Database Anomalous Activities
Detection and Quantification
Elisa Costante
, Sokratis Vavilis
, Sandro Etalle
, Jerry den Hartog
, Milan Petkovi´c
and Nicola Zannone
Eindhoven University of Technology, Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Philips Research Europe, High Tech Campus 34, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Data Misuse, Data Leakage, Database Activity Monitoring, Data Leakage Quantification.
The disclosure of sensitive data to unauthorized entities is a critical issue for organizations. Timely detection
of data leakage is crucial to reduce possible damages. Therefore, breaches should be detected as early as
possible, e.g., when data are leaving the database. In this paper, we focus on data leakage detection by
monitoring database activities. We present a framework that automatically learns normal user behavior, in
terms of database activities, and detects anomalies as deviation from such behavior. In addition, our approach
explicitly indicates the root cause of an anomaly. Finally, the framework assesses the severity of data leakages
based on the sensitivity of the disclosed data.
Data leakage, i.e. the (un)intentional distribution of
sensitive data to an unauthorized entity (Shabtai et al.,
2012), has a significant impact on businesses in terms
of money, reputation or legal issues. Data and infor-
mation represent a core asset for many organizations
and thus they should be protected from unauthorized
Timely detection of data leakage is important to
reduce costs and comply with legislation. For in-
stance, the newEU data protection regulation imposes
strict breach notification policies, requiring organiza-
tions to notify data protection authorities of a breach
within 24 hours (Information Age, 2012).
In this paper we focus on data leakage detection
by monitoring database activities in terms of SQL
transactions. Observing SQL activities enables for a
prompt reaction by allowing early detection of a leak-
age, i.e. when the information leaves the database.
In this paper we tackle three main problems. First,
despite the considerable amount of research in the
area (Fonseca et al., 2007; Kamra et al., 2007; Roich-
man and Gudes, 2008; Wu et al., 2009; Bockermann
et al., 2009; Mathew and Petropoulos, 2010; Gafny
et al., 2010; Santos et al., 2012), there are still sev-
eral problems with current SQL-based solutions for
database leakage detection. The main problem of
such solutions is their black-box approach: when a
potential leakage occurs, an alarm with a deviation
degree, an anomaly score, or a probability value is
raised. Unfortunately, these values are not sufficient
to explain the root cause of a violation and offer lit-
tle help to seal the leakage. Second, current solutions
have a high false positive rate and their validation has
been limited to controlled environments: in a real sys-
tem (with thousands of transactions per minute) even
a 5% of false positive rate is unacceptable. Finally,
existing solutions are not able to distinguish leakages
based on the sensitivity of the data leaked.
The contribution of our solution is twofold:
We propose a data-leakage detection model that i)
automatically learns normal behavior by observ-
ing database activities and flags deviations from
such behavior as anomalies; and ii) explicitly in-
dicates the root cause of an anomaly, e.g. whether
the anomaly depends on the tables, data values or
data quantity accessed. The monitoring is done by
tapping into the communication with the database
server to observe which (SQL) queries users sub-
mit, and what data go back and forward.
Once an anomaly is detected, we propose to quan-
tify the leakage based on the sensitivity of the data
involved. We use a data model to represent the se-
mantics of information and the relations between
different pieces of information. To quantify data
leakage, concepts and instances in the model are
Costante E., Vavilis S., Etalle S., den Hartog J., Petkovic M. and Zannone N..
Database Anomalous Activities - Detection and Quantification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004612206030608
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 603-608
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
annotated with sensitivity values representing the
cost of their unauthorized disclosure.
To protect data from unauthorized disclosure, ac-
cess control solutions are usually employed. Despite
this, incidents leaking sensitive information still hap-
pen. An example is the data breach happened at the
Samaritan Hospital, where two nurses illegitimately
accessed and modified medical records
. Access con-
trol is not enough to protect from data leakage either
because in some domains such as healthcare, certain
actions cannot be blocked (e.g., accessing patient’s
medical records in case of emergency), or because it
is not possible to specify fine-grained access control
policies (e.g., not allow users to access more than a
certain amount of data records).
As an example, assume the information system of
a hospital is only accessed by its employees. In addi-
tion, doctors and nurses can access Electronic Health
Record (EHR) of all the patients of the hospital. No-
tice that, such an assumption is very common in hos-
pitals where data availability is crucial to emergen-
cies. Bob, a geriatrician at the hospital, could easily
engage in behaviors that can be classified as threats
(T ). For example, T
) Bob might look for EHR of
his colleagues to check if someone has AIDS; or T
he might know that a famous singer has been hos-
pitalized for a minor surgery, and look for his room
number to pay him a visit later; or T
) he might read
the EHRs of teenagers while, being a geriatrician, he
should only access EHRs of elderly patients.
