IBE Extension for HIP
Amir K. C.
, Harri Forsgren
, Kaj Grahn
, Timo Karvi
and G
oran Pulkkis
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
Abstract. This article explores the possibilities to replace RSA public key iden-
tities and X.509 certificates with any unique identities and identity-based encryp-
tion (IBE) in the Base Exchange of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP). We have
analysed the technical and trust-related details when applying IBE in HIP. These
details include, for example, how to insert the IBE parameters into HIP packets
and how to guarantee their correctness. We have extended OpenHIP v0.7 soft-
ware with capabilities for X.509 certified RSA-based Host Identities, for trusted
IBE-based Host Identities, and for IBE signatures in HIP messages. We have also
measured HIP message times in the Base Exchange. These measurements show
that the basic IBE solution is rather slow compared to RSA solution with certifi-
cates. However, if applications are such that it is necessary to check revocation
lists often, the IBE solution is feasible.
1 Introduction
Recently, there have been many suggestions how to modify or extend the TCP/IP pro-
tocol stack in order to increase security and trust between communicating partners ([1],
[2], [3], [4], RFC 3972). One of these developments is the Host Identity Protocol (HIP).
The basic idea of HIP is to separate addresses or domain names from network host
identities. In HIP, an identity is defined by a RSA public key pair. In the connection
setup phase public keys are used to identify the participants and to verify digital signa-
tures in data packets. However, trustworthy verification of an RSA signature requires
certification of the signer’s public key. In addition for chained certification, signature
verification is needed for every certificate in the chain and the most recent revocation
list must be checked. Thus verification of a signature created by a certified identity can
be quite time consuming.
In this paper, we explore the possibilities to replace certified RSA identities by IBE
identities (Identity Based Encryption). IBE has a key escrow feature, because a Private
Key Generator (PKG) knows also private client keys. Thus IBE may not be appropriate
in applications, where communicating participants belong to different organizations and
countries. But inside one large organization IBE could be a better option than certified
RSA identities. We present the techniques and modifications needed, if IBE is applied
in HIP. We have also made concrete time measurements in order to find out, if IBE is a
better alternative than RSA.
K.C. A., Forsgren H., Grahn K., Karvi T. and Pulkkis G..
IBE Extension for HIP.
DOI: 10.5220/0004601700440052
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2013), pages 44-52
ISBN: 978-989-8565-64-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2 Identity-based Cryptography
In identity-based cryptography (IBE) a public key is derived from identifying informa-
tion like email address, phone number or domain name. The corresponding private key
is created by a private key generator (PKG) that must be trusted by all participants. The
technique of IBE is based on elliptic curves and pairings on these curves.
2.1 Elliptic Curves
In elliptic curve cryptography, a curve must generate a sufficiently large additive group.
A scalar multiplication of a point P with an integer a is denoted as a.P . In our mea-
surements, we have used a super singular curve with with embedding degree 2 and
the Barreto-Naehrig curve. These curves are defined in the Annex A of [5] and have
also been implemented in the software package PBC version 0.5.11 as curve A and F,
respectively. [6]
The curve A is defined over a finite field IF
, where p is a 512 bit prime. We also
need for the curve A a cyclic subgroup, whose order is of size 160 bits. The curve F is
defined over a finite field IF
, where q is 160 bits. Only such elliptic curves are suitable
for cryptography for which the problem in Definition 1 hard.
Definition 1 (Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem CDH). Given a group G and
P, a.P, b.P G, compute ab.P G.
2.2 Pairings
Let G
and G
be additively denoted abelian groups, practically groups defined by
elliptic curves, and G
a multiplicatively denoted cyclic group. Let ϕ : G
a distortion mapping (see [5]). Cryptographic pairing e : G
× G
is a bilinear
function that is non-degenerative i.e. e(ϕ(P ), P ) 6= 1 for all generators P G
the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (Definition 2) is hard for it.
Definition 2 (Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem BDH). Given P , a.P , b.P , c.P G
compute e(ϕ(P ), P )
3 Host Identity Protocol
With HIP (RFC 5201) an IPsec security association (SA) can be established. Moreover,
HIP supports mobility with a mechanism to update host’s IP address without breaking
an established IPsec SA.
3.1 HIP Base Exchange
In HIP Base Exchange (see Fig. 1) all HIP packets should include Host Identity Tags
(HIT) of both peers. HIT is a 128-bit SHA-1 hash of the Host Identity (HI). The initiator
of the connection starts with an I1 packet. Once the responder receives the I1 packet,
it doesn’t need to store any state information related to the session that is about to be
established. In order to continue, the initiator must solve a cryptographic puzzle sent in
R1. Packets R1 and I2 contain data for a Diffie-Hellman session key. Packets I2 and R2
have part of their contents encrypted with the session key.
