Towards a Second Generation of Computer Interpretable Guidelines
Paolo Terenziani, Alessio Bottrighi, Laura Giordano, Giuliana Franceschinis, Stefania Montani,
Luigi Portinale and Daniele Theseider Dupre
DISIT - Computer Science Institute, University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria, Italy
Keywords: Computer Interpretable Guidelines, Integration of Different Forms of Medical Knowledge, Logical,
Analogical, Defeasible and Probabilistic Reasoning, Temporal Data.
Abstract: Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIG) are an emerging area of research, to support medical decision
making through evidence-based recommendations. However, new challenges in the data management field
have to be faced, to integrate CIG management with a proper treatment of patient data, and of other forms of
medical knowledge (e.g., causal and behavioral knowledge). In this position paper, we summarize a
proposal for a research agenda that, in our opinion, can lead to a significant advancement in the field. The
goal of the work is to provide suitable models and reasoning methodologies to cope with the
aforementioned aspects, and to properly integrate them for medical decision support. Achieving such a goal
requires advances in data management, and, in particular, in the treatment of indeterminate valid-time data
in relational databases, of temporal abstraction on time series, of case retrieval on time series, of design-time
and run-time model-based verification of guidelines, of case-based reasoning, of non-monotonic logics, of
formal ontologies, of probabilistic graphical models (Bayesian Networks and Influence Diagrams).
This position paper proposes and summarizes a
research agenda we are going to present as a four-
year project proposal for an ERC Advanced Grant
Context. A lot of attention has been recently
devoted to the analysis of clinical processes, and
thus to clinical guidelines, which constitute the tools
identified by physicians in order to encode the “best
practice” clinical procedures. Clinical guidelines are
- as defined by US Institute of Medicine -
“systematically developed statements to assist
practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate
health care in specific clinical circumstances”. In the
last years, thousands of clinical guidelines have been
developed by local, national, and international
organizations. Despite such a large effort, it is
widely recognized that clinical guidelines have not
provided all the expected advantages in the clinical
practice. The recent research in medical informatics
has widely demonstrated that Computer Science can
help to drastically improve the impact of clinical
guideline (see, e.g., (Teije et al., 2008)). For such
reasons, research in this sector is becoming more
and more important in the area of Medical
Informatics, and of Computer Science in general. In
particular, in the last twenty years, several
approaches have been developed to deal with
Computer Interpretable Guidelines (henceforth:
CIG; see, e.g., the comparisons in (Peleg et al.,
2004), and the book (Teije et al. 2008)). As a matter
of fact, a wide scientific literature in the last twenty
years have demonstrated that, besides having an
important practical impact, the computer-based
treatment of clinical guidelines arise several
challenging open-problems for the scientific
community, and that much more theoretical and
practical efforts must be spent to achieve all the
potential impact on the clinical practice.
Objectives. The “visionary” idea underlying our
research proposal is that, to achieve a significant
step forward in the state-of-the-art, it is important to
provide a homogeneous approach integrating (at
least) three different aspects:
(1) Computer Interpretable Guidelines
(2) Treatment of patient data
(3) Treatment of “basic” medical knowledge (BMK)
Terenziani P., Bottrighi A., Giordano L., Franceschinis G., Montani S., Portinale L. and Theseider Dupre D..
Towards a Second Generation of Computer Interpretable Guidelines.
DOI: 10.5220/0004585501990205
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2013), pages 199-205
ISBN: 978-989-8565-67-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Such aspects have been often considered in isolation
by the Medical Informatics literature and a step
forward in data management should be achieved in
order to integrate them.
Regarding CIGs, given the dimension of clinical
guidelines, their correctness and their adherence to
specifications cannot be verified by-hand by
physicians. Both design-time and run-time
verification must be considered to cope with the
different phases of guideline life-cycle. Thus, new
formal methodologies must be identified. Different
models, with different features like, logical and
Petri-net-based models, are definitely good
candidates for model-based verification.
Of course, CIGs must be executed considering
patients’ data. Supporting a proper treatment of such
data is still a challenging open issue since, for
instance, difficult temporal issues have to be
managed (such as, e.g., temporally indeterminate
patient data). Additionally, in many cases, raw data
cannot be directly used in guidelines. Time series
must be managed and retrieved, usually at different
levels of abstraction. Clinical guidelines capture
medical evidence, thus coping with “typical”
patients, and not with patients’ peculiarities.
