Involving Teachers in the Educational Video Games
Design Process
Natalia Padilla-Zea
, Francisco L. Gutiérrez Vela
, Nuria Medina-Medina
and Carina González
Software Engineering Department, University of Granada,
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo, Aranda, s/n, 18071, Granada, Spain
Engineering of Systems and Automatic Department, University of La Laguna,
Campus de Anchieta, Avda. Astrofísico Fco. Sánchez, s/n, 28204 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Abstract. Teachers usually have problems to find games properly designed to
teach their subjects since the ones included in textbooks are not fun enough to
catch the students’ attention. They would like those games to be as fun as the
ones which students play at home. The main problem is that designing an edu-
cational game is complex and people with different goals are involved. In order
to allow teachers to participate in the educational video games design process
more easily, we here present an approach with which teachers are able to de-
scribe the contents they want to include in the game. This educational contents
organization eases the latter design of video games’ challenges and allows re-
lating both levels in order to obtain an approximate mark of the learning
1 Introduction and Related Work
Educational computing has been a focus of study for several years due to the incorpo-
ration of New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in learning pro-
cesses, both in schools and at home [1]. A particular example of ICT being used as an
educational tool is that of educational video games, which attempt to combine the
advantages of using video games [2] with the learning of a particular subject in the
educational curriculum. However, despite the motivating effect of video games in the
classroom, students still demonstrate a lack of motivation.
Our research focuses on the video games with implicit educational content, where
the educative contents are hidden. The efficiency of educational video games could
be improved, in our opinion, through the use of a specific development method which
easily allows the definition of both educational and recreational goals.
Many of the difficulties of using this kind of video games in classrooms come
from a lack of fun games for specific educational contents. The design of these video
games is complex and people from different areas are involved in it. This makes the
development process difficult because teachers and game designers seem to talk dif-
ferent languages. The approach we here propose is based in an educational video
games design process whose main goal is to maintain a balance between educational
Padilla-Zea N., L. Gutiérrez Vela F., Medina-Medina N. and González C..
Involving Teachers in the Educational Video Games Design Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0004604401520157
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (IDEE-2013), pages 152-157
ISBN: 978-989-8565-65-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and recreational tasks. And, in consequence, a derived objective is to fill de gap be-
tween teachers and designers, allowing them to talk the same language. We achieve
this purpose by providing the specific content each of them needs to know from the
other team. In this way, the video game obtained is more like a fun video game
through which the player can learn the educational content hidden within.
There are several works which propose general recommendations or guidelines to
design educational software. For example, Fernández Antelo and Cuadrado Gordillo
[3] proposed a set of constructivist principles for the development of educational
software (although not games in particular), highlighting that in this way it is possible
to obtain educational results similar to those obtained by traditional teaching methods.
Although several proposals about design guidelines and architectures can be found
in the field of educational video games, one of the most important is the platform e-
Adventure [4], which integrates a design method and an architecture to support the
design process. This framework is mainly focused on the development of educational
tools, although it can also be used for non-educational video games [5].
The design of educational games using e-Adventure involves an interdisciplinary
team comprised of game writers, artists and programmers who use specification lan-
guages and development environments specific to the e-Adventure platform. To
support the design process, there are a set of guidelines designed to facilitate the inte-
gration of adaptive and measurable games in online learning environments [6].
Finally, Sauvé [7] presents an interesting philosophy to make the design of on-line
educational video games easier, allowing the creation of different games starting from
the same general structure.
While some guidelines for creating educational videogames do therefore exist, we
believe there is a need for a more specific tool for teachers, with which they can easi-
ly indicate the contents to be taught.
In the section 2, we briefly describe the design process for educational contents
that we propose within a broader design process covering all aspects of the educa-
tional video game. We focus on this aspect because it is usually the most neglected
aspect in the development of educational games. And, undoubtedly, is one of the most
important, since, along with didactic resources, integrates all aspects of teaching and
learning. Finally, in section 3, we outline some conclusions and further works.
2 Educational Contents Design
The first step to design educational video games is defining which contents are going
to be taught. In this process, teachers have a very important role and their task has to
be facilitated in order to enhance their participation in the EVG design process. By
involving teachers in this task, we think they will show more interest in using them.
For that reason, based on our set of models previously proposed [8], we have de-
fined a process of educational design. This process is especially intended to promote
the teachers’ involvement and can be divided in two phases:
Design of General Dictionary: Definition of Knowledge Areas, Educational
Goals and Educational Tasks.
Design of Educational Model: Instantiation of the General Dictionary.
First of all, Knowledge Areas must be established. A Knowledge Area is a collec-
tion of knowledge characterized by the homogeneity of the object of study. For each
area, the teacher must indicate the name, the recommended age expressed as a range,
and a general description of the Knowledge Area.
