented Fuzzy Inference
There are available code libraries and tool-kits to
build Fuzzy Inference Systems. Some of this pack-
ages are object oriented class libraries that are devel-
oped mainly for build Type-1 Fuzzy Logic with an ob-
ject oriented programming language (Garc
et al., 2007). jFuzzyLogic (Cingolani and Alcala-
Fdez, 2012) is an example of a class library written
in Java The advantage of an Fuzzy Inference System
in Java is that we could build intelligent systems with
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic capabilities using a object ori-
ented programming language. Java is a robust general
use object oriented programming language used in a
wide range of applications.
JT2FIS is a class library developed for Java. The
main purpose is to deploy a library for build type-2
fuzzy inference systems with a object oriented pro-
gramming language.
A Java library turns important due is very conve-
nient for reuse and legibility of coding, and system
2.1 JT2FIS Design
JT2FIS is integrated by a package structure that con-
tains all classes collection. The package containment
are organized and depicted in Table 1.
The library takes advantage of heritage capability
of object-oriented paradigm to integrate new member-
ship features. We can see this approach in fig. 3 where
MemeberFunction are an abstract class that let us to
extends as member functions as we require.
In JT2FIS version 1.0 we have seven different
type-2 member functions and a core of type-1 mem-
ber functions available (Gauss, Triangular, Trape-
zoidal). Table 2 list type-2 member function available
in the library.
The Figure 4 depicts JT2FIS expressed in Uni-
fied Modeling Language (UML). The class structure
JT2FIS are shown.
Fis classes are composed by a set of inputs (Input
class), outputs (Output class) and rules (Rule class).
Each input and output contain a set off member func-
tions (MemberFunction class) and each one could be
a specific type of member function.
The Fis class provides the main features of an In-
terval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System. Fis class is
an abstract class that establishes the core functionality
Table 1: JT2FIS library packages content.
Package Content
Fis Fis Class
Mamdani Class
Defuzzifier Package
Fuzzifier Package
MF Package
Defuzzifier Defuzzy Class
TypeReducer Package
TypeReducer TypeReducer Class
Fuzzifier Fuzzify Class
Mf MemberFunction Class
type1 Package
type2 Package
Type1 BellMemberFunction Class
GaussMemberFunction Class
TrapezoidalMemberFunction Class
TriangulerMemberFunction Class
Type2 GaussCutMemberFunction Class
GaussUncertaintyMeanMemberFunction Class
GaussUncertaintyStandardDesviationMemberFunction Class
TrapaUncertaintyMemberFunction Class
TrapezoidalUncertaintyMemberFunction Class
TriangulerUncertaintyMemberFunction Class
TriUncertaintyMemberFunction Class
Structure Input Class
Output Class
Rule Class
Figure 3: Member Functions Types.
and extends to Mamdani and Sugeno concrete classes
that implements different approaches.
We can expand member function types extending
the core class MemberFunction class. Figure 5 show
actual member function available.
Table 2: JIT2FIS Type-2 Member Functions.
PackageType-2 Member Functions Description
GaussCutMemberFunction Params =[sigma mean alfa]
GaussUncertaintyMeanMemberFunction Params=[sigma mean1 mean2]
GaussUncertaintyStandardDesviationMemberFunction Params=[sigma1 sigma2 mean]
TrapaUncertaintyMemberFunction Params=[a1 b1 c1 d1 a2 b2 c2 d2 alfa]
TrapezoidalUncertaintyMemberFunction Params=[a d sa sd sn alfa]
TriangulerUncertaintyMemberFunction Params=[a c sa sc]
TriUncertaintyMemberFunction Params=[a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2]
Figure 4: JT2FIS core class structure.
2.2 Building a Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
Inference System
In order to create a FIS with JT2FIS in the next exam-
ple, we are considering the following procedure:
1. Create a new instance of FIS class.
2. Create and configure new inputs instances of In-
put class to add to the FIS.
3. Create and configure new outputs instances of
Output class to add to the FIS.