However, patient data may be such that the patient is
somehow “not typical”. In such cases, physician
may need to resort to other kinds of BMK, and other
forms of reasoning on it, including medical
ontologies, knowledge from experience and
analogical reasoning (e.g. case-based reasoning),
causal, behavioral and uncertain (probabilistic)
knowledge, and knowledge about patient evolution.
However, although coping separately with each
one of the above aspects is a challenging goal of our
project, our main goals lie in the definition of
appropriate models and methodologies to cope with
their interactions. In particular, the main challenge
concerns the interactions between CIG (which are
executed considering patients data) and BMK.
Indeed, for specific patients, the knowledge in the
guideline and the BMK may suggest different (and
possibly contrasting) actions, and only domain
experts seem able to choose between them, on the
basis of the patient’s status.
Example 1. Clinical Guideline: Patient with acute
myocardial infarction presenting with acute
pulmonary edema; before performing coronary
angiography it is mandatory to treat the acute heart
BMK: The execution of any clinical guideline may
be suspended, if a problem threatening the patient’s
life suddenly arises.
Example 2. Clinical Guideline: In a patient affected
by unstable angina and advanced predialytic renal
failure, coronary angiography must be executed.
BMK: the contrast media administration may cause
a further final deterioration of the renal functions,
leading the patient to dialysis (see (Bottrighi et al.,
2009) for more examples).
In Example 1 the execution of a CG is suspended,
due to the presence of a problem threatening the
patient’s life. In Example 2 instead the treatment is
performed even if it may involve contrast media
administration, which may dangerous for the patient.
This example shows that not only some guideline’s
prescriptions are “defeasible”, since they may be
overridden by BMK, but the same also holds for part
of BMK. Thus, defeasible (non-monotonic or
probabilistic) reasoning may be applied for the
integration. Indeed, example 2 involves also a form
of cost/benefit analysis, which, in turn, needs to be
supported by physicians’ knowledge about typical
patient evolution.
Providing physicians with decision-support tools
considering these different forms of knowledge and
reasoning about their interactions is the ultimate goal
of our research vision.
Expected Results. The project aims to enhance the
state-of-the-art in several areas of research,
including: the treatment of indeterminate valid-time
data in relational databases, temporal abstraction on
time series, case retrieval on time series, design-time
and run-time model-based verification of guidelines,
case-based reasoning, non-monotonic logics, formal
ontologies, probabilistic graphical models (Bayesian
Networks and Influence Diagrams). Prototypes will
also be developed and tested by physicians, in order
to demonstrate the practical feasibility and the
usefulness of the proposed methodologies.
Methodology. The starting point of our proposal is
GLARE, a prototypical tool for clinical GuideLine
Acquisition, Representation and Execution
(Terenziani et al., 2001). GLARE already interacts
with patient data for CIG execution, and provides
physicians with different advanced facilities, based
on formal Temporal Database and Artificial
Intelligence techniques (Terenziani et al., 2001;
(Anselma et al., 2006); (Terenziani et al., 2007);
(Terenziani et al., 2008); (Leonardi et al., 2012).
The idea is to deeply extend GLARE, by considering
an agenda structured as shown in the following
figure 1. In the rest of the paper, each one of the
tasks in figure 1 will be briefly addressed.
Figure 1: Structure of the research proposal.
One of the main obstacles for a wide applicability of
clinical guidelines is their complexity and, as a
consequence, the difficulty in defining a
semantically accurate representation, and in
verifying their properties (such as consistency). This
motivates the use of standard verification tools for
the verification of clinical guidelines. In the project,
at least two different types of verification tools will
be explored, and compared: logical-based tools, such
as model checkers and theorem provers, and Petri-
Net based approaches.
The logical-based verification requires, on the
one hand, the translation of the guideline in the
specification language of the model checker and, on
the other hand, the encoding of the guidelines
properties as temporal formulas. This approach has
been pursued, for instance, in (Giordano et al.,
2006); (Bottrighi et al., 2010), by providing a
translation of GLARE clinical guidelines into the
language Promela of the LTL model checker SPIN.