Next, the teacher must create the Educational Goals. An Educational Goal is an
achievement that the student must accomplish at the end of the educational process as
a result of their experiences in the video game. At this stage, the teacher must provide
data about the Knowledge Area from those which have been previously defined.
Next, a name needs to be given to the Educational Goal and the recommended range
of ages must be established. This range must fall within the one indicated for the
selected Knowledge Area. In addition, the teacher must provide a description of the
educational content to be learnt in the goal. The explanation must be given in natural
language and should clearly explain what students have to learn in order to succeed.
Figure 1 shows the definition of the Educational Goal: “Learning to Build
Composed Words”, aimed at children between 10 and 12 years and located within the
area of “Language and Literature”. A list of additional learning topics is included in
the central field. This list is related to the Spanish educational law, but can be used in
other contexts. For Spanish, we would include mathematical reasoning, the physical
and natural world, information processing, social and civic competence, cultural
competence, artistic competence, autonomy and personal initiative, and learning to
learn as related competences.
Teachers must follow a similar process to establish Educational Tasks. An Educa-
tional Task is an instructive activity which will allow students to achieve one or more
Educational Goals. Therefore, once we have introduced all the goals and tasks, the
next step is relating them. One goal can be related to another as a sub-goal or one task
can be related to another one as a sub-task. We can also relate a task to a goal, mean-
ing that the task contributes to the achievement of the goal.
Graphically, the relations between goals and task can be seen as a tree. Thus, the
Knowledge Area is the top level of the tree. Once the complete tree has been generat-
ed, the Knowledge Area is completely defined and can be used by all users in the
system. Moreover, based on this definition, teachers can adapt goals, tasks and rela-
tions to the group of students who will play, or even to individual students if they
need a particular aspect to be reinforced or if they have a disability. These changes
are reflected in the Educational Models, which also include an order relation between
the elements they include. An Educational Model organizes a specific form of learn-
ing based on a subset of objectives and tasks.
To define an Educational Model the teacher may base it on a previous Educational
Model or construct a new one. In both cases, it is necessary to specify data about the
Knowledge Area to which the Educational Model relates, the name of the Educational
Model to be created and the educational age range. In addition, a brief description of
the contents being taught in the Educational Model must be included.
Once we have defined the main characteristics of the new Educational Model, it is
Fig. 1. Creating Educational Goals.
necessary to decide which goals, tasks and relationships it will include. To do this,
teachers add, modify or delete goals and tasks in the Educational Model. In an exist-
ing Educational Goal, the options available are: 1) Add a new sub-goal, if the new
goal is part of the previous one; 2) Add a related goal, if the new goal has an order
relation with the previous one or 3) Add itinerary, if the teacher wishes to define the
sets of tasks that users face to overcome the goal.
Finally, options available for a task are Add simultaneous task, if the task must be
performed at the same time as the previous one or Add next task, if the task must be
performed after the previous one. If some element is deleted the whole sub-tree be-
hind the element is also deleted. Figure 2 shows the second step in the creation of a
Educational Model, that is, the selection of a subset of tasks (drawn as ellipses) and
goals (drawn as rectangles), and the definition of order restrictions on Educational
Tasks and Goals. In the example, “Recognizing the Genre” is a simultaneous task to
“Recognizing the Number”, but “Distinguishing Common Nouns” is a previous task
to “Recognizing Genre and Number”.
Defining Educational Models is the last step in the educational design process, on
which the present paper is focused. Then it will be required to design the playful part
of the game: gameplay, narrative, storytelling, interaction mode, etc. and join the two
parts: educational content and entertaining content [8]. Consequently, after defining
all Stages and Levels of the video game as well as the Video Game Model, the only
will have to do is defining the relationships between the educational and video game
levels. To do this, we have to establish a relationship between the tasks in the leaf
nodes in both trees: a) the educational tree with the Educational Goals and tasks, and
b) the video game tree with the Video Game Challenges, Stages and Levels. In this
Fig. 2. Building a new Educational Model.
way, when the player passes a Stage in the video game, the related Educational Task
is learnt.
3 Conclusions and Further Work
The field of educational video games is being studied by different research groups
around the world (for example, [3; 6; 8]). The studies prove that using these kinds of
tools is beneficial for students at both a personal and an educational level. In this
work, we have presented an approach to enable teachers to be fully involved in the
design of educational contents for the educational video games. That way, teachers
are able to provide their expertise to the video game development and to split the
contents suitably to be learnt gradually. In addition, those contents can be reused in
other video games and, thanks to the relationship between educational and recreation-
al contents, teachers can obtain an approximate assessment about the students’ per-
Nowadays, we are performing different test with a prototype that implement the
presented educational design process in order to solve problems which teachers could
find during its application. In addition, we are designing an educational video game
about nutrition by using this process.
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