4. Create and configure new rules instances of Rule
class to add to the FIS.
5. Evaluate inference with build FIS.
2.2.1 Creating a New FIS Instance
To build an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System,
first we have to create an instance of Mamdani class.
Listing 1 shows how to do that.
Listing 1: Creating a new instance of FIS.
Mamd an i f is = new Ma md an i (" FIS ") ;
Figure 5: Fuzzy Inference Systems Types.
2.2.2 Adding inputs to FIS
Second, we can add inputs creating instances of Input
class. For each input instance, we can add a member
function that will represents a linguistic input variable
in the system. Member functions could be from dif-
ferent type, depending of the application.
Listing 2 shows how to add member function to
an input, and how to add an input to fis.
Listing 2: Adding a new input of FIS.
/ / C r e a t i n g a new I n p u t i n s t a n c e
I n p u t i n p u t =new I n p u t ( ” i n p u t ” ) ;
/ / C o n f i g u r i n g i n p u t r a n g e s
i n p u t . se t Lower R a n g e ( 2 0 . 0 ) ;
i n p u t . s e t S u p e r i o r R a n g e ( 2 0 . 0 ) ;
/ / C r e a t i n g a i n p u t member f u n c t i o n
G a u ssU n cer t ain t y Me a n Me m b er F u nc t i on
inputMF = new
G a u ssU n cer t ain t y Me a n Me m b er F u nc t i on (
InputMF ” ) ;
/ / C o n f i g u r i n g i n p u t member f u n c t i o n
inputMF . s e t S i g m a ( 6 . 0 ) ;
inputMF . se t M e a n1 ( 1 2. 0) ;
inputMF . se t M e a n2 ( 1 8. 0) ;
/ / A d d i ng member f u n c t i o n t o i n p u t
i n p u t . ge t Me m be r Fu n ct i on s ( ) . add ( inputMF
) ;
/ / A d d i ng i n p u t t o f i s
f i s . g e t I n p u t s ( ) . add ( i n p u t ) ;
2.2.3 Adding outputs to FIS
Third, we can add outputs creating instances of Out-
put class. In the same way the inputs, for each out-
put instance, we can add a member function that will
represents a linguistic output variable in the system.
Member functions could be from different type, de-
pending of the application.
Listing 3 shows how to add member function to
an output, and how to add an output to fis.
Listing 3: Adding a new output of FIS.
/ / C r e a t i n g a new O u t pu t i n s t a n c e
O u t p u t o u t p u t =new O u t p u t ( ” o u t p u t ” ) ;
/ / O ut p ut ra n g e s
o u t p u t . se t Lower R a n g e ( 1 . 0 ) ;
o u t p u t . s e t S u p e r i o r R a n g e ( 1 . 0 ) ;
/ / C r e a t i n g a o u t p u t member f u n c t i o n
G a u ssU n cer t ain t y Me a n Me m b er F u nc t i on
output MF=new
G a u ssU n cer t ain t y Me a n Me m b er F u nc t i on (
OutputMF ” ) ;
/ / C o n f i g u r i n g o u t p u t member f u n c t i o n
output MF . s e t S i g m a ( 1. 0 5 ) ;
output MF . s e t M ean1 ( 0 . 65) ;
output MF . s e t M ean2 ( 0 . 35) ;
/ / A d d i ng member f u n c t i o n t o o u t p u t
o u t p u t . ge t Me m be r Fu n ct i on s ( ) . add (
output MF ) ;
/ / A d d i ng o u t p u t t o f i s
f i s . g e t O u t p u t s ( ) . a dd ( o u t p u t ) ;
2.2.4 Adding rules to FIS
Finally, we can add rules to fis. Each rule is composed
by a set of antecedents and a set of consequents. An-
tecedents and consequents are member functions that
are part of inputs and outputs.
Listing 4 shows how to add antecedents and con-
sequents to rule, and how to add a rule to fis.
Listing 4: Adding a new rule of FIS.