In this direction, the proposal aims at exploiting the
logical language Temporal ASP (Giordano et al.,
20120, for the specification and the verification of
clinical guidelines. Temporal ASP allows for the
definition of temporal constraints in a domain
specification, as Dynamic Linear Time Temporal
Logic (DLTL) formulas. Such constraint could be
used, together with ASP rules, for a declarative
specification of CIGs. In particular, to do so, a
mapping of GLARE constructs into Temporal ASP
has to be defined. The verification of runtime and
design time properties of the CIGs formulated in
Temporal ASP can then be performed by DLTL
Bounded Model Checking. The runtime verification
that the treatment of a given patient is compliant
with the guideline can be modeled as a satisfiability
problem. Instead, the verification of temporal
properties of the guideline can be modeled as
validity checks.
Petri Net (PN) models and their extensions have
been proposed as a flexible and general formalism
that can be used as a common semantics for different
application-oriented modeling languages. In the
literature the feasibility of the (semi)automatic
translation of CIG models into PNs has been already
illustrated (Beccuti et al., 2009); (Quaglini et al.,
2001); (Peleg et al., 2005): the resulting model may
be used for verification of both qualitative and
quantitative properties. In this context, our research
work will focus on one hand towards extending the
compositional translation rules to represent the
relevant steps in each CIG that produce a request for
resources at given points in time; in other words the
goal is to extract a workload stochastic model from
CIGs represented with GLARE. Multiple
instantiations of sets of similar CIG models can be
composed in a compact way through High Level
Stochastic PNs (in particular Well-Formed Nets,
leading to efficient analysis methods): such a model
can then be merged with another one representing
the available resources and the scheduling
constraints to perform what-if analysis on alternative
ways of organizing healthcare services. In addition
the most suitable (logic or automata based) language
for expressing the non functional properties will be
selected, and tested on case studies. We plan to
define both system oriented performance properties
(useful for the evaluation of costs and resources
utilization) and user oriented performance properties
(useful to evaluate customer satisfaction indicators).
The experiments will be performed mainly through
the GreatSPN tool (Baarir et al., 2009).
This part of the project focuses on the treatment of
patient clinical data, with specific emphasis on
temporal issues.
3.1 Valid-time Data
In the medical domain, as well as in many other real-
world domains, often the exact time of occurrence of
facts is not known and temporal indeterminacy (i.e.,
“don’t know when”) occurs. Temporal
indeterminacy is widespread within medical data
(consider, e.g., patient complaint in Ex.1).
1. Clinical guideline verification
2. Modeling patient clinical data
2.1 Valid-time data
2.2 Temporal abstraction and time series data
2.3 Querying data and data retrieval
3. Basic medical knowledge (BMK)
3.1 Medical Ontologies
3.2 Experence-based knowledge and past cases
3.3 Causal and behavioral knowledge
3.4 Patient evolution
4. Integration
5. Prototypes
Ex.1 On January 1st 2012 Mary had headache
starting between 8am and 9am and ending between
1pm and 2pm.
However, in the area of (relational) databases, the
treatment of temporal indeterminacy has been quite
neglected (see the survey in (Dyreson, 2009) and
(Anselma et al., 2012)). We aim at overcoming such
a limitation by proposing (i) a new data model, to
model temporally indeterminate relational data, and
(ii) a new relational algebra, to query it. To
guarantee implementability on top of current
technologies and interoperability, we will prove that
our data model is a consistent extension of TSQL2’s
one (which, in turn, is a consistent extension of
SQL) (Snodgrass et al., 1995), and our algebra is
reducible to the standard relational one. Also, we
plan to study the interactions between temporal
indeterminacy and telicity, which is important to
characterize patient data (Terenziani et al., 2007).