Initiator Responder
Fig. 1. HIP Base Exchange.
3.2 HIP Security and Trust
There are a number of security and trust problems associated with mobility and multi-
homing. The responder’s HIT must be available to the initiator before HIP Base Ex-
change, since the opportunistic mode, which allows I1 without the responder’s HIT, is
vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Pre-calculation of R1 and the puzzle mech-
anism protect the responder against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in HIP Base Ex-
change. Diffie-Hellman key agreement vulnerability to man-in-the-middle attacks is
eliminated in HIP Base Exchange by signing packets R1, I2, and R2. Communication
confidentiality is established by currently recommended ESP encryption of payload
data. HIP includes various protections against malicious replays. Pre-signed R1 mes-
sages protect against replays of I1 packets, and the puzzle mechanism and optional
use of opaque data protect against false I2 packets. R1 packets have a monotonically
increasing generation counter, whose value is kept across system reboots and invoca-
tions of the HIP Base Exchange. Packet authenticity is ensured by HMACs and digital
signatures. HMAC is verified with a key derived from a Diffie-Hellman session key.
Especially low-powered hosts can rely on trusted middle boxes verifying digital signa-
tures. In HI certification for trust in HIs, the HIP CERT parameter can be used in all
HIP packet as a container for certificates. (RFC 5201, 5202, 5206, and 5207)
3.3 HIP Implementations
Current HIP implementations are OpenHIP [12], which is used in this paper, InfraHIP
[13], Hip4Inter [14], PyHIP [1], and CuteHIP [15, 16]. OpenHIP is an open source and
free software implementation of HIP developed by Boeing Company. The latest release
of OpenHIP application is OpenHIP 0.9 released on March 2012. OpenHIP supports
Linux, Windows and OS X environments. OpenHIP supports DNS extensions of HIP
and is capable of fetching HIP data from Domain Name Server (DNS). Additionally,
the Linux version of OpenHIP has built-in Rendezvous Server.
4 Implementation of IBE Extension for HIP
In this paper peers are allowed to have their own PKGs with different parameters. The
private user key computed by the PKG from the public user key must be sent to the
user via a secure channel. The IETF standard RFC 5408 describes how the private and
public information is sent from a PKG to a user. PKG certification guarantees that the
right PKG is used but it does not guarantee that the secret key is safe. Key escrow in
IBE can be avoided for example by using threshold techniques in distributed generation
of private user keys with multiple PKGs ([11]). Some protection against disclosure of
a private user key can be obtained by changing public user keys and corresponding
private user keys reasonably often.
With IBE, the HI can be just host’s domain name. This is an advantage over RSA
and over RSA based digital signatures, since anyone is able to construct a HIT for an
I1 packet by just knowing the host’s domain name. Alternatively, a regularly changing
IBE host identity could be appended with a date code encoded in a standardized way.
A normal R1 packet defined in RFC 5201 contains the HI, Diffie-Hellman value, a
proposal for encryption algorithm, HMAC algorithm, digital signature algorithm, a puz-
zle, a HMAC and a digital signature. The IBE extension uses an IBE digital signature
algorithm instead of RSA.
4.1 Choice of an IBE Signature Scheme
Many signature schemes using Identity Based Cryptography (IBE) have hitherto been
proposed ([7]). The IEEE draft standard [5] has adopted a signature scheme proposed
in [9] because of its efficiency compared to other schemes like in [8]. Let A, B be peers
and let A sign a message m. Let PKG be As private key generator. PKG chooses and
publishes the following parameters:
Abelian groups G
, G
, and G
of prime order p. In practice, the groups G
and G
are additive groups on elliptic curves and G
is a multiplicatively denoted group.
A distortion map ϕ : G
Generators Q G
and P = ϕ(Q) G
A pairing e : G
× G
and the value g = e(P, Q) G
A public key Q
= sQ G
, where s ZZ
is a randomly chosen master key.
Hash functions H
: {0, 1}
and H
: {0, 1}
× G
The signer A generates his private key K
= (H
) + s)
. He also
chooses a random integer r. The signature for a message m is (h, S), where h ZZ
and S G
. These are calculated as follows:
u = g
h = H
(m, u),
S = (r + h)K
The receiver B verifies the signature by computing
= e(S, H
) · P + Q
)e(P, Q)
and accepts the signature if h = H
(m, u
The signer A has calculated the pairing operation beforehand, so the only heavier
operation is the power calculation u = g
. The verifier must, on the other hand, compute
both pairing and power.
1 8 16 24 31
Type Length
Elliptic curve algorithm
Signature algorithm
Timestamp. . .