//Creating a new Rule instance
Rul e ru le =new R u le () ;
//Adding antecedent to rule
Me m be r F u n c t i o n ant e ce de n t = fis .
ge tI n pu ts () . get ( 0) .
ge t M em b e r F u nc t i o n s () . get ( 0 ) ;
rul e . g e tA n te c ed e nt s () . add (
an t ec ed e nt ) ;
//Adding consecuent to rule
Me m be r F u n c t i o n con c ec ue n t = fis .
ge t Ou tp u ts () . get ( 0) .
ge t M em b e r F u nc t i o n s () . get ( 0 ) ;
ru l e1 . ge t C o n s e q u en t s () . add (
co n ce cu e nt ) ;
//Adding rule to fis
fis . g e t R ul es () . add ( r ule ) ;
2.2.5 Evaluating inference with FIS
Once the system is built, we can use it to evaluate
input and output values. JT2FIS have 5 different
ways to evaluate fis. Each way is a method of re-
duction (Centroid, Center-of-Sums, Height, Modified
Height, Center of Sets). Each method has parameters
that must be configured depending of representation
Listing 5 shows how to configure and evaluate the
Listing 5: Evaluating inference with FIS.
/ / C o n f i g u r i n g e v a l u a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s
i n t p o i n t s = 1 01 ;
i n t andMethod = 0 ;
i n t orMethod = 0;
i n t impMethod = 0 ;
i n t aggMethod = 0 ;
/ / C r e a t i n g a new i n p u t S t a c k o f
i n p u t L i s t
A r r a y L i s t <A r r a y L i s t <Double>>
i n p u t S t a c k = new A r r a y L i s t <
A r r a y L i s t <Double >>() ;
/ / C r e a t i n g an i n p u t l i s t
A r r a y L i s t <Double> i n p u t L i s t = s p a c e .
g e t L i n s p a c e ( 20 , 2 0 , p o i n t s ) ;
/ / A dding i n p u t l i s t t o i n p u t S t a c k
i n p u t S t a c k . add ( i n p u t L i s t ) ;
/ / E v a l u a t i n g i n p u t S t a c k w i t h
S i n g l e t o n C e n t r o i d meth o d on f i s
f i s . e v a l u a t e F i s S i n g l e t o n C e n t r o i d (
i n p u t S t a c k , p o i n t s , andMethod ,
orMethod , impMethod , aggMethod ) ;
To test the JT2FIS we going to use Water Temper-
ature and Flow Controller case. Water Temperature
and Flow Controller is a proposed problem that is
provided by Matlab as a example to show how to
use Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Castro et. al. (Castro
et al., 2007) extends Matlab Toolbox to Type-2 Fuzzy
Logic, so we going to use this toolbox to compare our
approach with it.
We configured in the same way the Type-2 Fuzzy
Inference System using JT2FIS and Matlab Interval
Type-2 Fuzzy Toolbox.
The system implements the following rules:
1. If (Temp is Cold) and (Flow is Soft) then (Cold is
openSlow)(Hot is openFast)
2. If (Temp is Cold) and (Flow is Good) then (Cold
is closeSlow)(Hot is openSlow)
3. If (Temp is Cold) and (Flow is Hard) then (Cold
is closeFast)(Hot is closeSlow)
4. If (Temp is Good) and (Flow is Soft) then (Cold is
openSlow)(Hot is openSlow)
5. If (Temp is Good) and (Flow is Good) then (Cold
is Steady)(Hot is Steady)
6. If (Temp is Good) and (Flow is Hard) then (Cold
is closeSlow)(Hot is closeSlow)
7. If (Temp is Hot) and (Flow is Soft) then (Cold is
openFast)(Hot is openSlow)
Table 3: Inputs, Outputs example ”ISHOWER”.