3.2 Temporal Abstractions and Time
Series Data
In medical applications, most patient data are
naturally collected in the form of time series. Within
the project, we aim at developing a user-friendly,
interactive and flexible support for querying and
retrieving time series data based on Temporal
Abstraction (TA) (Shahar, 1997); (Bellazzi et al.,
1998) for dimensionality reduction. Specifically, we
aim at supporting multi-level abstractions of the
original data (Montani et al., 2013). We foresee to
abstract (and query) time series data at finer or
coarser detail levels, according to two dimensions:
(1) a taxonomy of symbols, and (2) a taxonomy of
time granularities. Dimension (1) refers to the
qualitative detail level we are interested in. As an
example, referring to trend TA, we might want to
identify intervals of increasing trend, or be more
specific, by distinguishing between intervals of
strongly increasing trend, and weakly increasing
trend. As regards dimension (2), we could be very
specific, and abstract intervals expressed at a
“small” time granularity (e.g. minutes – depending
on the application), or be coarser, and just look for
the abstract behavior on a “larger” time scale (e.g.
hours). We plan to convert our raw data into
abstracted sequences of symbols, calculated at the
finest level of detail according to both dimensions.
However, to support flexible retrieval, users will be
allowed to query the database according to all levels,
in both dimensions.
3.3 Querying Data and Data Retrieval
The data structures (i.e. the taxonomies) and the
abstraction and distance functions studied in 3.2 will
be exploited to implement a flexible and efficient
retrieval strategy. Namely, we plan to resort to
proper index structures, able to support early
pruning, defined on the basis of the symbol and time
granularity taxonomies. The goal is to allow queries
to be issued at any level of detail, according to all
defined dimensions. A second goal will be to answer
such queries efficiently both in terms of time and
space. User-flexibility will also be an important
issue, since we aim at: (1) allowing users to express
queries in the form of regular expressions; (2)
allowing users to query for sub-series.
Different forms of BMK have to be investigated.
4.1 Medical Ontologies
Ontological knowledge is a relevant part of BMK. In
particular, formal ontologies are important to
provide a standard terminology with a clear formal
semantics, to be used in the representation of all the
forms of knowledge (including GIG content). A
specific challenge here is that of defining tractable
non-monotonic extensions of such DLs, to capture
prototypical properties of concepts and inheritance
with exceptions. To capture the degree of
“fuzziness” of medical knowledge, we will make
innovative proposals related to fuzzy and
probabilistic ontologies (Klinov and Parsia, 2008)
and ontologies based on different types of logics,
including, e.g., preferential logics (Giordano et al.,
4.2 Experience-based Knowledge
and Past Cases
Maintaining patient data as cases allows the decision
maker to access at least in implicit form the
experience-based knowledge contained in such
cases. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) (Aamodt and
Plaza, 1994) transforms such implicit chunks of
information into more effective and explicit
knowledge for decision making (Schmidt et al.,
2001). A specific goal of our proposal will then be to
integrate our treatment of time series (based on
temporal abstraction and multiple abstraction
levels), into the CBR loop, in such a way that both
the relevant static knowledge about patients, as well
as dynamic temporal information can be integrated
with the objective of a final optimal decision.
Furthermore, CBR has proved to be well suited for
managing exceptional situations which can be
neither foreseen nor preplanned. In the literature
cases have often been resorted to describe
exceptions, in various domains, including medical
domains (Bellazzi et al., 1999). In the management
and the interaction of patient data and guidelines, we
aim at exploiting a CBR approach to support
guideline exception management and adaptation at
the local environment characteristics.
4.3 Causal and Behavioural Knowledge
Modeling BMK definitely implies to have the
capabilities of representing, at some level of details,
basic medical, clinical processes and cause-effect
associations. In the project, we will explore different
kinds of formalisms to properly model BMK.
Modeling BMK is a challenging goal, since, e.g., it
requires the ability to reason about incomplete and
defeasible knowledge. Furthermore, the properties of
a given patient can be incompletely specified and,
nevertheless, we may want to derive conclusions
concerning that patient. One of the current trends of
modeling defeasible knowledge, that will be
explored in the project, is represented by Answer Set
Programming (ASP) (Gelfond, 2007); (Bonatti,
2010), a logic programming language which allows
for the specification of defeasible rules under the
stable model semantics. ASP allows for a declarative
representation of knowledge and the presence of
default negation allows for the formalization of rules
with exceptions. Preferences among rules can be
modeled in ASP (see, for instance the approaches in
(Brewka, 2004)). Also, several state of the art ASP
solvers are nowadays available for computing
answer sets, among which DLV, Smodels, and
Among the other non-monotonic approaches, the
project will also explore the adoption of the Event
Calculus. In particular, REC (Chesani et al., 2009), a
reactive axiomatization of Event Calculus, seems to
be promising not only in order to capture BMK, but
also to study their interaction with guidelines
knowledge (Bottrighi et al., 2009).