. . . timestamp cont.
Fig. 2. HIP parameter structure for PKG public parameters.
4.2 Trust in Public PKG Parameters
In order to check a signature in an R1 packet, the initiator must know the public param-
eters of the receiver’s PKG. These public parameters are included in the R1 packet in a
new parameter part, whose structure is shown in Fig. 2. The part contains information
on the elliptic curve algorithm in use and public points P and P
. The field for the
elliptic curve algorithm has an identifier for an elliptic curve formula, its coefficients,
field IF
and sizes of subgroups generated by P and ϕ(P ). The parameters used in
this article are defined in Section 4.1. There is a timestamp that tells, when the PKG
should publish a new signed public parameter block. The packet is signed with a tradi-
tional PKI signature algorithm like RSA-SHA1. PKG public parameters signature can
be verified once the responder has sent all required certificates.
A peer must gain trust in a PKG’s validity. An active attacker could create a fake
PKG for anyone. A trust is derived from the use of certificates to ensure that the PKG
has authority over the HI. Certificate issued to the PKG must include information on its
intended purpose to be used to authenticate hosts in a given domain. Once verified, the
public PKG parameter signature doesn’t have to be checked again until the parameters
have expired. A revoked PKG certificate or availability of only expired PKG parameters
could imply that PKG’s private key s might be compromised.
5 Performance Measurements
HIP Base Exchange times have been measured for RSA HIs with and without X.509
certificates and for IBE HIs with X.509 certified public PKG parameters. For the mea-
surements, OpenHIP v0.7 has been deployed with necessary additions and modifica-
tions needed for X.509 certificates, service-offer parameters, and IBE HIs with IBE
signatures specified in the IEEE draft standard in [5] using PBC Library[6]. See [17]
for details. Standard X.509 certificates are created with OpenSSL. A self-signed root
certificate is first created and thereafter some levels of certificates. A first level certifi-
cate is signed by the root certificate, a second level certificate is signed by a first level
certificate, etc.
Our measurement setup was a home PC connected to a host in Arcada Univer-
sity of Applied Sciences via an operator gateway, the FUNET WAN, and a gateway in
Arcada. In HIP Base Exchange with X.509 certified HIs, the Initiator sends two cer-
tificates and the Responder sends 2, 4, 5 and 7 certificates. The Responder sends a
SERVICE OFFER in R1 but no certificates. This way unnecessary certificates won’t be
delivered, unless the initiator specifically asks for them. The actual certificates are sent
in R2 and in UPDATE packets after R2. The Initiators certificates come in I2, which also
contains a SERVICE OFFER parameter. The certificates sent form a certificate chain.
Certificate revocation is not checked. In HIP Base Exchange with IBE HIs, the Initiator
and the Responder used different PKGs with X.509 certified public parameters.
Table 1 shows for X.509 certified HIs the time average, standard deviation and max-
imum/minimum values of ten HIP Base Exchanges, when Responder sends zero, two,
four, five, and seven certificates. Four certificates are sent in R2 and in one UPDATE
packet, five certificates need two UPDATE packets, and seven certificates need three.
For the unmodified OpenHIP v0.7 similar measurements, without certificates, gave the
results 62 ms for Initiator and 62 ms for Responder. It turned out that the number of
certificates does not affect much on the time spent in Base Exchange. This was not
expected, because extra certificates cause extra packets and extra rounds in Base Ex-
change. Maybe the time differences would be longer, if the network distances were
longer. Now the distances were inside one metropolitan area.
Table 1. HIP Base Exchange times in milliseconds.
Number of
Initiator Responder
Avg. Std. dev. Max. Min. Avg. Std. dev. Max. Min.
0 68 5 81 63 72 5 78 60
2 64 6 79 59 68 6 75 56
4 68 6 79 63 72 5 74 59
5 71 6 83 66 75 6 80 63
7 70 3 80 70 73 3 77 67
Table 2 shows processing times for individual HIP packets. The times for (Initia-
tor,I1) and (Initiator,I2) include the transmission delay for sending I1/I2, processing
time of I1/I2 by Responder, and the transmission delay for receiving R1/R2. Similarly,
the times for (Responder,R1 with certs), (Responder,R1 without certs) and (Respon-
der,R2) include the transmission delays.
Table 2. Processing time of individual HIP packets in milliseconds.
