User Interest Extraction based on Weighted Tags
Saida Kichou
, Hakima Mellah
Imene Lasbeur
and Imen Abdelouahid
Research Center on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST) Benaknoun,
Algiers, Algeria
University of Boumerdes, Boumerdès, Bumardas, Algeria
Abstract. Collaborative tagging systems are based on assigning keywords
freely chosen by users, which promotes ressources sharing and organization by
the way and improves the information retrieval. The tags allocation by users is
illustrated particularly in sites sharing photos or videos (Flickr, YouTube). As
navigations and clicks, tags can be good indicators of the user's interests. In this
paper, we examine the limitations of previous tag-based profile extraction. We
believe that for a better result, tags of a resource must represent well its content.
Existing systems consider ‘Popularity’ as the unique criterion to judge the tag
effectiveness. But it does not always reflect its importance and
representativeness to the resource. In this paper, we propose a novel approach
based on tag strength to represent a user. In which we introduce weighted tags
based on user expertise.
1 Introduction
Collaborative tagging has become a very popular way to share, annotate, and discover
online resources in Web 2.0. In this way, the user is becoming active; he is involved
in the information production where he can enrich the content of these resources.
Collaborative or social Tagging is recently recognized for its potential to leverage
collaborative production of information that support a wide range of mechanisms such
as social search [24], and recommendation [21], although tagging was originally
thought as a technique to improve personal content management.
Tagging system has emerged as a support to organize shared resources. It allows
users to participate in content enrichment by adding key words (tags) to describe the
resources, for a better categorization. Its simplicity and usefulness to improved
information retrieval have attracted a high number of users [19].
As the social media are growing in terms of number of users, resources and
interactions, the user may be lost or unable to find useful information. Social elements
could avoid this disorientation like tags which become more and more popular and
contribute to avoid the disorientation of the user [18]. Users on the Social Web
interact with each other, create/share content and express their interests through
chosen tags. Tags are new information to create or enrich the user profile [7].
Tags are tools to mark resources, on the one hand for guiding other users to have
information [13], on the other hand to receive information about a user due to the
history of tagging [12].
Kichou S., Mellah H., Lasbeur I. and Abdelouahid I..
User Interest Extraction based on Weighted Tags.
DOI: 10.5220/0004599300220031
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2013), pages 22-31
ISBN: 978-989-8565-63-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Researches try to represent the user as accurate as possible through different
techniques. Several studies are conducted in this area and proposed approaches for
profile extraction.
In this paper, we present briefly collaborative tagging systems, in which a
considerable number of users annotate shared resources, (text document, image,
video) that may be affected several and divergent tags. These tags can enrich the user
profile associating them. Then, we present a set of works in tag-based profile
extraction, that propose different manner to construct profile, but often, they are based
on tags popularity.
Knowing that the tag popularity for a given resource is the number of times it is
cited, a popular tag is not necessarily representative of its resource. According to [8],
it is very common for a user to repeat the same tags already associated to the resource,
this can make the tag repeated popular without been really relevant to the content. To
address this issue, we propose to use weighted tags instead of popular ones.
According to this, we propose a novel approach to extract user profile by weighting
first tags using the weighting method proposed in [15] and then calculate the tag
strength based on the weighted tags instead of those based on popularity.
The paper is organized as follows, Section 2 shows briefly what the Collaborative
Tagging is, in Section 3 we present the related works in our area. We present our
approach in Section 4. Finally, we finish with a conclusion.
2 The Collaborative Tagging
Collaborative Tagging denotes the process of free associating one or more "tags" to a
resource (web page, photo, video, blog ...) by a set of users. The term tagging is often
associated with folksonomy, it refers to a classification (taxonomy) made by users
(Folks) [16], [23], and defined by [3] as a series of metadata created by a collective
users to categorize and retrieve online resources.
There are several tagging systems on the web such as Delicious for web pages,
Flickr for images, YouTube for videos, Technorati for blogs and CiteULike for
scientific papers.
