Managing Risk in Open Source Software Adoption
Xavier Franch
, Angelo Susi
, Maria C. Annosi
, Claudia Ayala
, Ruediger Glott
, Daniel Gross
Ron Kenett
, Fabio Mancinelli
, Pop Ramsamy
, Cedric Thomas
, David Ameller
, Stijn Bannier
Nili Bergida
, Yehuda Blumenfeld
, Olivier Bouzereau
, Dolors Costal
, Manuel Domínguez
Kirsten Haaland
, Lidia López
, Mirko Morandini
and Alberto Siena
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy
Ericsson Telecomunicazioni, Roma, Italy
University of Maastricht (UMM), Maastricht, The Netherlands
KPA Ltd., Ra´anana, Israel
OW2, Paris, France
CENATIC, Badajoz, Spain
XWiki SAS, Paris, France
Keywords: Open-Source Software, OSS, Risk Management, Software Ecosystem, Strategic Modelling, IStar.
Abstract: By 2016 an estimated 95% of all commercial software packages will include Open Source Software (OSS).
This extended adoption is yet not avoiding failure rates in OSS projects to be as high as 50%. Inadequate
risk management has been identified among the top mistakes to avoid when implementing OSS-based
solutions. Understanding, managing and mitigating OSS adoption risks is therefore crucial to avoid
potentially significant adverse impact on the business. In this position paper we portray a short report of
work in progress on risk management in OSS adoption processes. We present a risk-aware technical
decision-making management platform integrated in a business-oriented decision-making framework, which
together support placing technical OSS adoption decisions into organizational, business strategy as well as
the broader OSS community context. The platform will be validated against a collection of use cases
coming from different types of organizations: big companies, SMEs, public administration, consolidated
OSS communities and emergent small OSS products.
Open Source Software (OSS) has become a strategic
asset for a number of reasons, such as its short time-
to-market software service and product delivery,
reduced development and maintenance costs, and its
customization capabilities. Open source technologies
are currently embedded in almost all commercial
software – by 2016, they will be included in 95% of
all commercial software packages (Gartner Group,
In spite of the increasing strategic importance of
OSS technologies, still IT companies and
organizations face numerous difficulties and
challenges when making the strategic move to the
open source way of working. In fact, according to
the most popular OSS portal, SourceForge, most
OSS projects have ended in failure: 58% do not
move beyond the alpha developmental stage (22% of
them remain in the planning phase, while 17%
remain in the pre-alpha phase, and some of them
become inactive). Among the roots for these
failures, it stands that OSS is about freedom and
choice, but freedom and choice introduce risk
(Gartner Group, 2011). The risks that IT companies
face when integrating OSS components into their
solutions are not to be neglected and incorrect
decisions may lead to expensive failures. Insufficient
risk management has been recently reported as one
of the five topmost mistakes to avoid when
Franch X., Susi A., Annosi M., Ayala C., Glott R., Gross D., Kenett R., Mancinelli F., Ramsamy P., Thomas C., Ameller D., Bannier S., Bergida N.,
Blumenfeld Y., Bouzereau O., Costal D., Dominguez M., Haaland K., Lopez L., Morandini M. and Siena A..
Managing Risk in Open Source Software Adoption.
DOI: 10.5220/0004592802580264
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-EA-2013), pages 258-264
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
implementing OSS-based solutions (Gartner Group,
2011). Financial institutions are required to manage
such risks under the Basel III global regulatory
standard and their capital requirements are
determined accoridingly (Kenett and Raanan, 2010).
With proper risk management and mitigation, failure
could be reduced or negative impact and cost
In this position paper, we portray a short report
of our work in progress in the RISCOSS European
project, that focuses on risk management in OSS
adoption. Our framework will provide tools and
methods for community-based OSS development,
composition and life cycle management for
practicing an effective management of OSS
integration related risks and controlling and reducing
the costs derived from the adoption of OSS. The rest
of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
provides more details on risks for OSS projects.
