Proposal of a P300-based BCI Speller using a Predictive Text System
Ricardo Ron-Angevin and Leandro da Silva-Sauer
Departamento de Tecnolog
ıa Electr
onica, E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci
University of M
alaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071 M
alaga, Spain
Brain-computer Interface (BCI), P300, Speller, T9 Interface.
This paper presents a P300-based BCI speller system that uses a virtual 4 x 3 keyboard based on the T9
interface developed on mobile phones in order to increase the writing speed. To validate the effectiveness of
the proposed BCI, we compared it with two adaptations of the classical Farwell and Donchin speller, which is
based on a 6 x 6 symbol matrix. Three healthy subjects took part in the experiment. The preliminary results
confirm the effectiveness of T9-based speller, since the time needed to spell words and complete sentences
was considerably reduced.
Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems (Wolpaw
et al., 2002; Birbaumer, 2006) are devices that trans-
form a user’s brain activity into commands that are
interpreted by a machine. Such systems offer a non-
muscular channel for users to interact with their en-
vironment. This is particularly useful for people
suffering from neurodegenerative disorders, such as
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as they can eventually
present severe motor disabilities, to the point of losing
control of the muscles that are responsible of volun-
tary body movements, including eye movement and
breathing itself. In those cases, BCIs turn out to be
the only way for patients to gain some degree of com-
munication and autonomy in their daily lives.
The most widely used BCI systems are those
based on electroencephalographic (EEG) signal
recording, due to its non-invasiveness, but also to its
good temporal resolution and ease of use. Three types
of EEG-based BCI systems have been used for com-
munication purposes, namely those based on: (a) slow
cortical potentials (SCPs), (b) P300 event-related po-
tentials (ERP), and (c) sensorimotor rhythms (SMR)
(Mak and Wolpaw, 2009). BCIs based on SCP and
SMR demand that users are extensively trained be-
fore they show sufficient control of their brain ac-
tivity. In contrast, BCIs based on P300 rely on a
common, expected human response to infrequent tar-
get stimuli—usually visual—and thus require mini-
mal training. The P300 signal, recorded over the cen-
tral and parietal regions, is a positive deflection of
brain wave at a latency of about 300 ms after stim-
ulus presentation.
The main applications of P300-based BCI sys-
tems are aimed at communication purposes. They
are based on the P300 speller first developed by Far-
well and Donchin (1988), which is still referenced and
intensely studied (Bianchi et al., 2010; Kleih et al.,
2010; Krusienski et al., 2008; Sellers et al., 2006). In
this BCI, a 6 x 6 matrix of letters, arranged in rows
and columns, is shown to the subject. The user fo-
cuses his/her attention on the matrix element he/she
wishes to select as each row and column is flashed
(i.e., intensified) randomly, one after the other. Af-
ter a number of flashes, the symbol that the user was
supposedly attending at is presented on screen.
The efectiveness of the P300-based BCI speller
system is guaranteed by a number of studies carried
out not only on healthy subjects (Donchin et al., 2000;
Wang et al., 2005) but also on subjects affected by
some motor disability (Sellers and Donchin, 2006).
Overall, these studies conclude that the P300 speller
processor is an effective communication tool for peo-
ple who have lost or are losing their ability to write
or speak. However, it is still needed to improve the
usability of these BCI speller systems. Some factors,
such as the mental fatigue induced by a long use (Ke-
ceci et al., 2006; Murata and Uetake, 2001), the sus-
tained attention at a symbol on screen (Mangun and
Buck, 1998), the user motivation (Kececi et al., 2006;
Kleih et al., 2010) or his/her frustration due to a mis-
take (Kleih et al., ress) can influence the amplitude
and latency of the P300 component (See Polich and
Ron Angevin R. and da Silva-Sauer L..
Proposal of a P300-based BCI Speller using a Predictive Text System.
