Modelling Complexity of Economic System with Multi-Agent Systems
Pavel Čech, Petr Tučník, Vladimír Bureš and Martina Husáková
Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Keywords: Virtual Economy, Complexity, Agent, Multi-Agent System, Self-Organization, Simulation, Modelling.
Abstract: Agent-based computational economics (ACE) is a multidisciplinary area using the agent-based approach for
deeper understanding of economic phenomena occurring in the micro or macro-level. This paper
investigates the application of multi-agent systems for modelling and simulation of virtual economy for
research of self-organizing principles and adaptability of economic subjects. The proposed agent-based
model uses four basic types of autonomous agents. Each one is responsible for crucial activity (consuming,
production, mining, transporting) ensuring existence of the modelled virtual economy. Presented model is
simplified in several aspects, for example banking operations or activities of government are not included in
the model, but the model provides useful basis for the research of economic processes and progress of the
city of Hradec Králové.
Complex systems dispose a lot of highly
interconnected components able to influence each
other on the basis of its state or state of the
environment. Interactions between these components
can lead to the occurrence of emergent properties
which are not a part of these individual units.
Complexity is investigated with the aid of different
modelling approaches (Kotzian et al., 2011). Multi-
agent systems are stochastic and decentralized
systems which are used as a bottom-up modelling
paradigm for better understanding of these complex
systems. This approach can be applied in the study
of economic subjects’ behaviour (consumers,
households, companies, congregations or countries)
that can exhibit complex behaviour (Tučník, 2010),
(Čech and Bureš, 2009). Agent-based Computational
Economics (ACE) uses computational tools in the
study of microeconomic or macroeconomic
processes for deeper understanding and effective
influencing of the economic systems. ACE is
defined according to (Tesfatsion, 2006) as: “The
computational study of economic processes modeled
as dynamic systems of interacting agents. Agent-
based paradigm is a natural approach for study of
economic processes, because it is able to model and
simulate a large number of interacting entities and
study adaptive or self-organized systems with the
emergence. The economy can be perceived as
complex adaptive and evolving system (Tesfatsion,
1999); (Bruun, 2006).
This paper investigates the application of multi-
agent systems for research self-organizing principles
and adaptability in virtual economy. The proposed
model of virtual economy is intended to be modular
and its complex behaviour should emerge through
mutual interactions of a large number of agents.
These agents use standard economic behaviour to
pursue their goals, such as maximizing profit or
utility, and are able to self-organize into structures
allowing processing of resources in the given
environment and creating production and supply
chains with maximum efficiency as much as
possible. Although the proposed system is in several
aspects simplified – banking sector and government
are not included in the model – the presented model
provides useful basis for the research of adaptation
and self-organisation mechanisms of virtual
The paper is structured as follows: the section 2
mentions related applications of agent-based
approach in the study of economic systems, the
section 3 describes the proposed conceptual model
of virtual economy, the section 4 introduces the
initial computational model of virtual economy, the
section 5 mentions future research activities and the
section 6 concludes the paper.
Cech P., Tu
cník P., Bureš V. and Husáková M..
Modelling Complexity of Economic System with Multi-Agent Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004624304640469
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 464-469
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The agent-based modelling and simulations are
applied for solving different problems related to the
economy or management. For instance, Kasbah
platform is developed at the MIT Media Lab for
automation of business processes, e. g. selling,
buying and negotiation are realized only by
autonomous agents. The user specifies the initial
parameters for agents (description of trading
product, prices of products or acceptable price of
products) (Chavez and Maes, 1996). Project
MAGMA proposes the prototype of virtual market
in which buying, selling, usage of bank services and
advertising are taken into account (Tsvetovatyy et
al., 1997). Agents are used also in the VEMMA
model – the virtual electronic marketplace using
mobile agents which are able to negotiate about
products prices. Decision-making of autonomous
agents is based on their preferences and local
parameters (Aklouf and Drias, 2006). An agent-
based architecture for e-business is introduced in
(Jain et al., 2011) where agents sell and buy selected
kinds of fruits. The multi-agent approach can be
used also in modelling adaptive behaviour of firms
which compete with each other on the shared market
(Guessoum et al., 2004). Economic multi-agent
system is used in (Vidal and Durfee, 1998) to
determine when agent should behave strategically
(i.e. learn and use models of other agents), and when
it should act as a simple price-taker. Their results
show how savvy buyers can avoid being cheated by
sellers, how price volatility can be used to
quantitatively predict the benefits of deeper models,
and how specific types of agent populations
influence system behaviour. Damaceanu and
Capraru (2012) focus their attention on banking
market. In their study, they conduct 11 computer
experiments and study the evolution of various
banking market indicators such as total amount of
money, savings, wallets, or bank reserves. Due to its
complexity, Sinha et al., (2011) studied and created
model of petroleum supply chain. Dosi et al., (2008)
develop an evolutionary model of output and
investment dynamics yielding endogenous business
cycles. The model describes an economy composed
of firms and consumers. Whereas firms belong to
two industries, consumers sell their labour and
consume their income. Simulation results show that
the model is able to deliver self-sustaining patterns
of growth characterized by the presence of
endogenous business cycles.
