Automatic Constructing OWL Ontology from Relational
Database Schema
Ines Fayech and Habib Ounalli
Department of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Abstract. In this paper we present a new tool, called DB_DOOWL, for creat-
ing domain ontology from relational database schema (RDBS). In contrast with
existing transformation approaches, we propose a generic solution based on au-
tomatic instantiation of a specified meta-ontology. This later is an owl ontology
which describes any database structure. A prototype of our proposed tool is im-
plemented based on Jena in Java in order to demonstrate its feasibility.
1 Introduction
Most data on the web are still stored in relational databases which present limitation
related to their semantic poverties. Indeed, traditional database management systems
retrieve only data that exactly match query expressions. So, if the user has limited
knowledge or no knowledge at all about the content of the database, he can’t obtain
results to his query. This gives rise to crucial needs for additional semantic support
for a flexible and efficient database interrogation.
The concept of ontology, defined by Gruber [1] as "an explicit and formal specifi-
cation of a conceptualization being the subject of a consensus", appears in a good
place for the realization of these solutions.
In this paper we address the problem of constructing OWL ontology from rela-
tional database schema.
This problem was treated in the literature and different solutions were proposed in
order to transform relational database (RDB) to ontology. We distinguish two main
categories of database-to-ontology approaches: the approaches for creating ontology
from a database and those for mapping a database to an existing ontology.
In this paper, we are interested with the first category. Indeed, we propose a new
tool for automatically creating a new ontology from a relational database schema.
We choose OWL, the latest standard recommended to the semantic web, as the
ontology language. Indeed, OWL enables us to represent not only the data itself, but
also its interpretation. Furthermore, building the domain ontology in OWL, gives the
ability to use DL reasoning on it.
The construction process is based on automatic instantiation of a meta-ontology
describing the database structure.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. First, section two is devoted to the
presentation of database to ontology approaches. Second, section three gives the
Fayech I. and Ounalli H..
Automatic Constructing OWL Ontology from Relational Database Schema.
DOI: 10.5220/0004603100740081
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2013), pages 74-81
ISBN: 978-989-8565-63-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
specification of the meta-ontology used in our approach. Section four describes the
proposed approach. Finally, a discussion of future work and concluding remarks will
be presented.
2 Database to Ontology Approaches
A wide variety of works has been proposed in the literature in order to convert a rela-
tional database to XML, RDF or OWL ontology. We present, in this section, these
different works and we show their limits.
The authors of [2] proposed a set of rules in order to construct RDF ontologies
from Relational databases (RDBs). Their approach is semi-automatic because the user
must choose the rules to be applied.
Perez and Conrad have proposed a tool called Relational.OWL to transform data-
base schema and database data to OWL ontology [3]. The transformation is automatic
but the proposed approach doesn’t consider ontological relations between tables and
is a Protégé plug-in for importing a RDB to Protege ontology. The
transformation process is simple and direct. Indeed, each table is converted into a
class and each attribute is converted into a property. This plug-in has many limita-
tions. Firstly, the generation process is semi-automatic. Indeed, the transformation is
automatic but the user intervention is necessary to choose tables to be included in the
ontology. Secondly, DataGenie doesn’t allow importing only schema and doesn’t
support the OWL language.
To overcome the drawbacks of DataGenie, another Protege plug-in, called Data-
Master, is proposed [4]. This plug-in allows importing the database structure and
eventually the database data. With DataMaster, the user specifies tables to be import-
ed and choose to import them as OWL classes or individuals of a class. The data
extracted from the RDB is inserted into the generic ontology Relational.OWL. This
later is OWL FULL whereas the ontology generated by DataMaster is OWL DL,
allowing logical reasoning.
The authors of [5] have proposed a set of rules in order to discover mapping be-
tween a RDBS and an ontology contents (classes and properties). Their rules can be
used to create an initial ontology which can be modified later. Their approach is semi-
automatic and not implemented.
OWLFROMDB is an ontology generator allowing converting a RDB to an OWL
ontology [6]. This tool considers only simple database structure such as database
where primary and foreign keys are single columns.
In [7] a tool called RDB2On is proposed to construct OWL ontology from a RDB.
The authors have proposed a set of rules to convert each table (respectively attribute)
into an OWL class (respectively property).
OGSRO [8] is also a tool for transforming a RDB to OWL ontology such as
RDB2On [7]. The transformation process is automatic but there is a difference be-
tween the generated ontology and the one created manually from the considered
Another approach for transforming a DB to ontology is proposed in [9]. Contrary
to those proposed in [6] and [8] where the DB structure is supposed to be simple, this
approach considers other relation types between tables (one to one, one to many and
many to many relations).