DOI: 10.5220/0004612300350040
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX-2013), pages 35-40
ISBN: 978-989-8565-80-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Kok, 1995, for a review). In this regard, the influence
on performance of the temporal and spatial aspects
of the user interfaces of these systems is increasingly
drawing the attention of researchers (Lu et al., 2013;
McFarland et al., 2011; Shih et al., 2013)
This paper presents a study aimed at contributing
to this line of research. We propose a P300-based
BCI speller system that uses the T9 interface devel-
oped for mobile phones (Grover et al., 1998). Specif-
ically, the virtual keyboard of this interface consisted
of a 4 x 3 matrix that was based on that of the T9
interface. Compared to the 6 x 6 matrix used by con-
ventional P300-based spellers (Donchin et al., 2000),
using a smaller matrix was expected not only to lead
to a higher accuracy, but also to reduce the time re-
quired to select a character, since the number of rows
and columns that had to be flashed to detect it was
reduced. On the other hand, we provided this speller
with a text predictive system because selecting some
characters in a 4 x 3 matrix would demand more than
one choice from the user. Such a system would render
those extra choices hardly unnecessary and thus in-
crease the user’s writing speed (as discussed by Dun-
lop and Crossan (2000)). To validate the effectiveness
of the proposed BCI, we compared it with two adap-
tations of the classical Farwell and Donchin speller in
terms of the time needed to write a target sentence.
2.1 Participants, Procedure and Data
Three healthy subjects (one man, aged 36, and two
women, aged 22 and 25) took part in the experiment.
None of them had previous experience with BCI sys-
tems. The experiment was divided into three sessions.
The objective of each session was to evaluate one of
the proposed interfaces, namely the two adaptations
of the classical speller (i.e., the Spellermod and the
SpellermodPred) and a speller based on the T9 inter-
face (i.e., the SpellerT9). A description of these three
interfaces will be done in the following sections.
Each participant carried out the three sessions in
different days. To avoid effects due to learning, the
order in which participants completed the three ses-
sions was randomized.
Each session was divided into two phases: a first
one for calibration purposes and a second one to eval-
uate the interface. Participants were instructed to
silently count how many times the selected symbol
was intensified (i.e., flashed). In the calibration phase,
they were asked to copy five sequences of three to four
characters. In the evaluation phase, they were asked
to write the sentence “Experiencia BCI en la Universi-
dad de M
alaga” (i.e., BCI experience at the University
of M
As we wanted to compare the three interfaces in
terms of the writing speed their users could achieve,
the values of all the temporary parameters related to
the selection of a symbol (i.e., a letter) were equal
across them. These values were based on those used
by Donchin et al. (2000). Specifically, each row and
column was randomly flashed 10 times. Therefore,
each character was randomly intensified 20 times.
The duration of each flash was 125 ms and the inter-
stimulus interval (ISI) between flashes was also 125
ms. There was a pause of 2 s after each sequence of
flashes (i.e., after a character had been selected) and
also in the beginning of each trial. It is important to
notice that the duration of a sequence of flashes de-
pended on the size matrix, so that bigger matrices en-
tailed longer sequences.
Eight-channel EEG data were recorded at the elec-
trodes Fz, Cz, Pz, Oz, P3, P4, PO7 and PO8—
according to the 10/20 international system—, with
FPz as reference and the left mastoid as ground. Data
were acquired by a biosignal amplifier (g.BSamp,
Guger Technologies) with a sampling rate of 256 Hz
and a 12-bit resolution data acquisition NI-USB-6210
(National Instruments) card.
2.2 System Description
The three P300-based spellers were implemented
through the BCI2000 platform (Schalk et al., 2004).
The first speller, called Spellermod, was an adapta-
tion of the classical Farwell and Donchin speller. Un-
like this, which consisted of a 6 x 6 symbol matrix,
the Spellermod presented a 7 x 6 virtual keyboard, in
which additional symbols were included. We will re-
fer to the Spellermod as the reference speller. The
second speller, called SpellermodPred, was identical
to the previous one, save for the fact that the Speller-
modPred included a text predictive system in order
to reduce the time needed to write. Finally, the third
speller, called SpellerT9, consisted of a small 4 x 3
symbol matrix and included the same text predictive
system used in the SpellermodPred. Next, we give a
better description of these interfaces.
2.2.1 Spellermod
The Spellermod used a 7 x 6 matrix (See Figure 1).