Fig. 1. Tripartite structure of tagging system.
In a tagging model, there is mainly three entities, users, tags and resources (Fig1).
Links can be found between resources (such as links between web pages), and
between users (social network) [17].
3 Related Work
The social user is characterized with his social activity like sharing information,
communicating with other users and tagging resources. Several studies are conducted
in profile extraction. [6] Considers that tags are a new type of user feedback, and can
be a very important indicator of his preferences. Different approaches of profile
construction based on tagging are presented.
[8] Presents the naïve approach and the co-occurrence one, that are used to
construct a user profile. The first one results a generic profile, the second results a
better one but tags are not weighted. [8] Presented also a new approach based on a
user tags graph creation, which takes into account the age of the tag.
A hybrid approach was implemented in [15], it is a combination of naïve and co-
occurrence approaches. It seems more efficient in that it results more specific profile
with weighted tags.
To create a specific and dynamic user profile basis on tags, [14] introduced the
concept of tag capacity to represent a resource based on two factors, the order of
tagging (ie. the position of the tag in the list cited by the user) and popularity.
According to [11] the first tag given by a user for a resource is more representative
than the following. Huang in [14] used this theory to calculate the tag strength to
describe a person (user).
Abel in [1] represents a tag-based profile as a set of weighted tags for cross-
system user profile, as well as [10] creates a tag-based profile used for a better music
recommendation on, based on a logarithm function.
All these approaches are based on tags popularity, indeed tags representing a user
are those cited by him weighted by their popularity. When we consider that popular
tag can be not relevant to the resource, we consider that the use of popular tags is not
enough to represent the user profile. Actually, such a definition of user profile induces
a notion of similarity between a user profile and a resource profile [9].
Schöfegger in [20] tests in addition to the popularity binary values indication
whether or not the user has used the tag.
Researches try to represent the user as accurate as possible, [9] enriches user
profiles by “authoritative” tags, which are tags considered as important (for example
tags having a high PageRank). This approach is graph-based, where we find two
graphs: the tag resource graph called TRG and the tag user graph called TUG. These
graphs are used in order to filter qualitative tags (i.e.: fun. good, etc.) then generate
list of candidate tags by means of the IDDS (Iterative Deepening Depth First Search).
Finally, the user profile is enriched by tags from these candidate lists. Although this
approach has shown its usefulness, the tags filtering used is based only on popularity.
A user manipulates different tags for different resources; this implies that there
can be a multitude of interests that cannot be restricted to a set of popular tags. These
interests will have different importance and weight, the difference is due to the user
preferences dedicated indirectly for resources.
For this, we propose an approach to extract profile by calculating tags strengths
using tags weights inspired from our previous work [15].
4 User Interest Extraction Approach based on Weighted Tags
In this section, we present a new approach which aims to build an accurate user
profile based on the user’s tags.
The idea is to use our weighting methods, presented in [15], and combined with
the strength formula presented in [14]. Our motivation is to improve the constructed
profile precision, and knowing that a popular tag is not necessarily a good one to
describe a resource, it is wiser to improve first the quality of the capacity notion (tag
capability to represent a resource) and then calculate the tag strength to represent a
person. For this, we first present a model of the user profile to contain their personal
information, activity and expertise, and a construction method of this profile based on
Then, we propose our formula to calculate the tag capacity to describe a resource
and tag strength to describe a user. Obtained tags are classified by descending order
of strength and the top n tags form the profile.
In the rest of this paper, we consider the following notations:
- U={u
, u
} the set of users.
- R={r
, r
} the set of shared resources in the system ;
- T={t
} the set of tags ;
- Y={(u, t, r)
, (u, t, r)
,…,(u, t, r)
} the set of annotations (the tagging actions, p is
the number of actions) with (u, t, r)
U xT x R ;
We present below the different steps starting by the profile modeling, then the tags
weighting and finally the strength calculation.
