Indexing Multimedia Content for Textual Querying: A
Multimodal Approach
Abdesalam Amrane
, Hakima Mellah
Youssef Amghar
and Rachid Aliradi
Research Center on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST), Algiers, Algeria
University of Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, Villeurbanne, France
Abstract. Multimedia retrieval approaches are classified into three categories:
those using textual information, and those using low-level information and
those that combine different information extracted from multimedia. Each ap-
proach has its advantages and disadvantages as well to improving multimedia
retrieval systems. The recent works are oriented towards multimodal approach-
es. It is in this context that we propose an approach that combines the surround-
ing text with the information extracted from the visual content of multimedia
and represented in the same repository in order to allow querying multimedia
content based on keywords or concepts. Each word contained in queries or in
description of multimedia is disambiguated by using the WordNet in order to
define its semantic concept.
1 Introduction
Multimedia information retrieval approaches are classified into three categories that
are: text-based retrieval, content-based retrieval and multimodal retrieval [1]. In text-
based retrieval approach, multimedia content is described by a number of keywords.
In content-based retrieval approach, various low-level features like color, texture and
shape are extracted for describing image and video, or spectrum of a signal to de-
scribe audio content. In multimodal approach, high-level and low-level information
are combined to improve description of multimedia content.
Some work has been done to combine ontologies with visual features [20], for ex-
ample Hoogs et al. [11] linked ontologies and visual features by manually extending
WordNet with tags describing visibility, different aspects of motion, location inside or
outside, and frequency of occurrence. [10] A visual ontology contains general and
visual knowledge from two existing sources: WordNet and MPEG-7. Bertini et al. [3]
suggests a “pictorially enriched” ontology in which both linguistic terms and visual
prototypes constitute the nodes of the ontology.
Multimedia annotation has become a very important task for multimedia content
semantic description; it can be done either manually or automatically. One of the
technical manual annotation is the collaborative tagging, Flickr and Facebook are
examples of systems that allow users to annotate multimedia content [14]. However,
this technique suffers from some disadvantages, we can mention:
Amrane A., Mellah H., Amghar Y. and Aliradi R..
Indexing Multimedia Content for Textual Querying: A Multimodal Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004576200030012
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2013), pages 3-12
ISBN: 978-989-8565-63-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Indexing subjectivity: two annotators do not produce systematically the same anno-
tation for the same multimedia content.
Language dependence: annotation is generally achieved in the language of the
A critical point in the progress of content-based retrieval is the semantic gap
, where
the meaning of an image is rarely self-evident [12]. Detection techniques of semantic
concepts by classification methods based on supervised learning have been proposed
to reduce this semantic gap [16].
To retrieve multimedia contents, several query languages have been proposed. In
the work of Richard Chbeir [5], the query languages are classified into three genera-
tions: textual, graphical and visual languages. The first generation of languages was
based on textual resources (keywords, free text). The latter allows the user to easily
express his information needs and it is adapted to all media; while the second genera-
tion deal with the graphical languages, the most famous query languages of the latter
is the QBE (Query By Example) language [7].
In order to improve the multimedia search and allow textual querying, while bridg-
ing the semantic gap between user’s needs and content description, we propose a
model for semantic search of multimedia content that combine contextual information
with visual multimedia content.
In order to achieve the latter process, we have organized our paper as follows: In
the second section, we have described the existing works proposed in multimodal
retrieval systems. The proposed approach is presented in the third section, where our
indexing techniques and querying method are detailed. Finally, section four describes
the results of our experiments.
2 Related Works
Multimodal retrieval approach combines semantic and visual features. In addition to
visual content, the semantic content (keywords, manual annotations ...) is analyzed
and put under adequate representation. Most of the research works in text/image in-
formation retrieval have shown that combining text and image information even with
simple fusion strategies, allows us to increase multimedia retrieval results [6]. Two
methods of fusion are used: early fusion and late fusion. The early fusion method
consists in concatenating both image and text feature representations [6]. The visual
and textual information are taken into account simultaneously in the different treat-
ments. The late fusion is consisted to separately treat the visual similarity and the
textual similarity [23]. Two ordered lists of results are obtained and should be merged
by a suitable method before presenting them to the user.