I1 R1 with certs R1 without certs I2 R2 UPDATE
Initiator 4 33 41 27 3 3
Responder < 1 58 64 3 4 3
For HIP Base Exchange with IBE signatures packet construction times, packet pro-
cessing times and network delay time were measured as is shown in Fig. 3. For example,
R1 construction time is t
, R1 processing time is t
, and total network delay
is (t
) + (t
) + (t
) + (t
Table 3 shows for IBE HIs the time average, standard deviation and maximum/
minimum values of ten HIP Base Exchanges for IBE signatures based on Elliptic Curve
A in [6] and Table 5 shows the same for Elliptic Curve F in [6]. The measured time
Initiator Responder
: I1 received
: I1 processed
: R1 sent
: R1 received
: R1 processed
: I2 sent
: R2 received
: R2 processed
: I2 received
: I2 processed
: R2 sent
: I1 sent
Fig. 3. Measured time values t
, t
, t
,. . . , t
in HIP Base Exchange with IBE signatures.
values in Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 include times for exchange of certificates for the public
PKG parameters of both the Initiator and the Responder, but certificate revocation check
times are not included. As Table 1 shows, leaving certificates out would not reduce times
Table 3. The Base Exchange time using A curve in milliseconds.
Initiator Responder
construction Network delay
Avg. 242 233 97 7
Std. dev. 77 77 75 1
Max. 425 416 279 9
Min. 161 153 23 6
Table 4. Processing time of individual HIP packets using A curve in milliseconds.
Avg. 5 86 91 46 6 7
Std. dev. < 1 7 75 11 2 2
Max. 5 97 273 78 11 13
Min. 5 70 17 40 5 6
The most secure and probably also fastest revocation check of a X.509 certificate
issued by a known trusted CA is an online check, for example using Online Certificate
Status Protocol — OCSP (RFC2560). An online revocation check is more secure than a
local offline check, since there is no vulnerable time window between a revocation list
update and the local availability of an updated revocation list. Online revocation check
is probably also faster than a local offline check, since a CA is expected to maintain
revocation lists in a quite efficient computer, and therefore the local offline revocation
check time may often be longer than the sum of the online check time and the network
traversal time. Measured OCSP based certificate revocation check times are on average
790 ms for server certificates issued by Verisign and 660 ms for a server certificate
issued by Thawte.
Verification of a X.509 signature should include a revocation check. The measured
HIP Base Exchange times in Tables 1, 3 and 5 should therefore be prolonged with
online revocation check times both for X.509 certified HIs and IBE HIs trusted by X.509
Table 5. The Base Exchange time using F curve in milliseconds.
Initiator Responder
construction Network delay
Avg. 611 530 88 7
Std. dev. 52 52 51 1
Max. 722 643 196 9
Min. 546 470 39 5
Table 6. Processing time of individual HIP packets using F curve in milliseconds.
Avg. 15 214 72 226 214 78
Std. dev. < 1 10 52 6 10 4
Max. 17 231 181 236 231 84
Min. 15 198 24 218 198 74
certified public PKG parameters. However certificate verification with revocation check
is much more frequently required for X.509 certified HIs than for IBE HIs. Certificate
verification with revocation check is required for an X.509 certified HI for each new
connection. For IBE HIs X.509 certificate verification with revocation check is required
in HIP Base Exchange only when a HIP communication party uses a PKG, which is
hitherto unknown to the HIP communication partner.
6 Conclusions
Current HIP specifications support only public RSA and DSA keys for Host Identities
(HI). Trust in a responder HI can be derived in HIP Base Exchange from DNSSEC
when HIP DNS Extension (RFC5205) is deployed. Trust in HIs can also be derived
from X.509 certification of public RSA or DSA keys used as HIs. [10]
Public IBE keys would be natural HI option, since network host names and identity
tokens representing network host users could be used as HIs to exclude the need to
certify HIs for trust. Deployment of IBE HIs however requires extension of current HIP
specifications as well as a solution to the private key escrow problem in IBE and trust in
the PKG, which generates and delivers private IBE keys. The solution to the private key
escrow problem based on threshold cryptography and distributed private key generation
in multiple PKGs [11] however leads to considerable implementation complexity.
A trust solution for a PKG is X.509 certification of the public PKG key [10]. Since
current specifications for X.509 certification (RFC3279, RFC4055, RFC4491) do not
support public IBE keys this trust solution requires a PKG to include a supported key
pair in public key cryptography, for example a RSA key pair, for certification of the
public PKG key and other public PKG parameters. Performance measurements for an
OpenHIP v0.7 implementation with the PBC Library [6] of this trust solution indicate,
that HIP Base Exchange is at least about 3 times slower than for a trust solution based on
X.509 certification of HIs, when certificate revocation is unchecked. Trusted IBE HIs
may still be computationally more efficient than X.509 certified HIs, since our mea-
sured average times of online certificate revocation check are longer than our measured
average HIP Base Exchange times for trusted IBE HIs, and since certificate verification
with revocation check is required far more frequently for X.509 certified HIs than for
trusted IBE HIs.
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