Section 3 gives a short description of the
background about the concept of ecosystems;
Section 4 sketches he proposed framework. Section
5 discusses some research challenges. In Section 6
some principles for the validation of the framework
are given. Section 7 concludes the paper.
To take maximum advantage of OSS adoption, the
understanding and management of all the risks
becomes necessary since they directly influence
business, with strong effects on business models,
e.g. concerning the production of OSS in business
ecosystems, customer relations and customer
satisfaction, cost structures and revenues. In
addition, OSS and the possible involvement of “non-
commercial” actors (such as OSS communities) in
business processes bear also a potentially strong
impact on brand image and time-to-market, thus on
business strategies that underlie business models
(Soto and Ciolkowski, 2009). Evidently, a business
model that offers value propositions based on OSS
but not supported by an OSS-related business
strategy, is likely to fail because business risks
deriving from OSS will be overlooked.
Technical risks related to OSS can be manifold
and might include evaluation, integration, context,
process, quality and evolution risks. Empirical
studies (Li et al., 2008) show in particular that the
underestimation of integration efforts is one of the
most challenging problems still requiring further
investigation. The risk management strategy is
always a problem that needs to be taken care of
throughout the whole lifetime of OSS-based
solutions, and is even more valuable during their
maintenance phase. This takes into consideration the
fact that the cost of maintenance is high, because
maintenance is a time-consuming activity.
Moreover, OSS-based solutions are not developed
and do not exist in isolation. Instead, they exist in
the wider context of an organization or a
community, in larger OSS-based software and
business ecosystems, which include groups of
projects that are developed and co-evolve within the
same environment but also further beyond their
context, including the organization itself, OSS
communities, regulatory bodies, etc.
A typical OSS scenario is as follows. An IT
organization produces a product family for a
particular domain. For each product within the
product family, the organization keeps always two
different release versions (the current and the
previous one) and a third one under development.
Moreover, each of these versions may require
adaptation for different customers, e.g. due to
regional laws, yielding thus to more and more
variants. Each of these resulting variants is typically
composed by a long list of third-party products,
many of them OSS components, potentially different
(for versions, patch level, etc.) from each other and
with dependencies among them. Altogether, the
organization is managing a complex software and
business ecosystem where several questions emerge,
e.g.: (i) how to design the possible viewpoints from
which one can look at an ecosystem in order to
collect relevant information for managing the
evolution for the OSS products embedded in the
products? (ii) how to secure that specific features of
OSS do not harm business models and their
underlying business strategies? (iii) how to
implement a systematic approach towards
understanding and representing dependencies
involving OSS components for assessing risks?
The answer to these and similar questions
requires the clear understanding of OSS-based
ecosystems from a strategic perspective, with clear
identification of relevant strategic dependencies (not
just software dependencies) in order to control and
mitigate all the risks coming from the adoption of
OSS components along the lifetime of the different
products being part of the ecosystems. Approaches
(such as Software Sustainability Maturity Model, by
OpenDirective; and OSS Watch and Reuse
Readiness Levels, by NASA (RRL, 2013), propose
methods to assess the maturity of the software to be
Our approach basically elaborates around the idea of
business and software ecosystems.
Moore (1993) coined the term business
ecosystem to describe: “an economic community
supported by a foundation of interacting
organizations and individuals—the organisms of the
business world. This economic community produces
goods and services of value to customers, who are
themselves members of the ecosystem. The member
organizations also include suppliers, lead producers,
competitors, and other stakeholders. Over time, they
co-evolve their capabilities and roles, and tend to
align themselves with the directions set by one or
more central companies. Those companies holding
leadership roles may change over time, but the
function of ecosystem leader is valued by the
community because it enables members to move
toward shared visions to align their investments and
to find mutually supportive roles”.
