Design Patterns for Collaborative Games Supporting
Evaluating Collaborative Learning Processes
Cesar Collazos
, Carina González
and Luís Guerrero
Department of Systems, Universidad of Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
Department of Engineering of Systems and Automatic, and Computer Architecture,
University of La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
University of Costa Rica, San Ramón, Costa Rica
Abstract. Several researchers in the area of collaborative work take the quality
of the group outcome as a success criterion. Nevertheless, recent findings are
giving more importance to the quality of the collaboration process itself. This
paper presents a set of patterns the main objective of which is to evaluate and
monitor the collaborative learning process. Also we describe a software tool we
have implemented based on these set of patterns and how the patterns proposed
have helped us to evaluate and monitor the collaborative learning processes.
1 Introduction
If the collaboration process is improved, the quality and quantity of topics learned by
the group could be increased. As Ewing mentions, it is necessary to know more in
detail the process that occur when a group of people is trying to solve a problematic
situation in a collaborative way [1]. It is necessary to provide a support for the design
of educative activities, and to have a set of appropriate elements for the development
of educative frameworks, especially those environments that support monitoring and
evaluation of collaboration processes. This paper presents a set of patterns that pro-
vide guidelines to design the necessary evaluation mechanisms for supporting the
collaborative learning processes. Next section briefly describes the model we pro-
pose, describing some of the analysis patterns we have proposed. Then a software
tools based on games we have implemented. Finally we present some conclusion and
further work.
2 Our Proposal
In order to improve the process of collaboration it is first necessary to evaluate this
process with a certain degree of accuracy so that different learning processes taken on
by diverse groups of apprentices can be contrasted. Based on this premise, next sec-
tions present a system of patterns which includes aspects of the design of collabora-
Collazos C., González C. and Guerrero L..
Design Patterns for Collaborative Games Supporting Evaluating Collaborative Learning Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0004600500340046
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (IDEE-2013), pages 34-46
ISBN: 978-989-8565-65-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tive activities, as well as of the evaluating and monitoring process. These patterns
characterize the most common situations when collaborative learning activities are
used. Thirteen patterns compose the analysis pattern's system: activities, group of
apprentices, facilitator, apprentice, positive interdependence, nature of the task,
shared objects, coordination, integration, conflicts and making decisions, evaluation,
process outcome, and feedback.
2.1 Activities Pattern
Defining the CSCL activities, it is necessary to specify the group of people, the re-
quired conditions of collaboration, the nature of the activity, the type, and the mecha-
nisms that provide positive interdependences and coordination.
Name of the Pattern: Activities.
Problem: Not all the activities executed by the group are CSCL activities.
Context: In collaborative environments, diverse activities are proposed so students
can achieve the desired results, that is, acquire knowledge through the development
of a collaborative task.
Description: The designed activities specify the work the members of the group must
perform during the collaborative task. Such activities can be designed with methods
that promote a collaborative learning environment using computer tools, such as the
environment proposed by Gallardo et al. [2].
Solution: Plan the activities in order for the students to change from an individual
perspective to a group one. That is, move the group of students from an exploration
and analysis scheme to a scheme of sharing information, discussion and consensus.
The activity must be designed so that the only way to solve it is through the collabo-
ration of all the members of the group. Therefore, its design has to imply elements
that will guarantee positive interdependence and good collaboration schemes. It is
necessary to specify and clearly define the activity, describing its nature, type, people
in charge, and desirable conditions of collaboration.
2.2 Group of Apprentices Pattern
The roles inside the collaborative learning groups must be carefully defined.
Name of the Pattern: Group of apprentices.
Problem: Being a member of a group is not sufficient to promote good learning in-
Context: In CSCL activities, groups of people are associated to the functions under-
taken to execute a particular activity.
Description: Specify the roles of the participants in a collaborative activity. It is
important to differentiate the role of the Facilitator and that of the Apprentices. What
needs to be done in this component is to analyze how to define or identify effective
mechanisms that can help in the selection and distribution of the work teams. The
importance of the definition of roles in collaborative environments resides in that
different users possess different levels of knowledge, as well as access to different
information sources.
Solution: For the collaborative activity to be successful, it is essential to clearly de-
fine the tasks to be undertaken by each one of the members of the activity. It is neces-
sary to define coordination policies in order to provide different interface mechanisms
to each type of user for effective decision making. In a Collaborative scenario, alt-
hough the phrase team cognition suggests something that happens inside people’s
heads, teams are very much situated in the real world, and there are a number of ac-
tivities that have to happen out in that world for teams to be able to think and work
together. This is not just spoken communication. Depending on the circumstances,
effective team cognition includes activities such as using environmental cues to estab-
lish a common ground of understanding, seeing who is around and what they are
doing, monitoring the state of artifacts in a shared work setting, noticing other peo-
ple’s gestures and what they are referring to, and so on [4].