On the other hand, when uncertainty is a primary
issue, Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs)
(Jensen and Nielsen, 2007) are a reference
framework for causal knowledge. There are several
points that can be of great relevance in medical
decision making. For instance, the level of
representation is currently assumed propositional,
while in medical setting knowledge about evolutions
could require more powerful representation
schemes. Also, we aim at investigating both the role
of probabilistic logics with first-order semantics
(like Markov logic (Domingos and Lowd, 2009),
probabilistic Horn abduction (Poole, 1993) or
independent choice logic (Poole, 1997)) and that of
Relational PGMs (Getoor et al., 2007) in the clinical
decision making setting. A further challenge is the
possibility of representing and reasoning with
continuous variables.
4.4 Patient Evolution
In order to build flexible and useful decision support
systems for therapeutic purposes, having knowledge
about the patient evolution (i.e. prognostic
information) is very relevant. To this extent, many
different Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM)
(Koller and Friedman, 2009) have been already
developed in the literature. PGMs can be suitably
applied to this task. However, there are several
points that deserve more attention:
(1) modeling temporal processes is one of the
greatest challenges of decision networks. We aim at
studying the applicability of non markovian PGMs
to the clinical decision making setting. Moreover,
we aim at investigating the potentiality of anytime
algorithms providing approximate decision-making
strategies incrementally refined in order to deal with
time- or modeling-pressured situations;
(2) the majority of dynamic models rely on a
discrete-time model; A further goal of the present
research will be the investigation and the study of
suitable inference algorithms for continuous-time
PGMs, by putting emphasis also on representational
issues relevant for the medical applications.
Different forms of reasoning will be investigated for
integrating the different knowledge sources (and, in
particular, CIGs and BMK).
Given the defeasible character of medical
knowledge, non-monotonic logical reasoning seems
to be a good candidate for the integration. However,
the complexity of the problem demands for the
exploration of different approaches, and for the
definition of new logics. For instance, the project
will explore whether a language combining ASP
with some form of temporal reasoning (or reasoning
about actions) can be suited for the specification of
both CIGs and the BMK, and for the integrated
reasoning about them. An example of such a
language is given by REC (Chesani et al., 2009), a
reactive axiomatization of Event Calculus. Another
example is given by Temporal ASP (Giordano et al.,
2012), a temporal extension of Answer Set
Programming (ASP) (Gelfond, 2007), which
combines ASP with temporal constraints in LTL.
Besides non-monotonic and defeasible
reasoning, also utility-based reasoning will play an
important role in the integration since, in many
practical situations, decisions concerning patient
diagnosis or therapy must be grounded on
quantitative cost/benefit information. We aim at
resorting to reasoning based on decision theory, by
explicitly taking into account uncertainty via
probabilistic modeling, combined with utilities of
outcomes. Since PGMs will be introduced in the
BMK setting, we rely on the features of (dynamic)
decision networks to allow clinical guidelines to
locally exploit optimal decisions from the
underlying network model, when different
alternative actions are possible and have to be
evaluated by considering both uncertainty in the data
or in the evolution and cost/utilities of the outcomes.
Moreover, a specific goal of the proposal is the
study of the integration of analogical (Case-Based)
reasoning with the above forms of reasoning.
Usually, CBR tools are able to extract relevant
knowledge, but that leave to the user the
responsibility of providing its interpretation and of
formulating the nal decision. This is because a
strict interaction with the BMK has to be
established. Another goal of the proposal will be to
study such an interaction, both at the most general
level, as well as at the level of specific medical
To demonstrate the practical feasibility of our
approach, prototypes will be developed, for each
specific task in the agenda. We propose to identify a
set of case studies, in strict cooperation with the
Hospitals and Health Agencies that will take part to
the work. Such case studies will constitute the glue
to relate the different prototypes, and, thus the
different approaches and methodologies developed
within the research work.
The work described in paper was partially supported
by Compagnia di San Paolo, in the Ginseng project.
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