4.1 User Profile Modeling
To make our idea, we first define a user model that will contain his different
information, and then we present the different steps of building the user profile. Here
we use our model adopted in our last work [15], in the following a brief description.
Profile Representation. The user profile is a structure of heterogeneous information,
which covers broad aspects such as cognitive environment, social and professional
users [22]. This heterogeneity is often represented by a multidimensional structure.
Eight dimensions in the literature are defined for the user profile [2], [4]: the personal
data, interests, expected quality, customization, domain ontology, the return of
preferences (feedback), the security and privacy and other information. A user profile
is constructed either in a static way, by gathering information that rarely changes like
name, age, etc., or in a dynamic way, by gathering information that frequently
changes. Information about a user is obtained explicitly by the user himself or
implicitly by observing his behaviour during his session (history, clicks, pages visited,
etc.). The user profile contains information such as [25]: 1) Basic information which
refers to the name, age, address, etc. 2) Knowledge of the user which is extracted
generally from his web page navigation, 3) Interests which are defined through a set
of keywords or logical expression, 4) History or feedback which design collected
information form user’s activity and could be deduced from number of clicks, time
allowed in consulting resource, etc. and 5) Preferences.
Defining the profile of a particular user for a given application is equivalent to
select the dimensions considered useful [4]. In our work, a user is defined by three
dimensions. The first containing personal information, the second represents its
interests and the latest information is the degree of expertise in the domain.
- The Personal Dimension: is used to identify the user (username, name, login,
password ...). These information are introduced by the user.
- The Expertise Dimension: expert users in a given area, use specific terms to tag
since they have a perfect mastery of the concepts in this area. This dimension is
the degree of mastery of the user in tagged resources domain. It depends on the tag
levels in the domain ontology used for this purpose. More the expertise is great
more the user is close to the resource context. For more details see [15].
- The Interest Dimension: Interest dimension tells us about the user interests and
preferences. This is what we will calculate using our formula. The interest
dimension is represented as
Int (u
) = {(t
, strength
), (t
, strength
) ... ... (t
, strength
)}. Where t is the tag, strength
is the tag force to represent a user; ‘j’ is a chosen threshold.
Profile Construction. The user profile construction is building dimensions Int (u)
and exp (u) based on tagging operations the user performs.
Construction of the Expertise Dimension. An expert user in one domain has a perfect
mastery of specific terms in this domain. Therefore, he associates these terms with
specific resources that he tags (eg in pharmacy, an expert associates the name of a
drug molecule, whereas a novice just associates the term 'medicament').
Expertise is defined in [15] as the average depth of the user tags and it is
calculated as follows:
Where Prof (t) is depth of tag tj, that is the number of nodes separating it from the
root in a given ontology (we use in our case Wordnet); T
is a set of the user’s tags
that it has associated to resources, defined as follows:
= {t
| (u
, t
, r) Y}.
Construction of the Interest Dimension. Our calculation concerns this dimension.
Initially we calculate tags weight based on the number of users used them, in a second
step we calculate strength of each tag to describe a user. In the following we detailed
these different steps.
4.2 Weighting Tags based on User Expertise
The tag weight is calculated according to the user who issued it. The same tag will be
assigned two different weights, if it is assigned by two different users. On the other
hand, for the same user, the tags associated with a resource should have different
weights. We use an adaptation of our previous tag weight definition in [15] depending
on the user expertise. With the aim to introduce the subjective aspect of the tag, the
user feedback is introduced via a rating.
The tag weight is calculated as follows:
Where exp is the expertise already computed, k is the number of users associating tag
t for the resource r.
is the tag weight based on order used in [14], calculated as follow:
This formula promotes first tags given by a user, after the tenth, the following have
the same weight (e
Conf (u
, r) represents the degree of trust (or confidence) of the user in his tag.