Some threats, however, might be more serious
than others. For example, let assume that a doc-
tor usually accesses 20 EHRs per day. Suppose that
one day T
) the doctor reads 500 records contain-
ing the address of patients at the hospital, or T
) 100
records containing the disease suffered by the patients
(amongst which there are AIDS or mental disorder).
Both situations represent a threat because of the un-
usual number of records that has been accessed. How-
ever, the second threat should be considered more se-
vere because more sensitive data are at risk.
In this section we discuss the existing Data Leak-
age Prevention (DLP) solutions. First, we present an
Table 1: General DLP Solutions Overview.
overview of solutions general to DLP, and then we
dive into solutions specific to Database Activity Mon-
itoring (DAM), the area where we place our contribu-
tion. Finally, we discuss the main limitations of the
available DAM solutions.
General DLP Solutions. Data leakage can happen
at a different location within an organization, e.g. at a
database level, at a network level or at workstation
level. DLP systems differ according to which part
of an organization perimeter they aim to protect from
leakages. Usually, data inside an organization can be
in three different states namely, data-in-use, data-in-
motion, and data-at-rest. Data-in-use are data cur-
rently in process, located at network endpoints such
as workstations, laptops and other devices; data-in-
motion are data moving through the network that may
leave the organization perimeter (e.g., data transmit-
ted over FTP or e-mail); data-at-rest are data resid-
ing in repositories such as database servers. Table 1
presents an overview of the existing DLP solutions
categorized with respect to data states. For example,
in (Carvalho and Cohen, 2007) the focus is essentially
on data-in-motion and specifically on the e-mail pro-
DLP solutions can also differ for the approach
used to detect a leakage. The approaches that are
usually adopted are rule-based, behavior-based and
content-based. In the rule-based approach a set of
predefined policies are used to define which oper-
ations are allowed or not. Such an approach is
used, e.g., in access control mechanisms and fire-
walls, where a set of rules regulates the access to
resources and data. In the behavior-based approach
the permitted usage of data is defined by observing
users’ behavior: DAM technologies apply this ap-
Table 2: Specific DAM Solutions Overview.
proach to detect leakage of data-at-rest. With re-
spect to data-in-motion, network behavior monitor-
ing, such as anomaly detection and extrusion detec-
tion systems (Koch, 2011), or Honeypots (Spitzner,
2003) can be used to detect unusual behavior. Fi-
nally, the content-based approach to DLP directly fo-
cuses on data values. Such an approach includes
the use of keywords, regular expressions, text clas-
sification (Hart et al., 2011), and information re-
trieval (Gessiou et al., 2011; G´omez-Hidalgo et al.,
2010) to detect the presence of sensitive data leaving
the organization perimeter.
Commercial DLP systems usually offer a more
holistic solution by integrating several of the afore-
mentioned approaches. For instance, MyDLP
(, focuses on both data-in-
use and data-in-motion. In particular, MyDLP moni-
tors the network traffic (data-in-motion) to detect data
leakage using content-based techniques. In addition,
it regulates the usage of data-in-use by controlling in-
put/output interfaces of workstations.
Specific DAM Solutions. DAM provides a solution
to detect unusual and unauthorized access to database
records at a very early stage. Several database activ-
ity monitoring tools are available both in the academic
and in the business sectors. Table 2 shows a compar-
ison between currently available solutions. The com-
parison is done over two dimensions: the approach
and features used to detect data leakages.
The approach to detect leakages can be of
three types: blacklisting, rule-based whitelisting and
behavior-based whitelisting. The blacklisting ap-
proach detect leakages based on unauthorized actions
defined on the shape of well-known threats or unde-
sired behavior. In contrast, the whitelisting approach
detect leakages as deviations from authorized actions.
The ways authorized actions are defined differs be-
tween rule-based and behavior-based whitelisting. In
the first approach authorized actions have to be man-
ually specified in rules, while with the latter approach
the authorized actions are automatically learned by
observing user database activities.
Features can be defined as the aspects of database
transactions taken into account while defining rules
and policies (blacklisting and rule-based whitelist-
ing), or while learning normal behavior profiles
(behavior-based whitelisting). Features can be clas-
sified into query-based (related to the syntax of the
SQL query), context-based (related to contextual in-
formation, e.g. where, from whom and when the SQL
query has been submitted), and result-set based (re-
lated to the data retrieved by a SQL query).