Type MemberFunction Params
Input1 TrapaUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-31,b1=-31,c1=-16,d1=-1,
Input1 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-11,b1=-1,c1=9,a2=-9,b2=1,c2=11
Input1 TrapaUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-1,b1=14,c1=29,d1=29,
Input2 TrapaUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-3.1,b1=-3.1,c1=-0.9,d1=-0.1,
Input2 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.45,b1=-0.05,c1=0.35,a2=-0.35,b2=0.05,c2=0.45
Input2 TrapaUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.1,b1=0.7,c1=2.9,d1=0.1,
Output1 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-1.05,b1=-0.65,c1=-0.35,a2=-0.95,b2=-0.55,c2=-0.25
Output1 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.65,b1=-0.35,c1=-0.05,a2=-0.55,b2=-0.25,c2=0.05
Output1 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.35,b1=-0.05,c1=0.25,a2=-0.25,b2=0.05,c2=0.35
Output1 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.05,b1=0.25,c1=0.55,a2=0.05,b2=0.35,c2=0.65
Output1 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=0.25,b1=0.55,c1=0.95,a2=0.35,b2=0.65,c2=1.05
Output2 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-1.05,b1=-0.65,c1=-0.35,a2=-0.95,b2=-0.55,c2=-0.25
Output2 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.65,b1=-0.35,c1=-0.05,a2=-0.55,b2=-0.25,c2=0.05
Output2 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.35,b1=-0.05,c1=0.25,a2=-0.25,b2=0.05,c2=0.35
Output2 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=-0.05,b1=0.25,c1=0.55,a2=0.05,b2=0.35,c2=0.65
Output2 TriUncertaintyMemberFunction a1=0.25,b1=0.55,c1=0.95,a2=0.35,b2=0.65,c2=1.05
8. If (Temp is Hot) and (Flow is Good) then (Cold is
openSlow)(Hot is closeSlow)
9. If (Temp is Hot)and (Flow is Hard) then (Cold is
closeSlow)(Hot is closeFast)
3.1 JT2FIS Shower System Test Case
With previous fuzzy inference system configuration,
and using 101 points and Centroid reduction type, we
evaluate Water Temperature and Flow Controller in
JT2FIS and Matlab Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Toolbox
implementations. Table 4 show no difference between
tools obtaining the same response.
Table 5 show comparative performance between
tools with different discretizations points for in-
put1=20 and input2=1.
JT2FIS is an Object-Oriented Class Library for Build-
ing Java Intelligent Applications using Java Interval
Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System. We present architec-
ture and object oriented design of a JT2FIS class li-
brary. We provide an example of how to create and
configure an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Inference Sys-
tem in Java and we show a Water Temperature and
Table 4: Comparing JT2FIS outputs versus Matlab
val Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Toolbox outputs.
Inputs JT2FIS Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
Logic Toolbox
x1 x2 Output 1 Output 2 Time(ms) Output 1 Output 2 Time(ms)
-16 -0.8 0.3 0.6328 1 0.3 0.6328 8.6
-12 -0.6 0.3 0.6342 1 0.3 0.6342 8.6
-8 -0.4 0.2211 0.5184 1 0.2211 0.5184 8.6
-4 -0.2 -0.0098 0.2545 1 -0.0098 0.2545 8.6
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8.6
4 0.2 0.0098 -0.2545 1 0.0098 -0.2545 8.6
8 0.4 -0.22113 -0.5184 1 -0.22113 -0.5184 8.6
12 0.6 -0.2999 -0.6342 1 -0.2999 -0.6342 8.6
16 0.8 -0.3 -0.6328 1 -0.3 -0.6328 8.6
20 1 -0.3 -0.6328 1 -0.3 -0.6328 8.6
Table 5: Comparing JT2FIS times(ms) versus Matlab
terval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Toolbox times(ms) with different
discretizations points for input1=20 and input2=1.
Number Points JT2FIS Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
Time(ms) Logic Toolbox Time(ms)
101 1 8.6
1001 8 13.7
10001 426 71.2
Flow Controller case of study to compare outputs re-
sponse between JT2FIS and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
Logic Toolbox in Matlab.
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onoma de Baja California (UABC) for grant this
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