Conceptual model of virtual economy is proposed in
this paper. The model represents the production and
consumption processes in real economies. The
general aim is to study adaptive and self-organized
principles which are behind the real economy.
Economic principles of effective price and quantity
settings under specific demand and capacity
constraints (Pennings, 2001) are modelled and
simulated with the aid of multi-agent systems. The
focus is on trading products, services and offering
work on a labour market. Virtual economy
simulation is similar to the work of Deguchi, et al.,
(2001), however, in that representation the
considered entities are more specific producing more
complicated net of relations than necessary. Trust
issues as discussed for example in (Gazda et al.,
2012) and similar concerns are not of primary
attention in our virtual economy. The presented
model of virtual economy consists of four types of
autonomous agents:
Consumer (C-agent);
Factory (F-agent);
Mining (M-agent);
Transport (T-agent).
Banking and government sector are not included in
the model because of the simplicity and clarity of
relations. The basic architecture of the virtual
economy model is depicted in the Figure 1.
Consumer agents are economic entities
consuming products and services (i. e. goods) and
offer work. They are able to buy goods based on
their wealth. The wealth of this agent is a product of
work and qualification (the higher qualification the
faster accumulation of wealth). A consumer agent
makes a trade-off between investment into higher
qualification (e
) and consumption. The
consumption function embodies the combination of
consumed products and the speed of consumption.
The combination of products forms a pattern of
consumption that can be used to divide consumers
into three categories: low income, middle income
and high income consumers. The pattern determines
the ratio of goods that the consumer agent is buying.
Three types of goods are considered in our model:
necessity, normal and luxurious goods.
Factory agent (a company) is responsible for
transforming input to output (i. e. material and other
products to final product that is bought by consumer
agent or sub-product that is used by another factory
agent). The consumption function determines
materials and their proportions. The production
Figure 1: Conceptual model of proposed virtual economy.
function determines the portfolio of goods produced.
Production requires workforce i.e. employing
consumer agents. The production depends on the
technological level e
and qualification of the
workforce i.e. employed consumer agents e
. The
production equation is as follows:
Let k
be the speed of consumption of a material xi
and WF is the workforce; e
is qualification level of
a consumer agent and e
technological level factory
agent; k
to be the speed of production of a product
Mining agent is responsible for transforming
resources into raw material that is used by factory
agents for production of products or services. The
cost of mining is determined by the consumption
function in which the energy and technology
necessary for mining is reflected. Each mining agent
supplies only one type of raw material. Raw
material, as transformed from resources, is stocked
in order to be later sold to transport agents.
Transport agents are intermediaries between
mining agents and factory agents. The cost of
transportation is given by the distance. The task of
transportation agent is to find the most economical
route in case of barriers on the road. The
performance of a transportation agent is determined
by the speed of mobility, capacity and technology.
Transport agent does not have any wealth and buys
material on behalf of a factory agent. The
technological advancement of a transportation agent
is also the same as for the factory agent.
Transportation agent is always buying all available
material up to the capacity of transportation.
Transported material that is not used directly in
production is stored in factory agent warehouse.
The proposed model of virtual economy contains
also the representation of a society of agents which
is called “colony” in this context. The colony is a
compact formation of consumer, factory and
transportation agents. Mine agents are not a part of
the colony. They are distributed in the environment,
depending on the resources they process. The colony
has the two basic characteristics: position in
environment and the size of population. Colonies
compete for resources that are supposed to be scarce.
The success of a colony can be measured by
wealth. The wealth of a colony is given by the sum
of wealth of all agents. Due to different colony
populations the comparison among colonies requires
computing wealth per agent. The formula is as
Initial model of the virtual economy is developed in
the java-based NetLogo modelling platform that is
suitable for modelling complex systems (Brabenec
and Tučník, 2012), see Figure 2. The following
processes are simulated in the NetLogo:
Raw material extraction by M-agents;
Receiving raw material by T-agents from M-
Transportation of raw material by T-agents into
the colony;
Detection of obstacles during the transportation
(swamp, forest, water reservoir, sand);
Production of products by F-agents;
Consuming of products by C-agents;
Buying/selling products by C-agents (the lowest
price is accepted).