As shown in Table 2, most of the commercial so-
lutions (with the exclusion of FortiDB and Secure-
Sphere) use rules (black or white listing) to define
unauthorized behavior that may indicate data leakage.
In contrast, solutions originating from the academia
mostly use a behavior-based whitelisting. With this
approach three main steps are necessary to build a de-
tection system: i) define the features that represent a
normal behavior profile; ii) learn profiles by observ-
ing database activities; and iii) detect anomalies by
catching deviations from such profiles. Existing so-
lutions applying this approach mainly differ for the
feature set used to profile users, for the algorithms
used to learn normal behavior, and for the accuracy (in
terms of false positive rates) of the detection model.
For example, in (Kamra et al., 2007) normal profiles
are built using purely query-based features, i.e. the
table and columns accessed by a user role; when a
new query arrives, it is matched against the profiles.
In case a mismatch between the predicted role and the
actual role of the user performing the query exist, an
alarm is raised. Another query-based approach is the
one in (Fonseca et al., 2007), where normal behavior
profiles are built based on a graph of valid sequence of
queries. With this model if an attacker executes valid
queries but in an incorrect order (not in the paths of
the graph) an anomaly flag is raised.
At the best of our knowledge the work in (Mathew
and Petropoulos, 2010) is the only one to build nor-
mal profiles by using result-set based features. Here,
the records retrieved by SQL queries are modeled in
such a way that it is possible to know what data val-
ues a user usually accesses. Note that also FortiDb
and SecureSphere use result-set based features such
as the number of record retrieved. However, in those
solutions the values of such features have to be de-
fined a-priori and are not learned by observing users’
activities. Finally, Gafny et al. (2010) propose to
add context-based features such as who submitted the
query (userid), at what time (timestamp), and from
which location (IP address) to build behavior profiles.
Limitations. Existing approaches do not com-
pletely solve the problem of data leakage. For in-
stance, blacklisting approaches are not able to de-
tect certain types of leakage if they are not known in
advance. Whitelisting partially solves this problem
since, by defining the normal behavior of users, it al-
lows the detection of both known and unknown types
of leakage. However, in the rule-based whitelisting,
an extensive knowledge of internal processes and au-
thorizations is required to define policies of autho-
rized actions. Behavior-based whitelisting does not
require such a knowledge and it is more time-effective
since authorized behavior is learned by observing
users’ interactions with the database. The main chal-
lenge with behavior-based whitelisting is to identify
the features for profiling the normal behavior that
leads to the best accuracy, i.e. reduces the number
of false positives.
With regard to the features, a more extended fea-
ture set would intuitively enable the construction of
more detailed user profiles, leading to better detec-
tion results. Indeed, a pure query-based approach
may leave undetected situation where a malicious
user performs a valid query, though accessing values
for which he should have no interest. For example,
with such approach the treats T
, T
, and T
duced in Section 2 would not be detected, since the
doctor is performing a valid query for his role.
Using result-set features partially solves the pre-
vious problem, allowing the detection of situations
where the SQL query is legitimate, but the data val-
ues accessed are anomalous. Therefore, it is able to
detect those threats, which are missed by only con-
sidering the query-based feature. However, looking
at data values in isolation is not sufficient. Indeed,
it does not allows the detection and discrimination of
threats like T
and T
where the anomaly involves
not only the data values retrieved by a query, but also
their amount and sensitivity.
Based on literature review in Section 3, whitelist-
ing approaches are more suitable for database activ-
ity monitoring because they are able to detect both
known and unknown data leakage types. In addition,
especially in complex and dynamic environments, the
definition of authorization rules might require a large
amount of time and resources that the automatic self-
learning behavior-based approach can save.
For this reason, we propose a framework that uses
a behavior-based whitelisting approach to learn nor-
mal behavior profiles and to detect deviations from
such profiles as anomalies. Intuitively, if behavior
profiles are built by combining query, result-set and
context based features, it is possible to detect a wider
set of data leakage threats. To this end, our approach
builds profiles that encompass these different types of
features. In addition, our approach is white-box in
the sense that it allows the identification of the root
causes of a data leakage and thus the quantification of
its severity based on the sensitivity of the leaked in-
formation. This makes it possible to prioritize alarms
and therefore to reduce the impact of false positives.
Furthermore, we intend to perform the detection of
anomalies per set of and not per single query. This
way, we can detect situations where a single query
is not malicious, but n queries together are (e.g., T
might be carried out by several small queries instead
of a single one which might be more suspicious).