This is achieved via a rating from one (01) to five (05) every time he tagged a
resource. It is calculated as follows:
The degree of user confidence in the tag associated to the resource is used as a kind of
weight regulator. If the user is at all not sure of his tag, he assigns a rating of 0 and the
calculated weight becomes a simple popularity calculation, while if the user assigns
the maximum score, his expertise is fully used in the tag weight. So it is the
introduction degree of user expertise in the tag weight calculation.
4.3 Strength Calculation based on Weighted Tags
Inspired by the force formula proposed in [14], and once the tag weight is calculated
based on the tag order, the user expertise and the confidence, the tag t strength to
represent user u (strength
(t)) is calculated in our case as:
With R
a set of tagged resources by the user u. is the tag weight calculated
previously. So the interest dimension int(u) is:
Int(u)= {(t
, Strength(t
)), (t
, Strength(t
)) ... ... (t
, Strength(t
5 Experimentations
To test our approach we have implemented it, and implemented another approach
based only on popular tags, to see the improvement.
We conducted tests on a collection of 100 URLs extracted from Delicious, tagged
by 30 users with different expertise, using 223 tags. WordNet was used to calculate
the tag depth.
5.1 Evaluation Process
We have, first, removed all tags that do not appear in WordNet. We calculated the
corresponding depth using Wordnet for existing tags. Apply our formula to calculate
the weight by calculating the needed parameters (order weight, expertise and
confidence). For each tag we calculated its strength in the set of the user’s resources.
5.2 Results and Discussion
Several tests were performed on the collection. We present in Table 1 an example of
user’s u interests presented in popular tags classified by descending order of
Table 1. User interests based on popularity.
Tags Popularity
Tag Popularity Tag
design 15 php 6 Books 3
information 12 ajax 5 Links 3
Website 10 travel 5 Programming 2
url 9 game 5 Data 1
If we consider j=5 (the threshold), the user interest is: intP(u)= {(design,15),
(information, 12), (web site, 10), (url, 9), (java, 8)}.
The table2 illustrious the user interests with the proposed approach, classified by
the strength.
Table 2. User interests based on strength.
Tag Strength
Tag Strength Tag
java 31.85 url 11.2 Books 3.6
html 31.81 information 10.5 Links 2.6
php 30.65 css 9.72 Data 2.1
ajax 27.59 travel 9.2 Programming 1.9
If we consider j=5, the user interest is: int(u)= {(java,31.85), (html, 31.81), (php,
30.65), (ajax, 27.59), (design, 24.15)}.
We found that the obtained interest with the proposed approach contains more
specific tags with different strengths unlike the popularity, that results generic tags
and sometimes with identical popularities, (eg. 5 for ajax, travel, game and football).
To see more clearly our results, we introduce the tag depth which tells us on the
specificity of the tag.
The following curves are obtained by illustrating tags that compose intP(u)
(Popularity) and intS(u) (Strength) with their depths. The intP(u) curve shows first
interests with shallower tags, the deeper tag has a depth less than 8. The intS(u) curve,
shows more deeper tags in the top of the interests exceeding a depth of 8, then depth
decreases for the following tags that is logically true.
Therefore we can say that the Interest obtained with the strength approach is more
specific than the Interest obtained with popularity.
Fig. 2. Comparison between the strength approach and popularity.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
There are several approaches to extract the profile-based tags, which are generally
based on popularity. This classification may result less representative tags, but other
parameters can contribute to a better ranking. In this paper we described a technique
for building a user’s interests; our aim is to extract an accurate and dynamic profile so
as to take into account changes in preferences over time with a more accurate manner.
For this, we adapted our previous work [15], and we were inspired by [14] formula
for the tag strength calculus, taking into account the tagging order and the user
expertise and confidence. The proposed approach was evaluated on a collection
extracted from Delicious, which is considered as reference system because of the
huge number of registered users and the richness of tagging.
As a future work, we plan to exploit not only the WordNet hierarchy, but also
domain ontologies in order to realize a more powerful technique and evaluate it on
real data.
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