Let us discuss the drawbacks of the previous approaches.
The goal of converting a RDB into ontology is the semantic enrichment of the
considered database. However, the available approaches for transition between RDBs
and ontologies suffer at least from one of the following limitations:
The approach is not implemented.
The approach is semiautomatic.
The approach is a plug-in of an ontology editor such as Protege and the user must
be familiarized with this environment.
The approach can’t be used to transform only the database schema.
The approach considers simple database structure.
When the approach transforms both database data and structure, the size of the
generated ontology will increase.
When the approach considers a direct transformation, the generated ontology will
be similar to the RDBS. However, there are many differences between ontologies
and databases. Indeed, ontology must be represented, and eventually semantically
enriched, in different ways according to the need.
When the approach transforms database attributes into ontology properties, we
can’t distinguish between attributes and relationships of concepts. Moreover we
can’t add semantic relations between attributes.
The approach doesn’t support the OWL language. Contrary to RDF or XML,
OWL allows uniform representation for relational database schema and data.
The approach generates the ontology in OWL language but it needs the entire
language (OWL FULL) and not OWL DL. This later is characterized by its ex-
pressiveness and reasoning power. But, OWL FULL prevents using decidable in-
ference on the generated ontology.
To overcome the drawbacks of the previous approaches, we propose a novel ap-
proach to construct domain ontology from a RDBS. The transformation process is
automatic and the generated ontology is in OWL DL language.
The proposed approach is described by a generic algorithm in order to be used
with any RDB. So, we propose a tool, called DB_DOOWL, based on automatic in-
stantiation of a specific meta-ontology. This later is the conceptual level of the ontol-
ogy. It describes the structure of any RDBS.
3 The OWL Meta-ontology
In this section, we give the specification of the meta-ontology used to construct the
domain ontology. This meta-ontology is developed in OWL DL which present some
limitations related to the representation of the lexicalization of a concept. Indeed, in
OWL we use the rdfs: label annotation property to represent the term denoting a con-
cept. So, we can’t add a property to a term nor a relation between terms.
This problem was treated in the literature and different models were proposed in
order to represent the terminological part of an ontology [10], [11], [12].
These models don’t give the same importance to the notions of concept and term.
For more details, readers are recommended to refer to [11] where the authors have
presented a meta-model to model terms in OWL DL. They propose to distinguish
terms from concepts: concepts are subclasses of the DomainThing class and terms are
subclasses of the Term class. Their meta-model can’t distinguish between properties
concerning a term and those concerning its instances and doesn’t consider how to
associate a term to a semantic relation.
In order to manipulate a term as easily as a concept, we represent both in the form
of an owl:Class. Consequently, the meta-model related to the domain ontology is
based on two generic concepts: “c_domain_concept” and “concept_term” which
represent respectively, the concepts of the considered domain and their lexicaliza-
Each “concept_term” denotes one domain concept (“c_domain_concept”). The
later is divided into two sub-concepts in order to distinguish the concepts representing
tables (“concept_table”) and those describing attributes (“concept_attribute”).
Since in OWL DL, a relation can be defined only between two individuals or be-
tween an individual and a literal, we choose to model terms as instances of the class
“concept_term”. Furthermore, concepts describing tables and those describing attrib-
utes will occur as instances respectively, of the “concept_table” and the “con-
cept_attribute” classes. Figure 1 shows the specification of the proposed meta-
Fig. 1. The specification of the meta-ontology.
We consider the following object properties which link individuals to individuals.
denote(C, T) means that the individual T of concept_term denotes the individual C
of a c_domain_concept.
attribute_of(CA, CT) means that CA, individual of concept_attribute, is an attri-
bute of CT which is an individual of concept_table.
PK(CT,CA) means that CA (individual of concept_attribute) is a primary key of
CT (individual of concept_table).
FK(CT,CA) means that CA (individual of concept_attribute) is a Foreign key of
CT (individual of concept_table).
CONSTRAINT_FK(CT1, CT2) means that there is a foreign key in CT1 (individ-
ual of concept_ table) that references CT2 (individual of concept_ table).
Moreover, we consider the property DB-Elt() applied to each individual of
c_domain_concept in the meta-ontology. DB-Elt(C) means that C describes a data-
base element. This property is useful when we enrich the ontology by adding new
properties or concepts. It allows distinguishing concepts describing database contents
(tables and attributes) from the others.