2.3 Facilitator Pattern
The facilitator plays a key role in the collaborative learning activity. The whole learn-
ing activity depends on this person.
Name of the Pattern: facilitator.
Problem: In a collaborative learning context, someone is responsible for the success
of the activities.
Context: The facilitator plays a key role in the design and execution of collaborative
learning activities. He/she must structure the activities and must be able to monitor
the group process.
Description: The facilitator is the person in charge of: defining the initial work con-
ditions, planning the activity and their objectives, defining the conditions of success,
among others. In general, the facilitator is the one who creates interesting learning
environments and activities that link the new information to the previous knowledge
providing opportunities for the collaborative work and offering the apprentices a
variety of real tasks. The facilitator must have the ability to determine when and how
to intervene.
Solution: For an effective decision making process inside the groups, it is essential to
define coordination policies. Making effective the collaborative learning process
requires following certain guidelines and defining certain roles inside the group.
However the sole definition of these guidelines and roles do not guarantee that the
learning will be done in the most efficient way. It is necessary to define a collabora-
tion scheme that allows the instructor to know when and how to intervene in order to
improve the collaboration process. The facilitator is responsible to define the groups
and the roles.
2.4 Apprentice Pattern
The apprentice is the most important element in the collaborative learning activity.
The whole learning activity is centered on a group of apprentices.
Name of the Pattern: apprentice.
Problem: In a collaborative learning context, someone must obtain certain
knowledge or some kind of skill.
Context: The apprentice is the person who must be subject to interact with other
students in order to acquire the knowledge the collaborative activity proposes.
Description: The apprentice has a key role in the development of the collaborative
activity. He/she is responsible for the completion of the activities that will achieve the
goals and for the solving of the problems define by the Facilitator. His/her main ob-
jective is the cooperative gathering of knowledge about a problematic situation.
Solution: The different roles of the apprentices must be specified during the collabo-
rative activity. Each group member must be assigned a role, which can actually be
executed. The roles must not be fixed; the roles of the apprentices must be rotated
while the activity is ongoing because the exchange of roles is very positive in collab-
orative learning activities [8].
2.5 Positive Interdependence Pattern
Positive interdependence is the heart of collaborative activities. These interdepend-
ences define the collaboration process and transform group work into teamwork.
Name of the Pattern: positive interdependence.
Problem: In a collaborative learning activity just putting people around the activity
does not imply a collaboration activity among people; it is necessary to structure the
activity incorporating elements like positive interdependence.
Context: Positive interdependences are a fundamental aspect in the Collaborative
Learning scenarios, unfortunately there is a lack of support in order to determine the
best way to include them in those kinds of scenarios.
Description: As Johnson et al. [9] mention, the essence of a cooperative group is the
development and maintenance of positive interdependence among team members.
Being a member of a group is not sufficient to promote higher achievement; there has
to exist positive interdependence among all the group members. It is a key feature
that has been emphasized by scholars concerned primarily with promoting students’
academic achievement and cognitive development [10].
Solution: Design activities that permit to foster different kinds of positive interde-
pendencies among members of the group [11]. High positive interdependence within
a cooperative group means the group members feel personally responsible for con-
tributing their efforts to accomplish the group goals. They are also aware there are
negative consequences when failing to do one’s own part. Johnson et al., have de-
fined 9 types of positives interdependencies (goal, role, outside enemy, resource,
identity, reward, fantasy, task, environmental)[9], therefore, specify the task including
the larger part of the positive interdependencies.
2.6 Nature of the Task Pattern
The characteristics of the task in some way define the degree of interaction that can
exist among the group members.
Name of the Pattern: Nature of the task.
Problem: In a collaborative learning activity the lack of information about the objec-
tives, the rules and the collaboration environment can result in that a given task not be
properly undertaken.
Context: In a computer supported collaborative learning environment, the purpose of
the proposed tasks must be that a group undertakes them as a collaborative effort.
Description: Specifies the characteristics of the collaborative activity. The character-
istics of the task in some way define the degree of interaction that can exist among the
group members. The collective development of an activity requires the integration of
all participants, and therefore, it is necessary that the apprentices be very aware of the
steps that are needed to be followed to achieve the objectives and of their role within
this process.