Business ecosystems have their equivalent at the
technological level. Messerschmitt and Szyperski
(2003) used the term software ecosystem to describe
the broader commercial, legal (regulatory) and
market context in which traditional software systems
operate. Companies such as Apple and Google have
embraced a network centric view of software
ecosystems, and developed novel business models,
with varying degrees of openness – from the
adoption of selected open web standards, to the
promotion of key web APIs as ad-hoc standards, to
the (more or less) full embrace of open source
software – to encourage the emergence of massive
global hardware/software ecosystems surrounding
their products and services (e.g. iPhone, Android,
etc.). Key arguments why companies adopt a
software ecosystem approach to support their
products and services offerings include (Bosch,
2009), (Qualypso, 2013): increase value of the core
offering to existing users; increase attractiveness for
new users; accelerate innovation through open
innovation in the ecosystem; collaborate with
partners in the ecosystem to share cost of
innovation; “platformize” functionality developed
by partners in the ecosystem (once success has been
proven), and decrease total cost of ownership for
commoditizing functionality by sharing the
maintenance with ecosystem partners.
When it comes to OSS, both types of ecosystems
have their peculiarities. As mentioned before, OSS-
based business ecosystems require business models
that take account of the potential impact of OSS
specifics on the production, distribution, costs and
revenues aligned with or derived from OSS-related
value propositions. OSS-based software ecosystems
should address licensing problems, component
interdependencies and frequency of releases, for
instance. Helander & Rissanen (2005) focus on the
co-creation of value in OSS value networks, thus
highlighting an aspect of OSS-based ecosystems that
is important especially for businesses. The authors
define value-creating networks “ entities
consisting of several directly or indirectly connected
individual or organizational actors that transform
and transfer different kinds of resources in order to
create value not only for the network’s end customer
but also to themselves.” Each actor within the value
network performs those tasks in which he has
specific expertise, and together all partners create
added value that finally benefits the end user. There
are a number of diverse actors that can form an OSS
value network, starting from OSS projects and
developer communities and ending with various end
users, and mediators in between. Each actor is
assumed to pursue common as well as particular
The links between more strategic business
ecosystems and more IT-oriented software
ecosystems is one of the focal points of our
The framework elaborates on the concept of OSS
value networks (Helander and Rissanen, 2005). It is
supported by a collaborative platform that provides
the entry-point for describing, analysing and
performing decisions in OSS business and software
ecosystems. The platform is composed of two tiers,
the decisional tier that provides assessment to
companies, and the technological tier that embeds
the software system and provides observations to the
decisional tier for decision-making. The company
products integrate components coming from OSS
communities or enterprises, whose adoption may
require a negotiation between the community and
the interested company. This negotiation is
undertaken under perceptions of a shared
conceptualization that can be different (for example
organisations having a strong business orientation,
and small OSS communities that do not consider
business as an objective), hampering the
understanding among the parties.
At this point several questions arise around the
notion of ecosystem: How do the two tiers align?
Which form takes the (highly strategic) decisional
tier model? Which techniques can be applied for
effective decision-making in the decisional tier?
Which business processes and services can be
established around the OSS business ecosystem?
What form assumes the shared conceptualization? In
the next section, we briefly analyse these open
questions and provide first steps for their answer
We envisage the need to define: precise ontologies
for OSS risks, to represent the common and shared
set of concepts related to software and business
ecosystems; risk modelling methods and notations;
formal and statistical analysis techniques for risk
assessment and mitigation; and mitigation strategies.
In the following we analyse some of these aspects.
5.1 OSS Ontologies
An important characteristic of the proposed
framework is a shared conceptualization of the OSS
domain between communities and organisations
(such as companies or public administration) in the
ecosystem. We propose the use of a foundational
ontology as conceptual tool for representing
fundamental concepts in business and (open source)
software ecosystems. Relevant for the ontology are
the concepts describing the business and
technological tiers and their relationships. These
concepts may be added on top of existing
foundational ontologies such as DOLCE (Gangemi
et al., 2003) or UFO (Guizzardi and Wagner, 2005).