Figure 1 presents a general overviewof our frame-
work. Our solution is divided in two distinct phases:
learning and detection. During the learning phase,
users’ activities, in terms of SQL queries to the
Figure 1: Detection Framework Description.
database, are monitored for a certain period. Such
period should be long enough to capture normal
database access patterns of each user. The data col-
lected during this period are used to learn normal be-
havior profiles. Such profiles are fine-grain and user-
based in the sense that they are able to model infor-
mation such as which user is accessing which tables
and columns, which values is retrieving, at what time
and from which location. Profiles are generated with
a learning algorithm that is able to deal with flows of
large amount of data. Note that in this phase anoma-
lous behavior might be already part of the data col-
lected, e.g., a malicious user is already operating. To
deal with such situation we apply outlier detection
techniquesto highlight anomalous transactions before
the learning, to analyze and possibly discard them
from the learning.
Once profiles have been defined, they are incorpo-
rated in a detection model and the detection phase can
take place. During detection, each new transaction of
a user u is analyzed and matched against his profile.
If the transaction does not match the user’s profile,
an anomaly alarm is raised. The alarm clearly states
why the transaction does not match the user profile,
e.g. because he is accessing an unusual table, or at
unusual time, or accessing unusual amount of data.
Detected anomalies are then further analyzed and
labeled with a severity degree. The severity degree
depends on the sensitivity of the data involved in the
transaction. To measure the sensitivity we employ a
data model that is specific to the application domain.
The data model provides semantic information about
the relationships (e.g., data hierarchy, inference) be-
tween pieces of information. Finally, the data model
is annotated with the sensitivity, necessary for the
Figure 2: Data Model Example.
As an example of our quantification approach we
use threat T
(Section 2). Figure 2 shows an ex-
ample of data model for healthcare domains. Blue
nodes represent the type of information (e.g., demo-
graphic or medical data), while green nodes represent
different instances of a certain type of information
(e.g., personal e-mail or paracetamol medication). We
make this distinction, as the sensitivity is defined both
in terms of the information type and the value.
Each node in the model is annotated with a sen-
sitivity value which represents the cost of its disclo-
sure. Note that in cases where sensitivity is not ex-
plicitly defined, it is propagated downwards through
the data hierarchy. For instance, prescription inher-
its the sensitivity of medical data. Dashed lines rep-
resent inference relationships between the instances,
along with the probability that the disclosure of a
piece of information makes it possible to infer another
piece of information. As an example, a patient treated
with Anti-RetroViral(ARV) is most probably infected
by the HIV virus. When the sensitivity of an instance
is not explicitly defined, then it is calculated as the
weighted average of the sensitivities of all the inferred
instances. For example, the sensitivity of information
about Paracetamol is calculated as 34, while the sen-
sitivity of Tamiflu is explicitly set to 60. By utilizing
such annotated data model we i) map the data values
accessed by the anomalous query to the data model;
and ii) measure the severity of the anomaly.
Once an anomaly is detected and evaluated, it
has to be analyzed by a security officer to determine
whether it is a real or a false alarm. In the first case, he
can take the necessary actions, while in case of a false
alarm a feedback is sent back to the detection model,
so that the system can automatically learn from its
own mistakes and thus reduce the false positive rate.
Note that the proposed solution is not only use-
ful for leakage detection, but also for accountability
purposes. Moreover, the monitoring and analysis of
how data is actually accessed can help in discovering
access patterns that are allowed but undesired; in this
case security officers might act on the access policies
to solve the problem.
Prompt detection of data leakages is essential to re-
duce the damages they can cause to an organization.
Data leakages can be detected by observing anomalies
in the way data is accessed within the organization
perimeter. Focusing the analysis on database activi-
ties improves the chances of detecting the leakage at
a very early stage. In this paper we proposed a DAM
solution to detect anomalous database activities and to
quantify them according to the sensitivity of the data
Our aim is to further develop the proposed frame-
work, and to validate it by the means of extensivetests
on real data, coming from different operational envi-
ronments. The main goal of the validation phase is
to show that the system is able to detect a wide range
of data leakage attacks, while keeping a low rate of
false positive. We are testing our approach in collab-
oration with an industrial partner in the area of service
management. Preliminary results confirm that our ap-
proach improves performance, in terms of false pos-
itive, if compared with other solutions on the same
This work has been partially funded by the THeCS
project in the Dutch National COMMIT program.
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