4 The proposed Approach
The goal of DB_DOOWL is to automatically construct a domain ontology (DO) from
a RDBS. In this section, we describe the ontology building process and we give the
proposed algorithm. The overall idea is to explore the meta-ontology describing the
database structure. So, the domain ontology will be constructed by automatic instanti-
ation of the proposed meta-ontology. The structure of our tool can be divided into
two parts:
1) Extracting Database Contents: After connecting to RDB, we can extract data ta-
bles, data columns, primary keys, foreign keys and other metadata information.
2) Meta-ontology Instantiation: This step deals with the automatic instantiation of the
meta-ontology in order to cover the RDBS. This later is a finite set of tables and a
set of integrity constraints which are here limited to key constraints (primary and
foreign keys). Each table has a name and a set of attributes.
Since our objective is to generate a domain ontology describing a RDBS, we distin-
guish different transformation types:
Table Transformation: Each table T is transformed into an instance CTAB of
concept_table class in DO. Moreover, we create a new instance T of concept_term
class and we add the object property denote (CTAB, T) and the data property DB-
Attribute Transformation: Each attribute A is transformed into an instance CA of
concept_attribute class in DO. Furthermore, we create a new instance A of con-
cept_term class and we add the object property denote (CA, A) and the data pro-
perty DB-Elt(CA).
Converting a Relation between a Table and an Attribute: Each attribute A of a
table T can be a simple attribute, a primary key or a foreign key. We have to con-
vert these relations into the generated ontology DO.
The relation “A is an attribute of a table T” is expressed in DO by the object pro-
perty attribute_of (CA, CTAB).
The relation “A is a primary key of T” is converted by using the object property
The relation “A is a foreign key of T” is converted by using the object property
Converting relations between tables: Since a RDB table can be related to other
tables trough foreign key constraints, we have to express these relations in DO.
For each foreign key of a table T1 referencing a table T2, we add the object prop-
erty CONSTRAINT_FK (CT1, CT2), where CTi is an instance of the con-
cept_table class describing the database table Ti (i={1, 2}).
Our proposed approach is described by an algorithm named Construction. This later
is elaborated in a generic way in order to be reusable with any RDB.
The inputs of the algorithm are a relational database (RDB) and the OWL meta-
ontology. The result is a domain ontology (DO) describing the database schema.
Algorithm Construction
Inputs: RDB, MO ; Output: DO
DO is initialized to MO
Create a database connection and
Extract data tables, data columns, primary keys, for-
eign keys and other metadata information.
For each table T in RDB {
Create a new instance CTAB of the concept _table
Create a new instance T of the concept_term
Add a new relation denote() between CTAB and T
Add the data property DB-Elt(CTAB)
For each attribute A of the table T {
Create a new instance CA of the concept_attribute
Create a new instance A of the concept_term
Add a new relation denote() between CA and A
Add the data property DB-Elt(CA)
Add a new relation attribute_of() between CA and CTAB
If A is a primary key then
Add a new relation PK between CA and CTAB
If A is a foreign key then
Add a new relation FK between CA and CTAB } }
Add foreign key constraints between tables
An example that illustrates the proposed approach is given in Figure 2 showing the
generated ontology (by using OntoViz, the Protege plug-in) related to the following
fragment of a RDBS describing the faculty of sciences:
contractuel (matricule, nom, numdep)
PKey(matricule), FKey(numdep) REFERENCES dept
dept(numdep, nom, code_univ)
We denote a primary key by PKey(A) where A is an attribute. Furthermore,"
FKey(A) references TAB " refers to a foreign key constraint: The attribute A refer-
ences the primary key of the relation TAB.
Fig. 2. The generated ontology.
5 Conclusions
The research is nowadays focused on how to enrich traditional databases with addi-
tional semantic support in order to facilitate their interrogation. Indeed, the majority
of information found in the web is stored in databases that present some limitations
related to their semantic poverty. To meet these requirements, we have developed
DB-DOOWL, a tool that allows the user to automatically import a RDBS into OWL
ontology. It is implemented based on Jena in Java development platform.
The transformation is based on the instantiation of a proposed meta-ontology.
This later is a generic ontology used to describe the structure of any RDBS.
In the generated ontology, terms describing table/attribute names in the RDBS are
often abridged (e.g. dept). So, it is difficult or even impossible to deduce the meaning
of data from those names. Since ontology should capture consensual knowledge ac-
cepted by the communities, we intend to enrich the generated ontology by adding
different semantic relation types between concepts.
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