Several works have been proposed in the framework of information fusion textual
and visual multimedia retrieval: Belkhatir et al. [2] have proposed the combination of
textual image retrieval with query by example (QBE); Lemaitre et al. [15] have pro-
posed the combination of visual and textual information for multimedia information
retrieval; Tollari et al. [22] used a Forest of Fuzzy Decision Trees (FFDTs) to auto-
The gap between the low level description and semantics of visual content.
matically annotate images with visual concepts to improve text-based images retriev-
The visual query languages suffer from a major problem which is the ambiguities
of communication between man and machine [8]. The disadvantage of the graphical
languages that is the formulation of complex queries consisting of combinations of
several criteria remains a weak point for these languages [5]. The advantage of textual
query languages is that they give the user the possibility to pose queries in a high-
level language in allowing him to express his information need easily [17]. Users
often express their queries in a textual description representing high level concepts
[4], In this case, the use of lexical ontology becomes necessary to align the user query
and multimedia contents in the same repository.
3 The proposed Model
In the model MMSemSearch (Multimedia Semantic Search) that we propose, the type
of media considered is the image and this restriction does not exclude its extension to
other types of media such as video or audio. To address the problem of semantics, two
types of ontologies are used: a lexical ontology and multimedia ontology. These two
ontologyies are used in the extraction phase of semantic concepts.
The following figure (Fig. 1) describes the system of architecture:
Fig. 1. Architecture of automatic indexing and semantic search of multimedia information.
In the proposed architecture, three main models are considered:
Indexing model,
Querying model,
Matching model.
The proposed system for multimedia information indexing and retrieval use automatic
extraction of semantic concepts combined with textual information that is extracted
from surrounding text of multimedia resource.
3.1 Indexing Model
Indexing by Context. Two steps to indexing the surrounding text of multimedia are
Context analysis, which is to extract the words from the context of the image, re-
moving stop words, stemming the words and the weighting of terms used,
Context-concepts mapping, which consists to identify concepts in the lexical on-
tology by a disambiguation process, the terms are not identified as stored in the
corresponding index.
In the work of Heng Tao Shen et al [9], four parts of the textual information (sur-
rounding image) of the web page are listed and used to represent the image, these
parts are:
Image title: Image file title (simply image title) is a single word that basically indi-
cates the main object that the image is concerned with.
Image ALT: (alternate text). The image ALT tag in HTML document is a phrase
that usually represents an abstract of the image semantics.
Image caption: The image caption usually provides the most semantics about an
image. It is the image's surrounding text in the HTML document. It can range from
one sentence to a paragraph of text that contains many sentences.
Page title: Since images are used for enhancing the Web page's content, page title
is most probably related to the image's semantics. It is usually a short sentence that
summarizes the Web page's content.
We have just used these four parts to represent image content, this information is
projected on the lexical ontology. Terms having an entry in the ontology are taken
afterward as the concepts describing image, against the terms in the ontology uniden-
tified are kept in the index of terms. We have not ignored the terms that we have not
find them corresponding concepts in the ontology as these terms may be important,
such as proper names or neologisms (a neologism is the phenomenon of creating new
For automatic sense disambiguation of words we adapt in our experiments to use a
simplified Lesk algorithm proposed by Adam Kilgarriff and Rosenzweig [13], where
meanings of words in the text are determined individually, by finding the highest
overlap between the sense dictionary definitions of each word and the current context.
Indexing by Content. The content is indexed by an automatic annotation process of
semantic concepts; it is done in three steps:
Extraction of low-level descriptors,
The training of the classifiers (learning)
Prediction of concepts.
Given the image descriptors, a classifier is applied to predict the classes of the test
images. The parameters of the classifier are trained on the training data and tuned
using the validation data [18]. Some examples of classes are: airplane, horse, person,
Currently, support vector machines (SVM) [24] are the most frequently used clas-
sifiers for the detection of concepts [21]. Therefore we chose the SVM classifiers as
the classification method. For training classifiers and predicting concepts, we extract
from all images, the SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) features under 16x16
Weighting of Concepts and Terms. Once the concepts/terms are extracted, the
weighting step allows estimate the important concept and thus to classify images from
their information.
We have used a variant of TF-IDF for weighting concepts. The concept weight is
measured by its occurrence frequency in the context and in the image visual content,
whereas terms weight depends only on the term frequency in the context of the image.
To calculate the degree of similarity of the images relatively to the user query,
arithmetic sum of concepts and terms weights is used.
In our approach we call cf.idf (c, d) the weight of a concept c with respect to the
image (the concept c is either identified in the lexical ontology or not), this weight is
calculated by the following formula:
Where cf
is the frequency of concept in the context of the image and in visual
N is the number of images in the database,
is the number of images containing the concept c.
is calculated by the following formula :
Where α Є [0..1], is a parameter for adjusting the weight assigned to each modality.