To that end, it is necessary to use some ontology
engineeering method like Methontology (Fernández-
López et al., 1997), principles for evaluation as
Grüber’s (Grüber, 1995) and adequate tool support
(e.g., Protegé). The concepts and relationships in the
ontology will feed the process of development of a
specific modelling notation for the ecosystem
representation, which at its turn should be assessed
not just in terms of expressiveness but also ease of
use by modellers, e.g. evaluating Moody’s principles
for graphical notations (Moody, 2009).
5.2 Ecosystem Modelling
Strategic modelling and analysis of OSS-based
ecosystems is a key asset for the proposed
framework and calls for a comprehensive
representation of the elements of OSS-based
ecosystems (such as projects, communities,
stakeholders, norms, licenses, risk) and analysis
techniques to discover relevant properties of these
ecosystems with the aim of reusing it in designing
new and more efficient ecosystems.
Candidate techniques for ecosystem modelling
and analysis are the actor / goal-oriented
methodologies, such as i*/Tropos (Yu, 95), and
business process representation and reasoning
methods. Over the last decade, in fact, a number of
goal- and actor-oriented modelling and analysis
techniques have been proposed to specifically assist
in dealing with stakeholder motivation, interests and
needs during the construction of a software system.
Goal-oriented techniques allow the modelling of the
strategic, social, synergistic or conflicting
dependencies between the actors. The
methodologies also allow the representation of the
rational of each one of the actors participating in the
ecosystem. This representation is performed in terms
of the goals of the actor, the activities to be
performed for the goal achievement, the resources
available to the actors for the execution of the
activities and dependencies between the actors for
goal achievement. Moreover, goals can be AND/OR
decomposed into sub-goals, allowing for the
representation of alternative strategies to accomplish
a given goal, so opening to the possibility of
representing and reasoning about different possible
ecosystem configurations. To complement these
methods, business risk analysis and business process
modelling techniques can be exploited to represent
and reason on the processes performed in the
organizations in the ecosystems to achieve the goals
specified in the goal modelling (Giorgini et al.,
2003); (Kenett and Raanan, 2010). Finally, the
aspect of the analysis of the ecosystem models could
rely on formal and/or statistical techniques (see, for
example, van Lamsweerde and Letier, 2000) and on
new search based techniques.
5.3 Risk Management
An important aspect of the decisional tier of the
envisaged framework is risk management. To tackle
this problem, decision processes and techniques
customized to this aspect need to be developed.
These techniques are expected to exploit the data
from the technological tier and from the business
perspective to support risks and costs decision-
making in the organization allowing for the
identification of potential hidden risks tied to the
different ecosystems and to validate early mitigation
techniques. Next to qualitative and quantitative
business economics methods, both advanced
software engineering techniques and statistical
approaches are seen as valuable for the framework.
Advanced SE techniques include conceptual
modelling and analysis approaches (Asnar et al.,
2011), search-based software engineering
techniques, such as multi-criteria genetic algorithms
(Deb et al., 2002), as well as the more formal
satisfiability modulo theories (Palma et al., 2011).
Statistical approaches rely on logical regression,
value at risk assessment, as well as Bayesian
Networks, multivariate scoring methods and
association rules (Kenett and Raanan, 2010). We
think it is important to distinguishing among
lightweight assessment techniques for small
businesses and in-depth measurement and
optimization techniques applicable in large
enterprise organizations and communities. Both
modalities should be available and easy to
5.4 Business Risk Analysis for OSS
Every business is based on objectives such as value
creation and revenues. Business models capture the
ways the organization intends to achieve them.
Therefore, there is no enterprise without a business
model (being it explicit or implicit) (Teece, 2010).
Underlying business models are business strategies
that translate the overall economic goals of an
enterprise into values, actions and priorities etc.