Solution: When defining the nature of the task, the following aspects must be taken
into consideration: (a) Period of collaboration. (b) Setting of collaboration (c) Type of
activity (d) Rules. (e) Nature of Collaborators (f) Goals. (g) Conditions of collabora-
2.7 Shared Objects Pattern
Shared objects represent the space where the participants exchange information and
represent any important element in CSCL scenarios.
Name of the Pattern: Shared objects.
Problem: In a collaborative learning activity it is very important to understand the
activities the other members of the group are performing. This aspect in many cases is
considered as the group awareness.
Context: Collaborative learning environments allow students to work together, shar-
ing virtual spaces where to interact.
Description: Shared objects represent the space where the participants exchange
information. These environments cannot reproduce all the actions that take place in a
space of face-to-face interaction. That is why collaborative learning environments
must provide the means to facilitate the necessary information for effective decision
making in a problematic situation. Awareness is a concept related to the mechanisms
that guarantee that people can understand or be aware of the process itself and of the
interaction among all the participants of a given activity.
Solution: The notion of what is going on within the group as a whole represents a
true collaborative learning concept. Thus, it is necessary to provide a representation
of the group members within the working space, so all of the group can have the
following information:
o Where are the other members of the group?
o What are the other members doing to complete the task?
o What have the other members done?
o What will the other members do to solve the task?
2.8 Coordination Pattern
In a collaborative setting it is important to define mechanisms to organize the work
that must be performed among the group members.
Name of the Pattern: Coordination.
Problem: In collaborative learning environments, that have an educational objective,
coordination must serve as help to define the types of work, allowing all members to
have access to the shared knowledge or carry out the collaborative activities.
Context: Coordination is a term used to describe a number of actions or mechanisms
available in a shared environment, whose objective is to manage the interdependence
among the participants.
Description: Coordination is related to the support, the definition and the execution
of the group and individual tasks. In defining the tasks, procedure rules are estab-
lished. In executing the tasks, assistance is required not only in terms of instruments
but also regarding information and concepts. There are many cooperative systems that
provide guidelines for the structuring of social interactions within the context of
shared spaces [12].
Solution: The environment must allow the establishment of rules of cooperation and
of procedures among the individuals, guaranteeing that all participants share the
knowledge or are committed to the collaborative task. The environment must provide
assistance to the participants in the sense that to develop a task also implies to ac-
quire, share or work in the construction of some type of knowledge. According to
Johnson et al., another aspect of the coordination has to do with in the ways of main-
taining the group stimulated, such mechanisms that incentive participation and com-
munication [13]. Guidelines must be provided that serve as help mechanisms and
which directly observe the actions that are taking place within the group; analyzing
and interpreting actions, messages and all kinds of situations that happen with the
idea of providing the necessary information for adequate decision making.
2.9 Integration Pattern
In a collaborative setting it is important to define mechanisms to provide cohesive-
ness aspects to the work performed among group members.
Name of the Pattern: Integration.
Problem: In collaborative learning environments non integrated groups do not fully
reach their objectives.
Context: The means used by the individuals to integrate into a group will character-
ize their relationship. In integrated groups, people tend to act in a coordinated way.
Description: Integration can be measured by the degree of cohesion to operate in a
coordinated way. The first step for the integration and establishment of common
goals is a mutual understanding among all group members. An integrated group is
one in which its members are committed to work and feel responsible for the group.
Solution: To provide mechanisms that facilitate understanding of the group’s objec-
tives and the means to keep participants of the collaborative activity informed of the
objectives of each activity and their responsibility towards it.
2.10 Conflicts and Making-decisions Pattern
Conflicts are very important in CSCL scenarios in order to assimilate the shared
knowledge within a group.
Name of the pattern: Conflicts and making-decisions.
Problem: In the context of collaborative learning environments, a negotiation is an
auxiliary mechanism related to the Coordination that forces apprentices to make deci-
sions about the execution of some tasks, which in turn forces them to elaborate a
solution for a proposed problem, thus promoting learning.
Context: During the collaborative learning sessions, conflicts may arise among the
group members, creating problems in the execution of the tasks.
Description: Negotiating implies discussing and deciding. In this type of interaction,
people express their opinion and allow the others to accept it. This process implies
several cognitive mechanisms such as inference, logic, deduction, etc. [14]. The deci-
sion making process requires defining and analyzing different alternative solutions
proposed by the group members, identifying a number of possible alternatives for the
execution of a collaborative work. This process is important not just for the cognitive
development of the apprentices, but also for the acquisition of social skills. Conflicts
or disagreements arise from different perspectives that bring about verbal interactions
in order to resolve the conflict. Social factors can help the group find a solution.