It can play the role of confidence score assigned arbitrarily to context information and
SVM classifiers, the value of α is determined by experimentation,
(content) is the frequency of the concept in the visual content of the image (the
concepts are detected by the SVM classifier, the weight of each concept can match the
frequency of each word extracted from the visual image),
(context) is the frequency of the concept in the context of the image (the concepts
are derived from the mapping context with lexical ontology).
It happens that a concept appears simultaneously in the context and in the content
of the visual image, in this case its weight (cf.idf) will be higher compared to other
images containing that concept but only on one of the two modality context or visual
Concerning the terms that are not identified in the lexical ontology, the weighting
formula derived from previous formulas (1) and (2), is as follows:
Where N, df
and α are the same parameters described in the above formulas.
3.2 Query Model
The multimodal retrieval approaches propose to users a query language that combines
two modalities of information. To express their needs, users must provide for the
system keywords or image as an example. Then, the system combines the two pieces
of information to retrieve the images corresponding to the query. Our semantic re-
trieval model is based only on textual queries. The user formulates his query by sim-
ple keywords which will be analyzed and identified or not identified as ontological
Concepts or keywords contained in the user request will be used to build a new
SQL query that uses two indexes proposed in our model.
We give an overview on the content of database that we have used in our experi-
Fig. 2. Overview of database contents.
3.3 Matching Model
The proposed research system is based on semantic search; it allows the user to for
mulate his query with simple keywords. These keywords can identify semantic con-
cepts in the ontology vocabulary or simple words. The matching between multimedia
contents and the query image is established in order to classify the search result in
order of relevance. The similarity score of an image based on a query q is calculated
by the following formula:
Where t is a term and c a concept in the lexical ontology.
4 Experimental Evaluation
To evaluate the proposed indexing and retrieval model, we have used a collection
consisting of 125 web pages containing a set of 200 images with contextual infor-
mation for testing.
The learning database used for the detection of concepts consists of 500 images, as
Table 1. Training and testing data for image classification.
Aircraft Motorcycle Car Person Horse
100 100 100 100 100
22 25 35 50 68
122 125 135 150 168
In the indexing phase by the context, we have used the Porter algorithm [19], the
Lesk algorithm [25] and WordNet ontology to give a semantic representation of im-
ages. Concepts are weighted by TF-IDF formula.
To index the image content, we calculated the SIFT (Scale-Invariant Features
Transform) descriptors [4], which are invariant to scale changes and rotations.
Here is a query example executed by the realized system. The query consists of the
keyword "horse", which is then translated into a SQL format, to be executed. The
corresponding SQL query is:
SELECT i.doc_id, doc_title,
sum((α*i.cf1+(1- α)*i.cf2)*c.idf)
FROM index_concepts i, documents d, concepts c
WHERE d.doc_id=i.doc_id and c.concept_id=i.concept_id and
c.concept_name in ('horse')
GROUP BY doc_id, doc_title
The results returned by the system are sorted by relevance and focuses on the context
and visual content of images.
Fig. 3. Results returned by « horse » query.
To evaluate our model, in a first time of experimentations we tested a single modality
context or concepts. In a second time, we combined the two methods. The search
system uses two indexes built in the indexing process.
Several experiments were realized to set the value of the score of confidence α, the
value which gave a better precision is the value α = 0.40, which attaches importance
to information as context more than visual content for weighting concepts (the num-
ber of concepts detected is low compared to concepts extracted from visual content of
The evaluation measures calculated are precision and recall (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Curves Recall / Precision for the three modality of retrieval.
In this graph it is clear that the combination of context information and semantic con-
cepts slightly improves the image retrieval. However, to generalize the use of this
method requires a lot of effort for the establishment of several classifiers.
5 Conclusions
The work presented remains in the area of multimedia information retrieval based on
semantic concepts. A uniform representation of images and query content is done, to
allow the user expressing his needs on a semantic level. Our contribution is mainly
concerned with the following points:
A conceptual representation of images,
Semantic concept detection method based on SVM classifiers,
A fusion model of textual and visual information,
A contribution to an expressive textual query language.
Among the perspectives considered we quote:
Improve the disambiguation technique of verbs in the sentence with the lexical
ontology mapping,
Diversify the number of semantic concepts detectable by the classification meth-
Intend introducing the relevance feedback function in the retrieval process to refine
the learning of concepts process.
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