The last row contained only two special characters,
BORRAR and ESPACIO, for deleting a character and
introducing a blank space, respectively. Therefore,
in case of a spelling error, the user was able to erase
the last letter by selecting the special character BOR-
RAR. Besides, the digit zero was also included in the
sixth row.
Figure 1: Interface of the Spellermod.
The characters that the user had selected were dis-
played inside a text box situated at the bottom of the
screen. According to the temporary parameters de-
scribed in section 2.1, the time needed to select a sym-
bol through this interface was 34.5 s—the initial 2 s
of pause plus the duration of flashing seven rows and
six columns 10 times each during 125 ms with an ISI
of 125 ms—.
2.2.2 SpellermodPred
Although the main objective of this study was to com-
pare the SpellerT9 with the reference speller (i.e., the
Spellermod), we considered very interesting to as-
sess the performance of a classical speller when it in-
cluded a text predictive system. So, we developed the
SpellermodPred speller (See Figure 2). Its interface
was like the Spellermod’s 7 x 6 matrix, only now it in-
cluded the special character VALIDAR. Since the ma-
trix dimensions were the same as in the Spellermod,
the time needed to select a symbol using the Speller-
modPred was also 34.5 s.
The characters (i.e., letters) that the user selected
were displayed in a text box below the symbol ma-
trix. These characters were fed into the text predic-
tor, which in turn displayed the most frequently used
Spanish word starting with those letters in an addi-
tional text box, just above the former. For example, if
the subject had selected the letter G and then the let-
ter O, the predictor would suggest the word gobierno
(i.e., the Spanish word for government).
In case the suggested word were the one the user
wanted to write, he/she could confirm it by selecting
the special character VALIDAR. As a consequence,
the rest of the word was added to the letters he/she
had already spelled, allowing the user to write a new
Figure 2: Interface of the SpellermodPred.
word. Importantly, validating a word also added a
blank space at the end of it.
The list of the most frequently used Spanish words
was obtained from the Royal Spanish Academy. In
case of wanting to write in a different language, it
would only be necessary to change the dictionary used
by the text predictor.
2.2.3 SpellerT9
The SpellerT9 used the T9 predictive text system de-
veloped for mobile phones. Its interface (See Figure
3) consisted of a 4 x 3 matrix of elements or keys,
in which only eight keys—the ones corresponding to
the numbers 2 to 9—were used for spelling. Each of
those keys corresponded to three to four letters. Im-
portantly, as the matrix size was 4 x 3, the time needed
to select a symbol in the SpellerT9 was just 19.5 s—
the initial 2 s of pause plus the duration of flashing
four rows and three columns 10 times each during 125
ms with an ISI of 125 ms—, less than that of the other
Figure 3: Interface of the SpellerT9.
As in the T9 interface of mobile phones, the user
of the SpellerT9 had to select a sequence of the men-
tioned eight keys in order to write a word. As the user
selected a sequence of those keys, the most favorable
sequence of letters corresponding to those keys was
displayed in the text box at the bottom of the inter-
face. To increase writing speed, the SpellerT9 used
a text predictive system, exactly like the one used in
the SpellermodPred. This system identified the four
more frequently used Spanish words starting with the
suggested sequence of letters. The most frequent of
them was displayed in the text box beside the key-
board and the other three were kept in memory. For
example, after selecting the sequence of keys 2272,
the four predicted words would be casa, cara, capa,
and basa, being casa—the most frequently used—the
one displayed beside the keyboard. In case that were
the word that the user wanted to write, he/she could
confirm it by selecting the key 1 (i.e., validar). This,
as in the SpellermodPred, added a blank space at the
end of the word. Otherwise, the user could select
the key c (i.e., cambiar) to switch to a new interface
that displayed the four predicted words (See Figure
4). The user could then select one of them or alterna-
tively go back to the virtual keyboard by selecting the
left arrow key (i.e., volver).
Figure 4: 4 x 3 matrix of the SpellerT9 showing the four
most frequently used Spanish words associated with the se-
quence of keys 2272.
Like in the other two spellers, users could delete
characters—by selecting the key x (i.e., borrar)—or
include blank spaces—by selecting the key 0 (i.e., es-
pacio)—. The SpellerT9 made it also possible for
users to write digits. To do so, he/she had to select
the key c prior to selecting any letter of a new word.