There is a greater possibility of this happening due to differences than because of the
need for a solution to an intense conflict. The verbal interactions generated during the
resolution are what promote learning [8].
Solution: Stahl says that collaboration requires divergence (stating of ideas) and
convergence (negotiation, synthesis, and consensus) [15]. That is why the model must
be flexible to allow negotiating mechanisms where the participants can communicate
and participate in the making of decisions.
Communication. Define mechanisms to support communication among members of
the group, such as chat boxes, messages boxes, etc. Participation. The idea is to de-
fine scenarios, where members of the group have the same opportunities to participate
in order to solve the problematic situation. The complexity of the activities must be
designed in a way that the work performed by every member of the group at least
must be the same.
2.11 Evaluation Pattern
The evaluation must function as an instrument that gives possibility to the teacher to
analyze in a critical way the collaborative activity. Also, must provide the possibility
to detect the main weakness of a certain group, in order to define some mechanisms
to support them.
Name of the Pattern: Evaluation.
Problem: There are a growing number of experiences in qualitative evaluation in
CSCL environments [18]. However, there are some open-end questions regarding the
application of qualitative methodologies in the evaluation of real situations. The first
one is the high cost that these methods imply which can make it impossible for teach-
ers to apply who are already very busy with their present classroom activities. Addi-
tionally, it has become necessary to adapt qualitative methods to new space-time
situations and computer-aided interactive ways that appear while using CSCL envi-
Context: Evaluation in collaborative learning involves a number of actions organized
with the purpose of obtaining information about the knowledge acquired by the ap-
Description: Evaluation in collaborative learning involves a number of actions orga-
nized with the purpose of obtaining information about the knowledge acquired by the
Solution: In a collaborative learning environment, it is necessary to record all of the
activities that occur within the group when solving a problematic situation. All the
mechanisms that allow the recording of all the activities should be provide, so that
they can be reconstructed after performing an in-depth analysis of messages, actions
and all kinds of events that have occurred. Basically, every collaborative application
must save and share the data obtained by the users.
2.12 Process Outcome Pattern
A collaborative learning process is typically composed of several tasks that must be
developed by the cognitive mediator or facilitator
Name of the Pattern: Process Outcome.
Problem: In a collaborative activity a series of steps occur in order to reach the final
Context: In order to understand the collaborative process, it is necessary to define,
show and evaluate it.
Description: A collaborative learning process is typically composed of several tasks
that must be developed by the cognitive mediator or facilitator, and by the group of
apprentices, defining naturally two categories of tasks. In order to evaluate the coop-
erative learning process, we divide it into three phases according to its temporal exe-
cution: pre-process, in-process and post-process [19]. Thus, pre-process tasks are
mainly coordination and strategy definition activities and post-process tasks are main-
ly work evaluation activities. Both phases, pre-process and post-process, will be ac-
compli-shed entirely by the facilitator. The group members will perform the tasks
concerning the in-process phase, to a large extent. It is here where the interactions of
cooperative work processes take place. Thus, our interest concentrates in the evalua-
tion of this stage. In order to specify this division, we present the structure of a coop-
erative learning activity identified by Johnson & Johnson in [9].
Solution: A group of indicators have been defined that allow the evaluation, to some
degree, of the collaborative process [20]. These indicators are the following: (a) Ap-
plying Strategies (b) Intra-group Cooperation; (c) Success criteria review; (d) Moni-
toring; (e) Performance.
2.13 Feedback Pattern
All the collaborative activities require receive information about the work performed.
Name of the Pattern: Feedback.
Problem: In a collaborative activity it is necessary to define mechanism that permit
to understand the activities performed.
Context: In a collaborative learning environment the feedback that is given is essen-
tial for the success of a collaborative activity.
Description: Feedback allows one to identify the weak points of each group with
intention to improve them. After analyzing the collaborative process, some of the
most important weaknesses in a work group can be determined in order to improve
them, establishing new mechanism that involve developing new collaborative activi-
ties that enable to focus specifically on the weakness in a group.
Solution: In a collaborative learning environment all the necessary means should be
provided so that the people evaluating can determine accurately how and when to
intervene. Once the collaborative process analysis has been done, the environment
should provide the information needed about the weak points of the
group. Underlying nearly all-collaborative learning experiences is a distinctive set of
assumptions about what teaching is what learning is, and what the nature of
knowledge is.