The user can set up mainly the number of colonies
(1 – 4), size of each of the colony (1 - 100 C-agents),
position of colony, number of M-agents (0 – 5),
terrain (type of obstacle), number (type) of sources,
production chains, number of outputs produced by
F-agents. FIPA ACL extension developed by Ilias
Sakellariou (Sakellariou, 2008) is used for modelling
communication between agents, because the pure
NetLogo tool supports only reactive agents without
specific communication language.
Elementary coordination principles, competitive
behaviour during the sources management,
distribution of sources, living standard or level of
background can be investigated with this multi-
agent-based model. Couple of disadvantages of the
NetLogo were discovered during the model
development. More complex behaviour patterns are
hardly implemented and long-term planning cannot
be adequately included. GUI can be chaotic in case
of a lot of control or monitoring elements (monitors,
buttons, input/output fields, graphs, sliders,
switches). Hence, the different multi-agent
environment is going to be selected for modelling
more complex behaviour of virtual economy. Multi-
method simulation software AnyLogic is considered
for this purpose.
Figure 2: Initial model of virtual economy in NetLogo.
Proposed model of virtual economy is simplified.
Capital market, labour market or governmental
sector is not a part of our initial model. Future
research is focused on the development of more
complex model with different strategies of agents
and research of effectiveness of agent´s communities
in different settings. Our aim is to investigate self-
organizing capabilities of the system using models
of behaviour from economic theory with the
application of the multi-agent approach. The final
model should correspond with the behaviour of the
economic subjects existing in the city of Hradec
Králové and contribute to development of the “smart
city” concept (Mikulecký, 2011). On the basis of the
realized state of the art, no other study aimed at the
modelling the economy of the city of Hradec
Králové was not found. The intended system must
have the following attributes:
Stability: the system should be able to maintain
itself for as long as possible, ideally for
unlimited time;
Efficiency: the system should be able to optimize
resource allocation considering production
capabilities and provide capacity for suitable
distribution of products;
Adaptation and dynamism: the system should be
able to be flexible due to changing conditions of
the environment (i. e. resources reallocation or
reorganization its structure).
Real data are crucial part in multi-agent modelling
and simulation. It is necessary to have model that is
reflective of reality as much as possible. Actual
NetLogo model is not based on the real data. Real
data are going to be used in the next model.
Database of the Czech Statistical Office (CSO,
2013), e. g. data related to the city of Hradec
Králové, is the main source of real data. A lot of
datasheets are freely available.
The economical context in which proposed
system operates is used to maximize the operational
potential of the whole multi-agent system. Economic
notions like “customer satisfaction” or
“maximization of profit” are excellent to define
target parameters for performance of individual
entities in the system. The autonomous entities
(agents) may then adopt different strategies in order
to achieve appropriate level of efficiency in their
actions. It is our intent to achieve desired behaviour
of the whole system by behavioural patterns that will
emerge by interaction of large amount of small
individual agents with each other. The work is
divided into two phases. Case of single multi-agent
community (colony) is investigated in the first
phase. Activities in the first phase are focused on the
efficiency and productiveness of the colony and its
self-organizing capabilities. The second phase is
focused on multiple colonies interacting with each
other within the given environment. There will be
several (or all) resources in the environment present
in a limited amount only. Individual colonies have to
negotiate distribution (or ownership) in this case. It
is assumed that colonies would be encouraged to
specialize in their production, according to given
allocation of resources in the environment. This will
lead to increase of mutual dependency of colonies
on each other and emphasise the need for their
efficient cooperation. Application of scenarios
focused on maximizing performance of colonies
against each other is planned in the final phase of the
Actual state of the art shows that there is a strong
tendency for formal defining of organizational
structures and policies in self-organizing systems.
Multi-agent systems are natural alternative for
modelling complex systems occurring also in the
economic theory.
The initial model of virtual economy is
developed in the NetLogo, but the intended model
have to more sophisticated, modular, adaptive and
based on the real data. Consisting of individual
agents of transparent architecture, the complex
behaviour emerges over time as a result of their
mutual interactions. By defining consumption
patterns for consumer agents, system output could
be modified to produce selected type of goods or
services. This will allow us to study and investigate
wide range of scenarios under changing conditions.
This paper is created with the financial support of
the specific research project “Cooperation
mechanisms of network organisations” funded by
the University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.
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