(Osterwalder et al., 2005).
Many of the OSS business model types do not
necessarily rely on OSS – they would also work with
proprietary software. What is currently lacking is a
systematic identification of the OSS specific impact
on business model components, business strategies,
features, processes, opportunities and risks.
In this area, the objective of the framework is the
integration of generic and OSS-specific business risk
assessment approaches, tools and methods. These
methods should allow for modelling business risks
that affect community based and industry supported
OSS development, composition and life cycle
management and develop methods and tools to
mitigate these risks. Moreover, since a business
model is always a unique object suiting exactly one
company and because business models have to adapt
to environmental changes over time, typical business
risks should be evaluated with regard to typical risks
at the level of business model components and
within the business ecosystem context. Such
business model components are, for instance, the
value proposition(s), the partners needed to produce
a value proposition, the resources needed to create a
value proposition, the activities that must be
performed in order to produce a value proposition,
the customer segments, the relations to the
customers, the channels (for communication,
distribution and sales), the costs and the revenues.
In fact, for example, a company should be aware
of its dependence on an OSS developer community
in order to assess the business risk that it provides
for its business in a holistic way.
We aim at validating the framework via a scenario-
based approach. To this end we need to define a
comprehensive validation plan considering several
dimensions: Role (producer, consumer, community),
Setting (industrial, academia, public
administration), Size (large, medium, small
organizations), Business strategy (from full OSS
collaboration to OSS exploitation), Business process
(adoption, migration, consolidation, improvement).
Each data point determined by these dimensions
provides a different scenario. For instance, a large
industrial consumer may be interested in
consolidating its current approaches that aim at
producing highly reliable products in a structured
software product line without getting too much
involved in OSS communities and with only little
interest to change processes. Here the tension may
be between the need to reduce the time-to-market of
a given product and the need of evaluating possible
risks that can emerge from the adoption of
components managed by communities that are not
committed in assuring continuity in the components
maintenance. In the case of small industrial
consumers, consolidation may be targeted by
entering into OSS ecosystems as a means to increase
the availability of components and knowledge to be
used in their products and a means to deliver their
own products in the OSS ecosystem in order to
create opportunities for new kinds of business. Also
in this case one risk is that of having crucial
components no more maintained by the community,
so inducing the need to reconfigure the structure of
the products and of the entire company business. For
large (e.g., national-wide) public administration
consumers, OSS adoption could result in decreasing
the organisational costs. In this case, the tension is
between low purchasing costs of OSS but possibly
underestimated costs for building up the capacities
to maintain and adapt these components in an
effective way over time also monitoring the OSS
ecosystems behaviours.
This position paper described opportunities and
issues an organisation has to face with when it
decides to adopt Open Source Software. It is a short
report of work in progress that is part of a European
project involving 8 partners. We focused on the
aspect of OSS adoption risks, envisaging the
characteristics of a methodology, and the related
supporting platform, to help the organizations in
evaluating and mitigating these kinds of risks.
An important property of the proposed approach
is that it considers the adoption risks problem in a
holistic way, meaning that it does not only focus on
the technical properties of the OSS components that
have to be introduced in the organization, but also
evaluates the impact this introduction has on the
strategic and business level of the organisation and
of the entire ecosystem the organisation belongs to.
We believe that, in the case of OSS more than in the
case of proprietary components and/or tools, the
ecosystem and community dimensions are crucial to
assess and mitigate the risks related to the adoption
because, for example, the production and
distribution of software in OSS follows different
rules and values than pure commercial and
competitive interests. Moreover, the dependency that
OSS components naturally establish between the
organisation and the OSS communities influences
the business strategies of the organisation, for
example reducing the time-to-market for particular
products or increasing the variability in the product
line of the organisation because of the variety of the
components available from the communities.
This work is a result of the RISCOSS project,
funded by the EC 7th Framework Programme
FP7/2007-2013, agreement number 318249.
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