In this way, the user could select the keys 0 to 9 to
write the corresponding digits. Once the desired dig-
its had been written, the user had to select the key c
again to continue writing words.
The spelling times needed by each of the three partic-
ipants to write the target sentence (i.e., “Experiencia
BCI en la Universidad de M
alaga”) through each of
the three compared spellers are shown in Table 1. We
did not discount the times associated with errors. The
table also displays the minimum required times that
a perfect user (i.e., a user that selected each charac-
ter at the first attempt) would need to write the target
sentence in each case.
As we can see, the three participants wrote nearly
all words faster with the SpellerT9 than with any of
the other two spellers. Even participant 2, who did
not gain too much control of any of the three inter-
faces, achieved the shortest spelling time for the full
target sentence when using the SpellerT9. As for
the other two participants, they made very few mis-
takes, as their spelling times were slightly longer than
the minimum required, regardless of the speller they
The average spelling time for the full target sen-
tence was 650.5 s, 1115.5 s and 1849.5 s when using
the SpellerT9, the SpellermodPred and the Speller-
mod, respectively. The average spelling times for
each word when using each of the three interfaces are
shown in Figure 5. These results strongly suggest that
SpellerT9 system was the fastest writing interface of
all three.
Furthermore, our study supports the usefulness of
a text predictive system irrespective of matrix size, as
participants achieved shorter spelling times when us-
ing the SpellermodPred than when using to conven-
tional interface of the Spellermod.
The objective of this study was to propose and to val-
idate a new P300-based BCI speller system aimed at
increasing the user’s writing speed. The proposed
speller (i.e., SpellerT9) was based on the T9 interface
developed for mobile phones. It presented a 4 x 3 vir-
tual keyboard and incorporated the T9 text predictive
Although the study has been carried out with a
very small sample, our preliminary results suggest
that the SpellerT9 leads to lower spelling times than
those of an adaptation of the classical Farwell and
Donchin speller (i.e., Spellermod), even when the lat-
ter interface is improved by adding a text predictor
(i.e., SpellermodPred). The three participants in our
experiment achieved the lowest spelling times when
they wrote a target sequence through the SpellerT9
Table 1: Spelling times needed by the three participants to write each word of the target sentence as a function of the speller
they used.
Time (s) for each word
Speller “Experiencia” “BCI” “en” “la” “Universidad” “de” “M
alaga” Total time (s)
Participant 1
Spellermod 414 138 103.5 103.5 621 103.5 276 1759.5
SpellermodPred 172.5 138 103.5 69 207 103.5 207 1000.5
SpellerT9 78 78 58.5 39 97.5 39 117 507
Participant 2
Spellermod 483 345 310.5 172.5 483 103.5 276 2173.5
SpellermodPred 138 103.5 103.5 517.5 172.5 69 345 1449
SpellerT9 78 156 58.5 78 214.5 78 177 840
Participant 3
Spellermod 414 138 103.5 103.5 414 172.5 270 1615.5
SpellermodPred 138 138 103.5 69 172.5 69 207 897
SpellerT9 78 117 78 39 97.5 39 156 604.5
A perfect user
Spellermod 414 138 103.5 103.5 414 103.5 270 1546.5
SpellermodPred 138 103.5 103.5 69 172.5 69 207 862.5
SpellerT9 78 78 58.5 39 97.5 39 117 507
Figure 5: Average spelling times needed to write each word of the target sentence using each of the three spellers.
and the highest when they used the Spellermod. Be-
sides, the writing times of each subject indicate that
the SpellerT9 is not more difficult to use than any of
the other two spellers, as participants performed just
slightly worse than a perfect user.
Nevertheless, these conclusions should be sup-
ported by extending this experiment to a greater sam-
ple of participants, so that statistical tests of signifi-
cance could be performed, and also by obtaining ad-
ditional direct measures of user performance. More-
over, sentences of different complexity could be used
to compare the usability of these interfaces.
This work was partially supported by the Innovation,
Science and Enterprise Council of the Junta de An-
ıa (Spain), project P07-TIC-03310, the Span-
ish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project TEC
2011-26395 and by the European fund ERDF.
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