In the following section we present a developed software tool, taking into account the
Patterns previously described.
3 Example: Memonet
This game is based on the classic “Memorize Game”, which goal is to find the equal
pair within several covered cards (Figure 1). This is repeated successively until there
are no covered cards remaining.
Activities: The goal of the game is that four people try to find four equal cards from
an initial set of ten different cards.
Group of Apprentices: This game is played by four persons selected in a random way.
Facilitator: There is a person who is in charge of the activity design and will be the
responsible of the monitoring and evaluation of the activity.
Apprentice: All players have the same set of cards but ordered in different ways. A
person draws one card each time. So, they need to collaborate in order to solve the
problematic situation.
Positive Interdependences: There is a Positive Resource Interdependence, because
every member of the group has only 25% of the total information to solve the prob-
lematic situation.
Fig. 1. MemoNet user interface (in Spanish).
Nature of the Task: (1) Period of collaboration: it is expected the activity will be
performed in a session of 2 or 3 hours. (2) Settings: The game is played in a dis-
tributed fashion, with communication allowed through a chat tool. (3) Type of ac-
tivity: Problem-solving. (4) Rules: Players are given very few details about the
game. Participants while playing must discover the rest of the rules. They also
have to develop shared strategies to succeed. (5) Nature of collaborators: peer-to-
peer interaction. (6) Goals: the software presents a strict goal positive interde-
pendence because team members need each other to succeed. The only way to
reach the goal is through the team collaboration where the participants can define,
communicate and negotiate different strategies in order to solve the problematic
situation. (7) Conditions of collaboration: Computer-mediated collaboration.
Shared Objects: There is a space where the player places his name to be able to
connect himself to the server. It provides a virtual shared environment in which
the participants can solve the problematic situation in a collaborative way.
Coordination: All players have the same set of cards but ordered in different
ways. A person draws one card each time. So, they need to collaborate in order to
solve the problematic situation. The card is removed when the four players have
found it. The game continues until all cards are uncovered.
Integration: When a user clicks on a card, this one turns and appears as it is de-
picted in figure 2. If it is un-selected two events could occur: if no success, all the
cards will be given back: if success, the cards will disappear from the screen.
Conflict and Making-decision: Because each participant has a partial view of the
game, the player must interact with his/her peers in order to solve the problematic
situation. In this way participants need to collaborate.
Evaluation: The application records every message sent by any member of the
group. Along with the message, it registers the time of occurrence and sender. The
tool also registers the start and finish game time.
Outcomes: Use of strategies, intra-group cooperation, checking the success crite-
ria, monitoring and the ability of providing help.
Fig. 2. Teacher’s user interface of MemoNet.
Feedback: Figure 2 illustrates the teacher interface. In the chat area it is also clearly
possible to watch all the messages sent by the players. Players can send a message to
any of her peers or to all of them. Also we can observe in the data area the letter se-
lected by each player in the last play. Messages sent by the teacher to the players are
written on an independent window. They appear to the receiver as mechanical alerts
of the program to a particular fact.
4 Conclusions and Further Work
Understanding the collaborative process of learning in groups is an interesting re-
search field. In the case of collaborative activities, performing a task well implies not
only having the skills to execute the task, but also collaborating well with teammates
to do it. This complexity offers opportunities to develop tools and techniques for
improving collaboration. One way to evaluate the effectiveness of a group is through
monitoring and observing the interaction between their members while working. In
order to achieve predefined collaborative learning objectives it is necessary to design
a group process that allows to monitor it and to evaluate it. It is also necessary to
understand how the apprentices work and they learn. If the group work process is
improved, the quality and quantity of the group learning will be increased. In this
paper we try to describe mechanisms for supporting the design of collaborative learn-
ing activities, and to show a set of appropriate elements for the development of edu-
cative frameworks, especially environments that support monitoring and evaluation of
collaboration processes.
Several conditions regarding group work have been investigated, such as the
composition of the group, individual pre-requisites, characteristics of the task at hand,
and the context of collaboration. Thus, it is important not only to consider the design
of the structure of the collaborative environment and the sum of activities that define
the collaborative task, but also to understand the process of collaboration that takes
place when developing a collaborative activity. One way to understand this process is
through modeling it. On the other hand, one of the most important aspects in evaluat-
ing a collaborative learning process is defining clear criteria for evaluating such pro-
cess. An improvement in the collaboration process should provide higher quality
about the learned knowledge. Based on this premise, this paper presents a set of pat-
terns that include aspects related to designing collaborative learning activities, as well
as for evaluating and monitoring such processes.
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